Useful hobbies for men. The best hobbies and hobbies for men

Many live according to a rigid scheme: home-work-home. But it can hardly be called a fulfilling life. We need to be broad-minded in order to find balance in our lives and not become just another cog in a big machine. That is why you need to find something to your liking. Not only for the sake of one more line to the list of your skills and abilities in the resume, but to become a little better and happier.
Having a hobby has many benefits. It not only increases your level of satisfaction, but also improves your mood and well-being. According to studies, those who have hobbies live longer than those who just work and sit in front of the TV in the evenings. In fact, a hobby has the same significance as physical exercises. To help you in your search for eternal life and find your favorite activity, we have selected 50 interesting hobbies for you.

Learning programming is pretty interesting activity. It will not only make you indispensable in the workplace, but you will become an omnipotent magician in the eyes of people far from technology. By making friends with the computer, the digital world will become your playground, and the machines will always do your will. Besides, no one can resist a man speaking the letter code.

You will never again have to fill your mug with weak and overpriced craft beer. With a little time to study the subject, you will learn how to brew an amazing ale, lager or stout in the area. Nothing makes you the life of the party or helps pass the time with a tasting like a full kegerator.

The ability to quickly prepare a gourmet treat is extremely important for a man. You can impress guests and pleasantly surprise your girlfriend. There is another plus: you can save money by eating at home, and periodically surprise your family and friends with your skills. You can also turn your home into the ultimate home restaurant. Art that you can enjoy is the most enjoyable.

You can make everything from a passport cover to a fancy saddle for your Mustang if you learn how to work with leather. And although this art is gradually being forgotten, you can become one of the few who knows how to work with the material and create durable and unique things.

A trip in a car is almost like watching TV, albeit requiring more active participation. Instead of sitting in a sturdy iron cage surrounded by airbags, learn to walk on the edge. Riding a motorcycle can only be compared with flying on an airplane, and in terms of adrenaline - with a parachute jump.

Golf is part art, part sport, part mental exercise in Zen. However, this is the most thoughtful game. A set of clubs, collared shirts, athletic shoes and a country club membership are all you need to immerse yourself in the leisurely yet graceful world of golf.

By learning how to work with wood, you will never have to go to Ikea for a simple shelf or frame again. You will be able to create furniture that is as stunning as it is functional. The ability to process and design makes woodworking a useful hobby for a man. Beautiful things should also be very functional.

Anyone who knows how to handle a hammer and a drill can perform simple repairs. However, if there is serious work to be done, then you will have to rely on the mercy of professional craftsmen. But having mastered the basic skills of working with wood, you will not only save decent money, but will also be able to make exactly what you need.

Who has to work hard to earn a living, you need to be able to relax. And meditation is perfect for that. Moreover, you will be surprised to find that you have even more energy, endurance and awareness if you start practicing regularly. Even if you do not achieve enlightenment, you will become much happier and more peaceful by learning to quiet the internal dialogue.

The first thing to remember is that all jokes about dancers were invented by losers. A real man just make sure you know how to dance. Winning in the dance hall will make you more attractive in the eyes of your girlfriends. Moreover, the sense of rhythm will noticeably improve, as well as flexibility, posture and balance. Many athletes are good dancers because the skills learned on the floor are easily transferred to any athletic sport. Learn to spin or dance the two-step and you will feel more confident on the football field or in the boxing ring.

Money management is much more important than just getting a good salary. Don't worry so much about health insurance, retirement, or other unexpected expenses. The best way out is to learn how to invest and let the capitalized interest make your money work for you. A solid amount saved for a rainy day will be the best reward for such a successful hobby.

Cars have become so complex that their heart is now more of a computer than an engine. But the ability to repair the engine and prevent possible malfunctions still help keep the car in working condition. In addition, you will never have to resort to the services of a greedy mechanic if you have the experience and know-how to repair.

The end of the world may not come, but natural disasters can happen at any time. A hurricane, earthquake, tsunami, fire, or armed uprising can easily turn order into chaos and anarchy. If you are ready for serious trials, then you can easily cope with minor life troubles too.

You undoubtedly have better abilities than the average selfie teen. Learn the art of photography and be able to capture interesting and beautiful moments. It will also be a good addition to any activity, since absolutely everything can be photographed.

If you have a self-defense knife, that's great. But if you know how to defend yourself without a weapon, it's much better. By wrestling, you will not only learn how to defend yourself, but you will develop discipline, calmness, and respect for yourself and others. You will also find that calmness and purposefulness are at the core of every martial art.

You'll probably never get your hands on a treasure map, but geocaching doesn't get any worse than that. For this interesting game, popular all over the world, all you need is a little time, a GPS receiver and a pair of hiking boots. Adventure awaits you just around the next corner. To complicate your task and add excitement, you can use only a map and a compass.

It is very easy to join the cycling club. A good road, mountain or touring bike is all you need to get into the world of fitness and fun. Save money by using your bike to commute or travel. Cycling is one of those activities that successfully combines physical activity and entertainment.

