Day of veterans of the police department and congratulations. Military pensioners for Russia and its armed forces. The holiday is actively celebrated

April 17 is celebrated in Russia as the Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs and internal troops. This is a relatively young holiday. It was established on August 12, 2010 by order of the former Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation Rashid Nurgaliyev. The first time it was celebrated in 2011. The date of April 17 was not chosen by chance, it was timed to coincide with the 20th anniversary of the creation of the Public Organization of Veterans of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops, formed on April 17, 1991.

In Russia, veterans are always given increased attention. A special category of our citizens are veterans of the Great Patriotic War, who are respected by the whole society and have a package of various benefits. Such an attitude is natural, because thanks to these people who fought against fascism, in fact, all of us were granted a future, freedom from possible German bondage. At the same time, there is another group of veterans in Russia, to whom Russian society owes no less today - these are veterans of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops.

The Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops is a holiday of all those people who served their country with honor, defended its citizens from the encroachments of criminals, defended us in their hands during counter-terrorist operations, stood guard over law and order. Loyalty to civic duty and the chosen path of life, their heroism can only cause well-deserved respect from the current employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Currently, more than 600 thousand veterans live in the Russian Federation, who different years served in the internal affairs bodies or internal troops. At the same time, even retired veterans do not sit idly by, continuing to benefit society. They are engaged in promoting the observance of law and order and the rule of law, work and train young employees of the internal affairs bodies, transferring their accumulated experience and knowledge, devote time to preventive work among minors by visiting schools. According to the press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, thanks to the help of veterans and veteran organizations and their invaluable experience, enough big number crimes, it is possible to detain dangerous criminals. In 2012 alone, with the help of veterans of internal affairs, almost 24,000 crimes were solved. Today every 5th veteran takes part in the practical activities of the internal affairs bodies and subdivisions of the internal troops of Russia.

There are more than 30 thousand veterans of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Russia. At the same time, there are public organizations of veterans of internal troops at all military units, formations and institutions of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Even where previously there were military units and formations that were disbanded, sections of veterans of the internal troops are often created in veteran organizations of the internal affairs bodies.

Veterans of the internal affairs bodies and orphanages, teenagers from single-parent and dysfunctional families help, often taking patronage over them. They try, to the best of their ability, to fight against such a shameful phenomenon for the country as child homelessness. Unfortunately, Russia has not been able to completely defeat this phenomenon since the civil war. It is no secret that such work of veterans helps to form a positive attitude of the Russian society towards the police department, employees of the internal troops, as well as to the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a whole - Russian citizens far from always treat law enforcement officers with respect and understanding, and for this, unfortunately, there are also reasons.

There are also relatively young people among the veterans, some of them are not yet 30 years old. These are those who served in the North Caucasus and in other "hot spots" on the territory of our country, who received serious injuries, injuries and disabilities during their service, but did not break down and did not lose their place in the ranks. At the same time, veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops are also trying to take care of the families of employees who died in the line of duty - they are trying to provide them not only material assistance, but psychological support, lending their shoulder.

Every year on April 17, veterans of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops accept congratulations from colleagues, relatives and friends. In addition, on this day, festive events are organized not only in veteran organizations, but also in operating units, since the work of veterans continues to be part of their activities. Traditionally, on this memorable day holiday concerts, tea parties, solemn meetings, veterans are presented with memorable gifts, honorary awards and diplomas. But the festivities don't stop there. Veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and VV try not to lose their energy and activity, supporting physical form. Especially for them, sports competitions, shooting tournaments are held, while both men and women take part in them. Both those and others set a personal example for young law enforcement officers. Also, together with members of the public, veterans try to organize and conduct methodological conferences, at which rather topical issues and problems are discussed.

We join in the congratulations to the veterans. I would like to wish all veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and the Internal Troops of Russia health, longevity, and let them continue to actively participate in public life, helping their younger colleagues.

In our country, a large number of holidays and anniversaries. As a rule, such days are dedicated to certain events or dedicated to certain groups of people. These dates include the day medical worker, Driver's Day, Teacher's Day, Policeman's Day, but few people know Veterans Day of the Department of the Interior.

