What is the best nursing bra? How to choose underwear for women after childbirth and cesarean section Mom nursing bra sizes

In my first pregnancy, I made a big mistake - I didn’t buy myself a nursing bra before giving birth. As a result, I had to send my husband to the store, he chose it himself and naturally he did not fit me. So I suffered, and as a result, breastfeeding did not work out. Apparently, the lack of a nursing bra also indirectly influenced my mood for Guards.

I prepared thoroughly for the second birth. And I thought in advance about underwear after childbirth. On the advice of my sister, I decided to go to the Mothercare store (Butyrskaya St.) and look at the bra there.

I was pleasantly surprised by the variety of bra sets. One set contains 2-3 pieces of different colors (white + black, with a pattern + without a pattern, etc.).

I chose just white + white with a pattern. The price is 1000 rubles for 2 pieces. Composition 100% cotton, what you need after childbirth and for feeding. At first, I even slept in them, since the tides of milk were very frequent at night and I had to use postpartum pads, and they are not attached without a bra. Therefore, it is cotton that is important so that it is not hot.

Mothercare bra is quite thick, not thin. Because of this, it was sometimes hot at night, and his bottom was wet with sweat. But in the morning I just changed it to clean and dry and that's it.

Two pieces were barely enough. It's better to buy three.

But then I stopped wearing a bra for the night when the night tides stopped and mature lactation set in.

It is comfortable to wear them. Feeding in them is as easy as shelling pears, since I can unfasten and fasten the strap with one hand. The clasp is comfortable and large.

The hooks on the back are quite comfortable. In general, the strip on the back is wide and if the chest is large, then this helps to "wear" it proudly)))

Now about how to choose and buy the right size in advance before giving birth. Before pregnancy and childbirth, I wore size 75A (kindergarten, in short). I bought size 80B from Mothercare, and I did not lose! I hit the spot with the increase in breast size after childbirth and during lactation.

The store allowed me to try several sizes and choose the right one. I went shopping closer to the birth (at 36-37 weeks), just when the breast itself had already increased, but there were no rushes of milk yet. I stopped my choice on bras, which were large for me in terms of cups, you need to choose taking into account the fact that your chest will protrude proudly forward, as if inflated. But I took the girth so that it was just right, but did not press and did not hang around me.

The quality is excellent - after 8 months of continuous wearing, nothing stretched, no spools, spots appeared. Everything still looks good.

Why 4 points and not 5 - the bottom of the bra is a bit thick, and not sexy)))

Greetings to all women! Each of us wants to remain attractive at any period of our lives, but today we will talk not only about beauty, but also about health.

Let's talk about bras for pregnant and nursing mothers: how to choose a nursing bra, which prenatal and postnatal bra, why do you need pads and inserts in a bra.

Let the time of bearing, giving birth and feeding a baby be comfortable and enjoyable for every woman.

A nursing bra is an essential part of the wardrobe, and although no one knows how long it will be in demand, it is absolutely indispensable at the time of breastfeeding. It is not so much aesthetics that is important as the comfort and usefulness of this type of underwear, so the choice of a bust should be approached responsibly and in advance.

What is a nursing and maternity bra for?

Many, and especially those who are preparing to become mothers for the first time, think that there is no need for a special bodice. Indeed, before, after all, they somehow managed without it!

In fact, a bra designed specifically for such an important stage in the life of not only a mother, but also a baby, like feeding, has a number of differences from its “usual brother”.

Let's figure out why it is so good and useful?

The convenience of nursing bras

In a very short period of time, the chest can change by one, two or even three sizes, which in itself is a strong stress not only for the skin, but also for the muscles, and even for the spine.

The bra, designed specifically for the enlarged breasts of a young mother, has wider straps. They are spaced wider than in a regular bra, which allows for better support and evenly distributes the increased load on the shoulders.

Stretch Mark Prevention

During the tides of milk, the breasts are poured, and this is in addition to the fact that it is already enlarged in size, which leads to overstretching of the delicate skin.

It is not surprising that the fibers are torn and ugly stretch marks appear on the body. A properly selected bra, with cups that do not pinch the mammary glands, will relieve the load on thin skin.

Preservation of breast tone

In addition to stretch marks, breastfeeding is fraught with a weakening of the tone of the breast. Many women note, after the end of lactation, a deterioration in the shape of the breast and loss of elasticity.

To prevent this from happening, you need to start taking care of the right support not at the moment when the “milk came”, but before that - even during pregnancy, wearing a prenatal bra.


The bra for nursing is equipped with special valves that allow you to feed the baby in "marching conditions" without taking off your underwear. All manipulations are performed simply, quickly and do not attract the attention of strangers.

Usually fasteners are plastic hooks or small "zippers" that can be easily unfastened with one hand.

The cutouts on the cups of the bra are large enough to prevent leakage during feeding.

Well, if the milk has already arrived, but it’s not yet possible to feed the baby, special reusable bra inserts will make the problem of “escaped milk” insignificant, because it costs nothing to wash the tabs.

natural materials

Of course, for the manufacture of nursing bras, manufacturers use only breathable natural fabrics. No stuffy polyester cups or synthetic inlays.

The most reputable brands among manufacturers are emma jane, bliss, Faberlik, Fast, medela.

