Perfect skirt length for short girls. Skirts for short women: the choice of style, taking into account the features of the figure, spectacular clothing models, colors and examples with photos. Deciding on the fabric

Crystal children began to appear on our planet in 1990 - 2010, although a few "pioneers" came earlier. Their main task is to take us to the next level of spiritual evolution and reveal to us our inner and Higher Power. They are more aware of the existence of the Collective Consciousness, are “connected” to it and live according to the law of unity and global integrity. They are also the advocates of Love and Peace on this planet.
They are born primarily in the Golden Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to the gifts of clairaudience and healing. They are born in the 6th dimension of Consciousness and are able to go into the 9th dimension of the full Consciousness of Christ, and then, from there into the 13th dimension, which is the Universal Consciousness.

The auras of the Crystal Children do not have a specific color in our understanding, but they are actually the color of octarine, which is beyond the perception of the human eye. They radiate an energy field of very high vibration frequency.
Children with a crystalline vibration have the ability to reflect all energies back into the space of the Universe. At the same time, the energy reflected by them is much stronger than the one that came to them.

The first thing you notice about these children is their ability to forgive. It is their natural nature to forgive everyone and for everything. They are very sensitive, gentle and caring. This should not be taken as a sign of weakness. Crystal children are also very strong personalities.

You will not be able to hide something from these children or deceive them, they know perfectly well when you are telling a lie and how things really are. Crystal children know what's in your thoughts, but most importantly, what's in your hearts. This is another reason for their sensitivity and instant reaction to everything that happens. If you have a Crystal child living with you, it is very important that he is surrounded by good energies at all times, or as much as possible. Your role is to help this child reflect harmony, peace and unity to the universe. In return, this will help us all raise our vibrational frequency and spread peace throughout our planet.

Just as Indigo children do not react to the guilt that is imposed on them, Crystal children are not very sensitive to the fear that is imposed on them. Fear prevails in almost all of us. The collective consciousness of our Earth amplifies this emotion. With the rise of terrorism in our time, it has become especially important to learn to let go of this old emotion.
There is nothing in this life that would be worth the settlement of horror in our souls. Life goes the way it should go. Even death should not be the reason for living in fear, because death does not exist, we are immortal beings.

It is very important to remember not to try to instill fear in the Crystal Children.

If these young souls feel fear, they will reflect it back into space in an enhanced form.

If you are on a low energy level (you are frustrated, angry), your reaction may be too strong for a Crystal child who is on a high vibrational frequency. Your anger and destructive energy will be extremely difficult and incomprehensible to the Crystal. Remember that the energy of the universe changes and improves. As we raise our vibrational level, the collective consciousness of peace and love radiates out into the universe.

The Crystal Scouts, who had come decades earlier, were here to test the "ground" for the future Crystal Children. These "scouts" had a lot of grief because they were too "other", many of them were psychics. It has taken our society a long time to learn to recognize this type of people and accept them.

Our evolution is moving towards crystalline bodies, whether we realize it or not.

Our planet is evolving and rising at a vibrational level, the new energy of the Earth supports exactly this crystalline vibration and moves us all in this direction.

This energy transition certainly brings chaos to the world. Many natural disasters are happening and will continue to happen for a few years due to the energy shift of the Earth. This is part of the transition process. It is important to remember that we should all be honest, kind, loving souls and help each other.

In due time, the children of the Crystals will help us achieve our goals and understand the concept of wholeness.

Fear and greed will become the emotions of the past and will be replaced by peace, harmony, integrity.

Doreen Virtue describes the following characteristics of Crystal Children:

· They have large communicative eyes and a strong gaze.

They are very affectionate

They start talking late, but often use telepathy or invented words or sign language to communicate.

They love music and often begin to sing before they even start talking.

· Have a strong connection with animals, plants, all nature.

Often show great interest in stones, crystals.

very artistic

Very empathetic, sympathetic and sensitive.

· Animals and people are drawn to them and they love attention.

・They have good feeling balance and they are not afraid of heights.

· Often they can see Angels and Spiritual Guides, both their own and other people.

· They do not like places saturated with energy of stress.

Dislikes loud and harsh sounds.

They do not like bright artificial light.

· They want to choose food for themselves and the time of eating.

Often talk about universal love and healing.

· Sometimes they show the gift of healing at a young age.

· Acutely react to high sugar content, caffeine, artificial additives.

