Happy New Year, we wish you all the best! Tyumen Regional Scientific Library named after Dmitry Ivanovich Mendeleev New Year wishes to librarians and readers

Friends, December 31 is a special day when we say "Goodbye!" past and look to the future with hope. A large and friendly team of MIF has prepared New Year's greetings for you, dear readers. May next year be a little better than the last one. With coming!

Igor Mann, publisher

Happy New Year, dear Reader!
If happiness did not work out this year - work on it with our books in your hands in 2016!

Do not give up!
Learn yourself, teach colleagues, employees and children!

Artem Stepanov, General Director of MIF

I am convinced that life changes only when we ourselves change.
Therefore, I want to wish that 2016 will become for you a year of personal changes, a year of development. And MYTH will help you along the way.

We believe in you.
We believe in the future.
We believe in development.

Alexey Bogomolov, art director

Live so that, seeing off your old year I wanted to write a book about him, or at least a short story.

Renat Shagabutdinov, Assistant General Director

Get faster, taller, stronger and smarter in the New Year, but compete only with last year's self. I wish that in a year you will look back at the past 2016 with pride and rejoice in your own progress!

Anastasia Troyan, Head of MIF.Childhood

In the New Year, I wish you faith in yourself and courage to go forward, patience and perseverance so as not to turn off the path, new meetings, acquaintances and impressions that will give inspiration, and childish sincere naivety to notice the beauty around and enjoy the little things.

Oksana Gasparevich, editorial and production department manager

Dear Readers! We love and appreciate you very much! And we wish you huge amount wishes! May only pleasant surprises, new ideas, discoveries await you in the New Year 2016, positive emotions, interesting meetings with noble and sincere people, let the harmony in yourself and the world around you keep you believing that all your plans will come true and only a new amazing future lies ahead of you! Do not be afraid to dream, do not be afraid to make bold plans, love yourself and life - and everything will work out!

Irina Myznikova, Head of Mobile Retail Department

I wish everyone new year mood, snow and holiday feeling. Let be New Year will be a year of self-care and a year of new experiences. If you wanted to try something and kept putting it off, the time has come 🙂

Alina Ibragimova, B2B marketer

Alina introduces SCRUM to the masses 🙂

The book about relatives, Crazy about monkeys, interested the local population much more than SCRUM 🙂

Interesting projects and patience for their implementation. An environment that will evaluate the results and motivate you to new feats. All this will fill your life with vivid emotions. But deep down always remain calm and happy. And let your happiness not depend on other people's assessments, circumstances and external events.

Ekaterina Fridel, Key Account Manager

Dear friends, I congratulate you on the New Year! Let everyone find a bag under the tree good health, great happiness and kindness 🙂

Rimma Dmitrieva, Head of Human Resources

Dear MIF readers, we sincerely congratulate you on the New Year 2016 and wish you continued growth and self-development, in which we are ready to help you with our books.

Natalia Degtyareva, financial analyst

Happy New Year! I want to wish everyone a MYTH: Peace, Fulfillment of desires, Financial stability!

Anastasia Gameza, rights manager

I wish that all the books and stories started in 2015 will be completed, read and finished in the New Year. And all of them must have a happy ending!

Friends, a short reminder for everyone who wants to be happy in 2016, in my version it sounds like this:
1. Find your passion.
2. Make time for her in your schedule, no matter what.
3. Done. Are you happy!
Happy New Year!

Julia Skrypnik, lead copywriter

I wish that you always have the opportunity to travel where and when, where and when you want. And so that in your backpack there is always a place for a book. 🙂 Happy New Year!

Katya Ushahina, copywriter

When the trees were big and life without toys was impossible, we really believed in miracles and looked forward to Santa Claus. Then everything seemed possible and incredible, and every day was happy. This year I wish you to return with your soul to childhood, look at the world through the eyes of boys and girls and feel how wonderful life is. Let the tangerines become tastier, the sweets sweeter, and the gifts more desirable. Immediacy, openness and love to you in the New Year! Happy holiday, our little and big readers! 🙂

Irina Balmanzhi, copywriter

Our beloved readers! I wish you that from 2016 your life will become like fairy tale full of wonders and exciting adventures. Let good heroes cope with any trials, always defeat evil dragons and be a hundred times wiser than insidious enemies. And at the end of the journey they find themselves, their happiness and, of course, love in the person of a handsome prince (or a charming princess)! May you meet a golden fish in every reservoir, and in every forest - a Humpbacked Horse, and may not a single firebird slip out of your hands!

