Wall newspaper about the rules of the road with their own hands. How to draw a poster on the topic "Rules of the road"? Advice for Parents - Causes of Child Road Traffic Injuries

A sheet of laminated chipboard measuring approximately 70x70cm was taken and pasted over with a black matte film, i.e. this is the backdrop of a further roadway. I’ll pay attention - read on the net how to properly glue the self-adhesive, because. will relieve further nerves and translation of the material. Luckily, I had a special pencil for writing on glass, and I marked it with it.
Well, until the muse of landscape design visited me, I started making road signs, thought for a long time what to make of, dug in the pantry, and found crosses for laying tiles and a snipe. I printed various road signs on self-adhesive for laser printing, as well as the textures of walls, paving slabs, windows, doors, etc., from which I then made road signs and houses by pasting cardboard. Ideas came as they were made.

For the manufacture of the landscape, it was customary to use a material - a foam substrate for a laminate.
Well, let's see what happens:

Well, that's all, this work "on the knee" was sent to kindergarten, and I hope it will be useful to our children.

And I also hope that my experience in making this layout will be useful to others.

Raisa Tyugashova
Wall newspaper-poster "Rules of the road"

Every year we prepare children for the inter-district competition "Green Light". One of the conditions of the competition is knowledge of traffic rules and manufacturing wall newspaper or poster on the topic. Our parents actively help us in this.

Here are the most important regulations behavior on the roadway that everyone should know child:

Not only adults, but also children are required to know traffic lights.

Here we have such a bright, colorful poster. The material is specially selected for children. The information is presented in an accessible form with the image of the main points of a given topic.

Let's keep our children safe! May they grow strong healthy, attentive.

Abstract open lesson in the 2nd junior group on the rules of the road "Pinocchio teaches the rules of the road" Goals and objectives: 1. To form knowledge about the road, road signs and their purpose. 2. Learn to recognize and name a traffic light, its signals and actions.

Wall newspaper-collage “We know the rules of the road” Preliminary work: studying the rules of the road, excursions along the streets of the city, acquaintance with road signs, role-playing.

Do-it-yourself posters on the rules of the road in kindergarten

Wall newspaper for children Traffic light
It is common for adults to break the rules of the road, and there is nothing to say about children. And often it is pedestrians who are the main offenders and provoke accidents. Therefore, children with early age explain the rules of the road and do everything that they and they observed. The traffic light wall newspaper will help your children better understand the colors of the traffic light and remember how to cross the road in places where there is a traffic light. Wall newspaper with riddles, poems, history and funny and useful pictures.
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Quality 300 dpi

Presentation for preschoolers on traffic rules

  • 27-01-2015, 17:11
  • Presentation for preschoolers on traffic rules

    Here is our next informative presentation for children and preschoolers. This time, the presentation is devoted to the rules of the road, that is, the rules of traffic rules. From it, your children will learn about the traffic light. About the pedestrian crossing and get acquainted with some road signs. Watch the presentation with your children and let them grow up educated.

    Folder movement - Rules for safe traffic in winter

  • vasilisa_miss
  • 24-01-2014, 11:20
  • Advice for Parents - Causes of Child Road Traffic Injuries

  • NewAdmin2000
  • 23-08-2013, 09:38
  • Advice for Parents - Causes of Child Road Traffic Injuries
    Format: jpeg, A4
    Quantity: 6 sheets
    Size: 21 mb

    Wall newspaper on traffic rules

    • 12-11-2012, 18:08
    • Wall newspaper on traffic rules
      Help your child learn the rules of the road? Easily! Because we offer you a wall newspaper on traffic rules, in which there are rules in verse, and the history of the traffic light and the rules themselves. And in order to fix the material for you, a crossword puzzle on traffic rules.
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      Size: 98 Mb

      Posters for traffic rules

    • 12-11-2012, 10:24
    • Posters for traffic rules
      Children are good, but children are in great danger on the roads. Therefore, the rules of the road for children should be clear. So we made posters for traffic rules for you, which will help you explain to children how to behave on the road, and at the same time they will be a good example. Traffic law posters with cars and Masha will make your traffic lesson fun and interesting.
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      Size: 26.61MB

      Folder mover road signs

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    • Folder mover road signs
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      Folder movement according to traffic rules

    • 9-11-2012, 16:29
    • Folder movement according to traffic rules
      How to tell a child about the rules of the road, so that he understands everything, and he was interested? There is only one answer - our folder traffic rules will help you. In it we have collected poems on traffic rules, riddles on traffic rules, the history of traffic lights and the history of rules, and, of course, the rules of the road themselves. But not just rules, but rules in verse, and you can learn them by heart with your child.
      Format: JPEG
      Size: 79.38 MB

      Kindergarten design - safety island

    • a kind person
    • 16-09-2012, 14:29
    • Kindergarten design - safety island
      Do you want to beautifully and usefully arrange a kindergarten? Then we offer you such wonderful stands for kindergarten. The stand is a safety corner that will help the child avoid various unpleasant situations.
      Format: PNG+JPEG


      How to draw a poster on the topic "Rules of the road"?

