Spiritual cleansing 8 letters crossword. Spiritual cleansing is fundamental knowledge. Spiritual cleansing from negativity

The forces of the universe reveal
step 1 Fundamentals of the universe
Chapter 1 spiritual cleansing

Spiritual cleansing from negativity

spiritually cleansed person

A spiritually cleansed Man, freed from foreignness, heaviness, having consciously returned the desired split halves, automatically takes his life's true path, which can only be beneficial for the further development of the Soul.

Other people's emotions, thoughts, feelings, sensations, especially negative ones, do not affect a spiritually cleansed individual.

He maintains neutrality, wisdom and has no claims to anyone, accepting the universe as it is, content with himself and the world around him. No one can inspire his own idea of ​​how his Personality clearly separates the divine projection from the illusory game.

The life of a person consciously purged, coming out of oblivion, becomes much simpler, clearer for him, people and circumstances unnecessary for development are eliminated. He is in harmony with himself, the universe. And if troubles still happen, since the illusory projection does not contain Absolute Purity (like God), the individual passes them with ease, preserving the dense Shell from intrusions. Gradually, the Spiritually Purified Man begins to remember his rebirths, changeable images placed simultaneously in different measures, seeing himself as different and original. Communicating with your Soul, with its Mind, a portal opens to the Eternal Dimension, where imperishable information and experience are stored. Gradually the knowledge comes (remembered) about the ability to come into contact with the Light Forces, putting a protective boundary from Negative intrusions.

The nature of the Light Forces

The nature of the Light Forces does not include negative, negative matters. If the creation is wrong in something, they wait until it itself corrects the mistakes. Or they are guided along the righteous path, although it may seem to the Person that he is being punished. Light Forces patronize Spiritually pure, devoted and God-loving people. They watch, help them, are present nearby, protect them from the Negative. However, Man cannot be absolutely pure. Evil manifests its power over Man through his shortcomings, Positive does not interfere until the person corrects this or that shortcoming.

The level of assistance of the Light Forces depends on the Spiritual purity of the ancestors, past incarnations, the divine development of the personality. A person can move away from Heavenly support or even lose it if in life situations he acts against his will, imbued with alien beliefs.

If little good is inherited from the ancestors (sinful deeds, a fall towards degradation is in the lead), one should not fall in the Spirit. Purifying, freeing from perishability, in return returning the split halves to imperishable energies, positive frequencies are amplified.

The nature of negative matters

The Black Forces affect a Human in different ways: they influence the Mind, through the consciousness, inspiring their desires. They act through an intermediary, a situation, bringing a person out of a state of emotional balance (Spirit) and peace (Soul). The negative intentionally creates unfavorable, tempting, distracting conditions from the path. They love the fuel they give off aggressive people, abusing harmful products, or immersed in any game, as it is easy to control a lost traveler.

The nature of negative matters, creatures has a different level of "contamination". The higher this level, the greater the percentage of Evil is in the negative creation. It is dangerous to joke with Evil. If one day, without thinking, you say some joke about Him or boast that you are strong in the Spirit or decide to “invite guests”, or, even worse, cast a spell out of illiteracy, engage in black magic, agreeing to give your Soul to the Devil, the matter may end in serious troubles, the loss of the Power, Charge, Forces, Resources accumulated by many rebirths. If a Person often uses obscene language, using words related to the Negative, provokes violence (damage), related to both black and white magic, then this is fraught with serious consequences for him.

How to get rid of negativity?

The forces of Darkness have many hideous different approaches, both quick-acting and killing slowly and painfully. They possess weapons, influencing the Mind (meaning the Soul, through the subconscious), as well as the Shell (meaning the Flesh, Body). To get rid of, cleansed of their actions, there are many ways: to cleanse yourself spiritually, by remembering your true self.

The messengers of Evil pierce the victim-Man with a diverse “weapon”, first piercing into the Shell, then penetrating into the Spirit, Mind, Body, disharmony affects the Soul, turning it away from the divine portal, from where it is saturated with spiritual matters. To make it clearer, the "weapon" can resemble objects of various designs stuck into the astral body, into the Shell. Often creatures wrap around, dig in, deeply letting in roots, creating nests for living and growing fruit. Feeding on valuable fuel for a Human. Sucking strength, power, energy, resources. Important data for the formation of emotions, thoughts, sensations, feelings. They accumulate experience for the Spirit, Mind, Soul, Body. Often, energy hoses, resembling a pipe, depart from the Shell, and energy is pumped through them, coming from the organ where this pipe is located, energy vampires, that is, sick people, creatures (a tunnel, an umbilical cord is attached).

