I am a folk creation for kids entertainment. Entertainment "Merry Sloboda" (with children of the preparatory group for school). Dive into the topic

From the editor

The collection "The Lark" was compiled by a young enthusiastic collector of folklore G. Naumenko, who offers the reader his observations-observations in a special area of ​​Russian folk art related to children. For several years now, Mr. Naumenko has been traveling in the summer to various regions and districts of the RSFSR (Smolensk, Kaluga, Kalinin, Ivanovo, Moscow). Some of the records were made by him in the regions of the north (Muezersky and Medvezhyegorsk regions of the Karelian Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). Recordings were made by him from 1962 to 1974 using a tape recorder, and only a small part of them are auditory.

Page after page reveals in the first part of the book the bright world that surrounds the child from the very cradle, the love and attention of adults to babies. And then, in the second part, a purely childish perception is revealed in the works of the children themselves. surrounding life and the direct response of children to certain natural phenomena.
Unpretentious tunes, often simple repetitive chants or recitative exclamations are combined with the original poetic language of numerous and genre-diverse works.
The intonational repetitions and proximity of rhythmic formulas, inevitable when showing one genre or type of folk art, are compensated by the variety of poetic images and the ability to trace variant differences.

When getting acquainted with the material, one should take into account the special nature of the performance - great agogic freedom (accelerations, a farm, a transition from singing to talking, etc.).
The collection reflects the oral works of folk art that make up his legacy. This legacy is organically woven into the life of the modern Soviet village. In the course of his work, the author of the collection turned to children different ages. The children willingly sang to the collector modern school songs of Soviet composers, school ditties unpretentious in melody. Trustingly, they also revealed their secrets: they told the collector about their children's amusements and songs on this or that occasion, which adults do not always manage to see and hear, since children often shyly hide their games and amusements from adults.
Without pretending to a complete and systematic coverage of the topic - "children's folk art", G. Naumenko still gives great material that widely acquaints the reader with the little explored area of ​​\u200b\u200bRussian folk art and shows some of its varieties with tunes for the first time (children's labor choruses, sentences, tongue twisters, rhymes, etc.).
The collection also makes an attempt to unite and, to a certain extent, systematize the collected material by genres and types.

Along with well-known games for both children and adults, fairy tales and children's songs, the collection contains a lot of new and interesting things: hawking mushrooms, berries, flowers, imitating the voices of birds, tongue twisters, etc.
The collection is addressed to the widest circle of all those interested in Russian folk art. It has a certain cognitive value and makes it possible to use it in practice. We draw attention to the rich poetic speech, vivid realism and national originality of the works, modest in tune, which, with good attention, can attract both the researcher of folklore and the worker. kindergarten, composer and poet, and leader of the children's amateur group.

Folklore entertainment for children 4-5 years old in kindergarten Folk games with Matryoshka"

Entertainment scenario based on Russian folklore for children of the middle group.

Target: create the conditions for a festive mood.
Tasks: introduce children to Russian culture; develop aesthetic perception, musicality of children; evoke an emotional response to what is happening; educate interest in folk games.
Materials and equipment. Disc of Russian folk music, nursery rhymes. Large handkerchief, small handkerchiefs.
The role of nesting dolls, cockerel, grandfather Timofey is played by children of the same group.

Entertainment progress.

Russian folk music sounds.
We're going to have fun today.
Come visit us today
And who, now you know
If you solve the riddle!
"Scarlet silk handkerchief,
Bright floral sundress
The hand rests on the wooden sides.
And inside there are secrets:
Maybe three, maybe six.
Broken up a little.
This is Russian ...... (matryoshka)
We clap our hands
Come out here, Matryoshka!
Matryoshka comes out to the Russian folk melody. Matryoshka dances, performing familiar dance movements, children clap their hands.
Who is brave here?
Who's smart here
Get bolder in the circle!
Cooked for kids
An interesting game!
Game "Grandfather Timofey"
Hello grandfather Timofey!
Don't look at the kids, don't shake your head
Don't shake your beard.
Don't stomp your feet, stay on the path.
Yes, listen to what we say
Look what we're showing!
Grandfather. Where were you kids?
Children. In a raw barrel!
Grandfather. What were you doing there?
We sat on a hummock, stood on a stump,
They scratched their heads, but they ran away from you! Grandpa catches kids.
We are funny nesting dolls,
Everyone was sitting by the window.
We're tired of being bored
You have come to dance.
Dance "We are nesting dolls one, two, three"
The girls, together with Matryoshka, perform movements according to the text of the song.

