Funded pension for military pensioners. Calculation of the second pension for military pensioners. How can I get a funded pension for a pensioner

The labor pension for persons born under 1967 consists of two parts: savings and insurance.

A funded pension is the material means of mandatory savings that are accounted for in a special part of the personal account of an insured citizen. This part is formed on the basis of the receipt of insurance contributions for mandatory pension financing and income from their investment.

More details about what is funded part pensions, to whom and how they are paid, you can find out.

According to the current legislation, the right of the military who have reached a fixed retirement age and having insurance experience of 5 years, for a one-time receipt of a service pension or disability payments. The exception is those citizens who served on conscription as sergeants, sailors or soldiers.

For more information on who is eligible for the funded part of the pension and how to get it, you can find out at.

If a citizen has switched to early retirement due to old age, but he has not yet received the funded part, this person has the right to apply to the territorial government agency pension fund at the place of residence or to a non-state fund (NPF), if his pension savings are located there. It is necessary to submit an application for establishing the accrual of a funded pension, having a passport and a document on pension insurance with you (for more information on how to apply for the payment of the funded part of the pension, see.

In the case when a person with an accumulated amount of funds applies for the first time for an appointment labor pension, he can simultaneously approve the insurance part of labor pension payments and determine the right to the method of issuing the funded part. Federal Law No. 360-FZ of November 2011 describes the types of accrual of savings funds for pensioners.

Terms of receipt

A funded pension from the state pension fund is assigned to military pensioners if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

Attention! When calculating the total working and insurance experience for military personnel of retirement age, it does not include periods of service that preceded the assignment of pensions to disabled people, or periods of work and other professional activity taken into account when calculating the amount of the service pension.

Cumulative accruals are indefinite. They are assigned to citizens who have the right to insurance coverage for old age.

Urgent payment of accumulated money is possible only for those who are co-financing program, as well as for persons who have certificates for family capital, if they directed its funds to increase the amount of pensions in the future. The term is determined by the citizen independently, the minimum period is 10 years.

Assignees have the opportunity to receive the accumulated amount if the pensioner did not have time to do this during his lifetime.

Military personnel are not among the insured persons. In the process of passing the service, they are not entitled to deductions for accumulating part of the pension. This type of payment is possible only with the participation of a pensioner in the Co-financing Program during service. In addition, it is possible to earn a funded part during the civil activity of a pensioner.

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Each serviceman has the right to receive a military pension from the law enforcement agencies in which he served. These payments are assigned for the number of years served or due to disability.

At the same time, after the service, military pensioners can get a job "in civilian life", doing either hired labor in various companies or individual entrepreneurship.

Official employment or entrepreneurial activity makes it possible to receive not only military, but also insurance pension accruals due to old age.

What is required to receive an insurance pension?

In order for a military pensioner to be entitled to a civil insurance pension, he must be registered in the pension insurance system. In addition, his personal account in the system should receive

income in the form of insurance premiums.

Information relating to the personal account also displays information about:

  • length of service of an individual in civil work;
  • the number of insurance premiums accrued and transferred to the Pension Fund;
  • salary amount;
  • periods of employment in civil companies and organizations.

It depends on these data whether a military pensioner will receive insurance pension in old age, and what payments are possible for him at the expense of funds pension savings.

You can find out your personal account number on the "green card" - an insurance certificate of compulsory pension insurance.

This document is obtained after applying to one of the territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the place of registration or at the place of residence.

When visiting the organization, you will need to fill out a special questionnaire and provide an identity card.

Video: Insurance pension for military pensioners.

Terms of Service

After the abolition of such a term as a labor pension, the procedure for making payments to citizens of retirement age has also changed.

Now it is called an insurance pension, which is calculated in pension points. One of their features is that the cost pension point increases steadily over the years.