Dislike and avoid quarrels and lengthy arguments.

Often exhibit psychokinesis abilities

Often multiply and intensify the emotional energies that they receive from space (including negative ones)

They may feel uncomfortable if they are surrounded by many electrical appliances for a long time, sometimes falling into a state close to a trance

Very strongly attached to parents up to 4-5 years

Sometimes they stare at people for a long time (this allows them to read people's minds and find more information about their personal memory and energy)

Sometimes they can manipulate others and throw a tantrum if they cannot quickly get the reality they want (they need to learn to live in our viscous 3-dimensional space, where everything materializes with a delay, and works differently than in the world they come from came)

They are easily overwhelmed emotionally and must learn to meditate to balance and calm down.

Usually do not have problems with fear and anxiety.

· They like to talk about philosophical and spiritual topics.

Sometimes it seems that they are talking to themselves or looking at someone invisible (this is a sign of clairaudience ia and clairvoyant ia)

Indigo and the Crystals work together to replace old systems with new ones.

The parents of these extraordinary children should be aware that they agreed to bring these wise and strong people into this world, whose mission is global and not limited to individual families and people. They are here to work on the energy grid of the planet, to raise vibrational frequencies in order to facilitate and smooth out global changes on Earth.
It's important to support these gorgeous little kids and keep them from getting too stressed out.

Like the Indigo, the Crystal Children also help raise the vibrational level of their parents. Crystals have the ability to attract other people with good energy into the lives of their families. Crystal parents will have many positive experiences and good events thanks to the powerful, loving and creative energy of their children.

These children, with their level of consciousness, should be regarded as full members of the family. They should be involved in the discussion of family issues, they should be allowed to express their opinion and their proposals for resolving these issues.

Do not forget that their vibrational energy level is much higher than that of their parents. Everything in the universe is energy and vibrates at different frequencies. Each object, creature, person has its own unique vibration frequency, which is the result of the influence of each experience, everything that happened to this object.

Your vibrational level depends on where you fix your attention.

We get negative low vibrations when we experience anger, hatred, fear, envy, intolerance, disharmony, imbalance, confusion... Love, harmony, peace, kindness, compassion, mercy have positive high vibrations...

Negative emotions by themselves do not bring great harm. We all experience low vibrational levels of emotion from time to time. These emotions become dangerous when we base our words and actions on them.

You may feel angry in some situation, but still make a conscious choice to act on the basis of love and mercy. By changing your thoughts and actions in this way, you raise your vibrational level.

Another phenomenon associated with Crystal Children is the late development of speech. In fact, it is not surprising that children with psychic abilities start talking late. why do they need words if they can communicate mentally? H It is not rare for Crystal children to speak until they are 3 or 4 years old. Most parents have a good connection with such children and understand what the child is "telling" them. These children love to use sign language or make up words to communicate.

Just as Indigo children are often diagnosed by doctors as "not able to focus attention" and the like, Crystal children are "stigmatized" with abnormal speech development. But parents should never forget to look at the big picture. If the child communicates successfully at home and has no problems with this, the doctors should not be allowed to create these problems.

An article written in 2011 that has not lost its relevance at all.

For what could be better than what the evangelists and lights of the spirit, little child prodigies and human angels, “prepare” us for in the light of a renewed existence in subtle energies?

Only that indigo and crystal energy was and is in ourselves.

We just need to open it in ourselves and see it in our children and other beings of light, “hiding” by people.

The proposed material is not about aliens or space pilgrims in the usual sense, but about our earthly children, who, nevertheless, in their spiritual Odyssey can be such.


The disputes about the mysterious and mysterious indigo children have not yet subsided, and they are already taking over the evolutionary baton, ready, at the opportunity, to hand over the Rod of Humanity to the Rainbow Messengers.

What heavenly news do these multidimensional beings of Light bring to all of us, incarnating in thousands, as if in a hurry not to miss the most amazing event on earth of all possible?

What are they trying to tell us, like piercing through eyes filled with Timeless Wisdom and lips that are not yet ready to speak about the main thing?

It is possible that the world is not only what our eyes see it, snatching out fragments of experience.

And indeed, despite the gaping abyss modern world, into which we are inevitably rolling, as a socio-biological species, we have a chance. Only a miracle can save us in this situation. And this miracle is already being created by the coming of the Children of the New World.

