Knit a hat for a woman. Fashionable knitted hats with their own hands with a detailed description. Stylish with a pompom for a girl with knitting needles

With the onset of cold weather, everyone tries to dress warmer: people buy a coat, a sweater, mittens, appropriate shoes, and, of course, a hat. Things should be harmoniously combined in color and style. But choosing the right hat option in the store is not always possible. Then the ability to tie a worthy product can come to the rescue.

How to knit a hat for a woman

On the Internet, you can find patterns for knitting hats with knitting needles. It can be a trendy beanie hat, a braided version, or a regular beret. A knitted product can decorate any image of a woman, so they should be in the wardrobe several.

If you have recently taken up needlework, then you do not need to take for the product complex schemes with arans or braids. Choose a simple model with simple pattern that you can connect. Find a video tutorial for this model and go for it.

Calculation of loops for a product

Since the thickness of the thread in the skein can be different, you need to calculate the required number of loops for the product individually. How thicker yarn, the fewer loops will be in work, and the thinner the thread, the more loops will be in work.

For the spring-autumn version, a mixed thin thread is selected. And for winter version better to take wool or wool. A winter hat can be knitted double, then it will take twice as many threads to work.

Hat and scarf-snood sets are popular in our time. Calculating the required number of threads for him is a little problematic, since the scarf can be knitted to any length.

Having chosen a pattern for the hat, you need to knit sample from the selected threads. It calculates the number of loops in one centimeter. And knowing your head circumference, it will be easy to calculate the required number of loops for the product.

Yarn selection

Many people believe that for knitting you only need to choose natural thread. But if you knit a hat from such threads, then after several washes it will lose its shape and “run away”. Therefore, a yarn is selected, which includes synthetic thread.

According to experts, yarn is considered ideal if it contains 50–70% natural fibers, and the rest are synthetic.

Varieties of hats for women

For this winter, women's hats knitted in smooth knit and large knit will be relevant. Hats with braids and aran, which are very difficult to knit, do not go out of fashion. Recommended:

  • products in oversized style;
  • beanie hat;
  • voluminous hat;
  • hat with braids;
  • cool with ears;
  • a snood hat, which can be replaced by a snood scarf.

simple model

We knit a hat women's knitting with description.

To knit such a product, you need to use a pearl pattern and a 2x2 elastic band. To do this, from the selected threads, you need to knit a sample with a pearl pattern:

  • First row: * 1 persons, 1 out *;
  • Second row: we knit the front loop on the wrong side, and on the wrong side we knit the front loop.

The pattern is pretty simple. According to the linked sample, we calculate the number of loops in a centimeter and calculate how many loops are needed for a hat. To do this, measure the circumference of the head.

We collect loops on the knitting needles and 2x2 4–5 cm. Next, we move on to the “pearl” pattern. At a height of 12-15 cm from the beginning of knitting, you need to decrease the loops so that the crown of the cap looks beautiful. If your headdress is high, then you need to knit more without reductions.

At the desired height, all hinges of the product are closed. The finished fabric is steamed and stitched. The seam is on the back. You can decorate the finished headdress with a fur pompom or make it yourself from threads.

With embossed stripes

The product is knitted with knit and purl stitches.

  • front surface: in the front rows, all loops are knitted front, and in the wrong side - wrong side;
  • purl: all purl loops in the facial rows, and all facial loops in the purl rows;
  • Garter Stitch: All rows are knitted.

The product starts with a plank. It is knitted in garter stitch 2-3 cm. After it comes 6 rows of the front surface, then 2 rows of the wrong side. The sequence of patterns is repeated up to the hat height you have chosen.

If the headgear is not high, then after 17-18 cm you need to make cuts. To do this, after 6 loops, you will need to knit two loops together. Further decreases are made in every fourth row 4 times for 10 loops. Decrease should be evenly distributed throughout the panel.

Upon reaching a height of 24 cm, all remaining loops are pulled together with a working thread, which is fixed from the wrong side. The product is stitched.

Such a model can be knitted on 5 knitting needles, then the product will turn out to be seamless.

This model looks very good on threads, which include mohair.

beanie hat

In another way, it can be called a hat-stocking or a cap. For knitting such a headdress, only garter stitch is used. In the knit and purl rows of this pattern, all stitches are knitted.

Having calculated the required number of loops, we get to work. We collect loops on the knitting needles and knit a 25–27 cm fabric with a garter stitch. Further, while knitting, you need to make decreases, knitting two loops together in every third row.

When there are 3 loops left on the knitting needles, they need to be pulled together with a working thread and fastened from the inside out. Sew the product.

This hat can be knitted on 5 needles, then it does not have to be sewn.

On the Internet, there is another way and a pattern for knitting beanie hats with knitting needles - short rows. The method is quite interesting, maybe even easier than described. You just need to figure it out.

angora product

The thread is so warm and fluffy that it can protect against wind and frost not only in late autumn, but also in severe winter. A women's headdress connected with a simple facial stitch will look great.

The product is knitted on circular knitting needles, so that a beautiful and fluffy fabric does not have to be spoiled with a seam. On them you need to dial loops and knit with front stitch to the desired height.

When, according to the calculations, the depth of the product is normal, you need to start shortening the loops. To make it look beautiful, the reductions are carried out according to the following scheme:

  1. circle: * 10 faces, 2 together front *;
  2. row: all loops are facial;
  3. circle: *9 persons, 2 persons together.*;
  4. row: as 2nd;
  5. circle: *8 persons, 2 together*;
  6. row: as 2nd;
  7. p: * 7 faces, 2 loops of one face *;
  8. p: *6 persons, 2 together*;
  9. p: *5 persons, 2 together;
  10. p: * 4 persons, 2 loops together;
  11. row: *3 persons, 2 vm. persons*;
  12. row: * 2 persons, 2 loops of one front *;
  13. row: *1 persons, 2 together *;
  14. row: *2 together*.

The remaining loops on the knitting needles are collected on a working thread, tightened, and the thread is fixed from the inside of the product.


This option is suitable for those women who do not like hats, but love massive scarves. Thanks to such a scarf-snood, in big frost you can cover your head and not freeze. The product looks so airy that it cannot spoil the hair.

You can knit in a circle, or you can knit a long fabric and sew it into a tube on the side. Depending on how you will knit such a product, you need to calculate the number of loops. For example, if you knit a product on circular knitting needles, then its width should be at least 60 cm.

Ear variant

This funny headdress is worn with pleasure by young women and teenage girls. It is knitted in one piece. The finished canvas is sewn on the side and top, and corners in the form of ears are outlined on the sides. The product can be decorated with different decor - it looks modern.