Now that it’s clear why you shouldn’t neglect buying “special” underwear for a “special” occasion, let’s find out what you need to pay attention to, because we have two tasks before us: protect the breasts during pregnancy and ensure maximum comfort for ourselves and the baby after his birth .

Let's talk about the prenatal bra first, because it is no less important than the one that will be needed during breastfeeding.

What bra to wear during pregnancy?

Stretch bra

At this time, the breasts will almost reach the size in which you will stay during lactation, so we go to the fitting at this time and choose bras made of elastic fabrics.

The proportions of synthetic fibers and natural fibers are selected in such a way that the breasts feel comfortable and, at the same time, can increase by a size and a half without discomfort in this underwear.

Cotton models

But if you want to buy pure cotton, then you should not go shopping before the baby is born, otherwise there is a risk of making a mistake.

Breathable, body-friendly cotton, unfortunately, must be sized to fit so that the breasts that have grown even more during lactation “fit in”, because it will not stretch after it.

In some models of nursing bras, a special fold-assembly is made, thanks to which the volume of the cup can grow along with the filling of the breast.

No seams

Cups and valves of special bras should not have seams on the inside. Since the sensitivity of the skin increases during this period, the unnecessary relief of the bra can rub and squeeze the mammary glands.

Also, do not choose underwear where the underwire cups are too close to each other or high - this will disrupt blood circulation and can lead to stagnation of milk in the ducts.

Accessories for special bras

The straps of a high-quality bust should be wide with a soft layer so as not to cut into the body. This is especially true for large sizes.

No less support for the chest should be provided by the base of the bra, made wider than that of ordinary underwear both in front and on the back, and a clasp that allows you to vary the girth by 3-4 positions.

The hooks on the back should be metal, not plastic, as the former are more secure. In front, the position of the fastener can also change by 2 positions.

If the fullness of the cup has remained the same, and the volume of the chest has increased, there is a way out thanks to special extensions sold separately. They add from 4 to 6 rows of additional loops.

How to choose a nursing bra?

A postpartum bra must meet even more requirements, because the convenience of breastfeeding is added to the comfortable wear.

Consider the types of special underwear presented on store shelves and on the Internet.

Top Nursing Bra

This model is one of the most popular, as it does not have uncomfortable cutting seams and adjustable fasteners. Due to the one-piece elastic back, it gently hugs the body and, at the same time, reliably supports the chest.

The wide padded shoulder straps also provide good support.

Stretch cups stretch well and adjust to the size of the growing breast. They do not squeeze or pinch the mammary glands.

Thin stretch bra or bandage bra

Made from stretchable material. On the one hand, this allows the bust to take the shape of the breast and make it easy to feed by simply pulling the cup, on the other hand, it does not support the mammary glands well, especially when it comes to large sizes.

In addition, in field conditions, feeding a child, being in such a bra, seems immodest to many, because there is no special valve that exposes only the chest itself.

Front closure nursing bra

It is convenient that you can unfasten it with one hand. In addition, this type of fixation allows you to vary the size of the chest girth, since the bodice has at least 2-3 hook positions or a convenient button.

Feeding outside the home is also excluded for many precisely because of the “full exposure”, which is inevitable if you want to expose your chest.

Detachable Nursing Bra

Cup valves are a very convenient and popular system that allows you to feed your baby anywhere and anytime.

The bottom line is that a small button on the strap holds the cup in its entirety and once it is unfastened, the valve opens and the cup falls freely.

Gynecologists and pediatricians recommend choosing those models in which the entire breast is exposed, and not just the nipple - skin-to-skin feeding has a better effect on the child and on the mother, do not neglect bodily contact. For feeding my sons, I used just such bras.

During the fitting, we pay attention to the fact that the valve fabric reclines completely, and does not get stuck in the middle - this is very important for a good outflow of milk.

Nursing bra with zippers

The option is similar to the previous one with the only difference that the cups are fixed not with buttons, but with zippers.

Such models are unfastened quickly and simply without assistants with one hand. It is very easy to get used to them and only one drawback can be noted - any tight-fitting clothing will emphasize an unnecessary relief.

Special bras for nursing mothers

During lactation, especially at first, a sharply enlarged breast can respond to any, even accidental touch, with pain. To avoid discomfort during sleep, breastfeeding mothers also need good support, no matter how much the bust has increased.

Sleep bras are made from very light materials. They gently fix the chest without squeezing it.

How to choose the size of a nursing bra?

This is not so difficult to do, but it is better to do all the calculations at home with an assistant in order to go to the store with specific numbers, and not measure all the models in a row.

  1. To do this, we stand in front of a mirror and measure the volume of the chest, first under the mammary glands - this is the size of the bra (value A).
  2. Then along the most protruding points (value B).
  3. Now we subtract the smaller value from the larger value (В-А) and get the fullness of the cup.

Its values ​​correspond to the following in the table (the picture is clickable):

This nursing bra size chart will help you determine which bra is right for you.

Now you know not only what prenatal bras and nursing bras are, but also how to choose them correctly and the question of whether to wear a bra while breastfeeding is no longer worth it.

What are bra pads for?

However, in addition to the main points, there are several useful tricks that greatly facilitate the life of young mothers. One of these parts are disposable and reusable bra liners.

