Make a Christmas tree costume for a girl from a dress. Do it yourself: original Christmas tree costume for the New Year. How to decorate Czechs for the new year with your own hands

To make your girl shine at the New Year's ball, learn how to sew a princess costume, sweets, Christmas trees simply and quickly. Accessories for these outfits (candy hairpin, crown) are also easy to create.

Do-it-yourself candy costume for the New Year

This outfit is very popular. After all, the child will be able to shine in all its glory in the original costume.

Such an outfit is created without much hassle. After all, as a basis you will take elegant dress baby, decorate it. Here's what you need to make a Candy Girl costume on New Year:
  • dress or sundress;
  • sweets in a shiny wrapper;
  • paper;
  • scissors;
  • thread with a needle;
  • cardboard;
  • glue;
  • tulle;
  • tape;
  • Styrofoam;
  • colored paper.
Do not be intimidated by the fact that quite a lot of materials are listed. After all, with the help of them you not only decorate the candy costume, but also create beads, a hat and a big candy.

To prevent the sweets from melting and staining the dress, take them out, you only need a wrapper. You will wrap pieces of paper in it to give the product a shape.

Make several of these blanks, decorate the girl's dress with them by sewing them on it.

Now you need to make a beautiful necklace. To do this, take a strong thread, thread a needle into it, collect candies on a thread.

There is very little left, and the candy costume for the new year will be ready. Make a hat for your child. To do this, cut a strip 10 cm wide from cardboard, and its length is 3 cm longer than the volume of the child's head.

Take a piece of tulle, fold it in half, put cardboard inside. Sew the fabric at the back, and tie it with a ribbon at the top to make a fluffy hat.

If you have very thin tulle, you can fold it in half again so that the cardboard does not show through too much.

To make it even clearer to others what costume the girl is wearing for the New Year, make a big candy and give it to her hand. To do this, cut a rectangle from the foam, if this material is thin, then fasten the two rectangles with adhesive tape.

Place this blank on a sheet of colored paper, wrap it to give it a rectangle shape. Fix in this position using tape.

Put the blank on the tulle, wrap it with a thin ribbon, tie the edges on both sides.

Give this attribute to a child, now you can shine at the New Year's ball. If you want to learn how to make a different type of candy costume for the New Year, then check out the second tutorial.


  • pink shiny fabric;
  • satin ribbons two colors;
  • organza;
  • scissors;
  • beads;
  • threads;
  • needle.
From shiny fabric Cut out a rectangle large enough to fold in half to form the base of the girl's dress. Sew ribbons of two colors, alternating them. Turn the top and bottom of the product. Also, the ribbons need to be sewn on top, here they will become ties.

From organza or tulle, cut a rectangular strip of fabric that is 2 or 1.5 times the volume of the dress. Gather this light fabric, sew it to the bottom of the product. A thinner stripe will decorate upwards. It also needs to be laid with folds, then sewn into place.

You can decorate the candy dress with beads, but sew them on firmly so that they do not come off.

If you want your child to have a shiny candy in their hands, then check out the following master class. Such an accessory can also be made for the Christmas tree to decorate it.

How to make candy from satin ribbon?

The candy costume for the New Year can be supplemented with such colorful hairpins. They are made using the kanzashi technique. To make candy-shaped hairpins, take:
  • four pieces of satin ribbon 5 cm wide, 8 cm long;
  • satin ribbon 6 mm wide;
  • rapeseed ribbon with a pattern - its width is 2.5 cm;
  • decorative ladybugs;
  • scissors;
  • glue gun;
  • two duck hairpins;
  • a candle;
  • some white braid;
  • synthetic winterizer or cotton wool;
  • needle and thread.

Take two pieces of satin ribbons measuring 5 by 8 cm. Carefully singe their ends on both sides over the flame of a burning candle.

Lay two blanks side by side, glue their side edges together with a gun.

Cover the seam with tape with a pattern of ladybugs or other characters that match in color.

