Action reflective elements for children. Campaign "Light up on the road! Flickers save lives! Consultation for parents on traffic rules in kindergarten DOE "Reflective elements on children's clothing"

The presented material will help educators organize active interaction with parents and children to consolidate the norms. safe behavior on the roads; introduce flicker (reflective element); to form a culture of behavior on the road in children, to cultivate observation, caution, independence and self-confidence.

The most valuable thing is the health and life of the child, therefore, in our kindergarten We pay great attention to the issue of health protection and safety of preschoolers on the streets and roads of the city.

Separately, I would like to dwell on the problem of ensuring security in the autumn-winter period, at night or in conditions of insufficient visibility. In an effort to avoid a collision, the driver must not only see the pedestrian, but also take all measures to avoid the tragedy.

Everyone has already gotten used to the reflective stripes on the uniform of the police, repair services. But not everyone knows about the flickers that pedestrians should wear.Their principle of operation is based on the fact that light, falling on a ribbed surface made of special plastic, is concentrated and reflected in the form of a narrow beam.

When the headlights of a car "snatch out" even a small retroreflector, the driver sees a bright point of light from afar, so the chances that a pedestrian will be noticed increase many times over.

For children, flickers are produced in the form of bunnies, luminous multi-colored stripes, laughing koloboks, airplanes. They can be worn on a string, tied to a bag, backpack, pinned as a badge on clothes, fastened as a bracelet on a hand, glued as a sticker on a bicycle, a toy.

The more reflectives on clothes and things you and your children will have, the more noticeable you are for drivers, and the less likely there is an accident.

How to teach preschoolers about the rules of the road? How to present such serious and vital information in a form accessible to their understanding and teach how to use it in various situations?

The teachers of our kindergarten have worked hard to use creatively different types children's activities. Moreover, most of them were illustrated, theatrical, musical, and playful. From each game lesson, the children must have learned a certain lesson that they remember and we really hope that it will be applied in a specific situation in order to save life and health.

A necessary condition for the success of our work on the formation of safe behavior skills on the road is the cooperation of the kindergarten with the traffic police of the police department of the city of Galich. Meetings with the inspector, police captain Anastasia Valentinovna Sokolova have become traditional. Our pupils enjoyed talking and discussing problems traffic, played didactic games, participated in practical activities. She is a frequent guest and assistant in our institution.

We cannot do anything alone without involving the parents of our pupils in this problem. We worked on this topic in group parent meetings, gave explanatory information in the form of memos, consultations, clamshell folders, etc.

Organized and held with the active participation of parents a review competition "Become more noticeable in the dark!".

Only by joint efforts will we achieve positive results and protect the lives of our children.

Didactic game "Stop the car, slow down, pedestrian on the road"

Educator:Irina Vasilievna Simonova

Target: formation of knowledge about the road, traffic rules at night.

Program tasks :

To form elementary knowledge about the rules of the road;

Explain the purpose of retroreflective elements;

Enrich children's knowledge about the types of flickers and reflective elements;

Activate children's knowledge, speech, memory, thinking.

Rules of the game

A multifunctional mat with removable elements is used to work both with one child and with a subgroup of children, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children. The educator can use simulated ones in his work, involving children in a conversation, discussion, telling children various stories that happen to the characters on the street, road, in transport.

Description of the didactic manual for didactic game“Stop the car, slow down, there is a pedestrian on the road”

Designed for toddlers and toddlers preschool age.

“Stop the car, slow down, pedestrian on the road” is designed as a multifunctional rug with removable elements.

The manual reflects the elements of the street, the road. Removable elements (houses, trucks, cars, pedestrians from among cartoon characters) help create a variety of stories, situations that may arise with pedestrians and passengers on the street.

Removable elements are attached to the manual with Velcro, buttons, a zipper. This allows, in the course of children's work with a multifunctional rug, to develop fine motor skills hands

Using this manual, the teacher gets the opportunity to diversify the forms of work to familiarize children with the rules of the road.

