Programming the subconscious with the help of "Virus"! Programs for the development of superpowers Hardware and system requirements

Code words that are well absorbed by our subconscious can change our lives for the better. And what kind of words should be pronounced and we will find out in the article.

It has long been known that the human mind, under certain conditions, is able to change reality. Our thoughts, intentions and desires have energy that can influence the world around us.

Subconscious codes: what is it?

Our mind is divided into two areas: conscious and subconscious. Consciousness is a function of the brain that we are aware of. Each individual, thanks to consciousness:

  • Gets an idea of ​​the surrounding reality.
  • Able to collect, process and analyze information.
  • Can make decisions and set tasks.
  • Relates his personality to the world.

The subconscious is a kind of set of programs, processes that take place without direct conscious control.

The subconscious mind performs the following tasks:

  • It captures the information that we receive throughout life in all psycho-emotional spheres.
  • Remembers every emotion that we experienced under certain circumstances.
  • Responsible for the instinct of self-preservation.
  • It starts working suddenly when our mind is busy with other things.
  • It includes automatic reactions of our body to certain situations.
  • It often helps to avoid serious mistakes by prompting the mind to make the right decisions.

Consciousness is based on common sense and logic. We live based on our consciousness, and we make most decisions by listening to it.

And the brain often rejects the prompts of the subconscious, considering them irrational. But it is the subconscious that determines our life as a whole. It carries out our commands and draws to us what we desire to receive. And if we program the subconscious to join any area (luck, love, wealth), then it helps us to attract this into our lives.

Consciousness works much slower than the subconscious. But their simultaneous work can help our brain function more efficiently. Thus, it will help to get positive results in various areas of our lives.

IMPORTANT: There is an effective technique to help connect the conscious and subconscious in moments. As a result, the consciousness begins to understand the signals that the subconscious mind gives it. Thus, it contributes to the fulfillment of our desires.

This technique is called "subconscious codes". It was described in detail in their books by James T. Mangan (“The Secret of an Easy Life. How to Live Without Problems”) and a participant in the “Battle of Psychics” Roman Fad (“Subconscious Codes. 54 Code Phrases for Happiness and Good Luck”).

This technique is based on the thesis that each thought corresponds to a certain monosyllabic formula. These words are not orders or self-hypnosis. They are perceived on a subconscious level. And the codes are some kind of verbal formulas, a kind of keys to the subconscious, capable of changing the program embedded in it.

This system is somewhat similar to the principles of neurolinguistic programming, but much simpler and more accessible for perception.

The essence of the technique is extremely simple - in specific situations it is necessary to pronounce the necessary phrases - codes. They are designed to fix the idea that even now you are living the way you want in your thoughts.

The main words-codes of this technique:

  • "Together"- is the main code in front of all others in the password system. This is a kind of command that the subconscious receives from the consciousness in order to unite into an indivisible whole. Together, they help you discover additional ways to solve problems, enhance your personal capabilities. You will gain freedom, and the future will no longer frighten you. Given code must be pronounced in any situation that requires you to make efforts and make decisions.
  • "It turns out" means the following: what we are going to do in this moment, we succeed. Thinking of new projects, undertaking any business, pronounce this code. By doing this, you will give your brain a powerful installation that everything will work out for you.
  • "Acquire"- the password makes what "gets" materialize. And the result comes to us. This code helps to gain both material and spiritual values.
  • "Count"- what we have acquired (materialized), we consider.

You can end each phrase with the word "Now." It will speed up the desired result. Despite the simplicity of this technique, it must be borne in mind that it is not enough just to pronounce the passphrase. You need to work on yourself, learn to control your thoughts.

In order for the use of code words to help achieve noticeable results, some effort must be made:

  • Believe in the possibility of fulfilling your desire. Having gained faith in himself or in higher powers, a person stops wasting his energy in vain.
  • Know exactly what you want.
  • Imagine your goal has already been achieved, and the desired has already come true.
  • Try to get rid of old stereotypes and imposed attitudes.
  • Overcome your complexes and children's fears.
  • Do not let the negativity inside you, because it contributes to destruction. All bad things must be swept aside. Repeat mentally or out loud that these are not your thoughts and not your feelings.
  • Get away from conflict situations and forgive people.
  • No need to feel sorry for yourself, as it keeps you either in the past (why did this happen?) or in the future (when will everything change?). Thus, in the present, you simply do not exist. Therefore, the desired events do not come into your life.
  • Know your personality and feel like a great creator.

