Which of the modern methods of hair extension is better to choose? Beauty is not at the expense of health: the safest hair extensions

Thanks to innovative technologies, any woman can become the owner of long and attractive hair in just a couple of hours. Extension methods allow you to create unique hairstyles and images. Grow long curls, of course, it is possible in a natural way, but it will take more than one year, but I want to be irresistible here and now. In the constant pursuit of fashion trends and beauty, many girls do not even think about whether hair extensions are harmful and how this procedure can affect the condition of their hair and overall health in general.

The effect of the procedure on your hair

Before you grow hair, you need to study the information about this procedure. It should be noted right away that there are several types of extensions, but they all belong to hot or cold technology. Hot technology is considered more harmful, it greatly harms natural curls.. This is due to the fact that the strands are attached to the hair with a special molten resin. But this technology has an undeniable advantage, since hair lengthened in this way looks more natural and attractive.

With the cold method, there is no thermal effect on the hair at all, the strands are attached using a special fastening system. With this method, the appearance of the hair is not so beautiful and natural, but the harm from the procedure is much less. It must be remembered that absolutely any lengthening, even using the most innovative methods, is always stressful for the hair. The hairs can not withstand the extra weight and begin to fall out in bunches. Very often this leads to the fact that their own strands become sparse and split.


The hair extension procedure is considered conditionally harmful, so there are certain contraindications. The following states are the restrictions:

  • profuse hair loss;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • some chronic diseases, especially kidney and liver;
  • intolerance to the components that are used for building;
  • prone to allergic reactions.

It should be borne in mind that extended curls will constantly act on the roots. natural hair. Thereby your own hair will become dull, unhealthy and the ends will be severely split.


The extension procedure has several advantages that make it popular among women of different ages:

  • In just a few hours, a woman gets luxurious long hair that one can only dream of. Long years of waiting are usually required to grow natural curls.
  • The fair sex become self-confident, because long and thick hair gives a special charm and attractiveness.
  • According to statistics, men are more likely to turn their attention to ladies with long hair, so there will be no shortage of attention from the opposite sex.

Long curls have always been considered fashionable, and even now modern women sometimes they want to radically change their style. This is where extension can help.

The psychological side can also be attributed to the advantages. Women easily get out of a protracted depression by changing their image.


There are a lot of shortcomings in the extension procedure, therefore, before deciding to change the image in this way, you need to think carefully. The disadvantages include the following factors:

  • After certain types of extensions, women should not visit the sauna and bath, as well as swim in the pool, the sea and other bodies of water.
  • All extension methods are quite expensive, while we must not forget that for an attractive appearance hair, once a month it is necessary to do a special correction, and this is also a pleasure not at all cheap.
  • Some women, after building up, begin to understand that extra accessories on their heads are completely inconvenient and unpleasant.
  • Overgrown curls require careful care, you can only wash your hair in an upright position.

In addition, many women, in an attempt to save money, choose inexpensive extensions that look completely unsightly. If you want to change your hairstyle. It is better to resort to hardware extension, but the prices for these services are very high.

Before visiting the salon, it is advisable to ask around for reviews from women who have already done hair extensions.

How harmful is tape extension

AT last years more and more women are resorting to the procedure of tape hair extensions. This technique is quite fast and completely painless, in addition, it is distinguished by relative safety for natural curls. However, do not forget that if the state of your strands leaves much to be desired, then it is better to forget about building up.

A good master usually first looks at the condition of the client's hair and determines whether the procedure can be carried out without harm to natural strands, or it is better to refuse it. Thinning hair may not be able to take extra strands and break off after a few days. Tape extension technology limits the use of masks and balms, in addition, such curls do not allow you to make very complex hairstyles.

Very often after hair extensions you have to do short haircut, since the strands are badly damaged.

How harmful is capsular extension

No less popular is the capsular extension technology, which, despite its prevalence, is considered very harmful. The harm is explained by the fact that the strands are attached using special capsules, which are preheated to high temperatures. The capsule method allows you to make a more natural hair, which differs not only in length, but also in density. However, when attaching the capsules, one's own hair deteriorates too much.

According to the reviews of girls who decided to grow their hair using the capsule method, after this method, curls can be curled, even complex hairstyles can be done, but this method of lengthening curls is completely unsuitable if there is a tendency to allergies. In addition, some women notice that often when wearing such curls, they are knocked out of the total mass of hair. Due to which a sloppy look is formed on the head. The capsule method requires adjustment at least once a month, which means that every month the hair is subjected to another stress.

