It is considered the experience of SP. Does the IP have experience and how does it affect the future pension. The influence of the experience of an entrepreneur on the IPC

The list of documents required for calculating the length of service and calculating earnings varies depending on the taxation system that is in force in the relevant period of time and is constantly changing.
The following shall be equated to the payment of insurance premiums for compulsory pension insurance:
payment of contributions for state social insurance before 01/01/1991, after the specified date of UST and UTII;
the payment of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activity is equated to the payment of insurance premiums to the Pension Fund;
for individual entrepreneurs working before January 1, 1991 on the terms of individual or group lease, the periods of work are confirmed * by a document from financial authorities or certificates from archival institutions on the payment of mandatory payments.
The indicated periods of activity (with the exception of the activities of individual entrepreneurs who have switched to paying UTII and USN) starting from 01/01/1991 are confirmed by a document from the territorial office of the Pension Fund or tax authorities on the payment of mandatory payments.
For individual entrepreneurs paying a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities, the periods of entrepreneurial activity are confirmed by certificates of payment of insurance premiums from the income received, issued by the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on the basis of certificates of tax authorities on income.
For individual entrepreneurs applying the simplified taxation system, periods of work are confirmed by certificates of payment of insurance premiums from income received, issued by the territorial bodies of the fund on the basis of certificates of tax authorities on income.
For individual entrepreneurs paying a single tax on imputed income, periods of individual labor activity are confirmed by a certificate of payment of a single tax on imputed income for certain types of activities issued by the territorial tax authorities in the prescribed manner.
Periods of work after registration in the system of compulsory pension insurance are confirmed by the information of individual (personalized) records.
Individual entrepreneurs and lawyers who, after establishing them labor pension continue their entrepreneurial activities, have the right to an annual recalculation of the insurance part of the labor pension, taking into account additional insurance premiums received on their individual personal account (including in the form of a fixed payment). The right to recalculation arises in the case of work within 12 months after the award of the pension.
Mandatory conditions for granting an old-age pension to individual entrepreneurs:
reaching a certain age (today women are 55 years old, men are 60 years old).
having at least 5 years insurance experience.
The length of service includes all periods of activity of a businessman in the territory of the Russian Federation, for which insurance premiums were paid in Pension Fund. Moreover, not only entrepreneurial activity is taken into account, but also work under an employment contract.
To determine the length of service, the total period is taken, which means that breaks in work are allowed. The periods that are taken into account in the calculation are named in Art. Article How to open a coworking center. . 10 and 11 of the Federal Law of December 15, 2001 N 166-FZ.

Many private entrepreneurs are concerned about the question of how it counts when creating an IP seniority. Usually it is easy to calculate it by scrolling through the work book, but entrepreneurs do not start work books. To confirm the existence of experience for individual entrepreneurs, certain conditions must be met.

Why do you need a calculation

The presence of a confirmed period of employment has certain legal consequences.

Does the IP have experience? Experience matters when calculating:

  • sick leave payments;
  • pensions;
  • unemployment benefits;
  • child care allowance.

For an individual entrepreneur, sick leave payments are not relevant, no one pays them for the time of illness.

The calculation of unemployment benefits will be needed when a person applies to the employment service. Child care allowance is paid if there are children under 1.5 years old. All these situations may well happen in the life of an individual entrepreneur, and the amount of these payments will depend on the time worked.

The size of the future pension depends on how long the payments to the Pension Fund have been received per person. They cannot be less than those determined by law, otherwise they will not be counted. Contributions to the Pension Fund from the enterprise are made by the employer, and the entrepreneur pays contributions for himself.

There are periods when such transfers are not made. For example, while studying at the full-time department or working without official registration, or during a period without work, or when working part-time. In such cases, each person can pay the due contributions for himself. To do this, you must apply with a corresponding application to the Pension Fund branch.

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What and how they think

The length of service for an individual entrepreneur is taken into account if the following conditions are met:

  1. The status of IP is officially issued.
  2. Payment of contributions to the Social Insurance Fund. They cannot be less than the minimum established by law. There are payment documents confirming the payment.
  3. Experience in the status of an individual entrepreneur has at least 5 years.

Legislation is constantly changing. From 2016, the length of service must be at least 7 years, and from 2024 the law provides for 15 years.