1. We are nesting dolls one, two, three
How similar look, look.
Oh lyuli, oh lyuli,
Sundresses to the ground.
2. We are nesting dolls one, two, three
How pretty look, look.
Oh lyuli, oh lyuli
Ribbons braided into braids.
3. We are nesting dolls one, two, three
How friendly we look, look
Oh lyuli, oh lyuli
We led a round dance.
Let's play with my friend the golden cockerel.
The rooster comes out.
Cockerel. I am a cockerel - a golden cockerel!
I get up very early, I sing very loudly
Who is brave here, who is dexterous here?
Get out in the circle!
I cooked for the kids
An interesting game!
The game "Walks around the yard pet wow"
All players stand in a circle and hold hands. Players go in a circle, a rooster in a circle. Children say a joke:
Tuh - tuh
A rooster walks around the yard.
Himself with spurs, a tail with patterns.
Standing in the yard, shouting the loudest!
Rooster: Ku-ka-re-ku!
Everyone scatters, the rooster catches the children. Caught, becomes a rooster.
Presenter: Well, we teased, played,
But they didn't dance together.
And what a festivity without a Russian, mischievous dance.
Oh, come on guys!
Show yourself in dance.
General dance.
Matryoshka. Oh, we are tired of playing, now we will rest.
And I brought you beautiful handkerchiefs in a basket. Handing out handkerchiefs to everyone. Everyone sits on the mat. They wave handkerchiefs to calm music, then hide.
We'll take the corners
Our bright handkerchiefs
And let's rise high
Let's play with him easily.
One, two, three, who's hiding inside! Children hide with handkerchiefs, at this time
the teacher covers several children with a large scarf.

We lower the handkerchief, who is not here?
One, two, three, who's hiding inside?
The game is repeated.
Educator. How fun we spent time with nesting dolls,
Matryoshka. Good children, skillful children,
You are the most best kids in the world!
I have something for you...
Brought treats for you!
Matryoshka takes out treats from the basket, distributes them to the children and says goodbye.

Acquaintance with folklore occurs in a little man from the very early childhood. From the first months of life, the baby hears the gentle voice of the mother, catches his intonation, learns to distinguish between moods. The dearest person in the world sings lullabies to the baby, and through them the baby feels the love and care with which mommy tenderly addresses him. Growing older, the child learns funny poems by heart, memorizes riddles and counting rhymes. All this forms him as a person, helps to develop: there is a training of memory, thinking, imagination, attention and speech.

Children's folklore is an integral part of the life of every little man. Without it, the formation of the child as a person does not occur, development becomes impossible. emotional sphere. After all, when a mother sings a lullaby to her baby, he emotionally reacts to it: he calms down, feels comfort and satisfaction. develop the physical activity of the child, help him to join the team of peers, to become part of it. Riddles contribute to the development of intellectual abilities.

The genres of children's folklore are known to everyone: all kinds of riddles, pestles, incantations, counting rhymes, nursery rhymes ... Their knowledge often becomes a kind of "pass" to the children's team: children often tell each other different horror stories, teasers, counting rhymes. That is why a child who does not attend kindergarten, but is brought up at home, may not know what children pass on to each other, and in the future it becomes difficult for him to adapt to his peers. Folklore in kindergarten is its own, special reality, necessary for the full growth and development of the crumbs.


A lullaby is the first thing a child gets to know when they come into this world. The baby still does not know how to speak, understand surrounding reality, but through a lullaby becomes involved in this world. The mother's voice is sweet and gentle. She tremblingly strokes her baby on the head.

Never after will he experience such absolute love for himself as in early infancy, when he is loved not for some merit, but for himself, simply because he is. That's what children's folklore is capable of. Lullabies lull the baby to sleep, give a feeling of perfect peace, joy, happiness, and tranquility. The kid grows up happy, often smiles, he has rainbow dreams.

