How to tie a men's scarf around the neck in different ways. How to tie a men's scarf

Hello dear readers of my blog. I'm not a big fan of going out in full dress, but sometimes I have to do it. One day I was invited to one solemn event. For the occasion, I should have dressed in a suit and tie. But either the mood was not right, or the weather was not the same, however, the tie knot did not give in to me.

Completely angry, time was running out, I grabbed an ordinary scarf, wrapped it around my neck, and in this form appeared before the other guests. Among them was the same as me, to whom the tie "did not succumb" - a scarf flaunted around his neck.

It was “flaunting”, because it was impossible to say that about me. It seemed to me that everyone was comparing us - how stylish Ivan looked and “how stylish I wanted to look”. Nobody knew that at that moment I did not pay much attention to the scarf at all, just to be without a tie. However, this incident got me thinking.

In my opinion, a scarf is a winter accessory, just as mandatory as it is. Therefore, I am writing about how a man can tie a scarf on his coat, because everyone knows how to wear a coat. Do you really know how?

Men's scarves - a bit of history

I have always considered it obvious that the scarf was invented at the same time as warm knitted socks in our country. I thought wrong, it turns out. Although he needed to protect his neck from cold and wind, they came up with it in. A simple piece of dense fabric - such a scarf was intended for soldiers. This fact is also confirmed by figurines with stripes around their necks found in the ancient burials of the Qin Dynasty. Skillfully tied - it was impossible not to recognize them as scarves. The discovery happened about 200 years ago.

Time passed, and now the scarf is a fashion accessory. Of course, women were the first to take a liking to him. But men are not far behind. Fashionably tied, it will divert attention from other parts of clothing or give a special charm to the whole image. In addition to the well-known name, this accessory is also called a stole, scarf, jota, boa and a noose. Probably, the last name was invented by those who have problems with tying.

For reference - about the muffler. This is a rectangular canvas made of silk or smooth dense wool fabric. More conservative colors. Depending on your preferences, choose an oriental pattern or a geometric pattern, a stripe, a cage or a cucumber pattern.

Learning to tie a scarf on a coat

So, I ask everyone who wants to learn several ways to tie a scarf or recommend their own experience in this matter to join. Take a muffler, a mirror and go ...
The easiest way is not to tie it at all. They threw a "outlet" around the neck over the coat and that's it. He will definitely not warm you, but he will give originality to your appearance.

Your knitted scarf too long and the ends hang below the coat? Definitely, this method is not suitable. Now try wrapping it around your neck once or twice. If the ends of the scarf reach chest or belts and you like it that way, you can stop. Or will we keep experimenting?

Personally, I don't really like these ends, especially in the wind. The following method will help get rid of them - tie them in a knot, you can additionally disguise them under the turns of a scarf. So, I tried it ... My head somehow became uncomfortable, there was too much of everything in front of the neck.

Yeah, in this case, snood scarves or a “pipe” look more profitable. They dress very quickly and do not require any tricks about you. In addition, you get reliable protection from the cold wind.

The most used and considered fashionable is the method of tying, called Parisian or French. A long scarf is folded in half (it must be of sufficient length), superimposed over the neck and the two ends are pushed inside the formed ring. The ends of the scarf can be left over the coat, or can be tucked in. Based on your feelings, do what you like best. The French knot is universal and suitable for both business style, and for a more free (casual) dress code.

Do you often wear a tie and feel uncomfortable without it, is your status “dissolving”? Replace the tie with a not very thick muffler, tying it in approximately the same way. You see how the official image has been replaced by a fashionable and stylish one, and not to the detriment of your dignity. By the way, this knot is called "ascot".

We have not yet considered the method of tying for a date or a leisurely walk. Use it in the style of an artist and get an image. He is so liked by many girls and women. Wrap the scarf around your neck and drape one end over your shoulder. Simple and beautiful. Especially now, in the spring.

And now, look at the photo, did you do it?

I hope it worked out. Some you liked more, some less. Like me. An important role here is played by the scarf itself and physique.

At short neck scarves look better "out", with a long one - more effective than "winding".

How to choose the right scarf color

However, friends, one beautiful knot will not be enough. It is necessary to choose the right color for any coat or strenchkot.

We will proceed from the rule: the color of the scarf and some other detail of clothing must match or, conversely, be very different. That is, to be a bright spot against the background of the rest of the image. It is better when the colors of the coat, scarf, trousers and shoes are combined. Well, if you are brave and the eyes of those around you are not afraid, please experiment by creating new combinations. Who knows, maybe someday such a color scheme will be recognized as a standard, because earlier blue and yellow were considered bad form.

