How to make matte from glossy varnish. How to make manicure matte. How to make a matte manicure resistant

However, the masters of the nail industry know how to make an ordinary glossy varnish matte at home without a special coating. In addition, you will always find all the necessary components at home.

How to do matte manicure with a special cover?

The easiest way to make an "anti-gloss" manicure is to buy a special matte varnish. But, unfortunately, such varnishes are often expensive. If you want to try to do a similar manicure just once, then it makes no sense to buy a whole bottle of varnish.

It is much more practical to purchase a matte finish. Then you can turn any of your varnishes into matte in a few moments. You have the opportunity to experiment with a manicure palette, each time surprising you with a new matte nail design.

Such a manicure is the easiest to perform. You will need:

base coat (if it is not included in the varnish structure);
varnish ( any will do variant from your collection);
matte finish. The Big Matte Top Coat from Sally Hansen does the job well. A budget option, but no less effective from this - smart enamel Super Matte Top Coat of domestic production.

A matte manicure is done in this way in a few simple steps.:

    1. Clean your nails, give them the desired shape.
    1. Apply a clear base coat. But first, look at the instructions on the bottle of varnish. Some of them already contain the base in their composition. Then you can safely skip this paragraph.
    1. When the base is dry, cover your nails with your favorite colored polish and wait for it to dry completely.
    Apply a matte finish on top.

Advice. Use dark varnishes, it is on them that the matte effect shows all its beauty. But remember, matte nail design focuses on all the bumps and "sloppiness" of your manicure. Therefore, treat shaping and polishing your nails with extra care.

Matting varnish with steam

One of the most elementary and popular methods for getting a matte manicure is steaming the manicure with boiling water. The advantages of this method are 100% matte effect, no cash costs are required, it is done simply and quickly. But the steam method also has a minus - it is unsafe. It must be applied carefully so as not to burn your hands.

For such a manicure you will need very few materials.:

base coat;
saucepan with boiling water.

How to do a matte manicure with steam:

    1. Shape your nails, gently remove cuticles.
    1. Clean off the remains of the previous varnish, and at the same time degrease the surface of the nail with nail polish remover. After this procedure, the varnish will last much longer.
    1. Apply a base coat on your nails and wait until it dries completely.
    1. The next layer is varnish, which needs to be made matte. Apply it gently on your nails, making sure that it does not go beyond nail plate. If the hand trembled, and the varnish nevertheless went behind the nail and got on the skin, carefully remove the excess. Use for this cotton swab soaked in nail polish remover.
    Until the varnish is dry, hold your hands over the steam. Be careful not to burn your fingers with the hot fumes from the boiling water. When the varnish dries and the manicure is ready, you will notice how effective this simple method is.

Advice. In this case, it is important to ensure that the matte finish appears evenly on all nails. Therefore, process the manicure by moving your fingers over the steam so that the steam covers the nails completely.

Starch treatment

Starch will help to quickly give a matte effect to any varnish. If you have a bag of corn or potato starch left in your kitchen supplies, you can use this product to remove the glossy sheen from the structure of the varnish.

To make varnish matte with starch, you will need:

base coat;
nail polish.

Such a “starch manicure” is done in several stages:

    1. Polish the nail plates, correct their shape with a nail file, clean with nail polish remover and remove excess cuticle.
    1. Apply a base coat, let your nails dry.
    1. Take a little piece food foil. Sprinkle some starch on the surface and pour in a few drops of your usual varnish.
    1. Using a toothpick, mix the varnish with a small amount of starch. Achieve a uniform texture - the varnish should not be lumpy, stir the two ingredients until completely homogeneous.
    Apply varnish in the usual way. When it dries, it will not shine and shimmer with gloss.

Advice. Varnish, mixing with starch, becomes thicker. It should not be too dense, otherwise you will not be able to accurately apply it not to the entire surface of the nail. Stir the varnish with starch as quickly as possible. If you delay, the varnish will dry quickly, and you will not have time to distribute it evenly on the nails.

soda treatment

Another easy way to make nail polish matte is to treat your nails with baking soda. It will quickly and effectively remove shine in seconds. Moreover, this wonderful transformation takes place so quickly that you must stock up on all necessary materials and tools.