Examples of baby lullabies:

Lyuli, lyuli lyulenki
The gulls have arrived
Ghouls sat on the bed
The ghouls began to coo,
The ghouls began to coo,
They began to swing Dashenka,
They began to swing Dashenka,
Dasha began to fall asleep.

Sleep, my son, sleep
Lyuli, lyushenki, lyuli...
Soon the night will pass
The red sun will rise.
Fresh rosushki will fall,
Flowers will grow in the field
The spring garden will bloom
The free bird will sing.
Lyuli, lyushenki, lyuli,
Sleep tight, son.

Yes, the bunnies jumped
Yes, the geese have arrived.
The ghouls began to roam
Yes, my dear began to fall asleep.


The meaning of the word "pestushka" comes from "nurture", "educate". A mother who sings pestle to her baby, performs various actions, shows where the baby has a leg, where the pen is, and actually quietly teaches him to understand the signals outside world. Feeling the gentle touch of mother's hands, the child simultaneously receives both the emotional component of interaction, and the spiritual, and informational. How more mom pays attention to the baby, the better for his development, the sooner he will remember that the legs are needed to “stomp along the path”, and you can clap your hands loudly with your hands. Examples of children's folklore in the pestle genre can be found in any children's books aimed at ages from a few months to one and a half to two years.

nursery rhymes

Nursery rhymes are known as a genre where elementary game situation and some simple activity is played. The purpose of nursery rhymes is to amuse, to achieve a response from the child.

For example, when they play “patties” with a baby, then the crumbs are required to perform simple actions - claps. In addition, the child's mood is sure to rise, he laughs merrily. All these joyful emotions are brought by folklore. In kindergarten, nursery rhymes can be used as an entertaining and educational activity, for example, after a nap, when you need to cheer up the kids. Rhymes are intended for children from one and a half to three years.

Examples of nursery rhymes:

The cockerel is coming,
side cap,
red beard,
bone head,
Gets up early
And don't let others sleep
Sitting on fences
Screams the most.

Cockerel, cockerel,
Golden comb!
Sleeping on the straw
Got up early,
Went to the water
I found a young
Young lady is good
She gave me boots.
He did not have time to take them down,
As others began to ask.

Early in the market
I bought a lamb bagel:
For sheep, for sheep
TEN poppy rings,
NINE sushi,
EIGHT buns,
SEVEN cakes,
SIX cheesecakes,
FIVE cakes,
FOUR donuts,
THREE cakes,
TWO gingerbread
And I bought ONE kalach -
I didn't forget about myself!
And for the wife - sunflowers.

The turnip danced with the poppy,
And parsley with parsnip,
Corn with garlic
Our Tanya with the Cossack.
But the carrot did not want
dance, dance,
Because she couldn't
Dance, dance.

Children's games

Children's folklore is quite diverse. Many do not know that outdoor children's games can also be attributed to it. Round dances, dances, dances are all an integral part. As a rule, games involve a large crowd of children and are acceptable only in a children's team. Look, watch the children, with what enthusiasm they play with each other!

Outdoor games often involve the performance of all kinds of sports exercises. Children willingly compete with each other in running, long and high jumps, dancing. If found the right approach to these activities and organize everything well, then children's folklore in the genre of games becomes quite an interesting and useful enterprise.

Teasers and underwear

What child has never heard a rhyme like "Greedy Beef"? As soon as the baby enters kindergarten, a whole bunch of various expressions and teasers fall upon him. Often they are used by children to the place and not to the place, only by chance. However, all this is children's folklore. Teasers teach social communication, and they should not be banned, and even more so - children should be punished for this. If you forbid them to use undershirts, the children will still come up with something of their own.

Oddly enough, such rhymes help to feel like a socially significant person. It is much easier for a child to communicate with peers if he knows children's folklore. Teasers play the role of a kind of determinant that allows you to understand how the baby is part of the team, knows how to get along in it and understands the laws of its existence. Thus, even the most Small child, being in unfamiliar groups, will quickly figure out what's what.