The term "work experience" was replaced by "insurance" in 2007. It, along with other conditions, makes it possible to apply for an old-age pension. If during the calculation they could not gain the required 5 years, then the person will still receive a pension, but it will be social and the size of 1 minimum wage.

An individual entrepreneur may not work, not receive a profit for some time, or work only for a certain time during seasonal work, but whether the individual entrepreneur has a seniority or not depends on the payment of insurance premiums. For it to go, it is necessary to pay contributions, regardless of the profit. To do this, when opening an IP, it is required to conclude an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund, calculate contributions and pay them monthly.

Be sure to save payment documents to confirm such payments in the future.

The five-year period required to calculate the length of service for establishing a pension will be counted in total. For example, you can pay insurance premiums as an individual entrepreneur for several years, then work under an employment contract at some enterprise, then the employer will pay these premiums.

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Documents provided to confirm the experience

Whether the seniority goes when opening an IP will be confirmed by a certificate of registration in the status of an entrepreneur from a certain date. The end of the internship will be confirmed by a document on the closure of the IP. Entrepreneurs receive these papers at the local branch of the tax authority.

Individual entrepreneurs confirm their work with various documents. For example, those who paid tax on imputed income submit income certificates (issued by local departments of the FIU). List necessary documents contain the Rules for calculating the length of service, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 24, 2002 No. 555. The list of documents will change based on the taxation system that was in effect at that time.

Instead of paying insurance premiums, the following are counted:

  1. Payment of contributions to state social insurance, if this happened before January 1, 1991.
  2. Payment of contributions of the unified social tax and the unified tax on imputed income after 01.01.1991.
  3. Work until January 1, 1991. This period is confirmed by certificates from the archive on the payment of mandatory payments for that time.

To clarify the list of documents, you need to contact the territorial Pension Fund immediately before the start of drawing up documents for a pension, since the legislation on this issue is constantly changing.

When providing documents, all the labor activity of an individual entrepreneur is included in the length of service.

It's not a secret for anyone that the size of the pension depends on the work (and at present - insurance) length of service of the employee. Seniority is the number of years worked by a person during his entire life. But if everything is quite clear with the experience of employees, then many questions arise about the experience of individual entrepreneurs - does it go to an individual entrepreneur, is it reflected in the work book, how is it calculated and confirmed, how is the pension calculated.

Does the IP have work experience

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, which regulates the conduct of labor activities, the working population has the right to count on pension payments from government agencies when they reach a certain age.

Pension - monthly cash payments in favor of previously working citizens, compensating for lost earnings.

For people engaged in entrepreneurial activities, as well as for employees, the legislation defines the same age, reaching which you can hope for deductions from the PFR (Pension Fund of Russia).

To find out if individual entrepreneurs have experience, you need to familiarize yourself with the provisions of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

Conditions for an entrepreneur to apply to the FIU:

  1. Achievement retirement age(men - 60 years, women - 55 years).
  2. Work experience of at least 5 years.
  3. Payment of monthly insurance contributions from your income to the tax office (and not to the Social Insurance Fund, as it was before).

It is worth noting that if contributions are overdue for any reason, then this period of work as an individual entrepreneur will not be taken into account in the total length of service. In addition, one should not confuse insurance premiums, on the amount of which the size of a future pension depends, with the monthly deductions of an entrepreneur. The amount of deductions to the PFR (now to the IFTS) is constant and does not depend on the profitability of entrepreneurial activity.

By 2018, the actively used term of seniority can be called obsolete. The Federal Law "On Insurance Pensions", which is associated with the main changes in the procedure for retirement, uses a different term - insurance experience. Under the actual work experience, we mean periods of work or other activities that precede registration in the PFR personalized accounting system (until 2002). And the insurance experience is a combination of these two periods - labor, if a person has one, and the actual insurance period, which is confirmed by the system of personalized accounting and only by it.

Reflection of the experience of the entrepreneur in the work book

According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 66), a working person must have a document confirming his labor activity. We are talking about a work book in which employers make entries on admissions and dismissals from jobs. The work book records information about the insurance (and work until 2002) experience. An individual entrepreneur, as a business owner, does not have the right to draw up a book for himself, since he is not an employee in the accepted sense.

