Congratulations on the upcoming new year. New Year's wishes in prose. New Year's greetings to parents in prose - congratulations in your own words Wishes to parents for the new year in prose

AT new year's eve when a fairy tale reigned around in the form of a perfectly decorated house, delicious dishes on festive table and carefully selected gifts, I would like to congratulate the most dear people. Therefore, the editors of I WANT prepared New Year's greetings to parents. In our selection, read touching New Year 2018 greetings for mom and beautiful New Year greetings for dad.

Mommy, dear, Happy New Year!
Be healthy, dear, always.
Bless you, great luck -
Not for a year, for many years!

Mommy, you are the best in the world
May this night bring joy.
May all your desires be fulfilled
Well, I'm always happy to help!

Happy New Year, bright and cheerful.
May all your dreams come true.
Know that you are the most beautiful of all, mother,
And most of all, of course, only you!

Happy New Year dear mom!
May you always be lucky in everything.
Let the angel protect you
From worries, sorrows and adversity.

Avoid disturbances and bad weather,
Enjoy life without worries
Well, if you cry - then from happiness
I wish you a Happy New Year!

Happy New Year my mom.
May the year be successful.
Become the happiest-most.
What worries - let it pass.

Let it be filled with light
Your wonderful life
Remember, mommy, at the same time:
I love you very much!

I always remember this:
You and I are one family.
Happy New Year,
Mother my darling!

You are like a kind bright angel,
Protect me from trouble.
I wish you happiness
And health for a hundred years!

What do you wish, dear?
My dear mommy
You are the only one for me
There will never be another.

May the New Year caress you
Good luck, happiness will bring.
And God always protects
And the pain and troubles will take away!

Happy New Year Mom!
Happy holiday to you!
Be happy yourself
I love you.

To not know grief
So that she does not know troubles.
To live healthy
Many, many years!

New Year's greetings 2018 in verses for parents

We bring to your attention congratulations to parents in verse, so that in the most nice shape you could congratulate dear people on this long-awaited winter holidays and give them your care and love. We are sure that the following New Year's greetings to mom and dad will touch their hearts.

New Year's greetings to parents

"Happy New Year! With new happiness!" —
The bells are ringing.
Good luck to you parents
Wish they want!

New Year - magical holiday,
He will open the door to the fairy tale.
Live it in happiness
No damage or loss.

Santa Claus under your Christmas tree
Bring health to the house
With him wealth and good luck.
May you always be lucky in everything.

Happy New Year!
Let dreams come true.
The year will be a wonderful fairy tale -
A fairy tale, full of kindness!

Favorite parents,
So we need
May happiness bring
In the bag you New Year.

Let the sun shine bright
Let the gifts please.
Live enjoying
Dreaming, smiling.

Let laughter sparkle in your eyes
May happiness be your bird
Sits on your shoulders
Heals hearts from sadness.

We wish you health
Hugs with love.
You are the best in the world!
With love, your children.

Mom, dad, Happy New Year,
Be happy always.
Let it be warm for you now
Despite the cold!

May wishes come true
What do you think.
I am sending you a reminder:
Most of all I need you!

Happy New Year dears
Congratulations to you today.
And I will say, my family,
What parents are you - class!

I wish you this year
To live and prosper in happiness,
Never lose heart
Smile, don't get sick.

Happy New Year
you, my parents,
And I want to live it
I am in health and love.

To blaze the hearth of the house,
A house to be a full bowl
And it took a whole year
So that you vigor and strength.

We are neither blizzards nor blizzards
They will not notice the roads to you,
In the New Year, God bless
Home, where we are always waiting.

Mom, dad, dear!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
May a wonderful New Year
Will bring you gifts!

I ask only one thing -
Bring health to the house!
They will come to us with health
And prosperity, and comfort,

Let's live and have fun
And everything glows with happiness
It will be joyful around
The house will be a full bowl!

Happy New Year 2018 to parents in prose

My dear parents, I congratulate you on the New Year and I want to wish you a cozy atmosphere in the house, New Year's miracles and bright expectations, bright lights of hope and joy, good health, full abundance of strength, love and happiness.

Dear parents, Happy New Year! I want to wish you good health, joy, prosperity, peace of mind. May all your hopes come true in the new year, may happiness knock on your door. Stay the same kind, sincere and sympathetic. I am truly proud and admire you, my family.