The resulting workpiece must be rolled up with a tube, fixed in this position with a hot gun.

On one side, step back 2 cm, make a line parallel to the edge with a thread and a needle. Then tighten the thread and fix it.

Give the candy volume by stuffing it with any light filler. Now make a similar stitch from the other end, also tighten and fix the thread.

Take a thin satin ribbon and cut two strips from it. First, fold each into a loop with protruding ends, then turn this blank into a bow.

Glue these decorative elements on one and the other side of the wrapper. Also, with a hot gun, fix here on ladybug or use other decorations that you have.

It remains to glue the hairpins on this beautiful candy, after which you can decorate the girl's hair with an accessory.

You can make other outfits for the child.

Christmas tree costume for the New Year - a master class with step by step photos

  1. If you already have a green jacket, all that remains is to make a skirt. She will need tulle. Cut three strips of this material 2 times as wide as the girl's hips.
  2. Put the middle one on the largest strip. Then place a small one on this one. Match all the details so that they converge at the waist.
  3. Sew a satin ribbon here on the inside Green colour so that there is room on the side for threading a wide elastic band. Put it here, fix it.
  4. Decorate the dress with satin ribbon bows.

If you don't have a ready-made base t-shirt, you can sew one or a dress yourself. To do this, it is enough to attach any child’s T-shirt or a simple girl’s dress to the newspaper, circle, cut it out.

But it will be necessary to try on the pattern for the girl so that adjustments can be made. Sew wide sleeves here, collect them with an elastic band. If you are using a T-shirt, then make a skirt using the method above. If you have a dress, then you can cut out frills of almost the same length and stitch them sequentially to the hem.

You can sew a Christmas tree costume for the New Year in another way.

The base is created from matter, as for the previous model, but the shuttlecocks must be pre-processed with an overlock or sewn to the edge with a braid. Then they will be fixed and will be lush. Using chalk or soap, mark the location of the flounces on the dress, sew them here, starting from the line of the bodice and ending with the edge of the hem. If you want a Christmas tree costume for a girl for the New Year to be elegant and lush, then we suggest creating the next one.

For this model take:
  • satin fabric;
  • beads;
  • green tulle and blue color;
  • wide rubber band.
Cut the tulle into squares with a side of 10 cm. Fold the adjacent sides and stitch them along the edge. Turn the workpiece out front side, you should get a kind of bagels. Subsequently, you will sew them at the corner to the base of the dress, which you will sew from green or blue satin.

From the same fabric, make the top for the Christmas tree by sewing the fabric in the form of a cap. To keep it well, sew an elastic band into the lower part, which should be slightly less than the volume of the girl's head. Sew tulle bags on this cap as well. Decorate the outfit with beads.

Taking tulle 3 times more than the volume of the child's hips, you can make beautiful frills out of it. Alternate them with gathered satin stripes. To keep these rectangles in shape and look neat, fold them in half first.

A light cape will complement the girl's outfit for the New Year.

If you need to quickly sew a suit, then use the existing t-shirt. It can be blue or green, or include these two shades or have a white color. If the upper part of the costume is light and plain, then sew green fabric bows to it. Gathered tulle of this color will become a skirt. Just do not forget about the petticoat, as this fabric is transparent.

The cape will perfectly complement the New Year's costume. Use a shiny green fabric for this part and for the skirt. It will be enough to decorate it with tinsel, sewing it along the edge and making various curls out of it.

It will be even clearer that this is a Christmas tree costume for the New Year if you sew a cap for the girl from the same material.

Instead, you can decorate the head of the child with a rim. First, wrap the base with green tape, gluing these two materials together. Then create from green and yellow satin ribbons, make flowers out of them, glue on the rim. If you want to finish the job as soon as possible, then make a small Christmas tree out of these elements, decorate it with a red bow and pompom and glue it to the center of the hoop.

You can decorate the Christmas tree costume different ways. For this, use pompoms sewn from fabric and stuffed with padding polyester or made from threads.

