Philosophy and worldly wisdom of Russian rituals. Composition What is the beauty and wisdom of Russian rituals. Composition on the topic "What is the beauty and wisdom of Russian rites"

The project “What is the beauty and wisdom of Russian rituals: Maslenitsa” Completed by: students of the 7th “A” class of MBOU-Secondary School No. 33 in Tula Ermilova Anastasia, Gladneva Ekaterina

Relevance of the problem and practical significance Rituals are an important part of Russian culture. They have been passed down to us from our ancestors. Russian rituals are very beautiful. Shrovetide refers to calendar holidays, and its rituals have their own special meaning. It means the change of seasons and the beginning of preparations for sowing. The research problem can be formulated as a question: What are the possibilities folklore holidays(Maslenitsa) to get acquainted with folk culture?

Object, subject, purpose and hypothesis of the project Object of study: the possibility of preserving Russian rituals and passing them on from generation to generation. Subject of study: conditions for the preservation and transmission from generation to generation of the Russian rite of Maslenitsa. The purpose of the project: to reveal the conditions for the preservation of Russian rituals (using the example of Shrovetide) and their transmission from generation to generation. Research hypothesis: The preservation of Russian rituals and their transmission from generation to generation will be possible if: - to acquaint people with the traditions and customs associated with the performance of rituals; - organize the participation of people in rituals; - collect and describe ritual songs, actions related to rituals; - get acquainted with the rituals described in the literature.

Monday - meeting Beginning of the Narrow Maslenitsa. In the morning, the father-in-law and mother-in-law sent the daughter-in-law to her father and mother for a day, in the evening they themselves came to visit the matchmakers. The time and place of the festivities were discussed, the composition of the guests was determined. By this day, snowy mountains, swings, booths were being completed. They started baking pancakes. The first pancake was given to the poor in remembrance of the dead. Monday from straw old clothes and other improvised materials, an effigy of Maslenitsa was constructed, which was impaled on a stake and carried in a sleigh through the streets.

Tuesday - flirting On this day there were brides' bridesmaids. All Shrovetide rites, in fact, were reduced to matchmaking, in order to have a wedding after Great Lent, on Krasnaya Gorka. In the morning, young people were invited to ride down the mountains and eat pancakes. They called relatives and friends. To invite Maslenitsa, they said the words: “We have snowy mountains ready and pancakes baked - please favor!” .

Wednesday - gourmets On this day, the son-in-law came to his mother-in-law for pancakes, which she herself cooked. On this day, the mother-in-law showed affection to her daughter's husband. In addition to the son-in-law, the mother-in-law invited other guests.

Thursday - take a walk From this day began Wide Maslenitsa, chores stopped, celebrations unfolded in full breadth. The people indulged in all kinds of fun, horseback riding, fistfights, various competitions were arranged, which ended with noisy feasts. The main action on Thursday is the assault and further capture of the snowy town.

Friday - mother-in-law evenings On this day, with a return visit, the mother-in-law came to visit her son-in-law. Pancakes that day were baked by the daughter - the wife of the son-in-law. Mother-in-law came to visit with her relatives and friends. The son-in-law had to demonstrate his disposition towards his mother-in-law and her relatives.

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings Young daughters-in-law invited their sister-in-laws and other relatives of their husbands to visit them. If the sister-in-law was not married, then the daughter-in-law invited her unmarried friends, if the husband's sisters were already married, then the daughter-in-law called her married relatives. The daughter-in-law had to give her sister-in-law a gift. The Church on Saturday celebrates the Synod of All the Reverend Fathers.

Sunday - seeing off Also called Tselovalnik, Forgiveness Sunday. The culmination of all pancake week. On Sunday, there was a conspiracy before the start of Lent. All close people asked each other for forgiveness for all the troubles and insults caused during the year. On the evening of Forgiveness Sunday, the dead were commemorated. On this day we went to the bath. The rest of the festive food was burned, the dishes were thoroughly washed. At the end of the holiday, an effigy of Maslenitsa was solemnly burned, the resulting ashes were scattered over the fields.