Veterans Day as a public holiday

Such as the Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, has so far a very short history. The decree on the establishment of the holiday, celebrated on April 17, was signed by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the country Rashid Nurgaliev in November 2010. Thus, the current Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Armed Forces has only the fourth serial number. Much more long term existence can boast Social organization veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - it was founded on April 17, 1992. It was on the date of the 20th anniversary of the public organization that the choice fell when the government was determining when exactly to designate the Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

History of Glorious Deeds

But these figures, of course, are not so important. The history of the profession of people, in whose honor the Day of the Veteran of Russia was formed, has more than one century. It is full of numerous bright pages, heroic deeds and accomplishments, many examples worthy of respect and imitation.

Of course, in the long history of our country there have been tragic and even terrible moments and times. There were not only good luck and brilliant operations, but also black pages, the loss of comrades and colleagues. However, on the holiday of veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, people still want to remember only the good. Although, of course, any veteran on this day will raise a third toast to those who are not around for festive table and who will never sit down for him again ...

Their service has always been dangerous and difficult, which is why there is a holiday in their honor.

Police: From Ivan the Terrible to the present day

Unofficially, the history of the police in Russia dates back to the beginning of the 16th century, when, by decree of Ivan the Terrible, special detachments were created to protect the peace of citizens near the so-called slingshots that divided the city into districts. But the prototype of the current police service was already formed under Peter I, who in 1718 founded in the then capital - St. Petersburg - a special institution called the Main Police. At first, in addition to the functions of maintaining order, the police also performed part of the work of firefighters.

However, for some time, the police only patrolled the streets, keeping order and protecting the peace of citizens. The functions of investigating criminal and administrative crimes were delegated to the police only in 1866, when the detective police was established. It is from this time that it is possible to keep an official chronicle of this specific wing of the internal affairs bodies in Russia.

Since then, a lot of time has passed and many glorious pages have been inscribed in the history of the law enforcement service. The current Russian police officers can rightly be proud of their predecessors. Among the chief police officers who led the service in different times, there were many bright, outstanding figures who left a noticeable mark both in the field of purely police activity and in the field of domestic and foreign policy.

New time - new tasks

Together with the February, and then with the October Revolution of 1917, the Ministry of Internal Affairs experienced serious upheavals and upheavals. The functions of the police were constantly expanding - in addition to maintaining order and investigating crimes, the Ministry of Internal Affairs also had its own military component - internal troops. Since then, there has not been a single war or armed conflict in which representatives of the Ministry of Internal Affairs would not take an active part!

The civil war, the great confrontation in the bloodiest battle that broke the head of the brown plague, the preservation of the fragile balance of power that has developed at one stage or another in history after the end of World War II - in all this the merit of representatives of the law enforcement agencies of the USSR has such a prominent role that it is simply impossible overestimate!

Post-communist period

However, even after the collapse Soviet Union people in the uniform of the Ministry of Internal Affairs remained faithful to the oath given not to the regime that was in force at that time, to a specific government or some region, but to their country! And the incredibly close-knit military fraternity, the unspoken code of honor and the continuity of generations that the police, internal troops, special forces and ordinary law enforcement officers are famous for have become a legend! That is why, celebrating the Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Russian Armed Forces, experienced soldiers can be sure that their glorious deeds, their honor and high professional reputation will be supported by young guys for whom duty is not just a beautiful abstract concept, but the meaning of life!

Those who are always on duty

Such is the specificity of service in law enforcement agencies and in the internal troops, that there is no public holidays, no weekends. Many of them, even on the Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, continue to serve, which, no matter how trite it may sound, is really "both dangerous and difficult." Perhaps no other profession is associated with such a high degree of constant risk as service in the system of the Ministry of the Interior!

In our country, it is customary to scold representatives, many even consider this a kind of "rule good manners"However, when people are in danger, the first thing they turn to is the police! correct words about those who are always on duty!

Even having ceased their active work, veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs can provide invaluable assistance in protecting law and order and ensuring the safety of citizens. The value of their invaluable experience, deep knowledge and rich experience cannot be overestimated!

The Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia is a professional holiday for those who patrolled the night courtyards in besieged Leningrad, who ensured the carefree life of people in the era of "developed socialism", who defended the integrity and sovereignty of the country in Chechnya and in others. They free the hostages, hunt down drug dealers, blocking with their car the way of KAMAZ rushing to the bus with children, saving the lives of our children and mothers. Even if their work was not always full of romance and heroism - they had to break up drunken fights, calm down violent neighbors, and draw up tedious reports about the theft of paper clips - they deserve their professional holiday and to be remembered! Moreover, they are still on duty, no matter how grandiloquent it may sound!