If you are going to do a capsule extension in the salon, you need to prepare to sit still for 3-4 hours. That is how much time, on average, it takes the master to fix the curls. This procedure is very expensive, so it may not be affordable for everyone..

Before deciding on a capsular extension, you need to carefully study all the advantages and disadvantages of this procedure.

Rules for the care of hair extensions

So that after building up the strands there is no regret, you must carefully monitor your hair:

  • Before washing the hair, the strands are carefully untangled by hand or using a special comb, this should be done carefully and slowly.
  • In order not to spoil the capsules, you should use a comb with rounded ends..
  • For a good head wash, you need to buy a special shampoo that was designed specifically for such hair.
  • After washing, you should not apply balms and masks, because because of them the hair will look stuck together and untidy.
  • You can wash your hair only in an upright position under the shower;
  • Hair is not combed until completely dry, if you neglect this rule, you can tear out curls from your hair.
  • If varnish or foam is used for styling, then they are applied from the middle of the head.
  • In order not to deform the capsules when laying with a curling iron, it is necessary to retreat at least 10 cm from the roots.

High-quality hair extensions are sometimes difficult to distinguish from natural strands. Due to such an innovative solution, each representative of the fair sex can try on long hair without spending many years trying to keep it in the industry. But do not forget that this procedure is harmful to your hair.

Hi all! My name is Ekaterina, a hairdresser with 10 years of experience and here we will analyze what hair extensions are the best?!

In general, there are several major types of extensions and I would prefer capsular or Japanese, but there is one BUT. There is hair that is more suitable for tape, and there is hair on which capsule will hold perfectly and safely! Let's look at the main points and choose with you the best extension just for you!

Which hair extension is best?

Minuses: be careful when choosing this type of fastening strands. In order not to spoil your hair, give the process of hair removal or correction to a professional and hair extension master with extensive experience, otherwise the "consequences of extensions" will be deplorable! After all, "safety" depends on the removal of the strand!

Personally, I choose this extension when I know for sure that I want to wear it for a long time, I won’t take it off in a month, I will take care of the hair extensions and I have good master who will carefully remove them!

Japanese- this is a rather rare type of extension, but in it great amount pluses!

one). Safety- Yes! because the fastening of the strand goes without the use of glue or keratin, see the special section for more details.

2). Wear time- 2-3 months. Longer than tape, but no longer than capsule.

3). Hairstyles - any, but you need to adapt to high tails - sometimes the rings are a little more noticeable than just a cossular!

four). Paint- you can also, as a capsule.

5). Care - as well as capsule!

There is also the Aurican - we will not particularly consider it, it is sewing hair on a tress onto a small pigtail that is braided on your head. To be honest, for more than 2 weeks such a "fastening" does not withstand, the pigtail unwinds and the hair is removed. It will fit the number on "one way out".

What is the best hair extension?

As you understand, for each girl the choice is individual! If after this article you still doubt the choice, then dial me by phone and I will tell you everything and advise best hair extensions! Because on myself I tried all types of extensions several times, I do a lot of sports, go to the pool and even in these conditions I can tell "all the pros" and "inconveniences".

My personal number is +79688468139 (Whats App / Vober ​​/ SMS). If you suddenly did not get through to me, write to me in any way. I'll be happy to answer your questions when I get free -))

Good luck to all girls! Here is my personal extension!

Girls at all times have dreamed of long silky hair, but not everyone is lucky enough to be born with a healthy head of hair that adds more attractiveness to the image. Previously, it took time and a lot of money to improve the condition of curls, but after many years, more were invented. fast way get the strands you want. Extension is a unique procedure that allows you to quickly add volume to your hair and increase the length, but girls who do not trust the latest technologies, is often considered a method of building up harmful. Women during pregnancy think especially seriously, because it is important for them to ensure the safety of the baby too.

However, it is not necessary to be pregnant to think about which of the existing options for the procedure is the most harmless. Millions of ordinary girls who want to become owners beautiful curls, they think about whether there is a safe hair extension that does not cause any harm to the hair and preserves the state of the strands before the procedure.

A harmless way to increase the length of curls, refuting rumors that extensions harm natural hair, does exist, as evidenced by numerous reviews from both ordinary salon visitors and celebrities.

What type of extension is safe?

It is rather difficult to single out the safest method from modern technologies, because new hair care products offer more and more modern and harmless treatment options every year. The first thing that girls are guided by when choosing a method of building up is the reviews of people who have tried a certain method. In this regard, hot technology is leading, based on fixing donor hair with keratin capsules and special forceps.