What could be better than the ability to bend metal to your will? Craft useful tools, design your own knives, or create delicate sculptures. Metalworking is the perfect combination of art and craft.

Still, music is more than a playlist in Apple Music. As a vinyl record collector and turntable aficionado, your eyes and ears will be opened to a wealth of sounds you never knew you had. Once you get hooked on vinyl, you'll never want to get close to mp3 music again.

You don't have to be a hunter or gun lover to get into this kind of hobby. The ability to use ranged weapons is a useful skill. In addition, the time spent in the shooting range will help calm your nerves and relieve accumulated stress. And, to be honest, shooting is just cool.

There's nothing wrong with spending time at the green table like Vinz from The Color of Money. / But, even if you do not manage to thoroughly learn all the rules of nin-ball, you will develop composure, a sharp eye and comprehend all the nuances of physics and mathematics that are closely related to the game. After all, an experienced player is always a bit of an artist, analyst and swindler.

The increasing popularity of drones has sparked interest in the remote control of aircraft. If you are interested in breathtaking stunts or aerial photography, then you will wake up your inner child the very minute you pick up the remote control. Ultimately, you will want to learn the mechanics and start building your own miniature quadcopters.

At first glance, the lesson may seem rather boring. However, if you think about how much money an unearthed ancient artifact can bring, then everything appears in a completely different light. Plus, it's a great way to deepen your knowledge of history and little-known facts.

The ability to restore magnificent examples of past years will be an excellent application of your knowledge and skills. You can always make good money doing various orders in your free time. In addition, you can build your hot rod to the envy of everyone around you.

Perhaps this is not the most aesthetic type of occupation. But in this day and age, when repair costs are rising every day, understanding drainage, water pressure, and recirculation can be very helpful. You will also be able to troubleshoot and prevent dangerous leaks and malfunctions without any problems.

Coaching, mentoring difficult teenager or giving support to your loved ones will bring you joy and satisfaction. Of course, you will not become Mother Teresa, but this is not required. Volunteering as a hobby promotes personal growth and makes the world around you a little better. It is not necessary to wear a rosary and monastic attire.

Card tricks can seem like a futile exercise. But one should not be so categorical. You will develop manual dexterity and concentration, and even learn the psychology of human attention. A nice addition: you can walk in tall hats and wear a tailcoat.

Learn to fish and you will never go hungry. The sea or a large river is ideal places to find food practically free. Among other things, fishing is an amazing recreation, incomparable to anything else in the world. Pros: You can safely drink beer.

Turning your home into a fortress means more than just placing a comfortable chair in front of a huge TV. You must be able to demonstrate your style and make a favorable impression on the guests. The right decoration of your home should be a gathering place for your best friends to watch the Champions Cup together.

Say what you like, but the ongoing activities to legalize marijuana make gardening quite an attractive hobby. But don't have high hopes. You can just decorate your house with flowers. You can grow vegetables and fruits. An ideal activity for lovers of nature and beauty.

This is probably one of the most difficult activities not only on our list, but on the entire planet. Studying the principles of work, creating and repairing antique clocks is a job that requires complete immersion and dedication. The work of gears and microscopic mechanisms of classic watches will not only delight you, but will develop motor skills and concentration.

Video games are an exciting pastime that doesn't require company. However, if you play traditional games, whether it's cards, backgammon or chess, there is a pleasure in social interaction. In addition, any game is a living emotion communication. Many video games lack this.

An alarming suitcase packed to capacity is completely useless if you don’t know how to hike and don’t have basic skills. Tourism is not only a wonderful vacation and communication with nature, but also the ability to survive in extreme conditions and a way to test your character for strength.

Undoubtedly, everyone once picked up a guitar to quickly run through the strings. Many are scared off by the study of notes and endless scales, but if your soul wants to sing and play, then this will not stop you. Who said hobbies have to be boring? And besides, girls always like musicians.

Imagine the internet without anonymity, where you can interact live with people from all over the world. Recently, amateur radio is gaining popularity again and can become an exciting hobby. It's also a useful survival skill, as the radio will always work even when the TV or internet goes down.

This is a great way to become the host of your own news channel. Podcasting offers unlimited opportunities to spread the word for those who have something to say but don't feel like blogging. Tell me interesting stories, share your opinion, give advice and put it all on the Internet.

Archery is quite useful if you are into hunting. But it is also a meditative practice that does not require the still contemplation of one's breath. A good recurve bow will provide a good workout not only for your mind, but also for your body.

If you know how to sew, you can create your own and unique style. Moreover, you can save a lot by repairing accidentally torn clothes. You can knit warm gloves to work with the touch screens of modern gadgets or sew the perfect and unique costume for yourself. And if it seems to you that the ability to sew is not a male occupation, then remember who sewed the first jeans or leather jacket. You have a good chance to sew a cult item and go down in history.

