Crochet doll head. Small crochet amigurumi doll. Crochet amigurumi doll crochet pattern

Today, many needlewomen are fond of crocheting. They create various toys: vegetables, fruits, funny little animals and much more. Beginners in this art are lost, not knowing where to start. For example, a crochet doll is very easy to knit. How to do it, the master class in the article will tell. Surely, it will be of interest to experienced needlewomen too.

Ideas for knitting dolls

Craftswomen came up with a lot of options for how to crochet a doll and decorate it with your own hands. Toys are very popular national costumes. They are very bright and beautiful, so they attract the attention of children. Also, kids like dolls in the form of their favorite cartoon characters. For example, it can be the Little Mermaid, Masha, Strawberry, Aladdin or Lalaloopsy.

Baby dolls seem very interesting to children. They are very convenient to dress, swaddle, lull, roll in a stroller, that is, do what a mother does with her baby.

When crocheting a doll, it should be borne in mind that girls love to change the hairstyles of their toys. Therefore, it is better to stop your choice on a magnificent-haired princess. She will bring a lot of joy to the young stylist.

In general, the ideas of knitted toys great amount. Therefore, turn on your imagination, consider your capabilities and start creating!

Materials for stuffing dolls

Needlewomen do not recommend using cotton wool as stuffing material. Over time, the doll will lose its shape, and lumps will form in places in the details. To fill the head, torso and limbs of the toy, it is best to take a high-quality synthetic winterizer or holofiber. Sintepukh is also suitable if you want to make the toy more voluminous. If you know how to work with foam rubber, then you can take it.

To fill the legs and handles, some craftswomen advise buying special plastic balls. They are very evenly distributed in the details of the crocheted doll. You can find them in craft stores.

Sometimes needlewomen use to make the frame of a complex toy with many details. copper wire. It should bend easily and keep its shape, so the optimal diameter is three millimeters.

In the manufacture of individual parts of the head, pay attention to the following fact. If you take as a basis a master class of a crochet crocheted doll with diagrams and descriptions, but use a different yarn, then the result can be unpredictable. If the threads are not very different, then this is not so critical.

To decorate the eyes, you can take ready-made false eyelashes (choose the thickest). For two centuries, one blank will be enough. Cut it into pieces and glue with transparent glue from the outer edge of the eye to the center.

To create eyebrows, the remnants of yarn of the same length are suitable. They can also be glued with curved tweezers.

Sponges are most conveniently embroidered with vertical stitches in three threads. It is better to make the contour thin. After that, you need to smear with transparent glue on the wrong side of the edge, so that when cutting out, the embroidery does not bloom. It is not necessary to make sponges, some dolls look much prettier without them.

Cheeks are decorated with art pastels or dry blush. From paper, you need to make a square template, and cut an oval in its center. Attach the workpiece to the cheek of the toy and apply dry blush with a brush. After they need to shade with a piece of cloth.

Sometimes for beginners knitted toys seem very difficult to implement. Actually, it is not. It is enough to pick up a simple crochet doll with diagrams and descriptions, then everything will become clear. So you save time, and, most importantly, nerves and strength. Try to choose master classes without small details.

Use only simple views loops. As a beginner, this will be enough for you. For example, this is a single crochet, a connecting column and a single crochet.

Take the hook that fits the thickness of the yarn. Usually, manufacturers indicate recommendations for tools on the packaging.

When knitting, acrylic yarn behaves well. In addition, she has a pleasant texture and a huge selection of colors. You can also buy iris or wool.

It may be difficult for beginners to make small details themselves (eyes, nose, mouth). Then you can buy ready-made ones, or replace them with buttons, beads and sequins.

Knitting a baby doll in a scarf

To do knitted dolls crochet, patterns and descriptions for them, you can take any. The article will present a simple master class that will tell you how to make a cute baby doll. He will be about seventeen centimeters tall.

On average, the process of knitting such a doll takes about nine hours. But it already depends on the speed of the craftswoman herself. The craft can be modified to your liking, from color to small details.

Knitting materials

What will you need?

  • Blue yarn. Needed for knitting the body and hats. One chrysalis will take about one third of a skein weighing one hundred grams with a thread length of 330 meters.
  • Light beige yarn. For hands and head. It will take about one-fifth of the skein.
  • Yellow yarn for a scarf. You can use leftovers from any skein.
  • Hook number 1.25.
  • Two buttons or beads for the eyes with a diameter of about 0.7 ml.
  • Sintepon or holofiber for stuffing (about one hundred grams).
  • A piece of wire twenty centimeters long.
  • Long needle.
  • Five cotton swabs or a nylon dowel (12 by 60 millimeters in size).
  • A piece of adhesive plaster about ten centimeters long.
  • Pink dry pastel or blush.
  • Knitting markers and pins.
  • Two buttons or other decor to decorate the hat.

Amigurumi ring

Crocheting a doll should start with an amigurumi ring. From the end of the yarn of blue color make a loop about 2.5 centimeters apart. Hold the working thread between your middle and index fingers. Now insert your hook into the loop. Grab the working thread with it and pull it forward. Pull the yarn through the loop formed and tighten. Please note that it will not be considered the first column in the ring.

From below, bring the hook under both threads, which form a large loop. Grab the working yarn and pull up a loop. Pull the main thread through the two loops that are already on the hook. Thus, the first single crochet is made in the amigurumi ring. Further, knitting will take place quite tightly, in a spiral for two loops.


In the amigurumi ring, knit five single crochets (SC). Start the next row with one column, and then increase in each loop. That is, it should turn out 9 sc. Knit the next fourteen rows in simple columns on nine loops. At the end, break off the thread, leaving a fairly long tail.

In the same way, you need to make the left leg. You do not need to break the thread, continue to crochet the body of the doll with it. For beginner needlewomen, it will be very simple.


Connect the legs together by making an increase on the sides for this. On the left, knit five sc and hang a marker. Followed by a chain of ten air loops(VP). Then on the right leg, do 3 sc, raise, sc, raise and 3 sc. Then knit ten VPs. Again, but on the left leg, do 3 sc, increase, sc, increase and 3 sc. A total of 42 sc should come out. Please note that on the legs you need to knit in two loops, and on air chain- for one.

Knit the next 12 rows without changes with the usual sc. Sew the hole between the limbs with the thread that was left from the right leg. At this stage, you need to tightly fill the craft.

