Coat shortened women's pattern. Classic model with two-seam sleeves

A coat is a classic element of a demi-season wardrobe, which in last years wins more and more young fans. Modern tendencies give us a huge scope for combinations and fantasies - you can combine a thing with classic boots, and with massive boots, and even with sneakers. current models(for example, oversized or balloon) are suitable for girls of any type of figure. By choosing different accessories and shoes, you can create new looks almost every day.

Changeable weather, harsh, cold or damp climate are not the only reasons for the popularity women's coat. This is a stylish piece of clothing that completes the image and gives it relevance. By choosing the right style, you can visually adjust the parameters of the figure.

The most popular models on the seasonal catwalks are a coat-dress, "tulip", trapezoidal cut, with one-piece sleeves or belt (oar, without buttons). They are decorated with turn-down collars, stand-up collars, classic lapels or bold fur trim on the cuffs. The color scheme of many recent seasons is classic dramatic shades of red and burgundy. A win-win out of time - a coat of graphite gray, milky, terracotta colors or in a small pattern ("houndstooth", "vichy" cage).

Beginning of work

Taking measurements and creating a base

To properly design a coat pattern, you must first build its base according to the parameters of the figure. For this, measurements are carefully taken, not forgetting about the allowance for free fit. The gains are up to 8.5 cm on straight styles and up to 10 cm on loose ones. For a snug fit, an increase of 5-7 cm will be enough.

Before building the foundation, you need to take measurements to determine the parameters.

  • Product length - on a back, a shoulder and to a waist.
  • Half girths - neck, above the chest, chest, waist, hips, wrists.
  • Sleeve size.

For clarity and convenience, a basic rectangle is constructed on paper, the corners of which are indicated by ABCD points.

  • AB / CD (product width) is determined by the half-girth of the chest (Og) plus 75 mm.
  • AD / BC (product length) - according to the model.

Also, to build a coat pattern, you need to calculate the depth of the armhole. It is equal to one tenth of Og plus 10.5 cm and an increase (about 3 cm). This point on the grid is designated as G. If you draw a segment from it to the right until it intersects with BC, you get G1.

To determine the lines along the waist and hips from point A down, measure the length of the back to the waist - point T will appear. From it, you need to draw the axis down to BC, and mark the intersection as T1. Now, from the marks T and T1, about one fifth of the entire length (18-25 cm) is measured down and points L and L1, respectively, are set for the hips.

The width of the back of the product is defined as one eighth Og plus 5.5 cm and the increase is the segment G-G2. From G2, you need to extend the axis up to the intersection with AB, marking it as P. If you measure one eighth of Og from the same G2 to the right (plus an increase and minus one and a half centimeters), you get G3. Section G2-G3 - armhole width.

The segment G1-Sh is laid up, focusing on half the chest half-girth (plus one and a half centimeters and an increase in the depth of the armhole). The same distance is set aside from G3 - they get point P1. Extending the line to AB, the intersection is designated as P2. The segment P2-Sh is the rise along the ledge.

The last thing to do to create the grid is to draw the lines of the side, shoulder and armhole. On the segment G2-G3, the center is marked, the axis is led down from it to CD, marking the intersection as H, then to T-T1 (T2) and to L-L1 (L2). To align the auxiliary axes on the shoulder and armhole, the segments P-G2 and P2-G3 are divided into four identical parts. To complete the coat pattern, you need to calculate the darts at the waist, back and front.

Building a pattern of the base model

The first step in building a basic coat model is drawing out the back.

  • A cutout is made on the neck - from point A to A1, a concave line is drawn, starting from 1/3 of the half-girth of the neck (plus 1.5 centimeters) and bending the curve up by 1.5 and 1 cm.
  • 1.5 cm are deposited from point P on a slope along the shoulder.
  • A line of the shoulder and armholes is drawn through P-G2 (from G2 a bisector of the angle is drawn).
  • A seam is formed on the side - from T2 through G4, L2 to CD.
  • Waist tucks are made from half of G-G2, a guide to the waist and hip lines T-T1 and L-L1.

Before the product is built, starting with the neckline. From the W mark, one third of Og must be set aside to the left (plus 1.5 centimeters - a fixed value for all sizes). One third of Og must be set aside down, adding 2 cm to the segment. The resulting ends of the segments are connected by a dotted axis and its center is measured. It is connected with Sh.

Next, you need to shape the shoulder, measuring its length from the neckline to the tuck on the chest. You will also need the distance from it to the armhole. Connect the dotted line point P3 (the end of the left tuck line) and the top of P-G2. On the dotted line, set aside the length of the shoulder according to the measurement, subtracting the distance from the neckline to the tuck on the chest. Connect the resulting point to the lower end of P2-G3, set aside another 2 cm and extend the segment to P3.