All this must be learned to eliminate from time to time (like hygiene). But in order to be cleansed of such dirt, one must first determine where it originates.

Let's say someone throws darts at a target. Darts can be removed indefinitely. Having removed the dart in its place, they can also throw a knife. Therefore, it is necessary to first detect and eliminate the one who throws this dart, and then the dart itself. One of the most effective ways to learn to see, as if from the outside, and in a different dimension, your imperishable woven matrix, to feel more carefully, to feel, to notice what is wrong in it and to look around. In space, tunnels, labyrinth, portal, where the matrix is ​​located for research, it is easy to meet many creatures, other matrices, and it is also easy to create clots on your own. In the variety of variations, you should choose those creatures that interfere, and move away from yourself various methods(You need to remember them, trusting your own gut, the main thing is not to feel fear, it nourishes Evil by firmly clinging to Negative matters). And then begin to cleanse yourself and call on good frequencies. This method is not easy, but convenient. Extracting dirt from the astral body, the matrix, the power of Thought is used (Mind with Power encode programs). Emotions are involved (the Spirit with Forces consciously maintains a neutral environment). Feelings give rise to special protection (Soul and Charge radiate wave signals of divine love for the universe, joining integrity, unity). Physical experience is important, Sensations (Body together with Resources give clues about illusory variations, with the help of which it is easy to cope with the "weapon"). You can pull uninvited guests, like a splinter, weeds. Uproot, suck out something, wind it like a rope around something. Next, be sure to reshape this dirt, mentally burning, drying, splitting. Or invite special creatures who will gladly use it all, just like insects and birds in the illusory world eat carrion, unclaimed matter by people.

Whatever method of removing negative dirt is used, the matrix, which is in a different dimension, will not feel pain, but on the contrary, after this cleansing procedure, the Body, Mind, Spirit, Soul will become much easier due to the release from heaviness, foreign programs.

There are less effective, but more easy way cleaning - feeling the aura with your hands, looking for the deformation of the Shell. Having investigated the problems, they need to be solved. Remove growths (guests); holes (stolen resources) tighten, restore. Hoses (data theft through tunnels) peel off. It is also necessary to look inside (imperishable vision). This method covers the Flesh, but the Spirit, Soul, Mind cannot be touched with imperishable hands.

For many readers, the cleaning method may seem unusual, complicated and inconvenient, this is out of habit. Clear Shell for modern Man- the task is strange and difficult, but in fact it is as simple as hygiene procedures (use of products).

Why does a person become more lethargic, clumsy, and sickly with age, although age has nothing to do with it, and at seventy, athletic people are quicker and livelier, more cheerful than some young people? The more mobile, physically developed the Man is, the more difficult it is for the Dark Force to dig into the mobile, dynamic Shell.

Greetings, dear friends! Speaking about absolute health, one cannot but touch upon the topic of spiritual purification. Spiritual cleansing is simply necessary if we want to live long and be happy. Now I'll tell you why!

The blog you are on right now is all about getting - healthy eating, physical activity and sports, the psychology of success. But the information provided on the site would not be complete if we did not touch upon the issue of spiritual purification with you. There can be no question of any absolute health if your soul is polluted with bad thoughts and thoughts.

In short, a person’s health depends primarily not on nutrition and physical activity, but on what kind of energy his body is filled with, positive or negative. This is what lies main secret health and longevity!

Our inner world is a temple. Our external state depends on how filled it is with positive energy, the right emotions and actions.

You and I can discuss this topic for a long time, discussing the question: does the external and internal state of a person depend on how correctly his inner world is set up. The fact remains. Depends! And I state this not because I want to impose my point of view, considering it the only correct one. All people are wrong in some way, and I made mistakes in my life, and more than once, believe me. But these mistakes gave me rich experience, on the basis of which I can draw specific conclusions on certain issues.

Someone has a gift since childhood in conveying the necessary information to people, someone acquires life experience, and on the basis of it draws some conclusions. But it is definitely important that each of these people understands the foundations of our universe, realizes the essence of true happiness, and with it beauty and health. In order to gain all this, a person must fill his inner world with spiritual wealth.

In order to acquire spiritual wealth, it is necessary to cultivate conscience in oneself, that is, the ability to independently demand the fulfillment of moral duties and evaluate the actions performed.