The activity of the individual entrepreneur is not recorded in the work book

In the event of subsequent employment by a former entrepreneur in a service or organization, the future employer should also not record any information about his activities as an individual entrepreneur. As already mentioned, it is the contributions of individual entrepreneurs to the IFTS that are one of the conditions for accounting for seniority during the conduct of commercial activities.

The date of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur and the date of removal from registration with the Federal Tax Service correspond to the period of work (insurance) experience of the individual entrepreneur.

At the time of deregistration, the Pension Fund is obliged to issue a certificate to the entrepreneur confirming the fact that during his activity the necessary payments were made. If a citizen simultaneously acts as an individual entrepreneur and as an employee of an organization, then at the place of employment, a work book is entered for him as for an ordinary employee. At the same time, he, as an active individual entrepreneur, at the same time must pay fixed amounts and insurance payments to the IFTS.

Is the experience of an individual entrepreneur included in the calculation of sick leave

When an employee falls ill, the management draws up a sick leave (disability certificate) in order to be able to compensate for earnings during the period of illness. What does the legislation tell us about the temporary disability of an entrepreneur? According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, a businessman has the same right to issue sick leave. To do this, the following conditions must be met:

  1. Conclude an agreement with the Social Insurance Fund (on the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 29, 2016 No. 202n):
    • collection of the required documentation (copies of the passport, certificate of state registration and registration, extract from the state register);
    • filing an application;
    • waiting for notification of the payment procedure.
  2. List (and do it regularly) cash to the Foundation.

For individual entrepreneurs, as well as for other employees, disability certificates are issued

In the event that an individual entrepreneur takes maternity leave, this period must also be paid, including a one-time compensation for registration with women's consultation. It should be borne in mind that sick leave payments directly depend on the length of service and the minimum wage.

Table: compensation amounts for individual entrepreneurs on sick leave

The calculation of sick leave benefits is as follows:

  1. The calculation of the average salary is carried out (the minimum wage is divided by the number of days in a month).
  2. The length of service is calculated.
  3. An allowance is calculated (the result of the average wage is multiplied by the percentage of seniority).
  4. The final calculation of the benefit depends on the level of tax.

It would be useful to pay attention to the sample of filling out a sick leave. Only the absence of errors in filling guarantees the receipt of compensation payments.

From 05/01/2018, the minimum wage at the federal level is 11,163 rubles, but in fact it is different in each region of the country.

The procedure for calculating the insurance experience of an individual entrepreneur and calculating a pension

It should be remembered once and for all that the pension provision of an individual entrepreneur is fundamentally different from the calculation of pensions for employees. Differences can be traced both in accounting for the insurance (labor) length of service (earlier it was said about independent contributions from individual entrepreneurs), in the amount of insurance premiums and formulas based on which future pensions for entrepreneurs are calculated. In the life of businessmen, legislation provides for non-insurance periods. At such times state funds deduct contributions instead of IP. This time is also included in the experience of businessmen. This is possible in the following situations:

  • Military service;
  • residence of the spouses as military in the regions where they did not have employment opportunities (no more than 5 years in total);
  • when spouses, as employees of the diplomatic and consular departments of the Russian Federation, reside in the territory of a foreign state (no more than 5 years in total), if during this period they were not engaged in commercial activities;
  • the time of caring for children, until the execution of each 1.5 years (in the amount of not more than 6 years);
  • the period of care of an able-bodied individual entrepreneur for a disabled person of group 1, a disabled child or an aged relative over 80 years old.

The accrual of pensions for individual entrepreneurs takes place in accordance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation and the rules of pension legislation

As mentioned above, the amount of his insurance premiums affects the amount of an individual entrepreneur's pension. Legislative base fixed annual amount of these contributions. In 2018 it is:

  • for individual entrepreneurs whose average annual income is up to 300,000 rubles, the payment to the budget is 32,385 rubles;
  • income over 300,000 rubles obliges the individual entrepreneur to transfer 1% of the amount of income that exceeds this amount in addition to the fixed amount. In this case, the amount will be limited to a maximum value of 212,360 rubles.

Pension payments of those entrepreneurs who continue to work after retirement are not indexed. If the entrepreneur left the labor activity after retirement, then he can count on an annual increase in pension.