Especially in the first time after childbirth, when the lactation process has not yet been established and there is no your own regimen, where the mother + baby tandem works perfectly, milk almost always “runs away”.

If caught on time, it can just be drops on the inside of the bra, but what if for some reason it is impossible to start feeding right now? Then milk can wet not only the bra (even foam rubber), but also clothes.

Of course, this is not only inconvenient and unpleasant, but also unhygienic. "Escaped" milk is a breeding ground for bacteria and a real greenhouse for pathogenic microflora.

However, the chest can leak not only in the "field conditions". Very often at first, when there is more milk than the baby can eat, while feeding from one breast, it flows from the other.

As you can see, nursing bra pads are a must!

Today, nursing bras are available in two types: disposable and reusable.

Disposable Bra Pads

In this case, pads are an analogue of daily sanitary pads and are attached to the bra cup from the inside with a special adhesive strip.

Reusable bra pads

These pads can be washed and used for as long as needed.

The absorbency of both options is approximately the same and we are only talking about the duration and ease of use.

It is impossible to say for sure that the inserts will be needed only in the first three months, some mothers resort to them throughout the entire time of breastfeeding and you can find a variety of reviews on the Internet.

In any case, before buying disposable or reusable bra liners, it is better to familiarize yourself with the attitude of consumers towards them.

Maternity and nursing bra brands

At the end of the article, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with the brands of various manufacturers and the most popular models of bras for pregnant and lactating women.


Bliss brand lingerie is represented by models for both nursing and pregnant women. Prenatal bras are equipped with a special fold-drapery, which I already wrote about, and allow you to easily adjust the volume of the cup along with a change in breast size.

Nursing bliss bras are equipped with flaps that are fastened to a button on the shoulder strap. The bodices of this brand have no seams and are considered one of the most comfortable.

A similar design is offered by the manufacturer of nursing bras Mama Comfort.

Well-supported underwear is equipped with reclining cups that expose the entire chest. The absence of piercings, good fit and easy washing make it a favorite of many new mothers. I used to wear it at the time.

Postpartum bra Fast is also very popular. Its design does not imply the presence of bones, and wide straps will provide decent support for even very large breasts.

Its cups are easily detachable, which allows you to feed your baby in any conditions.

Prenatal bra Fast is usually presented in three classic colors - black, beige and white. Represents an elastic knitted bodice with fasteners on a back. The length of the straps varies, like a regular bra, but the cups are much more comfortable and soft.

A bra is an important part of a woman's wardrobe, especially during pregnancy and lactation, when everything that concerns a mother and her baby should be safe, comfortable and functional.

During the feeding period, the breasts increase many times, but this does not mean at all that you need to wear a huge bra from your grandmother's wardrobe.

How is a nursing bra different from a regular bra?

What should be the perfect nursing bra so that it is comfortable for everyday wear and sleep, and in addition not to be afraid of your reflection in the mirror?

The breastfeeding bra differs from the usual breast support with wide straps and teardrop-shaped cups, the elasticity of the fabric that can stretch with the flow of milk, and special fasteners that allow you to quickly take out the breast to feed the baby. In addition to these basic functions, they are equipped with several rows of hooks that allow you to adjust the circumference of the chest depending on the volume of the chest that changes every day. All nursing bras are made from soft fabrics that gently support the underside of the breast and retain its shape.

Buying Tip: When choosing a nursing bra, don't forget to buy disposable liners to soak up excess milk. If you sleep a little longer than usual at night, as well as your baby along with you, you will not have to change clothes and change clothes, because the milk will leak onto clothes and bedding. In addition, in public places you will always look decent, without breast milk stains, in case you forget to feed your baby on time.

Types of nursing bras

Nursing underwear is presented in several options, depending on the method of access to the breast with milk.

  • With a fastener on hooks or buttons between cups. The model is convenient in that you can quickly unfasten the bra or adjust the girth under the bust, choosing from several possible fastener positions. Among the disadvantages: the breast opens completely during feeding, which may seem uncomfortable to some.
  • With zippers. This bra has zip fasteners on the side and bottom, so one of the cups can be unfastened and you can safely feed the baby. Among the disadvantages: you can no longer put on tight clothes on top of such a bra, as the seams of the zippers will stand out.
  • With button closures on shoulder straps. With this option, the button can be easily unfastened with one hand and lower the cup of the bra, which is very convenient. In various models, the opening of completely one breast is provided. And in some - only one nipple.
  • Elastic bras make it possible to simply pull and lower the cup down or sideways to give the baby a breast, due to the fact that they are sewn from a particularly elastic stretching fabric. This model is especially comfortable with a large amount of milk, as the fabric easily stretches and adapts to any breast size.
  • Sleep bras. Made in the form of elastic strips of fabric with cups intersecting on the chest. The fabric from which they are sewn is very light and weightless, so you can sleep in them with great comfort at night.
  • Top bra. It is made in the form of an elastic dense top without fasteners and seams. For feeding, it is enough to pull the desired breast out of the elastic sidewall. They are also very comfortable to sleep in, as they do not squeeze anywhere and do not cut into the back. This model is much cheaper than other bras, and is especially suitable for the first month after discharge from the hospital, when the flow of milk is still irregular and not fully established.

