In what position is it better to endure contractions. How to survive contractions during childbirth and not go crazy with pain? What not to do

Despite the fact that the birth of a child is a natural process, it causes incredible suffering to the mother. Intense labor pains are noted during contractions, which can last quite a long time, and during the laborious period.

Is it possible to give birth without pain? How to ease contractions, to endure them more calmly? Is it possible to give anesthesia when it hurts a lot? What to do if you are afraid to give birth?

Is natural childbirth possible without pain?

Natural childbirth is always accompanied by severe pain. Their intensity is due to the characteristics of the woman in labor, her pain threshold and state of health. The degree of preparedness of the muscles for the birth process is also important.

Childbirth is divided into three stages:

  • contractions. During them, the cervix opens, which has large quantity receptors. The uterus begins to contract, gradually reducing the time interval between contractions. There is a stretching of the uterine ligaments, the pressure in the peritoneum increases. Soreness is felt throughout the abdomen, radiates to the lower back.
  • Attempts. The child moves down the birth canal, stretching them. The pain is shifted to the area of ​​the vagina, rectum and perineum. It is sharp, has precise localization.
  • Birth of an afterbirth, or children's place. As a rule, it is completely painless.

Susceptibility to pain can increase if the woman in labor is not mentally prepared for them. The state of panic and fear has a negative effect - the release of hormones of stress and fear of adrenaline and cortisol increases spasms, it becomes more difficult to endure contractions.

Objectively, the pain can be very severe in case of premature delivery, the birth of a large baby, prolonged labor, stimulation of labor with oxytocin, and also if the woman had painful periods before pregnancy.

How to facilitate the birth process?

While pain cannot be completely eliminated, it can be reduced. Not only modern medicines come to the rescue, but also the methods of our ancestors.

A woman should be concerned in advance with the question of how to facilitate childbirth and contractions. There are several ways to anesthetize the birth process, which a pregnant woman learns about in courses for future parents.

Nature itself helps a woman: her body produces a whole complex of hormones that act as an anesthetic. Proper Behavior and breathing do wonders. The woman in labor no longer concentrates so much on contractions, she is distracted from unpleasant sensations. In case of a difficult course of childbirth, there are medical workers, which, if necessary, will relieve the woman's condition with medication. How to behave during contractions and attempts to make them easier to endure, to make them less painful?

positive attitude

Remember that childbirth is a normal process of the birth of a person, there is no need to be afraid of them. However, you should thoroughly prepare for an important event:

  • Pack a bag for the hospital in advance. In the case of early childbirth, you will not have to rush around the house in search of documents and things.
  • Choose a maternity hospital and an obstetrician. You need to go to the maternity ward and talk with the doctor no later than a month before the upcoming birth.
  • Decide whether the spouse will be present at the birth of the child. If yes, then he also needs to pass psychological preparation(and on time necessary tests). Not all men are mentally ready to be near a woman in labor, so you need to decide on this issue as early as possible. You can take your mother or a close friend as a partner.

How can you help yourself be positive? At a pregnancy school, a woman will be given advice on how to relieve pain during contractions, set her in an optimistic mood. Indeed, very soon she will be able to press the long-awaited baby to her chest, what could be more beautiful? You need to go to childbirth with such positive thoughts and emotions.

Proved that nervous tension and fear negatively affect the opening of the cervix. A long process delivers unbearable suffering to the woman in labor, delays the time of contractions. Many women consider this period to be more difficult compared to attempts, because they pass much faster. Relaxation, calmness and faith in one's own strength will allow you to survive the contractions not so painfully.

If fear haunts a pregnant woman, she cannot cope with it on her own, it makes sense to visit a psychologist. As a rule, the specialist takes in the antenatal clinic. He will tell you how to understand the cause of anxiety, and set the woman in labor for good emotions.

Preparing muscles for childbirth in the last trimester (exercise, massage, diet)

Not only the mind, but also the body should be prepared for childbirth, because soon he will have hard work to do. During pregnancy, a woman is advised to monitor her physical health.

Easy to give birth will help:

  • Daily set of exercises. It aims to strengthen muscles and prevent ruptures. The most famous are Kegel exercises for the muscles of the perineum. They have been proven to reduce the risk of damage to this area and help the uterus recover faster after childbirth.
  • Vagina massage using natural oil. It improves the elasticity of tissues, the likelihood of injury during childbirth is significantly reduced.
  • Dieting. AT last month pregnancy, you must strictly adhere to a special diet. It is recommended to give up meat, fish and eggs, limit the consumption of dairy products, reduce salt intake. Must be eaten vegetable oils(olive, linen). This menu contributes to good tissue stretching and easy passage of the baby through the birth canal.