A holiday without fanfare and pomposity

Representatives of this profession, as a rule, do not like excessive noise and fuss, preferring to modestly stay away. In the same way, they celebrate their holiday - without too much fanfare. Of course, April 17 will sound on the day of veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia from the President of the country and from the Minister of Internal Affairs, awards will be presented to especially distinguished employees, and a small festive concert will take place. But there will traditionally be no grandiose celebrations - well, these harsh, proud and laconic men do not like excessive attention to their own person!

It is with modesty in the eyes and courage in the heart. We owe a lot to them, sometimes without realizing it. Sleepless nights on guard of our peace and security, help in difficult, sometimes insoluble situations, constant risk and sacrifice - these are the components of a profession with a capital letter.

And only in the evening, having gathered at a modest festive table, the veterans of the internal affairs bodies will give vent to their emotions, recalling past deeds, chases, shootings and detentions. They will remember how the sleeping city did not even suspect that people in uniform were saving it from a big disaster. They will also remember how hard it was in the trenches or in the mountains, how they had to roam around the service apartments and survive on a very modest salary. And, of course, they will raise that very third toast... They will honor their fellow servicemen.

Every year in Russia they celebrate a holiday dedicated to the veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. These experienced and wise workers gave their years to the service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Troops. Despite their age and seniority, they continue to be of value to our society. The experience of veterans, together with the initiative of the younger generation, is the key to success in any business. Therefore, those who have long deserved a rest, still continue to share secrets and knowledge of the matter with novice specialists, inexperienced employees.

The country began celebrating the Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2011, when a decree on the establishment of this holiday was signed. It was on this day, April 17, that the Public Organization of Veterans celebrated its 20th anniversary, which influenced the choice of the date for the celebration.

Thanks to the active work of veterans and their good advice Today, employees manage to solve a lot of crimes. More than 600,000 veterans now live in Russia, who served in different years and in different places, took part in hostilities or held leadership positions.

In honor of the holiday, veterans receive congratulations from colleagues, students, relatives and friends. Also, solemn festive events are held for them, where the heroes of the occasion are awarded awards for active cooperation.

Veterans Day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2020 - congratulations

You defended the honor of the uniform,
For our great native people
Anyone you would easily tear!
So let the article come to you!

Hardened such wolves,
You are veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs!
They were in the structure for a very long time,
It's time to rest now.

Please take care of yourself
Go only forward!
Whatever happens, you win
After all, people always believe in you!

The day of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is coming,
I really want to say -
I only wish the best
Congratulations, veteran

Everyone is in a hurry, no doubt!
You deserve everything!
Joy, happiness - instantly,
So that happiness awaits you!

Remember, hope, believe
And support the young
Good great advice!
We wish you happiness!

Accept congratulations,
Our family veterans
From MIA! you without a doubt
Getting hurt at work!

Managed to serve their homeland
Happy many years to give!
We want to wish you today
Never turn back!

May your life be wonderful
I wish you full joy!
Let it be bright, interesting,
Always rich fate!

Postcard for the Day of Veterans of the Ministry of Internal Affairs 2020

Click on the repost to copy to social. network

In our country, the authorities have always paid great attention to veterans. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War make up a special category: they still enjoy a fairly significant package of benefits. This is quite natural, because people, fighting under the Soviet flags with the Nazis, actually granted us - at that time future generations - freedom from possible German bondage. But there is another group of veterans to whom the vast majority of the representatives of today's Russian society owe no less - veterans of the internal affairs and internal troops. It can be said that these wonderful people celebrate their professional holiday, the Day of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops, on April 17 every year.

Date History

The solemn event that takes place every spring is still very young. The Day of Veterans of the Internal Troops and the Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was established only in 2011 by Rashid Nurgaliyev, who at that time held the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The date was chosen according to historical fact: it was on April 17 that the Public Organization of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops arose and began to function. This happened in 1991, so we can assume that the date is dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the formation of this association.

The holiday of April 17, the Day of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops, is very important. People who have long retired, behind whom there are many solved crimes, do not sit idly by, but continue their activities outside law enforcement agencies. In what way does this manifest itself? The work of veterans takes place in various areas: promoting the need to comply with law enforcement laws, disseminating valuable information among young people - primarily among teenagers who have not reached the age of majority, helping young current police officers. The result of the unofficial activities of veterans is obvious: according to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, thanks to these people, a huge number of crimes are solved every year. This means that without the personal enthusiasm of veterans, many criminal cases would not move forward for a very long time, and those who committed them would go unpunished. In other words, justice would triumph much less frequently.