We collect loops on the knitting needles and knit with a simple garter stitch to the intended height of the cap. We close the loops, sew.

You can choose any pattern for such a product, like the threads themselves, the main thing is that you like it.

Stylish hat with braids

It is better to knit such a product with a lapel so that it fits better to the head. You can decorate with a pompom made from the same threads or from fur.

Knitting options:

  • gum 1x1 or 2x2;
  • braid of 4 loops or of 6 loops.

The required number of loops is typed on the knitting needles for work, and an elastic band of 5–6 cm is knitted. Further, the loops are distributed as follows: 1 edge, * 4 purl, braid, 2 purl, braid *. Repeat rapport from * to *, at the end of 1 edge.

Knit a fabric with braids to the desired height of 15-18 cm, then the loops need to be reduced. To do this, in the first row you need to tie 2 purl, which are together between the braids. Through 2 rows together you need to knit 2 loops of 4 purl. All purl loops between the braids are reduced at once, and then the loops of one of the two adjacent braids.

When one of the two braids remains on the knitting needles, the loops can be pulled together with a working thread and secured. Sew the resulting fabric. Knitted product is ready.

There are many options for patterns and descriptions of hats with braids. Choose the easiest one for yourself and knit a new thing for yourself.

Women's hat with a visor

For women who like to wear caps with a visor, you can knit a winter hat with a visor. The product looks original. Experts recommend using threads that include mohair for work.

A detailed description and even a master class can be found on the Internet.

To please yourself with a new thing, you just need to buy good and beautiful threads, knitting needles and arm yourself with patience. Having basic knitting skills, you can knit an exclusive hat model in just one evening.

Attention, only TODAY!

Increasingly, hats knitted with a minimum number of patterns began to appear on the net. They can be knitted with front or garter stitch, simple or English elastic, with simple plaits, small patterns on the canvas or without them at all. It is for lovers of such hats that we have collected several stylish and fashion models.

Two-tone knitted hat with fur pompom

Hat with a triangular pattern on the front

The scheme consists of 36 loops, this is 1 rapport. Those. to knit a hat, you need to repeat the rapport 2 times. Description and scheme of the header from olga_ipaeva_knit. You can vary the width of the cap yourself by increasing or decreasing the number of loops between the crossed loops. The hat in the photo is knitted from Gazzal Rock-n-Roll in 2 threads, on needles 3 and 4.5. Close the crown as in a regular 4-blade cap.

Knitted hat with simple harnesses

This beautiful beanie made of 100% Italian merino wool is sure to keep you warm in cold weather. autumn days. It can also be supplemented with a knitted or fur pompom.

- Yarn "Mambo" Seam 100 grams,
- Circular knitting needles 40 cm No. 4 and No. 5,
- Hosiery knitting needles No. 5.

Cast on 80 sts on circular needle #4. Close the circle and knit with an elastic band 1x1 14 rows.
On the last row, inc 11 stitches evenly.
Switch to needles No. 5 and then knit according to the pattern:
Row 1: * Knit 8, purl 2, remove 1 st without knitting, purl 2. * - repeat to the end of the row.
Row 2: * Knit 8, purl 2, knit 1, purl 2 * - repeat to the end of the row.
Row 3: * Knit 8, purl 2, remove 1 st without knitting, purl 2. * - repeat to the end of the row.
Row 4: * Remove 4 sts on an auxiliary knitting needle before work, then knit 4 sts, return the removed loops to the knitting needle and knit them with facial ones, 2 purl, 1 persons. p., 2 out.p. * - repeat to the end of the row.
Row 5: * Knit 8, purl 2, remove 1 st without knitting, purl 2. * - repeat to the end of the row.
Row 6: * Knit 8, purl 2, knit 1, purl 2 * - repeat to the end of the row.
Row 7: * Knit 8, purl 2, remove 1 st without knitting, purl 2. * - repeat to the end of the row.
Row 8: * Knit 8, purl 2, remove 1 st without knitting, purl 2. * - repeat to the end of the row.
Row 9: * Remove 4 sts on an auxiliary knitting needle before work, then knit 4 sts, return the removed loops to the knitting needle and knit them with facial ones, 2 purl, 1 persons. p., 2 out.p. * - repeat to the end of the row.
Then repeat rows 5 to 9 four times.
Switch to stocking needles and start shaping the crown. To do this, knit together every 4th and 5th loop. Through 2 rows every 3rd and 4th. When there are only a few loops left on the needles, pull them together with a thread.

Hat knitted with a relief pattern of plaits

Cap with simple braids 1

Yarn ODETTE 50g / 90m,
Composition: 30% viscose, 10% angora, 15% merino wool, 45% acrylic, 80 grams.
Needles: 3.25 (for rib) and 4.5 (for main fabric)

The hat was knitted in turn. For an eight-year-old child, I cast on 106 loops on knitting needles No. 3.25 (of which 2 were edging), knitted 14 rows with an elastic band 1x1, in the last row I made 1 increase = a total of 107 loops. Then I switched to knitting needles 4.5. The author of the cap is Liydmilka from SM

Pattern scheme:

Scheme for rotary knitting of a hat, for a circular one you just need to remove the hem - the 1st and 23rd loops

Cap with simple braids 2

The hat begins with knitting an elastic band 2x2 with thin knitting needles. The elastic band is knitted to the desired length, then switch to knitting needles 1.5 times thicker and knit according to the pattern.

Pattern scheme, as an option:

The scheme shows the front and back rows. The width of the motif is 17 loops! In height, repeat from the 1st to the 8th row!

Symbols for the scheme:

EMPTY CELL - purl loop (purl in the front rows, front - in the purl)

front (facial in the front rows, purl - in the purl)

Cross 6 loops to the left (leave 3 loops on the auxiliary needle before work

Cross 6 loops to the right (leave 3 loops on the auxiliary needle working , knit the next 3 loops with facial, then 3 loops with auxiliary. knitting needles)

Remove the loop without knitting, the working thread is FOR work!

On the example of a hat simple braid 4 loops are knitted, then 2 out., in the middle 2 front loops, between the braids a garter stitch of 2 loops. In general, everything can be seen in the photo of the cap without explanation.

Meet the Dawn by DROPS Design hat and mittens set

Sizes: S / M - M / L
Head size: approx. 54/56 - 56/58 cm
Mittens (Length): Approx. 28-30 cm.

For the whole set you will need yarn: DROPS SKY (alpaca, polyamide, wool; 50g = 190mt) 200-200 grams each, color 13 (light jeans blue).

