The baby does not have enough breast milk what to do. Not enough milk? To find out, use proven methods. How and what to feed the baby if there is not enough breast milk

Stress, health problems, or other troubles can cause a mother to run out of milk at a certain stage of breastfeeding. This situation is encountered frequently. That is why you should prepare in advance to resolve the issue. In this case, it is required to consider in detail the situation, how to supplement the child if there is not enough milk for this. The question is quite relevant, and is of interest to many mothers who are left at some point without natural milk.

There are a number of times when a nursing mother loses breast milk.

Among the main problems are the following:

  • Medicines were used during childbirth, which aggravated the production of milk in the glands of a woman.
  • For certain reasons, after childbirth, early attachment of the baby to the breast was not performed.
  • Psychological disorders and problems occurring in female body after childbirth and during them.
  • The introduction of complementary foods for children is carried out on early stages before the due date for this.
  • Feeding the baby on a schedule (if you do this more often, then the milk will increase better).
  • The use of hormonal drugs by a woman, which provokes an abundant addition of hormones in the body.
  • Lactation crises (when the mother's body is temporarily unable to cope with the needs of a rapidly growing child).

These moments are associated with a temporary or permanent decrease in production breast milk at a woman. If you encounter one of these situations, you need to look for an appropriate solution.

Only a specialist can accurately determine the cause of a decrease in milk production in a woman, for which an appropriate medical examination and consultation is carried out.

Signs of insufficient milk production

A young mother has the opportunity to independently determine that she has a lack of milk fluid production. As a rule, the following common symptoms appear:

  • the breast of a nursing mother at the time of feeding is not heavy enough or full (a physical manifestation is felt);
  • the milk mixture leaks non-intensively, as evidenced by the behavior of the infant.

These are the two main signs that allow you to determine the lack of a mixture for feeding, as well as contact a specialist in a timely manner to identify the reason why an insufficient amount of milk is produced.

In each individual case of lack of milk formula, there are also other symptoms that allow the specialist to determine the cause of the lack of milk production.

The breast is not so heavy and dense at the time of feeding

Here there is a lack of production of a substance mammary glands manifests itself as natural symptoms, when a woman can independently determine that her breasts have become lighter or do not have the necessary density. In addition to visual perception, given reason feels natural. The manifestation of these two symptoms is an occasion to consult a specialist.

Milk does not flow

Another bad symptom is a slight leakage of milk fluid during feeding. This is usually accompanied by the whims of a child who does not receive the required amount of natural food. Also, the mother can feel it on her own, since the permeability of the mixture will be significantly reduced compared to the initial feedings.

How does a lack of food affect a child?

The young mother can immediately identify the demanded nutrition that the baby did not receive, as the child reacts vividly to this. If there is not enough power, then the following appears:

  • the behavior of the newborn changes significantly due to the lack of the requested amount of nutrients;
  • the excretory function of the body of a newborn child decreases (the baby goes to the toilet less often);
  • if children eat little, then they noticeably lose weight, or do not gain it for a long time.

This symptomatology is typical, provided that the mammary glands of the mother cannot cope with the release of the required amount of milk fluid.

With a lack of milk, the child will be capricious and constantly demand breasts, which, of course, his mother should notice.

Child is losing weight or not gaining weight

For an attentive mother, such a symptom will not go unnoticed. The lack of nutrients is reflected in the children's body quickly. Within a week, the first signs of weight loss will be noticeable. In addition, the behavior of the child will change, which will sleep more often. The blush will disappear from the surface of the skin, and the cover will have a pale shade.

Decreased excretory function of the body

The mother will also notice this symptom immediately, as stools and urination will occur less frequently than usual. As a rule, such a manifestation is not long in coming. The symptom is visible already one or two days after the decrease in the amount of milk formula for feeding the child has begun.

Naughty, often requires breasts

The natural reaction of a child's body to a lack of milk is frequent whims. If the baby cries more often than usual, or does not want to part with the breast, this is a symptom of a lack of milk. At the same time, a nursing mother should immediately visit a specialist to identify the cause of a weak milk flow, and also, if possible, determine what to use for subsequent feeding.

