How to make an antique box. Decoupage boxes in different styles: ideas and master classes. We make the decor of the chest

Only true connoisseurs of beauty understand how important creative process is a decoupage technique. It is with its help that you can decorate, update and improve absolutely any thing. The decoupage of the box deserves special attention. Thanks to the drawing on the old box, it is possible to make it unusual, valuable and unique. It can be the characters of your favorite computer games, or your favorite book, cute cats and puppies, floral ornaments, or landscapes - it all depends on your interests and preferences. Decoration can be done in various techniques and styles - the box can be decorated antique, or with the help of folk crafts ornaments, make it look like you just bought it at a fair. The box can be made from any materials - wood and cardboard, plastic container, or a tin box for sweets or tea. It can be given the appearance of a pirate chest, a rustic handicraft box, an elegant bonbonniere... The flight of fancy is unlimited! Made? You can puff out your cheeks and show off in social networks, and most importantly - use it with pleasure!

Only true connoisseurs of beauty understand how important the decoupage technique is in the creative process.

Vintage accessories are not in vain very popular and appreciated all over the world. They hold some mystery and history. They involuntarily want to be treated carefully and carefully.

Vintage accessories are not in vain very popular and appreciated all over the world.

What is necessary:

  • wooden box;
  • glue;
  • primer;
  • scissors;
  • tassel;
  • sponge;
  • pencil;
  • decoupage card;
  • lace;
  • paints;
  • 3D potch;


  1. Turn the decoupage card over and put the lid down, circle it along the contour of the box.
  2. Cut along the outline.
  3. Lubricate the cover with glue and attach the prepared card, smearing with glue from the outside as well.
  4. Lace the bottom of the product. To give it antiquity, apply paint with a sponge and put it on a newspaper. After the lace part has dried, fix it with glue at the bottom of the wooden structure.
  5. Treat the inside of the box with a primer and paint a contrasting color on top.
  6. Decorate the inside with lace.
  7. Using 3D-patch to give the picture volume.

Ready product coat with varnish on the inside and outside.

Gallery: decoupage boxes in different styles (25 photos)

Decoupage of a round box in Provence style

Making boxes in this style can be safely called art. After all, even an old, unremarkable little thing is transformed beyond recognition. Beautiful, gentle tones give a special grace to the finished product. To make such a box yourself, use the step-by-step guide:

Making boxes in this style can be safely called art.

What is necessary:

  • round box;
  • acrylic paints;
  • napkins;
  • glue;
  • sponge;
  • tassel.


  1. Apply a thin layer of paint to the box white color.
  2. After this layer has dried, apply ivory color paint.
  3. Cut out a suitable pattern from a napkin and glue it immediately to the workpiece.
  4. Paint over the sides in several layers.
  5. Paint over the product with a small layer of gray paint both on the top and on the sides.
  6. Sponge along the edge to apply paint resembling burnt sugar in color.

Important! Before applying a new layer of paint, the previous one must dry completely.

Decor of a wooden box in the style of shabby chic

This work is so simple that even for beginner needlewomen, its implementation will not be difficult. Only a few stages of work and a few of its characteristic features that can be mastered quickly enough. You just need to follow the instructions.


  1. Carefully unscrew and remove absolutely all fittings from the workpiece.
  2. Mix with water dark paint. The consistency of the mixture should resemble low-fat kefir.
  3. Paint the structure with prepared paint and wait until it dries.
  4. Sand the outer part of the product.
  5. Rub the edges generously with wax.
  6. Now mix white paint with water and completely paint over the wooden box with it.
  7. After the white paint has dried, go through the corners with sandpaper so that it begins to show in these places dark color.
  8. Choose a suitable pattern on a napkin and cut out this motif.
  9. Layer this picture and use only the topmost of the layers in your work.
  10. Glue the napkins with water.

Cover the product with three layers of varnish and only after that re-fix all previously removed fittings.

Decoupage antique boxes: master class

This retro-style jewelry box is not only the perfect jewelry box, but also a great gift. Who would not be presented with such an unusual present, he will certainly be pleased. This product looks very unusual.

