How to teach children to distinguish colors: effective methods, interesting ideas and recommendations. Early development: when and how to start learning colors with a child

This article contains games aimed at mastering the child's color range. In addition to games, it is recommended to pronounce the names of colors with the child during the day, paying attention to what the sky is blue today or the snow is white and fluffy. Name the color of clothes, shoes, fruits. In the process of activity, the child naturally masters color scheme.

Observation of the natural richness of colors contributes to the development of your child's attention, observation and sophisticated color perception. After all, the sky is different every day, morning and evening, before a thunderstorm and after a rain; extraordinarily rich coloration autumn leaves, and the summer riot of color is amazing.

Collect couples

Required inventory: multiple pairs geometric shapes cut out from colored paper. The pair must be pieces of the same color.

◈ Shuffle the figures and ask the child to sort them into pairs based on color and shape.

Collect by color

Required inventory: 5 groups of geometric shapes. Each includes figures of the same color, but different shapes.

◈ Shuffle the elements of the groups and ask the child to choose all the shapes of the same color.

Cube lost

Required inventory: 4 dice different color.

◈ Invite your child to build a tower or a house. During the game, hide one die. Pay attention to the child that the cubes have become smaller. Ask what color cube is missing.

◈ Complicating the task, increase the number of cubes, expand the color range; hide two, three cubes.


The game contributes to breaking fine motor skills classification of objects by color.

Required inventory: basket or bucket, objects of different colors.

◈ Lay toys, pencils and other things on the floor beforehand. Explain to the child that now you will walk around the room and collect all the yellow (red, blue, etc.) items in the basket.

◈ When looking for objects, consult with the baby: “Is this a yellow pencil? Will we take it?"

◈ Pick up a thing of a different color and try to have the child explain to you that you are wrong.

Building a tower

The game contributes to the development of motor skills, skills of classification, counting, comparison

Required inventory: cubes of two colors.

◈ Invite the child to build two towers of different colors, having previously sorted the cubes. In the process of building, deliberately make mistakes by choosing the wrong color cubes.

What kind of car is this and how expensive

The game promotes the development of attention, helps to study the color range

◈ Draw several cars in different colors.

◈ Ask your child to color the paths below them. The color of the track must match the color of the car.

Pick up a thread

The game helps to master the color scheme, develops the skills of matching objects

◈ Draw Balloons different color. Ask your child to draw ropes of a suitable color to them.

Pictures in numbers

The game contributes to the development of colors, helps the study of numbers

Required inventory: paper, colored pencils.

◈ Draw a simple drawing with a simple or black pencil. Arrange the numbers inside the contours so that each has its own color. A matching column can be drawn alongside.

◈ For example, we draw a tree in a meadow: 1 corresponds to brown (tree trunk), 2 to green (tree crown, grass), 3 - yellow(sun), 4 - blue (sky).

◈ Color the picture with your child.

◈ Start with simple drawings and a few numbers. Gradually expand the color range. Instead of numbers, you can use any symbols.

Glen Doman is a well-known figure not only in physiology, but also in pedagogy. Cards for children are widely used today in preschool pedagogy for the rapid and comprehensive development of children's intelligence, as well as for the treatment of children with brain damage. You can also use Doman cards to study colors and their shades.

What is the essence of the technique?

How to apply the Doman technique to learn colors with a child?

The technique is based on the fact that the cards are pictures of any objects or phenomena with bright red inscriptions. Images with captions are shown to the child for 1-2 seconds for each picture. There should be about ten such lessons per day. As a result, the baby remembers the sound of the word, its name and its recording, quickly learns to read, acquires encyclopedic knowledge. Cards may feature colors instead of pictures. If it is not possible to buy Doman cards, they can be downloaded on our website and printed.

Why do we teach colors to children?