For each of us, the highest qualities should be honor, sincerity, justice, courage, diligence, generosity, strong faith. By cultivating these qualities in ourselves, we acquire the highest invincible power, eternal power. But remember that in addition to cultivating these moral qualities in yourself, you must undergo spiritual purification. That is, before you begin to become noble, you must remove from yourself all the dirt that has been stuck on for a long time. Spiritual cleansing is very important for each of us! Believe it!

Children are forgiven for their sins. Growing up, every child understands that once he did something bad. But if a bad deed is forgiven for a child, due to his inexperience, stupidity, desire to comprehend everything and win everyone (youthful maximalism), then an adult should evaluate his actions (inaction) and words.

Man is not only a physical body, but a bioenergy-informational entity, which consists of seven bodies interconnected by energy centers. The physical body is the densest of them all. In addition to him, a person has six more energy, so-called thin bodies. All human bodies are interconnected and influence each other. Human health and destiny are also interconnected and depend on the state of subtle bodies.

The processes of cleansing our body by us constitute a special niche of our relationship with the highest truth and our own spiritual nature. The basis of spiritual purification is the consciousness of one's external and internal impurity and the conviction that only an internally pure person can enter into high relationships. External purity is a symbol of internal purity. Therefore, one of you who is approaching the truth, who is engaged in self-improvement, must understand and realize the importance and necessity of this process in his personal practice.

There are two types of cleansing of the human body: cleansing on the physical level and spiritual cleansing.

Purification of a person at the physical level is expressed in ridding the body of (poisonous substances). Wrong and , produce toxic metabolic products, that is, toxins that go into the blood and lymph. Blood and lymph, passing throughout the body, "dump" toxins into external foci. On the part of the skin, it can be expressed by allergies, eczema, dermatitis. On the part of the mucous membrane - tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. Lymphatic tissues react with the appearance of lymphadenitis, tonsillitis, joints - arthritis.

All these diseases are widespread, and all of them are curable. Many experts call these diseases the first stage. With the accumulation of toxins for their discharge, the body increases the foci, forming adenoids, polyps, fibroids, enlarged lymph nodes.

Any disease is the result of a violation of the laws of the vital activity of the human body, the laws of nature, therefore, treatment is possible only through the restoration of the action of biological laws.

Cleansing on an emotional level (spiritual cleansing) helps us get rid of negative emotions and memories, stress and inner tension. To be truly cleansed means to be in harmony with the surrounding world, with the world of the primordial . Harmony is a feeling of integrity and unity of the physical, spiritual-energy, mental and intellectual worlds.

It is very important to approach the spiritual cleansing of the body with faith. Simple mechanical implementation of organization recommendations will bring success, but if actions are also accompanied by spiritual purification, faith and the realization that spiritual purification is no less important, then the effect of such purification will be deeper and more multifaceted.

After all, cleansing is fast and effective method self-knowledge and empowerment. These processes are interconnected - after ascending one level of cognition, higher levels and new opportunities open up.

Purification can be viewed as the development of one's worldview and attitude, as a way to obtain unique information, knowledge, experience that are unattainable by other methods. A person is formed and shows what he is worth in the process of life. At birth, we are given only “tools” for our own construction and repair. We have the option to learn or not to learn correct use these "tools", we can use them for their intended purpose, or for our own selfish purposes. Depending on the use, the result is obtained.

Purification is a kind of giving the higher forces of nature the opportunity to act through oneself. The deeper and clearer our purification of our inner world, the more powerful the action of the energy force. The process of spiritual purification necessarily includes the acquisition of power over oneself, the cultivation of the qualities mentioned above.

When discussing spiritual purification, it is important to focus on two aspects of this issue. Firstly, first you need not to get dirty, and then to be cleaned. Being physically clean means changing your diet and lifestyle. Purification on a spiritual level is a change in one's consciousness, a change in thinking, a change in the perception of the world, an improvement in the mind, methods and ways of thinking and making decisions, removing many delusions from consciousness and life.

A person who has gone far enough along the path of purification clearly stands out among people, both in his behavior, manners, and in his mind and judgments. If the body is not polluted, a person has more creative ideas he feels better.

Remember one simple truth, the health and purity of the physical body are factors and prerequisites of a higher nature, the state of the spiritual world, the internal changes of a person under the influence of not only external influences, but also a way of life, concepts, thoughts.

With this, I will end this article. In conclusion, I will only remind you that "every blacksmith of his own happiness." You can choose the path of a quick and stupid life, or you can live it happily with good physical and spiritual health, rejoicing for yourself, your family and friends. Just think about why you came to the Light, what goals you set for yourself, and draw conclusions from this.