The procedure takes about three hours hot way has a minimal effect on the natural hair, practically does not harm the structure. Capsules are not felt on the hair, do not bring discomfort when worn.

Capsular increase in the length of the strands is the safest, as well as quite strong and long-lasting to wear. You can walk with attractive long hair for a long time - about five months

In most cases, reviews of capsular building are positive.

But the existing types of extensions are not limited to the hot method. The cold method, which is characterized by a shorter duration of the procedure, is popular. A harmless fascination with the length of the strands can be performed in a tape way, while the client will save a decent amount of money, the procedure time will be reduced to an hour.

The tape method allows you to firmly attach artificial hair to natural hair, the use of extensions does not harm even girls who decide to visit the salon during pregnancy. Strands are easy to wear, but the shelf life of donor hair is much lower than with the capsule procedure - no more than two months. Reviews speak about the effectiveness and safety of the process. Many describe technology as the most gentle way to increase the length of curls.

The minus of the cold method is in some restrictions when wearing hair. You can’t braid strands into certain hairstyles, and you need to take care of curls with great care, using professional shampoos and balms. However, both methods allow you to dye your hair in your preferred colors.

Extension for pregnant women

Even during pregnancy, girls do not want to deny themselves the desire to be attractive and visit beauty salons. But future mothers are now more attentive to many of the usual procedures, including extensions. There is an opinion that modern technologies, used during the procedure, have a negative impact on the developing fetus, so finding the safest means to increase the length of the strands becomes an important task.

However, building up during pregnancy is quite realistic and not at all harmful. On the net you can find many photos of happy pregnant girls who have tried the procedure. Most leave positive reviews. Professionals say that visiting a beauty salon does not harm the development of the child, the formation of body parts and internal organs.

During pregnancy, hair extensions are available in any trimester except the first. It is allowed to choose the most interesting way for a woman:

  • hot;
  • cold.

The tape procedure can be performed even at the initial stage of a child's development. When performing an increase in the length of the curls by the hot method, the above recommendation should be followed.

The extension is harmless both for the structure of the hair of the pregnant woman and for the well-being and health of the unborn baby, so it is not necessary for a modern mother to refuse to visit beauty salons.

Cold technology is often chosen during pregnancy. The process proceeds relatively quickly, the tapes on the head are not felt, do not cause unpleasant situations. The method is famous for its effective fastening artificial hair, accidentally combing out the tapes is almost impossible. The master in the salon will simply perform the correction or remove the strands, the procedure will take quite a bit of time. Women with brittle strands are contraindicated in increasing the length of curls using any technology.

Hair care

In order for the extended strands to last for a long time, it is important to know a few basic rules for caring for curls:

  • Shampooing should take place in an upright position. Leaning forward, washing off the shampoo, is strictly prohibited.
  • Follow the method of wiping your hair, you should gently blot the strands.
  • If balms or masks are used, the product is evenly distributed without affecting the root zone.
  • You need to comb your hair with a regular brush, preferably a wooden one.
  • You can not sleep or play sports with loose hair, it is better to braid the strands into a braid. The method will help to avoid tangling curls.

Remember, the more carefully the girl treats the extended hair, the longer the shine and silkiness of the strands will last. After a certain period, which is usually indicated by the master in the salon, it is necessary to come to the removal or correction procedure.

Getting to know everyone existing species increasing the length of the hair, we can conclude which technology is better and safer. Modern methods allow you to grow hair in a short time and for a long time, guaranteeing maximum safety.

It is allowed to go to the procedure and pregnant women. Rave customer reviews confirm the effectiveness and safety of various methods.

All large quantity women, dreaming of having long, chic curls, turn to hair extensions. The modern beauty industry does not stand still, it develops and every year offers an increasing number of techniques that contribute to the artificial lengthening of strands. Today, there are more than a dozen such methods. A variety of reviews, expert advice, recommendations from girlfriends - all this is dizzying and makes the choice quite difficult. To figure out which hair extension is better, you need to have information and know the strengths and weaknesses of the available methods. This will allow you to choose the best way.

The hot method of hair extensions can be said to be traumatic: your “native” curls have no chance of remaining unburnt

Hot hair extension

A very popular hair extension method today is hot. It involves attaching artificial strands to natural ones using hot resin. There are two varieties of this technique, each of which can be chosen according to their pros and cons.

Italian technology

When hair extensions Italian technology resin and special clamps are used, which are heated to a high temperature. At the place where the strands are attached, hot clamps form small capsules.


  • capsules do not interfere with combing;
  • strands are not tangled;
  • validity period - six months.