Alena Lepilina, copywriter

Every person has an inner light. You just have to search hard for it. The right books help in this, special people we meet along the way, and events, joyful or sad, but certainly teaching us lessons. I want to wish you in the New Year to find everything you need in order to “light up”. Become fireflies that light the way for yourself and loved ones. Even in difficult times, find the strength to shine within yourself. Happiness, kindness, peace! With coming!

Sergei Kaplichny, copywriter

love new year holidays just like the kids love them. Read cool books and don't forget to do miracles!

Anton Bakharev, copywriter

Dear friends! Happy New Year and I wish you to be able to find pluses in everything. And they, of course, are even in the most difficult situations. For example, when in a very snowy winter my house was covered with snow above the windows, I decided to go skiing from its roof. Feelings were right!

Nastya Medvedeva, junior project manager

The biggest discovery for me this year was that you can work as usual, seven days a week or 30 hours a day, not out of necessity or coercion, but out of love. I want to wish you the same. Find a job that you love with all your heart. which will be yours best friend and the third half. An outlet, but also Everest, at the foot of which you are standing.
Follow our example - enjoy what you do.
With coming! 🙂

Leyla Sazontova, SMM-manager of MIF.Childhood

Happy New Year dears! Joy, peace and inspiration (certainly from our books!). May 2016 be an unforgettable one!

Sofia Rutkovskaya, PR manager

MIF often receives positive feedback from readers (don't think they are read, only support staff :-)). And recently a letter came, I especially remember it; in it, the man suggested creating a feedback form "Thank the publisher." Quote: "I opened this form to say thank you so much for your carefully selected books." Thinking about this, I would like that in the New Year we would be more often satisfied with the people who surround us, the books we read, the achievements we achieve, and the small joys that happen to us so easily, and more often thank friends and relatives for this. and yourself.

Thank you 2015 and hello 2016! Hooray!

Irina Mironova, head of the editorial group

Dear readers! Let the upcoming New Year be one of the brightest and most memorable for you! Let it give you new joys and opportunities, great news, happy events and useful books! And let among these books there is sure to be one that will change your life for the better!

Nadezhda Chebotkova, e-book editor

I wish that books do not just remain beautiful words on paper, but that, having closed the book, you immediately begin to act and bring your ideas to life.

Tatyana Medvedeva, Managing Editor

I congratulate the young readers of MIF and their parents on the upcoming holidays! Let every new day inspire you to new discoveries and good deeds! Develop, study, explore and experiment, and we will help you find answers to all your "why", "why" and "how"!

Olga Kiseleva, executive editor

If you didn’t have time to do something in the past year, the next year will have one more day for new achievements. I wish you creative energy for change and confidence that everything will work out!

Ksenia Vostrukhina, Managing Editor

What wish will you make under the chiming clock? At this moment, we think about what is really important. May all your dreams come true in the New Year! Believe in yourself, be bolder, don't be afraid to set ambitious goals and take action, and everything will work out! Happy new year friends!

Anna Bobkova, editor of children's literature

I sincerely wish that 2016 will be a successful year for you! Inspiration to you and strength to realize the most bold ideas! Be happy, and may only joyful changes await you in the new year!

Victoria Andrianova, Key Account Manager

Dear readers…. No, not like that… Dear friends of the MIF publishing house, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming New Year. Remember: everything is in your hands! Therefore, I want to wish you in the New Year not to be lazy and believe in yourself! And it’s also good that we have each other (were and will be) 🙂

Galina Filatova, editor-in-chief of children's projects

Dear readers and friends! Congratulations on the upcoming 2016! May the New Year bring only good things to your life, may it be light, warm and sincere in your house, may children's laughter always sound nearby and new books of MYTH appear on the shelves! Health, love and good luck to you in the new year!

Daria Ryzhova, Executive Editor of Children's Literature

May love, warmth and trust reign in your home in the New Year! And our useful books for adults and children will always be there!

Bessonova Evgenia, Publishing House Assistant for Rights and Contracts

Dear friends! At the end of the year, it is customary to sum up the results of the past year and think about plans and goals for the future. Therefore, in the coming year I wish you the fulfillment of all your wildest dreams and the realization of the most interesting and unusual ideas! I wish you always believe in yourself, move forward, develop your talents and have enough energy and means to achieve your goals! And also believe in miracles 🙂

Ekaterina Borodich, marketer

Dear friends! In the new year I want to wish more books and travel: after all, they are two endless sources of inspiration, desire, productivity and information!