The triad of children - Gaia - is a trial jump in time, rapidly bringing us closer to the denouement called the Galactic Shift or Crystal Transformation.

It is certain that the Heralds of the New Era are among us and this is a good sign for the planet, which is preparing to be born from a tangible burden, showing us all an updated copy of itself.

With every fiber of the soul and cell of our body, we feel an invisible connection with all the children who carry the flame of Prometheus.


All four groups of souls: indigo, indigo crystals, crystalline and rainbow representatives of humanity symbolize four substances - matter associated with the physical, ethereal, emotional and mental body of a person, signifying preparation for functioning in the fifth dimension - buddhic or spiritual, associated with the higher " "I" of a person and its manifestation.

They seem to symbolize the four paths of development for all mankind, transforming the mind - into reason, emotions - into deep and intimate feelings and experiences -, the physical body - into an instrument of service with a unifying factor of refinement and multidimensionality of the ether.

Besides, will allow you to determine your belonging to indigo or crystalline energies, along with the ability to reveal .

E If you have difficulties communicating with your child, there is a lack of mutual understanding, or you want to help develop his full potential, thenwill help you resolve the accumulated contradictions and restore harmony in relationships.

They will also be able to open to the Ninth Dimension of the full Christ Consciousness when the Earth is ready. Source - Esoteric. Living Knowledge

The Crystal Children began to come to Earth around 1998, when their pioneers arrived here, there weren't many of them. Already in 2000 it became a mass phenomenon. As their numbers increased, their energy allowed them to incarnate more more crystal souls.

The arrival of the Crystal Children right now is by no means accidental. They are evangelizers and lights of the spirit, little child prodigies and human angels preparing us for ascension into the light of renewed existence in subtle energies.

Their mass incarnation became possible because the indigos completed their difficult work of changing the mass consciousness, showing the self-worth of the individual and subtle mental organization, vulnerability and sensitivity to socio-cultural changes and planetary transformations.

Crystal children are almost always born in families where their appearance is passionately wanted by the parents themselves; they know they will be loved and respected there. Most often, they are born to Indigo, often incarnating after a brother or sister with the nature of Indigo, whose task is to store energy and teach parents how to properly raise new children.

In their physical incarnation, Crystal Children have a number of visible characteristics: they are usually very large babies, their heads are often disproportionately larger than their bodies.

They often have large eyes with a piercing look, they look at people for a long time and intently, which can greatly confuse adults who are not used to the fact that a baby is looking at them inquisitively. This is actually how the child accesses your Akashic and soul records by reading information about you. For them, this is absolutely normal behavior; and they will be very glad if you do the same in turn. This is the crystal way of communication - to look into the soul of another person and receive, read information about him. In the future, we will all learn to do this.

As for their temperament, these babies are for the most part very calm and obedient, they have a very strong bond with their mother. This strong bond may last until they are four or five years old; they may seem to literally cling to their mother. As a rule, they incarnate for the first time on Earth, therefore they need support and support, and they can find this thanks to the physical presence of their mother. And these children are incredibly affectionate; they often seek to help people and animals in trouble, to nurse them.

In addition, they have heightened sensitivity. A Crystal child not only knows how to read the records of a person's soul, but can also see, feel all the unresolved complexes and irritation that a person may have on an unconscious level. This is why Crystal children are so sensitive to their environment. They may also be sensitive to food, causing them to develop food allergies.

Raising a Crystal Child can be truly difficult. Very often, such a child feels the unresolved problems of his parents, and these toxic emotions negatively affect him. Parents of Crystal children should strive to work through their problems so that their children can find peace and comfort in the home.

The main mission of all Crystal Children is to assist human evolution in the process of ascension. They have come to wake us up and show us a completely new, unprecedented way of life. And already due to the fact that they come to us en masse and contain crystalline energy, they help to transform planetary energies.

But they also come to us in order to teach us how to live in a multidimensional world and draw strength from it. The Crystal Child easily changes different dimensions or phases of reality. They are in no way limited to the 3D world, although they have excellent body control and function in 3D reality. They are tuned primarily to the sixth dimension, contain this energy and bring it to Earth.

This energy is slower compared to what is inherent in our reality. Crystal children become overly active only when they cannot handle the flow of higher energies. In general, the higher the frequency of a person's energy, the slower and calmer he becomes. This is the basic principle of managing higher frequency energy. In order to understand this, you do not need to fuss, trying to control your reality by some external actions in the material world. A multidimensional being knows that it controls reality from higher levels through the mechanism of intention and manifestation, but always in accordance with the Higher Will.

