Discharge from the mammary glands in pregnant women. Colostrum during pregnancy: when it appears, the norm and deviations Discharge from the mammary glands during pregnancy 30

Every expectant mother looks forward to the birth of a long-awaited baby. Finally, the baby was born!... When the postpartum excitement subsided, the question of feeding the newborn comes to the fore. It is known that early attachment of the baby to the mother's breast stimulates the production of milk, which is the most valuable source of nutrients and trace elements. However, immediately after childbirth (while the milk is still “on the way”), the baby receives irreplaceable nutrition - colostrum. It happens that colostrum is released during pregnancy - this phenomenon often frightens a woman. After all, there is still more than one month before the birth, what if something is wrong? Today we will find out when colostrum begins to be produced and secreted, as well as what color it has. And if colostrum appears in the absence of pregnancy? Let's look at all the important points.

First of all, there is no reason for concern, since the body of a pregnant woman is thus preparing for the upcoming feeding of the baby. Therefore, the release of colostrum during pregnancy may or may not be. The development of this nutrient mixture occurs starting from the second trimester. At the same time, a woman may experience interesting sensations: the mammary glands swell, itching and a feeling of a strange “movement” inside (muscle contractions) appear. However, in the absence of colostrum streams from the nipples, you should also not worry - this does not affect the further production of milk in any way.

In some cases, the release of colostrum occurs at the end of the gestation period - at about 30 weeks. If a similar phenomenon was noticed in the second trimester, then this is an individual feature of the body. So why is colostrum released during pregnancy?

  • Conception has come. Sometimes swelling of the breast, increasing its sensitivity and the release of colostrum means one thing - you will become a mother. These are early signs of pregnancy.
  • Massage of the mammary glands, during which the breast is stimulated.
  • Sex games. During this, arousal occurs, which also causes leakage of colostrum.
  • Nerves and stress.
  • An increased body temperature is observed, as a result of which the milk ducts of the breast expand.

So, what to do if colostrum flows during pregnancy? First, let's pay attention to what is absolutely impossible to do - start pumping the breast. And in general, such manipulations can provoke the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes uterine contractions. But during the bearing of a child, we do not need this at all, since we will “need” this hormone during labor. So it is better not to take risks in order to avoid the threat of miscarriage.

The abundant secretion of colostrum during pregnancy will help “stop” the pads that we put in the bra - in the nipple area. Such a precautionary measure is also necessary because bacteria can multiply in places of leakage. Therefore, you should wash your chest as often as possible with warm water without soap to avoid infection. Colostrum with blood during pregnancy is an alarming symptom that indicates a possible serious illness (mastopathy or breast cancer). Here you need to immediately contact the doctor and conduct a thorough examination.

Color of colostrum during pregnancy

This sticky liquid has a yellowish color and a thick consistency. After childbirth, colostrum becomes transparent and becomes more liquid. There is an opinion that colostrum and breast milk are one and the same. However, their chemical composition is somewhat different. Colostrum is very nutritious due to the high content of fat, carotenoids, proteins, minerals. In addition, it increases the protective function of the body of the newborn, since it contains antibodies and hormones.

Is it possible that there is colostrum, but there is no pregnancy? A similar question is often found on women's forums. To this may be added engorgement of the mammary glands and pain.

So, if there is definitely no pregnancy (the test shows 1 strip), then you should consult a doctor - perhaps this is a hormonal failure. You will have to take an analysis, check the blood for the level of the hormone prolactin, and also do an ultrasound of the mammary glands. This also happens 1-2 years after the end of feeding the baby, so in any case you need to get checked.

So, colostrum during pregnancy is quite normal. However, with the appearance of chest pains and “suspicious” discharge of uncharacteristic color and consistency, we do not put off a visit to the doctor “on the back burner”. Health to you!

Expecting the birth of a baby, a mother takes care of many things. So that the birth goes smoothly, so that, God forbid, there are no complications, so that the baby is born healthy and on time. And also, so that mom has enough milk. Every normal pregnant woman strives to attach the baby to the breast in the first hours and days after childbirth. After all, there is nothing better for him than colostrum.