Who are veterans?

Let's talk about the heroes of the occasion on this significant Day of Veterans of the Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops.

The number of veterans in Russia this moment is about 650 thousand people. This refers to people who have dedicated their lives to serving the good of their homeland. This includes the following categories of citizens:

  • veterans of the Great Patriotic War;
  • veterans participating in hostilities in hot spots (Afghanistan, Chechnya);
  • veterans participating in the liquidation of the monstrous consequences of the Chernobyl accident.

All kinds of veteran organizations function on the territory of our country. In addition to the already mentioned groups of citizens, they include veterans who once served in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Regional and district organizations of a similar nature are subordinate to federal associations. In principle, in fact, veterans public service and veterans of labor are also links in this chain that is significant for the life of the whole country, because their contribution to the development of social activities is also invaluable.

What does the state, the government apparatus do for veterans of all currently available categories? The policy pursued by the authorities focuses on such aspects as the adoption of certain measures for the social support of veterans, the formation of specific specific structures, the allocation Money from the federal budget necessary for awarding this category of citizens with state awards (orders and medals). Most of the actions in relation to veterans are regulated by the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Veterans" dated 11.01.1995 No. 5-FZ.

Among the diversity of veteran communities, the largest are the Russian Organizing Committee "Victory". It is headed by the President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin. The Central Council of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for Veterans Affairs also functions. The head of this association is the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation. Similar but smaller organizations have been set up in navies, military districts and other units.

The history of the word and the very status of "veteran" is interesting. The term, translated from Latin, literally means "a soldier who has served his term in the army" (from vetus - old). It is clear that the first veterans appeared in Ancient Rome. They were former legionnaires during the time of Julius Caesar. Such soldiers had at least 20 years of service behind them, and after that they were fired or continued to remain with the army. The troops of that era had a fickle, unstable character: as soon as hostilities died down, the legion was disbanded. Only in the 1st century BC. began the formation of the army on a permanent basis. Roman veterans enjoyed benefits of excellent quality: the right to use their own plot of land with which they were endowed by the state, or, alternatively, to receive remuneration for selfless many years of work in monetary terms. In addition, the former Roman legionnaire no longer had to perform the duties assigned to him by the state.

Veterans Awards

We are all aware that there is a medal "Veteran of Labour", which was previously awarded to persons who distinguished themselves in the professional field by conscientious work. It was established by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1974. Even more important is the medal "For Valiant Labor in the Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945" Such an award must be placed on the left side of the subject's chest prior to the previous award.

Those who faithfully served for the good of the Fatherland in the internal troops are also entitled to a medal. It is jubilee and is called "200 years of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia." This award is given not only to ordinary veterans, but also to combat veterans. The process of delivery is carried out by Minister of Internal Affairs or his deputy on behalf of the Minister himself on the basis of the relevant order in a solemn atmosphere. In addition to the medal, the veteran is given a certificate. An entry about the presentation of the award is made to the personal file and work book of the person whose work deserves the highest praise. Wearing a medal relies on the left side of the chest, immediately after the insignia "200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia".

If we talk about the latter, then this medal is a departmental award of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. It was established just over 10 years ago, on June 5, 2002. On this occasion, order No. 542 was signed. The medal "200 years of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia" is awarded to veterans of this structure, as well as to persons helping the employees of the unit in their hard work. The award is worn on the left side of the chest after the badge "For Distinction in Service".

Veterans of internal affairs bodies and internal troops will be very happy sincere congratulations on the significant Day of veterans of the internal affairs bodies and internal troops on April 17. Especially if the recipients warm wishes in addition to relatives and friends, the youth with whom the work is being carried out, and the grateful employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Happy holiday, dear veterans!

We sincerely congratulate all veterans on their holiday on April 17, the Day of Veterans of Internal Affairs Bodies and Internal Troops.

There are many categories of veterans in our country: there are veterans of war and labor, veterans of science and sports, and now there are quite young veterans. These are those who fought or were wounded in Africa, Afghanistan, Nicaragua and other countries and "hot spots", and they all have the right to honor and respect from the people and the state. However, there is another category of Russian veterans whose services to the Fatherland are undeniable: these are veterans of the Internal Affairs Directorate and internal troops - structures that ensure the protection of the interests of the state and public order; protection of the rights and freedoms guaranteed to us by the Constitution, as well as strengthening the rule of law in all spheres of civil society.