How to determine the right size

With the purchase of a bra is better not to rush. It is best to buy literally a month before the expected date of birth - at 37-38 weeks. At this time, the breast becomes the same size as it will be after childbirth. Although this is also a preliminary forecast, therefore it is better to buy only one, maximum two bras, and purchase others after childbirth.

To determine the size, you need to measure the size under the bust with a centimeter, and then make another girth - at the highest points of the chest. Then subtract the smaller number from the larger number. The resulting figure should be found in the size table. The first number indicates the circumference under the bust, and the result - the quotient indicates the fullness of the cup. For example: the girth under the bust is 85 cm, and the girth of the bust itself: 103 cm. Subtract: 103 - 85 = 18.

Size table:

12-13 BUT 1 size
14-15 AT size 2
16-17 FROM Size 3
18-19 D size 4
20-21 DD 5 size

In our example, 18 cm corresponds to size 4. Therefore, the size of the bra itself will be 85 D. If you are in doubt about the size, always check with the seller, consultant. And of course, in order for the bra to fit perfectly, the best option is to try it on.

How to choose a comfortable and beautiful nursing bra

In any case, when coming to the store, it is best to try on underwear. However, in order to buy a quality item that is safe for you and your child, you need to pay attention to a number of details:

  1. The bra must be pitted. Any pressure or pinching of the milk ducts threatens with stagnation and pain in the chest.
  2. The band that supports the bottom of the chest should be elastic, but not squeezing.
  3. The chest should fit perfectly in the cup, not protrude from the sides or from above. It is best if there is a little space left on top of the cup, with the expectation of arriving milk.
  4. A finger should fit between the bra and your back. Be sure to check it out when trying it on.
  5. Never buy a bra without trying it on. Money can simply be thrown to the wind.
  6. When trying on, be sure to raise your hands up. The bra should not jump up.
  7. Fabrics should be natural, with a minimum addition of synthetics. This is especially true of the inside of the cups: it is desirable that they be made of well-absorbing fabric.
  8. If you feel pressure in one or the other seam, consider buying a seamless model, such as a bra in the form of a top.
Advice! Buy before childbirth two bras of different models. Take one size larger than yours. You will be able to evaluate how correctly to choose the model and size in the first weeks after the birth of the baby and the establishment of breastfeeding.

Popular bra brands

  • Milavitsa is one of the most famous brands of underwear for women from Belarus. All bras are made of safe cotton fabrics in white, beige and black colors. In addition, on her websites, Milovitsa always offers women convenient size charts for her models. For nursing mothers, Milovitsa has bras made of pure cotton and cotton with the addition of lycra and elastane.
  • Fast is another popular Russian lingerie manufacturer offering classic nursing bras in a variety of colors. Used in sewing fabrics - soft elastic jersey, consisting of cotton and elastane.

Nursing Bra: Reviews of moms

Valeria Snitko 21 years old, Moscow. Before giving birth, I had the first size, and after even the third was too small. I bought myself two bras: one made of microfiber with synthetics, the other Fest made of cotton. So, all these synthetics stretch immediately after washing. In general, a nursing bra is very comfortable. The chest does not sag, always raised.

Irina Leutskaya 25 years old, Nizhny Novgorod. Didn't wear a nursing bra. I used the usual ones, just lowered the strap and cup and that's it. Somehow she didn’t bother, it wasn’t up to that, and she was lying on preservation all the time, and her husband, like her mother, didn’t understand what kind of special bra this was.

Angelina Vashchina, 29 years old, Perm. Never used these bras. I bought one, but it is so uncomfortable, a small circle opens and that's it. I did not like it, but I did not find other models. When breastfeeding, she wore regular bras.

Victoria Zarenskaya 22 years old, Novosibirsk. I really liked the special nursing bras. The only difficulty: it is difficult to guess the size. Bought three at random. All different colors and with a button on top. One really had to be thrown away - it turned out to be small. I advise everyone to take one or two sizes larger at once. Make no mistake.

Anna Drozheva, 24 years old, Kazan. I bought myself a bra alone in a pharmacy, literally before giving birth, they didn’t let me try it on there. I took it at random - at home I measured the size with a centimeter. Worn for a short time - the first two weeks after discharge. Then there was more milk. The chest has grown even more. I gave my husband my bra, he bought a size larger than two pieces: white and black. One had a zipper on the side, and the other had a rivet at the top. She fed for six months, even slept in a bra. The chest did not sag at all after feeding and without stretch marks, all thanks to the bra!

Elena Andreeva 26 years old, Moscow. I had a lot of milk, at least fill it up. I also used nursing bras with fasteners in front and made of elastic fabric. You unfasten a couple of buttons, pull out your chest, and the other is in the cup and in place. Plus, I also used liners, they just saved me. I bought beautiful bras with ruffles on the straps, it was often a pity to wash them. I washed it about once every four or five days. But in general, a convenient thing, I don’t know how I would be without them.


How to choose the right breastfeeding bra

Breastfeeding is a kind of "foundation" of the baby's health and the full development of its organs and systems. Nevertheless, many women prefer adapted mixtures, fearing that feeding will adversely affect the shape of the breast and its attractiveness. But such a choice is not at all justified: thanks to specialized underwear intended for nursing mothers, the breast will not suffer at all during the feeding period of the baby, and after the end of the process it will take on its former appearance.