However, the appearance of colostrum even before childbirth, during the bearing of a child, can greatly frighten the expectant mother. Is it normal? What could it be? After all, it’s not time to give birth yet, but colostrum is already being released?

Colostrum in pregnant women is normal

We hasten to reassure you, the release of colostrum during pregnancy is an absolutely normal phenomenon in the same way as its absence. Usually it begins to be produced already in the second trimester of pregnancy, even if it does not flow. begins preparation for the upcoming feeding of the newborn. At first, colostrum is thick, yellow and sticky, and closer to childbirth it becomes more liquid and transparent.

In this case, you may feel some itching or tingling in the chest, even "movement". This is also normal: the muscles push the colostrum towards the nipple.

Once again, we want to note that if you do not produce colostrum until the birth itself, this is just as normal. The allocation of colostrum before delivery is not at all necessary; this is one of the options for a normal pregnancy. And if you do not have it, do not think that your breasts are "non-dairy" and that you will have little milk - this is not related to one another. Often, colostrum begins to stand out during childbirth or immediately after them. It also does not matter how much colostrum is secreted during pregnancy and after it - its amount is very individual for each woman.

There are also cases when colostrum is released even in the early stages of pregnancy. In this case, this may be one of her signs, along with breast enlargement and swelling of the mammary glands.

Most often, colostrum during pregnancy can be released during sexual stimulation of the breast, as a result of being transferred, in conditions of very high air temperature, due to which the ducts expand.

What to do if colostrum is secreted?

If the colostrum is leaking heavily, then you should definitely use disposable breast pads, which must be changed in a timely manner: colostrum is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria. In this regard, do not forget to wash your chest with warm water (but without soap).

In no case should you press on the chest or, even worse, express colostrum. Any stimulation of the breast entails the release of the hormone oxytocin, which causes contractile activity of the uterus. That is, as you understand, a miscarriage may occur.

When colostrum is a dangerous harbinger

However, the appearance of colostrum during pregnancy is not always so safe. Since it is secreted from the breast, and its stimulation is directly related to the condition of the uterus (when the baby suckles, the uterus contracts), the release of colostrum can signal the threat of termination of pregnancy. If you are on conservation and, along with other signs of a threatened miscarriage (drawing pains in the lower abdomen and lower back, bloody discharge from the vagina), your chest swells sharply and colostrum begins to flow out - be sure to tell your doctor about it! And if you are not in the hospital, then you need to be hospitalized.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

The length of the fetus is 36–37 cm, and the body weight is 1200–1300 g. By this time, the baby's skin becomes smoother, as subcutaneous fat continues to accumulate, smoothing out all wrinkles and folds. The body of the fetus is covered with vellus hair, but their number is already less than in earlier periods. On the contrary, the hair on the head thickens, grows and darkens. The baby blinks frequently, opening his eyes wide.

Fetal movements by this time become less active, frequent and intense jolts are replaced by smoother movements: the baby straightens the arms and legs, sticks out its head and pelvic end. There is little free space in the uterus, and the fetus, which has reached a fairly large size by this time, is forced to be in one position most of the time. Since its head is heavier than the buttocks, then in the water space of the uterus, the fetus occupies a head-down position - this is the so-called head presentation. At this time, situations of breech presentation are not uncommon, when the legs and buttocks of the fetus are located at the bottom of the uterus. Most often, in the following weeks, the child rolls over, occupying a physiological head presentation. In some cases, this does not happen, and the baby "sits on the priest" until the full term. Breech presentation will play an important role in choosing the delivery option.

Feelings of a woman

The intensive growth of the uterus continues, and the internal organs located next to the uterus continue to experience discomfort. In the most cramped conditions are the "neighbors" of the uterus - the stomach, bladder and lower part of the large intestine: these are organs that have a cavity inside. They are displaced by the growing uterus and take a forced position, which can affect their work.