This retro-style jewelry box is not only the perfect jewelry storage box, but also a great gift.


  1. Inspect the wooden product carefully, sand it with fine sandpaper.
  2. If small cracks were found, cover them with putty.
  3. Tape the inside and the outside of the loops with masking tape. This will prevent paint from getting into these areas.
  4. Tear off the fragments necessary for the work from the napkin.
  5. Attach them to the lid and circle around the contour with a pencil.
  6. Paint the box with brown paint, leaving only the outlined areas unpainted, on which the drawing will be located.
  7. Apply varnish over the paint and let it dry.
  8. Rub the ribs with a candle.
  9. After that, apply white paint, and after it dries, process the box with sandpaper.
  10. Now glue the drawings to the lid.
  11. Apply paint to the entire top of the product.
  12. Remove masking tape and cover the inside of the product with stain.

After the stain has dried, saturate these areas with varnish.

Decoupage boxes in patchwork style

Patchwork is a very unusual needlework, which involves the manufacture of both small and voluminous crafts from scraps of fabric. Fabric decoupage of the jewelry box is a very bold and successful solution.

Patchwork is a very unusual needlework

What is necessary:

  • wooden box;
  • lace;
  • linen fabric;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • lock;
  • glue;
  • paints;
  • brushes;
  • texture paste;
  • stencil;
  • palette knife;
  • sandpaper;
  • masking tape;
  • a thread;
  • needle.


  1. Clean the workpiece with sandpaper.
  2. Coat the fabric with white paint, leaving only the edges unpainted.
  3. Cut out squares from a napkin and remove all lower layers from these parts.
  4. Attach these elements to the fabric and coat with glue.
  5. On the inside of the fabric, lay out the synthetic winterizer, after which the edges are already bent.
  6. Fix the structure in this position with masking tape.
  7. Pull the edges onto the cardboard using a needle and thread.
  8. Fix the blank on the lid of the wooden box.
  9. Apply structural paste to the side elements using stencils and a palette knife.
  10. Dry the work and be sure to varnish.

At the end, attach the lock.

Paper thinning methods

It is not enough just to choose the right pattern to perform decoupage. The paper needs to be thinned. You can do this in the following ways:

  • paint over the surface of the drawing and let it dry. Attach tape to the back. Take off the top of the picture. It should turn out very thin, almost transparent;
  • several layers of varnish are applied to the picture. After it dries, the drawing is laid out in water for half an hour. The workpiece is taken out and rolled up the inner layer by hand;
  • in the case of using photographic paper, it is also initially varnished. When the varnish dries, the photograph is placed on a wet surface for five minutes and the cut is pryed off, detaching the layer of paper from the photo itself.

Decoupage boxes: aging and shabby chic (video)

Decoupage boxes (video)

And we turned the box into an old disheveled book crumbling from old age.

Do you want to learn too? I will try to describe step by step our master class, and if you have any questions, I will be happy to answer them in the comments.

Materials and tools.

We'll need

  1. Preparation of a casket-book (pine)
  2. Self-hardening clay (cheapest)
  3. Cord and a piece of gauze to simulate the spine of a book
  4. Printed on regular office paper
  5. PVA glue
  6. Acrylic varnish and paints.
  7. Priming
  8. Brushing tools (gas torch and iron brush)
  9. Brushes, skins.

Well, everything seems to be included in the list. And now, armed with all the materials, you can start decorating.

Imitation of the sheets of a book.

To imitate the sheets of a book, we use the technique of brushing wood with firing. If you have a blank made of mdf or plywood, then the sheets can be imitated using putty. Unfortunately, I didn’t have time to take a photo of this process and perhaps this question will remain open for beginner decoupagers, but I will describe this technique soon when I make the next similar box. Follow the news.

Imitation of shabby cardboard

After brushing, we proceed to imitate shabby, crumbling cardboard. For this step, we used this self-hardening clay.

We roll it into a thin sheet and put it on the cover of the box covered with pva glue. This will be our future cover.

