What to do when pregnant with high blood pressure. How to lower blood pressure during pregnancy? Causes and consequences of high blood pressure. Video: high blood pressure in pregnant women

Control of blood pressure indicators during the period of gestation is a mandatory event. An increase in pressure is quite common in women in position. This is considered the norm only in the absence of pathologies.

There are many factors that influence the development of hypertension, and in order to know what to do with high pressure during pregnancy, it is necessary to understand the mechanism of the development of the disease.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that not all drugs can be taken, as it can damage the health of the developing fetus.

High blood pressure during pregnancy is mainly a consequence of the stress in which the body resides. Bearing a child requires the mobilization of all the forces of the body, both physical and moral, which leads to a sharp increase in stress.

Often in women, even in the period preceding conception, chronic hypertension is observed. With the onset of pregnancy, the disease, as a rule, begins to progress.

Sometimes hereditary factors play a decisive role. If the relatives of the pregnant woman had high blood pressure, then it is possible that she will develop hypertension. Bearing a child in most cases provokes the primary appearance of high blood pressure in pregnant women.

The cause of high blood pressure in a pregnant woman can be a decrease in the compensatory adaptation of the body and a significant increase in the volume of blood pumped by the heart. If the heart can hardly cope with the increased workload, then there is an increase in blood pressure.

Also, pregnancy is associated with a change in hormonal levels, which affects blood pressure.

Being overweight is one of the reasons that causes the development of hypertension. Lack of physical activity leads to weakening of the heart muscle. As a result, with an increase in the load, the heart works with difficulty, which leads to an increase in pressure. Also, in the presence of diseases that affect the kidneys, this important indicator often grows.

Medicine divides people who are at risk of developing hypertension into the following groups: one of them includes women who had previously had problems with pressure, the other - those who have a hereditary predisposition to the disease.


The danger of high blood pressure during pregnancy lies in the fact that negative changes in the vessels that supply blood to the placenta and fetus inevitably occur. This causes a deterioration in blood circulation between the mother's body, the placenta and the baby.

If high blood pressure is stable for a long time, then this can lead to premature.

The presence of hypertension during childbirth often causes the development of convulsive syndrome. This phenomenon has an extremely negative impact on both the health of the mother and the child.

High blood pressure during pregnancy can give a complication called preeclampsia. With its development, there is a disruption in the functioning of the organs on which human life depends: the blood supply system and the heart.

Preeclampsia causes the appearance of microscopic holes that affect the vessels, due to the production of specific substances. Through these holes, the penetration of plasma protein and fluid into the tissues occurs, which causes the formation of edema. Most often, they suffer from swelling of the limb.

At the same time, placental edema occurs, which causes a lack of oxygen in the fetus.


The most severe preeclampsia, in fact, its final phase, is called eclampsia. This disease occurs in a state of deep depression of the central nervous system and is accompanied by loss of consciousness, coma.

In this case, there is a rapid development of convulsive syndrome. Thus, high blood pressure during pregnancy can be a serious danger.

Risk factors for eclampsia include the following:

  1. Preeclampsia, which was in a pregnant woman for more than early period. In this case, there is a significant risk of its recurrence, while it is not excluded that it will proceed in a more severe form.
  2. Pathology poses a threat to women who have given birth multiple times or had multiple pregnancies. In addition, the cause of the disease can be smoking, hypertension, chronic kidney problems. The risk increases significantly if the fetus has malformations and if the interval between pregnancies is very long.
  3. Medical statistics show that the development of preeclampsia is a significant threat. This is due to the fact that even outside of pregnancy, the likelihood of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system is high. Doctors note that the occurrence of late gestosis (toxicosis) is more dangerous than the occurrence of early toxicosis.

Do not panic in such cases, as doctors know what to do if high blood pressure is detected during pregnancy. Careful medical supervision and adequate therapy will allow you to bear the child until the end of the due date.

What to do with high pressure?

To the question of what to do if high blood pressure during pregnancy, there is no definite answer. The solution to this problem and the management of pregnancy in this case occurs under the supervision of several specialists - an obstetrician-gynecologist in contact with a general practitioner or a cardiologist.

In this case, both therapy with the use of medications and non-drug methods can be used. The latter include the proper organization of sleep, reducing the amount of stress and significant physical exertion.

Have a beneficial effect of being on fresh air, quiet walks, revision of attitude to bad habits and a balanced diet. The described activities will be the answer to the question of what is possible for pregnant women with high blood pressure.

Turning to the solution of the question of what to do if a pregnant woman has high blood pressure, in the context of drug treatment, the fulfillment of the following conditions comes to the fore.

First, constant monitoring of blood pressure indicators should be carried out. Secondly, the selection of a drug that stabilizes blood pressure to a normal level should be carried out taking into account the safety of the fetus during its long-term use.


What to do to avoid high blood pressure in a pregnant woman? The following recommendations should be followed as preventive measures:

  1. Normal sleep duration is the key to normal pressure.
  2. Absence of emotional and physical overload. If the working conditions do not allow to meet this requirement, then you need to go to work with less stress.
  3. You can not refuse reasonable physical activity.
  4. You can normalize blood pressure by changing the daily diet, excluding from it foods that can excite the nervous system.
  5. It is important that weight gain during pregnancy is controlled.
  6. Constant monitoring of blood pressure will help to avoid the development of complications, in particular preeclampsia.

It should be understood that neglecting treatment and ignoring high blood pressure during pregnancy can have irreparable consequences.

Therefore, if the doctor's prescriptions do not give the desired effect, then you should not refuse hospitalization, since only in a hospital can you ensure the safety of the further course of pregnancy and timely delivery.

Useful video about high blood pressure during pregnancy


Pregnancy is a time of hormonal storms. Have you heard such words? Indeed, that during the period of bearing a child in female body there are significant hormonal changes, doctors say to the expectant mother even at the first appointments.

But how things stand specifically, what is happening in the body, which now performs a special mission, not all women think. And if you delve a little into this topic, it will become clear, obvious, logical, many things that happen during pregnancy - from toxicosis to increased pressure.

What is the hormone of motherhood, and why progesterone "hooligans"

In the months of bearing a child, the hormones of the pituitary gland, an important endocrine organ located in the hypothalamic part of the GM, dominate. During childbirth, the pituitary gland releases oxytocin into the bloodstream, which stimulates uterine contractions. After delivery, prolactin will “get to work”, which will help the woman who has just given birth to become a nursing mother.

These are all the hormones of motherhood, which also include estrogen and progesterone. Prolactin and oxytocin are also responsible in a sense for the emotional attachment of the mother to the baby, for the positive sensations generated from feeding and communicating with the baby.

Progesterone is the most important hormone of motherhood. It begins to affect the female body, starting from the second half of the cycle: the secretion of mucus in the fallopian tubes increases, and it becomes a special, nutrient medium for moving the egg into the uterus. Due to progesterone, the endometrium is transformed, the number of vessels that organize the nutrition of the blatocyst after implantation increases. gestational sac. Progesterone also affects the restructuring of the epithelium of the cervical part of the uterus - it will produce more mucus so that pathogens do not enter the uterus.

