"planet of childhood" private kindergarten reviews. Private kindergarten "planet of childhood" on Sevastopol Planet of childhood private school garden

Working mode
Monday Friday:
from 8.00-20.00 Saturday, Sunday: day off
In our Center "Planet of Childhood" there are 5 groups according to age characteristics (15 kids in a group).
teachers educational institution create comfortable conditions for the stay of children in our Development Center, are constantly in search of new means and methods, take into account individual characteristics each child, activate the need to learn, to see the beautiful in the world around and empathize with what he saw; use positions of equal partnership, mutual interest and goodwill.
All groups, halls and classrooms of our Development Center are equipped with modern educational, methodological and didactic aids, game materials, teaching aids, sports and medical equipment. Not a single group of our Design Center repeats another!
All employees of our educational institution will surround you with care and attention.
Children during the day are provided with:
5 meals a day (various fruits 2 times a day), pedagogical, medical and security services.
The priority areas of activity of our kindergarten are:
cognitive and speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical education, social and personal.
The main idea of ​​building the pedagogical process is based on ensuring the enriched development of pupils, through the implementation of a student-centered approach in all areas of the institution's activities, ensuring readiness for schooling.
The organization of the educational process is based on
The program of education and training in kindergarten "From birth to school”(under the editorship of N.E. Veraksa, M.A. Vasilyeva), which guarantees education in the amount of state standards determined by federal authorities for preschool education:
1. mathematical development; speech development; literacy training; preparation of the hand for writing; cognitive development(the world around us); general physical training (correctional-developing complex); creative activities (drawing, modeling, applique, manual labor, design, work with various materials);
musical education and development;
2. theatrical activity; 3. group, individual speech speech therapy classes, as well as correction of children's speech; 4. study in English from 4 years of age;
5. psychological support for children (diagnostics, individual lessons), 6. consultative psychological and pedagogical assistance to parents and teachers;
7. health work: hardening procedures, walks on fresh air, vitaminization.
In our Center "Planet of Childhood" (Sevastopolsky pr.-t, 27, building 2) additional education, these are various clubs and studios: karate, gymnastics, choreography, the Young Pianist (piano), the Skazka Theater Studio and the Raduga Art Studio, where our kids can fully discover and show their abilities and talents.

Autonomous non-profit organization
The Center for the Development and Education of Children "Planet of Childhood" is:

Toddlers from 1.9 to 7 years;
Highly qualified employees;
New methods, programs and innovative technologies to achieve effective intellectual, moral and aesthetic development preschooler;
The house where the environment is organized are created best conditions for the development of a physically and mentally healthy personality of the child
In kindergarten, adults will help the child immerse himself in the world of play, learn a lot of useful and interesting things, fill communication with new observations and emotions, broaden his horizons and find the right path to our adult life!

Payment for stay 32,000 rubles. per month.

our first year when we went to kindergarten was not very fun :). everything was sluggishly current, those children went to the kindergarten as if they were going to work, those children spent hours and went home. So we decided to change it. We walked for a long time, chose and stumbled upon this garden. Thought it was normal Kindergarten ik, but it turned out to be private, those paid, but ... our first year when we went to kindergarten was not very fun :). everything was sluggishly current, those children went to the kindergarten as if they were going to work, those children spent hours and went home. So we decided to change it. We walked for a long time, chose and stumbled upon this garden. We thought that this was an ordinary kindergarten, but it turned out to be private, they were paid, but what struck me was the very green area in the garden. We thought for a long time, because the price is certainly not small, but for the sake of the child we decided that it would be better to go to a good garden, weeks in some sort and almost regretted it. It is immediately clear that people are not just sitting here, life will buy here. The child is happy and this is for the main thing.

We have been looking for a suitable kindergarten for our daughter for a very long time. The fact is that I am pregnant, it is already difficult for me to travel in transport, and when I am in the hospital or with a baby, the duty to pick up my daughter will fall on the shoulders of our dad. Of course, he does not mind, but due to constant traffic jams and delays at work, he will not be able to come every day ... We have been looking for a suitable kindergarten for our daughter for a very long time. The fact is that I am pregnant, it is already difficult for me to travel in transport, and when I am in the hospital or with a baby, the duty to pick up my daughter will fall on the shoulders of our dad. Of course, he does not mind, but due to constant traffic jams and delays at work, he will not be able to come every day by seven in the evening to pick up the baby on time.

Having studied a lot of information about various kindergartens, we finally found what suits us. This is a private kindergarten "Planet of Childhood".
There are not very many reviews about this kindergarten, so we immediately went to see everything ourselves. Good cottage building with bright and cozy rooms. Around a clean area for walking, everything is fenced and under video surveillance. All roads and routes are far away, it is quiet and calm here, no extraneous noise.
After talking with the teachers and the head, they wrote an application to the garden. During the week we collected all the documents and went to the doctors for reference. Now my daughter goes to kindergarten, from the very beginning we enrolled her for a full day. She is very sociable with us, so there were no problems with visiting the garden, and no.
Good specialists and teachers work in the garden. I love how she tells me about the day before bed, always cheerful and positive. It's good, it means she likes it there. In addition, they plan to launch an International Baccalaureate program.

The planet of childhood is different from most kindergartens. For example, they prepare a special menu for children with allergies, accept babies from 1 year old, and create all the conditions for a comfortable stay for children.

And most importantly, what has become for us one of the determining factors in choosing the Planet of Childhood is the additional service of a governess.

Now the husband calmly rides after work and does not worry that an angry teacher is waiting for him or the child is left with a watchman (this happened to my nephew in the municipal garden). The daughter remains under the supervision of a governess, and the husband then pays for the delay at the hourly rate. He is delayed for a short time (an hour and a half maximum), but the governess can stay with the children all night.

I hope my review will be useful to you. And our son will be born soon, and we already know exactly which kindergarten he will go to.

nice garden. Were recently there, they have an open day was on Saturday. I liked the territory, there are no roads nearby, fenced, guarded. The teachers made an impression, I really liked the vocal teacher, we will definitely go to her. Clean and comfortable like home. This is a cottage, 4 floors, there is enough space. We signed up, we go for a week. I am delighted. I advise.

I will write about our experience of visiting the Planet of Childhood kindergarten. Let me just say that I am very pleased with the garden. I learned about the Planet of Childhood from our housemate, whom we have known since the birth of our babies. They have been visiting the garden since the opening, and during joint walks she always told me how pleased she was with this. Of course, I immediately found information about the kindergarten on the Internet and decided that this is what we need. The Planet of Childhood is located in the Butovsky Alleys (Southern Butovo) area, not far from us. Located in a cottage building with a large fenced area around. The kindergarten is equipped with a 24-hour video surveillance system and security, which, in the light of recent events, is very important. The first time we went with a neighbor, so we got there easily. You can also call the Planet of Childhood the day before and ask to meet. The employee meets the parents at the metro and accompanies them to the kindergarten (a neighbor did just that). Kindergarten immediately liked me and my son. It has a cozy atmosphere, unusual space around and cleanliness. Walking through the building, I only became even more convinced that I was thinking about such an institution for the baby. My son has been going there for a month now. Always goes with pleasure, never had tantrums or tears in the morning. On the contrary, sometimes he does not want to leave from there. I really like the attitude of educators and teachers to kids. The International Baccalaureate program will start in the new year, which is another very important plus for the Planet of Childhood. Over the past time, the result of visiting the garden in the new skills of the son is already noticeable. He has new games, even role-playing ones, which is very pleasing. I am also grateful to the speech therapist, just an excellent specialist. We had a stop in speech, for half a year the son did not speak at all, only babbled in his own language (although before that there were many separate words in the speech). Now he speaks familiar words and new ones, and even combines them with each other. Going to kindergarten is very rewarding. These are not only developing activities, but also a very important experience of interacting with other children. The son became more sociable, he used to carefully perceive new children on the playground. Kindergarten also disciplines. At home, the son always dabbled at the table, and it was difficult to feed him. I warned the teachers about this, but they said that he always behaves well and eats. Now the behavior at home has changed. He can make a little face in front of his mother, but he no longer indulges in food. In general, I knew that my baby could do all this, he just needed an emotional push and a suitable environment. This provided him with a kindergarten, for which many thanks to the staff. Yes, there are a few things to note. important points. Children from the age of 1 are accepted to the Planet of Childhood. The price is very reasonable and depends on which child development program to choose. You can arrange a visit to the garden for a full or short day, and even leave, if necessary, for the night with a governess for a fee.