How to do evening styling. Evening hairstyles for short, medium, long hair. The sophistication of the Greek goddess

Evening hairstyles for long hair at home is quite possible. In order to get beautiful and light evening styling, it is not necessary to visit stylists, you can create the image of a princess for yourself. Long curls look beautiful, but you don’t always want to walk with your hair down, and sometimes it’s not very convenient, so the ability to assemble them beautifully will be very useful. Step-by-step instruction evening hairstyles for long hair, detailed description and photos of the novelty of 2019 will be presented below.

There are many options for evening hairstyles for long hair, which every girl can easily do with her own hands and pick up to her liking.

Do-it-yourself evening hairstyles with weaving

For long loose hair, weaving will be a very good option for hairstyles for the evening, since in this case the collected curls will look beautiful and will not cause any inconvenience.

Many fashion celebrities now they use evening braids for long hair in their images and look just great with them.

Side braid

If you are interested in quick and simple female options for evening hairstyles, then this one is definitely suitable. To begin with, clean and dried curls are combed and removed all on one side. Next, a standard braid of two strands is woven with a pickup, like. You need to do this in a downward direction and at the same time the pigtail should go behind the ear. Do this until the end of the length, and then secure everything with an elastic band. To make the evening hairstyle more voluminous, it should be stretched a little. And as a result, it is better to fix everything with varnish so that it lasts longer.

Braid without weaving

For those who find it difficult to master the technique of weaving a regular pigtail, this option for evening styling is perfect. It will require a large number of thin silicone rubber bands. First, long hair is combed, you should first wash and dry it to get a beautiful result. Next, a small ponytail is tied at the top of the head, it also needs to include some strands from the temples. Then, under the tail, two strands are taken from each side and tied with a small elastic band. Do not take too large curls. The upper ponytail is divided in half and the lower one is superimposed on top of it. After that, two more strands are taken and fixed with the curls of the first tail. This should continue until the end of the length. After all the work, the strands are stretched gently so that the hairstyle becomes more magnificent.

Additionally, you can decorate it with some decorative elements. Under evening dress it will be a great hairstyle option, it will emphasize the femininity and beauty of its owner.

See the most diverse and beautiful weaving braids with elastic bands.

Braid bezel

Such an evening hairstyle with a pigtail on long hair will look great if it is decorated with flowers, for summer period this is just a gorgeous image. The hair is divided into two parts. On one side, an ordinary braid with a selection of curls is woven. It is necessary to weave to the back of the head and then fix everything with an elastic band. On the other hand, the same thing is done. Having retreated some distance from the elastic band of the pigtail, tie together, the remaining tail turns into the loop formed and is fixed with hairpins at the back of the head. Be sure to decorate the styling if you have to go on a holiday.

Evening styling for long hair with a tail

A ponytail is not always boring and usually, there are a huge number of similar hairstyles for women that look very stylish and are suitable for a formal evening event.

Tail with curls

First, all the hair needs to be wound, if it is not curly by nature. Further, all hair is divided into four parts: at the crown, at the temples and at the back of the head. On the back of the head, a tail is tied from all the curls. The crown is combed and then gently turned at the end and fixed with the back of the head. The same thing is done with the temples, that is, a pile is made and fixed on the back of the head. Everything is fixed together and treated with additional varnish.

Such simple styling will be a salvation if the time to create an evening look is limited.

Volumetric tail with waves

In front, on the top of the head, curls are removed closer to the forehead so that they do not interfere while working. The rest is bouffanted and a high ponytail is tied. Then that part of the hair is taken, which remained to be divided into two, this must be done in such a way that one half captures only the temporal zone, and the other is central and temporal. First, the central part is neatly laid over the tail and its tip is hidden under the hair. Then the temporal part is placed on top. It will look more beautiful if they sag a little along the hairstyle. After that, all the strands in the tail are wound onto a curling iron.