You can decorate the girl's outfit with tinsel, beads, just securely fix small elements.

Princess costume for the New Year

What girl doesn't want to be a princess? Make your baby an outfit of such a heroine. You can use an existing dress. See how to turn a skirt into such a fluffy one. In the following figure, arrows are drawn along which stitches are to be made. Dimensions are given in inches, but it is easy to convert them to centimeters if you know that there are 2.54 cm in one inch.

You can make the arrows of the length you need, keeping in mind that the central stitch is the longest, the other two, symmetrically located on either side of it, are a little shorter, and the side stitches are the shortest.

When you sew on a typewriter or on your hands, you need to pull the ends of the threads to pick them up. Firmly fix the threads, straighten the skirt, you get such a beauty.

Put on the girl a tulle petticoat down, and a crown on her head, which can be made from colored cardboard.

You will learn how to create it a little later, but for now, see how to sew a princess costume simply and quickly. Here's what you'll need to make the outfit:
  • the girl's old dress, which is just right for her;
  • 1 m of white cloth;
  • pink or blue matter - 2 m;
  • oblique inlay;
  • zipper or Velcro;
  • elastic;
  • auxiliary tools.
Fold the dress in half, place it on big paper or on a newspaper, outline, cut out this pattern.

Now attach this base to the fabric folded in half, fix with pins, cut along the contour, leaving allowances for the seams.

The back of the dress consists of two identical parts, cut out in a mirror image. Tuck the center edges of each, sew, sew a zipper here or sew on Velcro.

The front part is decorated with an insert, which is trimmed with braid.

Cut out two sleeves and cuffs for them.

To know how long the cuff is, measure the volume of the girl’s arm. The sleeves themselves should be more puffy so that they can be pulled up. But first, fold each cuff in half, and only then insert it between the halves of the gathered sleeve part.

Now each sleeve needs to be put into its armhole, slightly gathered and fixed with safety pins or basted with a thread and a needle.

If you have tails on the right and left of the skirt, then you need to cut them out and then sew them to the bodice.

To do christmas dress for the girl next, cut out the skirt. To do this, you need to cut a rectangle, the width of which is one and a half times the diameter of the hips. You will determine the length directly for the child. Stitch the sides and bottom of the skirt, gather it on top, sew it to the bodice.

Trim the neckline with bias tape.

This is such an elegant dress. If a girl likes Princess Sofia, you can please the child with the outfit of this heroine.

Below is a bodice pattern for a girl. If it suits your child, take it as a basis. If not, then try increasing or decreasing this pattern by adding or removing a little in the center.

Attach the paper base to the child, if everything suits you, then you can place it on the satin fabric and cut it out according to the markup, making allowances for the seams.

To make it more pleasant for a girl to wear a dress, cut out the details of the bodice not only from silk, but also from cotton fabric, which will become the lining.

For the sleeves, one satin fabric is enough, make them semicircular, turn and hem the bottom.

Make a petticoat from white satin, sewing a satin braid on the bottom lilac color. The same color will be needed for the skirt. It is necessary to cut 4 pear-shaped parts from this fabric.

From white satin fabric cut out a square with sides of 24 cm, draw a flower with four petals on it.

To prevent the edges of the appliqué from crumbling, process them over a candle flame. sew on decorative elements on skirt wedges. Sew sequins or beads along the edge of the skirt.

Open two semicircular frills, process them and decorate. Sew on both sides to the top of the skirt, and then sew the skirt to the bodice.

This is such a wonderful princess dress.

Now see how to make the main accessory for this outfit.

How to make a princess crown?

Here it will turn out to be such a light openwork. For this you need to take:
  • wide lace;
  • PVC glue;
  • brush;
  • scissors;
  • sequins;
  • acrylic paint;
  • round object.
Measure the diameter of the child's head. The same size you need to cut off the lace. Dissolve PVA glue in water in the same proportion, apply this mass with a brush on the lace, and if necessary, then paint acrylic paint. While the workpiece is not dry, wrap it around a round object, gluing the ends together. When it is completely dry, you can put the crown on the head of the little princess.