With good books we will help, but with travel it's up to you 😉
Happy New Year!

Daria Dementieva, book project producer

Each person carries in the heart and in the mind the image perfect place at the right time. I want to wish that in 2016 the imaginary becomes the actual. Happy New Year!

Evgeniya Rykalova, producer of book projects

All the most fabulous, magical and bright, as in the best children's books. The most important thing in the New Year is not to stop believing in miracles!

The content marketing department of the MYTH is far from being at full strength on a snowless winter day 🙂

Friends, Happy New Year! Be happy!

To Every New Year we are waiting for a miracle ... On the eve of 2018 somehow in a special way you hope that there will be many miracles. The year is rich in significant events - the Olympics, the Election of the President of Russia, the World Cup, the 75th anniversary of the Kemerovo region, the 400th anniversary of Novokuznetsk!

Libraries of Novokuznetsk fully armed: plans for cultural events have been formed! We are ready to surprise, delight, enlighten, support you with information, give you new knowledge! We would love to see our beloved readers more often! We invite all citizens to become witnesses of our events, to visit our reading rooms and subscriptions more than once! We hope that our partners and philanthropists will not forget about libraries in the anniversary year!

Libraries, and, most importantly, librarians, are capable of much! Find the answer to the most tricky question, deliver the most needed book from anywhere in the world, help arrange a scientific paper, provide access to electronic collections, conduct a city tour, even a virtual one! Yes, there! A librarian alone can create a website, an electronic guide, create a local history collection!

On New Year's Eve, we should remember that the most famous song about the New Year was composed by ... a librarian!

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" became a model of a work that can bring glory to the authors even when they created the only popular work. The author of the lyrics to the song, which appealed to millions of people, was Raisa Adamovna Kudasheva. She lived a long life (1878-1964). Born Princess Gidroits, in her youth she served as a governess to Prince Kudashev, later she married him. Worked as a teacher and Soviet time- a librarian. Since the time of her studies at the gymnasium, Raisa Gidroits has been writing poetry. At the age of 18, she began to publish in various publications, but her real name was unknown to the reader. The reason for this was modesty. Kudasheva treated fame with amazing indifference, hiding under various pseudonyms for many years. In total, Raisa Kudasheva published about 200 songs and stories, fairy tales and poetry books.

And in 1903, she wrote the Christmas poem "Yolka", which every Russian person knows today (two years later, the music for the poem was written by the metropolitan nobleman and scientist Leonid Beckman):

Happy New Year! New creations and successful projects! Be happy and healthy!

Project and its leaders E. E. Protopopova, O. D. Anchokova

Here is such a Christmas tree - a shelf appeared in the library on New Year's Eve!

Begged from one good man in the store :)) I really liked the cardboard shelf in the form of a Christmas tree!

On the last shelf, in a transparent cube, congratulations or wishes to my readers for the New Year 2016.

Each reader can choose his wishes for the holiday. Children are very happy!

The children are pleased and I am pleased that the children are pleased!

On the middle shelf "New Year's" reading rooms "These are magazine winter pages with poems, New Year's stories. And" New Year's "games" - t and board games with a winter theme. On the shelf, above the middle - thematic folder "Everything about the New Year."

How to make wishes? Very simple - download New Year's poems (I took it here: http://pozdravok.ru/pozdravleniya/prazdniki/noviy-god/...) copy. (copy better in 2 columns - an economical option) then cut each verse into 4 lines. It can be cut in shape. If you have time, you can twist each leaf with wishes into a tube. You can think of something else. Decorate the place nicely. Oh, I also made an announcement to go to the library for new year wishes! !!! Everything! And it's cheap and fun, and it's nice for readers, and for you. And it doesn't take much time!

I congratulated the readers, now congratulations on the upcoming New Year 2016!:

In this you good, the best,
Good luck with everything and happy occasion.
May your worries be pleasant,
Work brings good feelings.
Let the New Year not bring grief,
And only a great mood for you!
© Congratulations

Ladies and gentlemen, girls and boys, elves, trolls, hobbits, hemules, hattifnatts and all, all, all! Our planet has completed another orbit around its star, and although this is not a very noticeable event on the scale of the Universe, for us, the inhabitants of the Earth, it means something. So today our editors and authors would like to sincerely congratulate you and wish you ... but, by the way, read for yourself!