We tear the edges and leave to dry. A thin layer of clay dries very quickly, we used a hair dryer.

After drying, sand the surface, removing excess pieces of hardened clay. It is better not to touch the torn edges, let them remain as dry.

Imitation book spine.

So we got to the stage of imitation of the spine. Glue the laces on the future spine as shown in the photographs.

To do this, we used Moment carpentry glue. He is yellow, but he coped with the task perfectly.

After gluing, it is better to leave for 15 minutes, so that the laces are firmly fixed on the surface, and at the next stage, they don’t “run away” from us.

Now we need a piece of gauze and pva glue (you can use ordinary construction glue, which is often used in decoupage of napkins). Cut off the size of the spine and coat with glue on top of it.

The gauze should be completely saturated with it. The gauze was fixed and left to dry. Here you have to wait a little longer. When everything dries, cover the spine and cover with acrylic primer.

We leave only the inside of the box unpainted. There we will paint with transparent brown paint. We give transparency by adding water to the paint.

We color the spine, as in our case, in green color.

Let it dry.

Aged printout

Well, finally, let's start decoupage.

Here we used such a cute picture with illustrations from the book "Alice in Wonderland". The picture, as always, is made of office paper, printed on CISS with pigment ink.

In order to age it well, we had to spoil it from the heart. Crumpled into a ball, unfolded and crushed again. Unfolding, we throw it into the water for soaking.

For the best effect of antiquity, add strongly brewed black tea or a tea bag to the water. It will slightly color the printout in yellow, and the creases that are formed when the paper is creased will take on a darker shade.

You don’t need to keep the picture in the water for a long time, after 3-4 minutes we take it out and glue it on the “book cover” using a file. We tear in the same way as we tore a sheet of clay.

Let it dry and you can cover everything acrylic varnish.


It remains to add a little patina. Here we used acrylic paints with the addition of a drying retardant. We rub with our fingers into the “decrepit cardboard”, on some sections of the cover and on the sidewalls.

We fix everything with one layer of acrylic varnish.

Is it all? Well, yes. It remains to show you our work from all angles.


I want to thank Gulnaz for participating in the master class, for transforming an ordinary wooden box into an interesting thing, and you, dear friends, for reading the master class to the end. I hope it was useful and inspiring for you. New ideas for you and even more creativity. Until we meet again on the blog pages, Bye.

Every year the number of masters increases as quickly as the ways of training newcomers in various industries. And with the help of our World Wide Web, you can learn everything that only the soul desires. Including such technique as decoupage.

What is decoupage? Decoupage is a way to show your talent, style and skill by decorating objects. With the help of decoupage, you can carry out different ideas, for example: an antique box, a vintage box, etc.

This article shows a decoupage master class. Also, after reading this article, you will learn how to make a decoupage box and be able to apply your skills to other items.

Decoupage of a wooden box

Decoupage of wooden boxes is the most prudent way of training for both beginners and experienced craftsmen. This requires a minimum of skills, money and time. But even such a budget option able to impress all your loved ones.

For decoupage, you will need the following materials: an ordinary wooden box, an acrylic primer, PVA glue, a synthetic brush, napkins with a finished pattern, or paper similar to a napkin.

Before you start decorating, you need to carefully walk cotton wool soaked in peroxide or alcohol over the entire surface of the box. This will help to clean the box from dust, but most importantly from grease (for example: fingerprints). After that, you must immediately begin decorating the box.

There are many napkins, and they have different degrees of layers. You need to separate all the rest from the layer with the picture. In this decoupage technique, it is necessary to apply a primer with driving movements over the entire surface of the box. This will give it relief and also help the napkin to hold on more steadily.

Now you need to transfer the picture from the napkin to the box. To do this, you need to wait until the primer dries and you can walk with sanded paper, but PVA glue is already needed when transferring the napkin to the box.

The second way: mix the primer with glue in advance and you can apply a napkin on the already dry primer. This method saves time. If you use the first method, then stir the PVA in the same ratio. Prepare the already separated layer of napkin for application.

