Fair of coats of the Kirov fur factory in your city. Furs and fur coats Fur fairs

Approaching the new winter season, most women are thinking about updating their wardrobe, buying a new fur coat. First of all, everyone turns to specialized fur salons, where you can find absolute options for every taste and financial possibilities. But we should also not forget about the fairs that take place in large cities in the form of stationary shows and as visiting sessions. It is there that novelties of the fur fashion industry appear, the price of which will be significantly higher due to uniqueness.

In 2001, she began her story and began to open doors to beautiful ladies in different parts of Russia from Sochi to Murmansk. The official website always reflects up-to-date information about the city and the date of the fur exhibition with the obligatory indication of the address.


The organizers offer a wide, varied selection of fur coats, fur vests from mink, astrakhan, fox, nutria and many others interesting options. Only by visiting the exhibition-sale, it becomes clear how diverse the choice is.

Designers actively follow fashion trends, so outdated styles cannot be found. Only new, bright and unusual. What will be fashionable in the winter of 2018 will be known to those who visit the Novotorzhskaya Fair.

Address: street, house and date of holding in your city, see the official website of the fair - www.shubu.ru

the date of the: see above

Official site: www.shubu.ru

Fur Fair Shubomania

"Shubamaniya" exhibits only new, unusual interesting models. The size range from 36 to 68 will allow a young fragile girl and a lady with royal forms to find exactly her model, which will emphasize her dignity. The color scheme is not inferior to the range of sizes - from classic shades to bright, trendy ones.

Exhibition of fur coats Shubamaniya

Unlike most sales, Shoomania holds exhibitions and sales twice a year. After all, most fashionistas begin to search in the summer.

If the model you like does not correspond to financial capabilities, then they offer to issue an installment plan. Moreover, this can be done in advance, through the official website, where the application is left.

Address: St. Petersburg, Yuri Gagarin Avenue 8 (Petersburg SKK).

the date of the: from 10:00 to 20:00

Official site: http://www.shubamania.ru


Women always go to have such a thing that will be in the singular and distinguish it from other beautiful ladies. TorgMech is able to satisfy this need thanks to the availability of unique fur coats - bluefrost, fisher, French lamb, lippekt, as well as already common mink options.

For a very long time, TorgMekh served exclusively the elite of the state in Moscow, until the collapse Soviet Union. The transition to the public network did not affect the quality of the fur and patterns. The level is still high, meets the previously laid down standards.

The colors of fur models are different, but they share an important quality - a style that does not scream, but proves its superiority with one look.

To find out the schedule and location of sales in your city, call the number listed on the official website.

Address: St. Petersburg, Nevsky prospect, 35

the date of the: Mon-Fri 9:00–18:00

Official site: https://vk.com/torgmehfurs

First Fur Salon

In 2018, starting from August 3, the doors of the exhibition pavilion of the First Fur Salon are already habitually opened for guests and residents of Moscow. In the halls there are options from moderately inexpensive mink models to an elite, chic, unique BlackGlama fur coat. Volume colors will amaze even the discerning connoisseur - lavender, ice, graphite, pearls. Only from some names of shades is breathtaking.

The First Fur Salon is responsible for the quality of the sold fur coats, therefore a guarantee is provided for each purchase. All fur outerwear is sold with an installed chip, according to which the buyer is able to confirm the authenticity.

The system of credit, installment payments and sales allows you to get the desired fur coat immediately, and pay for it gradually up to three years.

Address: Moscow, Mezhdunarodnaya street 20, pavilion 3, hall 17.

the date of the: mon.-sun. 11:00-19:00

Official site: https://www.furexpo.ru

Fur Gallery

A fashionista will never leave an exhibition at the Fur Gallery without a purchase. They sell models not only Russian production but also Greece, Turkey, Italy. Preliminary acquaintance with the options is very simple using the official website, where you can specify the parameters of length, price, color, brand, size. Important point- a type of fur, on which the price directly depends. Fur Gallery works with elite and valuable species - mink, sable, lynx, chinchilla, astrakhan fur.