      How to design a poster on the topic "Rules of the road"?

      On such a poster, these very rules of the road should be made visual.

      You can portray how you should behave on the street. Or you can show wrong behavior and write that you can’t do this and what will come of it.

      Quite often, tasks to draw a poster on the topic "Rules of the road" are given in schools, and in kindergarten A poster like this would come in handy too. After all, the rules of the road begin to teach children from a very young age. The poster should contain not only illustrations, but also text. The easiest way would be to depict children crossing the road on a green light, or along the so-called Zebra - a pedestrian crossing. You can see the corresponding photos and draw your own drawing:

      The main thing is to convey the main idea. The road can only be crossed on a green light, or on a pedestrian crossing, having previously looked around.

      Another option would be to depict a traffic light:

      And provide it on all sides with inscriptions on the topic:

      It will be no less relevant if you depict traffic signs on your poster:

      And of course, on the poster you can put poems on a given topic, for example, these:


      Craft on the theme of traffic

      Today in my son's kindergarten they told me that this week I need to make a traffic craft.

      The fact is that in their group there was a lesson on knowledge of the rules of the road.

      And since our kindergarten is special, we need to do-it-yourself craft .

      I asked what exactly according to traffic rules in kindergarten you need to bring.

      Paper craft "Rules of the road" for children

      A simple craft on the theme of the rules of the road made of paper for kindergarten children

      Traffic rules, traffic rules 2016, traffic for children, traffic signs, traffic rules, traffic rules for children. DIY video, DIY video, paper craft video.

      Paper crafts, do-it-yourself paper crafts, do-it-yourself crafts, colored paper crafts, paper crafts for children, crafts for children, how to make crafts.

      Children's crafts, crafts on the theme, crafts for kindergarten, children's DIY crafts, crafts for the garden with their own hands.

      Because there is a very broad topic for creativity. For example, you can make a craft on the topic of security, a craft on topic of traffic rules, crafts on the theme of traffic, children's traffic, children's traffic lights, or just make a car with your own hands.

      Road rules for children

      In kindergarten, the teacher talked about road safety for children and parents. She also said that it is necessary to participate in the week of road safety, for which you need to do the craft with your own hands.

      Explaining that it is vital to help children understand the rules of road safety in a playful way.

      For kids and young people give them the best chance of keeping themselves safe from accidents while they are young and as they get older.

      Because road crashes are the leading cause of death for young people around the world. Now, under the new rules, road safety education in kindergarten has become part of the development requirement.

      If this is not the case in your kindergarten, then you yourself can explain the rules for road safety to your child.

      Or offer to include additional messages in classes in other disciplines, or at lunchtime.

      Craft in kindergarten on the topic of traffic rules

      The son told me all the way, while we were walking home, about road rules for children, drivers, pedestrians and traffic light colors.

      They passed traffic signs with explanations, they were shown pictures on road theme, a short cartoon presentation of road traffic and the ABC of safety.

      And at the very end of the lesson, they had to draw a picture on the topic of traffic rules. Most of all, my son liked the cartoon about the rules of the road for children.

      And while we were walking home, I kept thinking about crafts, what crafts can be made and from what. And at that moment, when we were crossing the road at the crossroads, the idea came to my mind to make a model of a pedestrian crossing, that is, a craft through the eyes of children.

      In general, my personal opinion is that traffic rules in kindergarten must be passed in a playful way. After all, children are the most vulnerable to traffic accidents and injuries, especially in the absence of adult supervision.

      Do not delay in teaching children about road safety. Moms, it's your job! The main thing is that children under the age of 10 are never left unattended on the roads.

      Because, in most road traffic accidents involving children, there is a high probability of a collision due to their fault, and not the driver.

      Below I have given you the reasons why it is important to teach road safety to your children:

      • When toddlers are faced with a specific traffic situation, their behavior can be unpredictable.
      • Children are often too small for drivers to see them on the road. Also, it is difficult for them to accurately calculate how fast or slow the vehicle will move in the direction of the child.
      • When the vehicle is moving quickly towards children and the drivers may be unable to control the vehicle, the child may become very frightened and remain standing still.
      • Children may not know the correct place from where they should start crossing the road.
      • In addition, when the street is empty and there are no cars on the road, children believe that they will be safe and become less careful.