"Suffering" of the stomach can be manifested by heartburn, a feeling of heaviness after eating. Heartburn is the discomfort that occurs when the contents of the stomach reflux into the esophagus. This condition is manifested by a burning sensation, an unpleasant taste in the mouth. During pregnancy, the muscle separating the esophagus from the stomach, under the influence of hormones, in particular progesterone, relaxes, which makes it possible to throw the acidic contents of the stomach "from the bottom up" - into the esophagus. Changing the position of the stomach exacerbates this situation. That is why the expectant mother should eat small portions, chewing food thoroughly - this will greatly alleviate her condition.

Increasing pressure on the bladder causes frequent urination, which can accompany a pregnant woman until the very birth. False urges are also possible, when the brain sends a signal about the need to urinate, but at the same time the bladder is not yet full and there is no urine output at all or it occurs in very small quantities. During pregnancy, the situation of frequent and painless urination is not a sign of any disease. When other symptoms are attached: the appearance of cloudy urine, pain, etc. - you should inform your doctor about this to exclude pyelonephritis and other diseases.

30 week: how the fetus develops

The growth of the baby this week is 37–38 cm, and the body weight is about 1300–1400 g. At week 30, an intensive increase in muscle mass occurs, and frequent movements of the fetus are designed to train the muscles of the limbs, since by the time of birth the baby must have strong muscles of the arms, legs, chest, back. The expulsion of the fetus (the so-called second stage of labor - the immediate birth of a child) is carried out due to the contraction of the uterus, the muscles of the abdominal wall and the independent movements of the baby. The high tone of the muscles of the body of the fetus helps to make translational movements easier, making it easier to move along the birth canal.

Also during this period, preparations for the extrauterine life of the internal organs continue. The chest makes movements similar to breathing - it expands and contracts. The lungs are washed by amniotic fluid, the production of surfactant, a special substance that provides pulmonary respiration, continues. Intensively develop alveoli - bubbles of lung tissue, in which gas exchange occurs. Readiness for spontaneous breathing is the most important indicator of fetal survival. If, for some reason, childbirth occurs at this time, then the maturity of the lung tissue is already able to ensure the breathing of the newborn.

The fetus constantly swallows amniotic fluid, which causes the organs of the gastrointestinal tract to contract, stimulates the functioning of the liver and pancreas. The liver performs the most important function of cleansing the blood and at this time is already ready to function in full, since the formation of this organ, or rather, the lobules of the liver as a structural unit, is almost completed by this moment. The pancreas produces enzymes and hormones, the most important of which is insulin, in small quantities, since during pregnancy the fetal body only needs to process the amniotic fluid, which requires a small amount of enzymes. But potentially the pancreas at this time is already ready to fully provide the body of the newborn.

The constant flow of amniotic fluid causes the kidneys to function intensively, to produce urine from the liquid part of the amniotic fluid. The amount of urine at this time can reach up to 500 ml per day.

Thus, during this period, the internal organs are able to ensure the vital activity of the newborn in the event of childbirth, but the process of their maturation and improvement will continue until the full term.

Feelings of a woman

Pregnant women may notice breast swelling and colostrum secretion from the nipples: this is the name of the secret of the mammary glands, “primary milk”. Colostrum has the appearance of a thick liquid of a whitish or yellowish hue. Its release can begin at different stages of pregnancy, but most often this occurs after 30 weeks. The appearance of colostrum indicates the active preparation of a woman for lactation - feeding the baby with breast milk.

In the first days after childbirth, colostrum is secreted more intensively and precedes the appearance of breast milk.
During pregnancy, colostrum production is stimulated directly by the fetus. His adrenal glands synthesize a special hormone that interacts with placental hormones and activates the production of prolactin, the mother's pituitary hormone responsible for milk production. It is he who will be responsible for breastfeeding after childbirth.

For a period of 30 weeks, pregnant women are issued a temporary disability certificate - maternity leave is issued. Its duration is 140 days - 70 days before and 70 days after childbirth.