Now you need to draw an armhole line, a seam on the side (from T2 through G4-L2 to CD ending at the H mark). On the pattern, draw a line along the waist, hips and bottom, make waist tucks along the front and side. On a classic coat, you can make a clasp - for this, an increase on board is provided (on double-breasted models it is up to 10 cm).

Having mastered the sequence of actions, it will be possible to design products of different styles and cuts.

Classic model with two-seam sleeves

The pattern of a coat of a classic style is well "superimposed" on the cloth - for example, gray. It will need a lining, buttons and matching threads. For a standard product in sizes 44-48, from a waist of 65 cm, choose about three meters of fabric. From this material, you can sew another classic model - double-breasted, with an "English" collar and set-in pockets. The lining in it can be stitched or detached.

The front half of the product - three parts: central, side and barrel.

It is necessary to simulate two seams on the sides (embossed) - from the chest and waist darts and from the center of the armhole.

The seams are built according to the pattern, rounding the lines on the chest and cutting the details along the edges of the tucks. The back of the coat is designed in the same way. Double-seam sleeve, collar and lapel are formed separately. You can also make flap pockets or embed them with a stitching sheet.

On the classic model, either a detachable collar or a stitched stand is made. For them, you must first measure the neckline in front and behind. It is done by the control points AB of the base rectangle. The length of the sleeve will be about 4 cm, and the width is determined by the parameters of the upper half.

The pattern of a women's coat with an actual straight silhouette is similar to the classic one, but the sleeves in it, as a rule, are single-seam and with one-piece cuffs.

The shelf is cut along the waist line. Folds are made in the seams on the shoulders and waist - one on top of the other. The shoulder girdle is desirable to expand.

Basic drawings can also be used for design winter clothes, but it will be necessary to add additional increases - for the insulation layer.

fashion coats

Trapeze and snug fit

To obtain a trapezoidal silhouette, you will need to add about 10 cm to the half-girth of the hips. You can balance the shape of the product with sleeves expanded at the bottom by 20-25 cm. The top of the product is tightly “planted” along the figure, and the expansion starts only from the hip line. A set-in jacket collar, double-breasted fastening and decorative stitching will suit the style.

Models with a tight fit are often complemented by a stand-up collar. It is necessary to increase the neck and make shirt sleeves, slightly expanded downwards. The shoulder is narrowed so that the armhole is vertical along the back. The chest and waist tucks are transferred to the chest, on the side. The set-in belt can be decorated with stitching.

The adjacent model is modified by expanding at the bottom and making a single-breasted wrap and a belt that ties at the waist.


  • Increase the width of the back by 6 cm.
  • Expand the neck by a couple of centimeters.
  • Change the location of the shoulder points along the back by a centimeter up, and along the shelf - by a centimeter down.

Another style that allows you to emphasize the figure is semi-fitted. Such a coat can be sewn with a zipper for convenience. The collar is also better to make a stand, fastened with buttons. Since the coat is narrow, on the back panel it is worth making a slot along the middle seam.

Pattern of a model with a voluminous collar

A coat with large collars should be sewn, modeling the drawing according to the basic scheme of the jacket. So the lines will be balanced and harmonious. Work begins with a drawing of a shelf on which you can not make tucks. The side seam is adjusted to remove the flare, and the shoulder seam is shortened by the amount of the opening along the chest tuck. On the back, you need to make a slot for a third of the length of the product - about 8 cm wide.

If you want to remove the chest tuck on a magazine pattern, you need to cut the shelf, close it, leaving 1-1.5 centimeters for the solution. waist tuck you will need to open by removing the side part. It is removed from the back.

The sleeve is modeled on the basis of the scheme of a classic one-seam element. Its width is determined by adding 10-12 cm to the girth of the upper arm for a free fit. To measure the parameters of the bottom, you need to measure the wrist, adding 15-16 cm to its girth.

Main decorative element- voluminous collar - modeled from the selection. On the shoulder line, you need to set aside 2 cm to the right, and at the waist - 7-8 cm up and to the right. From the obtained point, a vertical is drawn to the bottom of the front and up to the shoulder - this is the inflection of the lapel. Its configuration is drawn by drawing a horizontal line along the lower point of the neck. The selection is cut out separately.

Patterns for cashmere products

Cashmere is one of the most suitable materials for coats. It is warm, soft and looks elegant and respectable. In order to use all the features of the fabric, choose equally “status” styles - straight with a double-breasted smell or with a lowered shoulder. Fasten the product with a belt, and the classic turn-down collar should be fixed with a button. Neck expansion according to the selected model. The sleeves should be made one-piece and with three seams.