A brightly colored scarf will enliven a monotonous and gloomy look, making you interesting, not boring. The brave ones are not afraid to look stylish by tying a scarf with flowers.
It seems that they talked about the color, but it is not completely clear what color to buy a scarf.
Obviously you won't miss by ordering blue and gray, classic colors fit almost everything. White color also a classic, but not practical - for an amateur.

You should not take black, unlike a coat, it will give a gloomy aging look. But the cage is universal, ideal for older people.
And all the rest bright colors either for the young, or they should complement your image, directly related to professional activity etc.

What should a stylish scarf be made of?

In order not to get into trouble and not buy unnecessary, you need to navigate the materials. Since not only knitted in the trend.
When wool does not strain, then a scarf made of it will warm you in the winter cold and protect you from the piercing autumn wind. But, if you are on the street for a short time, there is no need for such warmth. Replace it with a silk version. Be stylish and elegant.

For true dandies - a stole made of royal yarn - cashmere. Unlike wool, cashmere stole is pleasant to the body, does not roll and looks elegant. It is recommended to wear it with clothes that are not of the lowest price.

Where to buy a beautiful scarf

Buying a scarf of any length, width, color and material today is not difficult. Even in shoe chain stores there are hangers with scarves. In the markets, their variety amazes the buyer, you just get lost in the choice.
One tip for free: wear a coat to see how you look together.

If you are an online shopping enthusiast, please check out aliexpress site (aliexpress). The choice of scarves on it is huge. Incredible colors and affordable prices. By the way, various companies present their products on this site, even those that replenish goods in boutiques. Moreover, you can often buy the thing you like with a decent discount of 30-70%. You just need to keep an eye on the moment and have time to place an order, as a discount on quality and expensive items are from one to three days.

Also, do not rush to pay for the order immediately, it is better to put everything in the basket. Sometimes, on emotions, we order too much or not at all.

Wait a day, another and then weigh everything again and estimate. Will the scarf go well with the coat? And if you put it on a jacket, how will you look? When you are sure you did right choice, hold on. You are guaranteed a fashionable and stylish look.

So, to always be in trend, in your male set there must be at least 5 options for scarves:

  • for warmth in the autumn-winter period - warm knitted;
  • at the exit - an elegant silk scarf;
  • light stole for warm weather;
  • a scarf for active physical activity and some bright specimen.

This is where I end my story. I hope that the information helped you deal with tying and choosing a scarf.
So far, everyone has been with you, and if you liked the article, leave comments on the blog and recommend it to friends on social networks.

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A scarf is an essential accessory for men, especially in cold weather. It will perfectly protect from the cold and will be a good addition to a jacket, coat, sheepskin coat and so on. If you want to know how a man, then this article will be interesting. From it you will learn what ways to wear this accessory exist, and how to further diversify your appearance with it.

a man? Classic ways

  • If you use a scarf as an addition to the image, and not as a means of keeping warm, and prefer a coat, then you can wear it simply by putting it on your shoulders, without making any coils and knots.
  • Long ones can be worn as follows: approximately ¼ part, starting from the end, is left on one shoulder, the rest of the material is wrapped in several turns and the end is thrown over the shoulder, that is, behind the back.
  • When wearing a jacket, you can also use a scarf, only in this case it will act as an accessory, and not a "heater". We put it on the neck, and after crossing them, we hide the ends under a jacket (or coat).
  • We put on a scarf and tie it in a knot. We straighten both ends so that one is above the other.

How to tie a scarf for a man? Modern ways

How to tie a scarf for a man? Non-trivial ways

  • Make several turns around the neck (their number depends on the length of the scarf), leaving a small part of one end out, and thread the other end through the coils. Both ends can be the same length or different.
  • A modern trumpet scarf is the easiest way to always get rid of the question: “How beautiful to tie a scarf for a man?” It is very comfortable, does not require any skills and in cold weather will protect from cold winds.
  • We put the scarf around the neck, while one end should be slightly lower than the other. We make a coil using the long part. Next, we throw one end of the scarf through the resulting coil, and draw the other under it and tighten it.

These are the ways to wear a scarf for men. Agree that they are all quite simple and understandable. With their help, you can not only keep warm in cold weather, but also add variety to your appearance at any time of the year. Don't be afraid to experiment and create your own style!

