How to wear a beret with a thin elastic band. Fashionable berets - what to wear them with? How to put on a beret: remember the signs

In inclement weather, many women prefer to be cold, but not to wear a hat. It seems to them that this detail of the wardrobe will spoil not only the styling, but also the whole scrupulously thought out bow. But the beret is a symbol of French chic and romanticism. All that remains is to learn how to choose and wear it correctly.

Berets: first acquaintance

Even today, historians do not have reliable information about the origin of this headdress. According to some, he comes from Italy. Other scientists are convinced that its roots are somewhere in France.

Be that as it may, the history of the beret is amazing. He managed to become a symbol of French bohemia, and a popular item in the wardrobe of Hollywood stars, and an officially approved item of military uniform. Moreover, each unit and branch of the army has its own customs of wearing berets.

From 2007-2008 The couturier made the beret a highlight of women's collections. Since then, it has always been in trend, and 2017 is no exception. In the new season, this headdress will be in high demand.

The beret is loved in all countries for its versatility. It can be worn at any time of the year.

Models with a visor, in the form of a cap, have been developed. They are decorated with rhinestones, beads and pompoms. They are flat, hard, voluminous or soft.

The main advantage of the accessory is that it is difficult to find a woman for whom it does not fit. With its help, women of fashion emphasize the dignity of the face and give the image completeness.

How to wear a beret: popular options

Do not completely rely on the versatility of the accessory. Only a properly worn headdress will look decent. A lot depends on its shape and the length of the woman's hair.

The main rule is not to stretch the product. It should sit freely and naturally. How larger size beret, the further it is placed from the forehead.

How to put on a headdress? There are 3 most common ways:

Choosing a beret: important nuances

Even a properly worn, but inappropriate in style, texture or size headdress will spoil the overall impression.

How to decide on the size?

During the fitting, attention is drawn to how tightly or loosely the product sits. If the wardrobe detail is too big, it is very uncomfortable. The dress will fall off and look like a bag.

A small beret will squeeze his head, which is also unpleasant. Model fit ideal if 2 fingers fit under its edge.

Form, style

Women with oval face and the right features were lucky. They will look great in any models, especially classic ones.

A voluminous headdress made of light fabric will hide the thinness of an elongated face. Chubby beauties should pay attention to products of medium size.

The angularity of a square-type face will disguise a beret shifted to one side. A few strands are left at the temples. If you curl them, facial features will become somewhat softer.

Print and palette

When buying a beret with a pattern, you need to consider your type. For owners of small facial features, an accessory with small patterns or flowers is suitable, geometric shapes medium size. From colorful prints should be abandoned.

The ideal coloring of the headdress is classic shades. It is beige, grey, black and white.

Optionally, you can choose a brighter and catchy product. It is only important to consider the color scheme of clothes. A good option is to choose the shade of the product to match the hair color:

What is the beret combined with?

No matter how versatile the beret is, there are still items of clothing and shoes with which it definitely does not look right. It's about about sneakers, sports uniforms, rough army boots and low-top boots. Shoes with heels and a classic coat - just right.

The beret goes well with feminine dresses, voluminous knitted sweaters, shorts and jeans. In winter, it will perfectly complement a down jacket or bomber jacket. Knitted headdress - universal option, which is combined with all of the above items of clothing.

A modern urban style is a voluminous knitted beret with tight jeans, a loose tunic (sweater dress, cardigan). A casually tied scarf completes the look.

Evening look

business style

A win-win- takes with a straight coat, a classic dress (trousers), high-heeled shoes and a bag. All things - natural shades.

color harmony

The headdress either harmonizes with the garments, or becomes a slight accent.

Beret is a beautiful headdress, which, when right approach to the question will adorn almost any woman. Such versatility is due to the variety of styles. Among the existing models, there is sure to be one that you can wear with bangs.

When is beret combined with bangs?

Bangs do not interfere with wearing this headdress. Only severely damaged ends of the hair, as well as “thin” bangs in combination with a very round face and high forehead, fall under the exception. AT last case a similar style of hat is generally inappropriate. Reason: with a bang, the beret is often pushed back, opening the forehead.