Chief Editor

What more could you wish to the best readers? First of all, thank you for being with us in 2017, and we hope that the new year will be no less interesting. Secondly, I wish your life to be fantastically interesting, and interesting fantasy helps to color the most boring and ordinary moments!

I would like to wish everyone less spoilers, more good films, books and games, non-trivial plot twists, Tesseract, magic wand, Silmaril, Ring of Omnipotence, lightsaber, Excalibur, pet dragon, Pear sapient chest and Help-room. Or at least peace and good luck. May the Force be with you in the new year!

First of all, I would like to quote the critic Antoine Ego from Ratatouille and ask the new year for myself and all of you a little bit of perspective. That certainly won't hurt. It is also useful not to lose your inner child, not to slip into snobbery, not to forget that you are not the smartest, and to love, love and love. Love loved ones, work, hobbies, good and even bad films. Actually, here is the formula for happiness. I give. Enjoy.

Dear friends. 2017 is leaving. It was not easy, but the difficulties we faced rallied us ... so, wait, who slipped me a text with New Year's greetings Russian President? Redrawing, redrawing!

Friends, I want to congratulate you on the upcoming holidays and wish that everything that you planned and wished for yourself comes true and you can do what you have been putting off for a long time, and then everything was in no hurry to come. Make proposals, play weddings, open the front page of War and Peace, turn on the first episode of " Walking Dead", start listening to the entire discography of Ritchie Blackmore - live now, enjoy every day, every moment, take the best from life and, of course, continue reading "World of Fantasy". And we will certainly tell you what you should pay attention to next year.

Happiness to you, health and prosperity. Happy holiday! Happy New Year 2018!

Everyone is probably familiar with the situation when you really, really want something specific, and you even placed a wish on all the wish lists, but friends and relatives, unfortunately, give completely different things. And they wish traditional happiness-health-luck, and not win, for example, the HearthStone World Championship, or go to ComicCon in San Diego, or get George Martin's autograph (wishing you good health, a good wedding ... hmm, let's not talk about it)) . That is why in holidays I love to get a universal formulation out of my pocket: let what you wish for yourself come true! And it will come true in good sense, exactly as it should be (otherwise there is an artifact “monkey paw”, so it fulfills all desires, but in the most stupid way. So, we don’t need this artifact in the coming year).

And also - let there be as many things in your life that please. They simply, uncomplicatedly delight and give energy for exploits, accomplishments ..., well, or for wrapping yourself in a blanket and relaxing from the heart. Because that's what a cat would do in your place.

Happy New Year!

Whoa! Did you see it?! It feels like Rian Johnson wrote and directed not only The Last Jedi, but the whole of 2017 - it was so controversial and unpredictable. What is the final twist with the purchase of Fox worth. And the old Wolverine, who cuts down enemies, and from them (this is a surprise) blood flows? And Spider-Man, which surpasses not only the Garfield version, but Sam Raimi's timeless classic (okay, no need to throw stones)? And the "Justice League", which ... Although everything here is just pretty predictable. But you understood the general idea - science fiction in 2017 was surprising, pleasant and not very. And whether there will be more ... But we hope that surprises in the new year will bring both us and you, dear readers, only joy. It sounds trite, but the desire is the most sincere.

New Year's is the time when social media posts like "I wonder if I'm the only one not in any New Year's mood?" and “No holiday, we were first closed, then they didn’t give balloons.” From such messages it becomes a little sad, and the feeling of a holiday disappears somewhere. It is here that the words of one wise-minded skeleton in a red caftan and with a white beard come to mind:


Who would have thought that it would be Death that would teach us about life? In this phrase, the great Terry Pratchett bequeathed us to believe in the impossible, and the New Year is the best time for this. Let's give each other a festive mood together: light sparklers, turn on garlands and congratulate relatives and friends!

We hope you've been doing well this year.

"World of Fiction" is more than just a magazine - it is a team of dissimilar and incredibly interesting people. We love different science fiction, but we have one thing in common: it’s not enough for us to just love it, we want to share this love. Therefore, in the New Year I wish you the same, fantastic love. So that you like your business, like the people around, so that thoughts about tomorrow are only happy.