Knitting needles 3 mm circular (40 or 60 cm), stocking.
Needle for braids.

23 stitches in width and 48 rows in height in garter stitch - 10x10 cm.

Garter stitch rows:
1 scar = 2 rows of faces. loops.

Decrease 1 - for the cap:
All decreases are knitted from the front side!
After the marker: 2 front loops along with a broach.
Before marker: knit 2 together.

Additions - for mittens:
Increase by making a crochet, in the next row, knit a crochet with a crossed loop.

Knitting in straight and reverse rows.
= 114-120 pt (including edging). Knit 3 scarves in garter stitch.
Next row from RS: 39-42 sts in garter st, A.1a (= 36 sts) and 39-42 sts in garter st.
When pattern A.1a is worked 1x vertically it will be 119-125 stitches.
Continue in A.1b (= 41 stitches) over A.1a.
In this sequence, continue up to 21 cm (end with a whole rapport).
Insert 6 markers in garter st: work 3-6 sts in garter st, PM (insert marker), * 12 sts in plat st, PM *, repeat from *-*2x total, work 12 sts in plat st, work A.1b, as before, work 12 sts in pay st, * BM, 12 sts in pay st *, repeat from *-* 2 times in total, PM, work 3-6 sts in pay st (= 6 markers in total).
Then dec 1 st after first 3 markers and 1 st before next 3 markers - SEE DEC 1.
Dec every 4th row a total of 4-5 times, then work A.1c over A.1b and continue dec near marker every 2nd round 6 more times = 25 sts.
Knit a row, knitting all loops together for 2 = 13 stitches.
Cut yarn, pull end through remaining sts, pull up and fasten off.
Hat height approx. 26-27 cm.
Sew a hat along the hem.

Circular knitting.
Left mitten:
= 44-47 stitches on double needles. Knit 3 ribs in garter stitch.
Continue next round: 1 st in dress st, A.2a (= 24 sts) and 19-22 sts in dress st.
When pattern A.2a is worked 1 time in height it will be 49-52 stitches.
Continue working A.2b over A.2a.
When measures 10 cm, inc 4 sts evenly in garter st = 53-56 sts.
Continue working on the patterns as before.
At a height of 12-13 cm - add 1 loop on each side of the first loop at the beginning of the circle for the wedge of the thumb (see above Inc.).
So increase on each side in every 2nd round only 6-7 times = 65-70 stitches.
Following. in a circle, remove 13-15 loops for the wedge on the auxiliary needle. Continue in the round, picking up 1 new st behind the slipped sts = 53-56 sts.
At a height of approx. 25-27 cm (remains 3 cm to the end), we make reductions:
On the next row, work A.2c over A.2b and dec 3 sts evenly in garter st every 3rd round a total of 6 times = 12-15 sts.
Next round: work all sts together in 2 = 6-8 sts.
Cut the thread, pull the tip through the remaining loops. Pull and fasten.
Height of mittens approx. 28-30 cm.

Slip off 13-15 stitches on stocking needles and pick up another = 16-18 stitches along the edge of the hole. We knit a garter stitch in a circle up to 6-7 cm, in the next. row knit all loops together for 2 - 8-9 stitches.
Cut the thread, pull the end through the remaining loops, tighten and fasten.

Right mitten:
Knit mirror left; work A.3 instead of A.2 and increase sts for finger wedge on each side of the first garter st after A.3.

Knitted cap * Serpentine *

by spider_knit. Knit a hat of any density, and not just from Gazzal Tango, but for this you need to knit a sample, I recommend knitting a sample for 29 loops (27 pattern loops and two edge loops). The sample should include a 1x1 elastic band with classic loops (it is better to perform an Italian set of loops) and two rapports in the height of the main pattern.

The scheme of the pattern in the carousel is given for circular knitting. When turning knitting, you need to knit the pattern as follows:

Knit 1 row after rib.

Turn the knitting and knit: chrome * remove the purl thread before work, 2 purl, again 1 remove the purl. , then knit 5 purl *.

Part 1. Calculations

First, we will measure our sample after the WTO, dry. Separate elastic band: width in cm and number of loops and height in cm and number of loops. We do the same with the main pattern.
I have an elastic band 1x1: 27p-8.5 cm; 15 rows - 4.5 cm, i.e. squared 1x1 cm 3.18 loops and 3.33 rows
I have a head circumference of 55 cm. there will be an elastic band 6 cm in finished form, which means we knit 12 cm.
Calculation: 55 cm (OG) x 3.18 loops (how many loops are 1 cm wide) - 15% for tightness. Love weaker - subtract 10%, love directly on your heads with reinforced concrete - subtract 20% (it’s important for children if girls don’t have pigtails). I got 149 loops. We select a number that is a multiple of 9 and close to 149 - I have 144 loops. We calculate the elastic band in height - 12 cm (height) x3.33 (number of rows in 1 cm) - we get 40 rows and plus a type-setting edge.

Dial with an Italian set the number of loops from your calculation (I have 144 loops). Knit the first two rows with a hollow elastic band, then close the knitting in a circle, set the marker for the beginning of the row

Part 2. The body of the cap / all photos in the application

Important .We start knitting the body of the cap from the second row of the pattern and knit "pigtails" after the 11th row according to the pattern. Having knitted an elastic band to the desired height, we need to make an increase in the cap fabric for a free fit and switch to knitting needles 0.5 sizes larger, in the sample I am the main The pattern was knitted with knitting needles 3.5. Of course, you must calculate your knitting density of the fabric according to the connected sample.

My knitting density of the main pattern was 10 cm 26 loops, i.e. I have 2.6 loops in 1 cm. On an exhaust gas of 55 cm, this turns out to be 2.6x55 \u003d 143 loops, but this is your hat that will directly fit your head. This option is suitable if you knit a hat for a man, a child, or you yourself like to wear such a hat style. If you like to have a little freedom of fitting, then it’s better to add from 5 to 15 percent to the figure obtained (I added 15%, because there will be a lining in my knitted hat and this must be taken into account and I don’t like hats in a slip) . That. I got: 143 + 15% = 164 loops, I rounded up to a multiple of 9 (pattern repeat) and got 162 loops. Let me remind you that I have 144 loops on the knitting needles in the elastic band, to get 162 loops, I need to increase 18 loops.

162 loops are 18 rapports.

That. I need to make an increase in each rapport.

Rapport with an increase: remove the loop behind the front wall, knit two loops from the front loop, remove the loop behind the front wall, 5 front loops.