For the "soda manicure" you will need:

baking soda;
strainer with a fine mesh;
soft makeup brush of small size;
a plate of water;
base coat;
nail polish.

How to make a matte manicure with baking soda:

    1. Sift the soda through a strainer. There should be no lumps or large particles left in it, otherwise they will spoil appearance manicure.
    1. Polish your nails and give them the desired shape, cut off the regrown cuticle. Clean the surface of the nail plates.
    1. If necessary, apply a base coat and wait until it dries completely.
    1. Choose any glossy polish and paint your nails on one hand. Leave the second one unvarnished for now. If you paint your nails on both hands at once, there is a risk that while you process the varnish on one hand, it will have time to dry on the other.
    1. While the varnish is still liquid, treat it with soda. To do this, take a makeup brush, dip it in baking soda and gently go over your nails.
    1. Leave the baking soda on your nails for a few seconds. During this time, it will penetrate the structure of the varnish and remove unnecessary shine.
    1. Then brush off the baking soda with a brush or dip your nails into a bowl of water to wash it off.
    1. If there are still particles of soda on the nails, then dip the brush in water and walk again where necessary.
    Now do a matte manicure on the second hand.

After you wash off the soda with water, the haze effect will be hardly noticeable. It will only show up when the nails are completely dry.

When matting varnish with soda, remember a few important points:

Choose a brush with soft bristles. If you use a hard-bristled brush, it will leave streaks on the polish.
When processing raw varnish, do not forget to dip the brush in soda every time before touching it. If this is not done, then the villi will stick to the varnish and leave unnecessary embossed marks.
Apply soda evenly, leaving no gaps. Otherwise, the nails will remain glossy against a general matte background.
Do not apply top coat on top. It can give unwanted shine and cancel out all your efforts.

How to make matte nail polish at home

Do you want to save time and money? Make your own matte lacquer. Then you do not have to apply special top coats every time, mix textures, boil water or use other " folk methods» matting varnish. Moreover, the preparation of one such bottle will take very few materials and only a couple of minutes of free time.

There are two ways to matte any glossy polish you have in your store. Choose the one that you like and expand the palette of your matte varnishes.

Method 1

With it, the varnish becomes matte without changing the color. To do this, take a bottle of varnish and add starch powder to it. In this way, you can also make a transparent matte top - just add cornstarch to the bottle with any transparent coating.

Matte varnish is made in the following way:

    1. Take a bottle of polish that you want to make matte. It is important that it be at least 1/3 empty. After all, additional ingredients must fit in it.
    1. Make a square out of paper (5x5cm). Roll a funnel out of it and lower it into the neck of the bottle.
    1. Sift through a sieve or break up lumps of starch with a toothpick.
    1. Pour starch through a paper funnel. Add it in parts to fine-tune the consistency and haze.
    1. Shake the contents well until it is mixed until smooth.
    1. Test the polish on a nail or paper. If it's not matte enough, add starch. If it is too thick, dilute it with a special thinning liquid.
    Leave the resulting matte varnish to infuse for 24 hours.

Advice. Add the balls from the stainless steel bearing to the bottle of lacquer and starch. With their help, it will be easier for you to achieve a uniform consistency.

Method 2

You can adjust the color of the varnish and the matte effect yourself. According to the technology of preparation, this method is similar to the first. The only difference is that matte shadows are taken as a powder component. Choose the right shade of eyeshadow and mix with clear varnish. If you want to enhance the matte finish of your polish, mix equal parts matte eyeshadow with cornstarch and add it to your clear polish.

Now you know several ways to make regular polish matte at home using the simplest materials and techniques. Choose any of them and create new ones fashion images for your own, author's nail art. Matte manicure is not just a monotonous, lackluster nail design. You can combine a matte finish with a glossy finish or use multiple designs at the same time.