To receive an insurance pension, a military pensioner, as well as any other individual, will need to fulfill the following conditions:

  1. Reaching a fixed retirement age of 55 for women and 60 for men. In some cases, pension payments may start earlier. For example, when working in a hazardous industry or working in the Far North.
  2. The presence of a minimum length of service in a civilian job. On the this moment the minimum work experience is at least 6 years, in the future it is planned to increase to 15 years.
  3. Accumulation of the minimum number of pension points. Currently, this coefficient is equal to 6.6 points. But, as well as seniority, this indicator will grow to 30 points. This item is relevant mainly to those pensioners who began to resolve issues with the insurance pension after the beginning of 2015.
  4. Availability of accruals of a military pension due to disability or for length of service, depending on the power units.

In accordance with the law, military pensioners in the order of accrual of insurance and work experience do not take into account the periods of service preceding the appointment of a disability pension or already taken into account payments for length of service.

Video: Pensions for military pensioners in 2020.

Required documents

The procedure for providing an insurance pension to military pensioners obliges them to apply to the territorial office pension fund at the place of residence. Or, if a military pensioner lives in another city, at the actual place of residence.

In order for a military pensioner to be assigned an insurance pension, he will need to provide the following documents:

      1. Identity card - passport.
      2. Insurance certificate of obligatory pension insurance.
      3. A certificate from the body that ensures the calculation of military pensions through the relevant law enforcement agency. This document should provide information on the moment the military pension is accrued this person, periods of service before the appointment of a military disability pension, or those periods of work or service that were taken into account when calculating the pension for long service.
      4. Documents reflecting the amount of "civilian experience", in other words, labor. This may be a work book or contract, as well as certificates issued by the employer or special government agencies.

Calculation procedure

Unlike the outdated methods of calculating pensions, at the moment, accruals to pensioners consist of three parts - a funded, fixed and insurance part.

The fixed part does not depend on labor activity and is established annually by the state.

The remaining two parts are made from pension capital citizen. This capital grows thanks to the insurance contributions of his employer. All these deductions are accumulated and stored on a personal insurance personal account of a citizen.

Independent calculations of the amount of insurance payments are quite difficult, since this requires knowing your IPC.

The easiest way to calculate it is at the end of the year. The employer contributes 22% of the monthly salary to the pension fund. Of this amount, 6% is transferred to the main reserves, from which a fixed part of the pension is paid.

The remaining 16%, which the citizen manages independently:

      • he can transfer all 16% to the formation of an insurance pension;
      • he can transfer 10% to the insurance part of the pension, and the remaining 6% to the funded part.

Payout features

The insurance pension for military pensioners is assigned with the deduction of a fixed part, in other words, a fixed base amount that was previously applied when calculating a pension.

Also, the insurance pension provided to a military old-age pensioner is indexed every year at the state level.

In the case when a military pensioner continues to work in civilian companies after the assignment of a second “civilian” pension to him, the amount of his old-age insurance pension accruals must be recalculated every year. This procedure is carried out from August 1 every year.

Video: Military Pensioners Increased Pension Supplement.

As a result of the recent reform, labor pension payments were divided into two types: insurance and funded. Moreover, citizens can independently form the accumulative capital of the future pension benefit.

But for military pensioners there are certain conditions for receiving such payments.


A military pensioner can apply for a pension if he was born in 1967 or younger, worked under an employment agreement and paid insurance premiums for a funded pension while working in civil organizations. All conditions for appointment are noted in Part 5 of Art. 11 of the Law of April 30, 2008 N 56-FZ.

In 2018, persons who have reached retirement age can apply for accumulative capital in accordance with the provisions prescribed in Article 2 of the Federal Law No. 360 of November 30, 2011.

Article 2 of the Federal Law No. 360 dated November 30, 2011. Types of payments made at the expense of pension savings

The following types of payments are made at the expense of pension savings formed in favor of the insured person:

  1. lump-sum payment of pension savings (hereinafter referred to as lump-sum payment);
  2. urgent pension payment;
  3. funded pension;
  4. payment of pension savings to the legal successors of the deceased insured person.