Starting to practice the technique of codes, try not to go too far. You can't be a slave own desires and focus on them. Treat everything as an interesting game. Once you start changing your consciousness, you will see results very soon.

The book by Roman Fad offers a set of code phrases for good luck and happiness in various areas of life. In this article, we will look at some of them.

Wealth code phrase: what to say?

We all wish material well-being. AT modern world a person can gain true freedom only through financial independence. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the talent to earn a lot of money. However, each of us has hidden opportunities that we, due to any circumstances, are not able to realize. Codes aimed at cash flow and prosperity will help to identify them, and then make them work.

The passphrase, which gives the installation to gain money, is built from the main words - passwords: “Together it turns out to find count”.

Speak this password in the following situations:

  • When visiting banking institutions.
  • When you return home and throw small money on the shelf in the hallway.
  • Finding yourself in jewelry stores.

You seem to connect your mind to the financial flow in such places.

How to use the wealth code phrase correctly:

  • Say the magic words three times.
  • Speak calmly, without focusing on pronunciation.
  • Don't think about exactly how you will get your money. The universe is wise and will find a favorable way to bring this about.

Factors significant for connecting your consciousness to the influx of material wealth:

  • Don't treat money as "evil" or it won't come into your life.
  • Don't want money just for its own sake. You must have a specific goal for which you need funds: travel, housing, a beautiful appearance, buying a car, etc.
  • Remember that every work must be paid. Therefore, you do not need to do work for free, thereby depreciating your work. Help people, but don't work at a loss.
  • Do not become a debtor and do not lend yourself.
  • Be energetic. Money loves people who are fast and purposeful.
  • Don't focus on just getting money. Treat them as a tool to achieve results. Money loves movement. Let them spin.
  • Big money will never come to you if you don't love your job. They do not appear in our lives under duress.
  • Thinking about the material, we must not forget about the spiritual.
  • Always be grateful for the forces that helped you get what you want.

Code phrase for love: what to say to attract love?

It will not be a mistake to say that every person wants to be loved and love himself. For different areas of love relationships, there are specific words - codes. They are not love spells, but only program our consciousness in the right direction.

  • « stay together"- this word-code gives a setting to attract love into your life, to the appearance of a worthy partner with whom harmonious relationships can take place.
  • "Together Funnel"- password words with the aim of attracting the attention of a specific person you like. Looking into his eyes, mentally say the phrase. Don't turn away right away. Otherwise, the object of your interest will think that the energy message does not come from you.
  • "Praise Together"- help to gain self-confidence, enhance your attractiveness and beauty. This circumstance is never superfluous in love affairs. Imagine what you dream of being, draw the desired image of yourself and reinforce it with verbal codes.
  • “Together we get passion”, “Together we get happiness”- phrases that help improve relationships in marriage.

Features of using code phrases for love:

  • Say them when you are in a good mood.
  • Visualize imagining yourself next to a wonderful partner.
  • Say these words daily as you paint pictures of your life together.
  • These passphrases do not work on a non-free person who is in happy relationship. Life will decide for itself with whom to bring you together.
  • Avoid despondency, as it programs you for an unhappy life. Be optimistic and joyful.

Health code phrase: how to be healthy with phrases?

Esotericists believe that a person attracts almost all diseases to himself by wrong behavior, thoughts, false values. And if a person has attracted an ailment to herself, then it is in her power to get rid of it. There are opportunities within us to gain health and to eradicate disease. It’s just that the main factor that hinders us is self-righteousness. It is difficult for a person to realize that he thinks and lives incorrectly. This is an obstacle to his inner change, without which, alas, healing is impossible.