Police veterans also have the right to a holiday

Since 2011, veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops can officially celebrate their holiday - an order to this effect was signed by the then Minister of Internal Affairs Rashid Nurgaliyev, and the date was chosen in connection with the 20th anniversary of the founding of the veterans' organization - The Public Organization of Veterans has existed since April 17, 1991. Such a holiday should have been established long ago, but it is good that at least now the state remembered the merits of veterans, including those who served their country in the most difficult years, when the crime rate was very high.

In our time, those who put on a police uniform as soon as they returned from the war are still alive: then the police officers needed an iron will and real courage, but also responsiveness and a sincere desire to help people - it was then that the moral foundations on which and now the work of law enforcement agencies is kept.

Many veterans do not stop their activities even after going on vacation: they participate in the work of police units and internal troops, share their invaluable experience, help increase combat readiness, solve and prevent hundreds of crimes.

The prerequisites for the formation of an organization of Russian veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs appeared quite a long time ago - about 50 years ago, in the early 60s of the 20th century. Then, in Moscow and other cities, the veteran movement began, and sections of veterans began to be created: when the experienced "old men" retired, they were in no hurry to rest, but served alongside the youth, teaching them everything they knew and could do themselves. By the end of the 60s, Councils of Veterans appeared - a special decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was even issued on their status, and by 1985 they merged into one Council - it still works together with the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

By the beginning of the 90s, the charter of the Council was developed, and the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, together with the then Soviet government, decided: on April 17, 1991 in Moscow, at a specially organized conference, the Russian Council of Veterans was created - this day became his birthday.

However, officially the veterans' holiday was established 20 years after the creation of the Council - the corresponding order was signed by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on August 12, 2010.

Policemen are not "former"

In Russia today there are many veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs who served in different units in different years: there are about 650,000 of them, and they also include those who served in places of man-made disasters and took part in their liquidation. Most veterans are members of various veteran organizations, and all of these organizations are now a real and influential force.

In addition to transferring experience to the young - more than 30,000 people are mentors now - veterans of the internal affairs department work with minors, carry out preventive work among them - at the moment it covers almost 400,000 teenagers; promote the observance of law and order in the country and participate in the practical activities of the departments of internal affairs and internal troops. Suffice it to say that only in 2012, following the results of the work of veteran organizations, tens of thousands of crimes were solved directly with their help. Perhaps that is why it is often said among employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs that a policeman is never “former”, and veterans confirm this statement with their whole lives: their service cannot be called easy, but most of them remain faithful to it to the end.

Veterans of the road service also work with young people - for example, they organize detachments of young road inspectors, thereby preventing hundreds of collisions and other traffic accidents.

Also, veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs help orphanages, organizing patronage over them, and fighting such a shameful phenomenon as child homelessness - unfortunately, Russia has not been able to fully cope with this problem since the civil war. It is no secret that in this way veterans help to form a positive attitude of society towards the police department, to employees of the internal troops, and to the apparatus of the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a whole - Russian citizens do not always treat law enforcement officers with understanding and respect, and there are also reasons for this.

Meanwhile, among the veterans there are also very young people - some are not yet 30 years old. These are those who served in the North Caucasus and other "hot" places, received severe injuries, injuries and disabilities, but did not break down and did not leave their place in the ranks. By the way, police veterans also take care of the families of those who died in the line of duty - they provide them with not only psychological, but also material assistance.

The holiday is actively celebrated

How is the celebration of the Day of Veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops? On this day, they accept congratulations from everyone: from the command and colleagues, from the young shift and from the wards, from relatives, friends and relatives. Festive events are held not only in veterans' organizations, but also in operating units - after all, the work of veterans continues to be part of their activities. Traditionally, festive concerts, solemn meetings and tea parties are held, honorary awards and memorable gifts are awarded to veterans, but the celebration is not limited to this. Police veterans do not lose their activity and energy, therefore, sports competitions and shooting tournaments are held, and both men and women take part in them - both of them set an excellent example for young employees.

Together with members of the public, veterans also hold methodological conferences, at which methods and forms of work for the next year are discussed.

We congratulate all veterans of the Department of Internal Affairs and Internal Troops of Russia on their well-deserved professional holiday, we admire their will to live, wisdom and achievements, we wish them good health, prosperity, longevity and personal happiness!

Gataulina Galina
for women's magazine website

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