If you have difficulty with such an increase in loops, then you can increase through an equal number of loops, but in this case you knit the first row of the pattern and increase in it, knitting two loops from one face.
Knit the body of the hat to the desired height.

Part 3: Calculating the Height of the Hat Body

The height of the body of the cap is calculated as follows: the desired height of the cap minus the height of 14 rows (measured according to the sample).

Decreases are carried out according to the scheme in odd rows (in which we knit ALL loops and overlap the braids). Decreases are made in EVERY rapport. The place of decrease in rapport is indicated in the diagram (ONLY ODD ROWS WITH DECREASES are shown in the diagram, even rows are knitted according to the pattern), the diagram is in the appendix. In the diagram, three checkmarks are our braids. Third - the first braid of the next rapport

The decrease is ALWAYS performed before the braid overlaps as follows: Front loop, leave one loop in front of the braid untied, transfer it to the right knitting needle, remove the loop of the braid to an additional loop BEFORE work, next loop transfer the loop of the braid to the right knitting needle, without knitting, put the loop of the braid without knitting on left needle, we transfer two untied loops from the right knitting needle to the left knitting needle, we knit them together with the front one, after that we knit the loop of the braid.

Photo of the process of reductions in the carousel (photo 3,4,5)

Thus, you make decreases 6 times (see the order diagram), only braid loops remain on the knitting needles.

In the 7th row, Knit two stitches together, in the next row close the loops with a needle and tighten well so that a hole does not form.

If it is not possible to tighten the loops well, you can re-thread the needle and sew the crown loops, then tighten.
serpentine hat ready. You just have to complete the OBE and wear it with pleasure.

Beanie simple pattern in 2 hours

Description of a blue and gray cap with a photo.

These hats can be knitted with any yarn of sufficient thickness (100m x 100g is ideal. I love Drops 100% popsicle wool and 100% Perunian alpaca in these hats.

Take knitting needles for such yarn No. 6-7, circular, straight - an individual matter. You can even tie in rotary rows, and then sew. I knit on circular shorts or on circular needles on a long fishing line using the magicloop method. And the sample must be connected! The density of this pattern is 16 loops in 10 cm. by Tatiana @tanya_svazala

Pattern for knitting in a circle:
1st row: * 3 purl loops, 1 knit loop (Do not remove the loop, thread at work) *, repeat from * to * until the end of the row.
2nd row: * 3 purl loops, 1 knit st *, repeat from * to * until the end of the row.

For turning knitting, edge loops are not included in the number of loops!:
1st row: * 3 out. loops, 1 knitted loop (Remove the loop without knitting, thread at work) *, repeat from * to * until the end of the row.
2nd row: * 1 out.p. 3 persons.p.*
Pattern repeat 4 loops x 2 rows

We collect on the knitting needles (I have No. 6) 64 loops. With a different density, the quantity will change accordingly, but it should be a multiple of 4. We knit with a simple elastic band 1x1 about 9 cm.
Then we move on to the main pattern (I do not change the knitting needles, the number of loops also does not change) and knit another 13-14 cm.


Decrease should start in an odd row.: 1 row of decreases: * purl 1, purl 2 together, knit 1 * repeat from * to * to the end of the row
Decrease row 2: * purl 2, knit 1 *, repeat from * to * until the end of the row.
3rd row of decreases: * 2 purl, 1 front descent * repeat from * to * to the end of the row
We knit 4 and 6 rows of decreases as the 2nd row of decreases
We knit 5 rows of decreases as the 3rd row of decreases
Dec 7: *purl 2tog, knit 1 slip* repeat from * to * to end of row.
8 row of decreases: * 1 p., 1 person.. p. * repeat from * to * to the end of the row
9 row of decreases * 1 purl, 1 front drop loop * repeat from * to * to the end of the row.

Hat Mercado by Cheryl Toy

Sizes: S (M, L)

Circumference - 39.5 (44.5, 49.5) cm,
Height - 25 (25.5, 26.5) cm.

Yarn Berroco Quechua (60% wool; 20% baby alpaca, 20% yak wool; 150 m / 50 grams per skein) - 2 skeins.

Required tools:
Circular needles No. 2.75, 40 cm long, set of 5 double pointed needles No. 2.75, extra needle, 8 stitch markers, 1 distinctive stitch marker to mark the beginning of the row.

Knitting density:
32 stitches and 40 rows = 10 cm in stockinette stitch after steaming;
27 loops of the panel with bundles = 6.5 cm wide after steaming.

Used matings
Twisted elastic band (even number of loops):
1st circular row: * 1 purl loop, 1 front loop behind the back wall; repeat from * to the end of the row.
For rapport, repeat the 1st row.
Panel with harnesses:
Knit according to the pattern

The hat is knitted in the round from bottom to top.
The hemstitching inside the harness panel is achieved by yarn overing immediately after the cast on row and then, before finishing, by dropping the center purl of the pattern all the way to the yarn over on the headband.

Beginning of knitting

Cast on 156 (172, 188) sts using German twisted cast on.
Place a marker and connect the loops in a circular row.
Installation circular row: * purl 1, - 6 times, knit 2 loops together with the front, 1 yarn over, knit 2 loops together with the front, - 6 times, place the marker; repeat from * 3 more times - on the needles 152 (168, 184) loops.
Tie 3 cm with a twisted elastic band.

Main part:
Installation circular row: [facial loops to the marker, marker, 1st row of the harness panel to the marker, marker] - 4 times.
Continue in order, working panel with yarn between markers and all remaining sts in stockinette stitch until piece measures 15.5 cm, ending with 8th row of panel.

Top of the hat:
Note: If necessary, switch to double-edged knitting needles.

1st circular row of decreases: - 4 times - on the needles 144 (160, 176) loops.

Knit 1 row straight.

2nd circular row of decreases: [facial loops to the marker, marker; Purl 2, purl 2 together, panel with harnesses, purl 2 together behind the back walls, purl 2, marker] - 4 times - on the needles 136 (152, 168) loops.

Knit 1 row straight.

On the needles 128 (144, 160) loops.

3rd circular row of decreases: [facial loops to the marker, marker; 1 purl, purl 2 loops together, panel with harnesses, knit 2 loops together purl behind the back walls, 1 purl, marker] - 4 times - on the needles 120 (136, 152) loops.

Repeat the 1st circular row of decreases. Knit 1 row straight.

On the needles 112 (128, 144) loops.

4th circular row of decreases: [facial loops to the marker, marker; Knit 2 loops together purl, panel with bundles, knit 2 loops together purl behind the back walls, marker] - 4 times - on the needles 104 (120, 136) loops.