Collecting is a truly universal hobby. You can collect everything from postage stamps and matchboxes to aluminum beer cans and old paintings. In addition, collecting is a good business, and many make quite a good fortune. But this cannot outweigh the joy of having a complete collection of books, coins or wines from all over the world. And rest assured, this is another reason to find like-minded people.

Many would like to paint or draw, but not everyone has the talent. However, you can improve your handwriting. Calligraphy develops not only hand motor skills, but also concentration and perseverance. And although calligraphy is gradually dying off, the owners of good handwriting will always be distinguished by sophistication and good taste.

Mankind has always wanted to reach the horizon and conquer the highest mountains. Such desires always require a lot of practice and serious training. But nothing in the world can convey those feelings and emotions from a successful ascent to the top of the world. After all, only mountains can be better than mountains.

Knowing a foreign language will not only help you travel, but it can also change the way you think. Polyglots claim that the study of any foreign language improves the knowledge of the native language, and the expansion of vocabulary helps to reach new levels of consciousness.

It is very important to be able to convey your thoughts and ideas in writing. Each of us has at least one story worth preserving for the benefit of future generations. Be sure that your stories and memoirs will not be lost for centuries if you transfer them to paper or the Internet.

This is possibly one of the most simple species hobby. However, drawing is the basis of almost any kind of creativity. Since the first people began to paint on the walls of caves, drawing has been in our blood. Drawing goes beyond language and is the first and purest form of art and self-expression. You can draw whatever and however you like. Perhaps then a new direction in art will be named after you.

Extreme Obstacle Course Races along with CrossFit are quickly gaining popularity. Mud running is one of the newer sports to keep yourself in top shape. You can devote your whole life to running through the mud and experience only positive emotions. This is a great way to test your stamina and willpower and a great opportunity meet new people and roll knee-deep in mud together.

We hope you never have to experience the horror of a real gunfight. After all, you can get the thrill of playing paintball. You will learn effective strategy and tactics of warfare, work in a team. In addition, it is a great relaxation and a way to relieve accumulated stress.

The open seas and oceans have always attracted mankind. The conquest of the seas was considered the occupation of real men. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you are surfing the waves on a kayak or on a yacht worth a million dollars.

Man has always been attracted by unknown territories and unexplored places. Since space exploration is not the most rational hobby, it is worth taking a closer look at scuba diving. Words are not enough to describe all the wonders that await you in the depths of the waters. In addition, it is a great way to relax and unwind.

Anything can be modelled. Someone creates great models railways, someone manages to put the boats into the bottle. Some create huge battle scenes from past wars. Modeling goes well with any activity that interests you.


Men have been playing chess for thousands of years in order to fine-tune their analytical, abstract thinking and logical problem-solving skills. Benjamin Franklin wrote an essay back in the 18th century called The Morality of Chess. In it, Franklin argued that the game of chess creates "valuable qualities of the mind, useful throughout human life, which must be strengthened or acquired by a person in playing chess. He also mentioned in his essay, "What's better than to pass the time with a friend by playing a game that makes you more and more Human."


It is obvious that people today read less and less due to the expansion of the high-tech world and the service industry. But it would be foolish to argue with the fact that most of the great people in history were great readers. For example, Theodore Roosevelt was a voracious reader. Reading allows you to connect with the great thinkers and writers of history, enriches you with new ideas, and therefore makes you smarter and more versatile. The conclusion is simple: reading is absolutely free and easily accessible, but a very useful and exciting hobby.

Playing guitar

Instead of wasting your time playing guitar on the Guitar Hero simulator, learn how to play a real instrument. It's a skill that will provide you and those around you with years of enjoyment (assuming you get good at it and play decent, decent music). You yourself understand how many advantages there can be: you will seem from the outside to be a very romantic and special person, you will be able to literally “kill” your fears and complexes associated with public speaking, well, you will obviously not be deprived of the attention of girls ...... And as yourself You understand that this is far from all the advantages of this kind of activity. "But why a guitar and not any other musical instrument?" - you ask. Yes, because the guitar is the very musical instrument with which it is easiest to start learning music. Most of the information on the Internet today is about this musical instrument: these are websites, YouTube channels, training courses, and many other sources of information that will not leave you in trouble when mastering such a thing.


They always admire people who can make something useful and beautiful out of a piece of wood. They're the kind of people who make their own Christmas gifts instead of buying them from stores, they can make all the furniture for the house and say, "I made it." We can definitely say that woodworking is a wonderful male hobby. Such a hobby will give you a useful skill and possibly save you a substantial amount of money in the future.

Restoration of classic cars

Today there are more and more fans of "tinkering" with their own and not only cars. Someone does it for themselves as an ordinary hobby, and someone does it for the sake of money. We will consider the 1st option. If you're a techie at heart, you can always take up classic car restoration and turn it into a full-time hobby.
By doing this, you'll get a good grasp of engineering and mechanics, improve your car problem-solving skills (which can save you a lot of money by cutting off auto parts profits), and you'll experience the sweet feeling of success when your tuned engine purrs like a kitten.