Calculation of experience for the northern regions of the Russian Federation

For the northern regions of our country, the legislation provides for special rules for calculating the length of service of the population. To receive a pension, it is enough for men to reach the age of 55, for women - 50 years. In addition, they must have worked in the north for at least 20 and 15 years, respectively. In order for the activity of an individual entrepreneur to be included in the "northern" experience, entrepreneurs, in addition to paying insurance premiums, must provide evidence of doing business in the respective regions.

For the northern regions of the Russian Federation, their own rules for calculating the length of service and accruing pensions are provided

The evidence is:

  • tax statements on income and expenses in the area;
  • a lease agreement for premises;
  • contracts with contractors, etc. (the evidence presented depends on the specific activity of the individual entrepreneur and may differ significantly).

IP proof of experience

The entrepreneur confirms his experience with the following evidence:

  1. Certificate of registration of an individual as an individual entrepreneur (until 2017) or USRIP record sheet (from 01/01/2017).
  2. Certificate of state registration of the termination of activities by an individual as an individual entrepreneur (issued after the end of the activity by the entrepreneur in the event that the current account is closed and there are no debts to state regulatory authorities.
  3. Evidence established by law is required to account for the length of service of individual entrepreneurs

    In some cases, a businessman has the right to count on a pension increase. Such hopes are justified if the IP:

  • works in the State Duma of the Russian Federation or the Federation Council of the Russian Federation;
  • is in state or municipal service;
  • serves in the internal affairs bodies or in the bodies for the control of the circulation of narcotic drugs;
  • is in military service;
  • deprived of liberty, but at the same time involved in paid work;
  • is in maternity leave or on parental leave, if at the same time he voluntarily transfers contributions to the IFTS.

In these cases, the supporting documentation will be as follows:

  • employment history;
  • reference from the archive;
  • military ID;
  • document from places of deprivation of liberty;
  • child's birth certificate.

Video: insurance premiums of individual entrepreneurs

Subject to the established Labor Code RF rules insurance experience for citizens engaged in commercial activities will be accrued. In this regard, a businessman can count on pension payments from the state, and in some cases even an increase in cash payments. Work experience of at least 5 years, timely voluntary transfer of contributions to the tax office during the functioning of the IP, reaching retirement age, availability of documents confirming the length of service - all this gives the right to receive a pension.

By paying insurance premiums, an individual entrepreneur provides himself with seniority, which is an important factor in the formation of a future pension.

An individual entrepreneur is an insured person if he makes payments to the PFR accounts for himself. Part of these funds goes to the formation of a future pension, so the periods of work for which contributions are accrued and paid are credited to his seniority.

How can an individual entrepreneur prove his work experience?

The total experience of an individual entrepreneur includes the time during which contributions to the FIU were paid for him, including periods of employment.

Since 2002, the information on the transferred insurance payments, necessary for calculating the length of service and the amount of benefits, has been in the PFR database, therefore, it is not necessary to provide documents to confirm the length of service.

Confirm seniority for more early period will help:

  • Certificate from the regional branch of the PFR on payment of contributions;
  • Certificate of application of UTII;
  • Certificate from the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation on payment of obligatory payments (when applying the simplified taxation system until 01.01.2001);
  • a certificate from the territorial office of the tax service on payment of the simplified tax system (when applying the simplified tax system from 01/01/2001 to 2003);
  • Documents from the state archive or state financial authorities on payment of mandatory payments, if the activity was carried out before 01/01/1991.

The list of documents confirming the length of service varies depending on the period of doing business, the applicable taxation system, the presence of periods not included in the length of service and other circumstances.

Advice! A complete list of documents confirming the development of IP is contained in the Government Decree of July 24, 2002 No. 555.

Features of the formation of an IP pension

The pension of an individual entrepreneur is formed on the basis of contributions paid by him during his work. Since 2014, businessmen have been responsible for paying not only fixed payments for themselves, but also 1% of the amount in excess of their annual income of 300 thousand rubles. Accordingly, the higher the annual income, the greater the amount of the old-age benefit. If the IP status is not officially registered, the businessman will receive only social pension equal to one minimum wage.

When combining business and work under an employment contract, an individual entrepreneur must make a choice where he will receive a pension, since its payments are made at one place of work. But when determining the amount of the benefit, the contributions paid by both his employers and the individual entrepreneur himself are taken into account.