So, the Crystal Children are almost forcing us to slow down and start energizing like them. We must understand that we have plenty of time to explore, create, and experience, that we don't have to do anything right now, just let the flow of higher energy lead us into new and different realms of experience. It is enough just to form an intention - the flow of energy will flow in a certain way, giving us joy and relaxation.

To live in a multidimensional world, you need to have a large amount of energy. Crystal children intuitively understand that they should never become victims or act in any life situations as a victim. Such children are able to nourish themselves with energies in co-creation or manifestation. But they assume that their parents also know about it. And if parents do not participate in co-creation with love and respect, then difficulties will arise. Fortunately, most Crystal children have chosen parents (most often indigo) who are smart enough to understand these principles right away.

The main principle behind this way of life is the awareness of Oneness. Crystal children recognize this togetherness and live it. They feel other people's energies every time they go outside. Crystal children absorb the anxiety and stress of others. They are able to sense the toxicity of both the atmosphere and food. With their help, we will certainly build a cleaner and more harmonious world in which we all will live, realizing the integrity and unity of all things.

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Perhaps you, too, have already noticed that this special new race is beginning to visit our planet - happy, lovely children who forgive easily. This new - in many ways perfect - generation of Light at the age of 0-7 is unlike any of the previous generations. And they indicate the direction that will lead people ... This is the generation of creators, creators.
The first thing that draws attention to Crystal children is their eyes - large, piercing, and knowing in a way that their age does not suggest. If they make eye contact with you, they won't leave you. It works hypnotically, you understand that your Soul opens before these eyes... Just look into their eyes to understand that they have more wisdom than in the eyes of older children and many adults. Eyes of Crystals express the depth of spiritual knowledge and radiate patience, love and kindness.. They are like the eyes of angels. It can be said that expressive penetrating eyes are one of the reasons why Crystal children start talking late, because they need only looks to communicate. The eyes of the Crystals are part of the magical power with which they subjugate adults. Crystal children see the true essence of each person, the divine fire hidden in him. Their eyes are wide open to the world, as their owners absorb any information like a sponge. The love they radiate is irresistible. Even those people who normally shy away from children cannot resist the soft appeal of the nature of the Crystal child.
List of qualities that may be inherent in the modern Crystal baby.
Wide-open expressive eyes and deep gaze
Charm and attraction, Tenderness and love
Musicality. Sometimes such a child begins to sing before he speaks.
Use of original sign language and telepathy in communication
Artistry, creative approach to any business
Love for heights and a developed sense of balance.
Desire to talk about angels, spirit guides, and memories from past life
Increased interest in crystals and precious stones
Unruffled calmness and kindness. The ability to forgive. Sensitivity and benevolence
Heightened sense of connection with nature, animals and plants
Healing abilities
Preference for vegetarian food and juices
The spiritual gifts of the Crystal children are also sometimes treated by adults without understanding. Especially it concerns telepathic abilities of babies, thanks to which they begin to talk later than other children. There is an opinion that Crystal children begin to speak much later than their peers because our human speech seems to them to be something rather strange and unnatural. Many Crystal children begin to talk only by the age of three or four, and parents have no problems communicating with their silent children! Parents are rediscovering the ability to communicate without words, because their babies use telepathy, a distinctive language of signs, gestures and sounds (including singing) to convey their thoughts and desires. Who knows, perhaps in the near future many of us will no longer need to communicate with words at all? Perhaps speech will turn into a similar relic. Compared to telepathic communication, speech can indeed seem inaccurate and clumsy., Scientists from such famous universities as Stanford, Princeton and Yale, are studying the possibility of communication at the level of direct exchange of thoughts. There is hard evidence to support the theory that telepathic communication does exist.
The ability to telepathy is only part of the divine arsenal of the Crystal Children, which they need in order to help people overcome their tendency to lie. No one can deceive a telepath, because he sees people through and through. Their mission is to make the inhabitants of this planet finally live honestly, without losing spiritual integrity. Thus, it is quite natural that modern kids are endowed with such pronounced telepathic abilities. The Crystal Children themselves choose the right parents and grandparents to help their extraordinary children and grandchildren survive on Earth. After all, if the child does not intend to enter into verbal communication early, he must choose for himself telepathic parents in order to find with them mutual language.
Crystal children have excellent motor skills. This is consistent with the latest data from research in the field of intellectual abilities of children. If mental activity is conditionally divided into verbal and non-verbal, then we can say that the development of the verbal sphere in Crystals is a little lame, but non-verbal tends to almost sky-high heights. If you sum up the scores for both indicators, the assessment of the overall intellectual development of the Crystal children is very high.
As if to compensate for the lag in the development of speech, many Crystals have unusually developed motor skills, which, combined with innate courage, makes these children fearless little explorers. Since fear is considered an attribute of our lower self (or ego), the fearlessness of the Crystals once again proves how far they have gone in their evolution. They accept and love themselves, trust their intuition, enjoy life, feel their own body better. This is how the people of the future should be. Guardian Angels protect small Crystals, due to which they sometimes give the impression of being quite tenacious, even invulnerable creatures, the thing is that these children always hope for the best. Their indefatigable optimism, like a magnet, attracts the patronage of the Higher powers.
Crystal children have extraordinary fortitude. Each of them is somewhat reminiscent of a wise adult, enclosed in the body of a child, these are little sages and high priestesses. The power that they possess from birth is able to have a noticeable effect on adults. Its source is purity of intentions and indestructible will. When faced with the amazing abilities of their children for the first time, some parents are bewildered.
Wherever they are, Crystal children sow the healing energy of love around them. The attraction of the Crystal Children is related to their mission on Earth. A high vibrational frequency and freedom from ego indicate a high level of spiritual development these creatures. Who are they? Maybe angels? Or messengers of extraterrestrial, more progressive civilizations? Be that as it may, one thing is clear: these children have come to teach and save us. Save... from themselves.
Crystal children are sensitive to nature. They catch on emotional states animals, plants and insects. Crystals are the voice of nature, reminding us that not only people have feelings. Perhaps it is this fervent love of our children for nature that is responsible for their ability to understand the language of plants and animals.
Crystal children are extremely sensitive to energy and anything that allows them to play with it, which is why they love crystals and gems so much. These children know: the world of minerals is just as alive
(The distinctive features of the Crystal Children were compiled by American psychologist Doreen Virtue.)