On the next row, do 5 sc and decrease. So repeat 6 times. You should get 36 sc. Knit the next two rows without changes. Now do 4 sc and decrease. Repeat the process 6 times. 30 sc will remain on the canvas. Knit the next two rows again without changes. Now decrease every 3 sc. You should get 24 sc. It remains to finish two rows with simple columns.

It's time to stuff the doll's body tightly, crochet, approximately to the middle. On the next row, do 2 sc and decrease. Repeat this 6 times to make 18 sc. Knit the last two rows without changes.


Take light beige yarn and continue knitting the toy according to the following pattern. In each row, repeat the rapport six times to get a certain number of loops.

  • 2 sc, increase = 24 loops.
  • 3 sc, increase = 30 loops.
  • 4 sc, increase = 36 loops.
  • 5 sc, increase = 42 loops.
  • 6 sc, increase = 48 loops.
  • 7 sc, increase = 54 loops.
  • 8 sc, increase = 60 loops.
  • 9 sc, increase = 66 loops.

As you can see, according to this description, crocheting a doll is not difficult at all. Stuff your body well. Insert into the neck cotton buds, previously fastened with adhesive plaster, or dowel. Now enter the wire between the 23rd and 22nd rows of the calf. Insert it into the crevice in the dowel or wrap the sticks around. Pull the wire out from the other side.

After that, in the next 12 rows, knit 66 sc. Make a doll according to the following pattern, repeating each rapport 6 times.

  • 9 sc, decrease = 60 loops.
  • 8 sc, decrease = 54 loops.
  • 7 sc, decrease = 48 loops.
  • 6 sc, decrease = 42 loops.
  • 5 sc, decrease = 36 loops.
  • 4 sc, decrease = 30 loops.

Stop knitting and stuff your head to about the middle. Continue to make the head of the pupa in the same way.

  • 3 sc, decrease = 24 loops.
  • 2 sc, decrease = 18 loops.
  • RLS, decrease = 12 loops.

Stuff the rest of the doll's head. Cut the thread, but leave a long tail. Poke the hole well.


Decide on which side of the head the doll's face will be crocheted. Although, this makes no difference. Mark the selected location of the eyes with pins. For example, it can be between the 11th and 12th rows of the head. Leave about seven loops between the eyes.

Thread the rest of the light beige thread into a long needle and stick it in the center of the crown. Bring it out in the intended place of the left eye, in the adjacent loop of the same row, and then - at the intended point of the right eye. Repeat the steps several times, making a tightening of the eye sockets. Now put the thread on the top of the head and fix it with a knot. Sew buttons-eyes in places of tightening.


With light beige yarn, knit 4 sc into the amigurumi ring. Increase in each loop. You should get 8 sc. Do the next row without changes. Knit 3 dc in one loop and 7 sc. For the other handle, this place must be done the other way around (7 sc and 3 dc in one loop). Work 8 sc in the next row.

Now take the blue yarn. Continue to knit her 19 rows of 8 sc. Cut the thread, leaving a fairly long tail. You can take any version of crocheted doll handles with patterns. But this knitting method is very simple.

Bend the wire so that it is approximately equal to the length of the handles. It should be a loop. Fix the wire with adhesive tape. Put the tied handles on it, pull it to the body and sew it carefully.


A hat can be made from blue yarn. Work 6 sc into the amigurumi ring. In the next row, increase in each loop. You should get 12 sc. Then knit according to the following scheme, repeating the rapport in each row 6 times.

  • RLS, increase = 18 loops.
  • 2 sc, increase = 24 loops.
  • 3 sc, increase = 30 loops.
  • 4 sc, increase = 36 loops.
  • 5 sc, increase = 42 loops.
  • 6 sc, increase = 48 loops.
  • 7 sc, increase = 54 loops.
  • 8 sc, increase = 60 loops.
  • 9 sc, increase = 66 loops.

In the next 13 rows, knit 66 sc. Leave a long tail and cut the thread.


Knit a scarf with yellow yarn. Its desired width will be equal to the number of air loops. For example, do this. Cast on six air loops and two for lifting. Turn work and work 5 dc. Continue in the same way until required length scarf.

This accessory can be made not only with a hook for tied doll. For beginners, it may be easier to make it with knitting needles. Knit any number of stitches in stockinette stitch to desired length. For example, you can take needles number two. Cast on 10 stitches. Knit one row with knit stitches and the other with purl stitches. Alternate them until you get 140 rows.

Assembly of the chrysalis

Put a cap on your head, it should sit tight enough. If this is not the case, then you made a mistake somewhere in knitting. Sew the part by grabbing it in several places with a thread. With yellow yarn, make a navel on the body in the form of a cross. Sew embellishments on the side of the hat. In this case, two buttons will look harmonious (one is yellow, the other is white, smaller in size).

Using a brush, draw cheeks with pink dry pastel or blush. Blend thoroughly with a piece of cloth. It remains to tie a scarf on a baby doll, and she is ready! You can customize the toy by adding hair, a purse, or by making the hat removable.

Now you know how to crochet a doll. As you can see, even a beginner needlewoman will cope with this task. Knit with pleasure and delight your loved ones with your creations!

The Sonya doll appeared to me one of the first from the moment when I became interested in how a crochet frame doll is knitted with a relief figure. The scheme is quite voluminous, contains not only a description of the doll with a crochet, but also a master class on knitting clothes for the doll. To avoid confusion, I will break the MK into several parts: the body, clothes , face embroidery. Let's start with the body. Link to the following parts at the end of the article.

Materials and tools used in knitting a frame doll:

  • Yarn 100% cotton (YarnArt Violet) for the body.
  • Yarn Gazzal Baby Cotton (similar to YarnArt Jeans) for pajama jumpsuit.
  • Wool yarn for hair.
  • Floss black, blue, white, pink for face embroidery.
  • Hooks size 1-1.25 mm for the body, 2 mm for overalls.
  • Cover for the frame.
  • Filler - holofiber.
  • Stitching needle.
  • Pins for marking.


  • sc - single crochet
  • purl sbn - purl single crochet.
  • vp - air loops
  • dec - knit together two sc.
  • pr - knit two sc in one loop.
  • ss - connecting column.
  • psn - half-column with a crochet.
  • sn - double crochet.
  • x n times - how many times to repeat the designated area, where n is a number.