Neck accessories have been an integral part of the stylish wardrobe of the strong half of humanity for many centuries. A men's scarf is just that detail that allows you not only to look elegant and colorful, but also warm if necessary.

So that the scarf, after the acquisition, does not lie on the closet shelf, but flaunts on the man's neck, you need to choose it correctly. First of all, it must be natural material, which lies pleasantly on the neck, and does not rub it or prick it. In second place is its shape, color and size. They must be taken into account so that the scarf is in harmony with the main elements of clothing, and not conflict with them.

For example, for a coat made of wool, a suit and tie, you should choose an accessory made of fine wool or cashmere in cold weather. In warm weather, a scarf made of cotton or printed silk is used. Concerning sports style, then there should be a knitted accessory made of voluminous woolen threads that will complement jeans, a down jacket and a thick sweater. Read also 4 ways to tie men's scarf in .


Wool is a demanded material in the production of men's neck accessories.

This is a fairly comfortable fiber that retains heat well, is soft and does not irritate the skin of the neck.

Wool of Merino breeds of sheep is rightfully considered the best. She is so thin and delicate finished goods from it are obtained soft, they can only be compared with cashmere accessories.

The woolen accessory is able to absorb 30% of moisture, while remaining completely dry.

Wool - easy to drape, does not wrinkle and has practical natural properties.

Do not disregard products made of wool: rabbit; llamas; goat and camel. They also perfectly warm and complement outerwear.


Cashmere products are distinguished by their softness and tenderness, therefore they are considered the most beloved among the male population. Down material - does not cause energy reactions, perfectly retains heat and is quite practical. The fact is that cashmere is the undercoat of mountain sheep, which are grown in special climatic conditions. And the fluff is collected only by hand and only in the spring. It is these indicators that affect the quality of the product and its rather big cost.


A type of wool that is believed to be used only for the production of jackets and coats. But this is not so, tweed is an excellent material for first-class stylish accessories.


A natural fiber that is extracted from the cocoon of the silkworm. Silk is pleasant to the touch, the structure is smooth with a characteristic sheen. The stuffed silk product is suitable for the warm season and is worn with a jacket or a demi-season coat.

Lightweight demi-season fabrics include cotton, linen, acrylic. They are appropriate in lightweight men's bows and are designed more to create an image than to protect against the cold.

When choosing a scarf, always pay attention to its composition. If the seller says That the product is 100% natural, this must be documented. Otherwise, you can run into an unscrupulous fake.


As for the colors of men's neck accessories, there is nothing to brag about here, it is quite conservative and the number of colors can be listed on the fingers. Nevertheless, when choosing a scarf for outerwear, it is necessary to take into account the main colors of the wardrobe. The classics of the genre are gray, brown and blue colors. Large check is the most used print on neck accessories.

On the advice of a stylist, you should choose an accessory two or three shades lighter or darker than a coat or jacket.


Despite the fact that men's accessories are deprived of a variety of colors and shades neck accessory, but they have a fairly wide range of choice of its shape and size. What types of men's scarves exist:

  • Classic rectangular;
  • Knitted voluminous;
  • Long with fringes;
  • Snood;
  • Arafatka.

The form

Designers of men's accessories offer a large number of models with various forms. But, as a rule, they are based on four types:

Classic. Accessory standard size 120 x 30cm. Production material from 100% wool to printed silk. Suitable for any style and harmonizes with almost any detail of clothing.

Wide and long scarf made of cashmere (pashmina). Differs in ease, style and softness, due to high-quality raw materials.

Snood or round scarf, a form recently introduced into men's fashion, but rapidly gaining a following. Scarves without beginning and end are distinguished by their versatility. Their function is not only to reliably warm the neck area, but also to create a stylish sporty look.

Arafatka - a product square shape, which is borrowed from the Arabs, is used in the creation of male images.

How to wear a men's scarf

After finding out the color, shape and quality of the material, it remains to decide how to wear a scarf and create a stylish masculine look with it. According to stylists, a male neck accessory does not need any special wearing options. In other matters, men do not need, well, they do not like to spin in front of the mirror for hours, attaching another wardrobe item around their necks.