How and what to feed the baby if there is not enough breast milk

Modern mothers often have to deal with situations of lack of milk mixture in the glands. Here there is a need to feed the child so that his growth and development do not slow down. Supplementation of babies can be done using the following:

  • special milk formulas (selected based on the age of the baby who does not receive breast milk);
  • baby food, designed for the gradual refusal of the baby from breastfeeding;
  • products that are used when feeding children who have reached six months (cereals, milk, vegetables, fruits, meat).

The most common supplementary feeding option is formula feeding, which allows you to gradually completely wean the baby from the breast.

The composition of the mixture used is determined depending on the age and tastes of the baby, who is experiencing a lack of breast milk.

Types of mixtures

Depending on the age and state of health of the baby, the option is selected, which mixture will be used for supplementary feeding.

There are the following types of dairy products:

  • adapted formulations;
  • ordinary milk formulas for feeding;
  • hypoallergenic consumer products;
  • fermented milk mixtures for supplementary feeding;
  • specialized food for babies.

The exact option of supplementary feeding can be advised by a doctor who monitors a mother and a child in need of supplementary feeding due to lack of breast milk.

Of no small importance when choosing a food composition is the age and state of health of the child (in the presence of allergies, it is required to select hypoallergenic compositions for nutrition).


Here, the mixture is made in proportions so that the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates necessary for a growing organism is present. Such compositions are necessarily selected depending on the age of the baby. Due to the complicated production technology, formulas are expensive, but at the same time they perfectly complement and, if necessary, replace mother's breast milk.


A regular mixture of powdered or fresh milk of animal origin, which has not undergone special processing. The cost of such a composition is quite low, but not every growing organism easily perceives such compositions.

In addition, for children with allergic reactions, it is not recommended to supplement feeding with pure milk formula, otherwise it may adversely affect health.


Specialized mixtures that are made from powdered or fresh milk that has undergone appropriate purification. At the processing stage, all components that can cause allergic reactions are removed from the composition. The cost of such products is quite high, which is why not every mother can afford to supplement with such food products.

sour milk

Here the product is made from powdered or liquid milk. According to their composition, products are divided into adapted, partially adapted and non-adapted formulations. Assigned to children who have already reached a certain age. Depending on the composition, the product is processed. As for non-adapted products, they are similar to conventional fermented milk formulations (kefir or yogurt).

Specialty Blend

The compositions are used for certain categories of children (premature, with certain diseases, underweight). Given the deviation, the necessary components are added to the product to compensate for the missing substances. This product is selected depending on the deviation present in the child's body. These compositions are developed according to a special program, while they have a fairly high cost.

You can see that there is not enough breast milk by several signs: the baby cries a lot, hardly sleeps, and sucks at the breast for a long time. To check if the child is full, use the scales. Children can be rented at the clinic. A naked baby is weighed before feeding and immediately after. In a situation where he eats too little milk, urination is rare and concentrated, urine becomes bright yellow color. With prolonged difficulties with lactation in a nursing mother, her baby gains little weight within a month. The pediatrician will definitely pay attention to an insufficient increase at the next preventive appointment.

There is another sign that a nursing mother does not have enough breast milk. She does not feel the tides, her breasts are constantly empty and do not have time to fill up between feedings. When there is a lot of milk, it is dense, heavy, with slight pressure on the area around the nipple, a jet immediately splashes. If a woman does not observe all this, then she probably does not have enough breast milk.

What to do to increase lactation

Plentiful hot drink is obligatory for any nursing mother. The best drink to increase lactation is hot tea with milk. Whole milk is not recommended because of the high risk of allergies and colic in the baby. It is advisable to drink a mug of hot drink some time before feeding, so that the milk has time to flow into the chest. Approximately 30 minutes is enough for this.

If there is not enough breast milk, it is necessary to apply the baby for feeding especially often. It is in this case that you should not observe a 3-4 hour break at all. Some nursing mothers say that the baby literally “hung” on the chest for hours when he had little milk. This is normal, this period just needs to be endured. Frequent and long feedings increase lactation, there will be more milk in a couple of days. A lot is especially important. At night, a hormone that regulates lactation is actively released. How more mom puts to the breast at night, the more milk she produces the next day.

To help a nursing mother, special teas to increase lactation. You can buy them at a pharmacy or supermarket. Not everyone shares the same opinion about efficiency. this tool. But many such teas contain herbs with a sedative effect. It helps to calm down in difficult times when there is not enough breast milk.