But if for some reason the level of this hormone is elevated, not everyone in pregnancy will be safe. Firstly, deposits of subcutaneous fat will increase, and this is excess weight. Secondly, intestinal motility will be disturbed, constipation will torment the pregnant woman. There will be an inhibition of mental processes in the GM cortex, maternal immunity will weaken, the greasiness of the dermis will increase, and fluid retention will begin in the body. And this is swelling and possible increase pressure.

To maintain normal pressure in pregnant women, you need to monitor hormonal stability. Although not only hormones can be “blamed” for the fact that the pressure deviates from the norm.

What is normal blood pressure

Already at the first appointment with the doctor, the expectant mother will definitely measure the pressure, and this procedure will be repeated at each visit. It is great if the patient knows her constant pressure, and measuring this indicator will not be an innovation for her. The norm of pressure during pregnancy will be standard values ​​​​- 90-120 / 60-80 mm Hg. Art. There are several nuances regarding this important marker of health, but absolutely normal blood pressure in an expectant mother cannot differ significantly from pressure data outside of pregnancy.

The patient must understand that pressure control should be carried out not only from appointment to appointment, but also constantly, making measurements at home. Of course, not all pregnant women fulfill such an order, although it is still worth doing. Someone sees this as reinsurance, and someone sees it as a reasonable indicator control regime, the failure of which is fraught with serious complications of pregnancy.

How to measure your own blood pressure

Blood pressure is measured using a device called a tonometer. You can also take measurements with a mechanical tonometer, although today they are considered obsolete. You can purchase an electronic device at any pharmacy: this medical gadget will serve you for a long time, not only during pregnancy you will need to measure pressure. Read the instructions for details.

To get accurate data, you need:

  • Try to take measurements at the same time;
  • Do not drink coffee (do this at least an hour before the procedure);
  • Do not smoke - although every woman knows about the harmful state of nicotine on the development of the fetus in the womb, many pregnant women do not give up this habit;
  • Before measuring, you need to calm down, do not worry, you can lie down for a few minutes;
  • If the bladder is full, then first go to the toilet, and only then take a measurement;
  • Do not talk, move or twist during the measurement, your feet should be parallel to each other on the floor (do not cross them);
  • After 7 minutes (maybe 8-10), take a new measurement - it should be equivalent to the previous one, a slight difference is acceptable (if it is large, most likely you are doing something wrong);
  • Take the measurement while sitting, the hand should lie on the table.

If you drink any prescribed medications, remember that some of them affect the pressure, so the measurement is not carried out immediately, but a couple of hours after taking.

What pressure should a pregnant woman have, see the table above.

If BP is low

In the early stages of gestation (the first weeks), the pressure may be unusually low. Many women are afraid that the constant 110-120/80 has turned into 90/60. But you should not panic. Low blood pressure is indeed common in the first trimester. It also happens that it is it that makes a woman think that she is pregnant.

Symptoms of a drop in blood pressure early stage gestation can be expressed:

  • Constant drowsiness;
  • Feeling of lack of oxygen;
  • The occurrence of shortness of breath when walking;
  • Lack of concentration, procrastination;
  • Lethargy and increased fatigue;
  • ear noise;
  • Pre-fainting states or even short-term fainting;
  • Headaches and dizziness.

Not all pregnant women have hypotonic manifestations in the first weeks of gestation. There are women who are more prone to this. So, if you had a diagnosis of “vegetative-vascular dystonia” even before pregnancy, then low blood pressure in pregnant women is in some sense the norm. If you had hypotension before conceiving a baby, then it is unlikely to disappear with the onset of pregnancy - rather, on the contrary, it will manifest itself acutely in the first trimester.

At risk for hypotension are women who are on low-calorie diets, as well as patients who are in chronic stress. Hypotension is also fraught with dehydration due to severe toxicosis, infectious diseases (from which pregnancy, of course, does not protect), as well as physical inactivity.

Is hypotension dangerous?

Of course, every expectant mother wants normal pressure during pregnancy, but it is impossible to insure yourself against failures in this indicator. And if the first trimester is overshadowed by low blood pressure, you should not panic, but strictly control the situation. It's not just the discomfort that, alas, accompanies the pressure drop. It is also a certain threat to the preservation of pregnancy and the normal development of the fetus.

In the first weeks, the baby does not yet have its own circle of blood circulation, because the mother's regular fainting spells, lack of oxygen also affect the fetus. Unfortunately, in some cases, this is fraught with a lag in the development of the baby. In the second or third trimester, the situation returns to normal: the vessels in the placenta are already able to maintain normal blood flow. But at the same time, reduced pressure can remain longer than the first trimester. But at the equator of pregnancy, it usually begins to rise.

Elevated blood pressure in expectant mothers: the big picture

On average, high blood pressure in women during the gestation period will be considered an indicator of 140/90 and above. But since there are individual moments, you need to listen to the doctor and his prescriptions, and not make diagnoses for yourself. Symptoms of high blood pressure can surprisingly coincide with signs of hypotension, but still the differences are hard to miss.

Usually, headaches with an increase in blood pressure are more pronounced, they have different intensities - this is already a moment of individual differences, pain threshold, etc. It is also precisely for the increase in pressure that visual disturbances are characteristic: pregnant women complain of a veil before their eyes, “flying flies”, a certain fuzziness of the image. Ringing in the ears appears more often and is heard more clearly. Also, an increase in pressure is inherent in hyperhidrosis, which a pregnant woman does not always classify as signs of an increase in blood pressure, considering excessive sweating as the norm during pregnancy.

Also, with an increase in pressure, tachycardia, heart rhythm failures are observed. If you have any of these symptoms, be sure to tell your doctor about them.

Who is prone to high blood pressure during pregnancy

And here it is appropriate to talk about certain categories of women who are really threatened by such a problem to a greater extent. If blood pressure rises slightly, this can be called an absolute norm. Everything is logical - in the body of a woman carrying a child, the volume of blood increases, the load on the main pumping organ increases, and all this is considered a natural request of the body of a pregnant woman. Therefore, the pressure is quite predictably increased, but literally by a few units, and not by a couple of tens. Without this, it is impossible to imagine the normal functioning of the mother-placenta-child system.

Pathological increase in pressure threatens mothers who:

  • Hypertension was detected even before gestation;
  • There are neuroendocrine pathologies - meaning diabetes mellitus, diseases of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc .;
  • Diseases of the heart and kidneys that can affect pressure indicators;
  • Pyelonephritis, it tends to worsen during pregnancy;
  • Excess weight;
  • Biliary dyskinesia.

Some diseases require special attention to pregnancy planning. In the case of an existing chronic illness, a woman is recommended to correct it as much as possible - to take all the necessary measures that will reduce the risk of exacerbation of the disease during pregnancy.

If the doctor sees a negative trend, if the blood pressure readings seem potentially dangerous to him, he will prescribe the patient a referral to the hospital. There is no need to refuse it - the situation is far from harmless, it makes sense to be under medical supervision for some time.