Simple ways to wear a men's accessory that will come in handy in life:

  • Wrap the scarf around your neck once, leaving the ends hanging loose. This method allows you to wear a scarf with classic coat giving a man charm and style.
  • Fold the accessory horizontally and simply place it on the neck. The ends lie along the sides of the coat or suit. A scarf with a jacket is an excellent tandem for this way of wearing, it is used only in warm spring weather, when you no longer need to hide your neck from the cold. The accessory is used as a chic addition to the outfit and the completion of the bow.
  • One of the popular options for wearing scarves is the Parisian knot. An accessory thrown over the neck, folded in half with stretched ends into the resulting loop, is truly considered an icon of style in tying scarves. This option is ideal for both classic and sporty clothing. Pay attention to the length of the product, it must be at least 180 cm.
  • Take a round scarf (snood), wrap it around the neck once, straighten it on outer clothing so that it covers the neck area well. Great option for wearing a scarf with a jacket , down jacket or thick sweater.
  • The ideal option is to throw a scarf around your neck, throw one end over your shoulder, and put the other freely in front. The method helps to avoid tying a scarf, so unloved by men.
  • Skinny scarf. It will allow you to create layering in clothes that have reached the point of popularity this season. Wrap the accessory several times around the neck. Hide the ends, straighten the resulting structure so that several visible layers are obtained. The style is youthful, but it allows older men to use it to create a fashionable look.
  • To protect yourself from the cold and piercing wind, you need to wrap the accessory around your neck once and tie a scarf on your coat, men are advised to put the ends under their clothes. For this option, a scarf, large knit is suitable.
  • A small square-shaped accessory, tied around the neck under the shirt collar, which can completely replace a tie and fits any style. You can tie an accessory around your neck different ways. A popular option is to tie a scarf in the form of a tie.
  • In severe frosts, in order to avoid frostbite on the lower part of the face, it is enough to tie a warm triangular scarf in the form of a “arafatka”. To do this, fold a large woolen scarf diagonally. Attach the corner of the triangle to the chest, bring the ends back, cross them there and bring them to the front. At severe frost put a handkerchief over your face. For better fixation, fix the ends to a knot under the fabric.

We create male images

The time of cold weather is the time of warm and cozy scarves. Cooling is perceived much easier if in men's wardrobe there are some favorite and warm scarves. Well, it’s even more pleasant to be able to tie them in different ways to look stylish and original. This is what will be discussed in this article.
"Parisian" or "French" knot
The French knot is quite simple and easy to tie, at the same time it looks quite stylish and fashionable. Such a knot retains heat well and can be tied over the collar of a jacket or coat, which makes it somewhat versatile for a business or casual dress code. The main requirement for a scarf is length. It should be as big as possible.
How to tie a scarf: Fold the scarf in half, then drape the scarf around your neck, holding one end in each hand. Then the folded ends are threaded through the loop formed and tightened to achieve a comfortable and snug fit.
Wrap once
One of simple ways how to tie a scarf for a man. There are no special requirements for a scarf, any will do average scarf. Great for cold winter, because there are no gaps where cold air can enter.
How to tie a scarf: Take a scarf or shawl and wrap it around your neck once, leaving both ends dangling at the bottom.
Just put on a scarf (drapery)
A rather elegant and stylish way to wear a scarf is to simply throw it around your neck without tying it. This method is suitable for autumn or spring weather, when the temperature does not fall below +7 - +5 degrees above zero. Great for a suit or jacket, as well as a V-neck jumper or cardigan.
How to tie a scarf: simply drape the scarf around your neck and, if necessary, tuck the ends inside the jacket along the line of the jacket's lapels.
Knot "Ascot"
It is quite simple to tie a scarf with the Ascot knot, at the same time, such a knot looks very stylish. The only difficulty lies in choosing the length of the hanging end on front side node. Usually, the Ascot knot is not tightened too much and gives some looseness, referring this knot more to the style and image of a man than to the function of warming a scarf.
How to tie a scarf: Take a shawl or scarf and place it over your shoulders. Cross both ends of the scarf and fold inward the end that is under the top. Next, you should fix the knot so that it does not choke you, but also does not hang around your chest.
In the style of the artist
The following method of tying a scarf will help a man look stylish. Many creative and stylish people like to tie a scarf with one end in front and the other behind their back. This method is not suitable for a cold winter, but it will look great at a party or creative evening.
How to tie a scarf: Place the scarf over your shoulders and tie one end of the scarf behind your back.
double wrap
This way to tie a scarf will help a man survive any inclement weather. Cold wind or severe frost are not afraid of you if you wrap a scarf around your neck twice. However, this method will require a very long scarf, at least 150-170 cm.
How to tie a scarf: put the scarf on your shoulders, so that one end is at chest level, and wrap the other end around your neck twice, covering all open areas of the neck. To fix the ends, fix them between the layers of the scarf.