Happy New Year, my dears! First I want to say a huge thank you for everything you gave me, for everything you taught me, because it was thanks to you that I became who I am now. I want to wish you good health, long and happy years and that you never need anything. May the New Year bring you everything you don't have yet. Be happy, Happy New Year!

My relatives, the most beloved mommy and daddy! Happy New Year! I wish you, my dear, boundless warmth. Care and kindness, well-being and strong family happiness. I want to please you every day! You are my inspiration and inspiration! Health to you, relatives, prosperity and faith in miracles!

Dear and dear parents, Happy New Year to you. I wish you, beloved, good peace and bright blessings, beautiful hopes and warm meetings, happy accomplishments and joyful events, home comfort and prosperity. May your life be generous with gifts and happy holidays May the New Year bring good health and kindness to you.

Dear parents, Happy New Year to you. I wish you quiet steps, but strong feelings of happiness, warm feelings and great strength, good moments and sincere hopes. Let New Year he will not come empty-handed, may he give good health, excellent mood and bright grace.

Now you are armed with beautiful Happy New Year greetings for mom and dad. Give your loved ones your warmth and care, have a good holiday!

Dear parents, Happy New Year! I want to wish you good health, joy, prosperity, peace of mind. May all your hopes come true in the new year, may happiness knock on your door. Stay the same kind, sincere and sympathetic. I am truly proud and admire you, my family.

My dear, beloved, the most wonderful people in the world, who gave me life, their great love and their kind hearts! Let this year be favorable in every way. Let it bring abundance, prosperity, prosperity, success, fulfillment of dreams, new victories and a lot of joy. I wish you good health, incredible luck and boundless love. Happy New Year, my beloved parents!

My dear mom and dad! I know that I am not a gift, and even more so, not a New Year's gift. But on this day, I promise to never disappoint you. I want to wish you the most important thing - long life! You already have the rest. You are wise, fair, ready to help even in the most difficult moment, for which I want to say “thank you”! You are the most wonderful parents on Earth! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year my wonderful parents! I wish you a wonderful and happy year in which you will be able to do everything that you have planned. I wish you good health, family comfort and warmth, constant mutual understanding, prosperity and prosperity!

Happy New Year, my dears! First I want to say a huge thank you for everything you gave me, for everything you taught me, because it was thanks to you that I became who I am now. I want to wish you good health, long and happy years and that you never need anything. May the New Year bring you everything you don't have yet. Be happy, Happy New Year!

New Year is a time of miracles and fulfillment of desires! I hasten to congratulate you and wish that everything that you have conceived come true, and all dreams come true. I want to wish good health, comfort in the house, in the heart and soul. I really want to thank you for making my dream come true, because you are the most the best parents, which you could only dream of and I have you. And I will try now to fulfill all your dreams and desires. Happy New Year!

Dear parents, Happy New Year! I wish him to bring joy, harmony, good luck and positive into your life. Wish you feel fulfilled good emotions health, vitality and strength. Let this year only happiness, love and prosperity be in your house!

Happy New Year parents! I wish you optimism and faith in the best. Be always healthy and know that I love and appreciate you very much. I wish you to remember this year with pleasant events that you have always dreamed of. So that you are always full of strength and new plans. So that this year the warmth of the family and the support of each other give us the strength to move on. Happy holiday!

Dear our parents! In the last hours of the outgoing year, let me sincerely wish you to start a new life stage with an excellent mood, may your goals be successfully implemented, and a cheerful festive mood not leave you every day. We, your children, want you to know no health problems, and your hospitable home has always been waiting for us. Prosperity, love and good luck!

My dear, dear, mom and dad, hugging and kissing you tightly, I want to wish you a long life. May your voices never cease, may your life be always filled with love and kindness. I want to wish you to remain the way you are. I love you and miss you.

It is no coincidence that it is customary to express the most cordial and sincere wishes. The custom is to do it precisely in these, almost fabulous days, when all the wishes come true, is firmly rooted in our minds.

On New Year's Eve, you need to wish absolutely everything - useful, desirable, unusual!

The tradition to reinforce what was said with a raised glass has become an integral attribute of the holidays. And in many countries it is customary to send personally signed postcards with relatives and friends by mail.

The Internet is the Internet, but fantastically fabulous winter landscapes on paper, with soulful text on the reverse side, will set anyone in a lyrical mood. Postcard signed with love good wishes for the New Year - this is a ready-made gift. The most expensive and sincere! Why not revive this lovely tradition? And here are examples of congratulations on the coming year in prose.