Start knitting with your hands so that later you don’t have to break the thread if you have one skein of body yarn.

IMPORTANT! Scheme for facial knitting. If you plan to knit inside out, then mirror the pattern.

Right hand

Start knitting with your hands so that later you don’t have to break the knitting thread again.

  1. Amigurumi ring (6)
  2. inc, 2 sc, inc, 2 sc (8)
  3. 8 sc
  4. 7 sc, 4 ch, from the second loop of the chain of 3 connecting columns, 1 sc in 8 loop of the 2nd row (8)
  5. 2 sc, dec, 2 sc, dec (6)
  6. 6 sc
  7. 6 sc
  8. 6 sc
  9. 6 sc
  10. 2 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc (8) - increase on the sides of the arm
  11. 8 sc
  12. 3 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc (10) - increase on the sides of the arm
  13. 10 sc
  14. 10 sc
  15. 10 sc

Let's designate the place of the elbow, this place may differ for different needlewomen due to the nature of knitting and yarn, so I will note the nuances that you need to focus on. In the 17th row, make decreases on the sides of the arm, knit the 18th row without changes. 19 row - increase on the sides. And this is how I have it:

  1. 3 sc, dec, 3 sc, dec (8)
  2. 8 sc
  3. 3 sc, inc, 3 sc, inc (10)
  4. 10 sc
  5. inc, 4 sc, inc, 4 sc (12) - increase on the sides of the arm
  6. 12 sc
  7. 12 sc
  8. 12 sc
  9. 12 sc
  10. 12 sc
  11. 12 sc
  12. 12 sc
  13. 12 sc
  14. 12 sc

Left hand

  1. Amigurumi ring (6)
  2. inc, 2 sc, inc, 2 sc (8)
  3. 8 sc
  4. 5 sc, 4 ch, 3 sl-st in chain ch, 3 sc (8)
  5. 7 sbn, skip a finger (finger on the outside of knitting), 1 sbn (8)
  6. 2 sc, dec, 2 sc, dec (6)
  7. 6 sc
  8. 6 sc
  9. 6 sc
  10. 6 sc
  11. 2 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc (8) increase on the sides of the arm
  12. 8 sc
  13. 4 sc, inc, 2 sc, inc (10) increase on the sides of the arm
  14. 10 sc
  15. 10 sc
  16. 10 sc
  17. dec, 3 sc, dec, 3 sc (8)
  18. 8 sc
  19. inc, 3 sc, inc, 3 sc (10)
  20. 10 sc+
  21. inc, 5 sc, inc, 3 sc (12) - increase on the sides of the arm
  22. 12 sc
  23. 12 sc
  24. 12 sc
  25. 12 sc
  26. 12 sc
  27. 12 sc
  28. 12 sc
  29. 12 sc
  30. 12 sc

Leave the knitting open, break the thread.


  1. Amigurumi ring (6)
  2. (inc, 1 sc) x 3 times (9)
  3. 9 sc
  4. 9 sc
  5. 9 sc, expand knitting,
  6. 1 ch, 5 sc, turn around
  7. 1 ch, 5 sc, turn around
  8. ch 1, 5 sc, turn ch 1, decrease of 5 stitches, ch 1, 2 sc between heel and front, 4 sc in front, 2 sc between heel and front, then knit in a circle (10)
  9. 10 sc
  10. dec, 8 sbn (9) (decrease should be behind the legs in the middle)
  11. 9 sc
  12. 9 sc
  13. 9 sc
  14. 9 sc
  15. 9 sc
  16. inc, 1 sc, inc, 6 sc (11) (increases are made at the back in the center)

At the stage of the formation of "bulges" and "bulges", the number of sc at the beginning of the row may vary depending on your knitting density. Be guided by the instructions where exactly the increases and decreases are made.

  1. 11 sc
  2. 11 sc
  3. 1 sbn, inc, 1 sbn, inc, 7 sbn (13) (increases are made at the back in the center)
  4. 13 sc
  5. 3 sc, inc, 9 sc (14)
  6. 14 sc
  7. 14 sc
  8. 14 sc
  9. 4 sbn, dec, 8 sbn (13) (reduction at the back in the center)
  10. 2 sb, dec, dec, 7 sb (11) (decreases at the back in the center)
  11. 3 sc, dec, 4 sc, inc, 1 sc (11) (increase front center, decrease back center)
  12. 11 sc
  13. 11 sc
  14. 1 sc, inc, inc, inc, inc, 3 sc, dec, 1 sc (14) (increase in the back in the center, decrease in the front in the center)
  15. 14 sc
  16. 3 sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, 5 sc (16) (increases on the sides and a little back on both sides of the leg)
  17. 16 sc
  18. 16 sc
  19. 16 sc
  20. 16 sc
  21. 16 sc
  22. 16 sc
  23. 16 sc
  24. 5 sc, inc, 4 sc, inc, 5 sc (18) (increases on the sides)
  25. 18 sc
  26. 18 sc

Knit the second leg.


We unite the legs and continue to knit.

  1. This row is unifying and corrective, in the process of knitting the position of the beginning of the row can change (this depends on the density of knitting and the selected yarn), so that in the future the scheme is universal for everyone, it is necessary to correct the position of the legs.

Attach the legs to each other, while the leg with the working thread should lie on the right side relative to you (i.e. it will be the left leg of the chrysalis). For convenience, connect the legs with pins, as shown in the photo. To determine the connection point of the legs, conditionally divide each leg into two parts of 8 (front) and 10 (rear) loops, as shown in the diagram below. The arrow indicates the start of row 44 after adjustment and merging.

Knit or decrease the desired number of loops from each leg of the pupa to the point where the legs join. Continue knitting with a working thread, knit to the connection point in front and continue to knit in a circle on the second leg, reach the left leg and knit 10 sc on it. You get this picture: 8 sbn on the left leg, 8 sbn on the right leg (front), 10 sbn on the right leg, 10 sbn on the left leg (rear) (total 36 loops in a circle)

  1. 8 sc, 8 sc, 2 sc, inc x 6 times, 2 sc, 2 sc, inc x 6 times, 2 sc (48)
  2. 48 sc
  3. 8 sc, 8 sc, 1 sc, inc, (1 sc, inc) x5 times, 4 sc, 4 sc, (inc, 1 sc) x 5 times, inc, 1 sc (60)
  4. 60 sc (8+8 front, 22+22 rear)

If the beginning of the row has moved to the side, then adjust so that the front 8 + 8 sc are clearly in front of the body.