The teacher introduces children to situations created by the adult himself:

P attracts children to invent and play out situations that may arise with children on the street, road, in transport.

He invents mini-stories, fairy tales and uses the manual as an attribute for a theatrical show to children.

The playful form tells the children about the observance of safety measures when crossing the roadway and near it, as well as the need to use reflective elements on clothing at night.

The teacher's fantasy allows expanding the number of removable elements, and this, in turn, will expand the possibility of using a multifunctional rug (taking into account the age and individual characteristics of children) to familiarize children with the rules of the road.

Integrated application activity

"Reflective badge - flicker" with pupils of the middle group.

Educator:Elena Vladimirovna Klimova

Target: the formation of children's skills of safe behavior on the streets of the city

Program content :

Continue to clarify children's knowledge about the types of flickers and reflective elements;

To consolidate the rules of the road, children's knowledge of the traffic light, its signals;

Continue to acquaint children with road signs;

To instill in children the desire to know and follow the rules of the road.

preliminary work :

Teaching children the rules of the road at NOD;

Conversations about traffic rules, about the importance of reflective elements in the life of every person, about their types;

Reading fiction, riddles about transport, road signs, didactic games.

Methods and techniques: playful, visual, practical, explanation, demonstration.

Equipment : handout for application; a sample of the finished "little man" - figures for each child, flick

The course of directly educational activities :

Children stand in a circle.

On wheels I roll (walk around in circles)

I spin with two pedals (walking with knees high)

I'm holding the wheel, I'm looking ahead (hold an imaginary steering wheel)

I know it's about to turn (turn and walk the other way)

caregiver : The guys came to visit us - Vanya and Masha. They are already big, and strictly observe the rules of the road. On the way to our kindergarten, they met the following road signs. Let's remember them .

The teacher shows pictures of road signs. The children name them.

Children:Pedestrian crossing, underpass, caution, children, stop, bus stop, repair work, traffic is prohibited.

Mystery :

Three colored circles

Flashing one after another

Glowing, blinking -

They help people.

Children: Traffic light.

caregiver: What is the need for a traffic light on the street?

Children: It controls the movement of pedestrians and vehicles so that there are no accidents on the street and everyone moves according to the rules.

caregiver: What do the three colors of traffic lights mean?

If the light turns red, then it is dangerous to move.

Yellow light is a warning. Wait for the signal to move.

The green light says: "Come on - the path is open!"

What is the name of the pedestrian road?

Children: Sidewalk.

caregiver: What is the name of the road for cars?

Children: The roadway.

caregiver: Well done, you said everything correctly. Now let's play a little.

Mobile game "Cars »

On our street (children move from one end of the group to the other)

Cars. Cars.

baby cars (holding an imaginary steering wheel (toy).

The cars are big.

Hurry freight (Having made a U-turn, they move in the other direction).

Cars snort.

Hurry, rush.

As if alive.

When all the “cars” have passed, one of the pedestrian children, “crossing the street”, pronounces these words:

Hey cars, full speed ahead

I am an exemplary pedestrian:

I don't like to rush

I will make way for you.

The children take their seats.

Educator:Guys, tell me, please, what is a very important reflective item that will help you cross the road more safely at night?

Children: Flicker.


Well done, right.

We have an icon

Flicker is called,

But the icon is not simple,


Bright light of distant headlights

He will reflect at the same time

And thus on the road

It will make us more visible.

Attach it to your clothes

Anyone can quickly

You don't forget him

He will help along the way.

Children, why do we wear a flicker or a reflective bandage?

Children:In order not to be hit by a car. After all, if it is dark, the driver of the car may not notice us.

caregiver: Absolutely everyone needs flickers - both adults and children. Masha and Vanya go to school very early, when it is still quite dark outside and you can hardly see pedestrians on the road. Therefore, they need to make reflective badges and headbands.