We also note that this type of occupation is more suitable for wealthy individuals. After all, you will need solid funds to buy a car, a garage and a whole mass of fixtures, tools and necessary equipment.


Metalworking has all the advantages over wood, except that there will be no sweet smell of sawdust - you will surround yourself with the unpleasant smell of hot metalworking. But just think for yourself how many useful and interesting things you can make from metal. From a wide variety of tools and decor elements to a full-fledged garage of your own making!


A modern man can be very restless and dissatisfied, because he, living in the constant bustle of the city, has practically lost touch with fresh air and nature. Every person should strive for regular reconnection with nature for the sake of both his physical and mental well-being. He should at least occasionally break away from the city routine and go camping. This type of entertainment and recreation can be organized together with friends and relatives. Tourism, perhaps, will enrich you with useful survival skills and give you a lot of new interesting emotions.


For millennia, the main role of a man in his family was to provide food and meat for the family and offspring. For most of human history, this has been done through the tracking and killing of wild animals. Hunting in many cultures and tribes was associated with courage and gave men the opportunity to experience real adventure in a completely masculine environment.

Today, much has changed ... To survive, it is not necessary to kill a wild boar “in the morning” or “fill up” an elephant with a spear. Today, hunting is more entertaining and playful. The benefits of hunting are countless, here are just a few:

First, it gives you a chance to give you and your family a source of quality, chemical-free meat, free of antibiotics, hormones (and even ammonia!) that most meat suppliers hide in production today. Secondly, it gives you a chance to have a real contact with nature. Thirdly, you will support the conservation of wildlife, as your funds spent on hunting licenses and equipment go to funding government agencies wildlife.


Maybe the idea of ​​hunting a deer or a bear is not your path. But you can still enjoy the benefits of harvesting your own natural food by fishing. Fishing is a noble male hobby. This is a great way to spend time with a male group of friends, or, for example, a father and son. Such a hobby will not cost too much, unlike the same hunt. And here no permits and licenses are needed (unless, of course, you are a professional angler). good kit a beginner angler will cost you a maximum of 1.5-2 tr.


Every man, be it a "nerd" or a "teep", should have some kind of physical activity in his life. Physical activity increases your natural testosterone levels (the most important male hormone), keeps you healthy and in shape, protects against depression and calms stress. There is always a competitive spirit in sports, which can be very, very useful for the masculinity of "real machos" of any age. By playing sports, you can always figure out your physical "ceiling" and break through it, improving your shape, strength and endurance. It is foolish to argue with the fact that in your life, as a real man, this can come in handy more than once.

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In the good old days, leisure was used not just to relax, but to indulge in hobbies, to give vent to those qualities that were not realized in the profession. Unfortunately, we now often spend our free time sitting in front of the TV or at the computer. We refer to the fact that modern life has become too stressful, and that the only thing we can do in our free time is lie on the couch.

In fact, an enjoyable activity, the so-called "pleasant work" will recuperate much more efficiently than a continuous marathon of watching TV shows. Hobbies bring joy, increase focus, keep the mind sharp, expand creativity, meet friends and learn valuable skills. They make life more interesting and help to become comprehensive. an educated person. If you feel overwhelmed, restless, or apathetic, the cause may be the lack of passion in your life, something that would bring a sense of satisfaction.

How about taking up a new hobby? We have selected for you 35 worthy male hobbies. We hope that something from this list will grab your attention.

1. Chess

Men have been playing chess for thousands of years to hone focus, critical thinking, abstract thinking, and problem-solving skills. Back in the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin wrote an essay called The Moral Values ​​of Chess. In it, Franklin argued that the game of chess forms "valuable qualities of the mind, useful in a person's life, which must be acquired or strengthened with its help, so that they become habits for all occasions. For life is a kind of chess.” What will help pass the time with a friend? The game that makes you better. If you don't have anyone to play with, check out where you can play online.

2. Ham radio

Do you want to be part of a tight-knit community that is passionate about radio and communications? Pay attention to amateur radio. Although the Internet has taken the place of radio as the dominant form of communication, the community of amateur radio enthusiasts still exists. Radio amateurs are happy to communicate with people from all over the world, expanding their knowledge of radio theory. In addition, many radio amateurs carry public service in their countries, acting as repeaters in the event of emergencies or natural disasters.

3. Reading

Men today read less and less, but there is no hobby more courageous than reading. Reading gives you access to the ideas of the great thinkers and writers of the past, making you smarter and more educated. If you join a library, reading can be a completely free hobby. If you need some ideas on where to start, check out our list of 100 books made especially for men.

4. Playing the guitar

Instead of wasting time playing a fake guitar in Guitar Hero, learn how to play a real instrument. This skill will bring pleasure to you and everyone around you for many years. The ability to play any instrument will give you masculinity. The guitar has several advantages: it is relatively cheap and easier to learn to play, especially for beginners. There are many resources online that offer free guitar lessons.