Russian children's folklore would not be so rich if, among all its diversity, there were no riddles. What could be more entertaining and unusual than solving rhyming (and sometimes not so) metaphorical expressions? Children are very fond of unusual and beautiful puzzles dedicated to animals, nature, household items. That's how entertaining children's folklore can be! the children themselves, based on their own ideas about life and calling for help a rich imagination. It is worth saying that children very quickly memorize the texts of various allegorical descriptions and deftly insert them if necessary.

Comic riddles are especially popular among children: they ask such "tricky" questions to each other with special interest. Those who cannot answer must guess two or three more similar statements. This is the most intellectual type of oral folk art, representing children's folklore. Riddles are also common on the playground among peers, they are found in the classroom in kindergarten. First of all, these miniatures develop attention, memory, stimulate the imagination, the ability to think in an extraordinary way, to be creative in solving a problem. Examples of children's folklore confirm this. Judge for yourself:

They drink milk, tea, juice (mug) from it.

This item helps people negotiate when they can't see each other (telephone).

This item is needed in order to display on paper beautiful inscriptions(pencil pen).

A riddle helps to learn new things, to learn something. For example:

She does not know how to speak, but she talks a lot (book).

What is a person called who likes to mess around? (lazy person).

Orange and ripe, all the guys are happy (orange).

A cloud cries, and its tears water the earth (rain).

A pear is hanging - you can’t eat (light bulb, chandelier, lamp).

Protects the house, does not let outsiders (dog).

Like our friend has scratchy claws, who is he? (Kitty)

horror stories

Perhaps this is the most interesting topic both among elementary school students and teenagers. It is known that children often like to scare their peers with incredible mysterious stories, after which it is scary to fall asleep.

It's very funny and fun. Someone tells a story that makes their hands go cold and everything freezes inside, and everyone else listens and then, for a long time after the end of the story, “digest” what they heard. Children's folklore, manifested in the form of horror stories, is incredibly popular. The most interesting thing is that children are always happy to listen to such stories, even if they cause fear in them.

Examples of children's horror stories:

1. Forest monster

In one forest, a terrible monster appeared, whom everyone was afraid of. Whether a mouse accidentally slips through the forest or a gray hare runs through, a huge monster will definitely eat it. The big trouble was that no one had ever seen this monster, and if he met him nose to nose, he never returned alive. It got to the point that the forest dwellers were afraid to stick their nose out of their houses - this monster scared them so much. Aren't you afraid that the monster will suddenly come out of the forest and head into the city? Then you will be in danger! The guys, of course, are cowardly: who wants to fall into the clutches of a forest monster? They don’t leave the house once again, they look around on the way to school: what if a forest monster sneaks behind them? The monster was never caught, or maybe it never existed?

2. Cannibal cat

Once upon a time there was a cat in the world who loved to feast on people. He was huge, just gigantic in size, and therefore he could swallow a whole elephant, not like a man. People, having heard about this vicious animal, began to be afraid to go out late in the evening and at night, since it attacked only at this time. Most often, such cases were observed on the full moon or shortly before its onset. At other times, no one heard anything about a giant cat. His whereabouts were not known either. The police were looking for the cat, various daredevils hunted him, but they failed to catch the "monster". It was even said that the devil himself turns into a cat to do evil. Can you imagine what it's like to walk the streets and not be sure that you will return home alive today? Mothers began to hide their children, husbands and fathers armed themselves with pitchforks and one day went into the forest. They wanted to stand up for their families, whom the cannibal cat intended to destroy. For a long time they tried to find a vile animal, but it was not easy. The thing is that the cannibal cat was extremely cunning and deftly knew how to disguise himself: as soon as they approached him, he became invisible. The men challenged him to a fight, he hid and pretended that he was not there. They called him a coward and a scoundrel - the cat did not react in any way. And once this happened: an ordinary gray cat with dark marks on his chest somehow entered one of the houses and stole a piece of bacon from the hostess. When he was caught, he suddenly vanished into thin air and disappeared. It must have been the cannibal cat...


There are also many fans of children's poems. Such wonderful children's authors as Agniya Barto, Samuil Marshak, Sergey Mikhalkov are known to everyone. Their works are loved by the whole world and know by heart. Children easily remember funny rhyming lines that bring a smile and good mood. Memorizing poetry trains brain activity, develops memory, thinking, imagination, attention and speech. Small genres of children's folklore are especially loved by children.