Today we will stick interesting reflective badges - flickers.

See what they can be.

The teacher shows different types of flickers.

Educator: Guys, look what geometric shapes are on your tables?

Children:Square, circle, rectangle, oval.

caregiver: That's right, what color are they?

Children: Yellow and orange.

educatorb: Count how many squares?

Children: Three

Educator:That's right, how many rectangles?

Children: Four.

Educator:Children, look carefully at the magnetic board. What shape are reflective badges?

Children:Round, square, oval, rectangular shape.

Educator:And how do we make a circle from a square?

Cut off the corners of the square, smoothly rounding them.

Finger gymnastics "Let's count"

One, two, three, four, five -

Bus, boat and moped,

motorcycle, bicycle,

Car and plane

Ship, train, helicopter.

Educator:Look closely at the figures of men.

The teacher shows samples. Flickers are glued on them in different sequence: on the chest, on the arms, on the legs. Children remember the rules for working with scissors, glue.

Practical part.

Children work to the music.

Outcome of GCD: Children stand in a semicircle and show finished work that they will take home. They will certainly ask their parents to decorate their clothes with the same reflective badges in order to feel safe on the roads of our city in the evening autumn.

Educator:Masha and Vanya thank you very much, because now they can safely cross the road, observing the rules of the road.

Synopsis directly - educational activities on cognitive development"Become more visible in the dark"

with senior students

Educator:Angelina Fedorovna Korovkina

Target: prevention of children's road traffic injuries; formation of awareness of the need to comply with the requirements of the Rules of the road; popularization of the use of retroreflective elements.

- ensure the assimilation and consolidation of the norms of safe behavior on the roads;

Introduce flicker (reflective element).

- contribute to the formation of the foundations of safe behavior on the street and on the road;
- form an idea of common mistakes in behavior on the road;
- to continue the formation of the ability to make the right decision in various situations and draw conclusions.

- to form a culture of behavior on the road in children;
- To educate children in observation, caution, independence and self-confidence.

The course of directly educational activities

Children stand in a circle.


Get up comfortably, take your seats quickly,

The city of the road certificate today welcomes guests.

The city in which we live with you

You can rightly compare with the primer.

Alphabet of streets, avenues, roads,

The city gives us a lesson all the time.

What did I read the poem about?

To never get into difficult situations,

You need to know and follow the rules of the road.

Let's recall some of them.

What is a pedestrian?

What part of the street should pedestrians walk on?

Where and how to cross the street?

What do the colors of traffic lights mean?

Where do cars drive?

What cars can run a red traffic light?

Road alphabet overhead

Signs are posted along the pavement.

Always remember the alphabet of the city

So that trouble doesn't happen to you.

Game "Find the road sign"

All familiar paths are known to children, an adult knows.

Leading to the other side... (crosswalk)

You will notice this sign immediately three colored huge eyes

The color of the eyes is defined - red, yellow and green.

What kind of road sign is a red cross on white?

Day and night you can handle safely.

Hey driver, be careful, it's impossible to drive fast.

People know everything in the world - this is a sign, of course ... (children)

A sign prohibiting cycling.

What type of transport is a bicycle?

What other modes of transport do you know?

The game "Let's go, fly, swim"

caregiver: I name the transport, and you depict it.

Stranger enters.

Dunno: Guys, imagine, yesterday I was driving with my friend Shpuntik in a car. Suddenly I see some fireflies jumping ahead. And when we drove closer, we saw that they were children and some lights were shining on them. What could it be?

Educator:Dunno, it's very bad not to know. Children, do you know what these lights are?

Unfortunately, pedestrians are often under the wheels of cars. Most accidents happen at night. The main reason is the violation of traffic rules by both pedestrians and drivers. Some pedestrians believe that the driver will see them in any situation and drive around. However, at night, drivers hardly notice a pedestrian or notice too late. A unique way to keep yourself out of trouble on dark streets and roads is to use fireflies, reflective elements or flickers. This is a necessary and useful element for a pedestrian. The driver notices a child with reflective clothing from a much greater distance than without it. So, the chances are higher that the tragedy will not happen.