The following codes will help in healing and maintaining health:

  • "Remain"- set to maintain your comfortable state (can be used in other areas - health, love, career). In happy moments, fix your state in memory. And in moments of despair or pain, remember the happy state and say this code word. Your mood will change, and life will surely give you pleasant events.
  • "Change"- setting to change the current situation. It helps to change sick cells of the body to healthy ones, improve one's destiny, get rid of the disease. As you say these words, think about what exactly you need to change in your life and yourself.
  • « Attribute"- means "to carry away", "to remove" our diseases, past grievances, fears, complexes. Speak this code in relation to everything that bothers you. Whenever you have a thought about your illness or if someone reminds you of it, say "Refer".
  • « Abolish"- will help rid your character of negative traits that prevent you from recovering. By eliminating the poison of the soul, you will gain health and make your life better. This code helps not only in terms of health, but also in other areas of life, as it helps to eliminate character flaws.
  • "True" - the password aims to bring out the true in our lives. Every person is born to be healthy. Health is our truth. Reject claims that you are sick. Feel and act like a healthy person. Use this code when you need to realize what is truly important, true in life.

Do not rely only on code phrases. You must lead healthy lifestyle life and follow the instructions of doctors.

In addition, getting rid of the disease is possible if the following important conditions are met:

  • Mentally return to the past and try to understand what exactly became the root cause of your negative state. By removing these blocks, you will be on the path to healing.
  • Sincerely wish you get well. Listen to yourself and honestly admit if you are manipulating your illness. Many with their ailments justify their unwillingness to work or keep spouses near them who “do not dare to leave” their sick half. Perhaps you like it when everyone pities you.
  • Try to change own attitude to a negative situation. As difficult as it may be, accept it and humble yourself.
  • Always remember that all thoughts are material. If you want to be a healthy person - be it.

Code phrase for good luck and success: how to become successful with the help of phrases?

Success in life can be achieved by a person with perseverance and will, able to overcome fears and doubts. It is on the disclosure of the inner potential and the development of one's own forces that the codes of the subconscious are directed with the installation of good luck and success. They seem to push us to action, forcing us to make efforts to implement our plans.

First of all, such codes include password words aimed at money. (“Together”, “Acquire”, “It turns out”, “Count”). In addition, there are a number of others designed to solve certain problems. Let's list some of them.

  • "Henceforth"- means that from now on and forever you will be lucky and successful. With this word, you will attract fortune into your life, which you will not miss in the future. This is an attitude to the fact that from now on and in the future you will do everything possible to achieve success in any area.
  • « Made"- say this password, presenting the final result. Use this word when you need to solve a difficult problem, find the best way out of a difficulty, strengthen your willpower.
  • "Turn"- helps to turn the situation in the direction you need, and makes events develop in the desired direction.
  • « Go"- necessary in cases where you are used to stopping halfway to the goal or losing confidence in your own abilities. With the help of this code, you can overcome fear, laziness, doubts in yourself.
  • « Appoint"- the setting for a person to appoint himself to create his own destiny. Be responsible for your reality. Set yourself deadlines for the completion of any work or the implementation of certain events.

How to find the code phrase of the subconscious?

As mentioned above, the codes of the subconscious are words designed to reprogram the installations embedded in us.

Having mastered the technique of subconscious codes, you will be able to:

  • Achieve your goals.
  • Maintain health and beauty.
  • Find love.
  • Fight depression.
  • Get rid of bad habits.
  • Better to know yourself.
  • Achieve success in every field.

Believe me, each of us can do it.

How to find a passphrase that will help you fulfill your desires:

  • To begin with, think carefully and realize what exactly you want to change in your life - gain confidence, find a loved one, build a career.
  • Imagine how you think a person who has what you want should look like.
  • Determine the verbal key that will launch the program - confidence, money, love, success, knowledge, etc.
  • While saying the code word, imagine yourself in the place of the image you created. Try to behave accordingly.

In the process of working on passphrases follow the correct algorithm for their construction:

  • First, there should be a word that connects the consciousness with the subconscious - "Together".
  • The next should be words that contain a semantic load and define your goal. Remember that the purpose of a codeword is not to convey a meaning. This is the password for connecting the subconscious to the conscious.
  • The word “Now” completes the sentence, contributing to the speedy receipt of the result.

Here are some examples:

  • “Together forward now” - when you are in a hurry somewhere.
  • “Together close now” - in order to let go of resentment and get away from negativity.
  • "Together adjust now" - to make it easier to cope with hard work.

For passwords - words to work, it is extremely important:

  • Trust your subconscious completely.
  • Sincerely desire the goals that you have set for yourself.
  • Believe in spoken words and in the ability to achieve goals.
  • Repeat phrases at least three times.