Comfortable postures during contractions

During contractions, a woman needs to listen to her body and take a position that will allow her to withstand the pain. It is convenient for someone to get on all fours, arching their back, for others it is easier to squat. You can lie on your left side and bend your legs under you.

Only in the process of contractions will a woman be able to choose a position that is comfortable for herself. It is necessary to exclude pressure on the stomach, in all other respects the woman in labor is not limited.

Shower, massage, movements

A warm shower will relax and distract from suffering. Some obstetricians advise sitting in a bath filled with warm water, to some extent it will relieve pain. However, this cannot be done if the waters have broken.

Close people can give the expectant mother a lumbar massage. It is in this area that the pain is intense. During the courses, a partner will be taught how to give a relaxing massage to a woman in labor, it will definitely come in handy during contractions.

Movement in the interval between contractions will speed up the opening of the cervix. You can just walk, climb the stairs or swing on the fitball. You need to stop only for the duration of the contractions, not forgetting to count the intervals between them.

Music and aromatherapy

Music and aromatherapy are a great addition to all the methods described above. They will help to calm down and relax, and this is the key to an easy delivery. Experts note that listening to your favorite songs has a positive effect on the course of childbirth.

Aromatherapy can be used as a pain reliever. It is believed that jasmine oil accelerates labor activity, while lavender and bergamot oil calms. Pink essential oil reduces pain, for this you just need to drop a few drops of the substance into the aroma lamp.

All for fitball!

This is a big ball that you can lean on during fights, lie down on it (we recommend reading:). When the fight has receded, it is allowed to swing on the fitball or even jump. It well removes the load from the spine, distracts the woman in labor from pain.

Fitball is now available in almost all maternity wards. If this is not provided, you can bring the ball with you, it will certainly come in handy. The fitball should be soft, slightly deflated, and you need to select it according to your height.

Proper breathing and… singing!

Proper breathing plays an important role in the birth process. Depending on the stage of childbirth, the way of breathing also differs:

Unreasonable use of painkillers adversely affects the child. No matter how much you want to eliminate the pain, it is better to endure it than to treat the baby later.

Well, let me just make a few points:

1. Yes, everyone's situation is different.

2. Pregnancies are different, health is different, pain threshold is different.

3. Childbirth is different, someone has a caesarean, someone has a natural one, someone has an EX. Someone gives birth without anesthesia and stimulation, someone is “for” the use of such drugs.

I will tell you how to survive contractions in the process natural childbirth, mostly without stimulation and anesthesia, but for those who are loyal to the participation of these drugs in the process of childbirth, it may be interesting and informative to read.

Now a few words about stimulation and anesthesia and why I have such a negative attitude towards them: your opinion).

1. Anesthesia. You will tell me that doctors are shouting that epidural anesthesia has no effect on the fetus. Let's leave out the fact that this is not true, let's move on to the practical part of the harm. A woman who has been given an epidural does not feel her body below the waist. On the one hand, as if there is a benefit - a woman does not feel cramping pain, she can rest before attempts, supposedly gain strength and not feel the whole spectrum of pain. Well, in fact, the idea is not without meaning, with the only exception that the epidural does not allow the woman to feel how the birth goes. A woman cannot feel how the child moves, how it moves along the birth canal. But the point is not even that a woman is not aware of childbirth, because it is not she who gives birth, but her body separately from her, the problem is that our body is amazing! In response to pain, our body produces hormones that help us survive this pain + these hormones are extremely important for the baby. The more of these hormones that are produced in response to the opening of the cervix (in fact, hence the pain, which is why we experience pain during and before menstruation - the cervix opens slightly). So, the more such hormones, the more actively the same oxytocin is produced, which reduces the uterus and which is injected in maternity hospitals to speed up childbirth, when its oxytocin does not produce as actively as doctors want. What are the negative consequences of anesthesia can be:

Slowing down the process of childbirth, in connection with which artificial oxytocin is required.
Lack of attempts of the required power
The placenta does not come out in a timely manner after childbirth
The child is not ready for childbirth, does not take the right position, is not in a hurry to take a breath, is not in a hurry to "survive", because it is the mother's hormonal cocktail that makes the child and his body understand "It's time!". Mom's contractions and her hormones are a kind of command to the child, "It's time, go!".