31 weeks: how the fetus develops

The body length of the fetus is 39-40 cm, and the weight is 1500-1600 g. Important stages in the formation of the fetal nervous system continue at this time. The brain grows intensively, the convolutions deepen, increasing the surface area of ​​the cerebral cortex. The brain and all its departments function as a single system, such interaction is provided by many neural connections. By this time, the periods of sleep and wakefulness change quite clearly, and sleep still takes a longer time than the period of activity.

During sleep, the eyes of the fetus are closed, and during wakefulness, the baby opens them. The eyelids are already very well developed, which makes a variety of movements possible: the fetus can open its eyes wide, squint, squint, blink frequently. As a rule, the fetus's eyes are always open, and it closes its eyes when a bright light hits the mother's stomach or when it touches the surface of the eye: this is another evidence of the high development of the nervous system - the corneal reflex.

Feelings of a woman

The increase in body weight by this time is approximately 7–8 kg. It is necessary to monitor the intensity of weight gain, since its too rapid gain may indicate dysfunctional kidney function. The weekly increase should not exceed 300-400 g per week. You should be very careful about the appearance of edema on the arms and legs and report this to the doctor. Fluid retention in the body of a pregnant woman can be the first step in the complication of the second half of pregnancy - preeclampsia, which is also called late toxicosis. In addition to edema, signs of preeclampsia of mild to moderate severity also include an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine.

The initial stages of gestosis can proceed without pronounced changes, and the pregnant woman can feel great without complaining. That is why regular visits to the doctor and timely delivery of tests are so important. Preeclampsia is the most common cause of complications for both the fetus and the mother.

As a result, a baby may experience developmental delay, hypoxia, etc., and a woman may experience a violation of the function of the kidneys, liver, cardiovascular system, and other dangerous conditions.

A mild degree of preeclampsia, dropsy of pregnant women, is characterized by the appearance of edema and can be corrected when the water-salt metabolism is normalized: for this, the expectant mother can be prescribed a diet, herbal preparations, etc.

Moderate and severe degrees of gestosis - nephropathy, preeclampsia and eclampsia - require intensive care in a hospital setting. Nephropathy of pregnant women is characterized by the fact that episodes of increased pressure and the appearance of protein in the general analysis of urine join the edema at the stage of dropsy.

With further progression of gestosis, a severe degree of nephropathy turns into preeclampsia - a condition for which, in addition to pronounced edema, high blood pressure and protein in the urine, signs of cerebrovascular accident are characteristic: dizziness, headaches, as well as neurological symptoms - changes in reflexes, nausea and vomiting .

The most severe stage of preeclampsia, eclampsia, is characterized by the presence of convulsive seizures, followed by the development of coma.

It is extremely important to detect signs of gestosis at an early stage and be sure to treat this condition, since an increase in complications can occur quickly and lead to severe, and sometimes irreversible consequences.

32 weeks: how the fetus develops

The fetus at this time weighs 1700–1800 g, and its body length reaches 41–42 cm. The baby’s facial features are close to the appearance of a newborn child, the face becomes rounded, wrinkles are smoothed out, and the hair on the head is noticeably pronounced. The skin of the fetus is no longer bright red, but pink due to the even distribution of subcutaneous fat. The accumulation of such fat is essential for the process of thermogenesis - maintaining body temperature at a constant level. In adults, these processes are controlled by the brain - the centers of thermoregulation.

By the time the baby is born, these centers are not yet able to fully provide thermoregulation, and that is why the presence of subcutaneous fat is extremely important to maintain the correct body temperature of the fetus.

The period of 32 weeks is marked by important stages in the functioning of the immune system. In the blood of the fetus, there is a sharp increase in the level of its own immunoglobulins - special proteins that protect the baby from infections. By the time of delivery, the level of immunoglobulins will increase, but this will happen already due to the penetration of the mother's immunoglobulins into the body of the fetus. In the last weeks of pregnancy, the permeability of the placental barrier increases, which allows the protective cells of the mother's body to pass into the blood of the baby.