In 2017, Fantasy World has changed. We began to cooperate more often with publishers of books and board games, launched the Book of the Week section on the social network and collected music digests for you. Now you can not only read, but also listen to us: to the videos of “Gambling. Cinema, for which we have been writing texts for a long time, two whole live formats have been added - streams from the editorial office and podcasts. For us, they are still new, but don't worry, Sergey and I have already overcome internal introverts and every day we think how to make the next releases even better and more interesting.

We promise to make you happy next year. Your recognition is the best New Year gift for us.

New Year is the time of magic! But does this mean that the whole year is nothing but miracles? What if only you could make your year magical? Try saying less: “No way today”, “Something doesn’t work out”, “I’m not sure about anything yet” and more: “Of course, let’s go”, “Great, what time?” and " Great idea boss! Some homeless old man asks you to visit with thirteen friends? Why not! A less homeless but more drunken old man invites you on a twenty-minute adventure in his van? But I just have twenty free minutes! But don't forget about safety: the next time you turn yourself into a cucumber, always keep a syringe with an antidote nearby! Give gifts, because giving is no less pleasant than receiving! And remember: it's better to have a lightsaber (but not a cruciform one) in your hand than an Infinity Gauntlet in the sky!

Colleagues have written so many good things, but, as luck would have it, I have a hard time with congratulations. It’s a pity, you can’t always do this with a phrase from a great domestic cartoon (pronounced in one breath and very quickly):


But it’s not our birthday now, and I don’t have the most comfortable and good-natured voice of actor Yevgeny Leonov in the world to voice it.

Then I'll steal congratulations Alan Lee who recently congratulated everyone with his new beautiful pattern with an elven "nest" on a huge tree and with a simple and true wish for security and joy in the coming 2018.

In general, to be honest, it is more and more difficult to congratulate every year, because you often see how your wishes do not come true. You wish a person health, and he will get sick. Financial well-being - and he will remain without work. Love - and a girl or a guy will leave him.

Therefore, on my own behalf, I wish all of us to be like a huge tree from Alan Lee, which will stand in any storm, despite all the Saurons. It doesn’t sound very festive, but it helps in life.

Oh, and good fantasy. And the magazine will definitely tell about it.

Happy New Year!

book section editor

The most important wish is that the "World of Fiction" would keep you company longer. And so that less often (and better never at all) one would have to hear and read the perplexed: “How? Are you still alive?!” Yes, alive! And I hope we live. What I wish you all!

At the end of 2015, I said that it couldn't be worse than the year. Then 2016 passed, and I sadly laughed at my naive self from the past. Now 2017 has passed, and ... And this time, probably, everything was not so bad.

This year, unfortunately, wonderful and important people for us left again. Both those who were closely connected with the fantasy worlds we love - for example, John Hurt - and those who made the world around us fantastic. For example, Chester Bennington from Linkin Park, whose death was for me (and I think not only for me) a very personal loss. As always, many terrible tragedies, cataclysms and other sad events took place in the world, which I don’t want to talk about for a long time now.

But it seems to be believed that the harder reality becomes, the more art flourishes. This year has been full of great films, from Logan and La La Land to Get Out and Blade Runner. For serials, it seems to me, it was exclusively strong year: here you can remember both returns (“Rick and Morty”, “BoJack Horseman”, “Game of Thrones”), and novelties (here I liked the non-fiction “13 Reasons Why” and “American Vandal” more, but there were also cool premieres in science fiction - the same "American Gods").

I like to think that everything bad somehow translates into something good. Fantasy World is one of those places where, after watching a devastating news feed, I gladly come to read about something really cool and empowering, whether it's movies, series, comics or books.

In 2018, I wish MirF readers to be creative and appreciate creativity. I wish that fantasy worlds do not disappoint, and that Netflix and Sarik Andreasyan do not shoot new "Defenders". Next year will be cool, if only because Infinity War will be released in it, and because we will see each other again on the pages of the World of Fantasy. So stay connected and have a good time on New Year's Eve!

If you survived 2017 and several previous years, you probably also have a value that is so huge that only a complete idiot or bastard can question it. But to wish that everyone would suddenly give up their principles would be not only stupid, but also vile. I want to wish everyone a little different. So that in all this chaos of opinions and barricades, enemies and fools, you find a bright spot for yourself. Personally yours, dear and beloved. Maybe it will be a book or a movie; maybe a person or a place. The main thing is that a smile appears on his face, and other people's battles turn into barely noticeable clouds of dust in the background.