The traditional style straight cashmere coat has several features:

  • undercut barrels are closed, so there are no seams on the sides;
  • the chest tuck is reduced by a centimeter and transferred to the neck;
  • the width of the back is increased by 5-6 cm.

To model straight products with a lowered shoulder, the neck is expanded, and on single-seam sleeves, expansion and stitched cuffs are made. The shoulder point must be raised by a centimeter and the width of the chest and back should be increased by the same amount. The chest tuck from the shoulder is transferred to the neck, and the shoulder dart is reduced by a centimeter. Taking into account all the changes, you can build a base according to individual sizes.

The current trend is a coat in which there are no buttons and zippers, only a belt. Its basis is a straightened semi-adjacent style of the product with a chest tuck. To fix the shelf, you can provide a large secret button. If the fabric is double-faced and has a fleecy back, no lining is needed.

When sewing things with one-piece sleeves, be sure to iron them. Preparation will help not to make mistakes when sweeping and get a well-fitting product. To understand where to iron and where to iron the sleeves, imagine what the arm looks like when it is bent at the elbow.

Laconic base model you can “diversify” with slanting pockets, interesting sleeves, trimmed on the bottom or one-piece cuffs. The “robe” model is slightly narrowed along the hem, adjusting the width of the sleeves according to the product.

What could be more pleasant in the cool season than putting on a bright spectacular coat and walking through the streets of the city, dropping into your favorite cafe, enjoying the spicy, invigorating smells of coffee and warm croissants, and leaving, leaving a thin trail of an exquisite image ...

Your wardrobe should have many different coats for every occasion. And in order to demonstrate a delicate taste in clothes, you just need to sew several luxurious coats according to our patterns. And then, firstly, you will always have “what to wear”, and secondly, you will be able to change images not only for the occasion, but also for your mood.

A coat can set the mood, and when choosing a coat for every occasion, whether it's a business meeting or a walk in the park, remember that you will inevitably have to play by its rules.

A red coat will charge you with incredible energy, in it you will find yourself in the center of the universe and you can’t avoid the attention of others. The feeling of euphoria from enthusiastic views is attached.

Business meeting or dinner with colleagues? Then your choice is a spectacular blue coat made of luxurious cashmere. This color will create the right mood and help set the right tone for the whole evening.

Successful transactions, new projects and attractive business prospects are guaranteed.

For everyday affairs, of which modern women are full, a gray or terracotta coat is ideal. Soft, light, not constraining movements, you may opt for an oversized style. However, no matter what you choose, in such a coat you will always feel comfortable.

For the first date - sew a light milky coat. It is the milky shade of the fabric that adds luxury to the models and a bit of glamorous chic, which will be just right. The style of such a coat can be different and depends only on your taste and style preferences. It can be both cropped models and maxi models, fitted, double-breasted, single-breasted, with classic sleeves or raglan sleeves - the choice is always yours. Create patterns, sew beautiful coats and wear them with pleasure!

What could be better and more comfortable for the cool season than a cozy demi-season loden coat! This unique material is made from natural sheep wool, and to make the fabric softer, mohair is added to the raw material. It turns out a very soft and delicate material, pleasant to the touch. It is remarkably molded, plastic and obedient in texture. Loden products are very cozy and warm. In this lesson, we will model a pattern for a demi-season coat that we sewed from loden, and also reveal the secrets that will help you create a stylish, solid product.

Jean jacket on fur is rapidly winning the hearts of fashionistas. And no wonder, because this is not only a stylish little thing that will help you out in any situation, but also a practical, warm and very combinatorial model - it can be combined with trousers, skirts, dresses ... In this lesson, we suggest you model a jacket pattern, and then experiment with the style yourself.

Clothes in the same style for mom and daughter are incredibly popular today. When you meet such a couple - do not take your eyes off! And how could it be otherwise, because it is the mother who is an example for her child, it is she who is able to instill good taste and a sense of style in clothes from childhood. And doing it by your own example is much more pleasant and more fun! Today we want to offer you patterns of two stylish cropped coats for mom and daughter, which you can sew according to our patterns.

No matter how they change fashion trends, an oversized loose-fitting coat with a non-standard large collar and voluminous sleeves almost always remains at the peak of popularity. Crafted from a soft, pastel-colored blend, this coat is feminine and versatile. Be sure that this model from the Chloe fashion house will take its rightful place in your wardrobe. Another big plus of such a product is that you do not have to adjust the pattern according to the figure, because the motto of all oversized models is the more the better! Oversized coat pattern - in our lesson.

In our next lesson, we offer you to model a coat pattern with a one-piece upper part of the sleeve. You will definitely like this voluminous double-breasted cocoon style model, because it has one feature - the design of the sleeve allows you to create a very smooth streamlined line of the shoulders. The quality of the fabric and clean lines give the product a touch of purist style, which is characterized by the absence of complex shapes and is aimed primarily at emphasizing your individuality. The use of natural high quality fabrics is one of the important components of this style, so when choosing a fabric for a model, it is better not to make compromises.