For children, the world is full of diversity; they do not yet have the hard-wired ideas that adults have. If you ask a professional artist to tell you what color the sky is, he will give you hundreds of shades, as he is used to noticing them every day. An ordinary person is unlikely to name at least 5-6 shades, since he is not used to distinguishing them. Children are little artists, and we teach them to stay that way longer. To do this, we not only study colors with them, but also focus on the shades of each of them. As a result, the baby begins to perceive the rich colors of the world, activates visual memory, which means that the development of intelligence as a whole is stimulated. To study colors, just download the Doman cards for children on the topic “Colors” on our website and use them at home or in the classroom. At the same time, you can download them completely free of charge.

However, the following point should be taken into account. It’s not enough to download the cards - you need to print them later. Printer inks can have many shades and not always render the color correctly. So if we are studying pure colors, without impurities (for example, red, blue, yellow), then manuals printed on a printer are quite suitable. With shades of colors it is better to be careful. In this case, it is better to download the cards and show them on a computer or other electronic device, although it may introduce distortions, but to a lesser extent.

Doman's theory was a great success in its time, and today it remains popular in preschool pedagogy. But, like any educational system, it has its drawbacks. The child, visually perceiving the images and inscriptions on the cards, does not know how to apply this knowledge in practice. Therefore, when we teach colors to children, it is necessary to show what it is for. For children, it is better if they try to mix paints and get a similar shade, or, going outside, try to find such a color in nature.

Thus, when we teach preschoolers using Doman cards, it is always necessary to make a connection between theory and practice, image and reality, as much as possible. Then knowledge ceases to be a dead weight, as it often is during the school period. Let the child feel that this world is alive, and images and colors are only a way to get to know it deeper.

The article will tell you about how to teach colors to a child correctly.

Parents should always help their growing children to explore the world and explore everything around. For example, it can be quite difficult for kids to get acquainted with flowers, because they have many shades and are not always pronounced. However, this is very useful so that the child can fully develop, express his thoughts and desires.

It is very difficult for a small child to understand that colors are different, although he begins to distinguish them from the time when he already begins to fully see. The baby will be able to feel the difference between colors only when he learns to speak, and this happens. at about 2 years old. Until this age, the silence of the child is considered acceptable, but not later.

Teaching a child colors should be “from the first words”. Start simple and introduce your child to the primary colors: blue, red, green and yellow. Then, over time, increase the “portion of knowledge” by adding new words: pink, black, purple, orange, blue, and so on.

Your activities with the child should be regular. Do not despair if the child is lazy, does not remember well, or pronounces the names of colors incorrectly. The main thing is your diligence and an interesting approach to the educational process in the form of a game, able to captivate the baby and unobtrusively teach vital things.

IMPORTANT: It will be correct to start studying proccess earlier than at 2 years old and from the first conscious steps of the baby (first word, independent steps, entertainment with toys, walks on fresh air, watching cartoons) already introduce the names of objects and their colors. Over time, the knowledge gained will be better absorbed and consolidated in the mind.

Education of a child after 1 year:

  • You can play with plasticine (plasticine dough, as an option) and call the child the colors of the sticky mass. By touching the plasticine, contacting it directly, he will be able to more easily remember its color.
  • Playing with sweets or lollipops is also considered effective, distributing them between toys or dolls. You can feed your favorite bears or puppies with these sweets, naming the action, for example, Mishutka loves red candies, and Masha loves yellow ones.
  • Knowledge of the world around on walks. To do this, it is enough to walk on green grass, look at the blue sky or at a red house, naming the color of each object or phenomenon (the yellow sun is shining, green grass is growing, orange leaves are falling).

Education of a child after 2 years:

  • A child with a small vocabulary is much easier to communicate with parents, with great interest in learning lessons.
  • Such a kid can include educational cartoons, where the colors of different objects are very clearly called.
  • It's good to play color constructor, creating shapes of certain colors and naming them.
  • Favorite toys you can think of interesting stories by associating them with color. For example: once upon a time there was a car, but one day it fell off the table into a basket with red berries and turned red itself.

IMPORTANT: At each lesson with a child, three stages should be completed: repetition, acquaintance with new material and consolidation. Focus on how the baby behaves, whether he wants to learn new colors and whether he can remember the names. If not, just repeat and reinforce what you have already learned.