2. Oxytocin (Stimulation).

Contractions in natural childbirth, if you look at the uterus, look smooth: like a wave from the beginning of the uterus to the cervix, the contraction occurs gradually, gently and carefully pushing the child out of the uterine cavity, the expulsion of the fetus occurs naturally.
When a woman is injected with artificial oxytocin, the production of her own oxytocin stops: the body is not a fool - as soon as oxytocin appears in the blood from the outside, it transfers its oxytocin to the blood, but why?

So, when a woman is injected with oxytocin, uterine contractions begin to be chaotic, such contractions are similar to how we are trying to “burst” an inflated balloon. It is unnatural, it is MUCH more painful, it is excruciating pain, from which women then agree to an unnecessary cesarean, scream to be killed, to do anything to save her from this nightmare. And it’s true, they are in unbearable pain, and they don’t care at all about the child, the process of childbirth, they have one dream - give me delivery as you please, just do something!

So, when a woman is injected with oxytocin, she is almost always injected with anesthesia, because it is practically impossible to endure the pain that the chaotic contraction of the uterus and the opening of the cervix provokes, this is really pitch hell.

But, if I don’t really understand the use of anesthesia without oxytocin, then the use of stimulation makes sense in some cases (although I would never agree to such an intervention for myself, BUT)

1. (forgive me for such a disgusting term, but, alas, it is medical) Old-time mothers. (I have been like this more than once, I always gave birth myself, but these are my beliefs, let's say) So, women over the age of 30 are more likely to inject stimulation, because their labor activity does not always develop in the right way.

2. Green waters, overgrowth, unpreparedness of the critical neck on the way of preeclampsia, green waters again, ossification of the baby, etc. etc.

3. Well, I will not list all the factors, it is rather all deviations from the norm.

By the way, everywhere in the West and in the USA a woman is given a list possible complications in connection with the use of stimulation and anesthesia, and do not shove such drugs to everyone, as we do.

I’ll say right away: lovers of natural childbirth, but safe, with resuscitation behind the wall, excellent neonatologists and doctors, but in compliance with your wishes (for example, if you want the umbilical cord to be cut after it has pulsated, you want to pick it up or, for example, to you gave birth vertically, etc. etc.) - you are in the 68th maternity hospital in Moscow on Volzhskaya.


How to survive a fight? How to endure pain? No way. You don’t need to endure pain, you need to live it!

During the fight, you need to relax the pelvis as much as possible, you need to improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, walk around the ward, get on all fours and shake your pelvis, exhale during the fight, in a singsong voice, do not clench your teeth and lips! Try to squeeze your teeth and face hard, and feel how your lower abdomen tightens. Do not squeeze your mouth, if possible - kiss with your husband. I have already said that our lips are a projection of the cervix, relax and caress your lips, do not actively participate, let your husband gently kiss you, run his tongue over your lips. I understand that you may not want to, but this is the wrong psychological approach. Women who, during childbirth, yell at their husband from the series “shut up and don’t interfere, move away,” who say that everything infuriates them around and that everything annoys them, they don’t quite have the right psychological approach to the process of childbirth. Well, because childbirth is the process of the birth of Love, it is absolute magic and a wonderful process, I am so full of love in childbirth, like never before and after.
It hurts a lot. I won't say it's easy and painless. This is very, very painful. But one must imagine that every fight is a dragon. And then the dragon comes, you blow on it and breathe on it, it runs away. Believe me, fights are not endless, although sometimes it seems so.

And yet, your relationship with your mother is very important in childbirth. The fact is that childbirth is a litmus test of your relationship with your mother. I know and understand you, many of us do not have a great relationship with our mother, we have old grievances, pain, bitterness and longing. You must try to live and let go of this pain BEFORE your birth, it will help you a lot, because it will be much easier for you if you feel the inner support of your Mother, your GREAT PARENT, even if she does not know about the birth process now. You will simply feel inside that you have a mother who loves you and who helps you with what she is, that one day she gave birth to you, that she also went through all this, and her feminine forces and love help you.

I know this firsthand. My most difficult birth was with my daughter Sophia. I gave birth for 42 hours, the contractions lasted endlessly, attempts too, my daughter was large, I gave birth at 42.2 weeks, I was tired, exhausted, already lost my mind, My husband was also clearly nervous, I was ready to give up. In addition, Sophia had dystocia - her head was expelled, and her shoulders were stuck. In the normal process, after the fetal head is expelled, the shoulders rotate and the baby is born. If the shoulders are already “stiff”, they cannot make such a turn, and the fetus is stuck. My midwife put her hand in, turned the baby's hand, and Sophia was born at the cost of incredible efforts and great faith in the best. Another 2 weeks after I walked stumbling over my legs, I didn’t have the strength to cook porridge and raise the child normally, my legs and arms were shaking for 3 days, as after a 500-km race.