It's no secret that the role of the main violin in demi-season looks is given to outerwear. And no matter what options you create, collecting a stylish solution, the emphasis should always be on the coat. Remains among huge amount models to find the one that suits you, and will be not only beautiful and spectacular, but also comfortable and warm, which is especially important in cold autumn. To guess for sure, we recommend that you pay attention to the cocoon coat. It got its name for a similar shape, and its silhouette, despite the apparent volume, smoothly envelops the figure, remaining at the same time very elegant. Cocoon coat pattern - in our lesson.

Every runway show famous designers Dominico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana are true beauty embodied in graceful silhouettes, clean lines and luxurious prints. The refined game of the couturier is permeated with great love for a woman. Looking at these amazing creations, you are involuntarily imbued with the idea that these great masters have learned the truth and got to the bottom of the matter, finding the answer to the most pressing question of all times and peoples - what do women really want. We invite you to dream up on this topic and sew a luxurious coat from Dolce & Gabbana according to our pattern.

In order to sew a coat that fits well on the figure, it is necessary to buildpattern-basis coatbased on their own measurements.
To measure the Semicircumference of the chest, it is necessary to give an increase in the freedom of fitting. For a semi-adjacent silhouettecoatit is 7.5-8.5 cm, for a straightcoat and free coat- 8.5-10cm. If you want the coat to have a very tight silhouette, you need to reduce this increase in accordance with the model from 5 to 7 cm.

Before you start buildingpatterns- basics coat, check out on increases in freedom of fitting.

Women's coat pattern

Women's coat pattern .

To build a drawing of a coat pattern, you need to take the following measurements.

1. The length of the coat on the back is 110 cm

2. Length back to waist 38cm

3. Shoulder length 13cm

4. Neck circumference 18cm

5. Semicircle above the chest 44 cm

6. Chest circumference 48cm

7. Waist circumference 38cm

8. Hip circumference 50 cm

9. Sleeve length 58cm

10. Wrist circumference 9 cm

Women's coat pattern: construction

Coat pattern: the first stage of construction

Draw rectangle ABCD.

Coat width.The lines of the rectangle AB and DC are equal to 55.5 centimeters (the semicircle of the chest according to the measurements plus 7.5 centimeters for all sizes): 48 + 7.5 = 55.5.

Coat length.The lines of the rectangle AD and BC are equal to 110 centimeters (the length of the coat according to the measure). The length of the coat is made at will.

Depth of armhole. 23 centimeters are laid down from point A and point G is set (GPr \u003d 1 / 10OG + 10.5 cm + 3 cm increase from the Table of Increases) 96: 10 + 10.5 + 3 \u003d 23. A straight line is drawn from point G to the right and the point of intersection with the line BC is designated by the letter G1.

Coat waistline. From point A, 38 centimeters are laid down (the length of the back to the waist according to the measure) and point T is placed. From point T, a straight line is drawn to the right and the point of intersection with the BC line is designated by the letter T1.

Coat hip line. 18-20 centimeters are laid down from point T and point L is set. From point L, a straight line is drawn to the right and the point of intersection with the BC line is denoted by the letter L1.

Coat back width. 19 centimeters are laid off to the right from the point G and the point G2 is set (1 / 8OG + 5.5 + an increase of 1.5 cm from the Table of increases): 96: 8 + 5.5 + 1.5 \u003d 19. From the point G2 draw a line up and the point of its intersection with the line A B is denoted by the letter P.

Armhole width.From the point G2, 14 centimeters are laid to the right and the point G3 is set (1 / 8OG-1.5 cm + 3.5 cm increase from the Table of increases): 96: 8-1.5 + 3.5 \u003d 14.

Coat shelf lift. From the point G1, lay 28.5 centimeters upwards and put the point W (1/2 of the semicircle of the chest according to the measurements plus 1.5-2 centimeters for all sizes + 3 cm increase in the depth of the armhole): 48: 2 + 1.5 + 3 = 28 ,5. From the point G3, 28.5 centimeters are also laid upwards and the point P1 is set. The point of intersection with the line A B is designated P2. Points P1 and W are connected.

Coat side line. The segment G2G3 is divided in half and from the dividing point a line is drawn down to the intersection with the DC line and a point H is set, the intersection with the TT1 line is denoted by the letter T2, and with the hip line LL1 by the letter L2.

Auxiliary lines of the shoulder and armholes of the coat. Lines PG2 and P2G3 are divided into four equal parts.