Experimental part In order to experimentally reveal the level of knowledge about Russian rituals (Shrovetide) modern people a questionnaire was developed. It included the following questions: - Do you know about any Russian rite? - What specific Russian rite do you know about? - What do you know about this rite or these rites? (name, ritual actions, ritual songs, etc.). - Do you know what Maslenitsa is? - What do you know about Shrovetide? - When does carnival start? When does it end? How many days does it take? - Did you participate in any ceremony? - Did you take part in the celebration of Maslenitsa? What did you do? - Is it necessary to preserve Russian rituals? - Why do you think so?

The study of experimental data on the problem 13 people took part in the survey. The results of the survey can be presented in the form of a diagram.

Experimental part 13 people took part in the survey. In the course of the study, parents and relatives, their work colleagues, and students were interviewed. According to the results of the survey, it was revealed that all respondents know about Russian rituals (100% of respondents). Among these rites, when answering the second question about Maslenitsa, 10 people out of thirteen (77% of respondents) remembered. When answering the third question, they mentioned such ritual actions as burning an effigy, festivities, an invitation to “pancakes”, four of the respondents practically did not answer the third question. Nevertheless, all respondents (100%) know what Maslenitsa is (question 4). Answering question 5, people wrote that this is a farewell to winter (or seeing off winter) or a meeting of spring, hearty food, that it happens before Great Lent. One respondent recalled Great Lent, and one respondent wrote only that these were ritual actions (at the same time, it was not written what these actions were, so we can assume that the person did not answer the question). No one could answer the 6th question correctly and completely. At the same time, 9 people wrote that Maslenitsa lasts a week, and one respondent in response to question 5 indicated that this is the week before Lent, that is, the answer to question 6 was in question 5. When answering question 7, 10 people (77%) indicated that they themselves participated in Russian rituals, and when answering question 8, two people (15%) said that they did not take part in the celebration of Maslenitsa. At the same time, when answering question 9, everyone unanimously noted the importance of preserving Russian rituals, Russian culture in rituals and ritual actions.

Conclusion Many ancient Russian rituals have sunk into the past. We must save what is left. After all, through ritual songs, through fortune-telling, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings, we touch the history that has been created for centuries and on which whole generations of people have worked.

All nations have their own traditions and customs. For example, everyone has a custom to celebrate birthdays, but here is how they are celebrated in different countries- it's a ritual. There are family and calendar rituals. The first includes the rites of matchmaking, weddings, births. Calendar rites are associated with the change of seasons.
I am interested in everything related to folk life and Russian culture. I like traditional folk performances, where they celebrate rituals, put on colorful folk costumes, sayings, songs, proverbs and slander sound. Already in primary school we not only got acquainted with some rituals, but also took part in the ritual festivals.
Most of all I liked the Maslenitsa holiday. Maslenitsa is associated with the solstice in nature, seeing off winter. Maslenitsa lasts a week and is celebrated before Lent. All week, parents baked pancakes and brought this delicious treat to school. Pancakes symbolize the sun, the onset of spring. Our Maslenitsa ended with a matinee. The auditorium was beautifully decorated. The girls were dressed in beautiful folk costumes. The main characters of this holiday were Winter, Spring and Maslenitsa. We sang songs, danced round dances, recited poems. Identity ended with the burning of the effigy of Winter. After this holiday, I had the feeling that I had been in a fairy tale.
And recently we got acquainted with another interesting Russian rite, Kolyada, which is celebrated in winter. We learned a lot of interesting things about the history of the ceremony, learned carols and staged this ceremony.
I think. That acquaintance with the rituals broadens our horizons, allows us to learn more about the culture of the Russian people, their wisdom, and instills love for the Motherland.

Essay on literature on the topic: What is the beauty and wisdom of Russian rites

Other writings:

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What is the beauty and wisdom of Russian rituals

1. To continue the acquaintance of students with the calendar-ritual poetry; make an observation of the artistic features of the songs, show the beauty and wisdom of ritual poetry; show that folk poetry is a source of inspiration for writers and composers; to continue acquaintance with the role of masks in the folk theater.