Calm emotional condition mothers are the key to restoring lactation in the volume necessary for the baby. And the child himself will cry less, feeling the confidence of the parent. On average, the period of a lactation crisis, when there is not enough or no milk at all, lasts several days, sometimes a week. This period is delayed in the case when a woman experiences severe stress. For example, there was little milk at the time of the funeral of one of the woman's relatives or friends. A vivid negative experience affects the general condition of the mother and her ability to continue breast-feeding. No need to panic, lactation can most often be restored.

But there are times when you have to spend a lot of mental and physical strength to feed the baby only with breast milk. Then it’s better for a nursing mother to think: is it really so important to continue to fight for breastfeeding or to introduce the mixture already? Sometimes more useful for psychological state mothers to stop such a struggle and switch to artificial feeding. There will be no benefit from breast milk if a woman, with tears at each feed, tries to squeeze out at least a little milk, blames herself for the lack of it, and fights with all her might to continue to feed the baby until the year.

Probably, any newly-made mother is concerned about the question of whether the baby has enough breast milk. After all, the baby still cannot tell about his needs. How to understand why he is crying - from hunger or for other reasons? With children on artificial feeding easier, since the required volume is easy to calculate and then control the amount eaten. When breastfeeding, you have to focus on other signs.

Weight gain

The main thing to pay attention to is weight gain. If the child is active and cheerful, the increase corresponds to the norms, then for sure everything is in order and nothing needs to be done. A malnourished baby is unlikely to recover well. After birth, he loses up to 10% of body weight. Then in two weeks he must return these grams, for the entire first month the increase should be at least 600 g. For the second and third - 800 g, then gradually decrease due to the growing activity of the crumbs.

It is worth remembering that children develop with their individual characteristics. Some babies in the first month are a little short of normal, but in the next they compensate. Others, in principle, gain little, regardless of the type of feeding. At the same time, they are absolutely healthy and otherwise develop according to age. One thing is for sure: babies should not lose weight.

Don't weigh your baby too often. Especially do not do this after each feeding. The data obtained will be completely indicative. After all, breast milk is not a mixture, the entire volume of which is evenly divided into all feedings. The baby is applied to the breast much more often, it is difficult to overfeed him. And he can eat 100 ml at one time, and only 20 ml the next. And the total volume every day is not necessarily the same. In order not to give the suspicious mother food for thought, whether the little one has eaten, it is better to weigh the procedure every two weeks, or even a month.

We count diapers

An important criterion by which one can judge how much a child eats up is the normal functioning of the intestines. Babies are able to defecate both after each feeding, and do it every few days. This may be the norm, but only if the baby does not bother the stomach. The stool should be of a liquidish consistency, homogeneous, with a mild odor. But brown or green dense feces is a signal of a lack of milk.

To find out if the child remains hungry, it will turn out if you count the number of wet diapers. When there are at least 8 of them, then the baby receives enough nutrients. In this case, urine should be colorless, with a slight odor. Occasionally, it may have a yellowish color, but not always.

Today, mothers prefer to use diapers. So it’s more difficult to understand how much urination the baby had. It is considered normal if 4 diapers need to be changed per day due to their fullness. But if there are doubts about a sufficient amount of milk, then it is worth doing a wet diaper test from time to time.

How does a well-fed baby behave?

You need to pay attention to the behavior of the crumbs. It is unlikely that a baby who does not eat enough will behave calmly. After feeding, he will cry for more, greedily pounce on the breast or bottle, if offered to him. But if the mother feels that the breast has become soft, and the child falls asleep quietly, then for sure he received everything that he needed.

Sometimes, even with a sufficient amount of milk from the mother, the child becomes restless and gains weight poorly. Maybe it's lactose intolerance. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician who will prescribe an enzyme intake or recommend a special diet.

At the same time, the baby is able to withstand certain intervals between meals. It is unlikely that it will be 3 hours, such a time is considered the norm when feeding with a mixture. But if he is sated, then 1.5-2 hours between applications is enough for him. Although when something bothers him, then you can do it more often. At the chest, the little one feels protected, he is calm and comfortable. That is why modern pediatricians recommend giving the baby a breast on demand. No need to be afraid to overfeed him.

What should not be targeted?

Mothers, worried about their baby, often try to convince themselves that they do not have enough milk. It seems that the child eats well and gains weight, but doubts about the quantity and quality of food remain.

You should not think that he does not eat enough if ...