However, neither a liquid bang, nor a very high forehead are a virtue, and even more so, they should not be flaunted with a headdress. Going against the rule and pulling the beret on the eyebrows, you still won’t be able to win. Round face it will just become even larger due to the “cropped” upper part of the face.

Important! Comb the growing bangs not back, but on 1 side. You get a framing curl that looks good with almost all the “variations” of the beret.

Otherwise, there are no restrictions. One has only to go to the store and, during the fitting, choose a model that fits the face perfectly in style and color.

What haircut with bangs is suitable for a beret?

Medium and long hair, especially slightly wavy, fit perfectly, exactly like a bob. Hairstyles in the spirit of garcon can also be beaten with a beret. You just need to choose the right shape. Suitable either tablet or knitted volumetric model. The first should be moved to the side, the second - back. In the latter case, the bangs should peek out from under the headdress, but the ears should not.

How beautiful to wear a beret if there is a bang?

Perhaps, the easiest way to do this is for girls with a bob or with another moderately short haircut. If you need confirmation of this, refer to the fashion of the 60s. At that time, the ends of the hair were curled so that they framed the face, the bangs were made voluminous, and the beret was moved back. At the same time, the headdress often came in one set with a trapezoid-type coat and gloves.

Important! On the back of the head, the beret should be shifted either by the owners thick hair, or after giving volume to the bangs. With a rare straight and uncurled bangs, this landing does not look very good.

FROM long hair a similar way of wearing is also acceptable, but it looks a little less impressive. If the result of the fitting did not satisfy, try braiding the braid on 1 side. Well, break the headdress to the opposite side. Don't want a braid? It is completely replaceable with a regular ponytail.

However, hair simply thrown to one side and not fixed in any way due to the warp of the cap is likely to crumble. In order not to have to correct them all the time, dissolve the curls on the back, and bring a couple of strands forward. In this case, the headdress will have to be moved to the beginning of the growth of the bangs.

Important! With any landing option, beautiful, unsplit ends are required. If the hair structure is damaged, then you cannot wear a beret with such a bang.

If the bangs are not straight, but combed on one side, you should put on a hat on the opposite side. Then try moving it to the other side. In extreme cases, slide the hat to the back of your head. Not finding yourself, take and lay the bangs directly on the beret. To do this, first put it on with a fit that goes to the face, and then with a hair dryer with a comb or curling iron, twist the hair up a little and fill it with super strong hold hairspray.

Well, for very young girls, a knitted headdress can be worn strongly pulled over the eyes. At the same time, the bangs are either left straight (in situations where the length allows it), or slightly shifted to one side with the fingers.

Important details of the image with a beret

As an accessory, appropriate in any style, there is a brooch (fasten directly to the beret itself). In some bows, this decoration should be replaced with a fun or themed badge. You can also try to wear glasses, but they should not get out of the general mood. Try to choose a frame that harmonizes with other parts of the wardrobe and complements the image..

So, with a black leather jacket and a beret, wear absolutely round glasses. With a turtleneck and a preppy skirt - wide and rectangular, and with a knitted voluminous headdress - aviator glasses. For a look in the style of the 60s, a model with a thick plastic frame and a medium-sized hard bag will come in handy.

Top 5 examples with a beret if there is a bang

A beret is one of the essential attributes of a woman's wardrobe. A properly selected headdress of this type is able to create a unique image and emphasize the advantages of its owner. But how to choose and with what clothes to wear a beret to look amazing? Let's figure it out.

The lineup

You can wear berets not only in the cold season, but also in summer and in the demi-season. Products can be very diverse both in style and in relation to materials and decor. Winter models are usually made of fur, drape, felt, wool. In the autumn-spring periods, hats made of leather, velvet, and cashmere are popular. In summer it will be comfortable in an openwork or light knitted beret.

Berets can be rigid, loose, flat, voluminous. Often these hats are decorated with rhinestones, beads, pompoms. When choosing a beret, be guided by your taste and, of course, by the features of your face and color type. So you definitely won't go wrong.

How to wear a beret

There is different ways wear such a product. However, there are general rules wearing a beret:

  • the headgear should sit freely without squeezing the skin;
  • the larger the product, the farther from the forehead it should be located.