Examples of children's poems:


This is Vovka, what an eccentric!
He sits sullen
He tells himself this:
"Think, Vovka, think!"

Will climb into the attic
Or rushing, that's an eccentric,
To the far corner of the garden;
He tells himself this:
"Think, think!"

He believes that from thoughts
He has a manly mind.

And Marusya, she is five years old,
Asks Vovka for advice
And say: what days
Is the mind getting smarter?

Mom is sleeping, she is tired ...
Well, I didn't play!
I don't start a top
And I sit down and sit.
My toys don't make noise
Quiet in an empty room.
And on my mother's pillow
The beam is stealing golden.
And I said to the beam:
- I want to move too!
I would like a lot:
Read aloud and roll the ball,
I would sing a song
I could laugh
Whatever I want!
But my mother is sleeping, and I am silent.
The beam darted along the wall,
And then slithered towards me.
"Nothing," he whispered,
Let's sit in silence!


Children's songs are often heard in kindergarten classes. Various rhythmic movements are performed to the music: dances, games, etc. All this also belongs to the category « » .

Songs are performed to a variety of music and on a variety of topics. Basically, the theme of folk art prevails. Children's folklore is especially popular. Russian songs are learned even with three-year-old children, since their lyrics are very easy to remember.


Rhymes help children determine the order in various games. It has been noticed that instead of simply agreeing among themselves who follows whom, for some reason the children prefer to reckon. A short poem, endowed with dynamism and of considerable interest, usually acts as a rhyme. Perhaps it is this approach that sometimes allows them to avoid unnecessary disputes and disagreements, which often lead to quarrels within the children's team. These poems are also children's folklore. Rhymes are remarkable in that they help to decide on the choice of the game in advance and not waste time on disputes, which is very important for maintaining the internal microclimate. In addition, these are just funny works of oral folk art, easy to remember, funny, kind. Thus, children's folklore is very useful. Rhythms are the best suited for any game. And just try to discourage kids from using this wonderful tool! Not only will they all quarrel in five minutes, but they will also spoil the mood of everyone who is in this moment will be nearby.

Examples of children's counting rhymes:

Hush, mice, cat on the roof,
and kittens are even higher.
The cat went for milk
and kittens somersault.
The cat came without milk
and kittens ha ha ha.

One, two, three, four, five,
We have learned to count.
Well, then we don't know
Maybe we can count together?

Six - we love to eat sweets,
Seven - we help everyone,
Eight - we will not leave friends in trouble.
Nine - we study for five,
Ten - finished counting.

Horses, horses, horses, horses,
We sat on the balcony.
They drank tea, broke cups,
They spoke Turkish.

Lived at the vest
Three loops and two cuffs.
If you count them together,
Three yes two, of course, five!
Do you just know what the secret is?
The vest has no cuffs!

Thus, children's folklore is of great importance in the context of Russian oral folk art. It is imperative to study this layer of culture, because children are great inventors and masters of inventing funny mysterious stories. With the outward similarity of creative products, they all turn out to be unique and unrepeatable in their essence.

The guys, studying all kinds of riddles, counting rhymes, poems, songs, taking part in outdoor and intellectual games, receive a useful lesson for the future. Children's folklore develops creative thinking, teaches to analyze, reflect, treat the sounding word with the greatest attention, love and protect nature. Folklorists specially travel around the villages and collect material for their practical research.

Finally, we add that the genres of children's folklore are not limited to the works listed in this article. There are also jokes, sentences, all kinds of chants and yells. All these directions only emphasize the beauty and diversity of oral folk art.

For the second junior group

Purpose of the holiday: To introduce children to the origins of Russian folk culture through the active use of folklore (rhymes, jokes, songs, riddles); continue to develop a common and fine motor skills, positive emotions, speech activity, musical and creative abilities, singing skills.

Attributes for the holiday: Russian hut, stove, poker, cast iron, grip, tablecloth, bench made of wood, homespun rugs, samovar, miracle box with musical instruments, Russian folk costumes.