Greek hairstyle in the evening

With help Greek style you can also make an evening hairstyle for long hair to yourself. To make the image more airy, the hair is twisted on a curling iron.

Hairstyles for the evening with buns

Well, of course, how to do without everyone's favorite beam. Bunches can be used to create a casual look, as well as for a solemn and evening look.

Elegant low bun

Initially, small strands are taken from both sides, they need to be connected and removed so far so as not to interfere. From the rest of the hair, make a tail at the bottom. Next, you need a special roller or bagel for hair. It must be secured above the tail with hairpins, so that it holds well. Then another ponytail is tied on the hair so that the elastic is higher than the donut, if you raise the ponytail above it. These strands are wrapped around the donut, and the rest is tucked under it. Now it's the turn to reach the curls that were left initially. From it is necessary to put crosswise on a beam, and fill the ends. For a more festive look, you can add various decorations.

Bundle and bow

Such evening high hairstyles for long hair are often performed, because they are now at the peak of popularity. First, a regular beam is formed using a roller. But its ends are not hidden, but remain hanging down. After these ends are divided into two parts, an ordinary pigtail is braided from one and wrapped around the bundle. The other curl is divided into two more parts, each of which is wrapped in a loop and fixed at the base of the beam. From the remaining tips, a small pigtail is braided and wrapped around itself, so it turns out a rose. The result is an original and beautiful styling for the evening.

Festive and fashionable hairstyles for long hair based on a high and low beam, see.

Curls in different designs

Curls on long hair look incredibly beautiful.

Festive hairstyles with them you can create the most different ways- these are braids and tails, do styling with curls on one side, careless and romantic bunches.

A hairstyle based on them is the most popular at graduations and weddings.

Evening hair styling helps girls feel confident and relaxed. This area hairdressing allows you to create unusual holiday images. An experienced master can build a real masterpiece that will amaze the imagination of others.

Modern brunette girls
ladies for you blond
evening styling

Evening styling for medium hair is easier to do than for short hair. But for short hair, there are also several charming options for strands of various density and structure.

Girls often look at photos of stars with evening hairstyles on long and medium hair with or without bangs, trying to imitate them. But any hairstyle should be combined with makeup, jewelry and the chosen style of clothing. This is the only way to get a truly luxurious image.

A few important points

In the photo in the magazines of 2018 2019, you can see a lot of holiday styling for long or short hair. They are intended for various solemn events. For example, birthday, anniversary, wedding.

Make a discreet ceremonial styling on well-groomed hair short or middle length possible to meet with business partners.

It is important that the hairstyle matches the event and does not interfere with having a good time. Try to prepare ahead of time. Wash your hair, choose accessories, prepare a good comb, hairdryer, styling products.

Many evening options for short or medium hair can be done at home. If you try, the result will be, as in the photo with fashion actresses 2018 2019.

  • very voluminous models;
  • with the interweaving of additional spans;
  • hairstyle "tower";
  • options with interweaving of fresh flowers;
  • Japanese options for the image of a geisha.

How to fix the finished version

To make various hairstyles for the evening on long or medium strands last as long as possible, use styling products.

On medium hair, securely fix the styling with varnish, mousse or wax. Moreover, the last two means are usually used to create hairstyles. Lacquer fixes the final result.

Do not apply too much mousse or varnish so that the evening hairstyle is firmly fixed. A large number of styling products will make the hair heavier, they will seem sleek, greasy. In addition, they will not be easy to wash.

Detailed step by step instructions

Evening hairstyle "kokoshnik" is a great option for medium length. Take:

  • gum;
  • invisible;
  • comb;
  • curling iron;

This is not an easy option, so it is advisable to practice in advance. Doing styling yourself will not be easy.