      Road safety for children is one of the main social problems. Just remember that safety is not an accident, but a choice made by each of us.

      Follow the rules of the road and remember these road safety tips for kids:

      Traffic rules for children:

    • Always cross at established pedestrian crossings, overhead bridges, underpasses or pedestrian crossings.
    • Always be on the lookout for inattentive drivers even at signalized street crossings.
    • Always use footpaths whenever possible.
    • Always hold onto the handrails on the bus to avoid losing your balance during sudden turns or brakes.
    • It is always necessary to wait for the bus to come to a complete stop before boarding and disembarking.
    • Always be on the lookout for any oncoming cyclists or pedestrians when getting off the bus.
    • Never cross the road.
    • Never cross in front of a stationary vehicle or between standing vehicles.
    • Never cross when the red man is on or when the green man is flashing.
    • Never play or stand at the door of a bus, trolleybus or tram.
    • Never stick your head, arm, or any other part of your body through an open window when you are on a bus or in a car.
    • Never play in a moving vehicle.
    • Security children - care parents!

    • Be patient when you drive your child to kindergarten or school during rush hours.
    • It is always necessary to park your vehicle in designated parking spaces.
    • Be vigilant and wait for all pedestrians to cross the road, especially if they are schoolchildren.
    • Teach your children about road safety by setting a good example.
    • Help your child always cross the road safely.
    • Here are a few simple tips that all parents should know in order to prevent accidents involving children in advance.

      craft traffic

      Well, now back to our craft on the topic of traffic.

      I will tell you how to develop spatial childish thinking your child fine motor skills hands and creativity. Knowledge of the rules of the road is essential from a very young age.

      Today in the video clip I will make a street map for the game to learn how to distinguish between traffic lights.

      So let's get started! You will need:

    • A sheet of thick cardboard of dark color,
    • Paper cut houses
    • Trees and traffic lights
    • White paper,
    • PVA glue
    • game figures
    • How to make a craft with your own hands?

      To begin with, we mark out our quarter: a road will go along the perimeter, and inside there will be sections with houses, so carefully mark out along the ruler.

      Now we choose the colors for the sections, adjust them in size and glue them.

      On the finished plots we place our houses, trees, flowers. Ask your child where they will stand? Who will live in them?

      Which tree is better to plant here, and which one in another place? Make a road and pedestrian crossings.

      To do this, stick the same strips white color in the form of a walking zebra.

      Stick them evenly along the roadway between the houses. You've got a traffic craft and a playing field!

      Make up a transition story with your child. Can you cross the road at a red light? Or still at the green traffic light!

      Play with cars with your child. Ask your child when to cross the road? Show your imagination and come up with new heroes, interesting story and situations.

      Involve your child in discussing the rules of the road. Now your craft is ready!

      You can come up with your own options for houses and sections of the intersection. You can choose different colors, as well as different figures.

      I am sure that your craft on knowledge of the rules of the road will be original, interesting and bright.

      Write your comments if the article has become interesting and useful for you. Write your reviews and advice about how to make a craft kindergarten easy and fun for your child.

    Ekaterina Stalchuk

    Competition in our kindergarten children's creativity"ABC of traffic". I would like to bring to your attention master class on making a poster with children on the topic"Rules of the road", which participates in the competition.

    This the poster was named"Careful road."

    For manufacturing we needed the following work materials: drawing paper, sponge, gouache different colors, pictures from coloring pages, brushes, glue, scissors.

    First we are Whatman was toned by children using gouache and a regular sponge.

    Since the children visit middle group, it is difficult for them to draw characters. We used pictures from children's coloring books. The children chose pictures that fit the topic. poster. The teacher cut them out.

    The guys laid out the pictures on the drawing paper, and then began to stick them.

    The characters are glued on. But on poster there is not enough traffic light - cut it out of colored paper. Then we will collect all the details to make a traffic light and glue it.

    Here is what we came up with.

    Using white gouache and a brush, we draw a pedestrian crossing and markings on the roadway.

    Add grass with green paint.

    And, of course, do not forget about important rules for pedestrians, clearings were cut out of white paper, rules were written in them, glued, toned with paint.

    It turned out like this poster.