First trimester and high blood pressure

As already mentioned, the initial third of pregnancy is characterized by a slight decrease in pressure, but there may be a reverse reaction. If you notice an increase in blood pressure in the first weeks, try to get to the doctor as soon as possible. This situation needs to be corrected, since an increase in pressure in itself threatens with certain complications. For example, one of the consequences of increased blood pressure may be damage to the placental bed (at the time when the placenta is formed in the mother's body).

Of the other dangerous consequences, it is worth noting:

  • Placental insufficiency - threatens to delay the growth and development of the baby;
  • Open bleeding;
  • Chronic hypoxia;
  • risk of placental abruption.

The threat is very serious, and if no measures are taken, not only a full-term pregnancy is in question, but also its safety until the fetus can be born viable.

Second trimester and high blood pressure

Normal pressure during pregnancy in the second trimester is your usual healthy indicator. If even before gestation your values ​​were 120/80, then in the second trimester (up to about 20 weeks) you should have such blood pressure. And as soon as the pregnancy approaches the equator, the pressure may begin to rise. But these values ​​should still not cross the threshold of 135-140/90.

If you are already in the second trimester, and your blood pressure is slightly lower than usual, this is also normal. The main thing is that the difference between the usual and new indicators should not be higher than 10, a maximum of 15 units.

But usually, it is from the sixth month that expectant mothers begin to notice that the pressure has begun to rise. This, as a rule, does not cause ailments in a woman, but such a change in blood pressure is unlikely to affect the baby's condition. The pressure rises due to the volume of blood that has become increased. That's why the doctor freezes every time: he needs to control the situation so as not to miss a really dangerous moment.

Usually the doctor prescribes to the patient:

  • Rest, as well as adherence to a special diet, is the rejection of fatty foods (in particular, dairy fat, as well as red meat), the rejection of sweets, marinades and preservatives, spicy dishes;
  • Drink water in moderation - 2 liters per day is enough;
  • Avoid stressful situations, unrest and conflict.

The doctor may ask how the pregnancy went with the next of kin. The same scenario of gestation and delivery in mother and daughter is a fairly common case. If the pressure during pregnancy in the mother was normal, then the risk of increasing blood pressure in the daughter also decreases.

Third trimester and high blood pressure

At this time, it is most likely that the pressure of blood in the vessels will become higher. But at the time of delivery, this indicator should approach prenatal values. At 32-38 weeks, the woman's cardiovascular system experiences the greatest load - the heart rate quickens, blood output increases by 40 or even 50%, and the pulse rises.

Why are doctors and pregnant women so afraid of high blood pressure values? The concept of "preeclampsia", a pathology that can only affect pregnant women, is associated with them. One of the signs of this dangerous state is an increase in blood pressure. This is really an insidious disease, it entails changes in the work of various organs - especially the circulatory and cardiovascular systems suffer.

Preeclampsia is a threat to a healthy pregnancy:

  • Edema in the legs and hands can indicate its presence - they arise due to the smallest vascular openings that appear as a result of the production of special substances by the placenta;
  • Plasma protein and fluid enter these small holes, and although the edema itself does not pose a threat to the mother, placental edema will be fraught with a serious lack of oxygen for the baby.

But even if preeclampsia is not detected, and the pressure is above normal, it can still lead to vascular changes. They will definitely affect the child, the risk of developing placental insufficiency is high. With maternal hypertension, the fetus develops hypoxia, the development of the baby slows down. A child may be born with pathologies, may be premature. Neurological disorders are not excluded due to the same high blood pressure in the mother during pregnancy.

Preeclampsia: pressure is rising, the threat is great

Blood pressure control, as you understand, is extremely important. If the pressure is high, then due to vascular spasm, the work of the main internal organs of the patient is disrupted - the kidneys, liver, brain, lungs and even the retina of the eye suffer. The child receives less oxygen and nutrients, and this is a direct threat to delay its development. The uterus may decrease amniotic fluid. The blood flow in the umbilical artery may slow down. In severe cases, unfortunately, you can not do without emergency delivery.

Many pregnant women complain: here, again they made me give urine, and they also say to measure pressure every day and write down the result on a piece of paper. But it's not a hassle! Frequent urine tests and regular blood pressure measurements are specifically aimed at preventing preeclampsia.

Preeclampsia without protein in the urine

Sometimes the diagnosis of "preeclampsia" is made even in the absence of protein in the urine, but in this case, the doctor notices another of the symptoms.

In this list:

  • Decreased platelet level;
  • Increased creatinine;
  • Increasing AsAT and AlAT at least twice;
  • Development of pulmonary edema;
  • Cerebral or visual symptoms - from severe headache to blurred vision, the appearance of "flies" before the eyes.

The diagnosis of "preeclampsia" can only be made when your blood pressure was normal before pregnancy, and only after 20 weeks complications began in the form of an increase in pressure and other symptoms associated with the pathology.

So far, doctors cannot give an unambiguous answer why this ailment occurs in principle. Most scientists agree that this is a vascular anomaly (we are talking about the vessels that are between the uterus and the placenta). And this anomaly is only the beginning of a chain of negative consequences.

Preeclampsia has its own risk factors, it has been proven that more often the pathology is diagnosed during the first pregnancy. Women with diabetes, obesity, under the age of 20 or over 35 are prone to it. More risk in patients with multiple pregnancy, as well as those who encountered such a pathology during the first gestation. Heredity can also be a cause.

Diagnosis of preeclampsia and possible complications

Normal pressure in a pregnant woman in the third trimester is highly likely to indicate that such a threat as advertising has bypassed you. But in order to convincingly say about the absence of pathologies, early diagnosis is needed - modern pregnancy management provides for this moment. It, diagnostics, includes frequent urinalysis, which allows timely detection of protein in urine, as well as regular measurements of blood pressure.

These studies seem like a routine to many pregnant women: they argue about the futility of these studies - in the West, expectant mothers are not disturbed so often. But it is not always worth unconditionally accepting Western trends, especially in matters of maintaining a healthy pregnancy. The fact is that pre-eclampsia, and its possible development - eclampsia, are one of the key causes of maternal and infant mortality. And this applies not so much and only to third world countries, but to the most developed countries.

What is the danger of preeclampsia:

  • The development of eclampsia itself. This is a serious condition with convulsions, pulmonary edema, possible cerebral hemorrhage, and even coma.
  • Placental abruption, which does not allow to prolong pregnancy and is a direct threat to the life of the mother and fetus.
  • Heavy bleeding.
  • The development of stroke and thromboembolism.
  • Delayed development of the baby.
  • Low water.
  • Premature births that threaten the normal development of the child, and often life itself.

That is why the diagnosis, screening and, of course, early prevention of preeclampsia is so important.

How to avoid preeclampsia

There are women who, more than others, are at risk of seeing high values ​​​​on the tonometer during pregnancy, and with them other signs of pathology.

You may be in this risk category if you have a match in at least one item on the list:

  • Multiple pregnancy;
  • Chronic kidney disease;
  • Diabetes mellitus (any type);
  • hypertension;
  • autoimmune diseases;
  • Previous pregnancy with preeclampsia.