  1. Separate a clear side parting and build a high ponytail in the temple area. Comb the remaining strands to the left and tie with an elastic band. You will get two ponytails, which will be the basis of the hairstyle.
  2. Twist the strands slightly with the tongs to form light curls.
  3. From the ponytail on the right side, make four equal parts. Cross two small strands together, put the right center one under the rightmost one. Then the left center - to the extreme left. Cross the strands in the center.
  4. You will get a pigtail of four strands, which you need to braid to the end. Slightly disassemble the weave so that it is lush and more voluminous.
  5. In a similar pattern, braid the braid from the left tail.
  6. Now from these braids, collect a hairstyle. Lay the right one up and stab it with invisibility, lay the left braid under the right one. You will get some kind of kokoshnik. Touch it up with your hands and sprinkle with varnish.

On long hair, you can build an evening retro styling with volume. Photos in magazines often show stars with this style. Take:

  • curling iron;
  • comb;
  • clamps;
  • thermal protection;

The strands should be clean, so wash them and pre-dry them with a hairdryer. The use of thermal protection will prevent negative impact heat treatment.

  1. Make a side parting on the right or left side, separate the bottom layer of hair and use tongs to wind all the strands from this area in the opposite direction.
  2. Then separate the next layer, by analogy, make curls out of strands. The resulting curls should be higher than the previous ones. To keep the curls in the desired position, fix them with clips.
  3. Select a large layer in the area of ​​the temples. Screw them to the left.
  4. Proceed to the fourth layer, including the top strands. Roll them up towards your face. As a result, the waves will create one movement.
  5. Remove all clips and treat the hair with strong hold hairspray.

Evening styling "double French bun" will look good not only on long hair, but also on short strands with bangs. Look at the photo of this hairstyle so that it is easy to do it. Take:

  • comb;
  • clamps;
  • hairpins;
  • pencil;
  • accessories.

At the heart of the styling is the familiar shell. And the double beam looks like its mirror image.

  1. Divide the hair into three parts: occipital, upper strands, bangs.
  2. Take the lower part, and pin all the rest with hairpins so as not to interfere. Screw it up. You will get the so-called "banana". Hide the ends of the strands inward and fix the first shell with hairpins.
  3. Make a similar "banana" from the top of the hair, just point it from top to bottom. Hide the ends in it and secure with invisibility. You will get shells in a mirror image.
  4. Comb the bangs, twist it with a pencil to get an even loop. Secure it with hairpins and sprinkle with varnish.
  5. If desired, decorate your hair with various accessories: a ribbon hairpin, a flower, unusual hairpins, a beautiful headband.

654 10/09/2019 8 min.

It is no coincidence that the average length of hair is considered the most convenient and versatile, such hair is not only relatively easy to care for, almost any hairstyle is suitable for it. Medium-length hair can be curled into elegant curls or romantic waves, braided in the most original braids, or loosened over the shoulders, decorated with a bright hairpin. For owners of medium length hair with bangs, it is easier to choose an evening hairstyle. What hairstyles for medium hair can be considered traditional, and which are now at the peak of popularity?

Curls and curls

What girl does not dream of luxurious curly hair, which are independently formed into separate and neat curls? But hair is rarely so obedient, so many special devices have been invented to create such a hairstyle. Curlers, curling irons, electric tongs - what will you choose?

Curls for medium hair

Speaking of, one cannot fail to mention curls. They will never go out of fashion, they look very elegant and solemn. To create such an image on medium length hair is very simple.

Luxurious curls

  1. Before you start styling, you should wash your hair well, dry it completely.
  2. The next step is to apply a styling agent to the strands along their entire length, it is worth choosing it in accordance with the structure of the hair and the necessary resistance of the hairstyle. If curls need to last only a couple of hours, then use foam or mousse. If there is a long evening ahead, and maybe dancing until the morning, then give preference to a gel with a high degree of fixation. It certainly weighs down your hair, and can give the effect of excessive shine to your hair, but this way you will ensure your hairstyle stays strong.
  3. When the strands are processed with a styling composition, you can proceed to the direct creation of curls. You can wind them in different ways, keep in mind that curlers do not harm your hair like curling irons, but such curls lose their appearance much earlier.
  4. Twist the curls from the very roots, and you will get an extraordinary volume. And if you start curling from the middle of the strand, then your image will look very elegant.
  5. When each straight strand has turned into an elastic spring, it is worth fixing the result with varnish. Spray it on the entire length of your hair, trying to spray it as little as possible on the roots, paying special attention to the ends of the strands.