Sometimes the weather can be fooling, and it would seem that on a sunny day, a cold wind suddenly flies up your neck. In order to be able to resist, men need to wear a scarf. Often they are made from a thick or patterned piece of fabric meant to be wrapped around the neck. However, not everyone knows how beautifully to tie a scarf for a man, despite the long history of their use in the men's wardrobe.

The main function of the scarf is to protect the neck. Thick woolen ones keep you warm in winter, while light linen ones help protect your neck from the sun and sand. They can bring a strong element of style, especially when adding color to casual wear.

Tied properly, a scarf can add charm to a person, as well as increase the volume of the ensemble. Although originally worn during the winter months, the scarf can also come in handy on rainy, windy days, at the beach, or to protect against frosty air from the air conditioner.

paris knot

To figure out how fashionable it is to wear a scarf for men in the French style, you just need to tie it with a French knot. It is done quickly and easily and produces a large warm knot worn directly on the collar of a coat or jacket, making it a good wind stopper. It is better to choose a model of a long scarf, and you should not take a scarf that is too thick, as the final knot may be too large.

You need to fold it in half in the middle so that the ends touch each other. Hold the double bend in one hand, and circle the other ends around the neck. Then wrap them through the bend and pull. Adjust if necessary. The ends of the scarf can be worn either inside or outside of a coat or jacket, depending on how much focus the scarf should take.

Important! When choosing a Parisian knot to wear a scarf, it is best to avoid tightness. outerwear, it is better to keep the coat or jacket open.

Knot Ascot

One of the simplest scarf knots that can be worn by a man. The only difficulty is deciding how high or low to wear it. It usually hangs, moving a little around the neck, so this style is more functional.

To tie it, you need to take a scarf and put it on your shoulders. Then tie both ends of the scarf "over and under", as if it were a giant pair of laces. Adjust the front side so that it is smooth and tighten closer to the neck.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

If a man plans to wear it inside a blazer, then a silk scarf should be purchased.

double wrap

This is an option for cold weather and is great for a really long and thin scarf.

To tie it, you need to wrap a long scarf around your neck twice, leaving two short ends hanging in front.

Important! This style is the best way wear a light scarf in the summer on a T-shirt, tank top or cardigan.

Single wrap

Such wrapping with a scarf perfectly keeps the neck warm, you can use products from middle length to long scarves. It is necessary to take a scarf and wrap it once around the neck, leaving two edges hanging freely.


This style maximizes the movements of the scarf. There is no knot here, just a light drape around the neck that leaves one end shorter than the other. More long end the scarf is thrown over the neck and hangs over the opposite shoulder. If the scarf is too long, wrap it around your neck once before putting it over your shoulder. This style conveys the activity and mobility of a man.

other methods

It is equally important to figure out how to fashionably tie a scarf for a man with a fake knot. As the name suggests, he uses a bit of trickery to get what he wants. appearance. This knot looks best with a patterned or thicker weave scarf. Here you can use a product of medium length without problems. Hang the scarf around your neck, with one end twice as long as the other. Tie a loose knot towards the end on the long side of the scarf, leaving 30 - 45 cm at the end. Pull the knot a little and pull the short edge through it, after which it should be tightened.

A reverse scarf is a great option for colder weather as it provides more neck protection. You need to wear a scarf around your neck, making sure that both ends are the same length. You should take one end of the scarf and bring it over the neck and the opposite shoulder, then do the same with the other side so that both edges hang neatly from the back. Adjust if necessary.

To tie a scarf with a four in hand knot, you need to fold it in half, wrap it around the neck with a loop on one side, and the two ends on the other. Pull one end through the loop. Then tighten the loop, and pass the other end through a new loop near the neck. Tighten both ends and adjust.

"Loop and fold": you need to take a scarf and hang it around your neck, both ends should be the same length and hang down your back. Then wrap them on opposite shoulders, wrapping them around the neck so that they now hang in front. Then pass the two ends under the scarf fold that wraps around the neck in front, tying them up and then letting them hang down.

The most popular way to tie a men's scarf

Drape is such a type - the most elementary way of tying a scarf. This way of wearing a scarf is perfect for those who don't like anything wrapped around their neck but still want to keep warm.