What should women do with such aggravating circumstances? Firstly, do not worry, but be glad that you saw the risk in time and this will give you the opportunity to seek medical help as soon as possible. Secondly, you may have to get on a special register, and doctors will pay a little more attention to your pregnancy.

To date, such a tactic for preventing the disease in relation to the above-mentioned women is common: taking low doses of aspirin, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy. Aspirin is the only medication proven to be effective for this gestational ailment. But you do not arbitrarily drink Aspirin, but the doctor prescribes it to you if he sees the need for it.

Is there a cure for preeclampsia?

The only effective treatment for preeclampsia and eclampsia is childbirth. Since the illness is triggered by the pregnancy itself, the illness will also end with its end. This is the whole snag, because a dangerous pathology occurs more often in the second trimester, or the beginning of the third, when it is too early to think about childbirth.

How urgently to give birth to the patient, how to do it is the responsibility of doctors. There are no general guidelines, all cases are individual. In any case, doctors will continue the pregnancy as long as it is in principle possible. The duration of pregnancy, the condition of the mother, the condition of the fetus, and forecasts are also assessed. At the consultation of doctors, it is decided when to deliver the patient and how. If the pregnancy is full-term (that is, the gestational age has reached 37 weeks), you can give birth.

If the period is not yet approaching 37 weeks, preeclampsia is mild or moderate, if there are no signs of damage to target organs (and these are headaches, and visual disturbances, and pain in the heart, in the peritoneum, there is shortness of breath and changes in laboratory tests), Doctors will resort to waiting tactics. A woman in this condition does not need to take antihypertensive drugs.

How to manage the condition of a patient with preeclampsia:

  • Constant pressure control;
  • Tracking the appearance of negative symptoms;
  • Control of blood tests - they look at both platelet count and kidney tests;
  • A daily count of the baby's movements in the womb is carried out;
  • Ultrasound control twice a week (with Doppler and biophysical profile of the fetus).

Patients with preeclampsia and a gestational age of less than 34 weeks are shown to be administered according to a special scheme of corticosteroids (2 doses are administered every other day). This is a means of preventing lung diseases in a child. After 34 weeks, steroids are not administered to the mother (dangerous for actively dividing brain cells of the child, may lead to future behavioral and cognitive impairment)!

With severe eclampsia, doctors can no longer pay attention to the gestational age, a woman has to give birth for health reasons.

How else to avoid high blood pressure during gestation

Absolutely all women at the stage of pregnancy planning are recommended to put their weight in order. This is good in every sense - not only you can move gestosis away in the list of potential risks, but also other possible pathologies.

  • Vitamin D at a dosage of 600 IU per day, if you do not stay in the sun enough;
  • Testing for hormones - there is a whole list of them, if you are planning a pregnancy, then pass everything that the doctor says (they determine many pathologies that can be corrected before pregnancy);
  • You can also take an analysis for "hidden sugar", it is prescribed for those women who at least once had a blood glucose indicator above the norm;
  • Genetic tests - such diagnostics are needed for women over 35 years old, as well as for patients who have diseases associated with genetic defects in the family.

Absolutely not effective, which means that such recommendations cannot be called necessary, strict restriction of salt intake (will not stop preeclampsia), various vegetable and fruit diets (no connection with preeclampsia), fasting days. If you decide to follow such instructions when you are already pregnant, then know that there is little common sense in them.

Many doctors are inclined to believe that Curantil, Magne B6, Actovegin, Tivortin, Cardonat, and also vitamins E and C, fish oil do not protect the body from preeclampsia and preeclampsia. Please note - many doctors, but not all. These drugs are still on the standard prescription list, but more and more experts are talking about the placebo effect associated with these drugs.

Hypertension and gestational diabetes mellitus

This is a separate topic, but it would also be wrong not to touch on it in the material on blood pressure during pregnancy. Gestational diabetes mellitus is a pathology that occurs precisely against the background of pregnancy. At the heart of the disease is a decrease in glucose tolerance in the body of the expectant mother. The disease is an intermediate stage between the norm and diabetes, and it may never turn into a chronic metabolic disease.

In the risk group for the development of this disease, expectant mothers with arterial hypertension (even mild!) in history. Women with severe toxicosis and gestosis, with diseases of the heart and blood vessels, with chronic miscarriage of children are also at risk for GDM.

The problem is that many pregnant women dismiss this diagnosis, arguing it out of nowhere with the argument of self-elimination of the disease. Diabetes mellitus in pregnancy can indeed disappear without a trace after childbirth, but 10% of women still have pathologies of carbohydrate metabolism, and 50% develop type 2 diabetes within 10-15 years. That's why gestational diabetes, which is also in some way associated with hypertension, should be under strict control.

Is it possible to get pregnant with hypertension

What pressure is normal during pregnancy, we found out. But hypertension is a disease that can affect even quite young women, fertile, active. Can hypertension interfere with this?

The answer is that it all depends on the stage of the disease. In severe hypertension, pregnancy, alas, is an absolute contraindication. For a woman with such a diagnosis, not only childbirth is dangerous, but the process of gestation itself. Moreover, women with such severe hypertension must follow contraception impeccably, because it is impossible to become pregnant, but it is more than dangerous to have an abortion.

With moderate hypertension, the chances of a successful pregnancy and childbirth are not so illusory. But this is relevant only if hypertension was not aggravated by crises and disorders of target organs. The mild stage of hypertension is not a contraindication for pregnancy. But for the whole term, such a mother will be under the control not only of the gynecologist, but also of the cardiologist. She will most likely have to change therapy, comply with new prescriptions, and undergo scheduled examinations more often.

High blood pressure is by no means the lot of the elderly; it can also manifest itself in young age and first appear during pregnancy. But disciplined patients have fewer risks of negative gestation scenarios precisely due to the fact that their condition is not in doubt with the doctor - they pass all the necessary tests on time, regularly measure pressure, and seek help in a timely manner. And this is the best contribution to a healthy pregnancy with an excellent result in its final!

The bearing of a fetus by a woman is accompanied by a stressful state of the body, which often causes high blood pressure during pregnancy. Immediate examination helps to concentrate on therapy in time, and compliance with daily rules prevents the development of chronic forms of hypertension.

What indicators are considered normal in pregnant women?

Measurement of pressure in pregnant women is a mandatory periodic (once a day / week) procedure. The normal pressure for an adult healthy person is 120/80. Due to the load from the fetus in pregnant women, this figure is higher. In medical practice, pressure in the range from 90/60 to 140/90 is considered natural. The specific value depends on the characteristics of the organism.

IMPORTANT. The "working" norm during pregnancy are the numbers 100/60 and 110/70.

If the upper pressure (systolic) is high, and the lower (diastolic) is low, this indicates the presence of serious problems in the body.

What is hypertension and hypertension?

Hypertension (arterial hypertension) is a symptom of vasoconstriction, accompanied by an increase in pressure, upper and lower, over 140 and 90, respectively. There are 3 degrees of this disease, which can occur latently and without pronounced symptoms.