Before applying a napkin or paper, it is necessary to grease the surface (already primed) of the box with glue. After that, gently, slightly pressing, attach a napkin or paper.

Watch the layers of the picture, there must be at least two layers, since the lack of layers can ruin everything, as well as brute force. In decoupage, the main thing is not to overdo it. We do everything as in the photo of the box in decoupage.

It is necessary to ensure that there are no air bubbles under the napkin or paper, if you notice this, immediately smooth the surface. When everything is completely dry, White background. If you were thinking of other colors, then you need to choose an acrylic primer and paper of the corresponding color in advance.

After you have completed the work and the box has dried, you need to apply a thin layer of varnish over the entire surface of the box, you can add additional decoration. You have a decoupage box.

Decoupage boxes in the form of antique books

This product will look like an old book resembling a box in the form of a decoupage box. This box can even be used as a hiding place, put on a shelf with other books and no one will guess that this is not really a book, but a decoupage box.

For work you will need: a box in the form of a book, acrylic paints, varnish, stain, polishing or sandpaper, a spatula and a picture with an image.

You can use the idea as suggested above - an antique book. You must understand that the finished product should give the effect of antiquity, for this you do not need to sand the box, it is enough to cover the box with stain of the desired color.

After covering the box with stain, it should dry out. Only after that you need to walk with sandpaper, the product will lighten up a little and unnecessary irregularities will be removed.

At the next stage, you need to varnish the lid and do the same with the picture. Then, with the picture down, attach the paper to the box and press lightly, thereby removing the bubbles under the paper.

After everything dries well, you need to wet the paper with water and remove it from the product, and the image that was on the paper will remain on the box. This procedure must be carried out on all faces of the box.

The final stage of decoupage is the application of paint, the main thing in this matter is not to overdo it, otherwise you can quickly ruin everything. Try to apply paint in such a way that it seems that the book (box) has really been taken, leafed through and read many times and these scuffs really look realistic.

Decoupage of a round wooden box

This master class on decoupage of the box will help to transform even an old, unremarkable little thing to amazing results. To do this, we need: acrylic paints, glue, a round wooden box, a sponge, napkins and a brush.

As stated above, before decorating, it is recommended to walk with a cotton swab soaked in alcohol on the surface of the box. We cover the surface of the box with white paint with a thin layer, then apply a second layer, but already ivory.

We also separate the layers from the napkin, leaving the desired one. And glue all the images to the box. We paint the side parts of the box with the color we need, and then apply the paint with a sponge, as in the photo of the box in decoupage.

The most important thing in this decoupage style box is that air bubbles do not form under the napkin and the napkin itself should stick well to the box.

Photo decoupage boxes

Many needlewomen like to make handmade items for the home using decoupage technique. For decoupage, they use either special napkins from the artist's store, or any they like that are sold in the household departments. In our master class, we use a napkin specially designed for this type of work.

Decoupage of a wooden box

To decorate with decoupage an ordinary, inconspicuous wooden box, we need the following materials:

  • wooden blank of the box, in our case the most common box;
  • acrylic paints of woody shades;
  • decoupage card;
  • glue for decoupage;
  • aerosol varnish;
  • two-step craquelure;
  • copper pigment;
  • glue for potali;
  • potal crumb;
  • skin;
  • shellac varnish;
  • clear wax.

Master class on decoupage of a wooden box

In this master class, we will show you how easy and simple it is to make a beautiful decoupage box.

1. First of all, we proceed to the primary processing of the workpiece, that is, the box itself. To do this, we need to use the skin. We rub the box with sandpaper until it becomes as smooth as possible.

2. Now we determine which parts of the box we need to stain, that is, with the help of paints, darken the color of the tree. We do not need to stain the top of the box, as it will be decorated with a napkin. In order not to stain it, we seal it with masking tape.

3. Now we will stain the box. It is better to do this sequentially, in several shades that match the color of the picture. The stain is made from a mixture of acrylic paint and a glazing medium, which makes the paint transparent. We mix a shade close to the color of the girl's hair at the piano.