Glossy coating for nails is perceived as familiar. Therefore, fashionistas have a completely justified desire to diversify the design. Matte manicure is a concept that has appeared not so long ago. Gradually, this design of nails gained popularity in the world. Now shades can be purchased at almost any store. But it is not necessary to buy funds. To find out the intricacies of performing such a design, you just need to be interested in how to make a matte manicure at home. After that, it remains only to use the advice.

Modern matte finishes

The first with a matte effect, which appeared on sale, did not look very attractive. Some women of fashion even compared them with gouache. After all, these varnishes differed from glossy coatings only in the absence of gloss. Modern means are of better quality. They are presented in the form of a fairly diverse palette of shades. Cosmetics stores offer fashionistas varnishes with the effect of suede, velor, rubber. Most brightly they look in black, dark blue, cherry color. This design visually narrows the nails. As a result, the fingers look more elegant. That is, a matte manicure at home can be performed after purchasing the appropriate funds.

Sand lacquer coatings are popular. Part such funds includes shimmer and glitter. Due to these components, the nails acquire a characteristic appearance. Of course, the easiest way is to buy already finished product with a matte effect.

Application features

Special matting agents dry quickly and independently, “drying” treatment is not needed in this case. They are easy to apply on the nail plate due to the liquid texture. But since you can make a matte manicure at home with the help of improvised means, it is not necessary to purchase expensive special coatings.

It is noteworthy that a day after the creation of a manicure, the varnish may begin to crack and crumble. An undesirable feature is the appearance of shine. This happens a few days after the coating is created. Unfortunately, the luxurious matte finish tends to fade. In this case, you can use a top designed to create a velvet effect. It is also allowed to cover the nails with a new layer of varnish on top of the existing one.

You should also thoroughly treat the nail plate. After all, after using a matte varnish, any irregularities on it become noticeable. For this purpose, it is preferable to use a special polishing bar. After that, apply the base in 2 layers. Each one must dry completely. If you apply varnish on a wet nail, then the coating will look like sloppy stripes and tubercles. And small inaccuracies need to be eliminated. For this, a brush soaked in solvent is best suited. After the transparent coating has completely dried, you can paint your nails with the selected colored varnish. If you use these recommendations, then it turns out at home. Photos show this step by step.

How is a manicure performed

To create a beautiful matte design, you need completely ordinary items. Almost every girl is easy to stock up on everything you need. To perform a matte manicure, you need to use an ordinary nail polish of your favorite shade, a small bowl filled with water, nail polish remover, a nail file, an included stove, cotton pads.

To do Beautiful design, you need to perform a number of actions:

Such a manicure option allows you to save money, since the cost of real matte varnishes is several times higher than the price of glossy ones. Therefore, many girls are interested in how to make a matte manicure at home. As you can see, it's quite easy.

Another way

There is another method of doing manicure at home. In this case, you only need to purchase a special matting agent. For execution original design thin brushes, sequins, stickers may be required. They are selected depending on the chosen design. In this case, a rather original matte manicure is obtained at home (the photo is presented below). Step by step, the main steps for decorating nails look like this:

  • Coat your nails with plain glossy polish.
  • Wait for the layer to dry.
  • On the surface of the nail distribute a special velvet finish.
  • Allow the product to dry completely.
  • Create your favorite design with glittery ribbons and stickers.

That is, it is not difficult to perform such a manicure. This only takes a little time. If you are interested in how to make a matte manicure at home, we recommend using this method. Thus, you can make a matte shade of varnish from absolutely any manufacturer.

original design

Any coating gradually gets bored, so the design of nails can be diversified. To do this, just follow a few simple steps:

  • Paint your nails using glossy varnish.
  • Wait for the coating to dry completely.
  • Glue the ends with special strips to make a jacket. You can also use tape.
  • Paint over the open part of the nail plate with a matting agent.
  • Wait for the layer to dry.
  • Remove stripes.