  • ... there is no feeling of fullness in the chest. After the establishment of lactation, milk begins to come gradually, in response to the actions of the baby. He suckles at the breast, and the amount of food he needs is produced. The transition to such a state may be unexpected. And some women never feel the fullness of the breast, but the children are successfully fed for a long time.
  • … don't like the color of milk. Women's milk can be thin and bluish or yellow and thicker. But in both cases, most likely, it contains enough useful substances. Its appearance depends on individual characteristics mothers.
  • ... the baby wakes up at night. Breast milk is digested quickly, so that the feeling of satiety soon disappears. Therefore, it is not so easy to overfeed him. Or maybe the baby is worried about colic, which often intensifies at night. So the baby does not sleep, he needs his mother's support. You should give him a tummy massage.
  • ... the baby cries after feeding. Maybe he has a stomachache. Or maybe his mother transferred him from one breast to another too early, he did not receive nutritious hindmilk and really did not eat enough. This should be done only after he has completely emptied his chest.
  • ... the baby is often attached to the breast. In fact, there is no single norm for how often and for how long a newborn should suck at the breast. One, more active, will cope in 5 minutes. Another will need half an hour, he will also doze off in the process. To wake him up, you can do this: gently squeeze your chest to increase the flow of milk. Do not try to form an ideal mode. The main thing is that the baby gets everything nutrients. And most of them are in fat milk, which comes to the baby at the very end of feeding.
  • ... it turns out to express very little milk. Finding out by the volume of pumped milk, whether the child is full, is unlikely to come out. After all, it continues to be produced even in the process of feeding. As a result, the baby gets enough food, and his mother cannot see it. Although if you try to express regularly, then, most likely, lactation will accelerate and it will be possible to make supplies.
  • ... the little one cries and arches at the chest. This behavior happens if the child is worried about the tummy. He is hungry, but a new portion of food makes him uncomfortable, especially if he is overfed. Another reason is also possible. Milk flow is uneven. At first he is strong, but gradually weakens. To get it, the baby has to work hard. In the first month and a half, the baby may fall asleep at this moment, and after a while take an already filled breast. Having become a little older, he no longer wants to fall asleep, but expresses his displeasure in this way.

Why does the baby refuse to breastfeed?

Sometimes a baby won't or can't breastfeed. Although the mother has enough milk, he does not eat enough. Why is this happening?

  • If the little one has been fed from a bottle for some time, then he refuses to work, extracting milk from his chest.
  • Mom has flat nipples. It is inconvenient for the baby to grab the breast, as a result, he remains hungry. Special pads can help.
  • Mom eats foods that change the taste of milk, such as onions or garlic.
  • The baby has a short frenulum of the tongue, which makes it difficult to take the breast normally. In this case, you need to consult a specialist.

How to increase the amount of milk?

It happens that the mother does not have enough milk. Sometimes this is due to physiological features for example, a woman has had breast surgery, has a thyroid condition, or has been under a lot of stress.

Whatever the reason, do not rush to switch to a mixture. You can try lactation.

  • Breastfeed your baby on demand. Finish feeding only when he ate and let her out himself.
  • Check for correct capture. The baby should take the areola. This will protect the mother's nipple from injury and stimulate milk production.
  • The nutrition of a nursing mother should be complete so that the baby receives useful material. Only strong allergens should be excluded from the menu. You also need to take care of a sufficient amount of liquid.

Until lactation improves, you can switch to mixed feeding. This should be done carefully, calculating the volume of the mixture correctly so as not to overfeed the crumbs. The child must receive enough nutrition to grow and develop well. And to find out if he has enough milk, it will come out if you pay attention to the features of his behavior.

Future mothers look forward to the first meeting with their babies. And, of course, they think about how they will feed their babies. What to do if milk does not come after childbirth? Or suddenly there is less milk and the baby does not have enough of it? What to do if there is no breast milk at all?
While some mothers are tormented by the above issues, others decide to give up breastfeeding in advance in favor of mixtures, so as not to spoil the “beauty” of their breasts.

Natural breastfeeding is the key proper development and baby, because mother's milk contains more than 400 natural components necessary for a growing body.
No matter how hard scientists try to deduce the ideal formula, so far only about 40 components of artificial nutrition have been developed. In addition, breast milk contains stem cells, which so far cannot be replaced by anything.
During breastfeeding, an emotional connection is established and maintained between mother and child, and this has a positive effect on the development and strengthening of the crumbs. Therefore, if there is at least a minimal opportunity to continue breastfeeding, this should be strived for.