playful waves

If your event will take place in the summer, and its atmosphere is rather informal, then instead of strict and concise curls, neat waves will look more appropriate. They will emphasize the youth of their owner, give the image a touch of playfulness and coquetry. How to create such a hairstyle? There is nothing easier!

Playful wave styling

Just braid the pigtails for the night: tight or loose, one or five - it depends on what result you want to get. "Cool" waves will provide you with two tight braids, and a romantic look can be obtained if you braid a lot of small braids.

So that beautiful waves do not turn into “poplar fluff” - process hair easy mousse or foam, before braiding. And then - do not comb them with a small comb, use a brush with large teeth.

If medium-length wavy hair looks neat and not too lush, then additional styling may not be required. To complete your hairstyle, decorate your loose hair with a ribbon, barrette or headband. If the volume is too impressive, remove the front strands to the back of the head, tidying them up with a bright shiny accessory. If the bangs are too short, then it is better not to fly into the braids, otherwise in the morning it will bristle in different directions.

Hairstyle with a neat hairpin

Favorite braids

A braid is a traditional hairstyle that emphasizes the youth and modesty of its mistress. Braids are valued not only for their undeniable attractiveness, but also for the severity and seriousness that they can bring to even the most frivolous look. In addition, this hairstyle is practical and comfortable, and braiding beautiful braid even a schoolgirl can. Graceful weaving never went out of fashion, only with each era they noticeably changed, acquiring more and more new ones. original forms. What braids are considered the most fashionable today?

The sophistication of the Greek goddess

It began to be in demand a few years ago, it will look especially advantageous with an exquisite floor-length dress that is not burdened with unnecessary details. All the beauty of the Greek style is in its femininity and genuine simplicity.

Greek braid with long bangs

Braiding a Greek braid is quite simple:

  1. Comb dry hair well, separate it with one middle parting.
  2. Put on an elastic bandage on your head, it should be quite tight. Position it just above your hairline.
  3. On the one hand, begin to gradually separate thin strands and wind them under this bandage. Repeat the procedure throughout the hair, moving in a circle.
  4. Thus, a small roller is formed from curls, its width can be adjusted independently. Keep in mind that the more magnificent the roller, the less it will last, and if you raise the tape a little higher, then the hairstyle will retain its original appearance longer.
  5. When you reach the opposite temple, the last strand must be carefully laid along the tucked curls.
  6. Finally, create volume at the crown - gently pull the strands out of the roller. In this case, it is better to lay the bangs to the side, especially if it is quite long.


Suitable for the youngest ladies with medium hair length. Such an image will look very gentle and romantic.

Headband braid

  1. Treat freshly washed hair with a styling agent.
  2. Comb the strands well and separate them along the oblique line.
  3. From one edge, it is worth separating a small strand and dividing it into three more parts, start weaving a braid from them, picking up the strands from two sides: from the side of the bangs and from the parietal zone of the head.
  4. As a result, you will get a rim of a pigtail, the tip of which can be hidden under loose hair.

Bangs in a rim of braids are usually not used, the hairstyle will look spectacular with both long and short bangs.

Spit - waterfall

Another popular weaving option is. The advantages of this hairstyle are that the face remains open, the strands do not climb into the eyes. But at the same time, the hair falls beautifully on the shoulders.