Raising Crystal Children

If you are a parent of a Crystal child, you should also become a good listener. The very appearance of the Crystal in your family contributes to the awakening of the previously dormant psychic abilities. Crystal children teach us to trust our feelings and intuition more. Only those who trust their thoughts, feelings, inner impulses and visions can develop spiritually. The Crystal Children are an excellent example of this. Crystals are so intuitive precisely because they trust themselves. They do not divide their thoughts into "truth" and "fiction", because reality is all-encompassing! I
As Crystal Children age, they may lose the ability to read other people's minds. However, this will not happen if parents respect the gifts of their children and begin to develop their own telepathic abilities.
There is so much love in the hearts of the Crystal Children that their very presence has a healing effect on those around them.. From birth, our babies have the ability to heal literally everything that falls into their field of attention. Young Crystals intuitively direct the streams of healing energy through their hands, objects and thoughts.
To bring love to people is the mission of the Crystal Children.. They teach us to accept love, and we must help them maintain the ability to not be afraid to love and openly express their feelings. We simply must help our children not to lose this inherent gift, especially during the period of growing up.
Small Crystals are able to talk on deep spiritual topics, even if no one in the family is interested in religion, philosophy or spiritual practice. They learn about God and angels, prayers and rituals, as a rule, from their parents. But essence spiritual knowledge available to them by birthright. All our children are little philosophers, high priestesses and priests tuned to the same wave with the Creator.
Usually the parents of these thin, sensitive children are spiritually developed people. Soul; each child, as if she had specially chosen for herself such mom and dad, who could create the most favorable conditions for his development. Sometimes the conductors of light for a Crystal child are not parents, but grandparents, and that is; they help to preserve and increase the spiritual knowledge and abilities of their grandchildren.
We list once again these qualities, which. Crystals embody so vividly and convincingly.
Cheerfulness. These children radiate positive energy with all their appearance: facial expressions, postures, gestures, actions and words. Being next to them, you experience genuine joy: it's hard not to get infected with such love of life.
deep affection. The Crystal child usually experiences a lot; attachment to one of the parents or relatives with whom it is better to find a common language. Once an attachment has been formed, some Crystals will never want to part with their loved one. They are in dire need of understanding, patience and affection. Often these children are very worried about the possible separation from a loved one, because they feel that someone else will not be able to treat them with the same tenderness and understanding.
Expressiveness and acting talent. Many Crystal children can easily be called silent, especially in early childhood. Nevertheless, these are unusually expressive and artistic natures! They express their emotions through their eyes, gestures, singing and artistic images. They are also not alien to dramatic art. With dynamic dramatic images Crystal children prefer to reflect the existing reality, as it was in the days of Shakespearean theater. In this way, these children bring us back to our roots. And although there is no doubt that the highest is in each of us, it seems that these children manifest their divine qualities much brighter than all previous generations.
sense of time. In the new world, we will no longer live by the clock and calendar: we will learn to trust our inner sense of time, and all our actions will be intuitively coordinated by it. We will continue to be in the right place at the right time; and without any prior agreement and special efforts on our part, but simply due to the natural synchronization of internal rhythms with the rhythms outside world. Their bright heads are not loaded with erroneous ideas, and by nature they know: time is an illusion, and if you remain true to your inner feeling and intuition, everything will be done in time