  1. 8 sc, 8 sc, 6 sc, (dec, 1 sc) x 3 times, 7 sc, 7 sc, (1 sc, dec) x 3 times, 6 sc (8, 8.19, 19 = 54)
  2. 8 sc, 8 sc, (2 sc, dec) x 4 times, 3 sc, 3 sc, (dec, 2 sc) x 4 times (8, 8, 15, 15 = 46)

Form the buttocks. Sew together 5 loops on each side of the "hole" of the butt so that it keeps its shape. The result will be 8, 8, 10, 10 = 36 loops in a circle.

Insert the wire case into the legs and stuff them. Next, stuff the body as you knit.

  1. dec, 6 sc, 6 sc, dec, (2 sc, dec, 2 sc, dec, 2 sc) x 2 times (30)
  2. 7 sc, 7 sc, dec, 5 sc, dec, 5 sc, dec (27)
  3. 27 sc
  4. 27 sc
  5. 27 sc
  6. 27 sc
  7. 27 sc
  8. 27 sc
  9. 27 sc
  10. 27 sc
  11. 27 sc
  12. 27 sc
  13. 27 sc

Next, we will knit the chest, so you need to adjust the beginning of the row. Mark with a pin the middle of the chest of the pupa (between the loops). Count 10 loops towards the working thread - this will be the beginning of the 64th row, knit-reduce the previous row to it. The result will be such a picture - 5 loops on the left and right side, 7 loops on the back and 10 loops on the chest.

  1. 5 sc, inc, inc, inc, 2 sc, 2 sc, inc, inc, inc, 5 sc, 7 sc (33)
  2. 33 sc
  3. 33 sc
  4. 33 sc
  5. 33 sc

Knitting continues with hands, at the same time we make a decrease on the chest. Place your arms at your sides. Now the circle consists of the following parts: 7 sc on the back, 5 sc on the left side, 5 sc on the right side and 16 on the chest. Determine 3 loops from the inside of the arms to join (knit to the arm join mark). On the body, attach them to 3 loops on the sides closer to the chest (I recommend sewing the right hand 1 loop further to the back, as the knitting will move due to decreases). You will get the following:

  1. 2 sbn, 3 sbn knit together on the hands and on the body, dec x 8 times, 1 sbn, 3 sbn together on the hands and body, 1 sbn, 7 sbn. (37)
  2. 1 sc, dec (1 loop from the back and 1 loop from the arm), (1 sc, dec, 1 sc, dec, 2 sc) on the left hand, 9 sc on the chest, (2 sc, dec, 1 sc, dec, 1 sbn) on the right hand, dec (1 loop from the hand, 1 loop from the back), 7 sbn on the back (31)
  3. 4 sc, dec, 13, dec, 10 (29)
  4. 1 sc, (dec, 3 sc) x 4 times, dec, 6 sc (24)
  5. (1 sc, dec) x 8 times (16)
  6. dec, dec, 5 sc, dec, dec, 3 sc (12)
  7. dec, dec, 2 sc, dec, dec, 2 sc (8)
  8. 8 sc
  9. 8 sc


Now we knit the head.

  1. 2 sc, inc, inc, inc, 2 sc, inc (12) - three increases exactly in front, one increase in the center back
  2. (1 sc, inc) x 6 times (18)
  3. (2 sc, inc) x 6 times (24)
  4. (3 sc, inc) x 6 times (30)
  5. 2 sc, (inc, 4 sc) x 5 times, inc, 2 sc (36)
  6. (5 sc, inc) x 6 times (42)
  7. 3 sc, (inc, 6 sc) x 5 times, inc, 3 sc (48)
  8. 48 sc
  9. 48 sc
  10. 48 sc
  11. 48 sc
  12. 48 sc
  13. 48 sc
  14. 48 sc
  15. 48 sc
  16. 48 sc
  17. 48 sc
  18. (6 sc, dec) x 6 times (42)
  19. (5 sc, dec) x 6 times (36)

At this stage, without stuffing (or stuffing if you prefer), embroider the doll's face. Step-by-step instruction with photo link.

After you are done with the face, knit the head to the end.

  1. (4 sc, dec) x 6 times (30)
  2. (3 sc, dec) x 6 times (24)
  3. (2 sc, dec) x 6 times (18)
  4. (1 sc, dec) x 6 times (12) Stuff with stuffing
  5. dec x 6 times (6). Fasten off the knitting, break off and hide the thread.


  1. amigurumi ring (6)
  2. 1 ch, unfold, inc, inc, ss x 4 times, fasten and break the thread for sewing.

Sew the ears between the 85th and 91st rows, focus on the eyes, the ears should be just below the eyes.


For hair, I took a wool mixture wound in two strands. I disassembled the yarn into threads and threaded them between each column on the head, securing it in the usual way: pulling the thread between the columns with a hook, threaded the two ends of the thread on the other side into the resulting loop and tightened it. As soon as I got my whole head, I started cutting. She braided her pigtails at the back, and simply cut the rest of her hair short with scissors.

The second stage of knitting a frame doll - clothes .

Crochet frame doll Sonechka, part 1: body

Japanese knitting is gaining popularity amigurumi toys. The distinguishing feature of these products is big size head in relation to the body and limbs. This gives additional charm and charm to toys. Doll schemes crochet amigurumi will help needlewomen create more than one soft cute friend for mood or as a gift to relatives and friends, as well as delight the kids.

Technology features

A characteristic feature of technology knitting amigurumi is the knitting density. This is achieved by replacing the diameter of the hook with a smaller one. For example, if the yarn manufacturer recommends using hook number 3, then hook number 2 is used to work with this material.

Knitting should be tight so that the filler with which the toy is stuffed does not shine through.

The basis of the work is the so-called amigurumi ring. Thanks to him, the round parts of the toys do not have holes. Neatness depends on how carefully the ring is made. appearance products. There is nothing difficult here, but practice is needed.