During pregnancy, hypertension is detected by the following signs:

  • with frequent measurement of pressure (2-3 times a day with an interval of at least 4 hours), when the pressure is stable at 140/90 and above;
  • headaches (temporo-parietal zone);
  • hum and noise in the ears;
  • blurred vision ("stars" in the eyes);
  • weakness, shortness of breath, fatigue;
  • palpitations, chest discomfort;
  • feelings of anxiety and fear;
  • limb numbness.

Hypertension is a disease that also involves high blood pressure (during pregnancy), but in the presence of any pathology. Most often, an unexplained etymology or cause of high blood pressure is diagnosed. The main difference between hypertension and hypertension is the stability of its course, in contrast to the manifestation of frequent pressure surges or when a high pulse is felt at normal pressure.

Risk factors for arterial hypertension

Many factors contribute to the development of the disease. The main causes of pressure surges during pregnancy are:


They are the most common cause of high blood pressure during pregnancy. The female body actively produces hormones in each trimester of fetal development. In laboratory tests, the concentration of hormones produced in the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and thyroid gland is studied. The concentration of active substances and their decay products is determined by taking blood and urine.


High blood pressure sometimes becomes a hereditary factor and is transmitted from one of the parents. At the doctor's appointment, the expectant mother is consulted about this, identifying all possible reasons symptom. The danger of this form of hypertension lies in the long-term nature of vascular malfunctions in the absence or insufficiency of treatment.

Diseases of the kidneys, cardiovascular system

The main mechanism of these diseases (transferred, undertreated, present) is a failure in urination or blood circulation. The presence of a concomitant disease during pregnancy complicates the removal of harmful compounds, heavy metals and salts from the body. Obesity often develops, metabolism slows down, the load on the heart muscle increases. Therefore, during pregnancy, diets are observed under the supervision of a doctor.


Young mothers and women aged 30-35 often have high blood pressure during pregnancy. The main cause of the symptom is age-related features of the body. The body is either too young (immature) for the load from the fetus, or not quite healthy due to various factors.

Stress, mental illness, head trauma

Mental illnesses, as well as stressful conditions, are associated with the sympathetic part of the head. Pituitary hormones are responsible for the course of diseases. The lack or excess of certain substances cause high blood pressure not only during pregnancy.

External factors

External factors directly include:

  • bad habits;
  • malnutrition;
  • salty, spicy and smoked foods;
  • physical exercise;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • overweight;
  • weather;
  • ecology.

These factors become the development of various pathologies in the body. At the stage of pregnancy, they are treated with special care.

Risks to the fetus and mother

High blood pressure negatively affects the course of pregnancy. The importance of its normalization is dictated by a large list of risks and possible consequences.

1st trimester

  1. Violation of blood supply in the pelvic area, in the placenta, tissues in the embryo.
  2. Fetal hypoxia.
  3. Slow fetal development.
  4. Miscarriage.
  5. Partial detachment of the placenta.
  6. The need for termination of pregnancy.
  7. Development of a convulsive syndrome (eclampsia).

2nd trimester

  1. The development of preeclampsia (late toxicosis, renal failure, edema, protein in the urine).
  2. Placental abruption with bleeding.
  3. Abortion.
  4. Death of a child.
  5. Hypertensive crisis from preeclampsia.
  6. The development of pathologies in a child.

In the 3rd trimester

  1. Hypertensive crisis.
  2. Perinatal death of a child.
  3. Death of mother and child due to blood loss.
  4. Retinal detachment.
  5. Early childbirth, prematurity of the fetus.
  6. C-section.

What to do if the blood pressure is constantly rising?

There are many ways to return high blood pressure to normal, and for the development of the fetus, they are, in most cases, safe (with the right approach).

Proper nutrition

During pregnancy, high blood pressure is reduced by eating foods rich in magnesium. In some cases, the doctor prescribes a protein diet with the rejection of simple carbohydrates.
At any time, they cope well with pressure:

  • dairy;
  • oily fish (halibut);
  • chicken eggs;
  • nuts;
  • dried fruits;
  • vegetables (eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers);
  • fruits (melons, apples, citruses);
  • berries (cranberries);
  • bran;
  • olive and coconut oil;
  • cereals;
  • legumes;
  • greens.

Traditional medicine

Various decoctions of inflorescences, berries, seeds, etc. are considered an effective remedy for dealing with high blood pressure. During pregnancy, infusions (water) of wild rose, pumpkin decoctions, freshly squeezed viburnum juice and fruit drink are often drunk.

Also often used is an infusion of peony flowers, mint leaves, motherwort or valerian root.
On the later dates follow strict guidelines when using such medicine.


Reducing high blood pressure with medication is allowed only in agreement with the gynecologist.

Depending on the causes of pressure, various drugs are prescribed:

  • diuretics, thiazides (diuretics: canephron, phytolysin, clopamide, indapamide);
  • vasodilators (hydralazine, methyldof, dopegyt);
  • calcium antagonist drugs (verapamil, isradipine, nifedipine, normodipine);
  • beta-blockers of adrenaline (metoprolol, atenolol, labetalol, besiprolol);
  • magnesium tablets B6, magnerot;
  • vitamin complexes for pregnant women.

IMPORTANT. The most frequently prescribed are papazol (the safest and most effective), dopegyt, methyldop, aldomet (reduce pressure to its own norm).

Which pills to take in the third trimester depends on the urgency of the situation. With mild ailments, it is advised to move less and often ventilate the premises. At week 40, in case of high blood pressure, hospitalization is necessary, the pills are selected strictly individually.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises at any stage of pregnancy are advisable for many reasons. Proper breathing technique has a relaxing effect, relaxes muscles, improves blood flow.

It is worth taking into account the fact that gynecologists recommend taking courses on teaching proper breathing during childbirth. The ability to “breathe” will set the woman in labor for a more painless birth.

  • In the first trimester, classes improve the functioning of the digestive organs and the circulatory system. This helps restore blood pressure to normal.
  • In the second (trimester) - lung function improves. Due to the increase in fetal volume internal organs(especially the lungs and the diaphragm) are slightly displaced and compressed. The breathing technique helps to restore the previous volumes of incoming air.
  • In the last trimester, gymnastics prevents the development of fetal hypoxia due to the normalization of intrauterine pressure.


During pregnancy, it is a way to strengthen the muscles of the back, get rid of swelling of the legs, and improve blood circulation. There are no negative consequences for the child with a special technique (up to childbirth).

Before enrolling in yoga courses, you should find out if it is dangerous for the health of the mother. High blood pressure (chronic) coupled with obesity, polyhydramnios, increased uterine tone or an excess of hormones are direct contraindications.

The reasons for the ineffective effect of yoga on pregnant women (at high pressure) are diseases that affect the hormonal background and the urinary system.

Other options

Effective measures to reduce high blood pressure during pregnancy are a variety of physical activities and activities (training). To improve well-being, it is not necessary to sign up for fitness and gymnastics clubs for pregnant women. It is enough to determine your own set of exercises, after consulting with your doctor about which exercises are safe and what to do is strictly prohibited.