Coat pattern: tuck calculation

Calculation of the depth of darts on the waistline of the coat. Determine the difference between the width of the coat mesh and the semicircle of the waist according to the measurements, together with an increase of 5.5 centimeters (for all sizes): 55.5-(38 + 5.5) = 12.

Depth of back and front darts. The front is 3 centimeters (1/4 difference):

12: 4=3.

Front side tuck depthcoatequals 2 centimeters (1/4 difference minus 1 centimeter for all sizes): 12:4-1=2.

Depth of tuck along the line side seam coatequals 4 centimeters (1/4 difference plus 1 centimeter for all sizes): 12: 4+1=4.

Coat pattern: the second stage of construction

Women's coat pattern: building the back

Neckline. From point A, 7.5 centimeters are laid to the right (1/3 of the semicircle of the neck according to the measure, plus 1.5 centimeters for all sizes): 18: 3 + 1.5 = 7.5. From point 7.5 upwards lay 1.5 centimeters, from point 1.5 upwards - 1 centimeter. Points A and 1 are connected by a concave line.

Coat shoulder slope. From point P down lay 1.5 centimeters.

Shoulder line.The shoulder line is drawn from point 1.5 (neck) through point 1.5 (shoulder slope) with a length equal to 14 centimeters (shoulder length by measure plus 1 centimeter for all sizes): 13 + 1 \u003d 14. Point 1 is connected to the shoulder line .

Armhole line.From point G2, dividing the angle in half, set aside 2.5-3 centimeters. The armhole line is drawn through point 14, the middle point of dividing the line PG2, points 3 and G4.

Side seam of the coat. From the point T2 to the left lay 2 centimeters. The side seam line is drawn through the points G4, 2, L2 until it intersects with the DC line.

A tuck at the waistline of the coat. The distance GG2 is divided in half and 1 centimeter is laid off from the division point to the left. From point 1, a line is drawn down to the intersection with the line of the hips LL1 and 2 centimeters are laid upwards from the intersection point. From point 1, 3-4 centimeters are laid down. From the point of intersection with the waist line TT1, 1.5 centimeters are laid to the right and left and connected to points 5-6 and 2.

Coat pattern: the third stage of construction

Building the front of the coat

Coat neckline. From point W to the left lay 7.5 centimeters (1/3 of the semicircle of the neck by measure plus 1.5 centimeters for all sizes): 18: 3 + 1.5 = 7.5. From the W point, 8 centimeters are laid down (1/3 of the semicircle of the neck according to the measure, plus 2 centimeters for all sizes): 18: 3 + 2 = 8.

Points 7.5 and 8 are connected by a dotted line, dividing it in half. From the point W through the division point of the dotted line lay 7.5 centimeters. Points 7.5 are connected to point 8 by a concave line.

Shoulder length from neckline to chest tuck. From point 7.5 (upper) lay 4 centimeters to the left and then down - 1 centimeter. Points 1 and 7.5 (upper) are connected. From point G1, 10.5 centimeters are laid to the left (neckline from point W to point 7.5 plus 4 centimeters - shoulder length from neckline to tuck minus 1 centimeter for all sizes): 7.5 + 4-1 \u003d 10.5 .

Points 1 and 10.5 connect.

Chest tuck coat. The right tuck line is equal to the distance from point 1 to the armhole line minus the increase in the depth of the floodplain (in this case it is 3 cm). The right line of the tuck from point 1 to point 3 is divided in half and 4 centimeters are laid off from the dividing point to the left (semicircle of the chest by measure minus the semicircle above the chest by measure): 48-44 \u003d 4.

The left tuck line is drawn through points 9.5 and 4 with a length equal to the right tuck line, and point P3 is set.

Shoulder length from chest tuck to armhole. Point P3 is connected by a dotted line with the upper point of dividing the line PG2 (back). From point P3, along the dotted line, 9 centimeters are laid to the left (shoulder length by measure minus 4 centimeters - shoulder length from the neckline to the chest tuck): 13-4 \u003d 9.

Point 9 is connected to the lower division point of the P2G3 line. From point 9, 2 centimeters are laid down and connected to point P3.

Coat armhole line. The dotted line from point 2 to the lower division point of the P2G3 line is divided in half and 1 centimeter is laid off from the division point to the right. From the lower right corner of the armhole, dividing the angle in half, set aside 2.5 centimeters. The armhole line is drawn through points 2.1, the lower point of dividing the line P2G3, point 2.5 and, touching the armhole descent line, to point G4.

Side seam of the coat. From point T2 to the right lay 2 centimeters. The side seam line is drawn through points G4, 2, L2 until it intersects with the DC line and point H is set.

The design of the waist line of the coat on the pattern. From point T1, 2 centimeters are laid down and connected to point 2 (side seam).

Coat hip line. 2 centimeters are laid down from point L1 and connected to point L2.