This article of the above law contains the following conditions for receiving payment:

  • one-time receipt of all accumulated money;
  • monthly urgent payments;
  • all the money accumulated in the account of the deceased pensioner at a time, which a person can receive by will.

Citizens can apply for accumulative capital before going on a well-deserved rest only in the format of a lump-sum payment and provided that they are disabled.

In the second case, a one-time receipt of funds for the loss of a breadwinner is required (Article No. 4 Law of November 30, 2011 N 360-FZ).

Those pensioners who continue to work after going on a well-deserved rest are not eligible to apply for a lump sum payment.

How to get a?

A military pensioner can receive the funded part only upon the occurrence of certain circumstances that open the right to this action. To do this, a citizen will have to visit the PF, in which they are on his accounts cash. It must provide a , which contains the following data:

  • Name of the applicant;
  • date of birth;
  • number of the pension account of the funded part of the labor pension;
  • insurance number of the personal personal account;
  • passport data;
  • residential address.

So that throughout life, the military pension has the right to send a request to the PF once a year to provide it with information about the state of money in the account.

In our state, military personnel have the right to military pension already at the age of 45. At this age, many of them wish to continue labor activity. Some are motivated by the simple need for money. Others do not want to stay at home all day and need to be active.

A new place of work for military personnel should be chosen outside the power structures or try yourself as an individual entrepreneur. Like any other citizen of the Russian Federation, a serviceman may also be entitled to an insurance pension upon reaching old age. To realize these possibilities, several conditions must be met simultaneously.

To begin with, the age of a military pensioner is taken into account. To qualify for an insurance pension, you must reach certain age limits: men - 60 years old, women - 55 years old. But here, early assignment of payments is also possible, for example, for those who work in the North or their work is accompanied by difficult climatic conditions. Further, it is necessary to have 9 years of insurance experience. This is the minimum figure at the moment, with each subsequent year the government will only increase it. When calculating this indicator, only civilian work is taken into account. You also need to earn a minimum amount of individual retirement points. For 2018, their value is 13.8.

When applying for a job, a soldier must pay attention to the correctness of paperwork. It is necessary to register a military pensioner in the system of compulsory pension insurance. Thanks to this, information on the civil work experience, the amount of salary and paid insurance premiums of the employer will be reflected on the personal account. Thus, the FIU easily determines whether a person is entitled to insurance pension payments, as well as possible payments from pension savings. The existence of such an account can be checked by personally contacting the Pension Fund.

Funded pension for military personnel

To begin with, it is necessary to say what a “contributory part of a pension” is. Every officially employed citizen is insured in the compulsory pension insurance system. And every month he deducts part of the money from his salary to the country's Pension Fund. At the moment, the size of these deductions is 22%. Of these, 6%, at the request of a citizen, can go to a personal account for the further formation of the funded part of the pension. These funds can be paid monthly, like a regular insurance pension. But there are options when accumulative pension funds can be received at a time.

Please note that military personnel do not belong to the category of insured persons. During their service, deductions are not due for the formation of the funded part of the pension. This type of pension payments is possible with participation in the Pension Co-financing Program during the period of military service. It is also possible to earn a funded pension during the civil labor activity.

1. Consult me, please! In October 2012, my son died in an accident ((At that time, my son served on a ship, with the rank of senior lieutenant. I am interested in the question .. Did my son have pension savings? After all, military personnel also pay into the pension fund. As a mother, I have the right to pay these savings Thank you for your answer!

1.1. If a person was a member of the compulsory pension insurance system and died before retirement (before the accrual of an old-age labor pension), his successors are paid the funds accounted for in the special part of his individual personal account (funded pension).
It is necessary to apply for the payment of pension savings to the territorial body of the Pension Fund at the place of residence before the expiration of 6 months after the death of a relative. If more than six months have passed, then the deadline for applying will have to be extended in court.
Good luck.

1.2. Good afternoon, dear visitor!
Oh sure. You have the right, but the deadline for applying has passed, you need to restore it through the court
Good luck and all the best, thanks for reaching out!