  1. Comb your hair, divide it along the side parting. Separate three thin strands.
  2. The two lower strands at the end of weaving form a kind of bundle, and the upper curls will imitate a flowing waterfall.
  3. Gently pick up the top strand and pass it over the top strand of the tourniquet, transfer it between the two strands of the tourniquet and release.
  4. Thus, two strands that form a kind of tourniquet will be intertwined.
  5. Repeat this manipulation as many times as necessary.

Laying "Waterfall"

Openwork braids

Recently, the most popular, without a doubt, are openwork or so-called lush braids. They can be braided both in the form of a Greek hairstyle and in the form of an ordinary spikelet. The main difference between such a braid is its delicacy, which is achieved quite simply. Braiding one or more braids, make the weaving not too tight, and with each new turn, simply pull the strand gently towards the “ears” of the pigtail already braided above. Such a hairstyle looks especially original on highlighted or colored hair, as it will look very colorful.

Openwork braid for medium hair

When the pigtail is completely ready, do not forget to fix it with hairspray. Openwork braids have become very popular due to the fact that with their help you can create a very beautiful and unusual hairstyle even from fine hair on which ordinary braids do not look very attractive.

Don't go for big volume openwork braid, pull out the “ears” not so much, otherwise your braid will fall apart very quickly, despite the use of styling products. Please note - this type of weaving is not suitable for hair that is cut in a cascade, as the strands will simply stick out in different directions.

elegant buns

If a schoolgirl High school prom loose curls or a waterfall braid are more suitable, then a successful business woman is more suited to another type of evening hairstyles for medium hair with bangs. It is important for them to look formal, the hairstyle should emphasize the status of a woman, but not turn her into a “gray mouse”. The best choice in this case is beams, classic and more modern.

Volume beam

Traditional - the best option for medium length hair, in addition, it goes well with bangs. We offer you this option: a lush bun at the crown and a long straight bang laid to one side.

  1. Separate a voluminous curl from the front part, wind it with a curling iron along with a bang so that it acquires volume.
  2. The remaining hair can be gathered into a high tight ponytail at the crown.
  3. Using a special donut roller, create a neat bun from the tail, fasten the ends of the hair under it.
  4. The bundle is ready, now weave a neat pigtail from the strand left earlier, wrap it around the bundle.
  5. Lay the bangs to the side, the hairstyle is ready.

high beam

Shell - a fashionable classic

This hairstyle is for real ladies, it is perfect for going to the theater or attending a friend's wedding.

  1. Apply styling foam or mousse to clean strands.
  2. Comb your hair and gather it into a ponytail at the back of your head.
  3. Twist the tail into a loose bundle, so you provide the “shell” with splendor.
  4. From this tourniquet, it is necessary to create a kind of loop, fix the hair in this position with the help of invisibility or hairpins.
  5. Hide the ends of the hair in the middle of the "shell", do not forget to fix the hairstyle with varnish.

"Ceremonial" ponytail

A ponytail is such an everyday hairstyle that is most often used due to lack of time, but it can also be a great decoration for your evening look, especially when combined with bangs. We offer you a variant of the original, but at the same time very simple styling - a regular ponytail, which can be supplemented with fleece and asymmetrically laid on its side.

This hairstyle fit for creative natures who do not like rigor and conciseness.

  1. First of all, curl all the hair with a curling iron, starting from the middle of the head. Curls should be large, but not too twisted.
  2. Make a horizontal parting, separate the strands of the lower part of the head, fasten them with a clip.
  3. It is this part of the hair that should be collected at the back of the head in a ponytail, but it should not be high and too tight.
  4. On the parietal strands, it is worth doing a light pile, then you need to fix it with varnish.
  5. Now you need to beautifully lay the previously combed strands, lift them slightly and fix them in this position with the help of hairpins.
  6. Flip the tail to one side, let it lie neatly on the shoulder, while a few curls can be left free for an elegant frame of the face.

