Knitted crochet dolls. Knitted doll - diagrams and description. Video - master classes on creating crochet dolls

I tied it from what was ...

knittedcrochet dolls attract, first of all, originality and originality. After all, it is difficult to connect two identical dolls, but, for me, it’s impossible at all! Frankly, for me, even those details that should be symmetrical, sometimes the problem is to connect the same. But this, of course, is a matter of experience.

Important for some fans crochet crocheted dolls is their safety for the child and cheapness (of course, provided that you knit them yourself).

My girls love little dolls, so it takes very little yarn to make them. And, experimenting with the color of hair, clothes, etc., you can knit a whole kindergarten for your daughter!

When I first wanted to give crochet doll to my daughter, I had absolutely no idea that she was such a “picky” with me.)))

We reviewed a lot of photos on request "crocheted crocheted dolls" and settled on the Candy doll pattern.

I present it to your attention, dear readers!

The height of the doll is 22 cm, but it also depends on the threads you choose. The thicker the threads, the larger the toy will turn out. In an article about, I already wrote that YarnArt Jeans yarn is ideal for knitting toys.

To knit a Candy doll you will need:


Yarn in pink, coral, green, gray and flesh colors. Of course, the color of the clothes is up to you;

Hook (approximately 1.75-2.25mm);

Filler (preferably sintepuh or holofiber in balls);

Plastic eyes or buttons, or you can even tie them yourself;

Combing brush;

Buttons for dress;

Cord faux leather for boots.

The following abbreviations are accepted in the pattern of a crocheted crocheted doll:

VP - air loop

RLS - single crochet

PSBN - single crochet (connecting column)

PSSN - half-column with a crochet

2SBN in the next. p. - increase

2SBN knit together - decrease


It is best to start knitting all the details with an amigurumi ring;

Knit in a spiral, do not join/turn rows unless otherwise indicated;

Make marks at the beginning of the rows with a marker (you can use a thread or a small pin).

Crochet crochet pattern:

According to this scheme, this snow maiden is connected:

See here for another diagram. crochet knitted dolls:

More amazing:

Thank you for your attention,

The article will consider options for how a knitted doll is made. For a beginner craftswoman, this is a good help. Here is a detailed description of the process of creating a man with knitting needles. The needlewoman will also learn how crocheted crocheted dolls are made. Schemes and descriptions of actions will slightly open the curtain into the workshop of the creators of wonderful unique gizmos.

And why are they needed, these knitted trinkets?

A knitted doll will be a wonderful gift for both a little girl and an adult. Making such a craft is not so difficult for those who know how to crochet or knitting.

Today, such crafts are extremely fashionable. A miniature knitted doll would be appropriate instead of a keychain on the clasp of a handbag. It looks creative and the baby, and the teenage girl, and adult woman, which adheres to a certain youth style.

Knitted dolls (you used knitting needles or a crochet when creating them - it doesn't matter) will be a wonderful souvenir decoration on a shelf or desk. Completed dear person, the doll will remind of him, warm the soul.

Creative ways to use knitted men

When creating original little things, such as coasters or cases on teapot, small knitted dolls are often used as design details. You can crochet both a naked baby doll and a funny Carlson with a propeller.

You can also make an interesting box. To do this, tie cardboard box. You can do this in any convenient way. And knitted dolls are attached to the top of the lid.

Crochet or knitting, you can even make a decoration on the curtains in the nursery. The dolls will hang on the curtains, sway and create a unique charm and comfort in the room.

Sometimes craftsmen use this option: a knitted doll is not completely voluminous, but half, and sewn onto fabric. Thus, you can get an amazing panel that is hung on the wall. And some decorate clothes like that. This is a new type of appliqué, super modern and extremely creative. The thing is that it is impossible to find a second model that would completely copy the original!

DIY puppet theater

Sometimes it makes sense not to make fully knitted or crocheted dolls, but to make only the head, hands and a dress or jacket with sleeves. Then you can use this option to create "parsley". The head and hands are stuffed with filler, and the clothes play the role of gloves. Children will be able not only to play “daughters-mothers” among themselves, but also to prepare a whole performance for the audience.

Knitted dolls

If a needlewoman loves to work with knitting needles, can cute knitted dolls come out from under these tools? Schemes - this is what will help in the work in this case. These will be designs for the head, torso, arms and legs. It goes without saying that parts for the limbs should be made in two pieces. Usually, to work on such a product, they use a simple front surface. Although there are no established rules in this case.

Making the head of a doll knitted with knitting needles

To knit this piece, cast on 5 stitches. At the end of each row, you will need to add one loop. When the product reaches the desired width, the increase is stopped. In the exemplary version shown in the diagram, this number is equal to 16 loops.

Now you should knit in the usual way, alternating the purl and facial rows. In the diagram, this process presumably fits into 10 rows. Having reached the required height (this factor depends on the size of the doll's head), the master begins to decrease the loops, knitting two in one at the end until there are 5 pieces left. Then the thread is cut off and each loop is no longer knitted, but “hung” on this end, pulling it out completely at the moment of knitting. Pulling the end of the thread, the needlewoman gets a kind of bag. The end of the thread is then tied.

The initial row also needs to be pulled off. Only this should be done only after the part is sewn on the sides and stuffed with filler.

The seam is made from the wrong side, then the part is turned out. The thread with which the seam was sewn is fixed by making several small stitches in one place. This is done so that the seam does not subsequently shrink. Then, after stuffing the part, all the loops of the initial row are put on the sewing needle and pulled together, fixing the result.