How to teach colors with a child in Russian in a playful way: techniques

Surprisingly, some capable babies can distinguish several colors for up to a year. However, this is due not only to the good congenital data of the child, but also to the perseverance of parents who pay enough attention to their children. It is known that the development of his motor skills (fine) also affects the cognitive activity of the child, so other activities should not be ignored.

IMPORTANT: In order for the child to quickly memorize the names of colors, all words should be entered gradually. But before starting such lessons, he should definitely be introduced to paints, plasticine, pencils.

Effective and playful techniques:

  • We name everything correctly and clearly. It's not just a game, it's a habit. In any activity, be sure to name the colors of the object. For example: do you want me to pour you tea in a BLUE cup or let's put on this RED blouse.
  • Comparison. Naming one of the colors, you should definitely compare it with what is already so familiar to the baby. For example, the car is blue like the sky, and the pancake is yellow like the sun.
  • Ask "what do you like". Tying their feelings to the names of colors (like or dislike the color), the child remembers them easier and faster. For example: I like pink and don't like black.
  • A change of scenery. Sometimes the educational process bores the child just because it happens the same way and always in the same room. A change of scenery will help to ensure that the baby shows interest in the lessons. Moreover, you can engage not only by imposing knowledge, but also "by the way." For example, if you're in a grocery store, don't be too lazy to stop by the vegetable and fruit section to name all their colors.
  • Entertainment. If it is difficult for a child to perceive the simple speech of parents, you can replace it with songs and sonorous rhymes, which are perceived much easier and more pleasant, and are easily remembered for a long time.

Learning colors with a child in a playful way: educational color games for children 2-4 years old

Learning colors in a playful way:

  • Distribution by groups. To do this, you can use colored cardboard and a package of sponges for washing dishes. Cut out round plates of the same diameter from cardboard, and cubes from the soft part of the sponges. Invite the child to correctly sort the cubes into plates (naturally, they should have the same colors). The same can be done with buttons, colored designer or lollipops.
  • Coloring pages. To do this, you will need a package of colored pencils or paint, as well as a template or picture for coloring. Better choose simple templates without small details and large size: apple, orange, banana, sun, tulip, sea, cloud. When coloring, name the colors clearly and tell them why they are what they look like and how beautiful they are.
  • Hunting. To do this, you should prepare a basket or a small package, and then place toys or objects around the house. different colors. After that, you can go hunting with your child, collecting everything red or, for example, only blue.
  • Product play. This activity does not imply a game in plain text, but allows the child to directly contact objects that he has not touched or felt before. You can arrange various vegetables (tomato, cucumber, pepper), fruits (banana, orange, apple) and other products on the table in front of him: milk in a bottle, a package of rice or pasta. Ask your child to sort everything by color.
  • Color lotto game. You can buy it or make it yourself. To do this, you should have colored cardboard and a printer on which you can print cards. The task is very simple - take out a chip (cut out of colored paper) from a bag or box and put it on the cell of the card where there is a corresponding color.

How to teach the colors of the rainbow in order to children?

For a fun and quick memorization of the names of the colors of the rainbow, there is a funny saying. The first letter in each word of the saying should cause the child to associate with the name of the color. For older children who can memorize more than 1 or 2 lines, rhymes about the colors of the rainbow can be offered for memorization.

Learning colors with a child: poems about colors

Poems - small and sonorous, will help children quickly and better memorize the names of colors.

At the traffic light, the color is dangerous,
Remember it's red
That color warns
that traffic is passing by.

Same color as orange
Persimmon, sea buckthorn and mandarin,
It's called orange
It gives a bright light, warmth!

The sun is yellow in the sky
Shines high and bright
Keeps all the kids warm
that sit under the sun.

Green tree, green bush,
He is a good color, soft and very cheerful,
The green color of summer, spring and grass,
Green color of soft and juicy foliage.

The big blue sky is very pleasing,
Blue droplets fall from the sky
Blue puddles on the asphalt glow,
Blue droplets splash in these puddles.