The bottom line of the coat. From point C, the line BC is extended down by 2 centimeters and connected to point H.

Dart on the waist line of the coat (front). From point 2 (waist line) lay 9 centimeters to the left (distance from point 10.5 to point G1 minus 1.5 centimeters for all sizes): 10.5-1.5 = 9.

Point 9 is connected to point 10.5. From the point 10.5 down lay 5-6 centimeters.

From point 9 to the left lay 3 centimeters and connect to point 5-6.

The depth of the front tuck of the coat is divided in half and a dotted line is drawn from the dividing point down to the intersection with the line of the hips. From the point of intersection, 2 centimeters are laid upwards and connected to points 9 and 3.

Dart on the waistline of the coat (side). From the point G3 to the right lay 2.5-3 cm and draw a dotted line down to the intersection with the line of the hips. From the point of intersection of the line of the hips, 2 centimeters are laid up, and 4-5 centimeters are laid down from point 3. From the point of intersection of the dotted line with the waistline, lay off 1 centimeter to the right and left and connect them to points 4-5 and 2.

An increase on the fastener of the coat (board). From point 8 (neck) and point 2 (bottom line) lay 4-5 centimeters to the right and connect them.

From point 8, 1.5-2 centimeters are laid down. A smooth line is drawn through point 1.5-2 to point 5. From point C and from point 2 (descent of the waist line), 3 cm are laid.

Points 3, 3, 5 connect.

Note.Pattern drawing calculations are given for a single-breasted coat. For a double-breasted coat pattern, an increase of 8-10 centimeters is made on the side. If the semicircle of the hips according to the measure (together with an increase of 3 centimeters for all sizes) turns out to be greater than according to the pattern drawing, then when cutting, the corresponding increase is made: 1/2, the difference between the semicircumference of the hips according to the measure (together with the increase) and the drawing of the pattern is added to front and 1/2, the difference - to the back.

Coat pattern: the fourth stage of construction (sleeve)

Pattern of a two-seam sleeve to a coat

Draw rectangle ABCD.
Coat sleeve width. The lines of the rectangle AB and DC are equal to 18 centimeters (1/3 of the semicircle of the chest according to the measurement plus 2 centimeters for all sizes):
48: 3+2 = 18.
The length of the sleeve.The lines of the rectangle AD and BC are equal to 58 centimeters (the length of the sleeve according to the measure).

Sleeve height. From point A, lay 17 centimeters down and put point P (3/4 of the depth of the armhole of the jacket plus 2 centimeters for all sizes): (20: 4x3) + 2 = 17.
From point P to the right, a straight line is drawn to the intersection with the line BC and the intersection point is denoted by the letter P1.

Elbow line.The PD line is divided in half. From the division point, lay 2 centimeters upwards and put the point L. From the point L to the right, a straight line is drawn until it intersects with the line BC and the intersection point is denoted by the letter L1.
Construction of the upper half of the sleeve

Front seam.From points P, L and D, lay 4 centimeters to the left and connect. From point L to the left lay 2 centimeters. The front seam line is drawn through points 4, 2, 4.

Sleeve line. The line AB is divided in half and the division point is denoted by the letter O. From the point P, 5 centimeters are laid upwards.
Points O and 5 are connected by a dotted line, divided in half, the division point is denoted by the letter O1. Points A and O1 are connected by a dotted line and divided into three equal parts. The lower division point is denoted by the letter O2. From point P, dividing the angle in half, set aside 2.5 centimeters. From the point P1, lay 5 centimeters upwards and put the point P2.

A dotted line of arbitrary length is drawn through the point P2 to the right and to the left. From point P2 to the right lay 4 centimeters.
The distance VP2 is divided in half, the division point is denoted by Oz. Points O and O3 are connected by a dotted line, divided in half, from the point of division upwards at a right angle to the dotted line, 1.5 centimeters are laid. The sleeve line is drawn through points 4, 2.5, 5, O2, O, 1.5, Oz, 4.

Elbow seam line. From point L1, 4 centimeters are laid to the right and connected to point 4 (upper). From point 4 (upper) 9 centimeters are laid down. Then, from point D, 14 centimeters are laid to the right (the semicircle of the wrist according to the measure plus 5 centimeters for all sizes):
9 + 5 \u003d 14. Points 14 and 9 are connected by a dotted line, divided in half and 1 centimeter is laid off from the division point to the right. The line of the elbow seam is drawn through points 4, 9, 1, 14, extending it down by 3 centimeters.

Bottom line.The bottom line is drawn through points 4, D, 3.

The fold line of the front of the sleeve. From point L to the right lay 2 centimeters. The fold line is drawn through points D, 2, P and further until it intersects with the sleeve hem line.