2. Develop Creative skills students, to form the ability of comparative analysis of the text.

3. Cultivate a sense of national pride, love for their traditions.



Lesson topic: Beauty and wisdom of Russian rituals. Songs all year round.

(2 hours)

Lesson - gatherings.


  1. To continue acquaintance of students with calendar-ritual poetry; make an observation of the artistic features of the songs, show the beauty and wisdom of ritual poetry; show that folk poetry is a source of inspiration for writers and composers; to continue acquaintance with the role of masks in the folk theater.
  2. To develop the creative abilities of students, to form the ability of comparative text analysis.
  3. Cultivate a sense of national pride, love for their traditions.

Equipment: various crafts having ritual significance: amulets, toys made of straw, wood, etc.; costumes of students, a stuffed Maslenitsa, pancakes, dough birds. Fragment fromThe Fifth Symphony of P.I. Tchaikovsky “In the field stood a birch tree ...”;dictionary V.I. Dahl.

Methodological techniques: singing songs, staging, comparative analysis, vocabulary work, game moments.

During the classes

  1. Conversation on questions:

What folklore is called ritual?

What calendar-ritual songs do you know?

Why are they called that?

II. Group work


Each group represents a certain rite.

1. Christmas ritual - Carols.

Pupils walk around the class and sing:

Carol, carol!

Give me the pie

Pancake and cake

In the back window.

New Year came,

The old one stole

Showed himself!

Go people

meet the sun,

Frost drive away!

The students carry a star on a pole, the girls are dressed in colorful scarves, and the boys have hats on their heads. One in a turned-out sheepskin coat and a mask.

Don't give me a pie -

We are the cow by the horns!

Don't give a gut

We are a pig by the temple

Do not give a pancake -

We are the master in pink!

The beginning of the year was given special significance: as you celebrate the New Year, you will spend the whole year. This belief is still widespread today. Therefore, they tried to make the table plentiful, people cheerful, everyone wished each other happiness and good luck.

What is the meaning of Kolyada? (Caroling began on Christmas Eve, January 6th. Caroling was the name given to festive rounds of houses with the singing of carols, in which the owners were famous and contained wishes for a good harvest, wealth, etc. The caroling was mainly done by young people and children. Funny company carried on a pole a star symbolizing Star of Bethlehem and very similar to the pagan sun. Songs were sung near the houses. Among the carolers there were always mummers - in turned out sheepskin coats, masks. Kolyada accustomed to good neighborliness, hospitality and, of course, stimulated the creativity of people.)

What is the connection between Kolyada and paganism?(Masks of mummers, fortune-telling for Christmas.)

Comparison of folklore and literary works:

"The Night Before Christmas" N.V. Gogol;

"Once in the Epiphany evening ..." Zhukovsky;

An excerpt from "Eugene Onegin" by A.S. Pushkin.

How are literary versions similar to folkloric ones, and how do they differ? (Literary processing of folk songs makes them even more rhythmic and expressive.)

2. Maslenitsa

Students walk around the classroom with a stuffed Shrovetide, which is then symbolically buried. Girls treat everyone with pancakes. Sing a song:

Tits, tits,

Bring on the needle!

Canaries, canaries,

Bring on the sewing!

The rosary, the rosary,

Bring on the brush!

Then, ducks

Blow into the pipes

Cockroaches -

To the drums!

What verses does this springfly remind you of? ("Cockroach" K.I. Chukovsky.)

What is the connection between Maslenitsa and paganism? (Maslenitsa was celebrated the last week before Lent. The meeting and seeing off of Maslenitsa was celebrated cheerfully, hospitably, with mummers, and a plentiful feast. Each day of Shrovetide has its own name:

Monday - meeting

Tuesday - games

Wednesday - gourmet,

Thursday - Broad Thursday

Friday - mother-in-law evenings,

Saturday - sister-in-law gatherings,

Sunday - farewell.