Feelings of a woman

Pain in the back, in the pubic area and large joints, such as hips, knees, a feeling of bursting and soreness of the pelvic bones - these phenomena are present to varying degrees in many pregnant women in the third trimester. Changing the center of gravity of a woman's body due to an increase in the volume of the abdomen leads to some displacement of the spine, which entails the above problems. On top of that, the mother's body begins preparing for childbirth by producing the placental hormone - relaxin. It causes relaxation of the ligaments, and during childbirth, the pelvis becomes more pliable, which ensures the free passage of the child through the birth canal. During pregnancy, a high content of the hormone relaxin “blurs” the ligaments, which is manifested by painful sensations.

Regular physical activity - fitness, yoga, swimming, walking - will help reduce the manifestations of such ailments. The stronger the back muscles, the better they will hold the spine and the less pregnant women will feel pain and discomfort in the lumbar region.

At this time, it is recommended to wear a bandage, choosing the right posture during sleep: it is advisable to sleep on your side so that there is no load on the spine and the back muscles are in a relaxed state. It is possible to use special rollers under the back or pillows for pregnant women: these devices will help the expectant mother find a comfortable position that allows you to relax the muscles of the back, legs, and cope with a frequent companion of the 3rd trimester - back pain.

As a rule, waiting for the birth of her baby into the world, any mother cares about so many moments. Firstly, so that the birth goes smoothly, that is, safely, so that, of course, God forbid, there are no complications, so that your baby is born truly healthy and naturally on time. And also, of course, so that mommy subsequently had enough of the much-needed baby milk. Each of the normal pregnant women seeks to immediately attach the baby to her breast, and in the very first minutes, hours and, of course, days after childbirth. Agree, because in fact there is nothing better for the baby than the very colostrum.

However, it must be said that the appearance of colostrum immediately before childbirth, say, during the bearing of an unborn child, can very much frighten the expectant mother herself. Is this normal? And in general, what could it be? I know that it’s not time for me to give birth yet, but colostrum is already actively secreted?

Colostrum appearing during pregnancy is quite normal.

We will immediately hasten to reassure you - the active release of colostrum during pregnancy is an absolutely normal and safe phenomenon, exactly the same as its complete absence. Usually, colostrum begins to be actively produced by the body already with, and even if you do not see it, it simply does not flow out. By this time, the female breast begins to naturally prepare for the upcoming birth and, accordingly, for feeding your newborn. At first, as a rule, colostrum is thick, yellow and even sticky, but closer to childbirth, it often becomes almost transparent and more liquid.

Moreover, you can often even feel some itching in the chest or tingling in the same place, and even a kind of “movement”. This is also considered to be an absolute norm: after all, your muscles, as it were, push this colostrum to the nipple itself.

And once again we want to note, if you still don’t have colostrum, and, right up to the onset of the birth itself, this is the same quite normal phenomenon. Isolation of the same colostrum even before delivery, believe me, is not at all necessary, this is only one of the options for an absolutely normal and ending pregnancy. And, for example, if you don’t have it, you should not think that your breasts are, as they say, “non-dairy” and that, for example, you specifically will not have much milk. Understand this has nothing to do with one another. It should be noted that often colostrum can begin to stand out right during childbirth or, say, immediately after them. In addition, it does not matter in the slightest, and the amount of colostrum that is secreted during the course of pregnancy and even after it - after all, its amount is strictly individual, and for each particular woman it always varies.

There are sometimes cases when colostrum begins to stand out even in the very early stages of the current pregnancy. In this case, such a phenomenon can be regarded as one of the signs of the onset of pregnancy, along with a sharp increase in the breast and also swelling and bursting of the mammary glands.

Most often, colostrum during pregnancy can begin to be released during a mild breast massage, or simply sexual stimulation of the breast, and sometimes as a result of severe stress already experienced, less often in conditions of a rather high body temperature or indoor air, which causes the ducts to The breasts are just expanding.