What to feed the baby in the first days?

Many young mothers are sure that milk immediately appears with the birth of a child. For them, it becomes a discovery that for the first few days it may not be at all. But to feed the baby, even the amount of colostrum that is produced immediately after birth will be enough. It is not necessary to supplement the baby with mixtures, as some compassionate nannies in maternity hospitals advise. Nature is so conceived that the baby can wait 2-3 days before arrival mother's milk feeling full from a few drops of colostrum.
It is necessary to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible, to ensure the correct capture of the nipple (ideally, it is completely hidden in the baby's mouth, along with the areola). This speeds up the production of milk in the mother's body.

It seemed!? false signs

Nursing mothers are characterized by excessive worries, for whatever reason. Including, if the baby behaves restlessly, cries, does not sleep well, the mother decides that she does not have enough breast milk.
A similar thought can also visit her as a result of persistent recommendations and advice from relatives, relatives, pediatricians. It may seem to others that the mother does not have enough of her own milk to feed the baby, due to small size chest. Or she is not at all capable of breastfeeding, since all the women of her family could not breastfeed their children.
How to understand that there is not enough breast milk for a child?

Signs of hypogalactia

To understand that we are talking about insufficient production of breast milk (hypogalactia), you can use the following criteria:

  • restless kid
  • Minimum weight gain that does not meet the standards (less than 500g / 700g per month)
  • Reducing the amount of urine excreted by the infant per day (normally about 10-15 urination)
  • The baby's stool is denser, drier, less frequent than usual.

Having noticed all these signs in a baby (individually, they may indicate other problems), you need to think about how to establish breastfeeding.
A common phenomenon of a temporary lack of milk is called a lactation crisis. Growing up, the child demands everything more milk consumed. In the mother's body, there may be short hitches, periods when the mammary gland is adjusted to produce the necessary amounts of nutrition. A lactation crisis may occur at the end of 1,3, 5 months of a baby's life.
Many mothers raise a panic, noticing that by the evening there is not enough breast milk. You should not be afraid that the child will remain hungry at night. Night feedings compensate for the lack of milk in the evening.

The reasons

Why is there less breast milk? There are several reasons for this:

  1. Hormonal disorders that led to the underdevelopment of the mammary glands, developmental anomalies.
  2. Severe toxicosis late term pregnancy.
  3. Injury to the mother during childbirth, bleeding, infection.
  4. Microtrauma of the nipples (cracks), mastitis.
  5. Infectious diseases of the nursing mother.
  6. Nutritional errors.
  7. Violations of the daily routine.
  8. Stress, difficult life situations.
  9. Incorrect feeding regimen, including long breaks, leading to a decrease in the amount of milk produced.

How to restore lactation

  • Refuse "regime" feedings, feed the child at his first request. Feeding according to the regimen inhibits the production of breast milk.
  • Apply the baby to the breast for every 1.5-2 hours at least 1 time.
  • Practice the correct latch on the breast, avoiding trauma to the nipple and swallowing air by the baby.
  • Apply the baby alternately to the left and right breasts. Alternation can occur during one feeding.
  • Express milk after feeding. The more milk the child consumes in one feeding (or expressed by the mother), the more it comes to the next time.
  • Massage mammary glands before pumping.
  • Take liquid as needed.
  • During feedings, mother and baby create an opportunity for skin-to-skin contact. This stimulates the production of the love hormone (oxytocin), which affects the production of milk.
  • Sleeping with the baby and night feedings have a beneficial effect on increasing the amount of milk. At night, the hormone prolactin is produced, which controls the intensity of the formation of breast milk.
  • walk on fresh air together with the baby, eat right, eliminate stress that negatively affects milk flow.
  • Emotionally tune in to the restoration of breastfeeding.
  • On the advice of a lactation consultant or doctor, take medications, herbal teas to improve lactation.
  • Use

If the milk was gone, or due to the illness of the mother or child, lactation was impossible, it is quite possible to restore feeding, with patience and following the rules listed above.

The recovery process takes time and patience. In addition, it is necessary to supplement the baby with mixtures or gradually introduce early complementary foods. Bottles, nipples, pacifiers should be kept away. Let the baby satisfy the sucking needs through the mother's breast. To make natural feeding a priority for the baby, supplement it with a spoon, a syringe without a needle, use supplementary feeding systems at the breast.