4. Coat the box with a brush, let it dry.

5. Now blend in a more red shade, similar to the second girl's dress. The box is a little darker.

6. Finally, use the darkest color, cover the box with it, let it dry.

7. After that, you can sand the edges of the box a little, thereby whitening them.

8. We received a box in colors close to the tones of the image of the girls at the piano. It's time for a decoupage card. Cut out the card to fit the box.

9. Soak the decoupage napkin for a few minutes in water. This will help the picture stretch a bit before the glue is applied. If we do not do this, the picture will begin to stretch during the gluing process and bubbles may appear.

10. While the napkin is soaking, in order not to lose time, you can prepare everything you need for gluing. We coat the cover with glue, put paper towels to blot the picture before gluing.

11. Now glue the decoupage napkin to the lid of the box.

12. Using a rough skin, remove the excess edges of the napkin.

13. After that, dry the decoupage card thoroughly and cover it with another layer of glue-lacquer. Let the box dry.

14. Apply the first layer of craquelure. It is most convenient to apply it directly with your finger, in a thin layer, smearing in a circular motion.

15. After that, we wait half an hour, the first layer will become transparent. You can apply a second layer. It is brownish in color, very reminiscent of gum arabic, rather liquid. It should be applied carefully, in no case pouring too much. It is better to apply the layer as thinly as possible, because a thick layer sometimes peels off during the formation of cracks, this will ruin the whole look of the box.

16. Now you need to wait 3-4 hours until the craquelure is completely dry and covered with a network of beautiful cracks.

17. Next, we move on to rubbing cracks. Here you need to be careful - in most cases, craquelure is water soluble, so a drop of water or wet fingers can leave ugly prints. So it is better to rub cracks with a cotton pad. As a grout, you can take pigment, oil or bitumen. We rub in a circular motion, taking a little pigment on the disk.

18. We fix the craquelure with aerosol varnish, it is better to apply several layers.

19. Now we cover the entire wooden box with varnish.

20. At this stage, you can stop - our decoupage box is already ready and varnished. But let's try to continue decorating, giving it the look of a more antique thing, using potal crumbs.

21. We apply a little glue on the palette and rub it lightly on the edges of the box around the motif and a little on the sides.

22. When the glue has become transparent, you can apply the potal: put a leaf on the place where the glue was applied and lightly press it on top with a soft brush. It is very convenient to take the leaflets from the jar with an electrified brush.

23. When the sweat is applied to all the droplets of glue and sticks well to it, you can use the same brush, with movements “against the wool”, to clean off the excess sweat from the box and collect them back in a jar for future work. And the work itself is fixed with several layers of shellac varnish. Acrylic lacquer cannot be used here, in which case the potal will oxidize after a while.

24. Now let's give the sides of the box a small copper sheen. This requires a palette, wax and copper pigment.

25. Mix the wax and a little pigment until smooth.

26. We rub the wax into the work with a brush or sponge.

27. After a few hours, polish the box with a soft cloth. From the inside, we process the box or leave it without processing, depending on the purpose of the box.

28. Now the box is ready.

Today, decoupage is used in the design of completely different items: both exclusively decorative and functional. Thanks to a wide arsenal of decor materials and the ability to choose any design theme, such a simple, but spectacular technique ideal for finishing products for storing personal items. In what ways and how you can make a beautiful decoupage of boxes - read the article.

To create decorative boxes, blanks are used - boxes with compartments, solid or carved, mobile, flexible or independent lid without external and internal decoration. The blank can be large and small, made of wood, plywood, MDF. Natural wood products are highly durable and environmentally friendly, when plywood and MDF blanks are cheap.

Blanks of different shapes and sizes can be made independently from papier-mâché.

Exists different kinds blanks of different shapes, sizes and configurations for a variety of purposes. So, a blank with a pull-out block with ten compartments is suitable for storing small items (for example, rings), can be decorated in the style of “Barbie Chest”, which can be decorated with pink fabric, sparkles, a mirror, etc. and is perfect for as a gift for a little girl. And the six-compartment blank can act as an elegant place to store tea bags.