First, you need to wrap the working thread around the index finger of your left hand a couple of times. It's done right hand, which contains the working thread. When the turns are wound, then a spiral remains on the left index finger, which we carefully remove from the finger, forming a loop. Next, a working thread is pulled through this loop with a hook and pulled through a ring on the hook. Then the hook is threaded into the loop again and a regular single crochet is made.

Usually 6 or 8 loops are knitted into an amigurumi ring. A few turns of the thread around the finger for the first loop just ensure the density of knitting.

Having knitted the columns, the ring must be tightened by stretching the thread by the tip. You will get a circle of six loops tied with a thread.

Toys are knitted not in a circle, as in most techniques, but in a spiral. This means that the rows of the product do not close, but smoothly move from one to another. Since the loops in the product either increase or decrease, it is necessary to count them very carefully, otherwise the toy will not work. To simplify this task, craftswomen use various markers in the form of special paper clips or threads of a different color. The main thing is that the basting is easy to remove.

knitted doll

After reading the description of the process, even a beginner can knit a wonderful toy. For work, you will need yarn of various colors, a hook, knitting markers, filler for soft toys, pieces of thread for hair or a washcloth, beads for the eyes, enthusiasm and a burning desire to acquire a pet.

The master class below will help you understand the intricacies of work and knit such a cute ballerina.

Knitting begins with the head, which goes into the torso. They are fused, knit in a spiral. The tutu is not removable and is part of the torso. In this place there will be a change of yarn from flesh to pink.

We knit a head of beige yarn:

1 row: 6 sc in the amigurumi ring (we knit two air loops, then 6 sbn in the first loop, we get a circle of 6 sbn). 2 row: 6 increments (12). 3 row: * 1 sc inc * 6 times (18). 4 row: * 2 sc inc * 6 times (24). 5 row: * 3 sc inc * 6 times (30). 6 row: * 4 sc inc * 6 times (36). 7 row: * 5 sc inc * 6 times (42). 8-15 rows: 42 sc in each row. 16 row: * 5 sc dec * 6 times (36). 17th row: *4 sc dec* 6 times (30). 18 row: * 3 sc dec * 6 times (24). 19 row: * 2 sc dec * 6 times (18) - stuff your head. 20 row: * 1 sc dec * 6 times (12). 21 row: 12 increments (24). 22 row: * 3 sc inc * 6 times (30). 23 row: 30 sc. Change the yarn to pink.

24 row: we make a scar - we knit with a pink thread 30 sc for the front walls of the loops of the previous row. 25 row: we knit with a pink thread behind the back walls of the loops of the 23rd row 30 sc. 26-30 rows: 30 sc in each row. 31 row (skirt begins): we knit * 4 sc inc * 6 times (36) for the front walls of the loops of the previous row. 32 row: * 5 sc inc * 6 times (42). 33 row: we knit a rapport * skip two loops, in the 3rd loop 7 double crochets, skip two loops, connecting column * 7 times. 34 row: we return to the body, to the 30th row, through the connecting posts on the skirt, we knit 30 sc for the back walls of the loops of the 30th row. 35-36 rows: 30 sc in each row. 37 row: * 3 sc dec * 6 times (24). 38 row: * 2 sc dec * 6 times (18) - stuff the body. 39 row: *sc dec* 6 times (12). 40 row: 6 decreases, close knitting.

Next, we knit the legs together with pointe shoes. Pink and flesh thread will constantly alternate. This is done as follows: when one single crochet remains before the transition, we begin to knit this extreme column in the usual way - we grab the working thread on the hook and get two threads of the same color there. To perform smooth color transition yarn of a different color is picked up by a hook (where there are now two working loops) and stretched into a loop with a new color through two working loops.

It is necessary to ensure that the constriction different colors inside the legs were not very compressed, since when stuffing the doll with filler, compression will appear and the leg cannot be stuffed tightly.

We start knitting the legs, which are also knitted in a circle. We start with pink yarn: 1 row: 6 sc in the amigurumi ring. 2 row: 6 increments (12). 3rd row: 12 sc. 4 row: pink thread: 1 sc; body thread: 4 sc; pink thread: 2 sbn, increase, 1 sbn, increase, 2 sbn (total we get 14 sbn in a row). 5th row: body thread: 6 sc; pink thread: 7 sc; body thread: 1 sc (14). 6th row: body thread: 7 sc; pink thread: 1 sc, 2 decreases; body thread: 2 sc (12). 7 row: corporal thread: 8 sc, 1 decrease, 2 sc (11). 8th row: body thread: 8 sc, 1 decrease, 1 sc (10) - cut the pink thread, fasten it. Further we will knit only in flesh color. We stuff the foot, paying special attention to the heel. 9-14 rows: 10 sc, cut the thread, fasten, leave the tip for sewing, stuff the leg to the end. We knit two parts.

We knit handles: 1 row: 4 sc in the amigurumi ring (try to “turn out” the amigurumi circle to tie the next row). 2 row: 4 increments (8). 3-4 rows: 8 sc in each row. 5 row: * 2 sc dec * 2 times (6) - fill your palm. 6-10 rows: 6 sbn, cut the thread and fasten, leaving the tip for sewing. We stuff the handle. Do not forget that the doll has two handles.

Let's get to the doll's hairstyle. A bun is a sphere wrapped in a thread of the same color with which it is tied. It is knitted like a regular ball, but without both poles. When the poles connect, you get a flattened oval, which after stuffing will take the shape of a donut: 1 row: we close 12 air loops in a circle, then we knit in a circle. 2 row: * 1 sc inc * 6 times (18). 3 row: * 2 sc inc * 6 times (24).

4 row: * 3 sc inc * 6 times (30). 5-8 rows: 30 sc in each row. 9 row: * 3 sc dec * 6 times (24). 10th row: *2 sc dec* 6 times (18). 11th row: * 1 sc dec * 6 times (12), cut the thread, leaving the tip longer for stitching the “poles” of the ball. We sew several columns, fill the stitched area with padding polyester and repeat until the circle ends. Then we wrap the resulting ball with a thread of the same color.

For a beam, you can tie a bow, which will add beauty and elegance to the toy. Row 1: We close 20 air loops in a circle, then we knit in a circle. 2-6 rows: 20 sc in each row. We wrap the resulting cylinder in the middle and get a bow. We fix the thread. After we make the ballerina's hair.