Pension reform: significant changes for individual entrepreneurs

According to the new rules, the calculation of length of service and the accrual of individual entrepreneur benefits is the same as for employees. The reform divided the pension into two types: insurance and funded.

The formation of the accumulative type is due to insurance payments and profits from their successful investment. funded part will be received by citizens aged 49 and younger who have applied for the transfer of a part of insurance payments to non-state pension funds. accrual funded pension follows the same rules as before.

The formation of the insurance pension has undergone major changes.

Now the following factors influence its value:

  1. the amount of the entrepreneur's annual income;
  2. seniority;
  3. the age of the citizen at the time of applying to the Pension Fund for applying for old-age benefits;
  4. selected view pension provision;
  5. the presence of periods not included in the insurance experience.

The entrepreneur's pension consists of fixed payments and the cost of one pension point, multiplied by an individual coefficient, taking into account periods that are not included in the insurance period.

In addition, the reform implies an annual increase in the mandatory insurance period, giving the right to receive a pension. The increase will take place until 2024, in which it will be 15 years. The number of points required for granting old-age benefits, which was 6.6 points in 2015, will increase to 30 points by 2025.

The accumulated funds of today's pensioners, and those who began their labor activity before 2015, are saved and converted into IPC. For those citizens who started their work only in 2015, the formation pension savings will take place according to the new rules.

The influence of the experience of an entrepreneur on the IPC

Calculation of the amount of cash security for old age is now not in rubles, but in points, or individual pension coefficients (IPC). Points are conventional units that evaluate the contribution of a working citizen to future pension. They are credited to the personal accounts of all working citizens, including entrepreneurs. The maximum number of points that a citizen of the Russian Federation can earn in one year is 7.83 in 2016. Gradually, this value will grow and by 2021 it will reach 10 points.

How already noted, an important role in determining the size of the allowance is now played by the length of service of the entrepreneur or employee. The longer it is, the more points will be credited to the personal account of the insured person.

The reform provides for the accrual of bonus points for late application for old age benefits (see table).

So, when applying for a 3-year benefit late will give the right to receive a fixed payment increased by 1.19 times, and will increase the individual coefficient by 1.24 times. If you draw up a pension 5 years later than usual, the increase will be even more significant: fixed payments will increase by 36%, the individual coefficient by 45%.

The new rules provide not only "increasing", but also "reducing" coefficients.

Calculation of pension provision for IP

After the reform, the amount of cash security for old age is calculated as follows:


SPV - the amount of the old-age benefit;

VFV - payments of a fixed amount;

IPC - final coefficient, which includes annual and bonus points;

SIPC - the amount of money equivalent to the individual coefficient at the time of registration of benefits;

DPB - additional points due for the late assignment of a pension.

Summing up, it can be said with certainty that, despite such negative points, as an increase in the mandatory length of service and the minimum number of points, the reform also has positive aspects: individual entrepreneurs, along with employees, got the opportunity to earn increased pension, while the old method of calculation, based on the minimum wage and not taking into account the insurance experience of the entrepreneur, did not provide such an opportunity.

Individual entrepreneurs, notaries, lawyers and other self-employed persons are entitled to receive an old-age insurance pension in accordance with the general procedure. In the article, we will analyze what are the conditions for assigning a pension to self-employed citizens, how the insurance experience of an individual entrepreneur is calculated for assigning a pension in 2020, how to determine the amount pension payments when applying for a pension by an entrepreneur.

Requirements for an individual entrepreneur to assign a pension

According to chapter 2 of the Federal Law-400, for individual entrepreneurs and other self-employed persons, the general procedure for determining the right to receive pension payments is applied.

In accordance with Article 8 of the Federal Law-400, individual entrepreneurs can issue insurance pension old age under the simultaneous fulfillment of the following conditions:

  • reaching retirement age (in 2020 - women 57 years old, men 62 years old);
  • the presence of a minimum insurance period (in 2020 - from 11 years);
  • IPC is not lower than the established level (in 2020 - not less than 18.6).

It should be noted that the requirements for seniority and IPC are increased annually, and in order to apply for a pension in 2020, the experience of an entrepreneur must be at least 11 years, IPC - not less than 18.6. These requirements will be increased in subsequent years, until the established limit values ​​are reached: insurance experience - at least 15 years, IPC - not less than 30 units. These norms are approved in article 8 of the Federal Law-400 (paragraphs 2 - 3).