Flicker is made from a super-bright material. In the dark, the flicker reflects the headlights and glows brightly. Such a light makes the pedestrian more noticeable. Flicker reduces the risk of a car colliding with a pedestrian by 10 times. Now they produce a variety of retroreflective or reflective elements: badges, bracelets, pendants, stickers (shows).

Where can they be attached? For strollers, sleds, bicycles, clothes. They must be visible from all sides. In addition, the flickers are luminous and you will be fashionable and beautiful.

I suggest that the boys paint a children's bicycle with flickers, and the girls a puppet stroller.

flicker- reflective or reflective. Even manufacturers produce clothes with stitching from special reflective fabrics.

(Showing some types of clothes with flickers).

Your parents took care of your safety and decorated your clothes with reflective elements.

(Display of clothes decorated by parents)

Well, Dunno, do you understand what kind of fireflies?

Dunno: Yes, now I will know what flickers are and how important they are for the safety of pedestrians at night.

caregiver: Listen, Dunno, our children will tell poems about flicker.


Pedestrians on the road would be in danger

But they have a safety flicker on their clothes.

It burns brightly in the dark, it says to all cars:

“You, the driver, take your time, you see the sign - stop.

Before you continue on your way, do not forget about the pedestrian!


Everyone should remember around

Who is a good friend on the road.

Take a flicker with you

And don't get in trouble!

Educator:Flicker is, without a doubt, a sign of traffic. But relying only on flickers is not worth it. This is just one way to protect a pedestrian. You must remember and follow the rules of the road.

These rules are the most important. The way home will not be terrible for you, if you strictly and without a doubt follow the rules of the road.

Who knows the rules of the movement, honor and respect!

A song about traffic rules is being sung.


After the collective review of educational activities, a meeting was held between kindergarten teachers and the traffic police inspector of the Galich city police department, police captain A.V. Sokolova She drew attention to the active interaction with parents on the safety of children on the roads. After all, the life of a preschool child is completely dependent on an adult driving a car and the one who holds his hand at the intersection and shows an example of compliance with traffic rules. Flicker is one of the ways to save the life and health of our children. By purchasing a flicker for a child, we take care of his safety on the road at night. She thanked the teachers for the very relevant, well-coordinated and creative work for the protection of life and health of preschool children.

Meeting of pupils of senior groups of kindergarten

with the inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Galich Sokolova A.V.

Theme of the meeting: "Safe behavior on the road"

Target: formation of rules of road literacy in preschool children.

Tasks: practical training in the rules of safe behavior on the streets and roads; familiarity with the reflective flicker badge.

Anastasia Valentinovna told the children about her profession, held a quiz on knowledge of traffic rules. The children answered the inspector's questions with confidence. They applied their knowledge in practice - in the game.

At night, drivers hardly notice a pedestrian or notice too late. A unique way to protect yourself from trouble on dark streets and roads is to use fireflies, reflective elements or flickers.

Children learned that they come in different shapes and colors. They are attached or sewn on clothes, strollers, bicycles and even on children's toys.


"Become more visible in the dark!"

for decorating models outerwear or accessories to it

reflective materials among pupils of kindergarten No. 10

the city of Galich, Kostroma region

1. General Provisions:

1.1. A competition for decorating outerwear or accessories with reflective materials is held among educators, pupils and parents of MDOU "Kindergarten No. 10" with the participation of traffic police officers of the city of Galich

1.2. Goals and objectives of the competition:

Focusing the attention of teachers and parents on the need to wear reflective elements (flickers) on children's clothing to increase safety in the dark in autumn winter time;

Increasing popularity of wearing these items;

Education of law-abiding road users;

Improving the efficiency of work to prevent child road traffic injuries.