And so, I lead all this to the maternal question. On the eve of pregnancy with Sonya, the already difficult relationship with her mother completely went wrong. She did not understand my life choice, constantly criticized and, having learned about Sonya's pregnancy, she said a few phrases that I would not want to hear ever again in my life. We stopped talking then. I missed her very much, I suffered a lot, in fact, I always miss her since ... Since birth) She was little present in my life as a whole.

So, after 42 hours of exhausting childbirth, I realized that I would probably die by now. And in that moment, I realized how much I needed to hear Her. I just whispered to my husband to dial her number.

I remember in the fog

Mom, I feel so bad, I'm giving birth, help me!

And I burst into bitter tears. I don’t remember what my mother said, I only remember that a stone fell from my soul, the midwife shouted something sharply, my husband grabbed my hand, and after 5 minutes my daughter was screaming louder than loud on my stomach.

Relations with my mother did not improve much, but how I survived this and how I found peace and answers to all questions, I’ll tell you some other time.
But I know for sure that if a woman from your clan and family stands “behind” you (even if it is your mother-in-law, if you have an excellent relationship and love with her), it will be much easier for you. You should know that "behind" you have female love and help.

Girls, give birth with love! Do everything with love!

And don't be afraid. Everything is really forgotten when a wet lump screams on your stomach, pokes at your chest, and its whole World is YOU!

The expectant mother is looking forward to the birth of the child (birth) not only because she wants to see her baby, but also because she is tired of pregnancy. At the same time, a pregnant woman, especially a primipara, is worried about how long the birth will take, and how easier it is to endure labor contractions.

A little about fights

Labor pains are called periodic contractions of the muscles of the uterus, accompanied by pain. The average duration of contractions varies from 9-13 hours, while the contraction period ranges from 15-20 minutes.

If at the beginning of the onset of contractions, the frequency between them is about half an hour, then by the time of delivery, the time between contractions is reduced to 2-3 minutes.

The pain of contractions also increases. At first, a pregnant woman can still endure pain, but as the contractions become more frequent, they seem to her more and more painful each time. This is due to the fact that as you move along the birth canal, the fetus puts more and more pressure on the woman's pelvis.

Labor pains cause quite painful sensations, but it will be much easier to transfer them if you follow a few rules. Let's look at the main phases of contractions, as well as recommendations on how to reduce pain during them.


This phase is considered latent, its duration is from 5 to 9 hours. In this phase, the birth canal opens. All this time the woman can stay at home. The main task during this period is to relax and save energy. During the latent phase, the cervix can dilate up to 5 cm. The duration between contractions at the beginning is 30 minutes, and by the end of the phase it reaches 10 minutes.

What to do to mom:

  • Keep a fight diary
  • At the time of contractions, breathe deeply into the abdomen (inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth). The ratio of inhalation and exhalation is 1 to 2 (inhale for 3 seconds, exhale for 6 seconds)
  • Lie down, relax, spend time with your husband
  • listen to music
  • Carry out hygiene procedures, put yourself in order. You can take a shower, the water temperature should be no more than 38-39 degrees.
  • Have a bite. Permissible not a large number of fruits, vegetables, dairy products.
  • Collect a bag for the hospital

What not to do in the preparatory phase:

  • Panic and randomly rush around the apartment
  • Eating a big meal before the birth
  • forget about Required documents to the maternity hospital


In this phase, contraction intervals are reduced from 10 minutes at the beginning to 3 minutes at the end. There is an opening of the neck by 7-8 cm and the discharge of water due to the natural rupture of the bladder. It is important here not to miss the moment and come to the hospital when the intensity of contractions is at least 5 minutes.

What to do to mom:

  • Talk and interact with your child
  • Focus on the result, not the process
  • Stroke your stomach in the direction from the waist to the navel. You can also clench your hand into a fist and at the moment when the next contraction overtakes, rub it with your lower back in the area along the spine. It will help you endure the pain.
  • Breathe slowly and deeply, trying to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  • Look for a comfortable position in which it would be easier to endure contractions.
  • Stimulate the approach of childbirth, walk more.