How to warn possible problems with breastfeeding?
Eliminate daytime disturbances, maintain proper nutrition, practice frequent breastfeeding, co-sleeping and night feedings, drink approximately 2 liters of fluid per day, express remaining milk, take folic acid / vitamins for nursing mothers.
And most importantly, worry less and not think up non-existent problems for yourself. A real inability to breastfeed is very rare, in 2-3 cases out of 100. You can check your doubts about this by visiting a doctor.

Not enough breast milk. What to do? Almost every mother at least once had to worry about the fact that there seems to be less milk ... What to do if the words "lactation problems" have become relevant for you too? The vast majority of women can provide their children with adequate breastfeeding. There are less than 5% of women in the world who really do not have enough milk. This phenomenon is called hypolactia and is usually caused by

If your baby latch on correctly, breastfeeds 12 or more times a day, doesn't get extra water or formula, but urinates less than 8-10 times a day, and gains less than 80 grams for several weeks in a row, then most likely your milk not enough.

If you suspect that you have hypolactia, seek confirmation of the diagnosis and recommendations from an endocrinologist or mammologist.

Often, young mothers find signs of a lack of milk in themselves, which are not always indicative. Let's try to figure out when there is cause for concern, and when women's health and the baby is safe.

When there is no reason to worry

If you do not feel that your chest is filling up, as it was before, you should not worry. The fact that there is no feeling of fulfillment means only that lactation is established, and milk comes exactly as much as the baby needs.

You tried to express milk, and now you are worried - you could not express more than 30 grams. What does the baby eat? There is no reason to worry - after all, sucking movements are much more effective than any pumping. The baby receives much more milk than you managed to express.

If the baby asks for breasts often, this does not mean that he is hungry. Breastfeeding is not only nutrition, but also a time of communication between mother and baby. The baby may simply not have enough bodily contact..

Why does milk seem to be disappearing?

Usually a temporary shortage of milk is a reversible phenomenon. The feeling that there is not enough milk may be due to the following factors:

Bad mood

If mom is angry feels uncomfortable , angry - the production of oxytocin, a hormone that is responsible for the release of milk from the breast, decreases. Related to this factor is also the myth that milk can be wasted due to stress.

It is worth calming down and holding your baby in your arms more often - and the hormonal background will return to normal. Recovery will take no more than a few days.

Feeding by the hour

The body is arranged wisely - the more often the baby is applied to the breast, the more milk is produced. Moreover, it is the frequency of attachments that matters more, and not the time that the baby spends at the breast. And therefore, it is more useful for lactation if the baby suckles the breast for five minutes, but every half hour, than half-hour applications with a three-hour interval.

Supplementation / supplementation

A baby up to six months does not need any food and liquid, except for mother's milk.. Even if the child just wants to drink, it is better to give him a breast, milk perfectly quenches thirst. Supplementation or supplementation increases the interval between feedings, and lactation declines.

Suppose your baby is often attached to the breast, you are completely calm, breast milk is the only food for the baby, but it still feels like there is not enough milk ... What is it? This can be explained by several reasons.

lactation crisis

Most mothers of babies 1-2 months old face lactation crises. This is a temporary condition associated with the mother's hormonal background. What to do? The main thing is not to be nervous, and after 1-2 weeks your body will adjust and everything will return to normal.

Measures to help manage temporary milk shortages:

- Breastfeed more often. The more stimulation the breast receives, the more milk is produced.

Complete rest will help keep you calm and positive.

Drink warm liquid. Just be sure to find the one that tastes good to you. This helps to expand the ducts of the mammary gland and it becomes much easier for the baby to suck, which means that he will be satiated faster.

- Night feeding(from 3 am to 7 am) lactating. Simply put, it helps produce milk. The most convenient if the baby is sleeping in your bed , but you can just take it in your arms and press it to yourself. Body contact stimulates milk production.

How can carry your baby more . The closeness of the child stimulates the production of milk in the mother. The smell of a baby, the feeling of him so warm in his arms, his cooing and even crying - all this causes a hormonal reaction of oxytocin in the mother's body.

And most importantly - remember that everything can be fixed if the necessary measures are taken in time to preserve breastfeeding!