In contact with

Happy New Year wishes to parents

Often our moms and dads pay more attention to words than anyone else. For them, you need to write something quivering and real, like the very feelings for the most dear people. You can write your wishes to beautiful postcard, and even better - say congratulations in person.

Who is Santa Claus? And the Snow Maiden?

Dear our parents! Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden always gave us gifts on New Year's Eve in childhood, and now we have grown up and understand that this was the work of your hands!
It turns out that you are these fairy-tale characters?!
Congratulations on your upcoming love winter holiday and wish that now YOUR dreams come true. We will help in any way we can!
For starters, you have our love and support.
Your son and daughter.

Desires vary...

We would like to wish dear parents to make more wishes on New Year's Eve so that they all come true within a year.
If we run out of options, we can offer our own: we wish you a delicious feast, frequent meetings with real friends, so that you forget the word "boredom", and accept great love and small joys into your life for permanent residence!

Short New Year's greetings to parents:

Dear mommy, daddy! Thank you for raising us to be real people! Happy New Year! Let all your plans come true! Good health to you and more joyful events in the coming year! We love you. Your children.

New Year's wishes in prose to friends

Friends should wish the best for themselves. They often occupy an important place in a person's life. Along with the wishes of emotional vivid sensations in the coming year, one can also remember material wealth, as financial well-being provides a sea of ​​​​opportunities!

With friends, the holiday is more fun:

Good friends - a lot of happiness:

Dear friends! This year I will ask Santa Claus for one thing: may your most secret desires come true, because you have been with me all year, have not left me!
And if grandfather is not in the mood, I will explain everything to the Snow Maiden. It doesn't matter: you can't avoid happiness in the coming year! And more money! His own, and not strangers, on savings. Happy holiday!!!

What is a friend?

A true friend is the most honorable word addressed to a person. And I wish mine to the best friend in the New Year of what will not be superfluous every 365 days: love, luck, money, determination, success and harmony with everyone and yourself!

I love you and ... New Year's holiday! Congratulations loved ones.

The beginning of a new year is a very good opportunity to add new, bright colors to your relationship with your loved ones. Reminder will be organic close person about the important place he occupies in your heart.

Beloved ... and beautiful:

My dear, you are handsome! Let the upcoming holiday leave your charisma with you, and the new year will only add gloss and consistency, like a good New Year's champagne!

Darling, I'm with you!

Beloved, when I am not around during these New Year and Christmas holidays, let Santa Claus's fur coat and active squats in the cold warm you. This is useful. The rest of the time - I'm your guardian angel! Happy New Year my dear!

Who do I love?

I love the cold because they make us stay at home together. I love the New Year, because it gives the expectation of a happy future. But more than anything, I love you!
On this holiday, I will wish that all YOUR wishes come true! My joy is your smile! Have a good mood you, dear, in the New Year!

Favorite ladies:

Happy New Year to your beloved woman, do not skimp on wishes, beautiful words and vivid epithets.

I'm not a magician, but...

I wish you, my treasure, to shine and sparkle like New Year's snow!
So that I save up for your fur coat, like the Snow Maiden!
So that pleasant surprises do not end like gifts from Santa Claus!
I’ll start small: I’ll wash the dishes on January 1 and cook breakfast for you in the morning.
I may not be a sorcerer, but my love is like a magic wand! I give it to you for the whole year! Ask what you want! In love with you...

Dear Snow Maiden:

I want to wish this New Year's Eve to the dearest girl to always remain so attractive, sweet, tender. Darling, you are the magic itself. I am grateful to you that you will not disappear with the chimes, but are always there. You are the real miracle in my life! Happy holiday to you, my Snow Maiden with a warm heart!

New Year greetings for colleagues

Colleagues can be presented with congratulations in prose, not only in writing, but also orally. spoken from pure heart wishes will lift the spirit of fellow workers.

Colleagues about extra day per year:

Dear colleagues, here it is, happiness! On the nose - leap year, which means that we will have to work one more day.
I want to congratulate you and wish that this 366th day becomes another day off, Sunday or vacation day! Let dreams come true! Happy New Year!

Good wishes:

Dear colleagues, comrades, comrades-in-arms! We spend more time at work than at home. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, I want to wish, as relatives, everything on the "D": kindness, sincerity, money, friendliness, prosperity, trust! Happy New Year!

Wishes like a toast

Colleagues, all of you with winter holidays!
If we imagine our life in the form of a New Year's glass of champagne, then let it be full!
Let all emotions be present in life in full, but ... I wish you less sick leave, more bonuses.
less problems with public transport more horsepower in your car.
Fewer drafts, more ready-made ideas! May the coming year bring you everything you dream of!