Blue sky late at night
Hangs bright star beads,
Glittering in the darkness without fading
The blue ribbon is a forest river.

I will decorate the house with purple color,
Purple window, door and window sill,
That purple color is very pleasant to me,
I will decorate the bow with purple, the dress.

White snow in the snowy winter,
In white snowman clothes,
White ice on the river in winter
Men in white caps.

On a very dark black night
The black cat sighed so languidly
Cat can't see anything
And this is embarrassing.

Pink roses bloomed in the garden
In the bright pink sky I found a star
pink color is good, pink color warm,
Pink is bright and is faded.

Brown pot on the windowsill
Begonias bloom in a brown pot
I will unfold the wrapper very bright,
Eat a brown chocolate candy.

Gray dog ​​in the yard
Gray rain in October
Gray clouds in the sky
The cold wind blows away.

How nice is he
Beautiful light green color
Looks like spring grass
On the first juicy greens.

In the courtyard of a lilac bush,
He is handsome, tall and thick,
And purple flowers
Give the mood!

Learning colors with a child: songs about colors

Adult children will be happy to learn and sing songs about different colors.

Learning colors with a child - cartoons: list, video

There will always be educational cartoons to help parents. In which there are not only poems and songs, but also events, adventures and comparisons that help to study all colors.

  • We draw with fingers. Direct contact of the child with colored paints will allow him to quickly and permanently remember the names of colors.
  • Stickers. To do this, you should purchase several sheets of stickers (the simplest ones) and, gluing them to the base, name the colors.
  • We are building a pyramid. it simple toy, which helps children quickly and effortlessly learn colors by stringing each ring onto the base.
  • Colored balls. They should be thrown and caught, naming the color of the ball that was caught.
  • Describe yourself. Or any other family member. To do this, you should name all the colors that you can only see.

What does a child learn first: color or shape?

As a rule, it is easier for a child to remember colors, and only after he has studied the basic ones, one should start memorizing and distinguishing shapes. It will be easier and simpler, and also more interesting. At 2 years old, a child can already know the basic shapes: a circle, a triangle, a square.

Why the child does not remember colors: reasons

Before embarking on the educational process, one should be aware that each child is individual and if one kid “swallows” every portion of knowledge with a thirst, the other may be lazy, not wanting this and in every possible way resist the lessons.

Why does a child not remember colors:

  • He's still too small
  • The lessons are boring for him and do not arouse interest
  • You give him too much information, he just can't remember it all at once.
  • You are presenting poor quality information.
  • You use few visuals and game exercises
  • The child is developmentally retarded
  • The child is color blind

Video: "How to teach a child colors?"

For a long time I have promised to write an article about how to teach a child to distinguish colors and about how we did it with Taisiya. Judging by the number of questions that come to me, this topic interests many mothers. This is not surprising, because the knowledge of colors is an integral part of the sensory development of the baby. Acquaintance with color significantly expands the child's understanding of the world, allows him to classify all the surrounding objects in another way - by color. In addition, the ability to distinguish colors opens up a new layer of interesting educational games for the child.

When does a child begin to distinguish colors?

Experts say that for a child, the world acquires colors already during the first 3-4 months of life. Indeed, a child can pay attention to contrasting patterns, react differently to rattles of different colors, but it is, of course, too early to talk about the conscious separation of colors at this age. The ability to find a certain color among the rest, and even more so to name colors, appears in the baby much later, not earlier than 1-1.5 years . Well, the exact timing depends solely on whether you will pay attention to the study of flowers with your child.

You can name colors during games with a baby for up to a year, there will be no harm from this. Well, after a year, you can introduce special "color" games, which will be discussed in this article. These games are also suitable for kids 2-3 years old who are still confused in the names of colors.

Readiness of the child to memorize the names of colors can be very easy to check. When playing with cubes (constructor, balls in a dry pool ...), take, for example, a red cube and ask the baby to find exactly same, same. If the child understood you and coped with the task, it can be argued that he distinguishes colors and is ready to learn their names.