They make a tummy for a toy according to the same algorithm as the head. Only with the front stitch without adding or decreasing, several more rows should be knitted than for the head, because the body should be oval, not round.

Handles and legs are essential details that knitted dolls have. Schemes and description of the process of manufacturing limbs are also quite simple.


Gain 5 loops, add one in each row. When 11 loops are obtained on the working knitting needle, they knit without adding. The item must reach required length excluding brushes.

Now they add loops not along the edge, but in the middle, knitting 3 from one loop. The scheme will be as follows: edge, 3 front, 3 loops are made from one, 3 front, again three from one, again 3 front and edge. The process of adding looks like this: a loop is knitted, a crochet is made and it is knitted again. It turns out 17 loops.

Then they create 4 rows in the usual way and proceed to decrease. To reduce the number of loops, one should be made from each of their pairs, the last, edge, you can not take into account. It turns out 9 loops. The reduction process must be repeated. Therefore, in the next row, again, one is knitted from each pair, we simply knit the edge. We already get 5 loops, which we “put” on the end of the cut thread in the way that was used when knitting the head.

Next, the sidewalls are sewn together, the parts are stuffed, the initial row is “sit down” and pulled together. So the pens are ready, however, without fingers. But if the craftswoman decides to make a large doll, then the brushes can be knitted according to the gloves algorithm.


You can perform these details with the same flesh-colored thread as the head, arms and torso. But some immediately "dressed in tights" knitted dolls.

With diagrams, knitting these parts is easy. By the way, here the work is based on the same algorithm that was used in the manufacture of handles, but slightly modified in terms of the number of loops. After all, the legs are a little thicker than the handles, everyone knows this. This is the knitting pattern.

Gain 5 loops, increase to 15. Knit without changing the number of elements until the part reaches the desired length, excluding feet. Now the addition is done in the manner described above for working on the hands. It happens like this: edge, 2 front loops, 3 out of 1, 2 front, 3 out of 1, 9 front, edge. It turns out 21 loops. Having knitted 3 rows, the master reduces the number of elements in the same way as it is done when working on handles. Actually, the algorithm of the last stage is repeated exactly: stitching, stuffing, contraction of the initial row.

But some craftswomen do not knit legs at all. They make a baby doll in an envelope, increasing the size of the torso a little. This simple option is suitable for beginner needlewomen.

Product assembly and hair production

Each detail is sewn to the body with an ordinary sewing needle. The face is embroidered or only buttons are fitted in place of the eyes. They do their hair separately. By the way, some craftswomen position their heads in such a way that the pattern goes across. That is, the nodes of the initial and final rows are placed on the sides.

Usually for this, yarn of the desired color is wound on cardboard. From above and below, paper is applied to the workpiece and sewn across on a typewriter. Paper and cardboard are removed, it turns out a hairstyle with a row in the middle. Having cut the edges of the “hair”, the craftswoman sews the blank onto the head. Now you can braid or make ponytails, ruffle or curl using soap or hairspray.

If the doll was tied naked, you need to make clothes for her separately. Although some sew dresses and camisoles for their pets from fabric, weave boots from leather, felt hats from wool and do furrier work, making fur coats, you can limit yourself to a knitted suit.

Crocheted dolls

Such pupae may have symbolic arms and legs, similar to those described above. Sometimes needlewomen knit fingers not only on the handles, but also on the legs. This requires a fairly high level of skill.

You can take a simpler path and make all the details separately, stuff them and assemble the product by sewing it with a needle. And you can knit a solid thing, when one part is connected to another not with a seam, but is tied with a hook.

They will help to make crocheted crocheted dolls and a description of the work process. You should start from the head. The knitting process itself is performed in a circle.

Crochet pattern for doll head (1-5 rows) with description

knitting first air chain of 5 loops, which closes in a ring. Then the work is based on the use of the single crochet pattern.

2 row: an increase is made when 2 is knitted from each loop. You should get 10 columns.

3 row: an increase is made on every second column. It turns out 15 elements.

4 row: add in every third column, they get 20.

5 row: add in every fifth column, getting 24 elements.

Scheme and description of the process of reducing (rounding) the details of the head

13 row: 4 columns, decrease - this algorithm is repeated until the end of the row. You should end up with 20 columns.

14 row: 2 columns, decrease - the report is repeated. We get 15 columns.

15 row: 1 column, decrease until you get 10 elements.

At this point, you need to stuff the part through the hole. Then another row is performed if the torso is tied to the head.

The neck is knitted in the round (2-3 rows). Then you need to add on the shoulders, making an increase on every fifth column, and knit without changing the number of loops.

A membrane is made in the middle of the lower body. At this time, it is best to do the stuffing of the torso. Then knit first one leg, then the other. They should also be filled with padding polyester or cotton just before the end of knitting. Hands are attached to the upper body.

If you plan to make all the parts separately with their subsequent stitching, then 2 more rows are performed.

16 row: decrease in each pair of columns. It turns out 5 such elements.

The process of reducing the row occurs in this way: not two are knitted, as usual, but three columns, which are connected together.

Such crochet crocheted dolls, the manufacturing patterns of which are only slightly different from those made in one piece without seams, have greater mobility.

Girls of all ages love dolls - they are so beautiful, with a variety of clothes, they can be combed and dressed up. And play take off - a pleasure. Knitted dolls are gaining more and more popularity and become a new trend among children's toys. Such knitted toys handmade very easy and fast to do, and today we will tell you exactly how.

chrysalis, crocheted with your own hands, is a great gift for your child, and you can knit not only a toy for a girl, but also for a boy: a pirate, Pinocchio, a clown, etc. the main thing in this business is the love that you put into each knitted loop!