In online stores, you can find a box blank and a pencil case blank (the principle of operation of these boxes is based on extending storage compartments), an apple blank (can be of various diameters), slatted boxes in the form of loft-style decoupage boxes, a heart blank .

Blanks can be made by hand using newspaper tubes weaving on a frame made of thick cardboard, cut out of a decorative zucchini.

Accessories for decoupage boxes

The design elements of the caskets include all the details that have a decorative and applied character. So, accessories for decoupage of caskets are conditionally divided into decorative-functional and exclusively decorative. The first type of products includes all kinds of locks, corners, hinges, legs, etc., the second - borders, pictures, textiles, sparkles, sequins, etc.

Borders for boxes

For decorating boxes, you can use handicraft borders - functional blanks that can be used to decorate the lid of the box and sidewalls around the perimeter. Borders can be both patterned ribbons with floral or geometric ornaments, and stripes with various images (from flowers, fruits and vegetables, to cockerels, dogs, musical instruments, etc.)

Pictures for decoupage boxes

Pictures for decorating boxes can be represented by ordinary paper napkins, rice napkins, stickers, clippings from newspapers, magazines, books, prints on plain and photographic paper, decoupage cards. Work with any decorative element, from the presented, has its own nuances and features. So, pictures from rice napkins are not cut out with scissors, but are torn out manually, and printouts and decoupage cards with a high density are applied by “implantation” with the help of varnish.

How to decoupage wooden boxes

Decoupage of wooden boxes is the best solution for independent work of beginner decorators. This technique requires a minimum of skill, materials and time, while guaranteeing an effective and attractive result. To decoupage an ordinary square wooden box, we need a decoupage card according to the size of the lid, glue and decoupage varnish, acrylic light brown and paint to match the napkin, glazing medium, two-step craquelure, rough sandpaper, brush, file.

To perform decoupage you need:

  1. Sand the surface of the box and seal the lid with masking tape, on which, in the future, the drawing will be placed.
  2. Paint all edges of the box with acrylic light brown paint with a glazing medium.
  3. According to the pattern of the tree, add paint to match the napkin (also diluted with glazing agent).
  4. After the paint has dried, sand the edges of the box to white.
  5. Overlay the picture on the file inside out, soak in water
  6. Place the drawing on the cover, remove the file, paint over the drawing with glue.
  7. Sand the edges of the picture and cover it with craquelure in two layers with intermediate drying.
  8. Varnish the finished product.

Malachite decoupage boxes: master class

Malachite painting is a rather complex and painstaking work that allows you to get a picture that imitates the surface of a bright green mineral. In order to perform this type of decoupage you will need: a decoupage card or a napkin with a motif in the appropriate malachite color scheme, acrylic paints (black, white, turquoise, dark and light green), acrylic drying retarder, thick cardboard, scissors, synthetic brushes, gold pigment, foam sponge, sandpaper, plastic bag, glossy varnish for decoupage.

Making the box:

  1. We prepare the surface of the workpiece for decoration.
  2. We cover, with the help of a foam rubber sponge, the entire surface of the box with white paint mixed with light green.
  3. We process the layer with sandpaper and varnish.
  4. We apply turquoise paint on the surface of the box with strokes (leaving free spaces) and press the strokes with a plastic bag to obtain non-standard prints.
  5. We take dark green paint and add black blotches to it, apply it in the same way to the area already drawn in turquoise.
  6. We take cardboard, apply it to the strokes and remove them, pull them to the side.
  7. We fix the result with varnish.
  8. We add a retarder to each paint and apply strokes using curved cardboard, alternating light paint with turquoise and dark.
  9. The result is fixed with a fixative varnish.
  10. After the product has completely dried, glue the napkin, add gold pigment to the protruding contours and varnish the product.

In this technique, both rectangular and round, oval caskets can be framed. Such decoration requires perseverance and a lot of time, but it allows you to create an incredibly beautiful, unique product with a surface that imitates malachite.

In order to perfectly master this decoupage technique, you should complete special author's lessons and take courses such as, for example, Olga Sukhova.