1.3. The competition is held from September 9 to October 16, 2013. Fashion show October 17, 2013.

2. Participants of the competition.

The participants of the competition are educators, pupils of junior, middle and senior groups and their parents.

3. Conditions of the competition.

Parents should take part in decorating models of children's outerwear or accessories for it (gloves, scarf, hat, backpack, bag, etc.) with reflective materials. At the same time, both ready-made flickers and applications created from retroreflective fabric, braid, cord, stickers can be used.

The jury selects the 3 best models from each age group educational institutions that will take part in the regional competition "Safe Road from Childhood".

The winners are awarded with diplomas and memorable souvenirs.

The jury has the right to establish incentive prizes for participants.

4. Criteria for evaluation of works.

The evaluation of the submitted works is carried out by the jury of the competition on a 10-point system, taking into account:

Aesthetics (external attractiveness):

Compliance with the requirements for maximum safety on the road: at night, the material must be placed in such a way that it can be seen from all four sides of the clothing - front, sides and back to create a 360-degree view of the child on the road.

The complexity of execution;

Functionality, ease of wearing and care.

5. Summing up and awarding the winners October 31, 2013

Dear parents!

On the streets, sidewalks, pedestrian crossings, the health and safety of children is in the hands of adults.In autumn and winter, it dawns late on the street, and it gets dark early.Pedestrian collisions are the most common type of accident.

The main share of arrivals falls on the dark time of the day, when the driver is not able to see people who have entered the roadway. This is usually accompanied by unfavorable weather conditions - rain, slush, fog, in winter - ice, and the absence of any protection for pedestrians in the form of retroreflective elements on outerwear.

Indeed, in order to avoid a collision, the driver must not only see the pedestrian, but also take all measures to avoid the tragedy.

This is where flickers come in handy. or reflective badges in the form of toys, stripes that indicate a person on the road.For children, flickers are made in the form of bunnies, laughing koloboks, airplanes and the like.

Within the city limits, the traffic police recommends that pedestrians identify themselves with retroreflective elements. Most best option- when there are 4 flickers on the pedestrian.

Manufacturers of clothing, especially children's clothing, have begun to actively use stripes made of reflective fabric. Unfortunately, reflectors are not present on all products.

What are the best flickers?

Buy flickers only in white or lemon colors.

It is they who have light reflectivity so that the pedestrian is visible at night.

But relying only on flickers is also not worth it. This is just one of the ways of passive protection of pedestrians. It is necessary to remember about other methods of solving the problem of children's road traffic injuries - the education of a competent pedestrian. Only in a complex they can ensure the safety of children.

“Buy flickers for children, parents, let drivers see them on the road!”



- reference book of the senior teacher of a preschool institution;

- materials of the inspection of the OGIBDD ATS of the city of Galich and the region.

Internet resources :

- educators: I.V. Simonova, A.F. Korovkina, E.V. Klimov

- Inspector of the OGIBDD ATS of the city of Galich A.V. Sokolova;

- parents (legal representatives) of pupils.

Margarita Nefedeva, senior teacher of kindergarten No. 10 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities for the physical development of children in the city of Galich, Kostroma region

Photo from the archive of the kindergarten

Natalya Shershneva




In our MBDOU d / s No. 28 "Rowan" passed stock.

Target stock: explanation of the need for pedestrians to use when driving at night or insufficient visibility of objects with retroreflective elements, mass distribution of reflective devices among preschoolers.

Focusing parents' attention on the need to wear reflective elements (flickers) on children's clothes to increase safety in the dark, especially in autumn and winter;

Raising Law Abiding Participants traffic;

Increasing the effectiveness of work on the prevention of child road- transport injury.


What flicker?

flicker- these are retroreflective elements that are reflected in the headlights of the car and allow the driver to see the pedestrian (cyclist) during the dark hours of the day.