To reduce pressure, water aerobics and regular swimming in the pool are suitable.

In modern medical centers, pregnant women are provided with phytotherapy and hirudotherapy services. These sessions reduce blood pressure like effective medicines. In the first case, plant herbs are used, which reduce the pressure by 10-15 points. In the second case, leeches are placed (in the vaginal area, small pelvis). Several sessions of hirudotherapy improves blood circulation and normalizes pressure.

More in a simple way brisk walking, frequent walks, hiking and positive emotions. Expectant mothers should take into account that during flights, the pressure rises significantly. The main signs of high pressure at altitude are stuffy ears, anxiety and oxygen starvation. Before the flight, learn the basic techniques for overcoming such symptoms.

Childbirth with chronic hypertension

Women with any form of hypertension (pre-hypertension) natural childbirth may be contraindicated for various reasons. Most often do C-section. If an aortic detachment or abnormal cerebral blood flow is detected, the gestation of the fetus is interrupted by abdominal caesarean section.

Emergency conditions

Emergency hospitalization of a pregnant woman at any time is carried out when blood pressure is exceeded by 30 points.

If hypertension is present, gestation is often interrupted for health reasons (artificial birth).

An urgent interruption ends:

  • severe forms of preeclampsia and its consequences;
  • deteriorating condition of the fetus;
  • retinal disinsertion;
  • stroke or heart attack against the background of pressure;
  • bleeding.

Useful video

For more information about high blood pressure during pregnancy, you can find out in the video below:

High blood pressure during pregnancy is a serious reason to consult not only with a gynecologist. The launch of the situation threatens with abnormal development of the fetus or hypoxia. To normalize the pressure, it is recommended to use only safe methods. With severe and chronic diseases associated with high blood pressure, a woman is not allowed to give birth on her own. In rare cases, hypertension during pregnancy causes irreversible consequences in the female body, leading to the death of both the mother and the child.

Arterial hypertension during pregnancy is a condition that is characterized by two or more recurring episodes of increased blood pressure (BP) more than 140/90 mm Hg. The interval between repeated measurements should be 3-4 hours.

High blood pressure during pregnancy adversely affects the condition and intrauterine development of the fetus. A child can be born with cardiovascular pathology or with the presence of metabolic disorders.

Distinguish, which was present before pregnancy and the pathology that arose during the gestation of the fetus.

Types of disease

Chronic pathology, in turn, is divided into:

  • Hypertension of the primary type (GB);
  • Secondary hypertension (symptomatic).

Hypertension is characterized by an elevated level of blood pressure without any concomitant pathology of organs and organ systems.

Symptomatic arterial hypertension often develops against the background of kidney damage. The cause can also be endocrine pathology (Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, Conn, pheochromocytoma), various disorders of the cardiovascular system. Sometimes against the background of long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs, oral hormonal contraceptives and some other substances.

High blood pressure during pregnancy is considered in terms of blood pressure when the heart systole (contraction) is more than 160 mm Hg, and during diastole (relaxation) - more than 90 mm Hg. In this case, there is a threat of a stroke in a woman in labor (often with a hemorrhage in the brain tissue) during childbirth or in the postpartum period.

What BP should be before childbirth? Normal pressure in a pregnant woman is considered to be an upper value of 120-140 mm Hg. and / or lower 80-90 mm Hg.

Table: Norm of pressure in pregnant women

  • The diagnosis of gestational arterial hypertension can only be made during pregnancy if elevated blood pressure is detected at 20 weeks or more. After giving birth, the woman is observed for 12 weeks. Depending on the level of blood pressure, a woman is diagnosed.
  • If an elevated level of blood pressure is recorded in parallel with the release of protein in the urine (more than 300 mg per day), then this condition is called preeclampsia (PE). It is accompanied by a violation of the activity of many organ systems. As a result, laboratory parameters change dramatically. The risk of developing PE increases in the presence of concomitant pathologies: diseases of the kidneys, endocrine system, chronic hypertension, genetic predisposition.
  • Preeclampsia is divided into severe and moderate. With moderate severity, it is possible to prolong pregnancy, but in a hospital setting. In severe cases, it is urgent to resolve the issue of delivery of the mother.

  • If a convulsive syndrome is attached to the symptoms of preeclampsia, we can talk about the onset of eclampsia. The appearance of seizures is preceded by excessive excitement or drowsiness, the appearance of fibrillar twitching of the muscles of the face, pain in the abdomen, arms and legs, and headaches.
  • Diagnosis of pathology

    Every pregnant woman must independently control the level of her pressure through. Semi-mechanical or mechanical tonometers come to the rescue. If the level of blood pressure is elevated, then you should contact a specialist for help. A thorough collection of anamnesis, complaints of the patient is carried out, an examination is carried out.

    In this case, a number of mandatory clinical and laboratory studies are carried out:

    • General analysis of blood and urine;
    • Biochemical blood test with the determination of the level of urea, creatinine, electrolyte levels;
    • Ultrasound of the kidneys.

    Symptomatic hypertension tends to have an acute onset. More often rapid installation at a high level of blood pressure (diastolic blood pressure exceeds 110 mmHg). At the same time, the woman feels quite normal. This type of hypertension adversely affects the organ systems in the body, which often leads to complications.

    To diagnose preeclampsia, a number of indicators are determined: hematocrit, hemoglobin, leukocytes, platelets. A smear of peripheral blood, the level of fibrinogen, uric acid, creatinine, the level of ALT, AST, albumin, bilirubin are being studied.

    Help and treatment

    Hypertension and high blood pressure during early pregnancy requires immediate treatment. Elevated blood pressure adversely affects the cardiovascular system of the mother and fetal development.

    Antihypertensive therapy significantly reduces the risk of maternal mortality and promotes late gestation.

    What to do if the tonometer shows bad numbers? You need to see a doctor for help! The specialist must prescribe a diagnostic study scheme.

    If gestational hypertension is detected, hospitalization is necessary with a complete clinical and laboratory examination of the patient. Antihypertensive therapy is started immediately.

    The target values ​​of systolic and diastolic blood pressure are 130-150 mm Hg and 80-95 mm Hg, respectively. A significant decrease in blood pressure should be avoided, as this can reduce blood flow through the placenta and disrupt fetal nutrition.

    Treatment of arterial hypertension during pregnancy should be prescribed by a doctor! Self-medication is inappropriate and often adversely affects the development of the fetus.

    Angiotensin receptor antagonists and angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors are categorically contraindicated for women in position!

    Pills for high blood pressure during pregnancy can only be prescribed by a doctor! In no case should you take drugs on your own to bring down high blood pressure!