5. Woodworking

We always admire men who take a piece of wood and turn it into something useful and beautiful. Such men make gifts themselves, rather than buying them, and pointing proudly at the pieces of furniture in their home, they say: "I did it." You can become one of them if you take up a wonderful hobby - woodworking. You will acquire not only a useful skill; many hobby woodworkers report a reduction in stress and an increase in patience and perseverance. Believe it or not, but when you pick up a tool and start working, you enter a state similar to Zen. Many technical schools offer classes in woodworking.

6. Gardening

Probably one of the most striking male images is a self-confident man who cultivates his own land to provide for the needs of his family. To come into contact with the land, it is not necessary to acquire hectares of land, a small plot near the house is enough. If you sit in an office with artificial lighting and stale air all day, gardening is the best hobby for you. This is movement, and sunlight, and fresh air. Watching how plants grow from seeds in your garden, you feel more and more in harmony with nature. When you harvest your small crop, you get a sense of accomplishment that no achievement in The Happy Farmer can match. And when you prepare food from vegetables grown in your own garden, you will feel a surge of male pride.

7. Restoration of classic cars

In the old days, men spent hours in their garages fiddling with their cars. But as cars became more sophisticated and computerized, home car repairs faded into obscurity. However, if you really want to become a mechanic, you can take up the restoration of classic cars. This hobby will allow you to gain some technical knowledge, improve your problem-solving skills, and experience the sweet feeling of success when your rebuilt engine purrs like a kitten. Car restoration is an expensive hobby. You will not only have to buy the car you will be restoring, but also the tools and special parts. However, the time and money spent can pay off, as fully restored classic cars sell for a lot of money (although you most likely won't want to part with your brainchild).

8. Metal processing

Metalworking provides the same benefits as woodworking, only instead of the fragrant smell of sawdust, you surround yourself with the deliciously poisonous smell of burning metal. Cast iron headboards that your wife wants to decorate the room with, flower pot holders and garden arches are just some of the things you can whip up.

9. Shooting

If hunting isn't your thing, you can still enjoy shooting if you take up sport shooting and become a marksman. Shooting requires extreme concentration and a steady hand. Different clubs offer different types of shooting sports. You can choose clay shooting, pistol shooting or rifle shooting. Be aware that this can cost you dearly. Weapons cost a lot, and the cost of ammunition does not allow you to show off. You will also need to find a good spot where you can shoot safely. If you're not sure you're ready to invest in a real "gun", try starting with an air gun. The basic principles and skills are the same, except that you can shoot from pneumatics in the yard of a country house.

10. Collecting

Collecting is something that many men love and many women just don't understand. Women like to take on a lot of tasks, while the male brain prefers to purposefully focus on one thing. This, as well as the primitive passion for hunting, explains the man's love for collecting. A man can spend his whole life looking for the last item to complete his collection. It becomes his obsession, the white whale. In fact, deep down, any collector understands that he does not want to complete his collection, because all the thrill is in the pursuit of a dream.

11. Backpacking

The modern man is anxious and unhappy because he has lost touch with outside world. Each of us should strive for regular reconnection with nature for the sake of our physical and mental well-being. Escape from stuffy rooms and spend a few days outdoors. Sleep under the stars, sit by the fire. Backpacking is one of the most economical ways to get away from it all. This is a great opportunity to hone the skills needed as a tourist, have a good time with friends or retire with your thoughts.

12. Ship in a bottle

Putting ship models in a glass bottle is one of the classic and worldwide hobbies. Surprise your children by showing them this miracle. They will spend the rest of their childhood trying to figure out how you did it. Placing a ship in a bottle is not an easy task that requires focus, patience and a steady hand. In addition to ships, other objects can be placed in bottles, such as a deck of cards, tennis balls, or even a Rubik's cube.

13. Hunting

For millennia, the role of a man in the family has remained unchanged - to support the family. For most of human history, this task was accomplished by hunting wild animals. In many cultures and tribes, through hunting, boys were instilled masculine qualities, and men got the opportunity to unite in a purely male company. Let's move to the present. Most men "get" meat in grocery stores. Usually it is stuffed with hormones and antibiotics. If you want to reconnect with your ancestors, it's time to go hunting. The benefits of hunting are countless, here are just a few. Firstly, it gives you the opportunity to provide yourself and your family with high-quality lean meat without antibiotics, hormones (and even ammonia!), which are very often found in the meat of farm-raised animals. Secondly, it gives you the opportunity to get back in touch with nature. Thirdly, you will contribute to the protection of wildlife, because your money spent on licenses will go to fund government wildlife departments. And fourthly, even if you don't shoot anyone, hunting is a great opportunity for developing male friendships, and this is a very important component of our happiness.

14. Fishing

Maybe killing a deer or a bear is just not your thing. But you can still get your own food. These are the benefits of fishing. Fishing is a cult male hobby. This is a great occasion to get together with friends, or spend time with your father. Fishing doesn't cost you much. A decent rod and reel is unlikely to shake your budget, and you will spend even less on hooks and bait.