A pedestrian with a reflective element is visible at a distance of 150 meters, which means that the driver has much more time to react. The risk of an accident for a pedestrian without a reflector is ten times greater than for a pedestrian wearing a reflective element. Pedestrian mortality can be greatly improved by making pedestrians visible on road around the clock.

New rules traffic(SDA) prescribe to pedestrians who are on the carriageway or on the side of the road roads, in the dark, correctly identify yourself with retroreflective (SV) security elements. Failure to comply with this requirement may create an emergency situation on road. Outside settlements, for violation - a fine or a warning, and in cities and other settlements - this rule will remain advisory. These changes to the traffic rules - came into force on July 1, 2015.

Exactly, YOU, PARENTS, can and should explain to children how important it is to follow the rules traffic. Put on reflective elements, let the drivers see you and your baby from afar.


Related publications:

Campaign "Safety of children on the road" Goal: Increase the level of child safety on the roads in anticipation of the spring-summer period. Attract public attention to the problem.

On the site charitable foundation"Give Life" we saw an announcement about the start of the traditional New Year's campaign "Give Children a Card" for.

Relevance of the action: a large number of pedestrians die on the roads as a result of traffic accidents at night.

On October 21, 2016, the action “Light up! Become more visible on the road! This joint event of MKDOU kindergarten No. 8 and the traffic police has become.

April 27, 2016 in the preparatory group "ABVGDeyka" together with parents, teachers elementary school held an event called.

If you're on the road, don't forget about the flicker! You take it with you, it will come in handy on the way. Flicker glows, playing, I'm visible from afar. Here is the car.

On September 14, traffic police officers and a fitness instructor invited our guys preparatory groups to the Flash mob, which took place on the central.

Consultation for parents on traffic rules in kindergarten DOE "Reflective elements on children's clothing"

Sent by: Leysan Gaysina

In connection with the entry into force on July 1, 2015. Government Decrees Russian Federation dated November 14, 2014 No. 1197 regarding the use of reflective elements, in order to ensure the safety of pupils, we inform you about the need to purchase reflective elements.

In the winter season, when the morning and evening hours are twilight, the path of young pedestrians from home to school or kindergarten and back can take place outside of daylight hours. However, the child should always be visible on the road. Therefore, parents should take care of additional security measures for their child. Not the last role in this is played by clothing, or rather its color and reflective elements.

It is very important for a pedestrian to be visible. According to statistics, the majority of vehicle collisions with pedestrians occur precisely because of the poor visibility of pedestrians.

Many manufacturers of children's clothing care not only about the beauty and convenience of their products, but also the safety of a young pedestrian, using reflective elements: patterns on jackets, insert strips, etc. When choosing clothes for a child, these models should be preferred.

With absence special clothing you need to purchase other forms of reflective elements that can be placed on a bag, jacket or other items. The same safety elements should be equipped with sleds, strollers, etc.

It is important to remember that when driving with dipped headlights, the driver notices a pedestrian with a reflective element from a distance of 130 - 140 meters, while without it - only from 25 - 40 meters. The safety of children on the roads largely depends on how responsibly the car drivers behave, whether they follow all the instructions and follow all the rules. The driver is obliged to pay special attention to the road when moving in conditions of insufficient visibility: at night, during rain or fog.

Classes are held in kindergartens, schools, cool watch on road safety, during which children are taught the basic rules of behavior on the street and the carriageway, explain the meaning of basic road signs and marking lines, and warn against what not to do. The study of traffic rules is the main measure designed to ensure the safety of children on the roads.

However, an important role is played by the participation of parents in ensuring road safety for children. One of the most effective ways reduce the risk of traffic accidents is the use of reflective elements on the child's clothing or bag. Such an element (flicker) It is made of a special material that has the ability to reflect headlights at a distance of 130 to 200 meters. Reflectors can be shaped and dyed in any color, so they can easily be transformed from a signal device into a fashionable piece of clothing for a child.