Crocheted dolls: diagrams and description

Your child deserves the best, which is why today in our article exclusive patterns and description of crochet toys and dolls . The most interesting thing in the manufacture of such a toy - you can choose your own threads(cotton, acrylic), Colour, add soft filler or don't do it at all. Real flight of fancy to help you unlock your potential and Creative skills! So let's get started.

How to crochet a doll?

And the first thing that comes to mind: "How to crochet a doll?" . The answer to this question is simple: be guided by the diagrams and clear description presented in our article . In addition to the fact that you can create a doll yourself, you can also come up with clothes for her: sew a vest, knit a ball gown, tights, trousers, a hat, a skirt, a hat, a coat, panties, a sundress, overalls from yarn, and do not forget about socks! The most skillful can boast that they will make the doll slippers or shoes for going to the theater.

None awaits you below Master Class , scheme and description , in which you will learn how to properly create knitted masterpieces for yourself or your children.

Crocheted dolls with patterns and descriptions of handmade

Let's start creating unique and original doll with pink hair. It will take quite a bit of yarn for such a beauty, because she small size but it still doesn't take away from her beauty!

Materials: threads (pink, coral, can be replaced with orange, green, gray and beige - closer to skin color), hook (1.50 - 2.5 mm), filler (to fill in the torso, arms and head) and buttons for eyes. If you find it easier to work with shopping eyes or even - to tie them, we do not limit you in anything! To decorate this beauty, you can find any accessories: flowers, hair bands, a small bag - She's still a girl. Another plus of such a toy: you can change her hairstyle: braid braids, make ponytails.

Scheme and description of crocheting a doll with your own hands at home from the remnants of yarn:

Knitted lalalupsi crochet dolls: diagrams and description

Crochet dolls Lalapusi won the hearts of many girls. Each of them is unique, has its own character, its own unique style. One looks like a Parisian: she has her own beret, shoes, a scarf, a sweater and socks with a dress. Second: coquette with a bag and a hat. Third wears knitted jacket, shoes and pants. How to make such a unique fashionista is the secret of step-by-step creation just for you!

Take flesh-colored threads. as in the previous MK, blue for hair and shoes, a little blue, red and white. You will also need buttons, felt, a needle and thread for sewing.

Let's start knitting from the head : (each point corresponds to a new row, where necessary, we will mark its number)

We continue our work from where we left off:

This is the 30th R. 1 S.B.N., P.R. * 6
5 S.B.N., P.R.*3
6 S.B.N., P.R.*3
24 S.B.N.
7 S.B.N., P.R.*3
27 S.B.N.
8 S.B.N., P.R.*3
From 37 to 42 R. knit without P.R.
43 R. \u003d 3 S.B.N., U.B. * 6
12 W.B. After this step, fill the body.
6 W.B. Close, tighten and make legs and arms as in the picture.

knitted hands do as follows:

4 S.B.N. in an amigurumi ring.
4 P.R.
6 S.B.N., 3 V.P., S.S. (connecting column) in the 2nd P. from the hook, S.S. in the 3rd V.P.
From 4 to 18 R. = 8 S.B.N. Do not cut the thread.

Two legs crochet do it like this:

6 S.B.N. in the amigurumi ring
1 S.B.N., P.R. *3
3 and 4 R. \u003d 9 S.B.N.
5 -7 R. = S.B.N., U.B.
From 8 R. to 23 last = 8 S.B.N. Put your hands and feet on the wire.

Hairstyle and bangs. Put the threads twisted into bundles along the parting and sew with a thread of the same color. The main thing - very tightly sew them to each other. Can be glued with superglue. Glue strands along the growth line - there will be bangs.

The dress: knit with red thread V.P. (like the circumference of the pupa's waist) back and forth two rows of it, two rows of white. Make these 6 strips. The straps on the eye along the length, add splendor by attaching a blue thread to the bottom of the coquette and knitting P.R. in each V.P.

Then continue in a circle without P.R.. to the length you choose. Tie her up" step by step». On the dress, if desired, you can add any pattern, glue a flower, add details of their fleece and felt.

For puff sleeves use half ST = 3 circular R. from the blue armhole, then 3 P. together. Then 5 S.B.N. in each P. of the previous row.

braids \u003d put the twisted bundles on the glue. Cheeks made of felt, eyes made of beads, bows according to the scheme below.
As you can see, tying it is not so difficult, it takes a lot of patience and time. It’s good that our knitting section helped you with this!

Crochet dolls for professionals with a job description

dolls for professionals, amigurumi dolls are also considered - they seem to be not complicated, but they take a lot of time, you must have a well-filled hand before performing them. It may take a lot of effort and patience, but the process is worth it. Even a real experienced craftswoman will spend a lot of time on such a bunny.

The most remarkable thing is that no one will have a second doll like you have! After all, even the same scheme and description are reproduced differently by everyone. We offer you to tie a doll - a bunny with the cutest pink ears!
Let's start with the legs, which will need two pieces:

The hardest part here - the torso and head of a crocheted doll. We will provide below detailed description.