And how to lay a bang

We have told you the most popular options for evening hairstyles for medium length hair, but how to correctly combine them with bangs? It's not difficult, show your imagination, but feel the measure and keep the overall balance of the hairstyle. If the main part of the hair looks lush and pompous, then the styling for the bangs should be chosen more calm so that it “calms down” the exuberant hairstyle a little.

If, on the contrary, you have chosen a laconic shell or a strict bun, then you can safely experiment with bangs: curl it in large waves or make a lush bouffant out of it, pulled back. Almost any bang will go to curls and curls, but if it is too long, then you should not leave it straight, also curl it. Short straight bangs are difficult to style, but this is not required, as they will perfectly complement any look.

When choosing an evening hairstyle for medium hair with bangs, consider the style of your outfit, as well as the nature of the event itself that you are preparing to attend.

Video: Light hairstyles for medium hair

A good example of the execution of an evening hairstyle for medium hair, see the video below.


It can be a big test for any girl. sticking to simple recommendations, you can create your own original hairstyle for hair of any length. Ladies with bangs should not despair either. If necessary, it can be straightened, wound or carefully removed with hairpins. It will help not only to diversify the image, but also to give it a twist.

For a woman, any solemn event or just a romantic evening walk is another reason to show off her beauty. One of the main attributes when creating an evening look is styling. It is evening styling that makes the image whole and complete. It is not necessary to create any complicated hairstyles or run to the hairdresser every time to make a beautiful styling. With a little practice, you can create stunning evening styling at home. In a recent article, we talked about what fashionable evening and holiday hairstyles exist and how to create an evening hairstyle with your own hands on, and, and in today's article we'll talk about creating beautiful evening hairstyles for hair of various lengths. After reading this article and a little practice, you can create incredibly beautiful styling with your own hands.

Highlights when creating evening styling

To create beautiful evening styling, you must follow certain rules that will allow you not only to quickly and efficiently perform styling, but the styling itself will delight you throughout the evening.

  1. Hair must be washed and combed well.
  2. Strongly straight hair must be slightly curled (unless the styling implies the presence of smooth strands)
  3. Be sure to take care of styling products in advance (they are selected according to the type of your hair and depending on the structure of your future styling). The same applies to all kinds of accessories and jewelry for hair. They must be purchased in advance. Do not forget about such mandatory devices as hairpins and invisibles, as some styling (especially for long hair) implies their presence.
  4. Do not forget also that your styling must necessarily be combined with your entire image (dress, makeup, etc.)
  5. Remember that less is better, but better. This applies to jewelry and styling elements in general. You don't have to do everything at once. Overloaded styling looks sloppy and pretentious.
  6. Observe the measure and in the amount of use of styling products. Too much hairspray will create the effect of a dirty head, so when applying all kinds of styling products, you need to be very careful.
  7. Remember also that the main thing is comfort. Do not create a styling that restricts your movements and gives you discomfort.

Evening styling for long hair

Long hair implies creation huge amount all kinds of evening styling, ranging from ordinary curls to a beautifully laid bun. Owners of long hair can experiment with more extraordinary types of evening styling, but this kind of thing is best created by a professional master.

Hollywood curls

This is a very simple and very effective hairstyle for long hair. It suits absolutely any girl. With the help of beautiful curls, you can create both a romantic and sensual image, as well as a passionate and fatal one. In any case, you can experiment and see which option suits you best.

So, to create luxurious curls, we need:

  • iron or curling iron;
  • means for fixing (mousse, foam);
  • means of thermal protection;
  • varnish for fixing the finished styling;
  • comb with a thin long nose.

First you need to wash your hair, gently dry it and comb your hair well. After that, apply a thermal protection agent on them and only after that proceed with the creation of curls.

IMPORTANT! Do not neglect the means for protecting hair from thermal exposure. When using a hair dryer or iron (like any other heating device), the hair structure is damaged. They become thinner, split and lifeless.