Often, young mothers neglect a nursing bra, considering it a waste of money to purchase. Nevertheless, compared with ordinary, specialized underwear has a number of undeniable advantages:

  • The material from which nursing bras are made is so elastic that it "adjusts" to the volume of the breast, which varies depending on the flow of milk and emptying of the breast throughout the day.
  • Thanks to the drop-shaped shape and wide straps, the bra perfectly supports the chest, does not allow it to “fall” forward, thereby preventing its deformation and the formation of stretch marks, and does not overload the back.
  • Unlike ordinary underwear, models for feeding involve cutting the cups in such a way that their edges are located in places where the milk ducts do not pass. This is done to prevent mastitis, which can occur when the breast is squeezed.
  • In nursing bras, the cup completely covers the mammary gland, preventing its hypothermia and the occurrence of colds.
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For tailoring specialized underwear, 3 types of fabrics are often used:

  • Cotton, which is very pleasant to the body, does not cause allergic reactions, but at the same time does not differ in particular wear resistance, quickly loses color and dries for a long time.
  • Microfibre is an innovative wear-resistant fabric that does not electrify, retains color and is very elastic.
  • Elastic lace is a material that allows you to “embellish” nursing models, giving them femininity, but stretching in only one direction.

Models of postpartum nursing bras are divided into types depending on the location of the fasteners.

This model supports the bust well thanks to the fastener in the form of hooks or buttons that are located between the cups. Before applying the crumbs to the breast, it is enough to unfasten the fasteners and release the necessary breast.

The disadvantage of the model is that both mammary glands are automatically exposed during feeding, the “free” breast is not fixed in any way, and the remaining milk can simply flow out of it. In addition, the process of unfastening the hooks without skill can take some time, which is not very convenient when the baby cries and “asks” for the breast.

More recently, a rather convenient model with buttons has appeared, allowing you to expose only one necessary breast.

This type of bra is distinguished by a special design of the cups, which are unfastened with the help of zippers, in the direction from the bottom to the side. Thanks to this clasp, the breast can be opened just enough so that the baby can grab the nipple without exposing it completely. This criterion is especially useful if there is a need to feed in a public place.

The only drawback of the model is rough seams in the zipper area. Therefore, it is not recommended to wear it under tight clothing.

This is perhaps the most successful model that has no drawbacks. The cups in it are fixed with fasteners, which are located on the strap at the junction of it with the cup itself. If you need to feed the baby, the clasp can be easily unfastened in a couple of seconds even with one hand, freeing only the desired breast.

Underwear of this type is distinguished by the absence of fasteners, thanks to the elastic material that allows you to get the chest, just pushing the cup from the required side. Even being seamless, such a nursing bra is comfortable for women with large breasts - it perfectly supports and does not squeeze. One caveat - too "frank" exposure of the chest during feeding.

In the first months after the birth of a baby, fixation of the breast is a necessity even at night due to the flow of milk, pain and the need for frequent attachment of the baby.

The night bra is designed especially for mothers who sleep with their baby. It is sewn from light breathable fabrics, it is practically not felt, but at the same time, it fixes the chest well at night. As a rule, cups are provided in such a model, which are crossed in front and fixed with clasps on top. But, unfortunately, it will not work for mothers with “lush” breasts.

  • You should choose a bra very carefully, without haste, because this item of the “toilet” of the expectant mother after the birth of the baby will have to be worn for quite a long time.
  • The fabric of the product must meet all the necessary standards (if you wish, you can ask for a quality certificate), be pleasant to the body, stretch well enough, fix and support the chest.
  • The seams should be even and neat, protruding threads or frayed parts are unacceptable. At the same time, the presence of an internal seam is allowed - during the feeding period, inserts in a bra will hide it.
  • A nursing bra should have wide straps and a base with a margin of up to 2 sizes so that the load on the back and shoulders is even. The bra should not “hang”, but pressing its elements into the skin and rubbing is also unacceptable.
  • It is preferable that the strap length adjuster is located in front (and not behind), which allows the woman to independently and quickly set it at the required level.
  • The clasps that fix the cup should be strong and easy to unfasten even with one hand (the second, as a rule, mommy always holds the baby).
  • When choosing models for sleeping, you should give preference to seamless options that can easily adjust to a comfortable chest position at night.
  • For owners of large breasts, there are models with bones that differ from the usual depth of planting. When choosing the right size, such a bra does not exert pressure on the milk ducts and allows you to better support the mammary glands due to the maximum pressing (but not squeezing) of the bra to the body.
  • Recently, bras with a so-called growing cup have appeared on the market - a model designed in such a way as to change and "grow" along with breast enlargement. Such a bra can be easily purchased "for growth" provided that the initial size is correctly selected.
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size table

Properly selected and high-quality bra is an important component of successful and comfortable breastfeeding.

Trying on a bra, it is important to make a few simple gestures: turn around, sit down, raise your arms, bend over. In the absence of any discomfort, a suitable model can be safely purchased, and at least in 2 copies.

If trying on a bra is not possible, you can determine the size according to the table using certain measurements:

  • girth under the chest;
  • girth at the highest points.