The skirt is done like this (only 4 rows): We work with the front walls of P. 4 R. of the body and torso. pink bright color S.S. in P. behind the doll, 1 V.P., S.B.N. in not the same, 2 S.B.N., 2 S.B.N. from one P., (3 S.B.N., 2 S.B.N. from 1 P.) * 5.
Second: S.B.N.
The third: All R.: 4 S.B.N., 2 S.B.N. from one P.
Fourth and last: All R.: 3 V.P., S.B.N. in a trace. P. Close the work.

Two handles are knitted in seven rows.

  • Flesh: 2 V.P., 6 S.B.N. in the 2nd P. from the hook
  • All R.: 1 S.B.N., 2 S.B.N. from one P.
  • All R.: 1 S.B.N., 2 S.B.N. together
  • S.B.N.
  • S.B.N.. Change color in two S.T. to the end R.
  • S.B.N.
  • S.B.N., S.S. in the first P. Close the work. Fill the handle and sew to the toy.

Hair are performed from color pink, slightly lighter than the main thread. You can take mohair. Wind the thread on cardboard (its width is 12 cm). cut the resulting "hair", on one side. Fold two threads together at once, then in half. Using a hook inserted into the center of the doll's head, pull the threads through and fasten well. You can sew them with threads of the same color to the head, or glue them.

Bunny ears make pink bright with a saturated thread: dial 15 VP, leaving 10 -15 cm from the first P. and from the last. Close. The ears are knitted in 7 rows:

  • 2 V.P., 6 S.B.N. in the second P. from the hook.
  • All R.: 1 S.B.N., 2 S.B.N. from one P.
  • S.B.N.
  • S.B.N.
  • 1 S.B.N., 2 S.B.N. together.
  • S.B.N.
  • S.B.N., S.S. with the first S.T.

Ears sew on the middle of the strap linked in the paragraph above. Sew eyes between 16 and 17 R. at a distance of 8 P. Black eyelashes can be embroidered. Do not forget about the mouth for 15 R. between the eyes.

Amigurumi crochet doll: handmade product

You can crochet such a doll for your daughter - she will definitely become hers best friend. She can braid pigtails, change the outfit if desired. And, as usual, let's start our work from the head! So let's get started!
Yarn bodily or beige / creamy shade (points are rows where you will need to specify a separate R., we will do this):

  • Beige amigurumi ring and 6 S.B.N. into the ring.
  • 6 P.R.
  • From 3 to 5 R. 12 S.B.N.
  • 2 S.B.N., U.B.*3
  • 1 S.B.N., U.B.*3
  • From 8 to 10 R.: 6 S.B.N.
  • Pink: 1 S.B.N., P.R.*3
  • From 12 to 20 R.: 9 S.B.N.
  • R. 21: knit S.S. the edges.

Black legs:

And the last one is skirt : we turn the chrysalis upside down again and find the last P. in 11 R. With a pink thread for the front walls, stretch the yarn through the 1st P., 2 V.P.
R. 1: 2 S.S.N., P.R. * 12
2, 3, 4 R.: 48 S.S.N.
5 R.: 48 reverse S.S.N. We close the canvas and the work is ready !!!

Crochet doll master class

The baby with the red riding hood is a new interpretation of the old fairy tale that everyone loved. What if you could knit one yourself? This, of course, is not an activity for beginners, but it is never too late to learn and learn something new.

Body and head of beige thread (knit 31 rows).

To create a beautiful hat accessory, take a red thread and type:

  1. 6 S.B.N. in K.A.
  2. 6 P.R.
  3. 1 S.B.N., P.R.*6
  4. 2 S.B.N., P.R.*6
  5. 3 S.B.N., P.R.*6
  6. 4 S.B.N., P.R.*6
  7. 5 S.B.N., P.R.*6
  8. 6 S.B.N., P.R.*6
  9. 48 S.B.N. behind the back wall of each P.
  10. 48 S.B.N.
  11. 48 S.B.N.
  12. 48 S.B.N.
  13. 7 S.B.N., P.R.*6
  14. 56 S.B.N.

After having done this job , you need to add a loop and a little white bow to the cap. For a bow do 12 V.P., in 2 P. = 12 S.B.N. At the end of any R. - turn the product over. From the second to the sixth R. = 12 S.B.N. Everything is ready!

For loop - a chain of 8 V.P. In the 2nd from the hook P. 7 S.B.N. Sew it to the hat, not forgetting to thread the bow.

For straps on a dress - 31 V.P. Second R. \u003d 31 S.B.N.
Arms and legs need two parts. Let's start with the hands: 4 S.B.N. in K.A. Second R.: 4 P.R. Third: 8 S.B.N. Fourth: 2 S.B.N., U.B. * 2. From 5 to 9 row 6 S.B.N. Fill in the resulting parts.

We start knitting legs with red color : 5 S.B.N. in K.A.

  • 5 P.R.
  • 3 and 4 R.: 10 S.B.N.
  • Now you need to take beige and knit R. to 8: 10 S.B.N.
  • 3 S.B.N., U.B.*2
  • 4 W.B.

For cheeks, dial 6 S.B.N. and close in K.A. Tie your hair.

knitted doll Stesha crochet amigurumi. The author's description of knitting a doll, as well as hats, handbags and vests from Tatiana Kostochenkova.

Knitting corner Tatyana Kostochenkova:

1. Yarn
Yarn Art Jeans:
03 - milk;
07 - beige;
20 - pink;
62 - white;
68 - jeans.
Alize Baby Wool:
19 - water lily;
62 - cream.
Alize Cotton Gold:
87 - coal gray.
2. Hook number 2
3. Filler holofiber
4. Puppet hair
5. Screw eyes 5 mm
6. Cardboard (for insoles)
7. Buttons and beads for decoration

Crochet amigurmi doll pattern:

k.a. - amigurumi ring;
sbn - single crochet;
sn - double crochet;
ss - connecting column;
c.p. - air loop;
w.p.p. - air lifting loop;
psr - the front wall of the row;
zsr - the back wall of the row.
pr - increase;
ub - reduction.