The mind is cleansed by knowledge,
and the Soul is cleansed by tears.

Testament of the ancient sages

The chosen topic, which formed the title of the essay, worried me more than anyone else. I wanted to reveal it and draw attention to the importance and necessity of understanding it not only by future yoga teachers, but also by all people who are engaged in self-improvement and who are not engaged in self-improvement.

For many peoples of the world, the processes of purification constituted a special niche of relationships with the Highest Truth and their own spiritual nature. These purifications were based on the consciousness of their external and internal impurity and the conviction that only an internally pure person can enter into high relationships. External purity is a symbol of internal purity. Therefore, whoever approaches the Truth, who is engaged in self-improvement, and even more so who wants to become a conductor of knowledge for other people, must understand and realize the importance and necessity of this process in their personal practice.

According to the statement of Jesus Christ in the manuscript “The Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ”: “... Internal dirt is even more terrible than external dirt. Therefore, one who is cleansed only on the outside remains impure on the inside, like a tomb decorated with brilliant paintings, but inside filled with vileness.”

At present, it is no secret to anyone that a person is not only a physical body, but a bioenergy-informational entity, which consists of seven bodies connected by energy centers - chakras. The physical body is the densest of them all. In addition to him, a person has six more energy, so-called thin bodies. All human bodies are interconnected and influence each other. Human health and destiny are also interconnected and depend on the state of subtle bodies.

Cleansing at any level affects other interconnected human bodies. Every person can find confirmations and examples of this statement both in authoritative sources and in their modern life.

I think that for a full and multifaceted disclosure of this topic, life-long work and the study of many sources of Truth are needed, so I will humbly and modestly try to sanctify only a small part of the information available to me at this level of development.

Purification of a person at the physical level is expressed in ridding the body of toxins, toxins, poisons, foreign substances and decay products. Improper nutrition and lifestyle produce toxic metabolic products, that is, toxins that go into the blood and lymph. Blood and lymph, passing throughout the body, "dump" toxins into external foci. On the part of the skin, slagging can be expressed by allergies, eczema, dermatitis. On the part of the mucous membrane - tonsillitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. Lymphatic tissues react with the appearance of lymphadenitis, tonsillitis, joints - with arthritis. - All these diseases are widespread, and all of them are curable. Many experts in the field of naturopathy call these diseases the first stage of slagging. With the accumulation of toxins for their discharge, the body increases the foci, forming adenoids, polyps, fibroids, enlarged lymph nodes.

In this regard, cleansing must be done in order to prevent and combat emerging diseases. On the issue of diseases, I absolutely agree with the outstanding American hygienist Herbert Shelton, who believes that any disease is the result of a violation of the laws of the vital activity of the human body, the laws of nature, and therefore its treatment is possible only through the restoration of biological laws. Any disease is a disease of the whole organism, and not of a separate organ, therefore, a complex effect on the body by natural methods is necessary, which ensures the implementation of the principle of purity of the internal environment of the body, which creates optimal conditions for the laws of self-regulation and self-healing, which underlie the entire life of the human body.

A lot of works of scientists are devoted to this issue, a lot of methods, methods and theories have been developed. Some of the methods include voluntary abstinence from food intake with limited or unlimited use of water, herbal decoctions and other liquids and a series of detoxification hygiene procedures ( water procedures, daily cleansing enemas, etc.) followed by restorative dietary nutrition according to a special scheme.

To enhance the effect of cleansing the body at the physical level, you can also use yoga breathing practices - pranayama, which include OMkar pranayama, Chandra Nadi pranayama, Surya Nadi pranayama, Nadi Shuddhi pranayama, Kapalabhati, Anuloma Viloma, Ujayi pranayama.

We were all lucky enough to get acquainted with one of the cleansing methods in the course for teachers - this is the method of cleansing the body at the cellular level by M.V. Oganyan. Her method is simple, based on her personal beliefs and research, backed up by many years of experience.

Having the belief that any experience you share should be yours first and foremost personal experience, I will digress from the topic and allow myself to note that, following the method of M.V. Oganyan, I cleanse my body. This is a very deep process that has affected many aspects of my life. On the physical plane starvation does not occur, since the tissues receive nutrition from a decoction with honey and lemon juice. They are absorbed in the stomach almost without digestion, giving rest to the digestive system, but at the same time, supporting the body, which, thanks to this, releases resources for self-purification. And probably in order to confirm the opinion that the physical body is an indicator of processes occurring at a deeper and more subtle level, there was a need for a deeper emotional and spiritual and moral purification, a desire to study one’s body and the spiritual aspects of one’s development.