The “smile” made on the nails also looks beautiful. To do this, create a glossy manicure using the varnish you like, then let the coating dry completely. Attach stickers to the base of the nail plate, apply a special velvet coating. And if you use it for this design, you get " moon manicure". Nails with a matte finish look beautiful, decorated with rhinestones, glitter, foil.

Since it is not difficult to make a matte manicure at home, it is not necessary to purchase a special tool. You can use the existing glossy varnish. But if you want to create a finish with a suede or rubber effect, it is worth adding the appropriate nail polish to your arsenal of home remedies.

Sophisticated girls are already tired of glossy finishes. I want something unusual. Then a matte finish comes to the aid of the master. It was invented back in the 90s, but it has only recently gained popularity.

A matte finish looks more advantageous in a dark version - purple, black, burgundy, blue.

This technology is also called velvet. allows you to apply various patterns over the coating, use rhinestones and other decorative elements.

In stores you can easily buy as ready-made Bluesky matte gel polishes or other manufacturers.

You can also make a glossy matte finish yourself. ;There are many ways to do this - from traditional tops and ready-made varnishes with the desired effect to steam baths.

Alternating manicure with a glossy and matte finish will diversify everyday life, experiment with different designs, come up with bright options for a birthday or other important celebration.

At matte design nail gel polish has both its pros and cons.

It is worth remembering that such a coating can emphasize the unevenness of the nail plate, so it is important to choose the right color and texture, as well as apply varnish without violating the technology, otherwise it will not last long.


  • original design and ample opportunities for additional decor,
  • a large selection of colors in both low and medium, as well as in high price ranges,
  • Relative ease of application, no special tools required.


  • capricious and sometimes unpredictable behavior of the coating,
  • the need to strictly observe the application technology: the varnish should not spread over the plate or leave grooves and gaps, while after application it is difficult to correct the shortcomings - you will have to redo it again.

It is best to use gel polish in winter, as it goes well with pale skin and cozy warm clothes. In summer, the matte effect is also not forbidden, although light colors will look better.

Consider how to make a matte manicure using gel polish.


Necessary materials:

  • base coat,
  • glossy and matte top,
  • ultrabond,
  • black gel polish,
  • rhinestones,
  • thin brush.

Stage 1

It is necessary to prepare the nails for applying the coating. Give them the desired shape, remove the cuticle, remove the glossy shine with a buff.

Stage 2

Degrease nails and apply ultrabond.

Stage 3

Apply the base coat in a thin layer, sealing the edges of the plate. We dry.

Stage 4

We cover the nails with gel polish, do not forget about the end of the nail, dry it. We paint the nails in two layers, if the coating is dense in one.

Stage 5

Apply matte finish gel. Dry the top under the lamp. So that the coating is not boring, we take the usual finish (with a glossy effect) and paint over the smile line with it. We send the layer to dry in the lamp.

Stage 6

Delete sticky layer, treat the cuticle with a special tool.

In addition to using matte tops, which are offered by many manufacturers today, you can resort to other methods.

  1. Sander with abrasive 240-300 grit. The method requires practice and is somewhat non-standard. First, the gel polish is applied according to the standard scheme, and then the nail plate is polished. In this case, only the shiny coating is to be removed, and the top should remain intact. To do this, the top can be applied in two layers to reduce the risk of damage.
  2. Acrylic powder with a velvety effect. Gel polish is applied according to the standard scheme, then acrylic powder is sprinkled on the top coat that is not dried (it is more convenient to use a fan brush) and dried in a lamp. After that, the excess can be brushed off.
  3. Matte dust. This method is quite easy, you can not even use colored gel polish. First, a base is applied, dried in a lamp, then covered with a top and dried a little. It remains to apply matte dust with a brush and dry.
  4. Matte top is a regular polish. Suitable if you do not have a special top on hand. After the color layer is applied and dried, and then the top coat, you need to remove the sticky layer and apply a matte top coat for regular varnish. After a few minutes, it will dry, and the manicure will be ready.