You can also make this accessory out of felt, complementing the outfit with more magic wand. To do this, take:

  • patches of felt 2-3 colors;
  • a needle and thread;
  • satin ribbons;
  • scissors;
  • bezel.
Wrap the bezel with a strip of felt, periodically wedging this material. From the fabric, cut out the blank of the crown itself so that you can fold it in half, which you will do. Secure it in this position by sewing shiny sequins here. From the remnants of the material, cut a few stars different sizes. Glue them together, attach satin ribbons and a stick.

You can make a crown even from improvised material. If you need a small one, then use the sleeve from toilet paper. The upper part must be cut in a zigzag pattern, attached to the lower thin elastic band. Decorate the blank with beads or sparkles, or you can glue pieces of colored paper here.

If you need a more spacious crown, then cut out a rectangle from cardboard, match and glue its edges. Decorate with this princess accessory.

If you know how to do, then twist them and glue them in such a sequence to get a chic crown with a snowflake.

In such a headdress, the princess will shine. You can put it on and the girl depicting on New Year's party snowflake or snow queen.

If you want to make a golden crown, then take:

  • cardboard of this color;
  • scissors;
  • sequins;
  • glue.
Cut the golden cardboard into 5 cm squares. Fold these blanks diagonally.

Put a little glue on the corner of the first workpiece, insert it partially into the second.

The third fragment will connect these two triangles. Thus create a crown according to the size of the child's head. If you do not have colored cardboard, then paint it with gold acrylic paint.

Now you know how to sew a costume for the New Year for a girl who will be a candy, a Christmas tree or a princess. If you want to learn how to make other costumes for the New Year for a girl, then do it.

See how to make a fairy costume for a girl:

Very soon you will learn how to make a New Year's diadem crown, repeat the following master class after the craftswoman:

We offer you an original Christmas tree costume made of ordinary cardboard. It is easy to make and at the same time very unusual. To bring such an idea to life, you only need a small set of tools and materials:

  • a sheet of thick cardboard (length not less than 1 m);
  • green paper (green gouache/acrylic);
  • Christmas decorations (toys, tinsel, garland);
  • scissors (clerical knife).
  • glue.

First of all, we cut out a piece of a certain length from a sheet of cardboard (it depends on the growth of the child from the neck to the knees). According to the template or "by eye" we draw on cardboard shaped silhouette Christmas trees. Separately, we cut out a small rectangular frame that can be put on over the head and attach it to the Christmas tree top.

Now you need to give the semi-finished Christmas tree the desired color. To do this, you can use sheets of colored paper that you stick on a cardboard base, or you can paint the cardboard with bright green paint - gouache or acrylic paint (we will use this option).

We fasten stationery pins to the cardboard base in a chaotic manner or creating a certain pattern. We hang small Christmas decorations on the pin ends, and tinsel on double-sided tape. It remains only to make an ornament for the head. You can also use a piece of cardboard for this: just cut out a five-pointed star from the leftover cardboard with a cutout for the face (you don’t even need to paint it in any color) and decorate it with multi-colored glue sparkles. The festive costume is ready.

Christmas tree costume made of tulle

This is a completely different version of the New Year's costume. To create it, you need fabric, but first things first. So, at hand you should have the following materials for work:

  • green satin (about 1.5 m);
  • light green tulle (length about 0.5 cm);
  • braid of gold color (about 0.5 m);
  • threads;
  • adhesive tape;
  • Super glue.

Let's start with a paper pattern of the back, but before that we take measurements from the child. We take the length so that the finished dress turns out to about the knee. When creating a pattern, do not forget about the line for turning the shuttlecock.