Maybe it was this fact that prompted me to think that in the process of cleansing the physical body, it is necessary to pay attention not only to the cleansing of cell tissues and the body as a whole, but also to a deeper cleansing that affects the interconnected subtle bodies of a person.

Cleansing at deeper levels of subtle bodies is the harmonization of our state. Repentance helps cleansing on a spiritual level. It is very important to forgive yourself, to forgive those people who offended you in some way. Cleansing on an emotional level helps to get rid of negative emotions and memories. Selfless activity helps to cleanse from bad karma. All this concerns very subtle and intimate knowledge, and the path of each person in these matters is very individual and sincere. I cannot write about it, but I think that in matters of more subtle and deeper purification, a person engaged in self-improvement can be helped by a Mentor, a Teacher. I can only agree that the harmony of a person's psychoenergetic system leads to a calm, balanced mind, a state of peace.

Harmony is a sense of the integrity of one's physical, energetic, mental, intellectual, mental and spiritual worlds and unity with the outside world, and, despite the fact that it seems that it is very difficult to find it, each person has a lot of opportunities to find his own way and get what you want.

In this regard, it seems to me that it is very important to approach the cleansing of the body as a spiritual process, with faith that this is pleasing to God, faith in the strength, mercy and power of True life, which will conquer everything. The simple mechanical implementation of recommendations and wishes will bring success, but if actions are also accompanied by spiritual purification, faith and the realization that spiritual purification is no less important, then the effect of such purification will be deeper, multifaceted and purely individual. After all, cleansing is a quick and effective way of knowing yourself, your capabilities, and at the same time changing yourself and expanding your capabilities. These processes are interconnected - after ascending one level of cognition, higher levels and new possibilities of cognition open up.

Purification can be viewed as the development of one's worldview and attitude, a way to obtain unique information, knowledge, experience that are unattainable in other ways. A person is formed and shows what he is worth in the process of life. It can be said that in a normal birth, a person is given only “tools” for his own construction and repair. A person has the opportunity to learn or not to learn the correct use of these "tools", he can use them for their intended purpose, or with their own selfish goals. Depending on the use, the result is obtained.

Cleansing is a kind of letting God work through you. The deeper and more complex the purification of a person, the more powerful the action of God through him, the more a person is purified, the greater a blessing he is both for himself and for those around him. An unpurified person cannot work qualitatively and effectively for God for the simple reason that he does not know how to do this - he has a wrong understanding of what is happening, his mind and thoughts are perverted, and there is no due responsibility for his actions.

The process of purification necessarily includes the acquisition of power over oneself, the cultivation of qualities in oneself, such as true and eternal faith, love, patience, fidelity.

Purification is the continuous learning of ever newer and more perfect ways of doing the will of God. Purification is the constant making of meaningful changes in your life, in your behavior, in your relationship with God and people. The constant change of life towards truth and truth is a sign of purification. If a person has been the same for years, there are no changes, this is a sure sign of stagnation, lack of growth.

When discussing purification, it is important to represent, first of all, two aspects of this problem. Firstly, first you need not to get dirty, and then to be cleaned. Not being polluted on the physical level means to change your diet and lifestyle, adhering to a vegetarian diet and an ascetic lifestyle. Not a single purification complex can be considered complete without observing clear, strict laws nutrition, because food, according to natural hygienists, determines not only the composition of the blood, but also shapes the character and even the worldview of a person. Cleansing the body is a continuous process, and one-time actions are indispensable here. In general, it is necessary to change the attitude towards yourself, your body, your life and your relationship with environment and God.

Purification is a change in consciousness, a change in thinking, a change in the perception of the world, an improvement in the mind, methods and ways of thinking and making decisions, removing many delusions from consciousness and life. A person who has gone far enough along the path of purification clearly stands out among people, both in his behavior, manners, and in his mind and judgments. If the body is not polluted, a person has more creative ideas, he feels better. And toxins in the body and stagnant bile stimulate the manifestation of negative emotions.

The health and purity of the physical body are factors and prerequisites of a higher nature, the state of the spiritual world, changes in the "subtle bodies" under the influence of not only external influences, but also the way of life, concepts, thoughts. The achieved purity of the body is only a faint light compared to the radiance of the purity of other interconnected subtle bodies.

I wish you all happiness and success on the path of self-realization and purification! OM!

Gavrish Victoria