If you have to work with ordinary varnish, then there are several ways to give it a matte finish.

  1. Use a matte top such as Sophin, Color Club or El Corazon. First you need to apply a base for ordinary varnish on the nail, then after it dries, apply a color coating, and after another five minutes, a matte top.
  2. Matt lacquer. Applying a matte finish right away is an even easier way to make original manicure. Manufacturers offer a wide range of colors.
  3. Experimental method using cornstarch. A base is applied to the nails, then a little starch and a few drops of varnish are mixed on the foil. This makes the color lighter. The mixture is applied to the nails and acquires the cherished haze.
  4. Another non-standard option - steam bath. The method is rather unreliable, requires skill. In addition, under the influence of steam, some substances evaporate from the products, and the coating is not so resistant. First, varnish is applied according to the base-color-top scheme, and then, without waiting for the top to dry, they bring their hands to a boiling pan and hold it at a distance of 20 cm so as not to burn themselves. After the coating dries, it should become matte.

If you have mastered at least one option for creating a matte finish, you can start experimenting with design.

In addition to the familiar jacket, you can use the “zebra” pattern, when matte and glossy stripes alternate with each other, create a moon manicure, apply various ornaments, floral patterns, use rhinestones and sparkles.

Recently, a sand effect coating has become popular; it can be bought ready-made in stores.

Such a manicure will good choice for a special event, as well as in gentle colors suitable for everyday wear.


How to remove matte gel polish from nails

For removing matte gel polish Kodi or another manufacturer will require:

  • napkins or cotton pads,
  • special liquid for removing the coating,
  • fine-grained buff,
  • foil,
  • orange stick.

In order for all layers to fall behind faster, experts recommend slightly filing the top layer with a fine-grained buff, but the main thing is not to overdo it so as not to damage the nail plate.

Damage to the top layer will improve the penetration of the solution and it will work faster.

Then it is necessary to moisten the cotton pads in the solution and fix it on the nails with foil. After 10-15 minutes, they can be removed and the remnants removed with an orange stick.

If the coating does not come off the first time, repeat the procedure. The process is completed by buffing the nails and applying nail and cuticle care products.

Matte manicure is one of the current trends of this season. On the nails, this texture of varnish looks noble and elegant. The matte finish harmonizes especially well with rich deep dark tones: cherry, eggplant, blue, chocolate. If you decide to combine different textures - matte and glossy - then you risk becoming the most fashionable and arousing the burning envy of your friends. Today we will tell you how to make a matte manicure at home.

Preparation for matte manicure

A non-shiny coating draws special attention to the condition of the nail plate, so make sure that it is perfect. The best option cut manicure.

  • Shape dry nails. We advise you to try the "soft square".
  • Gently push the cuticle towards the nail bed with the pusher.
  • Soak your hands in a warm bath.
  • Cut the cuticle with scissors or tweezers.
  • Apply nourishing oil to the skin around the nail.

Matte manicure: choose a varnish

The secret of a beautiful finish lies in the varnish. What tools will help to make a matte manicure:

  • Matt lacquer. Specialty coatings with a non-glossy texture are sold in stores. Their main advantages are ease of use and speed. Cons: price. Most trendy shades: turquoise, gray, black, purple, burgundy.
  • Matte top coat. If you apply it over any glossy varnish, the latter will acquire the desired matte finish. Big plus: you can get a large number of variety of shades, buying only one tool.

How to make a matte manicure at home

If there was no special matte varnish at hand, and you really want to do a manicure, then use simple home methods.

Matte manicure with steam

  • Paint your nails
  • Put a pot of water on the stove
  • As soon as steam begins to appear, hold your nails over it for 3-5 seconds. Rotate your hand to cover all areas. Be careful not to burn yourself.

Flour or powder


Another way to make a matte manicure at home: if you stick a strip of ordinary adhesive tape on a slightly damp coating, and then carefully remove it, you will get a matte finish.