Yes, yes, do not lie in bed, but move along the corridor or generic. When a labor pain overtakes a pregnant woman standing on her feet, it is easier to bear it, since the woman’s body is not relaxed, but is in some tone.

In addition, the periodic movement of a woman on her feet will allow the fetus to descend faster to the cervix, which will speed up its opening. And, therefore, will bring the moment of childbirth closer.

A pregnant woman should not be afraid that she will become exhausted as a result of being constantly on her feet, and she will not have the strength to give birth. Enough strength, as nature intended.

What not to do in the active phase:

  • Sit up straight on a solid whole pelvis
  • Drink and eat
  • Retain urination
  • Taking painkillers on your own
  • Refuse doctor's advice
  • Contract and tense muscles
  • Go to the hospital on your own
  • Shout, fear, panic

The last point can lead to the termination of labor due to a stressful situation. In addition, during the cry, the air is inhaled superficially and the mother and child may experience oxygen starvation.

Transitional phase (lowering)

Phase period from 1 hour to 2 hours. In this phase, contractions last up to 2 minutes. There are pain sensations in the sacrum, it can feel sick, tear, freeze, throw in a fever.

What to do to mom:

  • If there is a desire to push, then you must first call a doctor.
  • If the doctor says that the dilatation has occurred, but it is still too early to give birth, this means that the baby's head is still high. In this case, the mother needs to push vertically at the time of contractions.
  • If the opposite situation occurs, when there is no full disclosure, but you want to push, you need to stand in a knee-elbow position, thus rolling back the child in order to reduce pressure on the perineum.

What not to do:

  • Start pushing without doctor's permission
  • Squeeze hips, stand up abruptly, jump
  • Push in the face and puff out the cheeks
  • Holding back a bowel movement due to inconvenience and shame

Positive attitude during childbirth

By talking to your child and assuring him that everything will be fine, you set yourself up in a positive way. Follow these tips and by doing so, you will help yourself to ease labor pains.

All pregnant women have heard that the contractions are long and painful. Therefore, it is not surprising that long before childbirth, a woman begins to think about how to ease contractions. There are several methods that are a worthy and less harmful alternative to medical pain relief. In addition, childbirth can be relatively painless if you learn one of them. O best practices we will tell in this article.

Why does it hurt?

Why childbirth is accompanied by pain is difficult to say for sure. But many experts tend to believe that the matter is not in the uterus, because it itself does not have special nervous sensitivity. The most likely is a psychogenic mechanism for the development of pain at birth. Fear, stress, uncertainty - all this triggers a complex process of activating the pain center in the cerebral cortex. Scientists call this process corticogenic pain.

If the cause of the pain is in the head, then it is quite possible to cope with it, according to supporters of non-drug pain relief during childbirth.

At the physiological level, during contractions, the opening of the round muscle - the cervix. This process is quite long, since the neck opens slowly, especially in the first phase of contractions.

Harbingers are irregular contractions that almost do not cause any pain and are more frightening. At this time, the final preparatory work in female body- the cervix becomes softer. This will make it easier for her to open. The hormones estrogen and oxytocin begin to be produced, since the contractility of the uterus depends on them. In the cells of the uterus itself, a very special type of protein accumulates - actomyosin, which will give the uterine tissue the opportunity to contract.

Cramping pains in the back, lower back, abdomen begin when the uterus is ready both at the physiological level and at the hormonal level. Childbirth begins. The morbidity of the process depends on many factors:

  • features of the current pregnancy;
  • the size of the fetus and the ratio with the size of the pelvis of the woman in labor;
  • individual perception of pain;
  • mood and psychological state women;
  • the number of births in the anamnesis - the more there are, the less likely it is to have sharp, intolerable pain.

Some techniques can reduce pain, but, of course, they do not completely relieve a woman from them.

To facilitate childbirth, it is important for the expectant mother to know exactly how the pain background of labor contractions develops and changes and what needs to be done at each of these stages.

How do sensations change?

The physiological stages of the development of contractions imply their increase and intensification. The first contractions are called latent, or hidden. They really manage to be detected not immediately and not by everyone. The fight is repeated with a frequency of once every 30-40 minutes, lasts about 15-20 seconds. Gradually, the stomach turns to stone more and more often, and the duration of the contraction increases. This period lasts until the neck is opened by 3 centimeters. In primiparous, the period can take up to 10 hours, in multiparous - up to 6-8 hours. Toward the end of the period, the woman should come to the hospital.

The benchmark for hospitalization is the frequency of contractions every 10-15 minutes.