Holiday start:

Musical director: Offers to ride a horse to the village to grandma and grandpa. Children ride and sing “we’re going, we’re going to a woman, to a grandfather on a horse, but-but-but” (they sing 3 times, going around the hall).

Musical director: We drove, we drove, we finally arrived!

They meet a cockerel at the house and sing a song to him (Russian folk song).

A bunny ran outside the garden and offers the children to sing the song “Hare-Bunny”, after the song the children treat the bunny with carrots.

Musical director: It is quiet in the house, no one meets us, let the children dance and wake up grandparents "Merry dance."

Grandma and grandpa come out of the house.

Hello my dear grandchildren! Why are you standing at the door? Come on in, we always welcome guests! Step on the porch. Are the legs clean? (Children answer.)

Look how bright and beautiful it is in our room! All around are homespun rugs and handmade rugs, just a feast for the eyes! Sit down side by side, let's talk okay!

The game "Magpie - white-sided cooked porridge."

Grandmother: You, grandpa, go get firewood, and I'll knead the dough and bake gingerbread! And you, granddaughter - Daryushka, show me the hut.

Daryushka: Okay, okay, grandpa and grandma (they leave).

Guys, do you know what the hut consists of? I'll tell you now, and you repeat after me!

Finger gymnastics

Wall, wall (pointer fingers show cheeks)

Ceiling (show forehead)

Two windows (with index fingers on the eyes)

Door (on the mouth)

Call! Ding-ding-ding! (press fingers on the tip of the nose)

No one opens (clasp hands in the lock)

Only in vain we ring the bell (straighten the thumbs)

Big lock on the door

Here it is, the key! (the right hand is put forward, connecting the thumb and forefinger)

And the lock is open! (to the left palm put the thumb and forefinger right hand and turn them clockwise).

Daria: Now I will give you riddles:

  1. In the hut - the hut,

    On the hut - a pipe,

    I lit a torch

    Put it on the threshold

    Noisy in the hut

    Buzzed in the pipe.

    People see the flame

    But it doesn’t go to extinguish (stove).

  2. Hands on hips like a boss

    Gets up on the table first

    Himself a stove, and a kettle,

    He brews himself, pours himself (samovar).

Well done guys! Solved all my riddles!

But who can sleep in this bed?

That's right, doll! Do you know how to lullaby and speak?

I will teach you now:

Already you, kitty, kitty, kitty - a gray tail,

Come, kitty, spend the night, rock my baby.

How can I pay you, cat, for work,

I'll give you a piece of cake and a jug of milk.

(Children take dolls, rock them, singing along.)

Grandma and grandpa enter the house: Well? Are you bored?

Musical director: No, she taught our children to sing a lullaby.

Grandmother: What are you my smart little - reasonable! What do you think is the most important thing in a house? Is it a porch, or a stove, or a window, or a table and a bench with a cat? (Children answer.)

And I'll tell you: no matter how swords, it's better not to have an oven.

Where to bake bread, pies and kalachi?

Where to cook cabbage soup and porridge? Of course, in the oven!

The stove is small, but it’s warm, and you can dry your felt boots on it and warm yourself.

Grandfather: Before you heat the stove, do not forget to chop wood and sentence. Things will go faster (grandfather chops firewood, sentences)

I'm chopping, chopping wood.

I prick on chocks,

I'm chopping, chopping wood.

Burn the fire in the oven!

Grandmother: And I'll bake you some gingerbread.

Grandfather: While the gingerbread is cooling down, I'll show you - what a miracle - a box!

You run to me here, a miracle - look at the box.

What the eyes will see, name! (Children take wooden spoons, rattles, bells from the box.)

Daryushka: That's what our kids are!

And where are the kids, certainly an orchestral game!

Kids are playing. And grandmother and grandfather are dancing, and their granddaughter is playing rattles.

Grandfather: And in the box there is a painted handkerchief, do you want to play hide and seek with it?

Grandmother: We want you to be just a blind man, grandfather!

Grandfather: Well, I haven't played for a long time, I was waiting for you grandchildren.

If you have grandchildren, there will be fun!

Blindskin game.

Grandfather: And our granddaughter has a name day today, we will sing “Loaf” together.

Grandmother: Time is running fast, the samovar is already boiling (puts the samovar on the table).