We take the threads of the same color from which the bundle was made, and cut them into segments of 20 cm. Along the seam on the body at the junction of beige and pink threads, we determine the front of the head. Where there is no seam - in front. In the 7th row, we fix the first “strand” of hair in the center of the front, stretching the prepared section beyond the center and fixing it. So we have 9 strands. On the back of the head in the 16th row we fix 7 strands.

In the same way, we fix the strands around the entire circumference of the head. In front, it will be enough to make a row of hair, and on the sides - several rows, so that after collecting the hair in a ponytail, bald patches do not appear. You can pre-estimate and outline curls to make it easier to understand where to attach them. We leave the crown bald. After the hair is gathered into a bun, it will close.

After the hair is collected in a ponytail, its excess length must be cut off and a bun should be fixed on top.

We attach a bow to the hair, we make pointe lacing.

At the final stage, we revive the doll by making her face. For the eyes, you can use beads, having previously painted them in brown or black. We embroider a mouth. The ballerina is ready!

Such a toy will be a wonderful gift not only for any little girl, but also for an adult involved in dancing.

Video on the topic of the article

More details about the amigurumi technique and the secrets of craftsmanship can be found in the following videos:

Any girl, regardless of her age, loves dolls. They are so beautiful and different: soft-rag, rubber, plastic. They can be dressed in all sorts of clothes, combed and do hairstyles. Now handmade toys are becoming more and more popular, this is becoming a real trend. Moreover, work on them will be fast, and most importantly - interesting and easy. Crocheted doll will be a wonderful gift for any child.

You can let your imagination fly by choosing what threads to make a doll from (acrylic, cotton), what filler to choose, what color your creation will be. Behind this process you can find out your Creative skills and potential.

Where to begin

First of all, you need to decide which doll you want to see at the end of the work. Now there are many ready-made schemes in which there is a complete and understandable description, manuals and schemes of work. Ready-made schemes you can not use it, create something of your own. Come up with clothes for her: sew or also knit a dress, skirt, hat, sundress, jumpsuit, shoes and any other accessory. Experienced needlewomen can make things like shoes or house slippers for the doll. Here everything will depend solely on your imagination.

What skills will you need to create a doll:

  1. You need to master the technique of knitting an amigurumi ring, because it is on its basis that almost all the elements of small toys are knitted. Thanks to this technique, the bases of round parts are obtained without a hole. And it looks much cleaner.
  2. You must be able to knit without lifting the loops in a spiral. When knitting with lifting loops, a seam will remain. When it can be hidden, for example, under a doll's hat or hair, there is nothing to worry about. But on the legs or handles, the seam does not look professional.
  3. Decide which eyes you want to make your doll. They can give specialness and realism to your creation. You can buy ready-made eyes or beads in the store, this is suitable for beginner needlewomen. But the eyes drawn using a special technique or embroidered eyes will look completely different.
  4. If you decide to create a frame doll, then you will additionally need to master working with wire.

And most importantly, you should always start work with a desire and a great mood.

Yarn selection

First you need to select the threads. Today, a very large variety of threads is presented in stores. Here are the main ones suitable for knitting dolls:

  1. The most popular, which includes 45% polyacrylic and 55% cotton. From this thread, you can knit all the elements of clothing and the doll itself. It does not twist, does not stretch and is quite soft;
  2. Mercerized 100% cotton. The thread is smooth, gleams a little, holds its shape very well. The fabric is smooth and does not look rough. Mercerized cotton when creating clothes for dolls needs to be knitted weaker, as it can stand up as a stake. This will not be necessary for toy clothes;
  3. Cotton stitch. In this yarn, 2% Lyra is added to cotton. It is convenient to knit from it, but you should not stuff the toy tightly. The canvas will stretch when stuffed and eventually it will not look neat;
  4. There are also textured yarns. There are cotton weed, yarn with wool in the composition, yarn similar to terry towel. It is important that for beginners this is not a very suitable material, the loops are difficult to stretch and count.

knitting process

Consider a master class on creating an unusual and original doll with hair color pink. She will succeed small size, so the yarn will be spent quite a bit.

From the materials you will need:

  • threads (coral, pink, you can also orange, gray, green and beige - close to flesh);
  • hook (1.5-2.5 mm);
  • filler. One of the simplest is cotton wool and natural filler (down, wool), but they are practically not used anymore. Best Option there will be a synthetic winterizer and holofiber;
  • eyes. You can use ready-made purchased, ordinary buttons or knit yourself;
  • accessories. Use any at your discretion: hair ties, hair clips, flowers, handbag.

On a note! This doll can change hairstyles (plait pigtails, make ponytails), which is an absolute plus.

Let's move on to the scheme and description of knitting a doll at home with your own hands.

First, the head for the doll is knitted.

Then the hands are tied.

And the final step will be knitting the dress and attaching the hair to the doll's head.

The work of making your unique doll is completed! You can please your child with a new wonderful doll.

Video on the topic of the article

Compiling this collection, we could not have thought that on the Internet there are so many different crocheted dolls.

What skills do you need to crochet a doll?

  1. Firstly, it is worth learning how to knit an "amigurumi ring", because almost all parts of small toys are knitted on its basis. Thanks to this method, there are no holes at the base of round parts. And these toys look much neater.
  2. Secondly, you need to be able to knit in a spiral, without lifting loops. When you knit a single crochet piece with lifting stitches, what is called a seam remains. Sometimes it can be hidden, for example, on the head under the doll's hair, and on the arms and legs it will look unprofessional.
  3. Thirdly, you need to decide on the eyes, what kind of eyes you will make for the doll. No wonder they say that the eyes are the mirror of the soul. It is from the eyes that the realism of the finished toy, its soul, will depend. To get started, you can make bead eyes, buy ready-made eyes in the store. But the top of perfection will be embroidered eyes or drawn using a special technique. Some needlewomen share their secrets for creating eyes. You can find videos like this on youtube.
  4. Fourthly, to create a frame doll, you will have to learn the basics of working with wire.
  5. Fifth, you will need desire and good mood! And also our selection to help you. Of course, we could not embrace all the dolls that needlewomen knit and show on the expanses of our and foreign Internet. But we tried to show some interesting specimens. The main thing is that all of them have detailed description and schemes.

Dolls in our selection:

  • soft, they can't stand on their own
  • skeleton dolls (they have a wire frame inside, they should not be given to small children)
  • interior dolls
  • small dolls - amigurumi
  • large dolls, most often without a frame
  • dolls - animals
  • dolls girls and dolls boys
  • fabulous, cartoon characters (like Santa Claus or Pinocchio).