Be prepared for the fact that the first time you are unlikely to succeed. Continue training, work on yourself, and you will definitely achieve positive results.

Video: Codes of the subconscious. Affirmations, self-hypnosis, meditation

A program with a patriotic name designed to translate text into a readable encoding.

Let's say there is no disappointment that we experience when receiving letters from family friends and colleagues that contain only a set of incomprehensible characters. Let us leave in the past the problems associated with reading old, but very important texts. Or maybe your ICQ sent you confusion again. And then your despair reached its climax?

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This program is freely distributed (Freeware). That is, it won't cost you a dime. Well, perhaps, a couple of rubles for traffic, if you don’t have unlimited :)

Program interface

The interface is intuitive and quite simple. Menu language - Russian. Therefore, working with the program does not require special skills, and you can immediately start working with it.

You will have access to a huge selection of Russian encodings: Win-1251, KOI-8r, DOS, ISO-8859-5, MAC, etc.

Stirlitz can work with transliterated texts in Quoted Printable, UTF-7, UTF-8, RTF formats, encoded with uuencode, xxencode, base64, binhex, BtoA texts and files with mixed code, as well as HTML. All these formats the program can lead to the most popular Russian encoding Windows-1251.

After the conversion is completed, the user is provided with the standard options for the operations performed (reading, correcting, printing, saving). All transformations are reversible.

In addition to standard functions, the program supports a number of additional features:

  • monitors the clipboard and automatically recodes the text that appears in it;
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  • supports batch transcoding, which allows you to translate several files from one encoding to another at once;
  • can successfully fulfill the role of a small text editor.


Of the shortcomings, it should be noted that this software product is already quite old and, apparently, has not been updated for a long time and is not supported by the author. But the tasks associated with the incompatibility of encodings are relevant to this day, therefore, everyone must have a Stirlitz text conversion program on their PC.

P.S. It is allowed to freely copy and quote this article, provided that an open active link to the source is indicated and the authorship of Artem Rosko is preserved.

To date, quantum physicists have established that human consciousness, under certain circumstances, is able to influence reality, changing it. And this is not fiction and not a desire to attract your attention, but a scientifically proven and substantiated truth. Everything in our world consists of energy, energy is our thoughts with intentions and desires. There is also such a thing as password words for the subconscious, with what it is and why they are needed, this article will acquaint you.

Word codes for the subconscious

The way about which in question, known as internal transformation, it involves the use of switch words in the manner of James T. Mangan.

Due to the words-passwords, the conscious connects with the unconscious, and it becomes possible to achieve the goal set for oneself. By applying the subconscious word codes, you will receive everything that you have been craving for so long for many years - happiness, success, love and material well-being.

Scholars have been investigating the nature of psychogenesis and other areas of metaphysics for forty years. Their main thesis was the assertion that each thought has its own monosyllabic formula.

In the notes of James Mangan, you can find a mention that on March 10, 1951, he found the key to the word "Inspiration" - the word "Together". Thanks to practical research, it was possible to establish that the unconscious can accept one word where before it stubbornly refused to accept a whole verbal stream.

Wherein short words, which are pronounced without underlining their designations, do not belong to autosuggestion. After all, these are not orders, not assignments, they are assimilated only at a subconscious level.

The purpose of pronouncing words-codes is not to convey their meaning, but acts as a kind of password. In the process of working on passwords, it is necessary to adhere to the established sequence in constructing phrases.

Let's take the word "together" as an example. It is the link between the conscious and the unconscious. And the word "now" will allow you to accelerate what you dream about.

Learn more about how our unconscious mind works in this video:

Examples of password words for the subconscious

Consider the above on a specific sample. Suppose you have been seriously offended, you constantly return to this situation again and again, but are not able to let it go. The mind is aware that you should stop thinking about what happened, but you are not able to pull yourself together.

It is necessary to repeat it, and you will feel that you are gradually calming down, getting rid of negative emotions. It is also recommended to use this password word when you are required to exert physical effort. You will feel a surge of strength and energy to accomplish your plan.

Exists great amount examples of words that are codes for the subconscious. The meaning of the idea is that the combination of certain words has a specific effect on our subconscious, due to which changes occur at the physical level.

Let's consider one more example. Let's say you lost something and want to find the lost thing. Then you should say aloud or mentally the wording: "Together to find now."