    Table: Preparations for the rapid reduction of pressure during pregnancy

    Medicines that are routinely used to treat hypertension include:

    1. Methyldopa;
    2. clonidine;
    3. Calcium antagonists (nifedipine, amlodipine, Verapamil);
    4. Beta-blockers: Atenolol, Metoprolol, Bisoprolol, Nebivalol;
    5. Drugs that block alpha and beta-adrenergic receptors: Labetalol;
    6. Alpha-blockers: Doxazosin and Prazosin;
    7. Diuretics: Hydrochlorothiazide, Furosemide;
    8. Hydralazine.

    Preparations for the rapid relief of a hypertensive crisis in pregnant women: Hydralazine, Sodium Nitroprusside, Nifedipine, Labetalol, Diazoxide, Nitroglycerin, Clonidine.

    Prevention methods

    Prevention of hypertension for pregnant women is the only way to control blood pressure without the use of drugs!

    Women with high blood pressure are contraindicated in smoking, drinking alcohol, psychological stress.

    Doctors recommend to adhere to a proper diet. You need to take fortified food and a sufficient amount of protein. A complete ban on spicy and salty foods. Avoid foods that increase blood pressure.

    Do not limit yourself too much in physical activity! Favorably the forecast is influenced by aerobic loads and walks in the fresh air. The amount of table salt in food should not be limited.

    Hospitalization in a hospital

    Indications for hospitalization of a pregnant woman:

    1. Excessively high blood pressure numbers: above 160/110 mm Hg;
    2. The appearance of pain in the abdomen, headaches (harbingers of PE);
    3. Development of PE;
    4. Newly detected increase in blood pressure;
    5. Increased blood pressure in women with kidney disease, diabetes mellitus and previously present chronic hypertension;
    6. Significant excretion of protein in the urine;
    7. If there is a suspicion of hypoxia of the child;
    8. Fetal growth retardation;

    When registering a future mother and during her regular visits to a gynecologist, 2 procedures are performed: weight is measured, as well as the magnitude and dynamics of blood pressure (BP). These indicators are extremely important, as they help prevent the development of various complications that pose a potential threat to the child. Consider why blood pressure varies in women in a position that it is possible for pregnant women from pressure, how to take antihypertensive compounds before delivery, so as not to harm the fetus.

    Causes of high blood pressure in pregnant women

    Bearing a child is accompanied by the action of female sex hormones. They relax the walls of blood vessels, reduce their tone and, as a result, blood pressure falls in the first and second trimesters. In parallel, expectant mothers suffer from heartburn, fatigue, shortness of breath. Over time, blood pressure normalizes or slightly exceeds the initial (before conception) level. This is due to the volume of circulating blood, increased heart rate, increasing production of biologically active substances, weight gain.

    When measuring blood pressure, it is not absolute indicators that are important: 130/80 or 140/90, but their increase, for example, the upper figure by 30 mm Hg. Art., and lower by 15.

    Expectant mothers suffering from hypertension are conventionally divided into 3 groups:

    1. The problem was before pregnancy.. You will need to consult a cardiologist at the stage of planning the birth of a child. A complete examination with daily monitoring of blood pressure, an electrocardiogram, blood and urine tests will be required. Caesarean section is often chosen as the method of delivery.
    2. The condition began to worsen in the early stages of gestation. If doctors manage to stabilize blood pressure, then natural delivery is possible.
    3. BP started to rise from 20 weeks- a sign of gestational hypertension caused by the pregnancy itself. With satisfactory health, the woman gives birth on her own.
    4. Preeclampsia- a serious condition with a protein level above 300 mg / l in the urine, swelling of the hands and feet. The mechanism of occurrence is not fully known. It is believed that the cause is associated with a violation of the blood supply to the kidneys. Possible transition to eclampsia with convulsions and coma.

    If the indicators remain high, they can affect embryogenesis, lead to bleeding, miscarriage. A woman will need a complete examination to determine the cause of the condition. The main ones include:

    • preeclampsia;
    • external influence, including prolonged stress;
    • osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
    • exacerbation of somatic pathology: diabetes, hyperthyroidism, etc.

    An increase in the volume of circulating blood by 1.5 liters by the 6th month of pregnancy also increases blood pressure. As a rule, 12 weeks after the birth of a child, blood pressure returns to normal.

    Principles of treatment

    Unfortunately, there are no drugs that could lower the blood pressure in the mother, while it is absolutely safe for the child. Therefore, the doctor often resorts to non-drug methods related to the normalization of the lifestyle of a pregnant woman.

    • Increase the duration of daytime sleep up to 1-2 hours, nighttime up to 9-10.
    • Eliminate stress.
    • Quit smoking even when planning the birth of a child.
    • Walk outdoors more often.
    • Reduce your daily salt intake to 1 tsp. (5 g).
    • There are foods that contain potassium.
    • Do not lose weight so that the diet does not affect the formation of the fetus.

    Include in your diet:

    • vegetable oil;
    • soft cheeses;
    • durum wheat pasta;
    • buckwheat;
    • from meat, preference is given to veal, rabbit, poultry.

    If non-drug measures did not help reduce the lower numbers to 100 mm Hg. Art., carried out drug therapy. In this case, 2 conditions are important:

    • continuous monitoring of blood pressure;
    • avoid harmful effects on the fetus.

    Selection starts with one drug. With insufficient effect for 3-4 days, the dosage is increased to the maximum. In the absence of improvements, they resort to another pharmacological agent.

    If blood pressure rises rarely and slightly, sedative formulations based on medicinal plants, such as:

    • peony decoction;
    • Persen;
    • Novopassit;
    • tinctures of motherwort and valerian.

    If blood pressure rises steadily, then Dopegyt (Methyldopa), used from the first weeks of pregnancy, becomes the drug of choice for safety and availability.

    Overview of effective drugs

    Appointment decision medicines to lower blood pressure belonging to different pharmacological groups, with strict criteria taken by a doctor after an appropriate examination. These compounds can affect the baby both directly and indirectly. They cause significant harm, especially in the early stages, when the laying of organs and systems occurs.

    Antihypertensive therapy is indicated for diastole values ​​above 100 mm Hg. Art. With values ​​​​of 90-99, medication is also possible, but only if the renal function has decreased in parallel, and target organs are also affected.

    The range of antihypertensive formulations for pregnant women is limited. Among the main groups:


    Not used for planned treatment. Indicated in hypertensive crisis. Such pills for pressure during pregnancy help to weaken the tone of smooth muscles in the uterus and intestines, improve blood circulation, and lower blood pressure. A similar effect appears after taking Drotaverine and No-shpa.

    Potential benefit ratio from medications taken and risks to the baby in the competence of a cardiologist, which focuses on the well-being of the pregnant woman and blood pressure indicators.


    Reception of diuretics is possible subject to clear instructions and conditions. With their introduction, the total volume of the liquid medium of the body decreases, there is a violation of blood circulation, kidney dysfunction, resulting in fetal hypoxia. There may be a failure of the acid-base balance, an increase in the level of uric acid, which negatively affects the placenta, especially with preeclampsia. Diuretics are taken for hypertensive crisis, congestive heart failure, edema in the tissues of the lungs.

    Among the safest compounds of this group is Furosemide. It is used in the III trimester, if there are good reasons. The list of side effects is quite extensive. The price of 50 tablets is about 20 rubles.