The growth of the pupa is 27 cm.

1 row - 6 sc in k.a.
2 row - 6 inc (12)
3 row - (1 sc, inc) * 6 (18)
4 row - (2 sc, inc) * 6 (24)
5 row - (3 sc, inc) * 6 (30)
6 row - (4 sc, inc) * 6 (36)
7 row - (5 sc, inc) * 6 (42)
8 row - (6 sc, inc) * 6 (48)
9 row - (7 sbn, inc) * 6 (54)
10 row - (8 sbn, inc) * 6 (60)
11-20 row - 60 sc
We insert the eyes between the 17th and 18th rows, leaving 6 sc between them.
21 row - (8sc, dec) * 6 (54)
22 row - (7 sc, dec) * 6 (48)
23 row - (6 sc, dec) * 6 (42)
24 row - (5 sc, dec) * 6 (36)
25 row - (4 sc, dec) * 6 (30)
26 row - (3 sc, dec) * 6 (24)
27 row - (2 sc, dec) * 6 (18)
28 row - (1 sc, dec) * 6 (12)
29 row - 6 dec (6)
Close the hole, hide the thread. We embroider the eyelid, eyelashes and nose of the doll.

Legs + torso
We knit in gray: we collect a chain, then we knit, forming, on both sides of the chain:
1 row - ch 10 + 2 c.p.p.
2 row - 4 dc in the 3rd loop from the hook, 8 dc, 5 dc in last loop, 8 sn, ss (25)
3 row - 2 ch, 1 dc in the same loop, 4 inc, 8 dc, 5 inc, 8 dc, sl-st (35)
4 row - 2 ch, 1 dc in the same loop, 1 dc, (inc, 1 dc) * 4, 8 dc, (inc, 1 dc) * 5, 8 dc, sl-st (45)
Cut out the insole according to the resulting foot.
Change the thread to pink.
5 row - for the back half-loop 46 sbn (we knit the 46th in the sl-st of the previous row)
6-8 row - 46 sc
9 row - 24 sc, 4 dec, 14 sc (42)
Insert the insole.
10 row - 21 sc, 6 dec, 9 sc (36)
11 row - 36 sc
12 row - 18 sc, 6 dec, 6 sc (30)
13 row - 15 sc, 6 dec, 3 sc (24)
14 row - (2 sc, dec) * 6 (18)
We fill. Change the thread to blue.
15 - 39 row - 18 sc
We return to the 5th row, which we knitted for the back half loop. With a white thread we tie the foot with 46 half-columns without a crochet, embroider the laces, hide the thread.

We knit the upper of the shoe (I knitted with Alize Baby Wool yarn)
1 row - ch 15 + 1 c.p.p.
2-30 row - 15 sc.
Fold, sew the edges, sew to the leg.

We knit the second part in the same way.
We connect the legs with 3 ch. We begin to knit the body.
40 row - 42 sb (18 sb on the 1st leg, 3 sb on the chain, 18 sb on the 2nd leg, 3 sb on the other side of the chain.)
41 row - (6 sc, inc) * 6 (48)
42-44 row - 48 sc
45 row - (7sc, inc) * 6 (54)
46-48 row - 54 sc
49 row - (7 sc, dec) * 6 (48)
50 row - (6 sc, dec) * 6 (42)
We knit to the middle of the side of the sc, here we change the thread to pink.
51 row - 42 sc
52 row - for the back half-loop 42 sc
53-55 row - 42 sc
56 row - (dec, 5 sbn) * 6 (36) - be sure to knit a decrease first, otherwise the side will be straight.
57-61 row - 36 sc
62 row - (dec, 4 sb) * 6 (30)
63-65 row - 30 sc
66 row - (dec, 3 sb) * 6 (24)
Change the thread to body.
67 row - for the back half-loop 24 sc
68 row - 24 sc
69 row - (dec, 2 sb) * 6 (18)
70 row - 18 sc
Cut off the thread, leaving long end for sewing.
We return to the 52nd row, which we knitted for the back half loop.
1-2 row - 42 sc
Sew on buttons.
We start with a flesh-colored thread.
1 row - 6 sc in k.a.
2 row - 6 inc (12)
3 row - (5 sc, inc) * 2 (14)
4 - 10 row - 14 sc
11 row - (5 sc, dec) * 2 (12)
12 row - 12 sc
Change the thread to pink.
13 row - 12 sc
14 row - for the back half-loop 12 sc
15-35 row - 12 sc
Add up, connect 6 sc.

We return to the 14th row, which we knitted for the back half loop. We knit cuff:
1-2 row - 12 sc

We knit finger:
1 row - 6 sc in k.a.
2-3 row - 6 sc.
Sew on the finger. Similarly, we knit the second hand, sew.
A cap
1 row - 60 ch + 2 c.p.p.
2nd row - 60 sn, sl-st
3 - 13 row - (2 dc for psr, 2 dc for zsr) * 15 (60)
14 row - (2 dc for psr, 2 dc for zsr together) * 15 (45)
15 row - (2 dc for psr together, 1 dc for zsr) * 15 (30)
16 row - (1 dc for psr + 1 dc for zsr together) * 15 (15)
We tighten the hole, hide the thread. We form a pumpon, sew.