In this case, the word "together" help connect the conscious with the unconscious.

"Acquire"- is a key word.

And now"- will speed up the necessary event.

Before you put the keyword, you must insert the word "together", and end the phrase with the word "now".

We offer you examples of other password words that will make your subconscious work in the right way.

  • To feel good, say the word "stretch."
  • To eliminate pain - "change."
  • To convince someone, turn it on.
  • Get rid of danger - "protect".
  • To keep the secret - "forever".
  • To fall asleep - "around".
  • To build something - "put".
  • For development psychic abilities- "between".
  • For the implementation of innovative ideas - "forward".
  • To stop smoking - "count".
  • To get rid of negative habits - "away".
  • For the timely completion of the work - "done".
  • To abstain from something - "the end."
  • To resurrect memories - "guardianship".
  • To find a lost thing - "find".
  • In order not to react to the attacks of others - "dive".
  • To get rid of resentment - "postpone."
  • Cope with hard work - "adapt".
  • To get rid of longing - "attention".
  • To strengthen willpower - "done."
  • Win the competition - "fight."
  • To overcome inertia - "move."
  • Get rid of debt - "push back."
  • To get inspired - "for".
  • To achieve success - "patience".
  • Become more attentive - "attention".
  • To temper your character - "hold".
  • To increase your stamina - "finish".
  • Opening the third eye - "slower".
  • Calm the mind - "be".
  • Get a large amount of money - "count."
  • Gathering courage - "hesitation".
  • To sell something - "to present."
  • Get a new experience - "observe".
  • To improve health - "be".
  • To invent something - to "acquire".
  • Get rid of alcoholism - "save".
  • To heal wounds - "this".
  • To find a way out of the situation - "done".
  • Get rid of resentment - "thank you."
  • Get recognition at work - "personally".
  • So that the children obey you - "gather".
  • Thanks to the use of these password words, you will be able to tune your subconscious mind to the right wave and will make your life the way you want.

    The subconscious (unconscious) is all those mental processes that we are not aware of. Psychologists say that 90% of the actions performed by a person during life occur on a subconscious level. And consciousness, that is, everything that we are aware of, accounts for only 10%.

    The role of the subconscious in our life is huge. It is the unconscious that gives us signals aimed at ensuring that we make precisely such decisions that subsequently lead us to certain results. Also, the subconscious is engaged in the distribution of the hidden resources that we have. By freeing up these resources, we can radically .

    In addition, the unconscious operates with a huge store of information. It contains information about you, about the people around you and about the whole world as a whole. The subconscious mind can calculate various actions many steps ahead, so it can help you make the best decisions. In general, the possibilities of the unconscious truly have no limits.

    And in order to learn how to manage your reality, your life, you need to learn how to interact with the subconscious. By doing this, you will have an extremely helpful and all-knowing companion in achieving what you want.

    And now we will say the main idea: it is possible to influence the unconscious part of the psyche, the subconscious mind can be reprogrammed for specific purposes. Of course, no one will bring anything on a silver platter. You will have to work hard, but interaction with the subconscious will greatly speed up the process of bringing what you want to life.

    Subconscious Reprogramming Techniques

    We will tell you about three techniques for reprogramming the subconscious mind. Moreover, you can apply either one of the methods that you like best, or all together, which will significantly enhance the effect.

    And further important point: before you start working with techniques, you must decide on what task you will work on, what goal you want to set for your unconscious. How to set such goals? First, clearly formulate the task, clearly identify the goal you are striving for, decide what and when you want to achieve. This is done so that the subconscious mind understands exactly where it should lead you in the end.

    Secondly, you must believe in achieving the goal. And not only you, but also your subconscious. There is no need to come up with some sky-high plans, they must be realistic. If the goal is large, then it is better to break it down into stages and go towards its implementation gradually.

    Thirdly, it should be exactly your goal, which you yourself want to achieve. After all, very often people set goals that were imposed on them by relatives, friends, and the public. These goals are not sincere, they are not truly desirable.

    For example, your parents tell you that you need to become a successful manager. You do not like it, but you still strive for this goal. And after achieving it, you will not experience any joy, because this is not your goal. And since deep down you do not want to achieve it, conflicting intentions will arise in the subconscious, and this will create obstacles on the way to its realization. In the process of achieving it, you will encounter many different problems. This does not mean that you will not achieve the goal, but that you will have to make an incredible amount of extra effort.