15. Woodcarving

What if you want to start working with wood but don't have the money to get into real woodworking? Try woodcarving. All you need is a knife, a piece of softwood, a rocking chair, a pipe, and, most importantly, plenty of free time. Carving is one of those activities that really helps to relax and calm the mind after a hard day at work. Go to the library and take a book about woodcarving. You will find many ideas and plans to help you get started.

16. Sports

Every man, whether he's a smart guy or a complete dick, needs to engage in some sort of physical activity. Comparing brains to muscles is fundamentally wrong. Physical activity increases the level of testosterone (which is so lacking modern men, because the amount of this male hormone is slowly decreasing in us), keeps in shape, prevents depression and relieves stress. Sports, in which the competitive spirit of men can be found, are especially useful for the formation and maintenance of masculinity. Play football, basketball or volleyball, for example. Single sports (weightlifting, running, bouldering) also have many advantages. They give you space for reflection and help you find harmony with yourself. It doesn’t matter what kind of sport it will be, the main thing is that it makes the blood circulate and the heart beat faster.

17. Modeling

You may have enjoyed making replicas of cars, planes, and ships as a child. Why not do this grown man? Modeling will help develop attention to detail and inspire you to learn more about the history of the things you are working on. In addition, in the end you will have something to put in a prominent place in the office or at home.

18. Leatherworking

The smell of leather always awakens a cowboy in a man. Leatherworking is a great way to get in touch with that cowboy that lives inside each of us and learn the super-masculine craft. A skilled leatherworker can make a lot of men's things: wallets, leather bags, belts, holsters, saddles. Flaws? It's a pretty expensive hobby. To really get things going, you'll need special tools.

19. Archery

Although small arms have almost completely supplanted the bow and arrow, sometimes a return to the old can be very satisfying. Archery allows you to join one of the most primitive weapons, which is powered solely by muscle and dexterity. This quiet, concentrated activity helps to calm the mind. Even though the bow and arrow is no longer used for hunting (although this is of course also an option), there is great satisfaction in target shooting and practicing your skill until you hit an apple on someone's head (don't try it) . A simple bow for beginners can be purchased relatively cheaply, and you can practice right somewhere behind the house, having previously made this area safe.

20. Martial arts

Martial arts have many benefits: you learn self-defense skills, build discipline, improve your health, and realize yourself as a warrior. There are many different types martial arts. Choose what you like best, buy everything you need and find the right instructor.

21. Photography

If you've always wanted to make art but don't have much artistic ability, try photography. With digital cameras and digital photo editing software becoming cheaper and cheaper, photography as a hobby has become more popular and accessible than ever before. Photography can be combined with other interests, and this is one of the advantages of this hobby. Love to go hiking? Take the opportunity to take pictures of nature. There are many communities of photographers on the Internet, in addition, many amateur photographers offer free sites that teach the art of photography.

22. Billiards

Billiards is a combination of strategy, geometry and often psychology. It's also a great way to pass the time and chat with friends. If you can't convince your wife that a billiard table in the house is simply necessary, gather a company and invest in a billiard room.

23. Mountaineering

If you like hiking and adventure, there is nothing more suitable for you than mountaineering. Climbers climb mountains. Why? What else in life can bring more joy than the feeling of pride that you feel when you reach the top after a grueling ascent?

24. Cooking

Every man should know how to cook. This skill brings many benefits, chief among them being independence (no need to rely on others) and saving money (no need to go anywhere to eat or buy pre-packaged foods). This hobby will help you stay healthy (you're already familiar with fast food, right?), and it's just a pleasure. After all, we all have to eat several times every day. And, of course, it impresses the ladies. In addition, it is a cheap and most affordable hobby for everyone.

25. Blacksmithing

If you think that blacksmithing died out along with horse-drawn carriages, you are wrong. Although very few people today earn their living in the forge, there are men who enjoy this craft as a hobby. To do this classic, masculine and tradition-rich business, you will have to spend about the same money as a good camera. And now you are already making a fire in your forge and hitting a red-hot piece of iron lying on the anvil with a hammer, like the very patron of blacksmithing - the ancient Roman god of fire Vulcan.

26. Piloting

Some of the bravest men in the history of mankind were those who conquered the sky. You may not set records, but you can soar like an eagle. Of course, the biggest barrier to pursuing this hobby is the cost. It is expensive. Piloting lessons and getting a license alone can cost several thousand dollars. In addition, you will need to rent a plane. Some men combine their love of piloting with their love of mechanics and build their own propeller plane. But even then, you'll need space to store it, so you may have to pay monthly rent for the space. Despite the cost, many amateur pilots say it's worth the feeling of freedom you get in the air.