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    The program "Posters for traffic rules"

    The program "Posters on SDA (Rules of the Road)" is intended for use in driving schools when studying the Rules of the Road. The poster library contains more than 650 road traffic illustrations. This library of electronic posters on traffic rules can also be used in other educational institutions, where the course (subject) "Automotive" is being studied. Also, the library of posters on traffic rules can be used during annual classes with drivers at motor transport enterprises, during other classes and briefings with drivers as visual aids. This manual is a kind of traffic rules "in pictures".
    All graphic information in the program is structured by subjects, topics and activities. Those. at the request of the teacher, the illustration library can contain illustrative material in several subjects. The user can independently add illustrations to the library, delete them, move them from one lesson to another, create new lessons, topics, etc.
    The program is designed to display illustrations (posters on traffic rules) through the teacher's PC on a TV screen or to display posters through a projector on a special screen. Each poster is provided with a brief commentary or an excerpt from the traffic rules, which allows you to more fully bring the information to the audience. Each poster is displayed in full screen mode. At the request of the teacher, thumbnails of posters can be displayed on the left side of the screen, which allows you to quickly find the desired illustration.
    Also, the teacher can easily change the order of the posters by dragging the selected poster to the desired location. When viewed in full screen mode, the teacher can draw with the mouse directly on the screen, which greatly simplifies bringing the Rules of the Road to the audience.
    In the "SDA Posters" program, you can also change the order in which items, topics and classes are loaded in the topic and object tree, make any poster temporarily invisible.
    Electronic posters for traffic rules are more mobile and practical than their paper counterparts.
    Topics in the tree of topics and classes are placed in the order in which they are placed in the "Exam problems". The illustration library contains posters for all vehicle categories. More detailed information on working with the program "Posters for traffic rules" can be found in the built-in help of the program.

    Illustrations for other topics:
    1. General Provisions;
    2. Responsibilities of Drivers and Passengers
    3. Road signs
    warning signs
    - signs
    - signs
    - signs
    - signs special instructions
    - information signs
    - service marks
    - signs of additional information (
    4. road markings
    5. Application special signals
    6. Traffic lights and traffic controller
    7. Application of hazard warning and warning triangle
    8. Start of movement, maneuvering;
    9. Location of vehicles on the roadway;
    10. Movement speed;
    11. Overtaking, advancing and oncoming traffic;
    12. Stop and parking;
    13. Passage of intersections;
    14. Pedestrian crossings and stops of route vehicles;
    15. Movement through railway tracks;
    16. Movement on

    How to draw a poster on the topic "Rules of the road"?

      Drawing posters on the topic Rules of the road and showing them to children in the kindergarten, junior and senior schoolchildren, we thus prevent a significant part of accidents on the roads.

      Posters on the subject of Rules of the road learn to behave correctly in a given situation, to know and comply with traffic rules.

      Posters on the topic Rules of the road may be like this:

      Those who draw well can use the posters that are on this site as an example.

      Quite often, tasks are to draw a poster on the topic Rules of the road they give it in schools, and in kindergarten such a poster will also come in handy. After all, the rules of the road begin to teach children from a very young age. The poster should contain not only illustrations, but also text. The easiest way would be to depict children crossing the road on a green light, or along the so-called Zebra - a pedestrian crossing. You can see the corresponding photos and draw your own drawing:

      The main thing is to convey the main idea. The road can only be crossed on a green light, or on a pedestrian crossing, having previously looked around.

      Another option would be to depict a traffic light:

      And provide it on all sides with inscriptions on the topic:

      It will be no less relevant if you depict traffic signs on your poster:

      And of course, on the poster you can put poems on a given topic, for example, these:

      The rules of the road poster is not difficult to draw. It is enough to draw a policeman and a boy with a backpack near a traffic light. The policeman tells the boy that it is possible and necessary to cross the roadway only along the zebra to the green light. You can draw animals crossing the street on a zebra.

      Poster on the theme Rules of the road You can draw in different ways, of course, for those who can draw.

      Here is an example like this

      Of course, you can also order in the design studio.

      But it can be easier, just print traffic signs, stick them on a poster and sign which sign means which, depending on the location of the information poster.

      It can be a kindergarten, school or institute.

      Or in general, just write the basic rule on the poster, after making the background with paints, something like this:

      Everyone must know and follow the rules of the road, and it is best to remember them with a drawing that was made independently. Drawing such a picture is not difficult. To design a poster on the topic Rules of the road you can use these ideas and options:

      The rules of the road must be followed by everyone. It is for this that children in schools are often asked to design a poster on the topic Rules of the roadquot ;. I searched the web and found the following interesting options to design a poster on a given topic:

      1) First option:

      2) Second option:

      3) Third option:

      4) Fourth option:

      The easiest way is to draw a zebraquot ;, a pedestrian on it and write some kind of slogan about the rules of the road.

      You can also place a traffic light and a traffic police officer on the poster.

      Here are examples of posters on the topic of traffic rules:

      Poster Rules of the road can be drawn like this: there is a group of children at a pedestrian crossing and in front of them is a traffic light with a green light. It is necessary that the cars stop, and the children step on the zebra. This way, children will know that it is safe to cross the road only when the light is green.