Reflectors of all types (pendants, badges, belts and patches, stickers, reflective bracelets and key rings) Easily attached to the sleeves or lapels of clothes or on a briefcase. Reflectors in the form of stickers it is convenient to use due to the adhesive base, which securely holds the signal element on any surface.

Reflective elements can be purchased at any stationery stores, as well as in the Vprok chain of stores.

Let's make our world safer!

Tatyana Gitsevich

In our kindergarten "Alyonushka" in order to reduce the number of accidents involving child pedestrians and to promote the use of reflective elements by young pedestrians, information and propaganda are regularly held stock« light up! Get noticed

Accidents often happen at night. At this time, it is difficult for drivers to see a person who has entered the roadway in time. Unfavorable weather conditions and unlit sections of streets further exacerbate the situation. Reflective elements on their clothing will help protect pedestrians. In the evening and at night, on poorly lit sections of roads, the driver is much earlier and from a fairly large distance notice a pedestrian, which has at least one reflective element on the outerwear. There are many types of reflectors. Wonderful if luminous elements are present on the new purchased clothes, but if there are none on it, then it is quite realistic to purchase and sew them on with your own hands. The color scheme and design, representing a modern reflective element, is very diverse. These are glow-in-the-dark icons and stickers with different funny pictures that kids really like, great funny stickers in the form of a smiley face with a funny face or in the form of some other funny character.

A prime example of parents best lesson for a child! It's unfortunate, but it is children who are the most vulnerable road users, so the importance of having reflective elements on children's clothing for parents cannot be underestimated. Reflectors made by our parents (flickers) decorated jackets, sleds, strollers for children. There are no flickers a lot of: let the child have as many of them as possible. Flicker is not afraid of either moisture or frost - you can wear it in any weather. At first glance, the flicker looks like a toy. But its use, according to road safety experts, reduces child injury on the road six and a half times! The law requiring the presence of reflective elements on children's outerwear has already entered into force, and therefore parents will be held administratively liable for non-compliance.

You can also sew reflective tape on your child's clothing. It is sewn on the sleeves of jackets and other outerwear in the form of armbands. Most often, the ribbon is worn in the form of vertical and horizontal stripes, both on the right and on the left. In addition, with a sufficient amount of it, luminous stripes can be sewn along all existing edges of clothing. Fantasy for every taste. reflective tape can fasten: on hats, along the lower outer edges of trousers, on gloves and mittens, on the back of outerwear and other parts of it.

Related publications:

Action on traffic rules "Adults, become more noticeable!" It is no secret that the number of road traffic accidents involving children increases in winter and especially at night. AND,.

Kolotovicheva Julia Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 1 of the municipality "Cities of Donetsk".

As I already wrote in my blog, our kindergarten took part in the regional action "Adults, become more noticeable!" She went through the period.

On October 21, 2016, the action “Light up! Become more visible on the road! This joint event of MKDOU kindergarten No. 8 and the traffic police has become.

Children are in the greatest danger on the road. Great amount children die on the roads as a result of traffic accidents.

I bring to your attention a photo report of the Feed the Birds campaign. Purpose: to educate in children a caring attitude towards birds, a desire to take care of them.

Photo report on the preventive campaign - "Become more noticeable!" The main objective of this action is the formation and consolidation of y.

The action plan "Light up! Get noticed on the road

The action plan "Light up! Get noticed on the road"

in municipal preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten in the village of Kamenka, Krasnoarmeysky district of the Saratov region"

The goal is the mass distribution of reflective devices among preschoolers.