Now quite a lot of attention is paid to the so-called Indigo children, programs and films are made about them, many parents call their children that. But the fact is that as early as 16 years other babies are born - kids Crystals! You probably know that the term Indigo was formed because of the unusual color of the aura of babies - the color of indigo. Crystal children have a multicolored aura of pastel, soft colors that shimmer and sparkle like quartz crystal. Let's see who they are - crystal children.

Children of crystals - who are they?

The first distinguishing feature of the children of crystals is their amazing eyes - penetrating, clear, large, incredibly deep and wise. It seems that the child is looking at you and sees right through you, which, in general, it is. and Crystal children are similar in many ways, but the fundamental difference lies in the temperament of the kids. Indigo children are, in fact, warriors, they are born to break obsolete stereotypes and rules, to bring in the wind of change and change the usual approaches to life. Often such Indigo babies are diagnosed - and prescribed all kinds of medicines, which actually leads to the loss of their spirituality, increased sensitivity, warrior spirit - children “lose themselves” and are no longer able to fulfill the mission with which they came into this world.

By the way, it was thanks to the Indigo children that the Crystal children began to be born, because the mission of the Indigo is to destroy everything superficial, devoid of purity and integrity, so that the Crystal Children can create in a healthier world.

Qualities inherent in children of Crystals:

  • Deep look in wide-open expressive eyes
  • Incredible charm and attraction. Both people and animals are drawn to Crystal children. They fascinate with their purity, incredible magnetism is inherent in them.
  • Love and tenderness. Children literally glow with love, they are very receptive to it. They are able to heal and instill grace in the hearts only by their presence.
  • Musicality. Often children of crystals are very musical, sometimes they begin to sing much earlier than they speak.
  • Often such children receive a diagnosis of "autism" and "delayed speech development." Parents are worried: "?". Indeed, such crystal babies use sign language and telepathy, so they start talking later. The Crystal Child is able to read minds. Often such children begin to communicate with their mother, long before their own or during pregnancy. Such children choose "prepared" parents.
  • The ability to forgive, kindness and imperturbable calmness.
  • Kindness and sensitivity.
  • Incredible connection with nature, plants and animals. Such children love to walk in nature most of all, they can spend hours looking at flowers, insects, birds. Animals are very fond of playing with such babies, despite the fact that they do everything so as not to harm the baby. Crystal Children are very attracted to the moon. They always notice her and can admire her magical glow for a long time.
  • Healing abilities. Children of Crystals contain so much love that their very presence has a healing effect on those around them. They feel someone else's pain, some children are really able to heal with their touch. It happens that they feel that, for example, their mother has a headache, and they become independent, play quietly until their mother gets better.
  • Increased interest in gems and crystals.
  • Spiritual development of the child. Small children Crystals are able to reason on deep spiritual topics. They can also talk about their past lives, about angels and spirits.
  • They prefer healthier food, often follow a vegetarian diet, love.
  • Children Crystals are very artistic, they are creative in any business.
  • They have a well-developed sense of balance, they love heights, with early childhood surprise with their "acrobatic" abilities.

Able to change our lives, filling it with love, harmony and integrity! Let's help them fulfill their mission.