The cervix continues to open. Opening from 4 to 7 centimeters occurs already during the active phase of contractions. Each of them lasts for 40-50 seconds and repeats every 4-5 minutes. Many note that at this stage the stomach hurts quite a lot. The period lasts about 2-3 hours for women who have previously given birth, and up to 5 hours for women who give birth to their first child.

The most painful and strong contractions are called contractions. Sometimes they, according to women in labor, are more painful than the attempts themselves. Fortunately, they begin almost at the end of contractions and do not last long - from 15 to 40 minutes for multiparous and from half an hour to an hour and a half for primiparas. The uterus makes full disclosure up to 10-12 centimeters. After that, the expectant mother feels that she really wants to go to the toilet in a big way. This is the beginning of the straining period of childbirth, which will be led by the obstetrician.

In pain relief measures, women usually need the active phase of contractions and with transient uterine contractions that precede pushing. But some complain of pain in the first period - latent. And therefore, all methods of natural anesthesia for childbirth involve not only their use from the very beginning of labor, but also some preliminary preparation during pregnancy.

painless childbirth technique

At different times and different countries scientists and physiologists, reflexologists, neuropathologists, psychiatrists, gynecologists were puzzled by the issue of pain relief in childbirth. Shamans and healers of various ancient peoples were able to make it easier for a woman to do her natural task. So, in the Indian tribes of Peru, women gave birth without outside help at all, on their own, and after giving birth they immediately carried the baby to bathe in a waterfall or pond, since this had a certain religious significance. By the way, the mortality of mothers and children during childbirth among Peruvians was extremely low.

The amazing techniques of the clans of Indian tribes, ancient Egyptian priests, as well as the rich historical heritage of other peoples in different time interested in the best minds of mankind, the luminaries of medicine and natural sciences. They developed the key provisions of the methods of painless childbirth, which are now used by modern obstetricians in the preparation of women in labor. Here are some of the techniques.

According to Lamaz

The French obstetrician-gynecologist Fernand Lamaze in the 50s of the last century paid special attention to the issue of labor pain relief without any medications and medical interventions. The results of his many years of work formed the basis of the technique that he presented to all expectant mothers. To this day, Lamaze births are considered the gold standard for natural labor pain relief.

The method is based on increasing the woman's confidence in the easy delivery that awaits her, as well as on some auxiliary influences in the process of transition from one stage of childbirth to another. The Lamaz program includes a large list of practices - this is breathing exercises that teach proper breathing during contractions, and exercises for muscle relaxation and relaxation between contractions.

Also, a woman is taught meditation, concentration, the basics of analgesic massage and self-massage. Apply hot and cold compresses, aromatherapy for pain relief. The first to use the fitball (or as it was then called the “maternity ball”) was also suggested by Dr. Lamaz.

Also, the doctor, who took, it should be noted, the basis for the development of Soviet scientists and doctors, added the principle of partnership in childbirth to the methodology. He argues that the husband during childbirth should not be a passive observer, he has an important role to play. The task of a man is to help a woman give birth more easily. To do this, part of the poses and exercises, as well as massage techniques, should be mastered together with the pregnant woman by her husband, if it is planned to carry out childbirth according to Lamaz.

The main postulates of the method are the assertion that labor pain is not mandatory, and therefore it can be completely avoided if the coherence of the cortical and subcortical parts of the cerebral cortex is coordinated. Every woman has such power, Lamaze believed. It is given to her by nature, you just need to activate certain processes in the brain.

How more woman learns in advance about the process of childbirth, the easier it will be for her to apply the technique in practice, the French doctor believed. He was one of the first to start large-scale educational work among pregnant women. According to his methodology, 99% of home births worldwide are performed.

The basic rules of this method are as follows.

  • Do not stimulate labor and do not try to speed it up, the natural onset of labor guarantees an easier flow of all other stages.
  • Do not lie down or sit still during pregnancy. The more a woman moves and trains her muscles, the easier it will be for her to endure contractions and attempts. Especially useful can be special yoga for expectant mothers, which includes poses and exercises to train the pelvic muscles, abs, buttocks and back.
  • Do not neglect the help of loved ones. A person whom a woman in labor trusts can significantly alleviate her condition with one presence, not to mention help in taking comfortable positions and massaging the sacral zone.
  • Don't resort to taking painkillers.
  • Avoid childbirth on your back. This position is only suitable for the obstetrician who delivers. In the supine position, the pain of a woman intensifies many times over. Master the technique of vertical delivery and enlist the support of the doctor who will attend the birth.