After that, it is necessary to subtract the smaller value from the larger value - the result obtained will correspond to the “fullness” of the cup. Next, let's look at the table:

Girth difference, cm Cup size
10-12 AA (0)
12-13 A (1)
13-15 IN 2)
15-17 C (3)
18-20 D(4)
20-22 D.D. (5)
23-25 E(6)
26-28 F (6+)

As a rule, when choosing a size, 2 indicators are taken into account: the volume (girth) under the breast and the “fullness” of the cup.

Bra size707580859095
Girth under bust, cm68-72 73-77 78-82 83-87 88-92 93-97
Bust, cm
A cup
AA and A82-84 87-89 92-94 97-99 102-104 107-109
AT84-86 89-91 94-96 99-101 104-106 109-111
FROM86-88 91-93 96-98 101-103 106-108 111-113
D and D88-90 93-95 98-100 103-105 108-110 113-115
E90-92 95-97 100-102 105-107 110-112 115-117
F92-94 97-99 102-104 107-109 112-114 117-119
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Rating of the best

When choosing underwear for nursing mothers, it is important to remember that a quality product cannot cost a penny. At the same time, manufacturers are constantly striving to improve models, trying to optimize price and quality indicators so that every woman feels comfortable during breastfeeding.

Demanded and popular is underwear for feeding the following brands:

  • Nursing bras "Fest" meet all the criteria for high-quality underwear: perfectly support the chest, made of natural fabric, equipped with comfortable clasps and adjustable elements. Some models are available in a variety of shades so that every woman can choose underwear "in color" of her mood. However, in the process of wearing, there is a strong stretching of fabrics and loss of shape after frequent washing.
  • Nursing bra "Bliss". Thanks to a wide size range, they allow you to choose comfortable underwear even for owners of fairly large breasts. Bras are made from natural cotton with the addition of elastane and perfectly support the chest, fitting it quite tightly inside the product, at the same time stretching well.
  • Nursing bras "Anita" have models with a "growing cup", which allows you to purchase underwear even in the last weeks of pregnancy and enjoy its comfort until the end of breastfeeding.
  • Nursing bras "Milavitsa". A budget version of specialized underwear with wide shoulder straps, a dense base, high-quality cotton in the composition, and well-supporting breasts. However, some mothers note the lack of convenience of fasteners that fix a detachable cup, quickly stretching rubber bands and discoloration after several washes.
  • Emma jane nursing bras are a comfortable, soft, breathable, quick-drying microfiber product, especially suitable for those with hypersensitive breasts. The only downside is the high price.
  • Nursing bras "Medela" are made of high quality polyamide, which stretches well, "adjusting" to both the ebb and flow of milk in the breast, and dries very quickly. Unfortunately, nursing mothers with rather “curvy” forms note that such underwear does not support her very well, and is more suitable for owners of small breasts.
  • Nursing bra "Mom Comfort" brand "Our Mom". Quality cotton accessory containing all the necessary elements. Pleasant to the body, does not rub, gently and well supports the chest, wears well and tolerates washing. The only caveat is that in some models women have an uncomfortable clasp.
  • Nursing bras "Mothercare" - pleasant to the body, soft and comfortable, will please the young mother with a variety of colors and a feeling of comfort during the feeding of the baby. The high price is offset by the frequent sales of underwear of this brand.
  • Nursing bras "Bogema". Underwear for women who are accustomed to the combination of femininity and comfort: soft, breathable, elegantly supporting even full breasts, without pressing or rubbing anywhere. The price category is affordable among the expensive ones. Unfortunately, it is rarely found in stores.
  • Nursing bras "Cache coeur" are a real find for lovers of exquisite, beautiful and high-quality underwear that combines femininity and comfort, allowing a young nursing mother not to choose between a chic regular bra and a nursing accessory. The only drawback is the high price.

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Bra for nursing mothers - how to choose high-quality underwear

Breastfeeding is an important process for the life and health of the baby, but not the easiest time for his mother. Many mothers refuse to feed their baby with milk and switch to mixtures, women are afraid of breast enlargement, the loss of its beauty and shape.

But is it worth it to risk the well-being of the child, especially when underwear manufacturers offer special nursing bras that are comfortable to wear and designed to preserve the original appearance of the female breast as much as possible?

breast changes while breastfeeding

Pregnancy is a real joy for the expectant mother and a real test. Everything changes in a woman - both the body, and the character, and even taste preferences. The mammary glands swell and fill with juices, the breast becomes larger and more beautiful. But more serious changes await a woman after the birth of a child, while breastfeeding.

For another year, and maybe more, the baby will adjoin the breast every day, receiving healthy mother's milk. The lactation period cannot but affect the form of female dignity, volume.

Nursing bras have significant differences from regular underwear. All features are due to changes in the breast during the lactation period:

  1. Elastic material. During the day, the volume of the breast changes, the tides of milk are replaced by its consumption, an ordinary bra will squeeze the swollen breasts. The elastic material allows the bra to stretch, gently maintaining the shape of the bust.
  2. Teardrop shape and wide shoulder straps. The teardrop shape of the bra and wide elastic straps are designed for enhanced bust support.
  3. Wide base and row of hooks. Nursing bras have a wide base and are equipped with rows of hooks that allow you to adjust the circumference of the chest throughout the day.
  4. Special cups. Cups of nursing bras are fastened with fasteners, the breast is easy to get to feed the baby.