Only for sizes M (L):

[Repeat 1st round of decreases. Knit 1 row straight] - 2 (4) times - 104 loops on the needles.

For all sizes:

5th circular row of decreases: - 4 times - 96 loops on the needles.

Work 1 row straight, knit 1 behind the back wall over the decreases in the previous row.

6th circular row of decreases: - 4 times - 88 loops on the needles.

Work 1 row straight, knit (k1, purl 1, k1) in the first section of each rep and k1 in the back over the dec on the previous row.

Repeat the last 2 rows two more times, then repeat the 6th row of decreases - 64 loops on the needles.

A circular row of dropped loops: * 1 front loop, 1 purl loop, 1 front loop, marker; - 3 times, 1 yarn over, drop the next loop and dissolve it down to the rim, - 3 times, marker; repeat from * 3 more times.

[Knit 6th row of decreases, knit 1 row straight] - 3 times - 40 loops on the needles.

7th circular row of decreases: - 4 times, removing markers - 32 loops on the needles.

Last circular row: * 1 front loop behind the back wall, 1 wrong loop, - 2 times; repeat from * throughout the row.

Cut the thread, collect the remaining loops with the end of the thread, pull tight and fasten the thread.

Thread the ends of the threads. Steam the hat.

Feminine flared jackets, elegant men's coats, children's raincoats and cardigans came into fashion. Cute hats to complete the look. with patterns, pompoms or "ears".

Clothing stores offer many models of hats - men's, women's, children's. However, it is worth spending time and money to find an accessory that matches the overall look. Needlewomen can save money and at the same time knit suitable for the whole family stylish hats. The main thing is to understand all the intricacies of the scheme and understand general principle work. How to knit a hat with knitting needles. You will find knitting patterns for women's, men's, children's hats with a description in this article.

Before knitting, it is necessary to choose the right yarn and knitting needles. Yarn depends on the season and model. Winter hats are knitted from yarn with a high content of wool, spring - with acrylic. Bulk yarn is suitable for models with large patterns and coarse knitting. A thinner yarn is well suited for tight knitting with small patterns.

Hats are usually knitted on circular needles - so the product will turn out smooth, no seams. Elastic band for density is knitted on thin knitting needles. Turning to knitting the base, you need to change the knitting needles to thicker ones and add loops.

In addition, you will need markers to mark the beginning of the row and the loops needed when working, as well as a needle, a hook and an additional curved knitting needle for patterns in the form of a braid.

Before you choose and start knitting suitable model, it is necessary to clarify a few general rules, which will be needed when knitting any hat.

How to add loops on a hat with knitting needles

Usually the increase is done in the next row after the elastic, so that the product is held more freely (especially when knitting berets). Increases are made in 1-2 rows, depending on the model.

You can add loops in the middle of the row different ways. The most convenient methods of increasing are from the previous row and with the help of a crochet.

From the previous row, you can make a loop from a broach, that is, a thread between two loops, or from a loop of the previous row. The broach is thrown onto the left knitting needle and knitted with the front - an additional loop is obtained.

How to knit a hat with knitting needles. Knitting patterns for women's, men's, children's hats with a description are not difficult to find. The main thing is to understand all the intricacies of the circuit and understand the general principle of operation.

If you pick up, pull out and knit the loop of the previous row with the left knitting needle, you will also get a new loop. This will turn out the most imperceptibly - in the general knitting it will be difficult to find places for an increase.

With the help of a yarn over, a loop is made on the front side: pick up the thread with the right knitting needle and continue knitting. In the next row, knit the added loop behind the back wall of the wrong side. Otherwise, the addition will stand out with a small hole between the threads.

Knitted knitted hat (garter stitch)

Beginners knit simple hats in stockinette stitch or garter stitch. This is the most simple ways work.

The front surface involves alternating rows with front and back loops. The canvas on one side will have a smooth vertical pattern ( front side), on the reverse - a pattern in the form of transverse waves (wrong side).

Garter stitch is performed exclusively with facial loops, regardless of the side. The result is a simple relief pattern.

Note! The front surface tends to curl around the edges. To prevent this from happening, first knit an elastic band. Also, the edges can be “fixed” by crocheting them.

How to finish a hat with knitting needles

After the hat is knitted to the desired length, you need to start narrowing the crown. To do this, reduce a few loops in the following rows.
Decrease - knitting two loops together. As a rule, when knitting a hat, rows with decreases alternate with rows knitted according to the pattern. This reduces the number of loops through which reductions are made.

For example, first every 10 loops, then after 9, then after 8 and 7 loops. When no more than 20 loops remain, pull the thread through them and pull off. This completes the knitting of the hat.

Knitting patterns for hats: diagrams and description

There are a lot of knitting patterns. A variety of braids, braids, rhombuses, “knobs”, “leaves” look good on hats. Also, the main fabric of the hat can be knitted not only with satin stitch, but also with a certain pattern, for example, “rice” or “honeycombs”.

"Rice" - a simple pattern that makes the product airy and embossed. “Rice” knits not only hats, but also snoods. The pattern is well suited for both bulky yarn and fine yarn.

The principle of knitting is very simple: the front loop alternates with the wrong one. In the next row, knitting changes: the front is knitted on the wrong side, the wrong side is knitted on the front.

"Honeycombs" are knitted with a thread thrown over. To do this, you need to dial an even number of loops. Knit in the 1st row of the front loop, then throw a thread on the right knitting needle and remove the loop from the opposite knitting needle, repeat the rapport to the edge.

The second row is created as follows: purl, throw the yarn over on the right knitting needle, knit 2 loops, transfer, knit 2, etc. 3 row: throw on the thread, remove the loop, knit the front together with the yarn, repeat the rapport to the end. 4 row: 2 facial, transfer the yarn over, repeat again to the edge. 5 row: knit the thrown thread and the loop, remove the loop with the crochet, repeat. 6 knit as 2. From the 7th row, the repetition of rapport begins - 3-6 rows.

"Scythe" - the most common pattern for hats and the simplest especially for beginners. For him, you need to prepare an additional short knitting needle.

As an example, cast on 14 loops in the usual way and knit rapport:

  • remove the edge;
  • purl 2 loops;
  • knit 8 facial;
  • the remaining loops knit purl;
  • repeat 1-4 points 3-4 times (the length of the braid depends on the quantity);
  • repeat point 1-2;
  • throw 4 loops on a short knitting needle and leave before knitting;
  • knit 4 facial loops of the row;
  • return the loops from the knitting needle to the left and knit them with facial ones (if convenient, you can knit immediately with an additional one);
  • finish the row by tying the purl loops;
  • repeat the rapport (points 1-9).