Let's start drawing a paper pattern for the front of the dress. Then on a separate sheet we draw a quarter of the shuttlecock. After that, we cut out all the main patterns from paper and apply it to the fabric (satin), folded in half. Then we fasten them with pins. With the help of a piece of chalk or a remnant, we draw the contour of the patterns on the wrong side of the fabric. We outline the center of the front and manually, using a thread, make wide stitches from the wrong side. This will be the line for stitching the shuttlecocks. In the same way, we mark the stitching line on the fabric pattern of the back.

We fold the details of the costume accordingly (edges inward) and grind the resulting seams with a sewing machine. We will definitely overlock the cuts. We sweep the seam on the back and iron it in different directions.

On paper, we draw a shuttlecock in its entirety, using the previously drawn quarter. Apply paper pattern to the cut of the satin (in one layer) and draw the contour of the shuttlecock on the fabric along the outer and inner diameters (do not forget to make allowances for the seams along the inner circumference). Similarly, we prepare two more shuttlecocks. We will get one shuttlecock at the top, one in the middle, and one more at the bottom.

We fold all the shuttlecocks with the right side inward, grind and overlock. We process the bottom of all shuttlecocks with adhesive tape, then we bend the edges inward and pass over them with a hot iron to fix them.

Let's start creating a tulle frill. Fold the fabric in half and cut off a strip 20 cm wide. With a machine, we make 2 lines on the fabric and at the same time tighten them to make the assembly. As a result, the length of the tulle assembly should be equal to the width of the bodice (we focus on its lower part).

Baste the tulle on the bottom of the bodice and go through the machine line. From above, along the edge of the bodice, we outline the finished shuttlecock and then also sew the edge on a typewriter. Let's move on to the bottom of the dress. We sew two more shuttlecocks along the previously marked edge and then fasten the tulle from above in the manner described above.

We decorate the finished costume with beautiful sequins that can be “planted” either with superglue or double-sided tape. Along the edge of all the shuttlecocks, we carefully fix the golden braid. The last detail remains - the headdress.

To create a cap, we need thick cardboard and a small piece of satin. We make a pattern of the required size and cut it out. Then we apply it to a piece of fabric, fix it with pins and cut out a pattern from the fabric.

Advice. When cutting any part of the costume, do not forget about the seam allowances, even very small ones, unless the goal is to create a sloppy costume, like.

Apply to cardboard pattern adhesive tape, cover with a fabric pattern on top and carefully fix all layers with an iron. We form a cone-shaped cap from the pattern. We take a small piece of tulle, cut off a strip about 8 cm wide. Using a typewriter, we make two lines, tighten them until the length of the tulle becomes equal to the circumference of the cap. Then we attach the tulle to the cap edge with superglue. And our Christmas tree costume is ready.

We have shared with you simple and effective ideas, which will help you create an incredible Christmas tree costume for the New Year for your child. We wish you creative inspiration!

Christmas tree costume for a girl: video

Good afternoon, friends, there is very little left before the New Year - a little less than a month. This time is quite enough to sew a magnificent dress, a Christmas tree costume for a girl with your own hands. This original festive costume consists of a dress and a kokoshnik sewn in the form of a Christmas tree, suitable for a girl aged 7-8 years. She can go to a matinee, a school carnival in such a beautiful outfit, or have fun celebrating the New Year at home. I have no doubt that she will love this carnival outfit! Let's see how to sew a Christmas tree dress for a girl for the new year.

Dress suit "Herringbone" from satin: a pattern for a girl 7-8 years old

For work you will need materials:

  • bright green satin material, size 350 x 150 cm;
  • contrasting color braid and garlands to decorate the outfit;
  • lightning - 15 cm;
  • a piece of cardboard - 40 × 40 cm;
  • bezel;
  • mesh or veil - 50 × 6 cm
  • universal glue.

Pattern schemes

Pattern before the dress "Herringbone"

Pattern of the back of the dress "Herringbone"

Sleeve pattern for the dress "Herringbone"

Pattern kokoshnik on the head in the form of a Christmas tree

Instructions for sewing a New Year's dress

1. Let's cut out the details of the dress from the atlas according to the schemes 1 - the front part, 2 - the back, 3 - the kokoshnik on the head and 4 - the sleeve. Cut out a kokoshnik from cardboard according to scheme 3.