1. Survey on the presence and use of reflective devices in groups of older preschool children

Responsible - Manager

2. Preventive conversation "How to keep yourself out of trouble"

Responsible - Educators

3. Promotion "Light up! Be visible on the road»

Responsible - Educators

4. Leaflet for parents “Flicker, or Light up on the road! »

Responsible - Educators

5. GCD on traffic rules for children of older preschool age:

"Flickers and safety of children on the roads"

Responsible - Educators

6. Memo for parents "Child safety on the road and what are flickers"

Responsible - Educators

7. Learning poems about traffic rules and Flicker

Responsible - Educators

8. Conversation with preschoolers "Safety on the streets of the village"

Responsible - Educators

9. Event "Adventures of Pinocchio on the road"

Responsible - Mus. hands


"Light up!

Get noticed

on the road"

Purpose of the action : explanation of the need for pedestrians to use when driving at night or insufficient visibility of objects with retroreflective elements (clause 4.1. Rules of the road).

What is a flicker? Every driver drives with their headlights on. But after all, headlights will only denote a car, but what will denote a person? The answer is: reflective flicker. Flickers are small badges or stickers that can be placed on a backpack, jacket, arm or jeans, and shoes. They reflect light in the dark and help to see a pedestrian at night faster. When driving with low beam, the distance at which a pedestrian can be seen is 25-30 meters, and if a person has a flicker, then it increases to 130-140 meters. And a driver driving in a car with high beams on can see the flicker from a distance of 400 meters.

Flicker is, first of all, the safety of your child on the road. Identify yourself and let the driver see you, take care!!!


Pedestrians are one of the most vulnerable categories of road users. Each year brings more and more horrifying statistics on the number of traffic accidents involving vehicles hitting pedestrians. The situation becomes especially dangerous at night.

The number of accidents occurring in the evening and at night is three times higher than in the daytime. According to World Organization Of the 1.2 million people who die on the roads every year, more than a third of them are fatally injured in traffic accidents at night.

Drivers most often cite poor visibility as the cause of nighttime accidents. To make yourself more visible on the road to pedestrians, the use of retroreflective elements can help.

Unfortunately, people are not concerned about their safety. According to the survey results, almost everyone knows about retroreflective elements (flickers), but none of the respondents had personal road safety elements with them and was not going to buy them. But in vain.

A flicker is a retroreflector that can save a pedestrian on the road. Providing visibility in low light conditions, the reflector becomes almost the only way mark yourself on the road. This problem is especially acute outside cities, on poorly lit or not at all lit roads.

However, not all of us take our recommendations seriously. And although it is rare today for a driver not wearing a seat belt and driving an old car in ice on summer tires, the same progress in terms of pedestrian safety has not occurred and only a few use flickers.

It is especially important to explain the danger of the road to children. Parents need to be a positive example for children, buy themselves and their children clothes with reflective elements or supplement them with reflective ones. The main thing is to start with yourself, with your family.

Reflective elements can be small key chains, bracelets, badges, stickers or chevrons, covered with a reflective material. They work on the principle of road signs: a special material returns light to its source.

When driving with low beam, the distance at which a pedestrian can be seen is 25-30 meters, and if a person has a flicker, then it increases to 130-140 meters. If the car is driving with high beams on, the driver can see the flicker from a distance of 400 meters.

Flickers are attached to clothes, strollers, etc. with a pin or string, and on skateboards or bicycles you can attach a twisting flicker.

Many models of modern flickers are bright souvenirs that are so loved by small children and women whose handbags often decorate such toys. Experts advise buying white or lemon flickers. They are the ones with the best reflectivity.

The more flickers, the better. Traffic police officers recommend to designate themselves within the boundaries of the settlement with retroreflective elements on the left and right hands, hang one flicker on the belt and on the back of the backpack. Thus, the most optimal option is when there are 4 flickers on a pedestrian. As for cyclists, in rural areas they should ideally have a vest with reflective stripes.

Sold "road safety" in clothing stores, cycling departments, children's clothing sections, gas stations. Also, flicker sales points can be easily found on the Internet.

Think about how the result of saving 100 rubles can be a broken life - yours, or your child's ...

Parents gave flickers to all children so that they would be protected at night from being hit by vehicles.