The line of the front seam is pulled when ironing, and the line of the elbow seam is sutured.

Pattern of the lower half of the coat sleeve

Front seam.From points P, 2 and D, lay 3 centimeters to the right and connect them.

Bottom line.From point 3 (elbow seam) lay 2 centimeters to the left. The bottom line passes through points 3 and 2.

Elbow line.From point 3 to the right lay 9.5 centimeters (1/4 of the semicircle of the chest by measure minus 2.5 centimeters for all sizes):
48: 4-2,5=9,5.

Elbow seam line. From point 3, 10 centimeters are laid to the right (1/4 of the semicircle of the chest by measure minus 2 centimeters for all sizes): 48: 4-2 \u003d 10.

The line of the elbow seam is drawn through points 2, 9.5, 10 and further to the intersection with the dotted line. The point of intersection is marked with the letter 04.

Top notch.The line from point 3 to point 10 is divided into three equal parts and the division point on the left is designated by the letter 05. The notch line is drawn through points 3, O5 and O4. From point O4, 2 centimeters are set aside to the left and connected to the notch line (an increase in case it is necessary to narrow the sleeve).

Coat pattern: the fifth stage of construction (collar)

Collar pattern for women's coat

When building patterns collar coata shelf with a drawn lapel is taken. The lapel of the coat is drawn by the designer based on the chosen model. Then it is necessary to mark the position of the upper loop.

Point A is placed at a distance of 1.5 cm from the loop down.
On the continuation of the line of the shoulder, a segment GG1 equal to 2.5-3 cm is laid off (the height of the collar stand).

Line AG1 - line of inflection of the lapel. A tangent to the neck curve is drawn parallel to this line. The point of its intersection with the line of the shoulder - P point of contact with the inflection line of the lapel - G2.

On the continuation of the line of contact from the point P, a segment of the PS is laid off, equal to the length of the neck of the back (along the base) plus 0.5-1 cm.
ШШ1 - 2.5-3 cm (at the same time, the angle ШШ1П is 90 degrees).

Postpone the width of the collar ШВ = 6-11 cm (according to the model).
The end and the line of departure of the collar, as well as the ledge of the lapel are made according to the model.

One-piece and cut-off collars shawl type. The difference is that the collar fly-off line is formed by a line (the configuration of which is determined by the model), which smoothly passes into the lapel line.

No matter how much we lament about the transience summer days, autumn has already fully entered into its rights. Perhaps it is much better to stop being sad and switch to the new opportunities that the golden season gives us. So, the most pleasant of them will be the opportunity to update your wardrobe.

It's time to look after a cozy and beautiful outerwear. I propose to bet on a coat - a thing that will always be in fashion. The coat pattern presented in this article is good for its simplicity and versatility. Don't let the bright colors scare you, because you can sew from fabric of any shade. But the style of the coat is a little flared and free, perfect for any figure.

How to sew a coat with your own hands

At the end of the sewing description, you can download coat patterns in 3 sizes - 44, 46 and 48. Fabric consumption is indicated for these sizes, respectively. Product length on the back 102 - 104 - 106 cm.

What will be required:

  • 2.50-2.60-2.65 m light quilted material, width - 150 cm
  • 1.20 m - 1.30 m adhesive pad. material width 90 cm
  • 4 mother-of-pearl buttons, diameter - 33 mm
  • 1 pair of padded coat hangers

ATTENTION! If you do not have enough professional skills, the product can be simplified by replacing the sewn buttonholes with overcast buttonholes. More easier option- sew buttons along the edge of the fastener, and on the right edge of the side from the faces. sides are buttons.

The following fabrics are also suitable for sewing a coat: brocade, double-faced material, heavy jacquard.

Coat pattern layout plan

On the fabric folded into a fold, lay out the details of the pattern (2 times parts 14 and 4 times part D), following the pattern. On the lining material folded in the same way, lay out the patterns of parts 15, A, B and C, in the same way as on the main fabric. Cut out the details of the coat with allowances of 1 cm. Add 4.5 cm to the hem of the bottom of the coat and sleeves.

How to sew a coat: job description

Duplicate the necessary details with the cushioning material.

On the right side, according to the marking, perform stitch loops.

Stitch the sections of the back reliefs. Iron the seams afterwards.

Work the reliefs of the front and the pockets in the seams: sew one part of the pocket lining to the front. And the second part of the lining - to the front barrel. Iron the seams onto the lining. Stitch relief sections, excluding the entrance to the pocket. Run a finishing stitch along the opening of the pocket. Stitch the edges of the pocket lining.

Stitch your shoulder and side cuts coat, then shoulder sections ribs and inner back yoke. Iron the allowances.