Method of Platonov, Velvovsky, Bekhterev and Lurie

This method is based on a hypnosuggestive effect on a woman in advance of the onset of labor, as well as on the effect of a word during childbirth. The method was developed in the 1920s by a group of Soviet scientists led by K. Platonov, and later supplemented by Lurie.

Since the 30s of the last century in the USSR, the method has been used everywhere - in each antenatal clinic with pregnant women, an appropriate preliminary conversation was held - setting for childbirth. The psychoprophylactic method of labor pain relief was approved by the Pope as a "humane gift to mankind."

There is evidence that the French doctor Lamaz, mentioned above, fell in love with the works of Soviet scientists so much that he actually copied key statements from them. It should be noted that childbirth under hypnosis was a great success in the USSR - more than 5,000 women with high hypnosis agreed to try the method on themselves and did not regret it.

Today, practicing psychotherapists-hypnologists also work according to the "Childbirth without fear and pain" technique. But in women's consultations there are no such classes. A woman who wants to have a positive attitude towards natural and easy childbirth should start visiting a hypnologist well in advance, a few months before the birth.

Most likely, you will have to pay for hypnosis sessions, because this type of assistance to women in labor is not included in the compulsory health insurance program today.

How it works? Preliminary verbal setting, training a woman in deep relaxation does not allow the cerebral cortex to become overexcited with the onset of labor. As a result, there is no pain, there are small painful sensations that are much easier to endure.

If training in certain methods is not included in the plans future mother, then a few will help her useful tips to help reduce the pain of childbirth.

Breathing according to Kobas

Dr. Alexander Kobas created a whole breathing system in childbirth. He based his method on the works of Soviet scientists, as well as Dr. Lamaz. In fact, he systematized all the data on the breathing of the woman in labor. The principle of action is a natural decrease in pain when the body is saturated with oxygen. Deep and slow or fast and short breathing gives the brain a large amount of oxygen, which stimulates the production of endorphins. These hormones have a noticeable analgesic effect.

At the beginning of labor, when contractions have just begun, Kobas recommends breathing deeply and measuredly, slowly. The exhalation should always be longer than the inhalation. This will saturate the body with oxygen, will contribute to relaxation and prevention of fetal hypoxia.

When the contractions go into the active stage, become more protracted, you need to be able to “breathe” the spasm using short exhalations (like extinguishing a candle, like a locomotive puffs, like a dog breathes). Between contractions, the first type of breathing is recommended - deep and relaxing.

When trying and in the previous final stage of the longest contractions, it is recommended to use dog-like breathing, and to push - with a breath hold after a deep breath.


Circular, arched movements in the sacrum can be done by the woman herself with both hands, or maybe by a partner if the birth is joint. Massage the area of ​​the so-called "Michaelis rhombus". You can make any movements from the center of an imaginary rhombus in all directions and lines to the sides.

Good day and good mood to everyone reading my blog! One of the most significant events in a woman's life is the birth of her child. Holiday, birthday! Cake, candles, gifts. But, unfortunately, many women remember their births not at all as a holiday, but as "horror, nightmare, endless torture." What does it depend on, and how to survive childbirth and contractions without getting psychologically traumatized for life?

Knowledge is power!

Despite the fact that childbirth seems to be a natural and programmed process by nature, knowing how it goes makes these few hours very easy.

For example, my friend Alena was sincerely sure that all the time of childbirth, a woman exclusively yells and pushes. She had no idea about contractions, how they grow, how long they last, and about other “little things”. At the same time, she was terribly afraid of giving birth (well, that's right, with such ideas!) And did not want to learn anything on this topic. As a result, she was confused during childbirth, did not obey the midwife, yelled, clamped down and completely exhausted both herself and the child. With good introductory received a very difficult birth.

My advice to you: necessarily already at the beginning of pregnancy, and preferably before it (while prolactin has not yet gnawed a painted cradle out of your brain, and it is able to critically perceive and memorize information), study the theoretical material. Go to classes, watch videos, read books. From books I can advise William and Martha Sears "Expecting a Baby" and Grantley Dick-Reid "Childbirth Without Fear".

Breath and movement

Whatever source of information you choose, the main focus will be on teaching proper breathing and postures during childbirth. These are the two most effective ways to make contractions easier to bear.

The main task of a woman during contractions is to relax as much as possible. The stronger we clamp, the worse, longer and more painful the cervix will open. Maximum relaxation, relaxed mouth, free breathing - these are the main components of childbirth without pain.