New Year's decoupage for the box

New Year's boxes can be decorated similarly to traditional decor with napkins or decoupage varnish printouts. The second method guarantees the maximum fusion of the picture with the surface of the box.

Lacquer printout is prepared as follows:

  1. We cover the picture printed on glossy photographic paper (with allowances) with acrylic varnish in four layers with a drying interval of one to two minutes.
  2. We soak the printout in water, after that we lay it out on the table with the paper side.
  3. Using a needle, separate the top film layer from the paper.
  4. We transfer the film-image to the file face inward.

After decorating the surface of the box in New Year's colors, you need to overlay the image on the desired area and delete the file. The image should be fixed with glue, applying strokes from the center to the periphery. You can use sparkles, sequins, glitter, artificial snow and ice (semolina, decorative putty, moment glue) as decorations for decorating the box. The finished product must be varnished.

When varnishing the box, you need to make sure that there is a gap between the lid and the box: the varnish should not go into the gap, otherwise the decor can be damaged when opened.

Vintage decoupage of a round box

Decoupage of a round antique box is simple and beautiful way get an attractive product that will look great in a French country interior. In order to make vintage decoupage, we need napkins with large flowers, acrylic brown and white paint, gold pigment, wax, PVA, brushes, foam sponge, decoupage varnish.

We make the box step by step:

  1. We carefully skin the surface of the box and apply brown acrylic in several layers.
  2. We cover the semicircular edges of the box with wax.
  3. We apply white acrylic with a foam sponge.
  4. We skin the places where the wax was applied to a brown base.
  5. We apply a dry napkin to the surface of the box and glue it with PVA. Thus, we completely decorate the workpiece.
  6. After the applications have dried, we apply brown acrylic with a sponge, and then a golden pigment, on the protruding edges of the lid, the bottom of the box.
  7. We cover the product with decoupage varnish-fixer or yacht varnish.

If desired, inside, the box can be decorated with a fabric with a motif corresponding to the overall design, floral patterns can be applied using a stencil.

A master class on how else you can make vintage surface aging can be found on the YouTube channel "Decoupage from Anna Turchina".

For volumetric decor caskets in vintage style you can use dried lavender flowers, polymer roses. The center of the lid of the box can be decorated with a plaster angel.

Box-book: decoupage

To design a box in the form of a book, you will need an ordinary blank, a table fork, a palette knife, acrylic paints, brushes, decorative pine-colored putty, glue, decoupage varnish, decoupage cards, sandpaper, foam sponge, file, masking tape, decorative corners.

Let's get to work:

  1. We skin the surface and cover with white acrylic the top and bottom covers, the sidewall with hinges.
  2. After the acrylic has dried, we glue the decoupage card using a file (the method is described in the New Year's decoupage master class) on the painted surfaces.
  3. We model the pages: we apply putty on the front side face with a three-millimeter layer and pierce the grooves of the pages with a fork.
  4. We tint the dried grooves, mixed with black, brown acrylic paint, add gold pigment.
  5. We decorate the corners of the book with carved, forged elements.
  6. Optionally, we make interior decoration (we decorate the inner surface with a decoupage napkin, fabric, text, etc.)

The book is ready!

Ideas for decoupage boxes

Decoupage of boxes allows you to realize absolutely any creative ideas, because the design can be done using both traditional materials (fabrics, paper napkins), and improvised means that can be easily found at home (for example, small zucchini, table salt).

So, as a decoupage of children's boxes, you can use both traditional decor with napkins and stickers, and original decoupage on the eggshell: this method allows you to get a unique, incredibly attractive, three-dimensional mosaic. For a tea box, a straight six-compartment blank box and decoupage with a stencil may be suitable, and for a wedding one, a heart blank and decoupage with a photograph of the newlyweds.

Original decoupage ideas can be found on the Fair of Masters website.

Decoupage boxes (video)

Do-it-yourself boxes made using decoupage technique are incredibly beautiful, unique products that can become great gift for a wedding, birthday or anniversary, for both women and men, a unique and practical element of the interior. Get inspired by decoupage photos and hurry towards exciting, creative work!