First of all, let's deal with the parting. It can be made straight, or asymmetrical and even diagonal. It all depends on the shape of the face. Owners of square and round shape face is better to make an asymmetrical parting. oval shape Faces can be experimented with any parting. After you have decided on the parting, go directly to the creation of curls. We take a small strand of hair, apply mousse or foam on it, smooth it slightly and wind it on a curling iron. The thinner the strand, the thinner the curl will turn out.

IMPORTANT! if you have thin sparse hair, do not large curls, so there may be an empty space between them.

To straighten the resulting curl, gently pull it by the tip. So it will look more natural. We do the same with the remaining strands. And in the end, we simply fix the finished styling with varnish. You can also collect curls in beautiful tail, or just shift to one side. this hairstyle looks spectacular in any condition.


Stunning light evening styling for long hair. She fits better business girls, always collected and purposeful. However, it should be borne in mind that such a hairstyle is not suitable for every type of face. it is categorically contraindicated with elongated and narrow face, as it visually stretches it even more. To create this styling you will need:

  • comb;
  • hair spray;
  • elastic.

To create extra volume at the top of the head, initially create a light bouffant at the crown, but then carefully comb the top layer to make it smooth. Then we tie a high tail and fix the styling with varnish. This is just the perfect styling for going to the club or to a party. There can be a great variety of varieties of this styling. It can be a high smooth tail, the creation of which is described above, or a low and voluminous, more delicate one. The ponytail may or may not be bouffant. It can be done on the side with voluminous curls. Try, experiment and you will definitely find your ideal option.

Greek styling

Stunning evening styling, which will not take much time, but will look just amazing. It is created using a special so-called Greek gum. Ideal for creating a romantic and sensual look.

So, to create a beautiful Greek styling, we need:

  • means for fixation;
  • greek scrunchie (sold in any hairdressing store and looks like a regular hair scrunchie, only much larger and usually decorated on one side)
  • comb.

Washed and dried hair comb well. At the crown, we make a small pile for volume. After that, we put on the Greek elastic band on the head and begin to scroll the strands through it from the face, gradually moving towards the back of the head. We leave a couple of small strands near the face and wind them. We fix the finished hairstyle with varnish and enjoy the result!

Evening styling for medium hair

The average hair length is the most optimal. She looks great on both beautiful collected hairstyles and beautiful styling with loose hair. The average hair length is also distinguished by a variety of haircuts, as this includes both an elongated bob and an elongated caret. And for these haircuts, there are many beautiful styling, which you can flash at a festive evening.

Collected styling "French Twist"

Nothing is more perfect for a formal evening out than a French twist. In the people it is also called a shell, in connection with its bizarre shape. It is worth remembering that such a hairstyle will look beautiful on obedient hair, which will easily take its place.

So, to create such a styling, we need:

  • comb;
  • means for fixing styling;
  • studs and invisible.

The hairstyle is very easy to do. We collect well-combed hair into a tourniquet, twist it and pin it up at the top. We decorate the hairstyle with a beautiful hairpin or original hairpin. A couple of locks near the face can be pulled out of the hairstyle. This will create a more romantic look.

In addition to this styling for medium length hair, you can also perform Hollywood curls. The process of creating them on medium hair is no different from long hair.

Evening styling for short hair

Hairstyles for short hair are distinguished by their special originality and style. Many women are now increasingly resorting to short haircuts. The time has passed when women with short hair were compared with men, attributing to them strong character traits and a lack of tenderness and femininity. Of course, this is complete absurdity. Currently short haircuts although they are considered mischievous and boyish, but only in cases where the character of a woman has this. The same applies to evening styling.

When choosing an evening styling for short hair, first of all, you need to consider the style of the event. If this is a trip to a cafe with friends, which can smoothly turn into a disco, then careless styling will be an excellent option. It is performed extremely simply. A styling agent is applied to the washed and dried head, after which you simply use your hands to either slightly ruffle your hair or set the direction of the strands in a chaotic manner.