Note! The number of loops must be even so that you can evenly divide the loops into two parts.

Braids can be knitted different lengths and width, as well as tightly to each other or through the purl loops, depending on the model and yarn. Thicker and thinner braids are knitted through 3-6 rows on 4-8 loops. Wide braids are best knitted through 10-15 rows on 10-14 loops.

There are many other basic knit patterns. When choosing a pattern, you need to pay attention to its density.: how denser pattern, the better it will keep warm, which is important for winter hats. Summer and spring hats allow mesh or openwork patterns(“ladder”, “shells”, “peacock tail”, “leaves”, etc.).

How to knit a winter hat for women (with a description)

Winter hats are denser, softer and more voluminous than spring ones. For their knitting, yarn is required, which includes at least 50% wool (alpaca, merino, camel, sheep). To add volume to knitting, you can fold thin threads 2-4 times.

Knitted mohair takori hat (knitting pattern)

A takori-style hat can be considered universal model, as it can be worn in different variations: as a stocking cap, with one or more lapels. Takori is a very soft and voluminous hat. This model is knitted quite simply with an English elastic band and will appeal to novice craftswomen.

To create a takori hat, you will need Angora yarn (100 g / 500 m), 4.5 mm circular knitting needles (can be knitted on two knitting needles), markers, and a large knitting needle.

The thread is folded in two(the beginning and end of the ball are connected) and 70 loops are cast on (head circumference 56-58 cm).

Knit rapport: throw a thread, remove the loop, facial, repeat. All even rows - yarn over and knit a loop behind it, throw on a thread, remove a loop, etc.

Alternating rows, knit to the desired length (about 32 cm), and then change to 1x1 elastic band: knit a loop with a crochet from the wrong side, 1 front and then in a circle. Subsequent rows (approximately 3 cm) are knitted according to the pattern.

Work through a decrease row, knitting together every 2 loops.

Cut the thread about 10 cm from the knitting needle and thread it through the needle. Pull off the loops and fasten the thread.

Hat with knitting lapel

Classic hat with lapel knitted with 1x1 or 2x2 ribbing (facial and purl). After 5-7 cm are knitted with an elastic band, it is necessary to change the knitting in a checkerboard pattern: knit the front loops with the wrong ones, and the wrong ones with the front ones. In this way, a line of inflection of the lapel will be outlined, along which it will be possible to bend the edge. Continue knitting with an elastic band for another 5-7 cm.

Important to remember! The elastic band made of soft yarn stretches well, so it is important to make it the size of the head or a little narrower.

When the elastic is completed, you can move on to the main part of the hat and knit it with the desired pattern.

Double hat with knitting needles

This is a warm hat with two layers. There are quite a few options. The easiest way is to knit in satin stitch on stocking and circular needles, starting from the crown. In fact, you should get a stocking closed on both sides.

Fold the thread into a ring and, inserting the knitting needles through it, cast on 12 loops, 3 loops on each knitting needle. You can dial in the usual way, but then you get a small hole in the middle. Knit a row of facial.

12 times add 8 loops in a row: 1 row - facial, increase, facial, increase, facial (so on each knitting needle). Subsequent even rows are facial. 3 row - front, increase, 3 front, increase, front, etc. (add on each knitting needle after the first and before the last loop). The result should be 4 wedges.

How 24 rows will be knitted, change the knitting needles to circular ones and start knitting with a satin stitch 122 rows, marking the wedges and the edge of the row with markers.

Decrease (marker guide) 12 times: 1 row - knit, remove, knit, throw the previously removed loop over it, knit to 3 extreme loops (to the marker), 2 together, knit, etc. There are 24 rows in total.

Tighten the last 12 loops with a working thread.

Knitted hat made of thick yarn

From thick yarn knit pretty quickly simple beanies with a simple pattern. Skeins weighing 100 g and no more than 140 m long are considered thick yarn. Accordingly, large knitting needles from 8-10 mm will be needed, depending on the thickness of the thread.

Usually, 30-40 loops of thick yarn are cast on the knitting needles and knitted in a circle with a garter stitch, elastic band or satin stitch. Additions do not need to be made, reductions are made classic.

Knit a hat for spring with knitting needles for a woman - new models

In the spring, you can dream up and knit not only warm, but also beautiful models caps.

Hat turban knitting

A simple turban is knitted with 1x1 English Rib in a single piece of fabric about 12x90 cm (should be a narrow scarf). Having connected the scarf to the desired length, close the loops in the usual way. Then the finished canvas is collected in a turban and sewn together.

Try on a scarf on your head, wrapping it in the form of a turban. The middle of the scarf is the back of the head, the two ends cross each other on the forehead and bend back. To understand exactly which segments need to be sewn, it is recommended to mark them with pins.

The edges are sewn through the side loops at the back and from the sides on the wrong side.

Important to remember! To correctly calculate the size of the cap, you need to knit a sample of 10 loops for 10 rows, wash, dry and measure.

Women's hat takes knitting needles with a description and diagrams

Knitting a beret from a hat is distinguished by mandatory increases in 1-2 rows after the elastic. This will help expand the knitting to the desired diameter.

The elastic band of the beret should fit snugly on the head. As a rule, it is knitted 1x1 or 2x2 and has a length of 2-7 cm. After 5-6 rows from the elastic, uniform reductions are made.

Hat with English ribbing (2x2) knitting needles

It's pretty simple model, similar in execution to a takori hat.

You will need a relatively thin thread with an acrylic content, for example, Alize Lanagold yarn (100 g / 240 m), as well as 3.5 mm circular needles and a needle.

How to knit:

  1. Cast on a multiple of 4 stitches.
  2. Knit according to the principle of classic English gum, but knit 2 loops each: knit 2, double crochet 2, next row according to pattern, etc.
  3. Having knitted to the desired length, go to the elastic band 1x1: knit front, 2 together with a crochet front, wrong side and further in a circle.
  4. Knit the next rows according to the pattern(5-6 cm).
  5. Make decreases as when knitting a takori hat.
  6. Pass the cut thread through the needle and pull through all loops.

Hat with braids knitting needles (scheme)

There are many options for this model. In a simple, classic hat, braids of 4-6 loops are separated by 2-4 purl loops.

Cast on a multiple of 2 stitches on the needles and start knitting in a circle 2 knit, 2 purl (rib 2x2). After 5-7 cm of knitting, change the knitting needles to thicker ones, go to the smooth surface and add loops every 3 loops.