  • the high temperature that is applied to the attachment points burns the natural hair, so that their condition worsens after any hot extension procedure;
  • you can not visit hot countries, baths and saunas, where the capsules can melt from high temperatures, as a result of which the extended strands will fall out;
  • the use of thermal hair styling tools is limited: hair dryer, ironing, curling iron, tongs - for the reason indicated above.

This method is better to choose for those who want to provide their curls with a long-lasting effect of long hair and do not abuse going to the bathhouse and using a hair dryer.

Important advice from the editor!

If you want to improve the condition of your hair, you should pay special attention to the shampoos you use. A frightening figure - in 97% of shampoos of famous brands there are substances that poison our body. The main components, because of which all the troubles on the labels are indicated as sodium lauryl sulfate, sodium laureth sulfate, coco sulfate. These chemicals destroy the structure of the curls, the hair becomes brittle, loses elasticity and strength, and the color fades. But the worst thing is that this muck gets into the liver, heart, lungs, accumulates in the organs and can cause cancer. We advise you to refrain from using products containing these substances. Recently, the experts of our editorial staff conducted an analysis of sulfate-free shampoos, where the first place was taken by funds from the company Mulsan Сosmetic. The only manufacturer completely natural cosmetics. All products are manufactured under strict quality control and certification systems. We recommend visiting the official online store mulsan.ru. If you doubt the naturalness of your cosmetics, check the expiration date, it should not exceed one year of storage.

English technology

To attach artificial strands to natural ones with English hair extension technology, resin and glue gun. Attachment usually occurs in the back of the head by means of a small ball.


  • this method is better than the Italian one in that the temperature for processing the strands is lower, which means that the procedure as a whole is more gentle;
  • in the region of the back of the head, the attachment points are not visible at all, since they are covered by the main mop of hair.


  • very often the strands fall out of the ball: the attachment points according to English technology are rather unreliable;
  • exposure to high temperatures is still undesirable for the health of the scalp and the curls themselves;
  • saunas, baths, hot beaches are prohibited; hair dryers, irons and curling irons - too;
  • the glue gun involves the use of glue - a synthetic compound: it is not known what effect it will have on natural strands.

Which of the hot hair extension methods is best is up to you. However, today masters tend to avoid these technologies due to serious damage to natural hair under the influence of high temperatures. Most hairdressers will tell you that the best thing is to choose a cold extension method. At least the hair will stay intact.

Cold hair extensions are safer but less durable

Cold hair extension

When choosing which type of strand lengthening is better, pay special attention to the cold method. Its main advantage is that there is no harmful effects on the structure of natural hair does not appear (besides the additional heaviness, of course). There are also several technologies within cold extension.


The tape extension method involves the use of a special tape, along which artificial strands are fixed at an equal distance from each other. The tape is attached at the very roots of the hair with special glue.


  • quickly (the procedure will not take you much time: no more than an hour);
  • inexpensive;
  • the border between extension and natural curls is completely invisible;
  • natural strands are not damaged during extension.


  • the adhesive on which the tape is attached can cause an allergy to the scalp or damage the roots, as it is inherently a chemical compound developed in a laboratory and does not differ in natural composition.

A very convenient and not at all harmful to hair extension method, which is much better than those that involve attaching artificial strands directly to natural ones. This is extra weight, which gives a serious load on the hair and roots. This is exactly what happens in the remaining cold extension techniques.


The strands are attached to each other with a special glue, which forms microcapsules at the junction.


  • the glue is light and does not weigh down the hair;
  • damage to natural strands is minimal.


  • glue used in Spanish hair extension technology - always light color: respectively, the capsules he forms on the strands are also light: this does not give brunettes and brown-haired women the opportunity to use this type of procedure;
  • whatever glue is used to perform this procedure, it is always a chemical mixture, the effect of which on the scalp and the curls themselves is unpredictable.

metal beads

This type of extension involves the use of metal capsules, which the master selects according to the client's hair color.


  • natural strands do not come into contact with any chemicals and are not exposed to high temperatures, which means they are not damaged;
  • capsules are ideally matched to the original pigment of natural hair, so they are invisible.


  • the metal that is used in this method of hair lengthening, no matter how light it may be, weighs down the natural strands quite strongly. The result - after the metal beads, the hair often begins to fall out profusely.

Metal beads are not used as often as Spanish technology and tape extension, as this requires sufficient skill and experience from the master.

If you have been dreaming of long hair and firmly decided to increase them, choose a method based on the current state of the hair

We draw conclusions: which hair extension is better

So, which of the modern methods of hair extension is the best? It all depends on your desires: what exactly do you expect from this procedure?