We knit in turning rows.
1 row - 42 ch + 2 c.p.p.
2 row - 6 dc, inc, 6 dc, inc, 14 dc, inc, 6 dc, inc, 6 dc
3 row - 2 ch, 6 dc, inc, 7 dc, inc, 15 dc, inc, 7 dc, inc, 7 dc
4 row - 2 ch, 7 dc, inc, 8 dc, inc, 16 dc, inc, 8 dc, inc, 7 dc
5 row - 2 ch, 7 dc, inc, 9 dc, inc, 17 dc, inc, 9 dc, inc, 8 dc
6 row - 2 ch, 8 dc, inc, 10 dc, inc, 18 dc, inc, 10 dc, inc, 8 dc
7 row - 2 ch, 8 dc, 9 and 22 we knit the column together, 18 dc, 41 and 54 we knit the column together, 8 dc (36)
8 row - 2 ch, (5 sn, inc) * 6 (42)
9 row - 2 ch, (6 sn, inc) * 6 (48)
10 row - 2 ch, (7 sn, inc) * 6 (54)
11 row - 2 ch, (8 sn, inc) * 6 (60)
We tie the edges of the vest with three rows of sc. On the left in the right place we knit a loop. Sew a button on the right.

A bag
1 row - ch 25 + 2 c.p.p.
2 row - 24 dc, 5 dc in 1, 24 dc, we tie the edge of the ss, at the junction with the first s we knit 2 ch.
3 row - 24 dc, 5 inc, 24 dc, we tie the edge of the ss, at the junction with the first s we knit 2 ch.
4 row - 24 dc, (1 dc, inc) * 5, 24 dc, we tie the edge of the ss, at the junction with the first we change the color of the thread to blue and we tie the fabric with single crochets. We fold, we tie the sides from the wrong side of the ss, thus connecting the sides of the bag. We attach a thread to the sides and tie it with single crochets, forming a handle. We twist.
We knit a bow: in k.a. ch 3, ch 3, ch 3, sl-st, ch 3, ch 3, ch 3, sl-st, tighten. Sew a bow to the bag. You can sew a bead to the bow.

Assembling an amigurumi doll

Sew the head to the body. Sew hair to the head in three rows - tresses. Sew a hat on top.

The doll is ready!

Compiling this collection, we could not have thought that on the Internet there are so many different crocheted dolls.

What skills do you need to crochet a doll?

  1. Firstly, it is worth learning how to knit an "amigurumi ring", because almost all parts of small toys are knitted on its basis. Thanks to this method, there are no holes at the base of round parts. And these toys look much neater.
  2. Secondly, you need to be able to knit in a spiral, without lifting loops. When you knit a single crochet piece with lifting stitches, what is called a seam remains. Sometimes it can be hidden, for example, on the head under the doll's hair, and on the arms and legs it will look unprofessional.
  3. Thirdly, you need to decide on the eyes, what kind of eyes you will make for the doll. No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is from the eyes that the realism of the finished toy, its soul, will depend. To get started, you can make bead eyes, buy ready-made eyes in the store. But the top of perfection will be embroidered eyes or drawn using a special technique. Some needlewomen share their secrets for creating eyes. You can find videos like this on youtube.
  4. Fourthly, to create a frame doll, you will have to learn the basics of working with wire.
  5. Fifth, you will need desire and good mood! And also our selection to help you. Of course, we could not embrace all the dolls that needlewomen knit and show on the expanses of our and foreign Internet. But we tried to show some interesting specimens. The main thing is that all of them have a detailed description and diagrams.

Dolls in our selection:

  • soft, they can't stand on their own
  • skeleton dolls (they have a wire frame inside, they should not be given to small children)
  • interior dolls
  • small dolls - amigurumi
  • large dolls, most often without a frame
  • dolls - animals
  • dolls girls and dolls boys
  • fabulous, cartoon characters (like Santa Claus or Pinocchio).

Dolls are loved not only by children, but also by adults. This toy can be great gift for your family and friends. Many needlewomen even successfully earn money by selling their dolls.

Crochet dolls, the work of our readers

For a long time, the idea of ​​knitting a neat little ballerina was spinning in my head - with miniature pointe shoes, a tiny tutu and always a big bun :)) At first, the idea was figurative, not designed into specific shapes. Then I started experimenting, bandaged the nth

Dear craft friends! I would like to wish everyone a lifetime of LOVE, and give a small gift - MK "Couple in Love" I would be glad if this MK is useful to anyone, and I wish everyone light eyelets and beautiful gifts for the holiday! Us

Good day, dear needlewomen and readers of the site! Recently, toys related to the description of the baby doll Yo-Yo have become very popular. I also did not stand aside and knitted such a doll for my daughter. Design options

Hello! I want to show one more version of my performance of a baby yo-yo - the easiest, in my opinion! According to the basic description, a doll is knitted, and only a hat and a scarf are removable ornaments. See the description of the baby doll Yo-Yo at the link At the same time, accessories

I welcome everyone! Recently, I have been very interested in creating interior toys and now I want to introduce you to such a cute baby owlet! Baby doll is crocheted from wool mixture, crocheted No. 2, movable handles - on a thread mount. Clothes - hat and dress