Learning colors during everyday games and walks

Generally speaking, I am convinced that in order to teach a child to distinguish between primary colors, there is not much need for special classes, it is enough just to call colors regularly during your usual games. - be sure to pronounce the colors of pencils, build from cubes, a designer or a mosaic - also do not forget to remember the shades of details. The same applies to dressing, walking, and other your favorite activities - in a conversation, constantly name the colors of the objects around you and play materials.

Just remember that “learning colors” does not mean at all that you need to constantly examine the child “Tell me what color it is”, “Show me where the red is”, etc. A child, like any other person, is not too fond of being given a knowledge test, so at first just name the colors and answer your own questions “Where is our yellow cube? Here he is!" "Let's draw grass with a green pencil."

How to teach a child to distinguish colors? Games

In "sorting" games, the child is required to divide objects into groups, focusing on their color, but you are required to repeat the names of the colors so that they are deposited in the head of the baby. What can be sorted? Here are some game options:

    You can make a color sorter out of any unnecessary box, just glue the box with colored paper and make a few cuts. Mosaic details, multi-colored paper clips, buttons, etc. can be pushed into the slot. Our sorter is made from a tea box and mosaic pieces. They sometimes meet ready-made options.

  • We lay out toys and other small household items on the floor and invite the baby to sort them into boxes of the appropriate color. Instead of boxes, you can prepare a large sheet of paper with multi-colored sections. Our game was much more dynamic when we distributed the colored sections between Taisiya and her favorite toy. For example, Tasya selected all the red items, and the Masha doll selected the yellow ones.
  • We find a mother hen for each testicle, focusing on color.

We put all the testicles in a cut plastic cup attached to the chicken.

You can think of color sorting options great amount, it is not possible to list them all here. You can arrange multi-colored butterflies into flowers, fruits and vegetables into baskets, and settle multi-colored animals into houses ... By the way, in Piggy bank games from readers there are still good ones.

2. Games from the series "Pick up a couple"

Games from the category "Pick up a couple" are well applicable to the study of colors. You can choose covers for houses, caps for gnomes or clowns, a dwelling for colorful people, etc.

You can try this version of the game: lay out the wrong version in front of the baby in advance and ask him to correct the mistakes.

3. Color lotto

Games based on the principle of loto become interesting for children at about a year old. Of course, while the kids do not play according to adult rules, they simply pick up cards to the playing field with pictures.

In the color lotto, on each playing field, the pictures have only one color. (An example of a colored loto can be DOWNLOAD HERE ). Therefore, in order to collect such a lotto, the child needs to select cards of a given color from the rest and place them correctly on the field.

In a more complicated version, you can use 2-3 playing fields at the same time, as well as learn how to compare color and black and white images, as in the game « Gnomes and houses» (Ozone, My shop, read) from the "School of the Seven Dwarfs".

4. "Colored" days

This method of getting to know color is now very popular. It consists in the fact that within one day (and some even stretch this pleasure for a whole week), the child very often “comes across” the same color, regularly hears its name and, accordingly, quickly remembers. So, on Red Day, you and your baby can dress up in red clothes, find all the red toys, and even eat red fruits and vegetables. Of course, all this time you will remind the child of what color you meet on the way. Here is a sample list of what you can do on a “color” day:

    Together with the baby, we look at pre-selected toys of the color being studied;

  • We put on clothes of appropriate tones;
  • We pass around the apartment in search of toys and other objects of the studied color;
  • On a walk, we look for cars of the color we need;
  • We play with color;

  • We consider a book or cards with pictures of the color we need ( download sample cards);

  • We play a lotto of a given color (see above);
  • We include in the menu the products of the studied color (For example, for red day suitable: berries, tomatoes, red apples, pomegranates; for green : grapes, green olives, lettuce, peas, green apples, green beans, kiwi, avocado; for yellow : banana, corn, yellow apples, lemon, butter, cheese, pineapple; for white : rice, cottage cheese, semolina, milk; for orange : carrot, apricot, pumpkin, orange)

5. Cards Doman "Colors"

To be honest, I think that learning colors by is the easiest and at the same time the most effective method, especially if we are talking not about too "running" tones. Doman classes require a minimum of effort and time, and colors are almost guaranteed to be remembered, especially if the kid has already had experience interacting with cards before. Just remember, so that in a month the learned colors do not fly out of the child’s head, their names are necessary. consolidate through other games (sort by color, play lotto, etc.).