If speak about ways to wear a beret, then there are only three of them:

  1. On the back of the head. This option is suitable for women whose hair is longer than their shoulders. Curls should be visible: you should not hide them, this is irrelevant. A face additionally framed by bangs will look especially advantageous.
  2. On one side. This way of wearing a beret will give the image a French chic. However, make sure that the headgear remains in place by securing it with invisibility of the same shade.
  3. On the forehead. it classic way wearing a beret, but it is not common. It is preferred by ladies with short hair. They pull the product, covering the forehead, and the back of the beret is directed towards the back of the head. However, even in this case, the headgear should not squeeze the head: it is good if two fingers are placed between the cap and the head.

Which of the options for wearing this headdress to choose is up to you. The main thing is that the chosen beret model really suits you and you look stylish.

With whatwear a beret?

A beret can be a great addition to both outerwear and everyday and even evening wear. You just need to choose a headdress that will be appropriate in a particular situation.

in winterberets especially relevant, because at this time they perform not only the function of an accessory, but also warm well. To really keep your hat warm, choose woolen or knitted patterns. Knitwear can be worn with a jacket, coat, fur coat.

If the beret is part of a set that also includes gloves and a scarf, feel free to wear it all together: your look will be quite harmonious. Also, a knitted beret will be an excellent accessory for a thin knitted dress.

Looks nice set of wide trousers, blouses for men, complemented by a beret coarse knit and a similar scarf. And woolen models are combined with dense, warm clothes, including coats, knitted sweaters.

A beret in gray, black or khaki will fit perfectly into a military style look. A blue headdress, complemented by a vest, flared trousers, sandals with steady heels and a bag thrown over the shoulder, will create a fresh marine look.

Summer beret options look good with clothes made in the same style. So, an openwork headdress will be a great addition to a light openwork dress.

Felt berets add femininity to the look, so they should be paired with evening looks. Such berets (“pills”) are worn with long elegant dresses and high heels. In this case, the decor of the headdress in the form of sequins, brooches, rhinestones and even veils will not be superfluous.

A retro look is easy to create with a beret, if you move it to the side and bend one edge, covering one ear. At the same time, dressed in a dress in the style of the 30s and wearing light sandals, you will be irresistible. This is a true feminine image.

However, instead of a dress and sandals, you can choose a turtleneck, a suede skirt and high boots. So you will also look fashionable and will not go unnoticed.

The beret is considered one of the most versatile hats: it can be combined with a variety of clothing and shoes. However, you should not complement sports kits with this product, as well as images containing jeans and leather jackets.

If you have a beret in your wardrobe, you have more chances to emphasize your uniqueness and create more than one interesting look. Choose hats of various colors and styles, be even brighter and more attractive!

The word "beret" is involuntarily associated with the image of elegant French women with an exquisite headdress on their hair. AT modern fashion this is the personification of Parisian charm, a symbol of femininity and sophistication. And if French women at all times knew exactly how to wear a beret, then this question often causes bewilderment among representatives of other cultures. What clothes goes with this wardrobe item? In what manner should it be worn, and to whom is it recommended? However, this is not the whole list of problems that women face in a hats boutique. Let's try to figure out how to wear a beret, and consider the list of things that go with it.

Rich history of the familiar

The beret has been around for more than a century. Initially, he adorned the heads of the clergy, then moved to the images of artists, and then completely changed the style, becoming part of the uniform of the military. But true fame came to him in the 20s of the last century, when designers seriously took up the creation of interesting styles, and the military headdress gradually moved into the category of everyday and women's. Women all over the planet not only learned how to wear a beret, but also made it an integral part of the wardrobe, instantly appreciating its ability to add a special charm to the image. Today the beret has become fashionable women's accessory and obligatory decoration of podiums.

The versatility of headgear

The beret is a universal headdress and goes to all women without exception. It is not subject to age and social restrictions, it can be worn at any time of the year and combined with any image. It is multifaceted in terms of shapes and styles, color palette and decor, fabrics and sizes. A beret can be tiny and voluminous, concise and catchy, flirtatious and strict. The dress will be able to decorate both everyday attire and evening.