Dolls are loved not only by children, but also by adults. This toy can be great gift for your family and friends. Many needlewomen even successfully earn money by selling their dolls.

Crochet dolls, the work of our readers

For a long time, the idea of ​​knitting a neat little ballerina was spinning in my head - with miniature pointe shoes, a tiny tutu and always a big bun :)) At first, the idea was figurative, not designed into specific shapes. Then I started experimenting, bandaged the nth

Dear craft friends! I would like to wish everyone a lifetime of LOVE, and give a small gift - MK "Couple in Love" I would be glad if this MK is useful to anyone, and I wish everyone light eyelets and beautiful gifts for the holiday! Us

Good day, dear needlewomen and readers of the site! Recently, toys related to the description of the baby doll Yo-Yo have become very popular. I also did not stand aside and knitted such a doll for my daughter. Design options

Hello! I want to show one more version of my performance of a baby yo-yo - the easiest, in my opinion! According to the basic description, a doll is knitted, and only a hat and a scarf are removable ornaments. See the description of the baby doll Yo-Yo at the link At the same time, accessories

I welcome everyone! Recently, I have been very interested in creating interior toys and now I want to introduce you to such a cute baby owlet! Baby doll is crocheted from wool mixture, crocheted No. 2, movable handles - on a thread mount. Clothes - hat and dress

The author of the description is Tatyana Sakadina. My daughter asked me to give her a Lalalupsy doll for her birthday, and specifically the Sailor. I decided to make such a doll for her myself. Knitted from a photo. In the course of knitting, I made a description, which I put on

original scheme and description in English Materials: I used cotton, which is suitable for knitting with a 3mm crochet. Body, dress and boots are crocheted with the same yarn, crochet 3.5mm (I don't have a description)

Doll Marina crochet from Alexandra Yankovskaya

INTRODUCTION The level of complexity of the master class is simple, i.e. even a beginner knitter can easily cope with it. To knit a toy according to this description, you need to know how to do: 1. Amigurumi ring (or magic, sliding, magic ring) 2. Posts without

Doll Twig crochet from Alexandra Yankovskaya

Baby doll Twig The level of complexity of the master class is simple, i.e. even a beginner knitter can easily cope with it. To knit a toy according to this description, you need to know how to perform: a) adding / decreasing loops according to the circle rule b) amigurumi ring (or magic, sliding,

Doll Gerda. Tied according to the master class of Martina's doll. Apparently the hook and threads are thinner than in the description. Our height is 25 instead of 38 cm. Hook 1.5, cotton threads. Doll author: Sandrine CAMPANA. The author has a doll about 38 cm, 100% yarn

Crochet dolls, toys from the Internet

Yoka doll. Master class from Larisa Glinchak.

I made all the calculations for hook No. 1.25 and Iris yarn, from which, in fact, my Yoki are knitted. The height of the dolls is 13 cm without hair.
With "tails" about 16cm. Acrylic hair Semenovskaya "Carolina".
I have never met such dolls on the Internet before, namely Yoki, so I decided to show you how I knitted them, maybe it will come in handy for someone. So let's go?

Yoka, unlike many other dolls (this is the first time I met this) is knitted with half-columns with crochets, and not with the usual single crochets.

Knitted crochet dolls in a beret

Doll size: 34 cm. It is crocheted No. 2.5 or 3.

Knitted crochet dolls "Little ladies"

Crochet Candy Doll

You will need:

  • nude yarn,
  • yarn (small hanks) for hair and clothes,
  • hook,
  • filler for toys (holofiber),
  • sewing needle,
  • plastic eyes for dolls
  • beads or other decorative items.

Abbreviations used in the description:

in. n. - air loop
sc - single crochet
pst - double crochet
ssn - double crochet
ss4n - a column with four crochets
ss - connecting post
An increase from one loop - we knit two columns
Decrease - we knit two columns together (with a common top)

For knitting you will need:

  1. 1. Yarn
    Yarn Art Jeans: 03 - milky; 07 - beige; 20 - pink; 62 - white; 68 - jeans.
    Alize Baby Wool: 19 - water lily; 62 - cream.
    Alize Cotton Gold:87 - charcoal grey.
  2. Hook number 2.
  3. Holofiber filler.
  4. Puppet tresses.
  5. Screw eyes 5 mm.
  6. Cardboard (for insoles).
  7. Buttons and beads for decoration.

Doll ALSENA. Summer fairy. Author Epic Kawaii

Doll crochet Cutie. Description from Nadezhda Volkova

For the body, we need Alize Coton Gold yarn, 50 g, hook 2. We start knitting from the head-torso, we knit with single crochets.

Doll Crochet Blotter. Author Larisa Klinchak

This doll has only three knitted body parts - head, torso and feet.
In order to knit them, we need hook No. 1.75 and flesh-colored yarn of suitable thickness for the hook and quite a bit of colored yarn for shoes.
My Blotters are knitted with Magic Baby yarn, 100% acrylic, 50g/185m.

Crochet doll Claire. Author Diana Yashnikova

Such a doll contacted. Appearance was thought up easily, but with the execution of the details I had to be a little smarter, since there is still little experience in crocheting. Here's what happened in the end. The description is below, if someone is interested in just such a variant of the chrysalis.

For knitting you will need:

  • Alpina Vera yarn 100g/300m cotton with acrylic nude 1 skein, Lanoso Alara yarn 50g/140m cotton with acrylic light green, dark green and orange
  • Hook No. 3, knitting needles No. 3.5 and 3
  • Ribbon and 2 buttons

Crochet Tilda doll (description by Alona Rabinovich)

The height of the doll is 34 cm. An excellent description for those who like Tilda, but their hands cannot be sewn. If you know how to crochet, then try to crochet this legendary doll.

Doll in striped stockings. Author Lyubov Yerlygaeva

The height of the doll is 24 cm. She cannot stand without support, but she sits wonderfully :)

Would need:

  • Acrylic threads 330m/100g (choose your own colors)
  • Hook No. 2-2.5
  • Filler

vp - air loop
sc - single crochet
pr - increase, knit twice in one loop
dec - decrease, knit two loops together
ss - connecting post
ssn - double crochet

Notes: Pieces are knitted in a spiral over the two walls of the loop, inflated as you knit, unless otherwise indicated.