To knit rapport for a braid: knit 6 front loops, 3 - purl, 6 front, etc. After knitting 4 rows, knit a braid on the front loops, and then repeat the rapport from the beginning.

After knitting to the desired length, make decreases: knit every two loops together, then knit 2 rows according to the pattern, then decrease again, knit a row according to the pattern, 2 rows - decrease. Pull the last loops together.

If you alternate through an equal number of rows of a braid with a knitting needle behind and before knitting, you get a "braid". For example, one row - 120 loops, one braid consists of 12 loops, respectively, around the cap you get 10 wide braids.

10 rows are knitted with satin stitch, then a row with braids is made: remove 6 loops on the third knitting needle and remove for work, knit 6 loops of the row, and then loops from a short knitting needle. So the whole row is knitted. After the next 10 rows in stockinette stitch, the order changes: 6 loops on the auxiliary knitting needle remain before work and so on.

It's important to know! The braids slightly compress the diameter of the cap, so it is necessary to add a large number of loops in 1-2 rows (there may be 15-40 increments in total) so that the braid does not interfere with putting on and taking off the product. After knitting a series of “oblique”, it is necessary to measure the future hat: the pattern should not compress the head.

Knitting pattern for a Kubanka hat with knitting needles for women (with a description)

A Kubanka hat is a rather original model, distinguished by a rectangular shape.. The complexity of this model lies in the fact that when moving from the crown to the bottom of the cap, it is necessary to tie the roller.

For size 57, cast on 4 mm knitting needles 130 loops. Knit with an elastic band 1x1 for about 4-5 rows, and then, without adding loops, proceed to knitting the main part of the cap to the crown (you can make a suitable pattern).

Make a roller by knitting 8 rows for this with a 1x1 elastic band. It is necessary to connect the 1st and 8th row: pick up the loops from the first row of elastic and purl each loop of the 8th row.

Divide the number of loops into 7 parts, set markers - guidelines for decreases. Continue in stockinette stitch, dec 7 sts on each RS row (in purl without dec). The result should be 7 wedges. Pull the last loops with a thread.

How to knit a fashionable hat for a girl with knitting needles

As a rule, all hats are knitted according to the same principle. However each model has its own characteristics, which can cause difficulties when knitting.

Knitted hat with ears

A cute simple hat with ears, knit in garter st in the round or like takori: English or classic rubber band, but does not close with reductions. Having connected the cap above the top of the head, it is necessary to close the loops in the usual way. The result is a pipe open on both sides.

Ears are made from the upper edge of the "pipe". To do this, you need to sew the top of the cap, starting from the center, from the wrong side (connect the wrong loops together). To make the ears stand out more clearly, you can sew the corners diagonally, separating the ears from the main part of the cap.

Beanie hat (stocking) with knitting needles: knitting pattern

This is a simple knitting pattern that even beginner needlewomen can handle. Usually "stocking" is knitted in garter stitch without patterns. This model differs from all the others in a rounded top and a rather large length (the top of the cap should fall off the head).

To knit this model, you will need thick yarn, for example, “Nako Jersey” (100 g / 74 m) or Trinity yarn “Melody” (100 g / 100 m), knitting needles 6-7 mm, needle.

A stocking hat is knitted in vertical and short rows.. To do this, you need to dial 45 loops on one knitting needle (along the length of the cap) and knit 40 loops with facial ones. The remaining 5 loops are not knitted and remain on the right needle.

Turn the work and knit in the opposite direction in garter stitch. In the 3rd row, knit 41 loops, leaving 4. In the 5th row, 42 loops are knitted, in 7 - 43 loops, in 9 - 44, in 11 - 45. From the 13th to the 22nd row, the front loops are knitted. Row 23 is knitted as 1 and so on (rows 1 to 22 are repeated). The result should be a wedge.

Note! The upper part of the beanie should be slightly narrower than the lower part due to the wedges.

Repeat knitting until the desired width is reached (5-7 wedges). After the last row, the working thread should be at the top (if this is not the case, knit another row). Close the loops with the wrong ones, cut the thread, leaving 15 cm. Pull the thread through the needle and sew the hat along (bottom-up). At the top, thread the needle into the purl loops in a circle and pull off.

Knitted pumpkin hat

The model has a pointed top. You can wear this hat with or without a lapel.

How to knit:

  1. Cast on stitches to size.
  2. Knit with a pattern like an elastic band from 2 facial and 3 purl.
  3. Having knitted to the crown, make decreases in a circle on the wrong loops: 1 wrong side, 2 together, etc. (it will turn out a regular elastic band 2x2, knit about 7 cm according to this pattern).
  4. Decrease on purl stitches (Row 1).
  5. Knit a row according to the pattern (2 facial, 1 purl).
  6. Pull the thread through the last loops and pull off.

Hat with gradient knitting needles

Hats with a gradient look unusual due to smooth transition from one color to another. The secret of such knitting is that a second color is gradually added to a thread of one color.

In order for the transition to be smooth and not contrasting, it is necessary to prepare a thin thread and fold it 3-10 times, depending on the thickness. Having knitted the lower part of the cap, begin to gradually replace the threads with a different color: first change 1 thread, then 2, 3, and so on, until all the threads “change” color.

You need to mentally calculate when to change color. For example, if the working thread consists of 3 threads, then you need to mentally divide the hat into 4 parts: part is knitted in one color, part - with 1 thread of a different color, part - with 2 threads, part - in a different color.

Knitted pom-pom hat

The pompom beautifully complements the hat and can hide minor flaws on the top of the head. The simplest pompom can be made using cardboard "bagels" or a special circle.

Cut out 2 circles from cardboard with rounded holes in the middle - “bagels”. Cut the threads about 50 cm long and start wrapping them around the cardboard in a circle through the middle. For convenience, when the central hole is tightly wrapped with threads, you can use a needle.

Tightly wrapped threads are cut in a circle (the cut is made along the edge) to the cardboard. Slightly spread the cardboard rings to the sides so that you can conveniently pull and tie a skein of thread in the middle. After that, the rings are removed or cut, and the pompom affects the ball. Protruding threads, irregularities can be trimmed with scissors.

Men's hat with knitting needles (diagram with description)

There are models of hats that are more suitable for men than women, for example, a hat with earflaps or a hat with a helmet.

Hat with earflaps knitting

Hats with earflaps, depending on the thickness of the yarn and lining, can be both winter and demi-season. The main difficulty in the implementation of this model is knitting "ears". It is with them that knitting begins, so that the hat turns out to be smooth, without seams.