What should be done if colostrum begins to stand out?

In cases where colostrum leaks very strongly, then you will certainly need to use special disposable bra inserts, which will need to be changed in a timely and constant manner. After all, colostrum is the most ideal environment for the active reproduction of various bacteria. And in this regard, do not forget to wash your chest with plain warm water (but preferably without soap).

It must be remembered that in no case should you press on your chest at this time or, even worse, decide to express the secreted colostrum. After all, any stimulation of the breast will definitely entail a powerful release of such a hormone as oxytocin, which causes the contractile activity of the uterus. And this, as you understand, may well lead to the occurrence of a miscarriage or premature birth.

Cases where colostrum can be a dangerous harbinger

It should be noted, however, that the release of colostrum during pregnancy is not always so pleasant and safe. Since colostrum is secreted directly from the breast, and its active stimulation is almost directly related to the general condition of the uterus (after all, when the baby suckles the mother’s breasts, the uterus usually contracts), and therefore the release of colostrum can sometimes signal the onset of a threatened abortion.

In those cases when you are already on conservation and, say, along with other signs of the threat of spontaneous miscarriage (for example, with pulling pains somewhere in the lower abdomen or in the lower back, as well as with bloody discharge from the vagina) and you suddenly begin to swell breasts and leaking colostrum - you should definitely tell your doctor about this! And, for example, if you are not in the hospital at this time, then you will probably still need to be hospitalized.

In this article, we analyze what colostrum is, when it appears and vice versa - why it may not stand out, norms and possible deviations. We will also tell you about the rules of hygiene during the period of colostrum excretion.

Olga Belokon, a popular obstetrician-gynecologist, writes on her Instagram account that for many women, milk arrives 3-4 days after childbirth. And in the first days, the mother's body produces colostrum. How is it different from regular milk? And when does the body start producing colostrum? Only after childbirth or even during pregnancy?

What is colostrum

Colostrum is the first or early milk. They differ from transitional and mature in calorie content, fat content and composition. Colostrum can be safely called a vitamin cocktail, because it contains:

  • tocopherol;
  • retinol;
  • vitamin C;
  • vitamin K;
  • immunoglobulins;
  • leukocytes;
  • proteins.

Colostrum is 2–2.5 times more nutritious than mature milk and contains 1.5–2 times less liquid, so it does not overload the kidneys of a newborn and helps him gain weight. The nourishing secret also performs protective and laxative functions.

Colostrum contains bacteria that are needed for the maturation of the baby's digestive system, and components that cleanse the intestines of the newborn from meconium and reduce the likelihood of jaundice. Immunoglobulins, which are part of early milk, prevent infectious and viral diseases. And vitamins help to quickly cope with jaundice, stimulate growth and participate in the formation of primary immunity.

When does colostrum appear

Lactation in pregnant women begins in the second or third trimester, when the body is actively preparing for the birth of a child and produces a lot of prolactin. The first colostrum is released at 20-25 weeks or 35-36.

In 20% of pregnant women, colostrum (early milk) appears in the first trimester, closer to 12–16 weeks. And in some women, lactation begins only at the time of childbirth or 2-3 days after the birth of a child.

All these are variants of the norm, so a pregnant woman should not worry about the lack of colostrum or its appearance in the early stages. The only reason for suspicion is the strange color of the discharge and poor health.

Colostrum color and texture

Colostrum, which is released from the mammary glands at 16-20 weeks, is more like serum. It is liquid, translucent, yellow or white.

Later colostrum contains little to no water, so it is thicker, stickier, and more viscous. And because of the high concentration of vitamin A, early milk can take on a light orange tint.

Is it possible to squeeze out colostrum

The amount of milk, as well as the consistency, is different. In some women, 2-3 drops are excreted, while in others, colostrum constantly flows from the chest. Neither in the first nor in the second case, it is impossible to express colostrum.