How to calculate the insurance experience of IP

The length of service for self-employed persons conducting activities in accordance with applicable law is taken into account in the general manner.

The main condition for the inclusion of the activity of an individual entrepreneur in the insurance period is the fact that the entrepreneur transfers insurance premiums to the account of compulsory pension insurance (OPS). In addition, in order to take into account entrepreneurial activity when calculating the insurance period, it is necessary to register a citizen as an individual entrepreneur (or other self-employed person). At the same time, the very fact of registering an individual entrepreneur with Rosreestr, or registering an entrepreneur with the FIU, the Federal Tax Service does not give the individual entrepreneur the right to include entrepreneurial activity in the insurance period if the individual entrepreneur does not transfer contributions to the OPS account during the specified period.

IP insurance experience and tax regime

In accordance with the current legislative norms, upon registration, an entrepreneur has the right to choose the most favorable taxation regime for himself: STS, UTII, PSN or the general OSNO regime (also applied by default).

Tax regime, chosen by the entrepreneur during registration or changed in the course of activity, does not affect the procedure for determining the insurance experience of IP. The period of activity of the IP will increase the length of service, provided that the entrepreneur pays insurance premiums in full in accordance with the chosen tax regime.

It should be noted that the individual entrepreneur's obligations to pay insurance premiums are not affected by the fact of the absence of any activity. In other words, even if, after registration, the IP did not sell (do not purchase) goods, did not provide services, etc. for a long time, then it retains the obligation to pay insurance premiums to the OPS. Otherwise, the specified period will not be included in the insurance period of the IP for the appointment of a pension.

IP insurance experience for the appointment of a pension

Minimum insurance period required to acquire the right to an insurance pension for an individual entrepreneur, in 2020 is 11 years . This period can be included as the period of activity of the individual entrepreneur (subject to payment of insurance premiums in the prescribed manner), and the time during which the citizen worked for hire on the basis of labor and/or civil law contracts.

Also the following periods can be included in the calculation of the insurance experience of an individual entrepreneur :

  1. Military service . If before the moment of registration of the IP, or after the closure of the IP, the entrepreneur served on conscription or under a contract, or has length of service in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 4468-1, then this period increases the total insurance experience of the entrepreneur.
  2. Holiday to care for the child . If the work experience of an individual entrepreneur includes a period of work under an employment contract (work contract), during which the entrepreneur was on leave to care for a child up to 1.5 years, then the period of such leave is taken into account in the calculation of the length of service on a general basis 1: 1 ( 1 month of vacation = 1 month of insurance experience).
  3. temporary unemployment . The period of registration of a citizen in the employment center, subject to the receipt of unemployment benefits, is taken into account when calculating the length of service. Thus, an entrepreneur who did not transfer contributions to the Pension Fund, was not employed by the employer, but received unemployment benefits during the specified period, can take this period into account in the total insurance period.
  4. Care for the Disabled . A temporarily unemployed entrepreneur who does not receive unemployment benefits and does not transfer contributions to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, but who cares for a disabled person of group I, a disabled child or an elderly citizen over 80 years of age, has the right to increase the insurance period for the actual period of such care.

How to confirm the insurance experience of IP

Since the basis for including the period of entrepreneurial activity in the insurance period is the fact of transferring insurance premiums to the OPS, then in order to determine the right of an individual entrepreneur to receive a PFR pension, it is necessary to confirm the timely and full payment of insurance premiums by the entrepreneur.

From 01/01/17, control over the amounts of insurance premiums paid on account of the OPS is carried out by the bodies of the Federal Tax Service. Therefore, in 2020, confirmation of the insurance experience of an individual entrepreneur is carried out in the manner of interdepartmental interaction between the bodies of the Federal Tax Service and the PFR.

If an entrepreneur draws up a pension not only according to the experience of an individual entrepreneur, but also taking into account the length of service under labor / civil law contracts, then when applying to the FIU, a citizen should present a work book, as well as other documents that can confirm the length of service (contracts, acts of work performed , etc.).

The basis for the appointment of an old-age insurance pension is the application of an individual entrepreneur to the FIU with an application ( the form can be downloaded here ⇒) and the necessary documents.