For a more solemn event, a classic styling, complemented by some beautiful decoration. Depending on the length of the hair, you can also create beautiful curls. They look great on a bob or bob haircut. Curls are performed in the same way as for long and medium hair. In addition, you can simply twist some ends, which will also look very impressive.

Many girls with medium-length curls do not know what styling to do for the holiday, important solemn event. Various options, like, there are many, including braids and elegant curls. With medium strands to the shoulders or just below, there are fewer hairstyles, but you can make chic curls with a pile without any problems. Beautiful evening styling on straight or curly medium hair looks feminine, suitable for various outfits.

  • On the eve of the event, the hair must be washed, combed and dried;
  • straight strands can be curled with a curling iron, curlers, hair dryer with a round brush;
  • for the hairstyle, you need to pick up holiday accessories in advance, buy varnish, mousse, hairpins, invisibles;
  • it is advisable to practice several times at the mirror, performing complex weaves of strands, making spectacular curls;
  • styling thin hair requires more effort and time, this should not be forgotten before the holiday;
  • evening hairstyle should be combined with makeup, outfit and accessories, fit the type of face.

Evening styling for long and medium hair can be done not only in the salon at the master, but also at home. It is recommended to take a friend as an assistant if the hairstyle is quite complex and voluminous. Shiny rims look very feminine on strands of medium length, bright ribbons, bandages. Attention to beautiful facial features can be attracted by shining hairpins, invisibility with rhinestones, flowers.

Soft waves or bouncy curls

Hairstyles with a bun or shell

Volumetric or smooth styling on medium hair is quickly performed using curling irons, hairpins, invisible hairpins. Slightly curled ends or wavy strands are pulled back into a bun, which can be tight, loose, slightly sloppy. Additional volume at the crown is done with the help of fleece, lifting the roots with a hairdryer. An evening hairstyle can be supplemented with invisible stones, hairpins with flowers at the ends.

Here are some options for buns for medium hair:

1. A tight bun with a knot at the back of the head. The hair is collected in a ponytail, twisted around its base in the form of a knot, a spiral.

2. Loose bun, collected from curled curls. Wavy tips can be arranged in the form of hanging spirals, mischievous curls.

3. or, collected at the back of the head in a straight or oblique roller. This hairstyle can be decorated with an artificial flower, a spectacular large hairpin.

4. A bunch of bundles, braids, decorated in the form of a flower, a complex interlacing of strands. It is difficult to perform such styling on your own, it is better to ask for help from friends, a familiar master.

5. Laying on a base with bundles tucked under a bandage or elastic band. The strands can be left straight or pre-curled with a curling iron, wound on curlers.

Hairstyles with braids and plaits for medium hair

If the curls are thick, well braided into voluminous pigtails, you can make elegant styling using a different weave. It looks beautiful on a free spikelet, or with the tips removed inside. You can simply twist the strands with bundles and arrange them in the form of a flower, spiral, knots.

Here are the most interesting options for evening hairstyles with braids:

1. A loose braid of several strands of strands, started from the top of the head to the back of the head. The rest of the hair can be left straight or slightly curled at the ends.

2. Braided braids on the sides of the head in the French manner, connected at the neck into a low one. It is recommended to collect pigtails with visible negligence, decorate the hair with a flower, a shiny hairpin.

3. Thick side strands twisted with bundles, gathered at the bottom of the back of the head in a ponytail on loose hair. This styling looks more beautiful in the absence of bangs, especially if the curls are thick, dark in color.

4. A rim in front or behind the head from a French spikelet with strands removed from the face. Hair can be fully woven into braids or left loose at the back.

5. A waterfall of thin braids with curled wavy curls. It is necessary to weave them from one temple to another, each time separating thin strands.

If desired, and a certain level of skill, you can combine various elements of hairstyles, creating an elegant image of a young beauty or a spectacular lady. Too many accessories and hair ornaments do not need to be used, one is enough artificial flower or a small hair clip.