The author of the description is Tatyana Sakadina. My daughter asked me to give her a Lalalupsy doll for her birthday, and specifically the Sailor. I decided to make such a doll for her myself. Knitted from a photo. In the course of knitting, I made a description, which I put on

original scheme and description in English Materials: I used cotton, which is suitable for knitting with a 3mm crochet. Body, dress and boots are crocheted with the same yarn, crochet 3.5mm (I don't have a description)

Doll Marina crochet from Alexandra Yankovskaya

INTRODUCTION The level of complexity of the master class is simple, i.e. even a beginner knitter can easily cope with it. To knit a toy according to this description, you need to know how to do: 1. Amigurumi ring (or magic, sliding, magic ring) 2. Posts without

Doll Twig crochet from Alexandra Yankovskaya

Baby doll Twig The level of complexity of the master class is simple, i.e. even a beginner knitter can easily cope with it. To knit a toy according to this description, you need to know how to perform: a) adding / decreasing loops according to the circle rule b) amigurumi ring (or magic, sliding,

Doll Gerda. Tied according to the master class of Martina's doll. Apparently the hook and threads are thinner than in the description. Our height is 25 instead of 38 cm. Hook 1.5, cotton threads. Doll author: Sandrine CAMPANA. The author has a doll about 38 cm, 100% yarn

Crochet dolls, toys from the Internet

Yoka doll. Master class from Larisa Glinchak.

I made all the calculations for hook No. 1.25 and Iris yarn, from which, in fact, my Yoki are knitted. The height of the dolls is 13 cm without hair.
With "tails" about 16cm. Acrylic hair Semenovskaya "Carolina".
I have never met such dolls on the Internet before, namely Yoki, so I decided to show you how I knitted them, maybe it will come in handy for someone. So let's go?

Yoka, unlike many other dolls (this is the first time I met this) is knitted with half-columns with crochets, and not with the usual single crochets.

Knitted crochet dolls in a beret

Doll size: 34 cm. It is crocheted No. 2.5 or 3.

Knitted crochet dolls "Little ladies"

Crochet Candy Doll

You will need:

  • nude yarn,
  • yarn (small hanks) for hair and clothes,
  • hook,
  • filler for toys (holofiber),
  • sewing needle,
  • plastic eyes for dolls
  • beads or other decorative items.

Abbreviations used in the description:

in. n. - air loop
sc - single crochet
pst - double crochet
ssn - double crochet
ss4n - a column with four crochets
ss - connecting post
An increase from one loop - we knit two columns
Decrease - we knit two columns together (with a common top)

For knitting you will need:

  1. 1. Yarn
    Yarn Art Jeans: 03 - milky; 07 - beige; 20 - pink; 62 - white; 68 - jeans.
    Alize Baby Wool: 19 - water lily; 62 - cream.
    Alize Cotton Gold:87 - charcoal grey.
  2. Hook number 2.
  3. Holofiber filler.
  4. Puppet tresses.
  5. Screw eyes 5 mm.
  6. Cardboard (for insoles).
  7. Buttons and beads for decoration.

Doll ALSENA. Summer fairy. Author Epic Kawaii

Doll crochet Cutie. Description from Nadezhda Volkova

For the body, we need Alize Coton Gold yarn, 50 g, hook 2. We start knitting from the head-torso, we knit with single crochets.

Doll Crochet Blotter. Author Larisa Klinchak

This doll has only three knitted body parts - head, torso and feet.
In order to knit them, we need hook No. 1.75 and flesh-colored yarn of suitable thickness for the hook and quite a bit of colored yarn for shoes.
My Blotters are knitted with Magic Baby yarn, 100% acrylic, 50g/185m.

Crochet doll Claire. Author Diana Yashnikova

Such a doll contacted. The appearance was easy to come up with, but with the execution of the details I had to be a little smarter, since there is still little experience in crocheting. Here's what happened in the end. The description is below, if someone is interested in just such a variant of the chrysalis.

For knitting you will need:

  • Alpina Vera 100gr/300m cotton with acrylic nude 1 skein, Lanoso Alara yarn 50g/140m cotton with acrylic light green, dark green and orange
  • Hook No. 3, knitting needles No. 3.5 and 3
  • Ribbon and 2 buttons

Crochet Tilda doll (description by Alona Rabinovich)

The height of the doll is 34 cm. An excellent description for those who like Tilda, but their hands cannot be sewn. If you know how to crochet, then try to crochet this legendary doll.

Doll in striped stockings. Author Lyubov Yerlygaeva

The height of the doll is 24 cm. She cannot stand without support, but she sits wonderfully :)

Would need:

  • Acrylic threads 330m/100g (choose your own colors)
  • Hook No. 2-2.5
  • Filler

vp - air loop
sc - single crochet
pr - increase, knit twice in one loop
dec - decrease, knit two loops together
ss - connecting post
ssn - double crochet

Notes: Pieces are knitted in a spiral over the two walls of the loop, inflated as you knit, unless otherwise indicated.

Crochet chrysalis Chamomile. Description by Anna Sadovskaya.

We suggest you knit a gentle and airy girl Chamomile.
From a thin thread, the girl turns out to be quite tiny, but if you take thicker yarn, the pupa will be taller.
The toy is knitted in a spiral, without connecting posts and lifting loops.

Crochet doll singer VIOLETTA.