How to wear 3 ways

Despite its versatility and seeming triviality, the beret is fraught with dangers and difficulties of wearing. It will look beautiful on the head only if the woman puts it on correctly. Much depends on the shape of the thing and the length of the hair of the owner. The main condition is not to pull the dress so that it sits freely and naturally. An important feature of how to wear a beret correctly is as follows: the larger it is, the further it should be worn from the hairline on the forehead.

On the back of the head

In this manner, Hollywood stars wear a beret. This method is also good if your hair is longer than the shoulder line. But do not hide them under a hat, but rather let go of the front strands, casually placing the headdress on the back of the head. It will look especially beautiful on the owners of bangs.

On one side

If you don't know how to wear a beret so that it looks fashionable and beautiful at the same time, take an example from French women. It was they, the stylish Parisians, who introduced the way of wearing a dress on one side, akin to the manner of putting on a flirty pillbox hat. A beret, fervently shifted to one side, will bring French sophistication and charm to the look of a woman.

On the forehead

The classic way, which informed the whole world about how to properly wear a women's beret, is no longer so popular today. Often used by its owners short haircuts, pulling the hat low and covering both the ears and the forehead. The back of the beret leans towards the back of the head. If you prefer this style, do not overdo it, as the headgear should sit on the head as freely as possible, without clasping it too tightly.

How to wear a beret (photos and methods). Matching with clothes

Stylists recommend choosing a beret to match outerwear or shoes. A headdress of a bright, juicy color will be appropriate only if your outfit is designed in a dark color scheme. For catchy, colorful clothes, it is supposed to take a muted shade. Don't forget about eye and hair color too.

You should not wear this headgear paired with sportswear, voluminous jackets, classic trousers, jeans. Knowing how to wear a beret is not enough, it is important to familiarize yourself with the list of recommended wardrobe items. A feminine beret will be a great addition to coats, raincoats, trench coats, dresses, skirts, and high-heeled shoes. Knitted and woolen models can be combined with a jacket, cardigan. It is allowed to combine the dress with catchy, massive jewelry.

Berets have long ceased to be boring. Confirmation of this is their bright decor (brooches, rhinestones, sequins, feathers), juicy color palette, a variety of styles. Women all over the planet now not only know how to wear a beret (photo examples are presented above), but also independently invent many new ways.

By the autumn-winter season, the designers decided to return women's beret to life, making it almost the key accessory of their shows. original finish, new shades, a variety of modern materials. With what and how to wear a beret correctly, you can peep at the models at the shows of new collections.

Berets can be small or large, covering the entire head. In the coming season, this versatile headwear. It can be combined even with strict classic coat, even with a trendy bomber jacket. The same model can be worn in completely different ways: move it to its side, lift it above the bangs, or even move it to the back of the head. With a short hairstyle, with long hair, with or without bangs - it is quite possible to choose your style of wearing for any look.

Fashionable women's berets amaze with the finish:

  • pom poms
  • lace
  • rhinestones
  • rivets
  • metal inserts
  • applications
  • bows
  • brushes

Designers offer a chic variety of different shades and materials. We have to not only decide how to wear the beret correctly, but also what color to choose.

Autumn palette

Often in the autumn-winter shows, fashion designers show clothes and accessories in actual colors for this period: red, burgundy, mustard, navy blue, beige, olive, gray, black. If you prefer bright color, remember, a catchy headdress is an independent accessory. The rest of the details of the image should be neutral black or in pastel colors. In addition to the standard materials of felt and wool, compacted cotton and silk are used. Lush fur models are also in fashion now.

Leather beret

At the collection show Dior it became clear to everyone - the beret made of leather will become a real hit of the autumn season. This model seems to have returned to us from the 80s, it's so in the style of Madonna, she knows exactly how to wear a beret made of leather. Then the pop diva used a combination of fishnet tights and a long jacket with wide shoulders. In everyday life, such a beret can be worn with clothing that matches the style and leather boots.

Avant-garde style

Very popular this year interesting accents in headwear. False bright pompoms, cat ears, artificial pigtails - a great option for a walk with friends! Various inscriptions in the form of stripes, romantic brooches and hairpins are welcome. What clothes to combine with is the main question for this accessory. This is where your imagination comes in handy. All in one style or combine incongruous - forward to experiments!