What is more important: learn only those shades that you yourself distinguish and whose names you are really ready to use in your games and conversations. Do not get carried away with sets like "100 Flowers" from "Clever". What is the point of teaching, for example, a purple hue, if, having met it in life, you yourself will most likely call it purple. It will only confuse the child.

My daughter and I started studying colors from cards at the age of 1 year 4 months (by that time Tasya already knew and showed four primary colors). Over the course of a few days, we memorized 14 more colors using cards (total 18 in our arsenal) and began to mention their names in our games. I can assure those who are skeptical about Doman's method that Taisia ​​has not forgotten any of the colors studied then!

Read more about the Doman methodology and the principles of classes. "Colored" cards can be DOWNLOAD HERE and buy HERE.

6. Board games

After 2-2.5 years, board games can be used to consolidate knowledge about colors. For example, a good option:

(Ozone, My shop) and its analogue - game "Shapes" I have written about them before.

Educational cartoons

Developing cartoons can be a good help in learning colors. A couple of cartoons on this topic:


Don't forget books too. In a poetic and artistic form, you can read about colors, for example, in the “Colorful Book” Marshak, or in Suteev's story "Rooster and Paints" (usually published in Suteev's collections).

At what age should a child know colors?

At one and a half to two years old, the child already distinguishes colors visually well. Between two and three years When the child begins to speak, it makes sense to start learning the names of colors.

How to teach a child to distinguish colors?

simple and effective method- focus on colors in everyday life. While walking, playing, reading - pay attention to colors. Start with the most basic, avoiding shades. While playing with your child, note that the car is blue, the cube is yellow, the ball is red. Ask him to give you one or another object of a certain color. In a playful way, you can start looking for all the green objects in the room.

What will help you learn colors?

Multi-colored cubes, balloons, crayons, colored paper or cardboard, pencils, developing books. With older children (about 4 years old and older), you can paint coloring pages with felt-tip pens.

Anything else?

Take care of your child regularly. Gently correct his mistakes, celebrate his successes with praise. Be patient and success will not be long in coming.

Rainbow colors for kids

The rainbow is an incredibly beautiful natural phenomenon. It looks like a multi-colored arc made up of colors (from the outer edge: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet). These are the seven colors that are usually distinguished in the rainbow in Russian culture. Below are illustrative pictures for teaching a child the main colors.

The order of the flowers is easy to remember with the help of a mnemonic phrase: " To every about hotnik and does h nat, G de With goes f azan. There are other options: To ak about once AND ak- h vonar G orodskoy With broke f onar. ( To ak O once AND en W vonar G tin FROM carried F onar)" and " To from about slu, and irafu, h aike G blue With sewed f ufayki." In these sentences, each first letter in a word denotes the initial letter of a color.

rainbow colors cards

A poem about colors

I'm in my grandmother's garden
I will find a lot of red:
It's a red raspberry
Nearby - red viburnum,
And ripened at the fence
Two handsome tomatoes.

orange apricot
It grew on a tree.
Growing up, mature
And I ate it.

These are yellow chickens.
Look, they're running somewhere.
It can be seen that mom is in the yard
I found a worm in the grass.

Here are the green frogs
And green grass.
On the swamp at the edge
Heard a friendly "qua-qua!".

In summer the sky above you
Bells underneath
Let's paint it blue.

Blue balloon over the track
Flies into the clouds.
Wave your hand to him:
- Goodbye! Bye!

Eggplant lies on the bed -
Purple barrel.
And inside the sweet plum
The worm settled.