Matte Manicure Ideas

Matte manicure is good because it gives a huge scope for imagination. You can combine it with glitter, add rhinestones and sequins, draw fancy patterns or stick funny stickers. Here are some creative options - get inspired!

Geometric mix: matte manicure with a glossy pattern

An elegant manicure that even a beginner can do.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Cover your nails with glossy varnish. We chose a beautiful chocolate shade.
  • Cut out small strips of tape.
  • On a slightly damp surface, carefully stick the adhesive tape so that it covers half of the nail.
  • With a quick, gentle motion, remove the tape and enjoy the result.

Here is another version of an unusual geometric solution.

V-manicure with matte varnish

The following design caught our attention because it has a natural pink shade of the nail is in harmony with the milky white matte finish. Manicure is done quickly and easily.

Step-by-step instruction

  • Purchase stencils from the store or cut V-shaped strips from tape.
  • Stick them on your nails. The main task is to make the drawing symmetrical.
  • Cover the surface of the plate with a matte varnish and after a couple of seconds remove the limiter strips. If you wait until the layer is completely dry, the line of the drawing will come out uneven.

Matte manicure with a glossy pattern

A glossy pattern on a matte finish looks voluminous and expressive. You can create monochrome paintings or combine several shades.

Circles and stripes

The main feature of this manicure will be that we will use only black varnish. Additionally, you only need a special matte finish.,/p>

Step-by-step instruction

  • We paint our nails.
  • We cover them with a top coat to get a non-shiny texture. We are waiting for the layer to dry.
  • Glue thin strips of adhesive tape on the nails of the ring fingers. They will serve as stencils.
  • Once again, cover the plate with varnish and carefully remove the limiters.
  • On all other fingers we draw peas. To do this, we need a regular hairpin. Dip its tip in varnish and put neat dots.
  • We dry.

Matte leopard

We offer you several options for leopard pattern. The first is more traditional, done in shades of brown, black and gold.

Step-by-step instruction

  • We cover the nails with a matte beige varnish.
  • We drip gold and brown varnish onto a palette (for example, a plastic card).
  • Using a toothpick, put golden dots on the nail.
  • We collect dark varnish and outline them along the contour. Do not strive for accuracy and symmetry: the line should be intermittent and of different thicknesses.

Please note that we made a monochrome drawing on the black background of the thumb.

Matte leopard-2

The second option is suitable for glamorous girls: pink leopard spots flaunt on a white matte background. The manicure technique is the same.

Matte manicure is not new, before such a coating has already tried to be popular. Among fashionistas, this trend did not take root, because the matte varnish looked, frankly, not very good. A completely different matter is the means for manicure, which are offered by modern manufacturers. Means with a matte effect are available in a large assortment, there will be no problems with choosing and buying.

Design Features

A modern matte finish is similar to velvet, it can also be compared to velor. Color without gloss is deeper, more attractive and even alluring. Matte nails are a special type of manicure, which is characterized by some features.

  • The nail plate should not have flaws and irregularities, since the matte finish will make each flaw distinct. The end result can be spoiled due to any, even a minor flaw.

  • Glossy top can not be used on matte varnish. The desired effect will be completely ruined.
  • Matte finishes take longer to dry than glossy finishes. It is necessary to either calculate the time, or limit yourself to one layer of varnish.

Matt lacquer

It will not be difficult to find the desired shade of varnish with a matte effect. Every serious manufacturer produces a rich palette matte shades. Gel manicure in this case is performed simply according to the standard scheme:

  • we process nails and do a neat manicure, remember the need to eliminate every unevenness of the nail plate;
  • the nail plate should be dry and cleaned;

  • we apply varnish on the prepared and treated nail (the central part is initially painted, and then the side areas are covered);
  • dry in a lamp.

If a manicure is done at home, it will be extremely difficult to choose the right color of varnish. There are many shades, and each of them is unique, especially in matte form. Salons can afford to purchase an extensive palette of matte colors.