Pumping will not reduce milk supply or affect lactation after delivery, but it may harm the baby. The body perceives manual and hardware pumping as feeding a baby. And with breastfeeding, the concentration of oxytocin in the mother's body increases.

The hormone is responsible for the feeling of tenderness and affection for the newborn, but at the same time it is a stimulant of labor activity. Oxytocin causes the uterus to contract, and this can cause early or late miscarriage, as well as premature birth.

What stimulates lactation in pregnant women

The intensity of lactation depends on the lifestyle and habits of the pregnant woman. Colostrum production can be increased by:

  • hot baths;
  • bath and sauna;
  • breast massage;
  • wearing tight underwear;
  • having sex;
  • orgasm;
  • infectious and viral diseases;
  • strong positive emotions;
  • temperature rise;
  • stress.

Lactation also depends on the menu of the pregnant woman. A balanced diet, which is rich in folic acid, amino acids, minerals and vitamins, improves the functioning of the mammary glands. Diets and severe restrictions, on the contrary, slow down lactation.

Hot drinks, soups, and hot spices can also increase colostrum. They lead to vasodilation and increased blood circulation in the mammary glands. And this, in turn, affects lactation and milk density.

Deviations from the norm

The release of colostrum during pregnancy is a completely normal and natural process, but a woman should still discuss this issue with her. Only the doctor conducting the pregnancy knows the history of his patient, the characteristics of her body and is aware of current diseases.

Some symptoms of lactation, which are normal for some women, may be the first warning bell for others. These include:

  1. The color of early milk. In the later stages, bloody blotches occur in the colostrum, and gynecologists do not believe that this is a pathology, but recommend that you undergo an additional examination just in case. A pregnant woman should visit a mammologist and a surgeon to exclude diseases of the mammary glands. You can also make an appointment with an oncologist to confirm or refute a preliminary diagnosis.
  2. Smell and feeling unwell. Colostrum has a pleasant aroma and sweet taste. An unpleasant odor, a green tint, and a bitter or salty taste to milk may indicate an infection in the milk ducts. The disease is often accompanied by fever, weakness, feeling unwell and engorgement of the mammary glands. A bacterial infection is dangerous for the fetus and is treated only with special drugs, so at the first symptoms you need to go to the gynecologist.
  3. The amount of milk. Intensive lactation is a variant of the norm, but this does not mean that it is not dangerous. In some women, due to the rush of milk to the breast, the level of oxytocin rises and goes beyond acceptable limits. The hormone stimulates uterine contractions and can cause miscarriage or early labor. With heavy lactation, a pregnant woman should take tests for prolactin and estrogen levels, and also think about what habits can stimulate the production of colostrum.
  4. Neoplasms. Breast enlargement, a feeling of heaviness and engorgement are the norm, but deformation of the mammary glands is a sign of pathology. Any depressions, bumps and seals are a reason to see a doctor. Strange formations can be cysts, benign or malignant tumors, and the sooner a doctor makes a diagnosis, the easier it will be to cure the disease.
  5. The shape of the mammary glands. It is worth consulting with a gynecologist and mammologist if a woman has one breast much larger than the other, although before pregnancy they were almost symmetrical. Asymmetry can indicate problems with the glandular lobules and milk ducts, cysts, and even hormone-dependent tumors.
  6. Discomfort. Itching and tingling in the chest and nipples is a variant of the norm. Drawing pains radiating to the uterus or lower back is an alarming symptom, especially in the early stages. Discomfort warns a pregnant woman that she may have a miscarriage or premature birth, so it is better for the expectant mother to contact a gynecologist and, if necessary, lie down for preservation.

Strange symptoms are not cause for panic. They may turn out to be a variant of the norm, so do not worry, because stress only worsens the situation and harms the child. It is better to visit a gynecologist, pass all the tests and follow the recommendations of a specialist.

Colostrum with blood during pregnancy

From 5–6 months of pregnancy, blotches of brown, pink or red may appear in colostrum. This is normal if:

  • spotting goes no longer than 5 days;
  • body temperature does not rise;
  • no redness, severe pain and swelling of the chest;
  • discharge is not too abundant.