The colors of mink or sable models are predominantly natural colors - black, brown, silver, beige, white.

Discounts, promotions, installments, sales - everything to make the dream of beautiful fur coat into reality.

Address: Moscow, Jawaharlal Nehru square 1 (University shopping center).

the date of the: daily, 11:00–20:00

Official site: https://www.furexpo.ru


Twice a year, VDNKh hosts an exhibition of leather and fur products. Pavilion No. 69 initially concentrated all the companies of the fashion industry - clothing, accessories and fur products. The gradual but active development of the exposition brought it to a new level in the form of obtaining an independent status.

In 2009, an additional pavilion No. 75 was opened, where products made of natural and artificial fur are located.

Anyone can visit the exhibition and get acquainted with latest collections and directions.

Address: Moscow, Zubovsky Boulevard 22/39.

Official site: http://textilexpo.ru

Fur House

By 2018, the House of Fur has been operating for more than 14 years, which is a very long time for any enterprise, especially in the fashion industry.

A distinctive feature of fur coats, sheepskin coats, vests, coats from the House of Fur exhibition is the uniqueness of the fur itself and the style of the final product. Fashionable colors are presented in full - blue, pink, combined, as well as natural warm and cold shades that do not lose popularity.

Attracts the attention of additional services in the form of adjustment to size, installment payments or credit, delivery of purchases home, fur dry cleaning. All questions regarding the company and the country of the manufacturer, the selection of accessories will be easily answered by the consultant.

The official site is an Internet platform for choosing and ordering a model. The purchase is made taking into account all legal requirements, and the fur is confirmed by a certificate of conformity.

Fur will never go out of style and will always be loved and desired for its softness, smoothness, luster and warmth. Thanks to modern fairs, you can learn about the latest trends, purchase a completely unique option that has no analogues.

It is well known that a lady dressed in a fur coat made of natural fur, looks absolutely successful and does not raise doubts about its status. In 2018, fur exhibitions are held in major cities of Russia, where there is something to see.

The Novotorzhskaya Fair presents an impressive range of products made from mink and astrakhan, sheepskin and rabbit at producer prices (the period is November 14-19, 2018).

The annual metropolitan show was initiated more than 20 years ago. This large-scale exhibition project invariably attracts the attention of the professional community. Products of LeShow participants find new markets and constantly expand the geography of their clientele. So, the event will be held from 29 to 31 May at the Central Exhibition Complex "Expocentre" on Krasnaya Presnya (Moscow).

Buyers will be able to purchase here fur coats put up for sale in October-January, but at a lower cost (this allows manufacturers to prepare for the new season and purchase raw materials for further production).

We invite you to visit the IEC Crocus-Expo, located in the city of Krasnogorsk, Moscow Region (Mezhdunarodnaya st., 20 pavilion 3). The exhibition is open from May 1 and will run until August 14, this sale will delight you with significant discounts.

We invite you to visit the 51st Fair in Moscow in autumn, the territory of VDNKh (date of holding - September 18-21). The International Salon of Clothes and Hats (Director - Elena Bobrovskaya) will take part in it. You can look at the Moscow fur fair, organized in the Tishinka shopping center (building 1, 3rd floor, showroom T-Module).

In the Northern capital, on the embankment of the Smolenka River, 5/7, a spring-summer promotion is being held: products from sable and marten are sold at a 20% discount (until May 25), and from astrakhan, beaver and raccoon - from May 26 to June 23 . Buy a fur coat at the fair - great idea because it is very beneficial.

The spring fair of fur coats is also held in the city of Voronezh (Donbasskaya street, 23). Here, the attention of buyers is presented, high-quality mink products,

The exhibition of fur coats in the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers is a great opportunity not only to get acquainted with the latest fur fashion for the coming winter period, but it is also profitable to exchange old products from skins. For this reason, the exhibition-fair is very popular.