Coating products

A large number of manufacturers offer special coatings that allow you to achieve a matte effect when creating a nail design. There are several options for such special tools that the masters actively use.


It is a convenient and practical option, as it is applicable for conventional varnishes and gels. You can turn any color from the palette at hand into a matte finish.

Using the top is very simple:

  • do perfect manicure, remove dirt from the plate, wipe it with a cotton pad;
  • we cover the nail with the varnish we like;
  • leave the varnish to dry completely;
  • if desired, apply a second layer of decorative coating, which should also dry well;
  • Apply a matte finish.

Thus, you can do with any varnish: regular or gel. The effect will still be excellent.


Acrylic powder with a transparent matte effect is very easy to use, therefore it can be used without problems at home. This coating is also called velvet sand. It is cost effective and relatively inexpensive. used acrylic Powder exclusively with gel manicure applied to an uncured top. In this form, the nails are placed in a lamp, dried, then the remaining powder is removed. The result is gorgeous.


Matte dust is very similar to powder. But it is applied with a brush on a sticky layer, and not just poured on the nail. The manicure is also obtained with a chic matte effect that looks perfect.

home methods

Sometimes it happens that you don’t have a matte varnish or a corresponding special coating at hand, but you really want to make a fashionable matte manicure. There is no reason for frustration, since it is possible to perform a matte nail design with the help of improvised means. There are several ways, choose the most suitable for yourself.

water vapor

It can be obtained by bringing water to a boil. You can use any kitchen utensils that are suitable for these purposes.

It is necessary to act according to the following scheme:

  • we do a manicure, paying special attention to polishing nails;
  • the nail plate should be well degreased;
  • we paint the nail with varnish in one or several layers until the desired intensity of the coating is obtained;

  • until the varnish is dry, place the nail over a container of hot water, but not very close so as not to get burned;
  • hold the nail in this position for no more than two minutes;
  • Give the polish time to dry naturally.

Starch based on potatoes or corn

  • a large amount of starch will make the coating too thick, besides, it makes the varnish lighter;
  • mix until we get a homogeneous mass;
  • the resulting composition is applied to the nails and left to dry completely.

When you really want to do a matte manicure, but not at home special means to cover, you can use the usual buff or milling cutter. This method is simple, its essence lies in the partial removal of the top layer of the top. The gloss will come off the nail, and you will get a velvet texture. We remove the dust from the nail and enjoy the result.

Stylish Ideas

Matte manicure looks chic in any image, it does not lose its relevance, inspires masters and forms the basis stylish ideas. Matte texture looks especially chic in dark shades. Even classic manicure based on one color with a velvet base will be chic. In a business image, there is always a place for a sandy manicure. True, you will have to limit yourself in choosing colors, it is better to refuse bright ones.

  • Two textures in one manicure - an idea that is widely used by masters. There is a special charm and beauty, attractiveness and chic in such nails.

  • A glossy pattern on a matte background is the height of craftsmanship and beauty. This manicure embodies elegance, royal chic and discriminating taste its owners. Bringing such an idea to life is not so easy, it requires skills and craftsmanship.

  • You can make one nail glossy and cover the rest with matte varnish or vice versa. This design is simple, but that does not make it less attractive. Even gel with effect cat eye, which is pretty boring, looks new in a matte finish. Such an idea can be safely adopted.

  • Two colors with a velvety texture - this idea has long been considered a classic of modern manicure. So often it is used and is in no hurry to become boring. See how cute and innocent this design is. Light, summer/spring, airy, although very simple. Be sure to try on such an image on your nails.

  • On a matte background, glossy drops of the top are also simple idea, which looks different depending on the choice of primary color. From this design breathes freshness, light originality, which borders on elegance. For such a manicure, there will definitely be time and mood.

  • On the matte nails stones, rhinestones, sequins are miraculously transformed, in a word - the whole brilliant decor. Chic, shine, beauty - the only thing I want to say about this manicure. Such nails attract attention from the first second, it is difficult to take your eyes off them, you want to enjoy and be proud of them.