And now the children want to show their grandfather, grandmother and granddaughter Daryushka what they made painted mugs with plates and pies with cheesecakes, and with pretzels for treats, to the exhibition "Russian Folk Art" together with their parents.

Daryushka treats the children with sushi.

Eat dry, sing tea, don't forget us!

Children thank their grandmother, grandfather, Daryushka and go home on a horse.

Inna Eaglet
"Happy get-togethers". Folk entertainment for children and parents of the preparatory group

« Merry gatherings»

Folk entertainment for children and parents of the preparatory group.

Target: Attach children to the traditions of the Russian people, folk culture, to Russian creativity. Create an emotionally positive mood as a result of joint activities children and parents when communicating with Russian folklore.


Pin view children about the genres of Russian folk folklore. Expand their knowledge of folk art with the help of folk songs, ditties, nursery rhymes, jokes, proverbs, riddles, sayings, dances, round dances, games.

Learn children emotionally reproduce figurative content folklore material ; arouse the desire to perform, expressively performing folk works and correctly conveying their character.

educate at children good feelings by sharing them with folk traditions and joint activities with adults. Contribute to the establishment of friendly, good relationships in families.


children's musical instruments (spoons, rattles, tambourines, triangles, bells, pipe);

didactic toys (cow, basket with riddles and proverbs, forfeits, bear mask;

Russian folk costumes for children and adults.

Members: children, parents, presenter, storyteller.

Entertainment progress.

Leading. We invite everyone to gatherings! Take a seat, welcome guests. Begins funny performance with games - fun, with round dances, with songs.

Boy. Come on girls, sit down! Get comfortable.

Under cheerful Russian. nar. the melody comes in, dancing girls and go to their chairs. They sit down.

Leading. Come on, fair people! Do not dust the track!

Good fellows go for a walk a little!

Under slow Russian. nar. music, the boys enter the hall at alternating steps and go to their chairs. They sit down.

Leading. We have been waiting for you for a long time, we don’t start the holiday without an accordion.

Ditties are performed - roll call:

Boy. white girls,

Where did you get white?

Girl. We milked the cows yesterday -

Washed with milk!

Boy. You listen, girls,

I will sing awkwardly.

A pig grazes on an oak

A bear is steaming in the bath.

Girl. And who are you, whose?

Where did they come from?

We don't have girls like that

To fall in love with you.

Boy. I'll harness the cat to the droshky,

And a kitten in a tarantass.

I'll take my girlfriend

Show to all neighbors.

Girl. On my sundress

Clubfoot roosters.

When I grow up big

Beware grooms.

Girl. I didn't want to dance

Standing and shy

And the harmonica played

I couldn't resist.

Leading. Well the music is playing

The legs themselves are torn to dance.

And smart kids

They will dance "Sudarushka" For you.

Children perform a dance "Sudarushka" (r. n. m.)

Leading. And what gatherings without jokes?

Children make jokes jokes:

"Shoemaker"- Was there a shoemaker? - Was!

Shil shoemaker? - Shil!

For whom? - For the neighbor's cat!

"Assistant"- Where were you, Ivan? - In the upper room.

What are you doing? I help Peter.

And what does Peter do? - Yes, it's on the stove.

"Cat" The cat baked pies from pea flour

She took the sheet out of the oven and threw it on the floor.

The bun rolled right to the mouse under the threshold.

The Proskovia mouse squeaks from underground:

Roll, kolobok, on a mouse's tooth!

The mouse is happy, but the cat is annoyed.

Leading. A fairy tale grandmother came to visit us. Dear Storyteller, hello!

Storyteller. I live in the country in the spring, and live in the upper room in the winter. I sit, I look at the people, I always remember everything and collect it in a basket. Here is my piggy bank. It contains mysteries. Listen.

The grandmother-storyteller takes out cards from the basket and reads puzzles:

1. Who comes, who goes -

Everyone leads her by the hand (Door)

2. Wooden fences,

And the floors are glass (window)

3. There are four legs under the roof,

And on the roof soup, yes spoons (table)

Leading. And we, dear Storyteller, know many proverbs and sayings. Would you like to put them in your piggy bank?