Exhibition features

The exhibition-fair in the Palace of Culture of Railway Workers gathers in one place all new models of fur coats from different manufacturers.

The advantages of this format of work are:

  • concentration of new collections from different fur coat manufacturers in one place;
  • variety of assortment (type of fur, style, color, price);
  • special offers for the purchase of models from old collections or accessories in a set for a fur coat;
  • the possibility of exchanging an old fur coat for a new product.

Due to the maximum concentration of products from different companies, the buyer can evaluate the pricing policy of each participant of the fair. At the same time, a significant number of models gives a high probability of finding the most suitable fur coat for the requirements of the visitor.

White fur coat from karakul

The official website of the fur coat fair in the railway workers' recreation center provides complete information about the time of the event and its duration. Brief information about the enterprises participating in the exhibition and the type of products presented at it is also given. Because intending to update your own wardrobe top winter clothes, the buyer can plan in advance the day of visiting the recreation center of railway workers, having learned all the details through the official website.

New collections 2018-2019

Novelties in the industry of products from natural fur - main feature, which has a fair of fur coats in the Palace of Culture of railway workers. Masters of the leading companies-manufacturers of fur products present at the exhibition original models of products that can satisfy any taste with any budget.

The range includes coats from:

  • mink;
  • muton;
  • arctic fox;
  • sable;
  • silver fox;
  • astrakhan;
  • chinchillas etc.

Important! Depending on the type of fur (mink, arctic fox, etc.), the size and complexity of the model, the cost of the fur coat will vary. That's why it's important to set a budget in advance.

Mink coats will never come out fashion trends. The splendor of well-dressed mink skins is difficult to compare with other materials. A sable coat or a processed arctic fox will delight you with the volume of fur. The same can be said about the silver fox and chinchilla.

In terms of styles, the coming winter season pleases fur lovers with variety. Thanks to this, you can easily choose a model not only for a certain type of figure, but also without leaving fashion trends.

The length of the product can vary from small (mid-thigh) to maximum (to the floor). At the same time, loose straight fur coats are also popular, as are fitted models with wide sleeves. Focus on big turn-down collars or neat hoods.

Exchange of old coats

The second reason that creates a full house at this exhibition, as soon as a message about it appears on the official website, is the exchange of an old fur coat for a new one in the Railwaymen's Palace of Culture. Such promotions are held on a regular basis by large salons of fur products. However, as a rule, this happens before the start of a new season or in the off-season, which has its drawbacks. Indeed, in the specified period, the range of salons is not as wide as possible.

As for the exchange of an old fur coat for a new one within the framework of the exhibition in the Palace of Culture of railway workers, here the situation is developing for the buyer in the most favorable way. Indeed, in the assortment of the fair are collected various models. And even if not all of them qualify for the promotion, the choice will definitely be more than in a regular store.

The principle of exchanging an old fur coat for a new one is simple:

  • the buyer needs to bring a product made of natural fur to the recreation center of railway workers;
  • exhibition experts evaluate the product;
  • the buyer is told what size discount can be expected if he hands over this fur coat.

Straight fur coat from a muton to the knees

Note! It all depends on the quality of the fur and the degree of wear of the product. If a fur coat (for example, mink) is rented out in good condition, the discount received for it can cover the full cost of a fur coat from a muton or arctic fox.

A visit to the fur coat fair in the railway workers' recreation center will bring buyers a profitable (in all respects) acquisition. The event presents the best models from new collections at reasonable prices.

In our country, there are many reasons for women to buy fur coats for themselves. These include climatic conditions with frosty winters, folk traditions wearing fur products, as well as the desire to correspond to a certain status.

A fur coat is not just a warm type of winter clothing, but also a symbol of prosperity and well-being. It is not surprising that no woman will refuse to own a good, fluffy and beautiful item. outerwear, capable of becoming the crown of the existing wardrobe.