During lactation, when the glandular lobules actively expand and produce milk, the walls of the vessels become weak due to excessive load. Small capillaries burst, and droplets of blood seep into the colostrum.

An intensive chest massage, a blow, and even tight underwear can injure the vessels. Sometimes capillaries burst spontaneously, that is, without external causes, and sometimes they are damaged due to physical exertion, temperature changes and strong positive or negative emotions. But if the pregnant woman feels well and does not notice any strange symptoms, there is no reason to worry.

If the bloody secret is abundant, accompanied by pain, or is released only from the same mammary gland, a woman should take colostrum for tests and consult a gynecologist, as well as visit a mammologist. Brown and pink blotches can signal intraductal papilloma, ductal carcinoma, or Paget's disease. Benign and malignant tumors can be cured, but a woman should not delay a visit to the doctor and refuse examinations.

Lack of colostrum during pregnancy

Colostrum is not secreted in all pregnant women. In some women, milk is absent until the very birth and appears only 1-3 days after the birth of the child. This is one of the options for the norm, so it is not necessary to stimulate lactation with special drugs or herbal complexes.

The absence or appearance of colostrum during pregnancy does not affect breastfeeding. Lactation can begin in the first or second trimester, then stop 1-2 weeks before delivery, and then recover again after the birth of the child. And this is also normal and natural.

Not a deviation and a small amount of colostrum. In the first days after childbirth, the female body can secrete 3-4 drops of milk. This is enough for the child to receive all the nutrients and not feel hungry.

Only 4% of women cannot breastfeed. In the remaining 96%, lactation returns to normal 6-12 days after birth, so the lack of colostrum before birth is not a reason for panic.

Hygiene rules during colostrum excretion

Colostrum creates conditions for the reproduction of microbes and bacterial diseases, therefore, during the period of milk excretion, a pregnant woman must follow several rules.

Hygiene procedures

Shower or bath should be taken at least 2 times a day. In summer - much more often, because high temperatures accelerate the reproduction of bacteria.

Hard soap is best not to use, it dries the skin. Scrubs, peels and aggressive shower gels are not recommended. They injure the skin of the breast and nipples. The best option is an intimate hygiene gel. It has a low pH and a gentle composition.

The mammary glands should be wiped with a soft terry towel. Do not rub hard, because massage enhances the production of colostrum. Water can be gently blotted by holding a towel against your chest for 10-20 seconds.

Underwear and pads

Pregnant women should abandon conventional bras and replace them with special underwear made from natural fabrics. In models for expectant mothers, there are no bones that can rub the mammary glands, and the straps are wider and more comfortable. The main thing is to buy underwear with an adjustable size.

The maternity bra can be supplemented with disposable breast pads. The liners absorb colostrum and protect against leaks. Pads should be changed 3-4 times a day to prevent bacterial diseases.

Firming treatments

Gynecologists recommend doing exercises to strengthen the chest in the second or third trimeter. Special exercises will increase the tone of blood vessels and capillaries and prevent stretch marks that appear due to the rapid increase in the mammary glands.

A contrast shower helps to strengthen the frame and circulatory system of the chest. Lowering and raising the temperature of the water must be done carefully. Too hot a shower stimulates lactation, and too cold can provoke mastitis and inflammation.

Care cosmetics

During the period of colostrum release, the breasts and nipples should be lubricated with a nourishing cream. The care product will moisturize the skin, protect it from cracks and reduce the likelihood of stretch marks. The cream is rubbed into the mammary glands immediately after a shower. Finished cosmetics can be replaced with vegetable oils or antiseptic ointments with bactericidal properties if cracks have already appeared on the nipples.

The production of colostrum is a very intimate and individual process, and it happens differently for every woman. The main task of a pregnant woman is to take care of her breasts, listen to her body and consult a gynecologist at the slightest suspicion, because a mother’s health begins with taking care of herself.