27. Learning a foreign language

Learning a foreign language is one of those few hobbies whose benefits are undeniable. How many times have you been in a situation where you regretted not being able to communicate with people who speak other languages? You regret it especially strongly when you are abroad. Learning a foreign language can be a difficult task for many, but when you really want it, the ability to speak two completely different languages ​​comes by itself. The main thing is to constantly practice, otherwise you will not only not advance, but also will not save what you have already learned. Some libraries hold meetings where people can come and talk in a foreign language with others. Watching movies, TV shows and listening to songs in the language being studied also helps a lot.

28. Playing cards

Men love to play cards, be it bridge, poker, preference or whist. The ideal social setting that playing cards creates - discreet and relaxed, but combined with friendly competition - allows you to socialize and have a great time. Buy treats, gather the guys and have fun.

29. Blogging

30. Paintball

Remember how, as a child, you and your friends played war games with imaginary grenades and bullets? Now that you are already big boy”, You can also play war, but now instead of bullets, use dye balls. Paintball is not too expensive entertainment. Everything you need (marker, protective mask and a sufficient number of balls) can be rented. And if you're serious about paintball, you can always buy your own equipment.

31. Fencing

Protect yourself! What do the Three Musketeers, Zorro and Luke Skywalker have in common? Excellent swordsmanship, of course. A sport that has existed since ancient Rome and Greece has always attracted true gentleman. Experience the tradition taught by the knights and lords of the past, the latest form of true dueling. Gain balance, coordination, flexibility and focus as you learn this ancient art. Three are used in fencing. different kind weapons - rapier, saber and sword. All of them have a different weight, and the rules for using them are different.

32. Drawing and painting

Winston Churchill was an avid artist. He spent several hours at the easel in the garden or in the studio. In this way, he drove away the "black dog" of depression. He understood that creativity has a beneficial effect on human health. Many men refuse art because they do not notice their innate talent. This may be true, but training and practice will do the trick. The most accessible art is drawing. A few pencils and an album are enough. Painting requires a little more investment depending on its type. Watercolor painting, for example, is cheaper than oil painting.

33. Amateur astronomy

Space. The Last Frontier. Despite the fact that you yourself are not able to visit space, you can feel its greatness and experience awe in your own yard. You will be amazed at how much you can see in space with a small telescope or even high power binoculars. If you want to look deep into space, you will need a very powerful telescope, which, of course, will cost you a pretty penny. And remember that astronomy is more than just observing through a telescope. You need to learn as much as possible about our amazing universe from books, TV shows and lectures.

34. Adventure racing

Looking for something more challenging than a 5k race? Tired of standard marathons? Pay attention to adventure racing. They usually last all day and include various competitions. You will have to run fifteen kilometers cross-country, paddle the same amount in a kayak, and then ride a mountain bike through the forest for thirty kilometers. In doing so, you must stop at checkpoints that can only be found using a map and compass. Physical activity, coupled with open nature and orientation, is a very courageous activity.

35. Programming

Computer programming is as popular today as amateur radio was in the 1950s. Despite the fact that today many women are making progress in this area, programming has always been a predominantly male pastime. Many men make a very good living programming, but millions do it in their spare time just for fun. Someone creates stupid Online Games, and some useful open source applications or even cool web projects. There are a lot of programming languages, so you will always have something to do.

Got inspired by an idea? Remember, getting started is always fun and exciting. But don't think that reaching the heights is easy. You're sure to hit the bumps, but don't let your new hobby fade into the background and gather dust in your closet. Good luck.

If you don’t have this, you’re tired of lying on the couch, and you have finally moved to the stage of “active search” for activities for body and soul, then the following examples will help you find it.


Reading is a kind of access to the ideas of great thinkers and writers of the past and present. If it does not, then at least it will try to turn you into a smarter and more educated person. Don't know where to start? Googled a list of a hundred books made especially for men.

Woodworking and carving

Men who master the art of wood carving make gifts themselves, and do not buy them. And proudly pointing to the pieces of furniture in their home, they say: “I did it!”. Subtly hinting: woodworking - good way do original presents and save on furniture purchases.


And how do you look about eventually learning to understand all these carburetors, injectors, silent blocks and crankshafts? Look, you'll practice, improve your skills, and reach the level of a pro, able to experience the sweet feeling of success when the engine you restored purrs like a kitten. Such a hobby, by the way, is also not without the possibility of earning money.

The ability to turn cars into cool tuned “horses” will also turn out to be not superfluous in the arsenal of the “car dealer”. We dedicate the following video to the last:

Metal processing

Metal processing provides the same benefits as wood processing. Only instead of the fragrant aroma of sawdust, you surround yourself with the deliciously poisonous smell of burning metal. Cast iron headboards that your wife wants to decorate the room with, flower pot holders, garden arches, knives, spears, shovels are just some of the things you can do with your own hands.


If hunting isn't your thing, you can still enjoy shooting. For example, play paintball or airsoft. The hobby is resource-intensive (especially when it comes to money), but at the end you will get tons of adrenaline, and you will definitely want supplements. So we recommend.