Exhibition of fur coats in the House of Officers

The concept of sales in the format of an exhibition-sale is close to the Russian consumer, since it resembles primordially Russian fairs, which were carried out on a large scale. Fur fairs have always been a subject of special interest, as they allowed to follow the development of the fur industry, get acquainted with current trends and fashionable novelties.

In Ulyanovsk, at the exhibition of fur coats in the House of Officers in 2018, you can not only admire new models of fur coats, but also purchase your favorite copy. An exhibition-sale is an excellent opportunity to think about purchasing warm clothes, an opportunity to carefully examine and “feel” the goods.

At the exhibition of fur coats in 2018, you can try on any fur coat, choose the one that suits you. Also at the Fur Fair in the House of Officers there is an opportunity to get recommendations from qualified consultants who will talk about the features and quality of a particular fur, the conditions for its proper operation, the nuances of choosing a model for a certain type of female figure.

Advantages of the exhibition-sale

Buy quality and modern models natural fur coats in Ulyanovsk at the best price from the manufacturer can be at the fair in 2018.

  • The fur coats presented to the attention of the exhibition visitors are chipped and supplied with all the necessary documentation.
  • The collection has a variety of types of fur, including those with a special dressing. Mink, fox, arctic fox, astrakhan and sable fur coats are able to conquer at first sight and touch.

Convenient conditions for visitors allow you to comfortably and slowly examine the fur product, try it on in front of a mirror, decide on the size, choose the perfect fit for the fur coat according to the figure, and only then pay. Consultants will be happy to help in choosing, introduce you to the assortment and answer all questions in detail, understanding that a fur coat is bought for more than one season. Such an acquisition is made for a long time and should please its owner, warm her and give pleasure from the purchase.

Trade-in for fur coats

This type of service is gaining popularity. The essence of the action is that the visitor of the fair gives her old fur coat from any fur and in any condition to the collection point, receiving in return a significant discount on a new fur product. Thus, you can update your winter wardrobe without incurring large financial costs. The better the condition of the old fur coat, the less you will have to pay extra for a new piece of clothing.

In Ulyanovsk, you can exchange an old fur coat for a new one at the House of Officers, where such a reception is held, and if you look for a new thing to your liking in advance, such an exchange will not take much time and will not hit the family budget. Participation in the action, for example, will allow you to turn in an old, boring fur coat made of a muton, which is famous for its wear resistance, and receive a brand new mink coat in exchange.

A special offer that allows you to hand over a used fur product that has become unnecessary for some reason, not all sellers in the fur products market are ready to make. Acceptance of old products in a competitive environment is often limited in time and serves to expand the circle of buyers, allowing them to solve two problems at the same time.

Fur coat fitting

Many customers took advantage of such an attractive offer with pleasure and purchased a new fluffy product for their pleasure, getting rid of the old one, for a relatively low cost. Now it has become quite easy to purchase a novelty at a traveling exhibition of fur coats made of natural fur, just visit a store where new fur products are presented directly from manufacturers, bypassing intermediaries and resellers.

This format of the fur trade allows you to create a significant difference in cost compared to stationary outlets and elite boutiques.

The opportunity to purchase high-quality factory-made fur coats that meet quality standards at affordable prices makes fairs more and more popular among the population. Refusal to maintain stores in the usual form of their existence, the transition to online sales using online stores, as well as traveling trade in the format of a fair - these are the trends of the 2018-2019 season.

In the cold season, you always want to look beautiful and at the same time not freeze. The ideal option is a fur coat made of natural fur.

Every woman should have a fur coat (and preferably more than one!) in her wardrobe. Buy a fur coat you can absolutely at any time of the year, the main thing is to find exactly the one that will emphasize your advantages, hide your flaws and will not be burdensome for your wallet.

Buy a fur coat cheap You can visit our official exhibition of Russian fur factories (Kirov, Pyatigorsk and others). We are pleased to offer you a decent range of fur products from the manufacturer. Our prices will pleasantly surprise you, and the quality of products will delight you.