Storyteller. Of course I want!

The children take turns reading the proverbs and sayings:

1. The wrong dog bites that barks loudly,

And the one that is silent, but wags its tail.

2. Outside the window the sun,

Yes, heartbreak.

3. Shot down, knocked together - that's the wheel,

Sat down and went - oh, good.

I looked back - some knitting needles are lying.

"When the sun is warm, when the mother is good"

“Work feeds a person, but laziness spoils”

"The earth is painted by the sun, and man's work"

Leading. And I know a girl who gets up early to herd her cow.

Girl. Oh how I love my cow.

In the spring I will pick nettles for her.

Eat as much as you like, my cow,

Eat your fill, my Burenushka.

Staged Russian folk song "Oh, I got up early"

Leading. And now the children will show a fairy tale about our cow.

Story "How the owner of the cow sold":

Leading. In the market, the owner of the cow was selling.

Although many needed a cow,

But apparently people didn't like her.

Buyer. Master, will you sell us your cow?

Master. Selling. I've been standing with her in the market since morning.

Buyer. Are you asking too much for her?

Master. Yes, where to make money! Get yours back!

Buyer. Painfully your cow is thin.

Master. Sick, damn it! Direct trouble!

Buyer. How much milk does a cow give?

Master. Yes, we have not seen milk yet.

Leading. All day long the old man traded in the market,

No one gave a price for a cow.

One boy took pity on the old man.

Boy. Dad, your hand is not easy.

I will stand near your cow,

Perhaps we will sell your cow.

Leading. There is a buyer with a tight wallet

And now he is bargaining with the boy.

Second buyer. Are you selling a cow?

Boy. Buy if you're rich!

Cow, look, not a cow, but a treasure!

Second buyer. Is it? Looks painfully thin.

Boy. Not very oily, but good milk yield.

Second buyer. How much milk does a cow give?

Boy. You will not milk in a day -

The hand will get tired.

Leading. The owner looked at his cow.

Master. Why am I, Burenka, selling you?

I will not sell my cow to anyone,

You need such a beast!

(The owner hugs the cow and carries it away)

Storyteller. Yes, the story about Burenka is good. I'll put it in my piggy bank. I walked around the world, there is no better Russian song!

Sounds Russian. nar. song "Ivushki" performed music director and two grandmothers.

Leading. Girlfriends amused us - fun, we will also entertain you!

Sounds Russian. nar. song "Vine Blooms"(a'capella)

performed children.

Leading. Do you know what fake faces are? But our mothers, along with their children, know.

Boy. Fables in faces

They sit in the terem-svetlitsa,

cracking nuts,

Let them make laughs.

Children with mothers stage their fables:

"Fedul, why did you pout your lips?"

Fedul, what pouted his lips?

The caftan burned through.

Can you sew?

Yes, there is no needle.

Is the hole big?

One gate left!

"About the Bear"

I caught a bear!

So bring him here.

Doesn't go.

So go yourself!

Yes, he won't let me!

"Remote fellow"

Along the street to the end

There was a daring fellow.

Not a product to sell

Show yourself.

Where are you going Vanya?

Where are you driving?

Mowing hay!

What about hay?

Feed the cows!

What do you want cows for?

Milk to milk, feed the little kids!

Leading. We sang and danced, but it's time for our guests to fun to take part. It's time to play Fanta (collect forfeits from the guests before the start entertainment) . And we will ask you to play forfeits .... (selected by any of the guests)

Leading. Tell me, please, what should this phantom do? (jump, scratch behind the ear, sing a ditty, crow)

Mother. The sun is already going to sleep

People rush to the fair.

And at the fair goods -

Spoons, samovars.

Everyone wants to help

Overcome the mountain of poppy bagels,

baked pretzels,

puff pies,

Yes, various jams.

Oh, Russia, you, Russia,

Glory has not diminished.

Treats and skill

Famous all over the world!

Leading. Come on, Russian, let's

Start more fun!

Spoons clattered loudly

So that you do not lose heart!

In execution children sounds"Orchestra" folk musical and noise instruments in Russian. nar. a piece of chalk. "I will sow a swan"

Leading. Guests, be healthy,

And we leave to the house, to the hut.