Crochet chrysalis Chamomile. Description by Anna Sadovskaya.

We suggest you knit a gentle and airy girl Chamomile.
From a thin thread, the girl turns out to be quite tiny, but if you take thicker yarn, the pupa will be taller.
The toy is knitted in a spiral, without connecting posts and lifting loops.

Crochet doll singer VIOLETTA.

You will need:

  • Yarn pink, red, gray, black, purple, white, brown
  • Hook 2.5
  • metal wire
  • eye beads
  • Darning needle
  • Filler synthetic winterizer

Crochet doll Molly. Translated by Tatyana Matyushkova

For the doll you will need:

  • yarn Gazal Baby Cotton (50gr/225m)
  • safety eyes 12 mm
  • filler
  • hook number 2
  • buttons
  • ribbon

Crochet Lalaloopsy doll. Author Natalia Gorodnaya


  1. yarn of the main skin color - in the photo Alize cotton gold is milky, the growth will be about 20 cm (I will knit from alize bella milky)
  2. yarn of other colors for dresses, accessories, hair (it is better to take wool for hair, it is lighter and more airy)
  3. hook of the right size (I have #2)
  4. wire for the frame (it is possible without it), if there is no frame, then we prepare cotton swabs, glue, adhesive tape to fix the head
  5. buttons for the eyes of a suitable size, (the doll in the photo has 8-9 mm)
  6. filler

Elsbet crochet doll

Size 43 cm. The doll is crocheted No. 6.

crochet princess doll

Material: yarn 30% acrylic, 30% polyamide, 40% wool, hook number 3, 2 safety eyes 1 cm in diameter, filler, needle with a large eye.

PIN UP PUKHLYASH from MISS HOOK. Translation - Lyuba Kostyunina

To knit a doll you will need:

  • hooks No. 5 and 3.5 cm
  • yarn 5 colors and a little red floss for the lips
  • needles for embroidery with a blunt end
  • scissors
  • roulette
  • stitch markers
  • eyes 2 pcs 12 mm

Doll - puff crochet

Knitting density: 4 sc = 2.5 cm.
Knit in the round, marking the first loop of the row with a marking thread.

The doll is about 43 cm tall.


  1. 180 m (200 yds) body color or peach
  2. A little green yarn (letter A) and grape color (letter B) for a dress
  3. dark brown yarn for hair,
  4. Pink yarn for lips and handbags,
  5. Yellow and green yarn for flowers and leaves.
  6. Hook F (3.75 mm) or G (4 mm)
  7. 90 cm (1 yard) tape 10 mm wide
  8. beads
  9. Filler
  10. Black eyes with a diameter of 9.5 and glue. Eyes can be embroidered.

Naughty doll girl with an umbrella ... Translation by Anastasia Dudnik

Level: Intermediate.
The height of the doll is 40-50 cm.

For knitting you will need:

  • yarn Yarn Nako Pirlant. Colors: white, green, nude, black, pink, yellow
  • hook number 3
  • wire
  • toy filler

Crochet Lily doll from Carola Herbst

Translation - Lyubov Komkova.

Doll boy Leva crochet

For the body, we need Alize cotton gold yarn (milky, light beige, powder or another flesh color), you can take arn art jeans (the thickness is the same as that of alize). Hook 2.5 Yarn can actually be any, the one that is available to you, the main thing is to choose a color and a suitable hook for yarn.

Crochet doll with a set of clothes

The doll is crocheted from yarn 30% acrylic, 30% polyamide, 40% wool crochet No. 3. You will also need 2 safety eyes with a diameter of 1 cm, filler, a needle with a large eye.

Crochet doll Alicia. Translation bysinka738

The size of the finished doll is 40 cm.

To knit a doll you will need:

  • acrylic yarn 250m/100g in the following colors:
  • purple, blue, white.
  • Yarn 600g / 100m red, hooks No. 2.5 and 3
  • Filler for toys
  • Tapestry needle
  • Artificial eyes with a diameter of 12mm
  • Wire for the frame - 20 cm.
  • Dry blush.

Crochet doll Rose from Zabbez

Crochet doll Zoya

Anni - crochet amigurumi doll

Anni - amigurumi doll Technique: crochet, amigurumi Size: height 25 cm Materials: yarn, filler, hook, needle Girls of all ages love dolls - they are so beautiful, with a variety of clothes, they can be combed and dressed up. And play take off - a pleasure. Knitted dolls

We crochet the simplest frame doll

The author of the description of Vesnukhin from the Country of Mothers. Based on this description, you can create your own unique frame doll. Lira yarn was used for knitting. The doll turned out to be about 13 cm. The foot insole can be cut out of plastic caps. The simplest frame

To crochet a doll, you will need the following materials: Kartopu organica (body color) - K1216 Kartopu organica ( White color) – K010 Gazzal Baby cotton – 3426 Yarnart jeans – 29/562 1.75 mm hook scissors filler (for

Doll author: Yulia Suleimanova. The size of the doll is 35-37 cm. For knitting a doll, materials are needed: The main version of YarnArt JEANS, a description and a photo will follow it. Additional option Little Troitskaya, I will just show for comparison. I want to see the difference and

Description by natta_toys. We knit the head 1 6sc in ka 2 6inc 3 1sc, inc*6 4 2sc, inc*6 5 3sc, inc*6 6 4sc, inc*6 7 5sc, inc*6 8 6sc, inc*6 9 7sc, inc*6 10 8sc, inc*6 11-17 60sc 18 8sc, dec*6 19 7sc, dec*6 20 6sc, dec*6 21 5sc, dec*6 22 4sc, dec*6 23 3sc, dec*6 24 2sc, dec * 6 leave the thread for sewing, fasten the eyes in 13-14 rows at a distance of 5 loops,

Materials: yarn of similar thickness and suitable hook, eyes, filler, glue, beads for the rim. I used blue and white from the Katia Amigurumi set, hair - Pekhorka Children's cotton, head - Lira Vita cotton. Legend:

Translation by Elena Kraft. How to crochet a beautiful doll.

Video - master classes on creating crochet dolls

How to crochet a doll. Master class from Victoria

How to embroider eyes on a doll

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How to tie realistic doll eyes

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