My dear parents, I congratulate you on the New Year and I want to wish you a cozy atmosphere in the house, New Year's miracles and bright expectations, bright lights of hope and joy, good health, full abundance of strength, love and happiness.

Happy New Year to you, my dear and wonderful parents. I want to wish you good gifts under the Christmas tree, good health and brave strength, sincere faith in miracles, happy moments and family hugs, joyful emotions and bright feelings, cheerful family holidays and good luck in the new year.

My most beloved, dear parents! Happy New Year! I wish this year that good luck accompany you at work, success in all matters, happiness and love reign in the house, health never leaves. Well, my love with you is present not only in the New Year, it is with you always and everywhere, it is limitless!

Father and mother! May comfort, warmth and mutual understanding settle in your house for the whole coming year. I wish your love to grow stronger and nourish each other. May each of the next 365 days bring a small piece of joy, from which you will build great happiness together. Health, smiles, harmony. Happy New Year, dear parents!

My relatives, the most beloved mommy and daddy! Happy New Year! I wish you, my dear, boundless warmth. Care and kindness, well-being and strong family happiness. I want to please you every day! You are my inspiration and inspiration! Health to you, relatives, prosperity and faith in miracles!

My dear, beloved parents, on New Year's Eve I want to wish you real human happiness, let all adversity dissolve in a glass of champagne, all grievances burn out like a sparkler, and only sincere joy will remain in life for yourself, for children, for relatives and friends.

Our beloved, irresistible, unique parents, we wish you that life in the new year was like a ball, and you danced it together, and amazing couples circled next to you: health paired with joy, a smile on hand with good luck, wealth along with cheerfulness and success, not parting with luck.

My beloved mom and dad! I want you to be covered with a wave of boundless happiness, love and health this year! Let only joyful moments and memories remain in your life! I wish you that the light of your hearth continues to keep all your relatives and friends from troubles. I wish you all fabulous blessings! Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! I wish you longevity, good health and happiness. Let the table burst with goodies, the house will be warm and cozy, the head does not hurt, mutual understanding and good mood.

My family, Happy New Year! May this year bring as much love, happiness, health and kindness to our family nest as possible. My dears, mom and dad, I want you to be healthy, cheerful and not loaded with all sorts of problems. Enjoy life and make the most of it.

Happy New Year greetings to parents in prose

Touching congratulations happy new year mom in your own words

Mom, this New Year, let pleasant surprises and small joys await you at every step! May your health only get stronger, and those around you give reasons to smile! I really hope that I will only please you this year, dear! Happy New Year with a new happiness!

"Happy New Year greetings to parents in your own words"

Let the perky frost blush your cheeks, the beautiful radiance of garlands is reflected in your eyes with cheerful lights, and your souls warm unusually warm regards! Happy New Year, dear parents! Let it turn into a parade of fulfilled plans and fireworks of joy for you!

Short congratulations happy new year to parents in prose

My precious and beloved parents! Happy New Year! I wish you the most delightful holidays that will result in the happiest year spent in good health, positive mood and with a dream come true! I wish you to smile as often as possible, charging others with optimism!

"Sincere congratulations happy new year to mom in prose"

New Year brings back memories of childhood, funny Christmas decorations and a delicious holiday table ... Mom, I congratulate you on the holiday, which brings with it magical moments of joy and hope! Let warmth and comfort reign in the house in any weather, and the heart “hurts” only from an excess of happiness. Thank you for your concern and kindness! They will come back to you again and again.

Happy New Year greetings to dad in prose

Dear Dad! You are the most reliable support in our family, your golden hands and kind heart have supported us more than once in difficult times. With all my heart we wish you a Happy New Year good health and peace of mind. May the New Year bring you the joy of meeting your dear people, the pleasure of your favorite activities and the happiness of waiting for a new one!

"Beautiful congratulations Happy New Year to parents in prose"

My precious parents, may your life be indescribably happy, like this New Year's celebration, and your native hearts will continue to be full of love for each other. I wish that the mischievous spark of enthusiasm does not let you get bored, be young at heart and walk through life with good hopes!

Happy New Year greetings to dad in your own words

Dear daddy! From the bottom of my heart I congratulate you on the New Year! I wish you to have more positive emotions, joyful events and career achievements this year. May things go as easily as this New Year's snow and may the joy of this holiday not leave you for a moment in the coming year.