2. Let's make tucks on the back details (in diagram 2, the tuck is shown in red).

3. Let's cut out the frills for the dress and sleeves from the remnants of the satin:

  • No. 1 - 240 x 10 cm;
  • #2 - 360 x 10;
  • No. 3 - 480 x 10 cm;
  • No. 4 -150 x 10 cm (2 pcs.).

For the gate we cut out a strip - 30 x 8 cm.

4. Let's make side, shoulder and sleeve seams. We sew the sleeves. Let's make a cut on the back (in diagram 2 it is shown in blue). Let's sew a zipper.

5. Fold the strip for the gate in half lengthwise, gather it to the size of the neckline and sew it.

6. Let's pick up the frills to the desired length (see diagrams 1, 2 and 4) and sew them.

7. In random order, sew braid and garlands on the dress.

8. Using glue, glue the details of the kokoshnik fabric on both sides of the cardboard part. Glue the resulting kokoshnik to the rim. Sew a veil along the edge (see photo and diagram 3, this place is shown in blue).

9. Glue the braid along the edges of the kokoshnik, and then arbitrarily. Decorate with garlands, beads, balls.

That's it, the New Year's costume dress "Herringbone" for the girl is ready, it turned out to be very elegant and will create a festive mood for your daughter, younger sister or granddaughter.

Video: how to sew a Christmas tree costume

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New Year is a joyful and fun time for noisy children's carnivals and matinees. And what New Year's party without a bright and magical New Year's costume? One of the most favorite outfits for a girl of any age is a colorful Christmas tree outfit, in which the baby looks cute and truly fabulous. We offer you several options for tailoring beautiful outfit Christmas trees with their own hands.

How to sew an outfit if there is a base - a dress

The easiest way to make a costume is to make an outfit based on beautiful dress in the form of a trapezoid, preferably green. It is enough to decorate it with bright elements: beads, rain, tulle, circles and foil stars. To fix the decor, it is recommended to use a needle and thread or glue so that during dances and games all the beauty does not end up on the floor. It is impossible to attach the decor to the dress with pins, as they are unsafe and can injure the child.

Christmas tree outfit: top and tutu skirt made of organza or tulle

Create a bright and solemn image Christmas tree can be used in costume fluffy tutu skirt Green colour. The top of the suit can be a white or red T-shirt, blouse. To sew an airy skirt, you do not need a sewing machine. We cut tulle or organza into strips of 20-30 cm, the length of the strips depends on how long the skirt you want to get, multiplied by two. We tie the strips to a wide elastic band, trying not to overtighten them, tightly to each other. The more stripes, the fuller the skirt will turn out. Sew a satin ribbon onto the elastic.

Christmas tree costume made of satin ribbons or organza tiers

The task of creating a Christmas tree costume is multi-tiered. A large number of gathered ribbons that are sewn onto a trapezoid dress helps to achieve this effect. The tighter the satin ribbons are sewn in a circle, the more magnificent the crown of the Christmas tree will turn out. Ribbons for a suit can be used in green, as well as alternated with satin or organza in white, red, blue. If satin is used to trim the dress, the ribbons must be folded in half and sewn on a typewriter to make the fabric look neat. Slices of organza are not processed. You need to sew ribbons on the base in a circle, observing an equal distance between rows. The upper tier should cover the lower one by a third.

After creating a lush crown, you can start decorating the costume with tinsel, bright balls, a string of beads, organza or satin bows. The outfit will be complemented by a crown, a hat or a headband with decor elements that were used to decorate the costume.

How to sew a fabric dress

For those who know how to sew, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200btailoring a forest beauty dress from green fabric (satin) according to a simple pattern is suitable. The highlight of the unusual outfit is a luminous garland with LED lights embroidered on the dress in the form of a zigzag.