Special courses

If you have never practiced breathing before pregnancy - both separately and during yoga or stretching, be sure to go to a class where you will be taught how to control your breathing. It can be specialized courses for pregnant women, or just training, for example, in body-oriented therapy.

home practice

In addition to special activities, lead yourself to daily breathing rituals. It is easiest to organize them in bed in the morning and evening. Set yourself the task of practicing a certain type of breathing and try to complete it. For example:

  • Inhale for 3 counts through your nose, exhale for 4 counts through your mouth. After 20 cycles, lengthen the breath - inhale through the nose for 5 counts, exhale through the mouth for 7 counts. After another 10 cycles, start breathing very often - inhale through your nose for 1 count, exhale through your mouth for 1 count.
  • Change in the depth and duration of breathing. We start with deep and frequent breaths and exhalations, you can imagine at this time the surf, how the waves powerfully and quickly roll onto the shore. After a minute, we switch to deep and slow inhalations and exhalations - this breathing is like ocean waves. Then for another minute we breathe "dog" - very frequent shallow breathing. After that, almost by itself, very slow shallow breathing occurs - a feeling as if you are hardly breathing.

  • During any comfortable breathing, consciously relax individual parts of the body. We lie down and dictate to ourselves "forehead ... nasolabial folds ... lips ... tongue ... lower jaw ... neck ... shoulders ..." and so on up to the toes. We try to feel and relax exactly what we pay attention to.
  • We learn to sing. We take a deep breath, and as we exhale, we sing the sound “aaa” or “mmm”. At the same time, both the lips and the throat should be relaxed. Such singing helps well with strong contractions. The main thing is not to break into a scream, but to sing relaxed and deep.
  • Laughter is a surprisingly good way to relax. Although, if you understand the mechanics of the process, then laughter is a deep breath and a few sharp exhalations. Learn to laugh and relax!

Learning to move

And again - if you were engaged in dancing before pregnancy, any activity that teaches you to feel and control your body, then you already have a great bonus. Listen to your body and move as it tells you to.

If there is no such practice, then you should find out how you can and should move in childbirth.

"Kitty". Starting position - support on the knees and palms. Controlling your breath, swing your hips to the right and left, then bend your lower back up and down. In childbirth, many want to lean not on their palms, but on their elbows or forehead, stretching their arms in front of them. Helps to relax the stomach, promotes better disclosure. Another option is to stand on the floor and rest your elbows on the window sill / bedside table / headboard, while swinging your hips.

Fitball jumping. If there is a large ball in the delivery room, it can greatly facilitate the flow of contractions. We sit down on it fully, the heels rest on the floor. During the fight, we actively spring, or sway from side to side, watching our breath, then we rest. You can rest by leaning back or forward, leaning your hands on the bed.

Pain relieved for some women squat in a fight with wide apart knees. At the same time, you need to hold on to the edge of the bed with your hands (that is, do not lift your hands high). Ideally, the husband or midwife should hold their back.

What other ways are there to relieve pain?

There are actually a lot of different options. Which one is right for you is unknown. But the more ways you know, the more likely it is that the right way will be found.

  • If the fear of childbirth is strong, attitudes about death, injuries, intolerance of the process have settled in the head, then it is best to go for a consultation with a psychologist. good psychologist It will help to identify the causes of fears, work them out and tune in a positive way.
  • If you are very afraid of pain and eat negative experience inappropriate behavior in severe pain, it may be best to pay for an epidural in advance.
  • If you believe in God, pray. I have personally experienced this powerful prayer. I share with you dear girls, and then in the comments I expect stories from you whether she helped you or not.

If it is unbearable to endure the long pangs of childbirth, let the woman in labor turn in the direction where the sun is in the sky, and if it is night, then the moon. She needs to cross herself three times and say this:
Oh my God,
I stand, slave (name), in front of you.
Before me are two thrones,
On the thrones of those, Jesus and the Mother of God sit,
They look at my tears.
Holy Mother of God
Holding golden keys
she opens meat caskets,
releases from the womb:
from my flesh, from hot blood.
Lord, take away the aches,
pinches, pain inside!
How the Mother of God gave birth without torment, without pain,
open the gates of bone.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  • Massage (self-massage) of the lower back and sacrum helps most women.
  • You can think of - a husband, mother, sister, close friend.

Watch the video, they describe in detail about breathing, postures, and massage:

I wish all pregnant women an easy delivery, healthy babies and good nights!
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