    Calcium channel blockers

    Drugs that are long acting and quick effect in the form of vasodilation and a decrease in heart rate. Selective slow Ca-channel agonists belong to line I formulations. They have antiaggregatory action. Not characterized by embryotoxicity. With early use, the mother and fetus are relieved of the complications of severe preeclampsia.

    Frequently appointed Nifedipine is registered in the Pharmaceutical Committee of Russia, although the instructions state that it is not recommended during pregnancy.

    Cons of calcium antagonists:

    • allergy;
    • nausea;
    • leg swelling.

    In the case of a rapid decrease in blood pressure, blood flow in the placenta worsens. Therefore, Nifedipine is taken orally, preferably in a hospital under strict medical supervision.

    Beta blockers

    Non-selective drugs for pressure for pregnant women with propranolol as an active ingredient are characterized by a gradual decrease in blood pressure, minimal risks for the fetus, but they increase the contractile activity of the uterus, reduce the weight of the newborn due to increased vascular resistance, can cause premature birth. With unstable pressure, their intake is undesirable due to a sharp effect on blood pressure.

    Alpha 2 agonists

    Dopegyt is a drug of central action. The active ingredient - methyldopa - is a safe composition that does not worsen the hemodynamic parameters of the fetus, reducing mortality during delivery in case of a problem pregnancy. It is not characterized by delayed side effects related to the development of the child. At the same time, it is not recommended for admission at 16-20 weeks, it is not tolerated by some patients. Every fifth has complaints of hypotension, sedation, depressive states. Despite a number of side effects, there were no direct signs of fetal damage in the II and III trimesters.. The maximum dosage is 2 g per day. The price of a pack of 50 tablets is about 200 rubles.

    Magnesium-containing products

    An element such as Mg can be replenished with food, such as chocolate, potatoes, corn, fennel, milk, legumes, sunflowers and pumpkin seeds. Preparations containing magnesium ions, in combination with vitamin B6, have long been used in gynecological practice. Blood pressure decreases due to the normalization of their mineral metabolism and sedative effect. The dosage is determined by the doctor. Side effects are manifested in the form of delayed reactions, nausea, vomiting, a feeling of heat, a forked picture in the field of view. Magnerot belongs to the drugs of this group, it can be bought at a price of 600 rubles for 50 pcs. Take as directed by your doctor.

    Prenatal vitamins

    Substances of this category do not have a direct antihypertensive effect, but in general they saturate the body of the mother and fetus with valuable substances, thereby normalizing the balance of biologically active compounds. Most often, doctors resort to the following vitamin complexes:

    • Folic acid from pressure during pregnancy. Taken in recommended doses: 400 mcg per day. Of the side effects: rashes, fever, spasms in the bronchi.

    • Femibion. One tablet contains 9 vitamins. Helps to correct nutrient status. Take when planning pregnancy and until the end of the first trimester. Dosage: 1 tablet daily with water. Adhere to the rules of acceptance. A pack of 30 pills costs 550 rubles.

    • Vitrum Prenatal. Vitamin and mineral complex of American production. For 30 tablets you will have to pay about 500 rubles.

    • Elevit pronatal(Germany). Contains 12 vitamins and 7 minerals. Recommended in the II and III trimester. Dosage 1 ton per day. Price 1900 r. for 100 pills.

    • AlfaVit Mom's health. Complex for recent months pregnancy. Tablets 3 different colors divided into 3 doses. All components are compatible. The only downside is the inconvenience of use. The cost is 350 rubles.

    Sedative drugs

    In the first trimester, anxiety is best managed without medication. If it is completely unbearable, medicinal plants will help: chamomile, hawthorn, lemon balm and mint in the form of decoctions. At later dates, motherwort and valerian are recommended, but not alcohol tinctures.

    From pharmaceutical preparations are allowed:

    • Tenoten- sedative composition with antidepressant effect. Does not cause drowsiness, problems with concentration. The scheme, as well as the duration of admission, is determined by the doctor.

    • Magne B6- a common composition for the suppression of neurosis in pregnant women.

    • Persen- a product containing extracts of valerian, motherwort and mint. The severity of symptoms dictates the dosage and regimen. The maximum duration of treatment with Persen is a month. After a certain interval, a repeat is possible. Not recommended for pregnant women with high blood pressure.

    • Novo-Passit- a natural drug that has a relaxing effect on the nervous system. Dosage: 1 tablet per day. Avoid dosage forms containing ethyl alcohol.

    And finally, the most popular Glycine, which suppresses anxiety and anxiety. The effect is noted after a week of regular intake according to the scheme: 1 ton 3 times a day.

    Prohibited drugs

    In order not to provoke developmental defects and miscarriages, you should not take pills for high blood pressure during pregnancy containing benzodiazepine and barbituric acid. The group of prohibited substances can be supplemented anxiolytics, opiates, phenytoin, chloroquine, warfarin. High doses of corticosteroids are prohibited. Antibacterial compounds of the tetracycline series, doxycycline provoke congenital vascular defects, weakness of the musculoskeletal system.

    In certain situations, medication is simply not enough. It is important to ask the cardiologist questions and look for the information you need on your own.. If the expectant mother has doubts about a particular drug, it is better to tell the doctor about them so that he can justify the prescription of the medicine. Parents and the doctor are responsible for the health of the child.


    With an increase in blood pressure by 30 mm Hg. Art. the expectant mother is sent to the hospital. Accompanying unpleasant symptoms are also a reason for her placement in a hospital in order to avoid preeclampsia and other pathologies. With BP 160/100, a pregnant woman is hospitalized even if she does not particularly complain about anything. With episodic rises in blood pressure that do not reach critical values, the doctor selects drugs of the appropriate action.

    Folk remedies

    Alternative medicine methods solve preventive problems and complement the main treatment prescribed by the doctor. Before taking it is necessary to check individual hypersensitivity to the components present in a particular composition.

    On the forums, women share recipes for the most effective folk remedies for hypertension and unanimously recommend cranberry juice. Cake from 0.5 tbsp. pour berries with boiling water, cook for 5 minutes. After straining, combine with 3 tsp. decoys. Steep for another quarter of an hour on low heat, add juice, puree. Take daily for 3 tsp. 4 times a day.

    From cornmeal and a glass of warm water to get the mixture, put it in a jar. Keep some time in the cold. Take for 6-7 days, 2 tbsp. l. 2 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

    Drink morning and evening for a month garlic infusion from 2 cloves and 200 ml of water. As a result, blood thins, blood clots dissolve, and blood pressure decreases. When taken with anticoagulants, bleeding is possible. Before using for high blood pressure, consult a doctor.

    If hypertension was the result of vascular pathology, freshly squeezed juices will be useful: carrot, beetroot, cucumber. They cleanse the arteries and veins, prevent the formation of blood clots.

    Hypertension in women in position is dangerous for its complications and can decide the outcome of pregnancy. Only competent joint efforts of cardiologists, clinical pharmacologists and obstetricians can ensure successful delivery, the health of the mother and her baby.