Breastfeeding bras have special inserts to absorb milk residue. The pads are disposable and very easy to use. For example, if you sleep longer than usual at night, milk will not leak onto your clothes, and you will not feel the discomfort of dampness.

Which model to choose? To choose the best nursing bra, pay attention to its quality characteristics, this is much more important than the big name of the manufacturer:

  • Convenience. The cut, material, shape and type of fasteners should not cause discomfort when feeding the baby, doing household chores, and relaxing.
  • Strap width. Narrow straps cut into the skin, causing a lot of inconvenience and discomfort.
  • Cup opening. If this criterion is missing, consider whether a bra can be classified as nursing underwear.
  • No internal seams on the cup. Avoid models with seams, they can damage the swollen nipple.
  • Material. High-quality nursing bras are made of hypoallergenic and airtight material, the fabric should not let moisture through.

In addition to quality characteristics, attention should also be paid to the convenience of underwear, because there are several types of bras for breastfeeding:

Choose the bra that is most suitable and comfortable for you, without forgetting the quality standards. In this case, you will be sure that your underwear is the best for wearing and feeding your baby.

Despite the fact that nursing bras are very easy to adjust, you still need to choose the right size. Therefore, do not rush to buy underwear, it is best to purchase a special bra a week before childbirth. By this time, the breast is already acquiring the size that will remain after the birth of the baby.

Determining the size is very simple - measure the girth under the bust, measure the girth at the highest point of the chest. Then the smaller number should be subtracted from the larger number, the result determines the size of the bra, the same number indicates the fullness of the cup.

A simple example: the girth under the chest is 83 centimeters, and the girth of the bust is 99 centimeters. Subtract: 99 - 83 \u003d 16 - 16 centimeters the fullness of the cup, it is assigned size 3 or size C.

Size table

It is best to purchase a special bra a week before giving birth.

Where can I buy? Buy breastfeeding underwear from specialized lingerie stores or maternity clothing stores. So you will not only buy a high-quality bra, but also get advice on choosing the product you are interested in.

If you are sure that you can choose a quality product yourself, make a purchase in the online store. On the Internet, you can choose an inexpensive model.

Many mothers worry when it's time to wean from breastfeeding. How to organize the process? Read our article. Is breastfeeding useful after a year? We bring to your attention a modern view of specialists.

Prices in Moscow, where you can buy cheap

Prices for bras in Moscow range from 700 rubles to 1500 rubles. You can buy special underwear much cheaper during periods of promotions and sales.

Check out an overview of one of the nursing bra models:

A nursing bra is a must-have item in a new mom's underwear arsenal. This type of underwear provides maximum comfort during breastfeeding, it performs a supporting function of the breast, prevents stretch marks, and relieves pain during breastfeeding. In addition, these bras look very stylish, they embody femininity and beauty.

A distinctive feature of the nursing top is the presence of additional fasteners. Such fasteners (buttons or zippers) can be located between the cups or at the top of the cup. There are options without fasteners at all, made of durable and elastic materials that are easily stretched. Such bras are distinguished by the absence of a rigid frame and bones, and are suitable for owners of small breasts.

A huge selection of high-quality and inexpensive nursing bras is presented in the KIABI online store. These are stylish bras, made in neutral colors and decorated with lace trim. In the catalog, you can choose both a single copy and a set of several bustiers. In addition to underwear for pregnancy and feeding, the catalog has many models for every day. It's comfortable

Every expectant mother begins to think in advance about how to make life after the birth of a baby more comfortable. Buying a nursing bra is a great solution that will help you to be less dependent on the circumstances in such a delicate matter. In stores today you can find a huge number of models. In our review, we will look at whether a nursing bra is needed, which one is better and how to choose the right one.

Basic principles when choosing a bra

If you want to stay in great shape after giving birth, you should definitely consider buying a nursing bra, whose task is to support the breasts during lactation. Stretching and inflammation of the mammary gland will not bother a young mother if you choose the right underwear. Consider the main points to consider when buying a nursing bra (photo attached).


The main quality parameter of a bra is the fabric from which it is made. Be sure to choose underwear made from natural materials, such as cotton. To prevent deformation, the composition should also contain polyamide or microfiber.

Most importantly, the straps should be comfortable, wide, tight and provide reliable support for breasts heavy with milk. Poor fixation of the breast is the most common cause of stretch marks. With the help of detachable valves on the cups, even in a crowded place, you can safely feed your child. The design of the cups should be comfortable, and you should not experience any discomfort. It is important that the bra only lifts the chest, but does not squeeze it.

Also, pay attention to the following facts:

  • No seams on the inside of the cup, which should be soft, no synthetic padding.
  • Slightly larger cup size than actual breast size. The bra should not compress the breast, there should be room in the cup for lactation liners that absorb milk.
  • The absence of hard bones is desirable so as not to disturb the blood flow. For a mother with small breasts, there will be no problem wearing such a model, but if you have a large bust, then choose underwear with soft, flexible bones.

But the main rule: buy a nursing bra only if you are comfortable in it and nothing hinders your movements.


The convenience of the entire design of the bra is provided by its straps. Check that they do not stretch, do not cut into the shoulders, are wide and elastic. In addition, it should be possible to quickly and conveniently adjust them.