Our fur factories offer you more than a thousand different models. fur sale also happens regularly.

Our range includes:

Mink coat. Choose a quality mink coat today a big problem for the fair sex. A large number of fakes appeared in the markets, fairs and shops. Please shop at verified locations. Our fur factories guarantee high quality products and are ready to provide an electronic certificate for each fur coat.

Mouton sheepskin coat. Mouton coats are also in great demand. They are warm, practical and incredibly comfortable. Many large and non-standard sizes and youth options.

Fur coat made of sable and marten. Incredibly beautiful, stylish, luxurious, status. Unlike boutiques - at affordable prices!

fur sale. In addition to new exclusive models, we always have a sale from last year's collections. You can choose a model from the presented assortment with a big discount, up to 50%. All fur products, including mink coats, participate in the sale.

Buy a mink coat better in advance. In summer, prices are much lower, and discounts are greater. If you have found a suitable model for yourself, buy without hesitation!

Furs. Here you can try on all available fur coats and pick up the best option. We employ only experienced consultants.

A natural fur coat is a symbol of luxury and prosperity, as well as a reason to brag to your friends. Many are interested in the question where to buy a fur coat cheap? The most favorable and affordable prices are presented by our store.

Why should you buy a fur coat from us?

We offer our customers fur coats from the manufacturer: mink fur coat, sheepskin mouton fur coat, fox fur coat, fox and raccoon fur coat and much more.

  1. Sizes from 38 to 70.
  2. Short and long fur coats, fur vests and short fur coats;
  3. Autolady model;
  4. With hood and stand-up collar
  5. Fitted and trapeze, as well as classic fur coats;
The color scale of the offered fur products is various.

Fur coat prices depend on the model, length and fur. A large number of budget options as well as elite models.

Classic fur coat - universal option which suits everyone.

Mink fur coat- the most desired by all women in Russia.

Mouton fur coats they are not inferior in warmth to mink products, but their price is much lower.

As you know, Buying a fur coat is easy!

Classic plus fashion. Classic fur coats will never go out of fashion. Our factories create models combining classics, fashion trends, as well as take into account the climatic conditions of a particular region.

The best factory quality. This is all because the factories have preserved centuries-old traditions for the manufacture of fur products. Our fur coats are recognized as one of the best in Russia. All fur coats comply with GOST and have a certificate of conformity. Before they go on sale, they go through several stages of quality control.

Handmade. Each fur coat is made by hand, we are not supporters of conveyor production. Our factories employ only professional fashion designers and tailors who work daily to create and develop new modern models.

Huge assortment. We offer autolady fur coats, exclusive unique models, fur coats large sizes, as well as products for non-standard figures. We also have in stock: mink coat, a sheepskin mouton coat, short and long, with a regular sleeve and the so popular three-quarter sleeve.

Every girl knows that it is very difficult to choose what will sit on the figure, emphasizing the dignity. After all, it often happens that you like a model, you are satisfied with the price, but you dress and understand - it doesn’t sit, it’s not yours. Our fur coats fit perfectly on any figure!

Fur coats installment and credit. You can buy a fur coat in installments or credit. You only need to have your passport with you. Having issued an installment plan, you pick up the fur coat immediately, and pay the money later. You can pay for your purchase in cash or by card.

It is worth noting again that buy a fur coat not difficult, the main thing is to thoroughly approach this issue. Compare the entire range and prices. We value our reputation and sell only quality fur coats. Our fur coats are worn by women throughout Russia and the CIS countries.

Our fur products Russian factories(Kirov, Pyatigorsk) know and love. During the time that we have been working in all regions of Russia, we have managed to earn positive reviews and acquire regular customers.

Kirov Fur Factory I am glad to offer you my fur coats from the manufacturer. You can purchase furs at our exhibition. We offer a wide range, attractive prices and individual approach. Waiting for you, dear women, for the FUR COAT OF DREAMS!