For wires, a large effigy of Maslenitsa was built, it was carried on a staff with songs, and then it was usually burned or buried (buried). This is a direct connection with paganism: in pre-Christian times, seeing off winter was celebrated at the same time; an effigy of Maslenitsa is an attribute of paganism.)

3. Magpies

Students walk around the class, give each group a lark figurine from dough and sing:

Larks, come

Bring red summer!

We are tired of winter

I've eaten all the bread

The spindle is broken

I threw it on the ropes!

What is the meaning of magpies? (Magpies always fall during Lent (March 22). On this day, figurines of birds are always baked from lean dough and they call spring. During strict fasting, this holiday is an outlet, an occasion for modest fun.)

  1. Trinity

Summer brought its own feasts with it and opened with the broad feast of the Trinity. It coincided with the flowering of nature at the beginning of summer. Houses were decorated with birch branches, they walked around the village with branches, weaved wreaths from them, told fortunes about them, and danced round dances.

Pupils come out with the song “There was a birch tree in the field ... (If possible, let's listen to its arrangement in P.I. Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony.)

What do you think attracted outstanding Russian writers and composers to ritual poetry? (Ritual songs are very poetic, musical, melodious, rich in images, they contain the simple wisdom of life.)

5. Autumn songs

What is special about autumn songs? (They are associated with the harvest. After finishing the harvest, with the last sheaf, the workers solemnly went home, singing songs.)

We expressively read the autumn songs placed in the textbook.

Vocabulary work: clarify incomprehensible words. WhatZhito, oatmeal, bast shoes, sickle, sheaf?Let's use the dictionary of V.I. Dahl.

III. Generalization

What is the beauty and wisdom of Russian rituals? (They teach good neighborliness, stimulate creative abilities, and are an "outlet" after hard peasant labor. The rituals absorbed everything national, inherent only to the Russian people: a bizarre fusion of Christianity and paganism gives a special charm to folk holidays.)

IV. Homework: Write an essay on the topic “What is the beauty and wisdom of Russian rituals?”

The peculiarity of each people in the originality of culture. Every nation, every state has its own traditions, customs that are passed down from generation to generation, from mouth to mouth. Older people can talk for hours about salient features ancient rites. Listening to them, there is a feeling that we are immersed in a different, fabulous and unusual interesting world full of secrets and mysteries.

Rituals were formed not in a moment. More than one century passed before they reached our times in the form in which we know them. The rituals reflect the wisdom of our ancestors, accumulated over the centuries. Each detail, gesture is individual, unique.

I think that I was very lucky because I was born in one of the Russian cities. There are many beautiful and original rituals in our area. After a long winter, we are all waiting for Maslenitsa to meet the arrival of spring. This is very beautiful holiday which originates from pagan times. As a symbol of the passing cold weather, a rag doll is burned. Competitions of folk craftsmen are arranged. Those who wish can show their remote physical strength. I especially like another "delicious" tradition - baking pancakes for this holiday. They resemble the bright sun, from which it immediately becomes lighter in the houses and in the soul of each of us.

In many villages, there are wedding ceremonies. They may differ in small features depending on the area. But in general this beautiful event with many unusual costumes, outfits. There are many signs associated with this holiday. When such a solemn, fateful event is planned, the newlyweds become superstitious and try to adhere to a certain procedure.

The lightest religious holiday can be called Christmas. Christmas trees are decorated for it. This is perhaps the only custom that combines New Year and Christmas. On the night of January 6-7, on Christmas Eve, girls tell fortunes about their betrothed, make wishes. Methods can be very diverse: on water and milk, on a mirror, using felt boots. Epiphany customs are known for swimming in the hole. It is believed that this is how sins are washed away, the body is rejuvenated and becomes healthier.

Everyone can relate to this in their own way: believe or not, participate or not. But, you must admit, these original, colorful, fabulous events bring diversity to our life, filling it with unusualness. They unite, give the holiday a sense of antiquity, a special atmosphere.