    And now you can proceed directly to the consideration of techniques for reprogramming the subconscious.

    Technique "Golden Section"

    This method uses self-hypnosis based on the rule of the golden section. With its help, you can greatly increase the effectiveness of the impact on the subconscious, because it allows you to influence it directly, bypassing consciousness.

    What is this magic section? If in a simple way, then this is a division of some value in relation to approximately 62 and 38 percent. In everyday life, any of you applies this harmonious proportion constantly. In stores, your eyes first rush to the goods that are located on the shelves at the point of this section.

    There is such a profession as a merchandiser. One of the functions of this specialist lies precisely in the fact that he optimally arranges goods on shelves and showcases. Those goods that need to be sold in the first place, that is, which are most profitable for the store, he places in the places of the golden section. And for these places between various suppliers there is a real struggle with the use of kickbacks and pressure. If any company managed to put their goods in such a “bread place”, then high sales are practically guaranteed.

    Also, the principle of the golden section is widely used in art, especially in architecture. You can ask your friends photographers, artists, architects or designers, and they will tell you in detail about it. We will not dwell on this in too much detail.

    So why do we need to know about the golden ratio? If you want to fulfill any desire, you, based on the described technique, first need to write a text for self-hypnosis. And the main word or phrase, which contains what you want to achieve, you put at the point of the golden section.

    For example, you are writing a text of 27 words (this number is recommended), and the words from the sixteenth to the eighteenth will be at the point of the golden section. This means that they will directly penetrate into the unconscious. It is these three words that should hold back your goal. If you, for example, dream of owning your own auto parts store, then those three words could be "open an auto parts store." The rest of the text may contain a request to the unconscious to help in the fulfillment of desire, an expression of gratitude for the help, a request not to harm anyone in the realization of your desire, and so on.

    This is the meaning of this technique: compose a text, insert a formulated goal, intention in the right place, and then pronounce, listen to this text constantly. Goals can be anything: financial, career, family, love, spiritual. If you have two main words that formulate a desire, then in a text of 27 words (prepositions and other small parts of speech are also considered words), put them sixteenth and seventeenth. And if one, then the seventeenth.

    What needs to be done next? It is recommended to speak the composed text into a voice recorder (for example, in your phone or computer) and listen to the recording continuously for at least half an hour for two to three weeks. At the same time, you can especially not listen to the meaning of words, but go about your business. The technique will still work, because the right words will penetrate directly into your unconscious, and we, in fact, need it.

    If the reprogramming of the subconscious mind was successful, you may receive various ideas how to achieve this goal, or you will feel a surge of strength for its implementation, people may appear on your way who will prompt or help in achieving it. Basically, something is bound to happen.

    Edge technique

    The method is so named because in order to use it, it is necessary to catch the finest line between sleep and wakefulness and at that moment to introduce your goal into the subconscious. We note right away that this technique is rather complicated. It takes persistence and practice to succeed, but the results will be amazing. As in the previous technique, its meaning is to directly reprogram the subconscious.

    Between the states of wakefulness and sleep there is a subtle moment when you are approaching the state of sleep, but not yet asleep. And at this very moment you must repeatedly repeat your clearly formulated intention, your goal. And the more repetitions, the better. Ideally, say the goal until you fall asleep.

    How to define this edge? First, it is a state of half-asleep. You must have been in this state many times. Reproduce it in your memory down to the smallest detail. This will make it easier for you to understand how to recognize it at the right time.

    Secondly, this is such a state when you are basically aware that you have not yet fallen asleep, but your body is in the so-called "immobile laziness". You cannot move your arms and legs, but not because you cannot physically, but simply because you do not want to. You feel very pleasant laziness. And just at this moment it is necessary to begin to influence the unconscious. Here, of course, the main thing is to learn to notice this state.

    To begin, formulate the intention to get into this gap between wakefulness and sleep. You must wish with all your heart to make it happen. And the next time you go to bed, watch your consciousness, try to catch this moment, coming one step before falling asleep.