Look for your own, take care of it - and Happy New Year!

Commissioning Editor

There is such a thing - the path of the hero. Maybe you know about him, or from a sensational rap battle, or you just read about him somewhere a long time ago - or you don’t know anything at all, it doesn’t matter. The bottom line is simple: the path of the hero is the same road of adventure that anyone can go, regardless of the arrow in the knee.

And the miracle is that in order to go this way, it is not necessary to live in magical land, where a wizard with a staff can knock on the door, and an owl with a letter can fly in through the window. Any of us, no matter what he does, can hear the call and respond to it, and then ... and then the fun begins.

In the new year, I wish you sensitivity to hear this call. Courage to follow him. Good luck not to go astray. The strength to defeat your dragon. And a sense of humor - simply because it has never bothered anyone.

Happy New Year, most fantastic readers! You give meaning to everything we do. Thank you!

The eve of the holiday is the time to take stock of the outgoing year and wish happiness to everyone for whom we create our projects.

Dear readers, partners, friends!

On the eve of the New Year, we usually sum up the symbolic results of our deeds accomplished in the outgoing year. And it's very nice when you realize that the last 12 months have not been in vain. It is important not to stand still, you need to develop, work and try to increase everything that you have achieved before. And when it comes to the Kuznetsk Alliance holding, the issue of summing up becomes a matter of principle. Our company is widely diversified, there are many areas in which we work - from building materials to publishing. It is gratifying that in 2013 I had many reasons to be happy for our enterprises, for our employees, who were honored both at the city and regional levels. For example, the group of companies "EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING" and the magazine "Telehit" became winners in the competition " Best Brand Kuzbass 2012". And in the summer, one might say, it spread its wings and the audience has already managed to fall in love with the online magazine AVOKADO. This, of course, is very pleasant, but there are many other achievements this year that the companies included in the Kuznetsky holding Alliance". We continue the stable shipment of high-quality building materials, for which I would like to say special thanks to our partners, we are expanding the range of our textile direction and many others. But the main thing is that, looking back, summing up the work, the Kuznetsk Alliance team is calmly looking into the future and I am confident in the future, which means that no matter what trials the coming year may bring us, we are ready to boldly meet them face to face.

Dear readers! I sincerely congratulate you on the coming New Year. Let the feeling of faith in your work not leave you, let all horizons be open before you. Be strong and successful, kind and honest. Happiness to you, good luck and health, understanding and love of loved ones.

Dear readers!

The outgoing 2013 was rich in events for the VSE pro VSE group of companies. It has been 15 years since the company started its activity. Anniversaries were also celebrated by our flagship publications "Vse pro Vse", "Work in Kuzbass" and the magazine "Vse pro real estate". Over the past fifteen years, the Vse pro Vse group of companies has become one of the largest publishers of print media in Kuzbass. Today we publish six of our own publications: the newspapers Vse pro Vse, Pokupaika, Work in Kuzbass, Vse pro real estate. Multilisting" and the magazines "Telehit" and "All about real estate". These publications - with different readership, different tasks, different directions, but one thing unites them - they are all creative in nature: they inform, entertain, provide a choice and help not to make a mistake in decision making.

In addition, the VSE pro VSE Group of Companies continued to develop relatively young areas - a news site site, as well as the AVOKADO online magazine. For us, this is a new field of work, but we are not afraid to expand our presence in the media business, because your attention and interaction with you is very important to us. We love to be in dialogue with readers and partners and always listen to your opinion. We hope to hear even more feedback, ideas, suggestions in the coming year! We have a lot of interesting things ahead of us: new steps, new perspectives - so let's discover them together.

I wish everyone in the New Year health, happiness, peace of mind, warmth of the hearth, peace and prosperity! May good luck accompany you, and all your undertakings will be successful!

Dear readers and partners, friends and colleagues!

Dear partners and readers!

First of all, I would like to thank you very much for choosing our projects every day. There is an expression - "the buyer votes with his feet." To paraphrase a little, I will say that readers vote by transitions and clicks - and when I look at the statistics and the growth rate of our audience, I understand that our team is moving in the right direction. About what statistics in question? In 2013, the Vse42.ru website and the AVOKADO online magazine were visited by more than 1.5 million people, more than 3.7 million visits were recorded, and 11 million views, since the beginning of the year we have doubled. Behind these results is the daily difficult work, for which I would like to say a big thank you to our team!