You will need:

  • Yarn pink, red, gray, black, purple, white, brown
  • Hook 2.5
  • metal wire
  • eye beads
  • Darning needle
  • Filler synthetic winterizer

Crochet doll Molly. Translated by Tatyana Matyushkova

For the doll you will need:

  • yarn Gazal Baby Cotton (50gr/225m)
  • safety eyes 12 mm
  • filler
  • hook number 2
  • buttons
  • ribbon

Crochet Lalaloopsy doll. Author Natalia Gorodnaya


  1. yarn of the main skin color - in the photo Alize cotton gold is milky, the growth will be about 20 cm (I will knit from alize bella milky)
  2. yarn of other colors for dresses, accessories, hair (it is better to take wool for hair, it is lighter and more airy)
  3. hook of the right size (I have #2)
  4. wire for the frame (it is possible without it), if there is no frame, then we are preparing cotton buds, glue, tape to fix the head
  5. buttons for the eyes of a suitable size, (the doll in the photo has 8-9 mm)
  6. filler

Elsbet crochet doll

Size 43 cm. The doll is crocheted No. 6.

crochet princess doll

Material: yarn 30% acrylic, 30% polyamide, 40% wool, hook number 3, 2 safety eyes 1 cm in diameter, filler, large eye needle.

PIN UP PUKHLYASH from MISS HOOK. Translation - Lyuba Kostyunina

To knit a doll you will need:

  • hooks No. 5 and 3.5 cm
  • yarn 5 colors and a little red floss for the lips
  • needles for embroidery with a blunt end
  • scissors
  • roulette
  • stitch markers
  • eyes 2 pcs 12 mm

Doll - puff crochet

Knitting density: 4 sc = 2.5 cm.
Knit in the round, marking the first loop of the row with a marking thread.

The doll is about 43 cm tall.


  1. 180 m (200 yds) body color or peach
  2. A little green yarn (letter A) and grape color (letter B) for a dress
  3. dark brown yarn for hair,
  4. Pink yarn for lips and handbags,
  5. Yellow and green yarn for flowers and leaves.
  6. Hook F (3.75 mm) or G (4 mm)
  7. 90 cm (1 yard) tape 10 mm wide
  8. beads
  9. Filler
  10. Black eyes with a diameter of 9.5 and glue. Eyes can be embroidered.

Naughty doll girl with an umbrella ... Translation by Anastasia Dudnik

Level: Intermediate.
The height of the doll is 40-50 cm.

For knitting you will need:

  • yarn Yarn Nako Pirlant. Colors: white, green, nude, black, pink, yellow
  • hook number 3
  • wire
  • toy filler

Crochet Lily doll from Carola Herbst

Translation - Lyubov Komkova.

Doll boy Leva crochet

For the body, we need Alize cotton gold yarn (milky, light beige, powder or another flesh color), you can take arn art jeans (the thickness is the same as that of alize). Hook 2.5 The yarn can actually be any, the one that is available to you, the main thing is to choose the color and the hook that suits the yarn.

Crochet doll with a set of clothes

The doll is crocheted from yarn 30% acrylic, 30% polyamide, 40% wool crochet No. 3. You will also need 2 safety eyes with a diameter of 1 cm, filler, a needle with a large eye.

Crochet doll Alicia. Translation bysinka738

The size of the finished doll is 40 cm.

To knit a doll you will need:

  • acrylic yarn 250m/100g in the following colors:
  • purple, blue, white.
  • Yarn 600g / 100m red, hooks No. 2.5 and 3
  • Filler for toys
  • Tapestry needle
  • Artificial eyes with a diameter of 12mm
  • Wire for the frame - 20 cm.
  • Dry blush.

Crochet doll Rose from Zabbez

Crocheted doll Zoya

Anni - crochet amigurumi doll

Anni - amigurumi doll Technique: crochet, amigurumi Size: height 25 cm Materials: yarn, filler, hook, needle Girls of all ages love dolls - they are so beautiful, with a variety of clothes, they can be combed and dressed up. And play take off - a pleasure. Knitted dolls

We crochet the simplest frame doll

The author of the description of Vesnukhin from the Country of Mothers. Based on this description, you can create your own unique frame doll. Lira yarn was used for knitting. The doll turned out to be about 13 cm. The foot insole can be cut out of plastic caps. The simplest frame

To crochet a doll, you will need the following materials: Kartopu organica (body color) - K1216 Kartopu organica ( White color) – K010 Gazzal Baby cotton – 3426 Yarnart jeans – 29/562 1.75 mm hook scissors filler (for

Doll author: Yulia Suleimanova. The size of the doll is 35-37 cm. For knitting a doll, materials are needed: The main version of YarnArt JEANS, a description and a photo will follow it. Additional option Little Troitskaya, I will just show for comparison. I want to see the difference and

Description by natta_toys. We knit the head 1 6sc in ka 2 6inc 3 1sc, inc*6 4 2sc, inc*6 5 3sc, inc*6 6 4sc, inc*6 7 5sc, inc*6 8 6sc, inc*6 9 7sc, inc*6 10 8sc, inc*6 11-17 60sc 18 8sc, dec*6 19 7sc, dec*6 20 6sc, dec*6 21 5sc, dec*6 22 4sc, dec*6 23 3sc, dec*6 24 2sc, dec * 6 leave the thread for sewing, fasten the eyes in 13-14 rows at a distance of 5 loops,

Materials: yarn of similar thickness and suitable hook, eyes, filler, glue, beads for the rim. I used blue and white from the Katia Amigurumi set, hair - Pekhorka Children's cotton, head - Lira Vita cotton. Legend:

Translation by Elena Kraft. How to crochet a beautiful doll.

Video - master classes on creating crochet dolls

How to crochet a doll. Master class from Victoria

How to embroider eyes on a doll

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How to tie realistic doll eyes

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