Ship in a bottle

Putting ship models in a glass bottle is one of the classic and worldwide hobbies. First, you need to buy a bottle and drink its contents. Further it is not so interesting, it will also require concentration, patience and a firm hand. But the result will surely please your kids. Yes, and the guests will be in shock, puzzled by the question of how you stuffed this ship into the container.


Fishing is a cult male hobby. A great occasion to get together with friends, father, son, to be alone. Fishing is not expensive, as a rule. The main thing is not to drink too much.


Any physical activity increases the level of testosterone (which is so lacking in modern men), prevents depression and relieves stress. So don't be lazy, get up and stomp to play football, basketball, volleyball, whatever. No company? Do solo sports (weightlifting, running, cycling). The latter, by the way, provide you with space for reflection, and help you find harmony with yourself. It doesn't matter what sport it is. The main thing is that it will make your blood circulate and your heart beat faster.

Martial arts

Even if you press 170 kilos from your chest, this is unlikely to help you fight off a gang of hooligans. But mastering the art of Muay Thai, for example, you can not only show the offenders who is “daddy” among you, but also form discipline in yourself, improve health, and realize yourself as a warrior.

If we talk about women's hobbies, then the first thing that comes to mind, of course, is shopping. But besides this, there is also knitting, embroidery, decoupage, scrapbooking, cake baking or tailoring. soft toys. As for men, bathing, fishing, football, hunting can be singled out as the most popular among their hobbies… But is that really all?

Do millions of guys on earth only dream of how to kick a ball in their free time or fish a couple of large fish out of the river? Today we will try to deal with the fact that men have.


Of course, the options are a wagon and a small cart. After all, all men are different - each has its own character, temperament, inclinations and habits. One thing unites them - every male must certainly have a hobby. It helps to distract from everyday troubles and problems at work, gives you the opportunity to relax and feel like a full-fledged person, gives you a good mood and gives you a chance to fulfill yourself.

Therefore, in no case should a man be prevented from doing what he loves, on the contrary, it is worth encouraging and praising him in every possible way, and in return he will repay with love and respect. Moreover, if the precious husband has not yet decided on a hobby, it is worth helping him with this. And who knows - perhaps it is this article that will prompt some sensible thought.


Among the most, perhaps, popular hobbies for men are, of course, cars and motorcycles. If a guy is lucky and has his own car, he can enthusiastically spend a whole evening or even a day next to a four-wheeled friend. Most women probably have no idea what he has been doing there for so long - the car seems to be working, so what can you do in the garage for several hours in a row? Oh ... believe me, it's up to the throat. Cleaning the interior, blowing off dust particles from the dashboard, blackening the rubber to a glossy shine, treating the windows with an anti-rain agent, polishing the handles - in general, there is no limit to perfection.

Such a real car enthusiast, for sure, has a whole bunch of desires, and the spouse can show that she shares his passion by giving her husband a coveted imported expensive polish, a vacuum cleaner for the interior, a car compressor, an air ionizer or another car trinket dear to his heart. And then watch how a childishly delighted spouse rushes to the garage to attach a new little thing.

However, even if he does not yet provide for the purchase of a car, the husband may well collect car models - fortunately, the choice is now huge, and in appearance and bells and whistles, sometimes it is in no way inferior to the real one. Such a home hobby for men, no better and no worse than others. Moreover, it makes it easier to choose a gift for the holiday - you can always present another Honda or Toyota to your loved one.


Another common hobby for men is all kinds of sports. Not necessarily football, it can be paintball, bowling, billiards, cycling or rollerblading, snowboarding, skiing, diving ... Such an active pastime allows you not only to keep yourself in physical form, but also get rid of negative energy accumulated over relieve stress, make new friends and come home to good mood. In addition, the wife is also quite capable of doing any of the listed types of relaxation and keeping her beloved company.

Additional common topics for conversation will immediately appear, there will be no disputes about where and how to spend the only day off. Well, at the same time, she will be able to unobtrusively control whether there are too many unmarried slender girls open for relationships in this sports party.


Another unusual and interesting hobby for men is needlework. Naturally, we are not talking about making postcards. self made and cross stitch.

A modern guy can get involved in aeromodelling, carving, burning, making boxes, crafts from matches and bottles, and so on. Moreover, sometimes the hobby turns into a way of additional earnings, which has a positive effect on the self-perception of a man as a breadwinner, and on the general budget of the family.


Very often, collecting is a hobby for men. And here there is no limit to male imagination - stamps, beer glasses, fridge magnets, tickets from football matches, coins ... The main thing is that there is enough space in the house for all these priceless trophies.


Separately, it is worth mentioning such a hobby for men as photography. Recently, almost every third person is fond of it.

This activity allows you to express your Creative skills, qualitatively perpetuate on holidays and birthdays, and sometimes makes it possible to earn extra money.


In general, as they say, no matter what the guy amuses himself, if only not to the detriment of the interests of the family. Let him find a hobby to his liking and devote part of his free time to it - everyone will only benefit from this.