Particular attention should be paid to the cups. They should be easy to open with one hand and expose the chest, they should not have seams. The cups can open in front or from above, either expose only the nipple, or any large part of the breast. The latter of them are more convenient, because they provide tactile contact between the child and the mother. There are also models of bras in which the cup opens from the bottom with a zipper, exposing the entire chest. This underwear is suitable for all women. In this case, it’s not scary if the baby stains the breast with milk - the cup will remain dry. The zipper on the clasp is safe and cannot even accidentally pinch the skin of the chest - it is hidden in a special pocket.

Nursing bra: sizes

When choosing a bra size, there are several features: first of all, it is worth remembering that after childbirth, the girth under the breast will change to a smaller side, and the breast itself will become larger from milk. It is believed that a nursing bra should be one size smaller under the bust and two sizes larger in the cup.

Nursing Bra Size Chart

According to the European system, the size of a bra is indicated as a number and a letter: 70A, 85D, 90B and so on. The number is the rounded circumference under the bust in centimeters, and the letter is the conditional size of the cup.

To measure the girth under the bust, you need to do the following: lower your hands and tightly wrap the measuring tape under the bust. If you are measuring alone, then you need to hold the tape with one hand, stretching the other along the body.

The size of the cup is calculated a little more complicated: for this you need to measure the circumference of the chest at the most protruding nipple point. Now from the first value (girth under the chest) you need to subtract the second (girth of the chest). As a result, we get the difference and correlate it with the letter:

difference 10-11 cm - cup A;

  • 14-15 cm - cup B;
  • 16-17 cm - cup C;
  • 18-19 cm - cup D;
  • 20-21 cm - cup E.

Now you need to round the first number to the nearest value and add a letter.

  • 68-72 cm - rounded up to a value of 70;
  • 73-77 cm to a value of 75;
  • 78-82 cm to a value of 80;
  • 83-87 cm to a value of 85;
  • 88-92 cm to a value of 90;
  • 92-97 cm to a value of 95.

Thus, we get the desired bra size.

What time to buy a bra

The question arises, when is it better to start buying a bra: before childbirth or after? The best time for this is just before the birth, at 37-38 weeks of gestation. During this period, the breasts most closely match the size of the breasts that you will have during feeding. Do not forget to add to this, as mentioned earlier, one more size.

Where to find a breastfeeding bra and how much it costs

Recently, many stores have opened where you can buy a nursing bra. Their cost ranges from 500 to 4000 rubles. The higher the price, the better, more comfortable and functional the linen will be. You can also buy a nursing bra in the online store. Be sure to read customer reviews carefully.

Overview of the most famous manufacturers, reviews

Today, there are many models of nursing bras from Russian and foreign manufacturers on the market. But with all the variety, there are few differences between the models, mainly it lies in the way the cup is opened. What you should pay attention to is the quality of the material and the reliability of the seams.

  • Firm "FEST" produces underwear from natural materials, which promotes air circulation. According to the reviews of nursing mothers, the cups are elastic, provide good support, the bra does not press on the chest. Clips on the cup allow you to unfasten it with one hand. There are no bones in the bra. Linen is quite affordable for everyone, its price is from 800 to 1700 rubles.
  • The Belarusian “Milavitsa” also has a nursing bra in its collection. Reviews underwear for expectant mothers receive only the most positive. The quality of linen is very high. When sewing, a cotton canvas is used, which does not lose its shape. You can choose lingerie with a feminine design. Cups come unfastened from above and are made of soft materials. Bones are also missing. Some of the most budget models cost 600 rubles, more expensive - 1300 rubles.
  • Anita offers bras with wide straps that are easy to adjust. They securely support the chest. There are three levels of hooks on the clasp at the back. Soft underwires help support the breasts. There is also an indicator with which you can indicate which breast the mother last fed the baby. There is a convenient clip for opening the cup. Product reviews are only good. Anita bras are very good in quality, which corresponds to their price - models cost from 3000 to 4000 rubles.
  • "Mom's House" produces bras with cups on the frame, which are conveniently removed and opened up with a fastener. All seams are high quality and pleasant to the touch. This underwear is made of microfiber, but it is not inferior to natural fabrics in its qualities, and in some ways even surpasses them - it is more elastic and durable. The products of the company "Mom's House" are certified and are absolutely safe for mom and baby. The price of the product is from 1000 rubles.
  • The English brand Emma Jane offers not only ordinary nursing underwear, but also an interesting model of a top bra that can be worn day and night. It is a light and pleasant product, without any adjustment mechanisms. Does not interfere with sleep, supports the chest. Natural cotton fabric. The cup without seams, from elastic material, does not cause irritation and is easily removed. The average price of a night bra is 2200 rubles.
  • The Novosibirsk company Bliss produces underwear made of cotton, with a cup that opens up. With it, it is easy to feed the baby without undressing. According to product reviews, it holds the chest well, preventing the back from getting tired. Flexible underwires provide comfortable wear all day long. The price of a bra is from 3000 rubles.

So, we looked at how to choose a nursing bra, made an overview of the best manufacturers. This important part of the wardrobe at the time of breastfeeding is absolutely indispensable. What is important is not so much the aesthetic appearance as the comfort and usefulness of underwear, so its choice should be approached with all responsibility and in advance.