    There are very good technique to help capture this moment. Set your alarm three hours before the time you usually wake up. As soon as you wake up in the middle of the night, get out of bed immediately. Do not stay in it, otherwise you risk falling asleep quickly. Getting out of bed, do various things for an hour. You can play video games, or you can do something useful, like cleaning your apartment (just don't vacuum - your neighbors are unlikely to like it).

    An hour after waking up, go back to sleep and observe your condition. This technique is very helpful in the process of determining the line between being awake and the moment when you fall asleep. You will clearly understand your condition.

    When you learn to determine this line, every day in this state of half-asleep, begin, as we have already said, to repeat to yourself your precisely formulated intention. For example: “I bought a car of such and such a model of such and such color of such and such a year before such and such date” or “I opened my own cafe by such and such date.” The subconscious mind will receive an order and begin work on the implementation of the goal.

    The technique, as we warned, is quite complicated, but very effective. It can really help you achieve the desired result. And now you can move on to the final technique.

    Technique "Circular"

    But it will also give you the energy to carry out your plans. You will not notice how you begin to take action to achieve the goal. This technique must be performed within twenty days, during which time you will have the first results. You will see in which direction you should move, either people will come into your life who will help you, or certain situations will arise that will contribute to your intention. You can even complete your goal within those 20 days. Here everything is individual.

    To perform the Circular technique, you will need a thicker notebook and a pen / pencil. Now we give an algorithm of actions. On the calendar, you must mark the day on which you will begin to perform this technique. Then you should count twenty days from this date and mark this day as the date of completion of the technique. This is done so that you can see in what period of time you should get the first results in the realization of the goal.

    Make the following entry in your notebook: “I am starting to realize my goal (write what exactly you want to achieve). I set the time for the first visible results to come in any of the 20 days from the start date of the practice.

    Move on. State your desired goal. Please note that you must formulate it as if you have already achieved it. For example: "I earn 40,000 rubles a month" or "I can do the splits." That is, it is not necessary to use the wording "I will earn money", "I want to earn money", "I will learn how to do this and that." Again, we need to set realistic goals. After all, if you do not believe in their achievement, there will be no sense. You will always have time to set a more ambitious goal when you reach the previous one. The scale should be increased gradually.

    After that, you need to provide yourself with privacy for at least half an hour and write your formulated goal in a notebook a hundred times. And so it must be done for twenty days. Exactly 100 times. Try not to be interrupted, that is, firstly, you need to write a phrase in one sitting, and secondly, do not miss a day.

    So, you got acquainted with three techniques that you can apply in practice. These are efficient techniques. Choose one of them to your liking or use all three, it's all up to you. The result will surely come. The only condition is that you must persistently practice these exercises and believe in what you are doing.

    Subconscious Clues

    When you start using these techniques, don't expect everything to fall from the sky on you. The subconscious mind will help you release the dormant resources stored in you, will focus your attention on information that helps you achieve what you want, will give you great idea and so on. But in any case, you will have to make some efforts to realize your intention. There are no magic spells here that will instantly change your life. This doesn't happen.

    Let's talk about the clues of the subconscious. It will tell you in which direction you need to move in order to achieve what you want. You will begin to pay attention to various articles, books, TV shows and so on. Pay close attention to such things. In them you can find an idea how to implement your plan. Or you will be shown the means by which you can achieve the goal.

    For example, if your goal is to get well, you can find a book that describes how to deal with the disease. Or you will see a TV show about a person who has overcome an illness similar to yours. And this person will inspire you, and this is an important detail of achieving the goal, it gives additional energy and determination to implement the plan.

    Also pay attention to the people you will meet during the development of the goal. What worldview do these people have, what thoughts do they express? For example, you decide to open your own business, and you meet a person who is already in business. And he will share with you invaluable experience or even become your business partner.

    Pay special attention to your thoughts and ideas that come to mind. An interesting idea may come to you, how to open a business, how to find additional income, how to solve a particular problem, in general, it all depends on what goal you set for yourself, and therefore for your subconscious.

    You also need to know the following: if you feel tired, apathetic, then know that this subconscious mind makes you understand that you have gone in the wrong direction. So be specific about your condition. There is an expression: "wings have grown behind the back." If you feel a surge of enthusiasm, then this is a clue that you are going in the right direction.

    The same applies to your emotional state. If you feel like you are going the wrong way, you are constantly Bad mood, increased irritability, then keep in mind that this unconscious gives you a signal that you have gone astray.