  1. Don't want your scalp and natural curls to suffer from chemical glue? - Choose metal beads.
  2. Are you afraid of weighting and, as a result, abundant loss of precious curls? - Spanish cold technology created just for you.
  3. Dreaming of a quick and inexpensive procedure? - - your choice.
  4. Do you need, but are you afraid to burn your hair? - Refer to the English method.
  5. Are you focused on long-term results? - Ask for Italian hair extensions.

In the question of which hair extension is better, there can be no direct and unambiguous answer. Much depends on the initial state of the curls and the health of the client as a whole. For some strands the best option will become a tape method, for others - a capsule method. Consult with the master: the best type of hair extension will be the one that will preserve their integrity as much as possible. Remember: in this matter, not only external efficiency is important, but above all - maintaining the health and integrity of the structure of natural curls.

Tel: 8 (495) 505-37-00 ... Appointment for building up from 10.00 to 22.00 hours ... Tel: 8 (901)546-30-30

Which hair extension method is the safest for your hair?

Are hair extensions dangerous or are there already safe methods of extension with which you can not worry about your hair? Many people ask these questions because they do not want to lose their hair after extensions. It really is. Not all methods of hair extensions are safe for your hair and it is worth the trouble to scroll through the Internet in search of the safest method of hair extensions in Moscow.

The safest way to get hair extensions , which will completely preserve hair after extension - is it a dream or a reality? The safest way of hair extensions has long been of interest to fans of hair extensions. After all, not only do you want not to lose your own strands, but if possible, you also want to grow them to a certain length.

Are hair extensions safe in principle? Yes, today there are already safe ways of hair extensions, which not only do not harm your own, but also help them grow along with extensions.

The new, safest way of hair extensions made the dream come true - the complete preservation of your hair after extensions. by the most in a safe way Hair extensions can be safely called the capsuleless Dream Hairs extension method, which is a great alternative to capsule methods.It excludes thermal and chemical effects, strong clamping and, as a result, rubbing in this place, of its strands.

Let us explain that all capsular extension technologies help to get rid of about t of their own, and especially from the ends. The tips fly around immediately and this is clearly visible after removing the capsules. because only capsule technology!!! so firmly bite into your delicate hairs during extensions, like granite, and it is simply impossible to remove them without losing your own.

And growing your own after the capsules will be even more problematic, because your own grow rather slowly. will not make you wait long. Therefore, if yours are not very thick, then the safest way for you will be only the new Dream Hairs extension technology without capsules, with which you will actually grow yours. After all, the most important thing for hair is the method of fastening.

Capsuleless saves all your hairs and after extension by this method you will definitely remain with your hair, as it was before the extension.With hair extensions safe method Dream Hairs uses the highest quality German siliconefor fastening strands, therefore, he does not spoil them, but preserves them completely.

Silicone attachment is soft, it gently envelops your hair. It is very important that silicone does not penetrate into their structure, like glue or keratin during capsular building, and therefore keeps them in the original form in which they were before building. We hope you understand the importance of keeping yours after extensions.

The safest hair extension method has undeniable advantages. The advantages of hair extensions by the safest method are very thorough and speak for themselves.:

  • The most reliable fastening: the strands do not fly off, none of them fray.
  • The strands are very light and create a feeling of complete comfort when wearing. You don't feel like your own at all.
  • A smooth transition between your own and extended strands.
  • Slavic hair is the best and does not tangle when worn, always looks flawless.
  • You can dye the roots and all along the length. They are designed for repeated staining.
  • Easily removed during correction, in just 10 minutes the entire volume is removed.
  • Fully preserved all theirafter removing the extensions.

Hair extensions in the safest way (method) - we are at your service and only with us you can grow your hair in the safest way using. He will simply charm you and you will become his constant and loyal fan for a long time.

If you want to grow high-quality hairs and comfortably walk with them until the correction itself, then never rush to choose the extension method. Do not immediately run to build up if you are not sure about the quality of technology or hair.

Look at the works of the masters, compare with our works in the albums. Luckily, we have something to show you. After all, our leading masters have been working in this field for more than 16 years. Read online reviews about various ways and compare them. Only through a thorough search can you find true quality and ensure complete wearing comfort. And remember, this is the most important thing.

If you want to see our hair and try on test strands, then come to our studio for a consultation. We are located next to the metro. It will take a little time, but you will be convinced that all of the above is not empty words, but a new, most flawless and high-quality extension technology with which you will definitely save your hair and even be able to grow it if you wish, to the length you need.

Come to us. We love you and are always waiting for you.