  • Make a dress pattern, as a template, you can take a baby T-shirt to measure the neck and armholes.
  • Transfer the pattern to the fabric, leaving a few inches for seaming. Since the costume will use garlands attached from the wrong side, you need to sew two dresses.

  • Starting sewing the second dress, you need to sew only the side seam. The upper part of the dress must be turned inside out and draw diagonal lines at an equal distance, starting from the shoulder seam.
  • The places where the bulbs will be located must be marked, pierced with the base of the bulb and folded over the “antennae” and connected with wire, secured with glue.

  • Both dresses are sewn at the neckline and armhole. To the bottom of the outfit, on the wrong side, you need to sew a wire rolled into a circle so that the bottom of the dress has the shape of a cone. Decorate original outfit you can use tinsel, beads, Christmas balls and other Christmas decorations.

Christmas tree dress accessories

To make the image look complete, you need to complement the costume with a beautiful headdress. It can be a kanzashi herringbone headband, a cardboard crown decorated with sequins, a hat with organza decor, satin ribbons, sequin.

As you can see, sewing a shiny and elegant Christmas tree costume for your beloved daughter is not difficult at all, just a little time, inspiration and a good mood are enough.

How to sew a Christmas tree costume for a girl for the new year: 4 ideas step by step master class, video.

How to sew a Christmas tree costume for a girl for the New Year: a master class

Today we are pleased to present you another master class of the competition " New Year's masquerade» website «Rodnaya Path» and magazine

The Christmas tree costume is one of traditional costumes girls at the New Year's party or masquerade. Irina Brusyantseva shared the idea of ​​making a Christmas tree costume for a girl. Irina made this costume last year for her youngest daughter. At the New Year's party, the girl danced the Christmas tree dance.

Materials and tools for making a Christmas tree costume

You will need to make a Christmas tree costume:

  • an old sundress or sleeveless dress, it is better that it be in the shape of a trapezoid;
  • fabric of any green color (it’s good if your fabric is with some kind of ornament or pattern, so the Christmas tree looks more interesting and elegant);
  • tinsel and plastic Christmas decorations for decoration;
  • green cardboard for a headdress;
  • sewing supplies and a glue gun.

How to sew a Christmas tree costume: a step by step description

Step 1. Cut the green fabric into strips. The narrower the stripes are, the more frills will turn out (that is, the tiers of the Christmas tree). The length of the strips should be such that you can wrap the sundress with a strip 2-2, 5 times.
Step 2 We process the edges of the green "Christmas tree" fabric on sewing machine or by hand so that they do not crumble.
Step 3 We sew the edges of each strip into a ring and collect it into frills. To do this, lay a straight seam along the upper long side of the strip. At the end, we pull out the end of the thread, thereby picking up the material and forming frills of the desired length.
Step 4 We sew frills on the base - a sundress.
Step 5. It remains to decorate the Christmas tree costume with tinsel and plastic Christmas toys.
Step 6 We make the headdress of the Christmas tree costume from green cardboard. To do this, cut out a narrow strip with a large triangle in the middle, so that the shape of the triangle resembles a Christmas tree.
We connect the ends, forming a dress according to the size of the head. Sticking with glue gun on our headdress, Christmas trees, tinsel and star toys.
The Christmas tree costume is ready!
What a costume for my daughter turned out! In the photo - Irina's daughter in a Christmas tree costume at a New Year's children's party.

More ideas for making a Christmas tree costume for a girl

Is your girl going to be a Christmas tree at the holiday? Then these ideas from needlewomen will come in handy for you:

Master class from the Elena Shevchenko channel - how to make a crown - kokoshnik for Christmas tree fancy dress.

Anna Boloban's master class on making tulle skirts for Christmas tree costume for girls

Manufacturing master class hairpins in the shape of a Christmas tree in the technique of kanzashi for the girl's New Year's fancy dress

More crafting ideas fancy dress for girls you will find in master classes: