Bows for little girls. How to create a basic wardrobe for a teenage girl? What will be included in the fashionable wardrobe of a teenage girl

It is important for both 9-year-old and 12-year-old girls to be beautiful and stylish, because the love of beauty is inherent in women from birth. Therefore, many parents with children of about 11 years of age are interested in the question: how to dress their daughter, how to choose stylish clothes for her so that she looks beautiful and the child is comfortable in it?

How to choose

It is quite difficult to choose clothes for girls of 10 years old, because at this age children grow very quickly, and this must be taken into account. Therefore, parents are advised to buy clothes one or two sizes larger so that they do not have to get rid of a completely new blouse or dress that the young beauty did not have time to put on, as they have already become small. Clothes for girls 9-12 years old often have a design similar to things for adult girls, so children can also be in trend. But still, since you are choosing clothes for a child, keep in mind that a little beauty will like bright cool things with an interesting children's pattern in the form of flowers, hearts, butterflies, rather than strict women's clothing.

It is best to give preference to things made from natural fabrics, because children's skin is especially delicate, and synthetic materials can lead to skin irritation. When buying outerwear, keep in mind that your child will not calmly walk down the street, but will actively play and frolic, and in winter he will ride down a hill and play snowballs. Therefore, you should not buy an expensive stylish fur coat for children aged 11, a more practical down jacket will suffice.

It is very important, when choosing clothes, to take into account the desire of your daughter: if she does not like clothes of a certain color, then she will most likely refuse to wear such things, or the girl will put on this thing and be very unhappy at the same time.

For children 9-12 years old, their appearance is very important, but in this regard they are very capricious. The main thing is to choose beautiful and cute things both for the basic wardrobe and for special occasions. Particular attention should be paid to color, because for 12-year-old girls it is important that things are bright and cool. It is better to buy clothes in pink, red, lilac and orange than dark and nondescript shades.

Children will be delighted with things that have an unusual design and pattern, so buy more unusual and bright things. It is at the age of about ten years that girls develop tastes and preferences. It is very important at this age to help the child in their formation and understand what your baby really likes. You can safely take your daughter for shopping and make fashionable bows with her. So you can understand your child and avoid unnecessary quarrels because of the elements of the wardrobe that she did not like.

fashion clothes

This season's fashion is distinguished by interesting combinations of different styles and fashion trends. Fashion designers offer many stylish solutions that will appeal to every little fashionista and are suitable for every season of the year. The most relevant trends in this year's fashion are sports, romantic, casual, country and glam rock styles.

Most girls of this age like clothes made in a romantic style. Designers presented many collections in which there are things in the romantic style, such as dresses and sundresses with floral prints, elongated models of sundresses, puffy skirts, decorated with many ruffles and flounces.


All fashion designers and mass-brand stores representing children's clothing offer a wide range of dresses for girls that are suitable for any season of the year, and will also appeal to every young fashionista. In addition, designers have provided models for both full and thin girls.

For girls 9-12 years old, dresses will suit very well, the design of which is distinguished by an emphasis on the waist, because this makes them more feminine and refined. This season, dresses that combine light and predominantly white shades with leopard color are very fashionable. The optimal length of such an element of clothing is up to the knee or slightly higher, it is advisable not to buy too short dresses for a young beauty, since children are very active, and short things will constantly ride up. In addition to leopard print, checkered print is very relevant this season, as well as layering in clothes. It is best to buy practical and comfortable models of dresses and sundresses so that your daughter is comfortable in them.

It is important to note that many children's clothes are very similar in style to adult clothing models, a children's outfit can even be called their reduced copy. Only children's outfits are more decorated with ruffles and fringes. Children's dresses with a minimalist design and original asymmetrical cut are very relevant. To make this outfit more elegant, you can emphasize the waistline with a thin belt. In addition, combinations of children's dresses with bright and unusual tights are now in trend.

For the colder season, models such as a sweater dress and a tunic dress are perfect. In such clothes, your daughter will not only look very feminine and beautiful, but will not freeze. Such models are best worn with leggings made of dense materials, and a warm blouse or turtleneck underneath. A tunic dress can be safely worn with jeans or trousers, as it has a rather wide cut. A bright tunic, decorated with an interesting decor, combined with contrasting leggings, will be a great stylish solution for any event.

A-line dresses are also very relevant this season. They are distinguished by a high waist and a hem that starts from the chest and ends with a flared bottom. This dress model is free and the child will feel very comfortable in it.


The most versatile thing that every girl should have is a sundress. This is an irreplaceable and comfortable style of a children's dress. It is perfect for a walk and for school, and for a special occasion. When purchasing a sundress, check the seams and pay attention to the composition of the product: for the hot season, choose dresses and sundresses made exclusively from natural materials.

This season, sundresses are very fashionable to combine with bright children's turtlenecks and shirts. But besides this, under the sundress you can pry anything you want, whether it's a regular T-shirt, T-shirt or a smart blouse. Thanks to the huge variety of combinations of this versatile element of clothing, you can create many looks: sporty, casual or even formal. In addition, sundresses are convenient in that they are very easy to take off and put on, and this style does not create inconvenience when children are actively moving.

shirt dresses

A dress-shirt is a tight style of clothing that is suitable both for walking on a hot summer day and for home wear. Such a model can be worn everyday, since it is made mainly from natural materials such as cotton or linen, or from jeans, which is very relevant this season. The stylish collections include a wide range of shirt dresses, which have both long and short sleeves.

For girls of 9 years old, it would be a great fashion solution to wear such a dress with an elegant summer hat and sandals, but for 12-year-old girls, designers have prepared interesting, more fitted models, complemented by a thin waist strap that beautifully emphasizes the silhouette. If the weather is cooler outside, you can throw a light cardigan or jeans on top of such a dress.


With the approach of warm weather, the acquisition of children's skirts becomes more and more relevant, fashionable and bright models of which must be present in the wardrobe of every little fashionista. In the collections of different designers there is a huge selection of colors and a wide range of children's skirts, every fashionista will be able to choose the right one.

The skirts in the new collections are presented in completely different lengths, they are suitable for any event or just for visiting. This element of children's clothing is presented in the form of models from a wide variety of materials, such as leather, velveteen, jeans, light romantic chiffon and cotton.

Is your child already grown up and approaching a transitional age?
Are you looking for stylish looks for girls from 10 to 12 years old?

Do not have time to follow designer collections and fashion solutions?

Please note that this age is very important. Girls learn to see beauty, begin to take care of themselves. The task of parents is to instill in them self-confidence. Let's start with school.

Without a school uniform, of course, nowhere.

All kinds of skirts, blouses, trousers and jackets, as well as, of course, uniform dresses and sundresses. If you do not know where there is uniform at an affordable price, then pay attention to the Little Lady brand. Their product has long won the trust of parents around the world, and a wide range allows you to choose several images. It should also be noted that all materials are environmentally friendly. They do not wrinkle, do not deform, are practical to use and durable.

Your image for school should not be pretentious or flashy. We recommend using strict but not boring classics. After all, your daughter should feel beautiful.

Now let's talk about fancy dresses

An elegant or delicate look is useful both for family outings and for school events and holidays. Every girl wants to feel like a princess. Choose at least one such solemn image. It is perfect for gatherings in a cafe, for a walk with a boy, for a school disco.

Remember refinement and sophistication. Avoid pretentiousness. Focus on the heroines that your daughter loves. We would advise you to look at the Liola brand product range. These outfits can often be seen on celebrity babies and red carpets. Everywhere the purpose of the assortment is emphasized - the crown pattern means that such an image is ideal for a little princess.

Moving on to summer dresses

Lightweight cotton or polyester options help you feel comfortable at any time of the day. You can pick up fitted models, wide dresses, as well as sundresses. For the warm season it is better to choose bright colors. It can be floral prints, all kinds of shades of pink or orange. In the children's market, the Mayoral company specializes in such images. The entire product range is stylish, the styles are comfortable, and the materials are natural. So that even in the heat of the day your child's skin breathes.

Is there a fashion for outerwear?

Of course. Now on the Russian market there is a wide selection of coats for girls, jackets, vests, semi-overalls. You can choose complex and simple models, long and short wardrobe items in a sporty or elegant style. Focus on the world famous brand "Pulka". Their kits are finished with fox or raccoon, are always multi-layered, have high thermal insulation, often have reflective elements and receive the highest marks at exhibitions and certifications.

Let's talk about the classics - jackets and jackets

The choice here is unlimited. Black models, in a cage, multi-colored, bright. The main thing is to choose an image in which the chosen model will look organic and attractive. You will find many such wardrobe items from the manufacturer "Toby-Bear" - take a look at different models and make your choice. The classic image instills rigor and elegance in girls. Therefore, it is simply impossible to do without it.

We select turtlenecks and tunics

These are universal and basic elements of the wardrobe. Turtlenecks and tunics can be of different colors - both calm classics and bright negligence. You just need to wear them either only on the street, or on holidays and study. Experts recommend buying from 5 things - so that there is a mandatory replacement kit. A huge number of styles and an affordable price are available from the manufacturer "Gulliver", which you have already encountered more than once. Their strength is practicality. All things retain their aesthetic and flawless appearance even after 50 washes.

We complete the everyday look - choose T-shirts and blouses

This part of the wardrobe is the most consumable. It is universal - suitable for walking with family or with friends, it is used more often than anyone else. Therefore, it is worth looking at the material - it should be light, natural, so that the skin can breathe. Youth fashion implies loose and fitted styles, elegant and mischievous looks. Most often, floral prints are used or girls' favorite characters are applied. Look at the classic sleeve as well as the "flashlight". Create a multifunctional kit that will be assembled like a “constructor”, and things in the wash will freely replace other elements.

It's time to choose leggings and leggings, jeans and trousers, shorts and breeches

The lower part of the kit may be different. In the summer, shorts and breeches are often used. In winter, all young people wear jeans or trousers, almost never taking them off. And leggings and leggings produce various ones - both light fabric and insulated.

  1. The bright floral print is very popular. Such an image will help emphasize the beauty and tenderness of your child, it will be perfectly combined with any T-shirt or tunic. And it is suitable both for a walk in the yard and for a family outing to the theater. I would especially like to note that such leggings stretch and do not restrict movement at all. Comfortable as ever.
  2. Classic jeans are a wardrobe staple. And in several colors - at least in light blue and dark. No wonder this piece of clothing is so popular. In terms of practicality, it has no analogues. Versatile piece of clothing, comfortable and durable.
  3. Be sure to get the pants! They can be worn not only to school, but also on the street. Such clothing is close to jeans, but still instills neatness, femininity in girls and emphasizes a beautiful image.
  4. Various breeches are a must have in the wardrobe for a hooligan look. Even princesses sometimes want to play pranks and run around. And a comfortable set of clothes will help to avoid falls - because the movements will not be constrained.
  5. Choose shorts for the summer with special responsibility. We recommend that you definitely take one denim model, one classic and one beach. The choice of styles and colors is practically unlimited. This is the convenience of branded collections.

What have we forgotten?


It's hard to imagine girls without a skirt. This is their permanent attribute and calling card. Great everyday replacement for a dress. At the same time, there are insulated winter models, wide “sun” styles, tight fabric skirts. We recommend choosing a few short styles, a couple of long ones and, of course, denim ones.

Thus, you will complete the wardrobe of your beauty completely, instill in her a love of beauty, and, most importantly, self-confidence.

The last part - pullovers, sweaters and cardigans

The winter season and even the summer evening will not do without them. After all, when walking you need to be warm.

Choose comfortable models - always with a zipper, buttons and "through the throat" so that you always have a choice. Delicate images are designed for going to cafes and theaters, sports ones are for walking with friends, and everyday ones will always come in handy.

Of course, don't forget to pick up:

  1. Tracksuits.

Do you still have questions?
Can't make the final choice?

Call the company "Baby-Modnik" -

We will provide you with ready-made solutions or select individually.

All girls aged 11-12 are already thinking about fashion and style. This is a special age when your daughter is still seemingly small, but on the other hand, her character is already manifesting and her own tastes and preferences are determined. Girls want to dress beautifully and stand out among their friends and classmates. Choosing clothes for a little princess is a very important and difficult issue that must be approached with all responsibility.

A basic wardrobe can tell a lot about a person, create a special mood and make an impression. This applies not only to adults, but also to children.

We make a wardrobe

Clothes for 12 year olds should be varied, fashionable and stylish. It is worth taking care of the presence of a large number of outfits that would differ in color, texture, style and, of course, appearance.

The most important thing for parents to understand is making purchases directly with the child. If mom, dad and little fashionista have the same views on fashion and style, then this is fine and will not create unnecessary trouble. But if preferences are different, then in no case should you put pressure on a teenager and force him to purchase and wear a thing that she did not like. It is best to look for a compromise and come to an agreement.

All clothing must be of high quality and age appropriate. It can be:

  • Several pairs of jeans and trousers. Skinny jeans are best, and trousers are tight with turn-ups at the bottom.
  • Beautiful dresses. The most relevant for teenagers will be fitted dresses with a length just above or below the knees. Colors can be any. For the summer season, bright colors and a lush bottom would be a great option. The outfit should sit on the figure, but in no case should it be tight. Children, in addition to beauty, really need comfort.
  • Skirts. The most popular and fashionable are leather skirts of various styles and lengths.
  • Sweatshirts and sweatshirts. Various colors and patterns will be needed for cool autumn and winter. Today, multilayering is very relevant.
  • T-shirts, tunics. Bright with cheerful prints will not leave anyone indifferent.
  • Do not forget about home clothes, which should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable.
  • On your feet, you should also purchase several types of shoes, depending on the time of year. For example, for the summer it is recommended to buy sneakers, ballet flats and sandals. And for autumn or spring, multi-colored rubber boots, high-top sneakers or boots made of various waterproof materials will come in handy.
  • Do not forget about accessories. No young fashionista will refuse a small bright handbag or backpack. And scarves, hats, caps and hats will give originality and a complete look.

In the wardrobe of a young fashionista at the age of 11-12, both plain and multi-colored things are welcome. And the brighter the clothes, the more confident and beautiful the girl will feel. But do not go too far with a combination of shades. After all, a large number of flowers on one outfit will not decorate even a child.

The most popular shades among teenagers are:

  • Peach.
  • Orange.
  • Yellow.
  • All shades of blue.
  • All shades of red.

Stylish and fashionable clothes can have various designs and prints. For example, characters from cartoons or films, funny inscriptions, animals, various geometric shapes, flowers. As well as any decorative ornaments made of beads, sequins, rhinestones, bows, ribbons and other things.

Styles and fabrics

Clothes for girls aged 11-12 should be not only fashionable and beautiful, but also made from natural materials. After all, children's skin is very sensitive and requires special treatment.

Popular fabrics for children's outfits:

  1. Jacquard.
  2. Velveteen.
  3. Velours.
  4. Jeans.
  5. Knitwear.

Most popular fashion designers produce outfits for girls in various styles. It could be:

  • Lovely and gentle romantic style.
  • Lightweight sports.
  • Military.
  • Cool biker.
  • Trendy pop style.
  • Original rock style.
  • Unique retro style.

Retro. In this style, you can choose a fitted coat of various colors, with a pattern or plain and a flared skirt. Narrow trousers with a folded bottom will also look charming.

Military and biker styles are similar to each other and can be expressed in leggings that imitate natural leather, clothes with a lot of rivets, fasteners, buttons.

Dreamers are ideally suited for a romantic style with fluffy delicate skirts and dresses. Pastel colors, ruffles, frills, lace - all this will give the fashionista a unique look.

What not to buy

To date, on the shelves of stores there is a huge number of all kinds of outfits for children. But, unfortunately, such things are also produced that are absolutely not suitable for a fashionista at the age of eleven or twelve.

These are clothes with a mini length, transparent or translucent fabrics, frank cuts on skirts and dresses, a deep neckline on the chest.

High-heeled shoes look ugly on children's legs. Moreover, it is dangerous for the health of the child. A child can easily twist his leg, and for growing bones, stilettos or heels will do considerable harm in that they can deform and modify the foot.

Outfits for young fashionistas have long been on the same level with the wardrobe items of grown-up girls and women. Eminent couturiers create collections for girls with no less diligence than for pretentious fashionistas, so children's collections are always interesting not only for growing babies, but also for their mothers. About children's fashion summer 2020 for girls - photos, images and trends will be discussed in this article.

Three months of summer are full of color variety of shades, each of which is beautiful in its own way. Fashion artists did not resist nature and took bright, light and neutral tones as the basis of their collections.

Juicy red color - a favorite of summer

Despite the fact that shades from pastel and basic palettes were actively used, it was the classic red that was given the palm. Moreover, he met both in monochrome and in combination with terracotta and black, as well as in floral patterns.

About children's fashionable dresses for girls summer 2020 photo

A fashionable dress always stands out from the crowd with its style and current design finds. It is the details and decor that can have a significant impact on its final appearance.

Fashionable dress should be noticeable

The trendy A-line cut can be embellished with frills, luxurious bows, butterfly or flower appliqués, and a wide ribbon belt. Complementing the outfit with a headband, long gloves or beads, you can create a cute look with adult notes.

About stylish casual dresses for girls summer 2020

Even very young girls want to look with a “zest” in ordinary life. Even riding a carousel or a slide, you can look elegant if you wear a tasteful dress.

Stylish dress will decorate even the most "gray" day

Styles with simple cut lines, decorated with a large decor element in the form of a flower on the shoulder or a knotted bow in a contrasting color will form an image in the style of "simple elegance". The same effect is possible when decorating models with a flounce or frill, as well as when using a guipure fabric insert.

About children's fashionable fitted dresses for girls summer 2020

The hourglass figure for young fashionistas is not yet a fix idea. True, fitted styles look so elegant on girls that designers could not get around this cut side.

Fitted dresses give elegance even to very young ladies

The style of straight-cut dresses made of knitwear or cotton was emphasized by a belt at the waist. Moreover, the colors can be not only monochrome, but also have a pattern in the form of flowers or wide horizontal stripes.

About children's fashionable sundresses for girls summer 2020: photo

Floral motifs and pastel monochrome will be the most relevant for word of mouth fashion. Also in the trend are sundresses from a combination of fabrics - a plain bodice and a “printed” skirt.

Fashion designers have designated the trapezoidal cut of the sundress as the most hit of the season

Models with a high waist and skirt, as well as free-flowing styles. Vertical flounces were used as decor, which could be in the singular or cover the entire surface of the sundress with their multitude.

About children's fashion skirts for girls for summer 2020

The mini length still dominated the collections. Distinctive features among the models are color solutions, styles and texture of the material.

The style of the skirt will be the basis for the formation of the set

There should be several skirts in the summer wardrobe of 2020 and there is nothing to say.

A variety of models allow you to create an image for any occasion:

  • Lush. Several layers of translucent fabric will make the girl a real princess at the wedding;
  • sport chic. A-line or sun flared gray jersey with stripes is useful for everyday fashion;
  • A-shaped. Models made of cotton or denim can be decorated with additional frills and pockets, as well as made of printed fabric.

About children's clothes for girls from denim for summer 2020

Denim material once again proved its versatility, appearing in the summer collection. Whatever model of clothes from the jeans series the baby would choose, the presence of embroidery will make it even more fashionable.

Clothes made of thin denim will diversify the girl's wardrobe

Denim has a high degree of compatibility with T-shirts and T-shirts, so the appearance of this material in summer collections is quite natural.

The most trendy denim trio looks like this:

  • sporty shorts with rounded side slits;
  • jumpsuit with shorts;
  • sundress with a flared sun skirt on thin straps.

About children's clothes for girls with imitation of patchwork technique 2020

The combination of patchwork with different patterns in one item of clothing will outshine even the brightest print. After all, several of them will appear on the outfit at once.

Patchwork dresses and sundresses - an extraordinary hit of the fashion season

The style of a sundress and an A-line dress with puffed sleeves have become favorites for embodying ideas using the patchwork technique. Often, the clothes had a high waist, the bodice of which was in monochrome, and the patchwork combination was observed only on the skirt, which looked like squares or uniform vertical stripes.

About children's clothing for girls in the style of "Casual" 2020

All girls adore the hot season because they can spend most of the daylight hours outside. This is a great chance to show off your entire summer wardrobe to everyone in the area.

In the summer, you especially want to dress up with casual chic.

Designers advise both dresses and sets of several items of clothing. The former may have a loose-fitting flare with horizontal stripes or an elongated denim shirt. Prefabricated ensembles can consist of overalls and an oversized T-shirt or shorts and a loose tunic.

About children's sportswear for girls 2020

Regular visits to sports sections are instilled in girls from a very young age and you can’t do without special clothes. True, for very young babies, it can be more democratic.

Sports suit - a universal deuce for visiting the section

A jersey suit, consisting of trousers and a jumper, will become a favorite of the summer season for sports. This model was presented in bright and pastel colors with traditional wide stripes on the sides of the legs or with the image of cartoon characters' faces. In addition to trouser suits, ensembles with shorts and a light jacket with a snake and sets of T-shirts and leggings were involved.

About children's fashionable clothes for girls in the style of "Military" 2020

In clothes with a camouflage pattern, girls no longer look so cute and unprotected. Although a sweet smile can soften even the most severe image.

Clothing with a military "plaque" gives the girl seriousness and militancy

Designers used "protective color" for T-shirt dresses, bomber jackets, trousers and down jackets. In addition to the standard camouflage colors, the designers used monochrome khaki and olive.

About children's clothes for girls with prints 2020

Drawing makes clothes much more interesting and brighter. Fashion designers used the most touching prints that created a gentle look.

Floral motifs filled the clothes of young fashionistas

The hit parade of prints for children's clothing in 2020 is as follows:

About children's shoes for girls summer 2020

For little fashionistas, designers have created a wide range of summer shoes for any weather. Despite the variety of styles, the main part of the models was presented in the most favorite color of girls.

The summer collection of shoes for girls is replete with all shades of pink.

Children's shoes always look very cute thanks to the details and it was on them that the fashion gurus made a bet.

The hottest couples will be:

Children's fashion is a separate area of ​​the fashion industry, and lives by its own laws. However, in the 2018 season, there has been a trend of its convergence with adult fashion. The latest collections of fashionable children's clothing are so close to adult clothing that some elements exactly repeat it.

elegant dresses

In the new fashion season, fashion designers offer girls 9-10 years old, in which the emphasis is on the waist. They are dominated by white and leopard print, and the length does not fall below the knees. For summer, checkered sundresses and combinations of various wardrobe items are offered, which allows you to make it more practical. The fashion of 2018 not only allows the use of combinations of trousers, turtlenecks, shirts and bright knitted sweaters, but also welcomes the layering of clothing.

Young fashionistas will be delighted with fitted dresses made in the style of the 1960s. Such models make an advantageous emphasis on the waist and in some way determine the behavior. The muted colors used in this style of clothing are ideal for dresses that are modest and elegant.

The relevance of long dresses, sundresses to the knees, dresses decorated with flounces and ruffles in the new fashion season has increased like never before. Attractive airy children's dresses give the image romance and fabulousness.

Styles of stylish skirts

In the fashion collections of 2018, skirts for girls are presented in all their variety of styles and colors. Even overly picky girls will be able to choose an outfit to their liking. Children's models differ from adult options in the brightness of colors, and the predominance of natural materials that are practical and easy to wash.

Designers had to solve a rather difficult task, and combine practicality and attractiveness in one thing. Despite the fact that the styles of skirts practically do not differ from adult models, they have certain nuances. For a celebration, you can wear a skirt that resembles a tutu, but obviously it is not suitable for everyday use.

For maximum convenience, elastic bands are used in children's clothing, and skirts in this case are no exception. This solution makes the clothes comfortable and allows girls of primary school age to change at school without assistance. A pleated skirt has been an actual option for a long time, and the fashion for it does not go away. This style of skirt looks like it was made for school.

Own style at 10 years old - it's real

Adult and children's fashion are inextricably linked - first, new ideas for parents appear, and then after a short time they can be observed in children's clothing. Bright colors, the use of large prints, patterns and designs and their combination is one of the latest trends. Their contrasting combination is considered super fashionable.

Children's fashion often uses animal prints that can be combined with anything. A trendy plaid skirt looks great with a blouse in a similar style. In this combination, there is no pretense, and the image is stylish and bright. A composition of two or three prints is the fashion trends of 2018. Striped, checkered rubber boots or such shoes in a cheerful flower will make the little fashionista irresistible in the spring.

In the new fashion season, designers have taken a fresh look at Gzhel and Khokhloma painting. Things in this style are a super fashionable trend. In addition, clothes with stripes, checks, flowers and of course polka dots will make the girl irresistible. A polka-dot dress with an accentuated waistline takes you back to the distant 70s-80s, the fashion of which returns in the spring-summer-2018 collection. Successful combinations of different colors will achieve an unusual effect. Outerwear for children completely coincides with the trends in adult fashion. Coats with fluffy skirts, scarves have a lot of volume, and shoes are a little rough - children like these clothes, and they will look fashionable and attractive in them.

Stylish shoes

Summer berry-flower range is the main feature of sandals designed for girls aged 9-10. Parents can rely on the taste of a young fashionista when choosing shoes, and he will not let you down. Girls prefer pink, blue, green and yellow and their shades. If you add a comfortable style of shoes to such shades, then this choice can be called ideal.

Teenage sandals are a special wardrobe item, and their models are highly dependent on adult fashion trends. This means that shoes should be not only practical, but also spectacular and stylish. It is worth paying attention to models made of patent leather, which have a metal-like coating, perforation and effectively decorated. The presence of rivets on sandals will add a little challenge to the image of the girl.

When choosing fashionable shoes, it should be borne in mind that the child's foot grows, so it is important to give preference to models that provide maximum comfort. Older teenagers can experiment with over the knee boots, but these shoes are not suitable for toddlers. For them, high boots are offered, the models of which are created in accordance with fashion trends and the requirements of orthopedists.

Collection autumn-winter - 2018

It is typical for modern designers to realize the innermost dreams of the young generation in their children's collections. All boys want to be like their dad, and girls want to be like their mom. Fashion designers are actively introducing elements used in adult collections into children's clothing, but taking into account age, all models are bright and cheerful. They boldly use prints, applications and shiny decor.

Stylish kids in the new fashion season will flaunt in clothes decorated with all sorts of patterns. This "hot" trend does not limit the couturier's imagination, and on clothes you can find the image of those characters that children like. At the same time, prints were not left out. which are inherent in clothing for adults - a cell and a "leopard".

In outerwear intended for girls aged 9-10, there is a repetition of fashion solutions that are used in adult clothing. Now both adults and children are dressed in military style and in the "English" style, they can wear leather jackets and a voluminous parka, as well as denim jackets and models made with faux fur look great.

Spring-summer - 2018

Children's fashion in 2018 is diverse. It uses urban style, retro and military. Fashion designers approached the choice of fabrics very carefully, and gave preference to high-quality knitwear.

Children's clothing in military style is not traditional "army" shades, but bright models using saturated colors.

Couturiers decided to embody in children's clothing all the fashion solutions that are used for adults, only in a reduced format. The classic style is out of fashion, and girls are offered models in light green, blue and pink shades.

For spring and cool weather, fashion designers offer sweatshirts and sweaters, tunics and bombers, decorated with a variety of prints. Images of animals and favorite characters are very fashionable.

sports fashion

Sports fashion is embodied in children's clothing in the style of sport chic. Such models are perfect for little fashionistas. All children are mobile and active, so comfortable and beautiful clothes are the most suitable option for them. Fidgets are offered bright models of sneakers and sneakers, loose-fitting trousers and sports jersey.

For things designed for sports, fashion designers use the best samples of nylon. It is highly resistant to deformation and is able to protect in bad weather. A traditional tracksuit is not the best solution for a child, as modern couturiers think, and they offer their own vision of sportswear, and offer children to dress in clothes that correspond to the latest fashion trends. In their collections you can find sweatshirts, two-layer t-shirts and bomber jackets. However, the main role is given to the colors used. Blue, gray and splashes of yellow are the most fashionable colors in sportswear.