Stitch the middle sections of the lower collar parts. Iron the allowances. Fold up the collars of the faces. sides inward and overcast the flyaway and ends, fitting the top collar at the ends. Trim the allowances to 5 mm. Turn the piece right side out. side, straighten the seamed edges. Baste the neckline of the top and bottom collars. Lay a finishing stitch along the edges of the collar at a distance of 1 cm.

Sweep the collar into the neck according to the markup from the faces. sides.

Stitch inside out. side of the inner sections (1 cm) of the borders and the inner yoke. On faces. side of the product, impose a selection / yoke of faces. side down and overstitch the edges of the sides, the bottom corners of the sides and the edges of the neck, sewing in the collar. Trim the turning seam to 5 mm, notch the allowances in the figured areas. Bend the pick / yoke to the wrong side. side, collar out and straighten the turned edges.

Iron inside out. side and hem the hem of the bottom of the product.

Lay the finishing stitch along the edges of the sides at a distance of 1 cm.

Finish sewing loops from the side of the selection. Baste the cuts of the armholes of the product and the edges / yokes.

Stitch the lengthwise seams of the sleeves with a flat seam. Finish the bottom of the sleeves, as was done for the bottom of the product. Stitch the sleeves into the armholes.

Sew inside out. side shoulders to the seams of the armholes and to the inner yoke at the neck.

Sew on the buttons on the left edge of the bead.

Women's size chart

Coat patterns from Marlene Mukay

Highly interesting models coats are shown in drawings from Marlene Mukay. Under the photo of each coat, you can download the pattern drawings. To work, you will need to increase the details of the pattern to the indicated sizes.

The first model is a coat in style oversize, which has a fairly simple cut. This style is perfect for both thin girls, emphasizing the fragility of the figure, and plump ladies, hiding some flaws.

The second model is a short coat to the middle of the thigh. An excellent solution for girls leading an active lifestyle. This style does not hinder movement and allows you to feel comfortable driving a car, while shopping and performing other everyday activities.

You are getting four sizes patterns.

The file with patterns is sent instantly by e-mail (to your e-mail address), printed on a regular printer.

Ready-made pattern of a women's demi-season coat in four sizes Og 88 - 100 cm.

We offer finished pattern demi-season coat with reliefs stitched finishing stitch With turn-down collar on a small stand. Pockets are located in the seams of the reliefs. If we talk about the complexity of processing, then this is probably one of the most simple species pockets. Fastening with loops and buttons. Sleeves set-in on cuffs.

According to this pattern, you can sew not only a demi-season coat, but also a raincoat or jacket. AT last case you just need to adjust the length.

We offer a ready-made pattern of a fashionable demi-season coat O-shaped silhouette, the so-called coat-cocoon. The coat is not overloaded with elements, since the main focus of such models is volume. The absence of a collar will allow you to complement the coat with a light scarf, or a voluminous snood.

This model of a cocoon coat is suitable for beginner tailors, as it does not contain elements that are difficult to process. The pockets are in the seams of the reliefs. This is the easiest pocket to handle.

The cocoon coat pattern is given in three sizes for girls with a chest girth of 100-104-108cm. A pattern of the same coat in smaller sizes (chest circumference 88-92-96 cm) is located.

To sew a coat, you will need 2-2.5 m of fabric (depending on the size and length of the product) with a width of 1.50 m. Choose fashionable fabrics. As always, the choice is yours!

The pattern is given in three sizes in life size without seam allowances.

A voluminous and loose cocoon coat confidently entered the wardrobe modern woman a few seasons ago. Today, this coat style is winning the hearts of everyone. more fashionistas.

We offer a ready-made cocoon coat pattern in three full-size sizes Og 88-92-96 cm.

The pattern is sent instantly by e-mail (to your e-mail address). You don't need to download anything. The pattern file is attached to the email. Open, print, glue the sheets, cut out the size you need and you can start cutting.

A coat with reliefs, in the seams of which there are pockets, is one of the easiest types of pockets to process, so a novice tailor can safely take on sewing this coat model.

Class="img_anons" title="(!LANG:Straight fit coat pattern in 3 sizes

">Модное пальто без воротника, которое можно дополнить яркими аксессуарами – шарфом или поясом. Данная модель пальто очень разноплановая. Такое пальто может быть частью ансамбля из одной ткани: платье-футляр плюс пальто, юбка-карандаш плюс пальто, узкие брюки плюс пальто или служить абсолютно независимым элементом в вашем гардеробе. Статус этой модели определяете вы. Все зависит от выбранного материала, от отделки, от длины изделия, от вида застежки и пр. Пальто может быть без застежки или с застежкой на молнии, или на крючки и петли, или с застежкой на навесные петли и пуговицы. Длину рукава и самого изделия вы регулируете по !} own will. The pattern is just a suggestion. The result is up to you.