Interesting fact! The prototype of the usual hat with earflaps is the army hat of the White Army. Initially, it was exclusively a male headdress.

A simple one-sided hat with "ears" is knitted in garter stitch (can be knitted in stocking stitch). To work, you will need yarn of medium thickness (for example, 100 g / 120 m), circular and regular knitting needles 4-6 mm, a needle.

First cast on 12 sts on the needles and knit 8 rows, adding 1 st at the beginning of each row with the usual set. Knit 14 rows without increments. Cast on 8 sts at the beginning of the row and knit 20 rows. Similarly, tie the second "ear".

Cast on 22 stitches and knit a visor for 4 rows, adding 2 stitches at the beginning (30 stitches should be on the needle). Next, knit 24 rows without increments.

Connect the connected parts with the help of circular knitting needles, knitting the loops of one “ear”, then the loops of the visor and the loops of the second “ear”, close the knitting into a ring. Knit in the round for about 36 rows.

Dec evenly through a row of 7 loops. When 20 loops remain, decrease in each loop (10 loops remain). Pull the thread and pull.

Knitted helmet helmet

This model is knitted quite difficult, as it ties the head from the crown to the shoulders.

Usually, The hat is knitted from top to bottom.. First, loops are cast on 4 stocking needles (8-12 loops) and rows are knitted in a circle with increases at the beginning and at the end of each knitting needle. When the circle is large enough in diameter (over the head), you can switch to circular needles and knit further in a circle without increments to the forehead line.

Transfer the loops along the width of the face to a large pin and leave them, do not knit. Knit back and sides. When the length reaches the neck, pick up additional loops, close the circle and knit the neck. For a bib, cast on additional raglan loops on top, knit the required width.

Tie the front part with an elastic band and close the loops.

Hat sock knitting

Men's sock hat is knitted like a women's beanie hat, that is, you can start from the side and knit in short rows.

There is another option: knit in a circle with a dense elastic band 1x1, and then divide the loops in a row into 3-5 wedges, put markers and start making decreases through the row, focusing on the markers. Pull the remaining loops with a thread.

Hat made of thick yarn with knitting needles (knitting pattern)

From thick yarn for men, you can knit similar to female models. The only thing difference - drawing and pattern. For men, a more strict, geometrically correct pattern is suitable for a coat or jacket.

Majority men's hats coarse knit knitted with elastic bands, garter stitch, satin stitch, vertical braids.

It's important to know! Woolen items must be washed only by hand at a water temperature of no more than 30 degrees, including when rinsing. Wool garments must not be twisted and can only be dried in a horizontal position. This will help to avoid deformation of the product.

Knitted children's hat

Children's hats often resemble bonnets, that is, they cover the entire back of the head and are tied under the chin. it main feature such models. Otherwise, hats for children are knitted according to the same principle as for men and women.

Hat for a newborn with knitting needles

A simple cap-cap for a newborn of any gender is knitted with a satin stitch of acrylic or semi-woolen thin or medium yarn of about 100 g / 150 m.

On two knitting needles, the cap is knitted as follows:

  • dial 42 loops;
  • knit elastic band 2x2 for about 8 rows;
  • go to the surface and knit 22-25 rows;
  • close the loops in the usual way.
  • As a result, fold the resulting rectangle of the canvas in half and sew the upper edges together through the edge loops. Sew a lace or rope of yarn to the bottom edges.

Knitted hats for a boy with knitting needles (with a description)

For boys, you can knit hats with earflaps with ties, helmets or regular stocking hats. The hat can be decorated not only three-dimensional patterns but also jacquard pattern.

Knitted hat for a girl

A simple hat for a girl is knitted in various patterns, both large and small viscous. The finished hat can be decorated with knitted flowers, beads or decorative buttons.

The easiest way to knit a hat with an elastic band and a garter stitch. To do this, you need a fairly thick yarn (100 g / 100 m) and 7 mm knitting needles.

Cast on 72 sts on circular needles and bind off. Knit rib 2x2 for about 15 rows. Next, go to the pattern from the alternation of 2 facial and 2 purl rows. Knit up to 29 rows.

From the 30th row, make decreases: in the 1st row - every 12 loops, in the 3rd row - after 11 loops, in the 5th - after 10 loops, etc. until 18 stitches remain. Pass the thread through the loops and pull off.

Owl hat for spring for a girl with knitting needles: a diagram with a description

A beautiful hat "Owl" with an ornament and "ears" is knitted on circular needles 4 mm with yarn 100 g / 130 m.

Cast on 64 sts and work 4 rows in stockinette stitch. Next, knit 2 rows according to the pattern: 26 wrong side, 12 front, 26 wrong side. Starting from the 7th row from the beginning, start knitting a pattern on 12 central loops (the rest of the loops are purl). Knit even (purl) rows according to the pattern.

In the first row, alternate knit 3 and yarn over in the middle. In the 3rd row, knit 3 loops, then throw on the thread, knit 9 with “rice”, throw on the thread, knit 3. 5 and 7 rows are knitted as 3, but in the middle, knit 11 and 13 loops, respectively, with “rice”. In 9-15 rows, knit 3 facial, 13 "rice", 1 knit.

17 and 19 rows - knit 3, decrease, 7 "rice" (in 19 - 5), decrease, knit 3.

In the 21st row, make a braid on 6 knitting needles, leave an additional one at work. Knit the front and again a braid on 6 loops.

In the 23rd, 25th and 27th rows, 13 loops are knitted with the stockinette stitch, the 29th row is knitted as 21.

31 (33) row - 3 (2) facial, 7 (9) purl, 3 (2) facial. 35 row - 1 facial, 11 purl, 1 facial.

From the 37th row, knit the next 9 rows with the wrong side, and then close the loops and decorate the protruding ears.

Note! For children's clothing, it is necessary to select hypoallergenic yarns specially designed for children. As a rule, such yarn contains acrylic, merino wool or fiber. These materials do not cause irritation, the clothes do not rub and softly adhere to the body.

How to knit a beautiful simple women's hat with knitting needles for beginners: a step by step guide

So, knitting any hat model can be divided into 5 main stages: elastic, increase, base, decrease, closure. Depending on the features of the models, some steps may be missing. For example, if you start knitting a hat with a 1x1 elastic band, and then switch to an English or patent elastic band, then you don’t need to make increments - knitting will turn out lush anyway.

You can also skip the first step, that is, start knitting immediately from the main pattern. If you immediately knit with satin stitch, then the edge will most likely twist into a small roller - you get an original lapel.

The general knitting pattern includes the following steps:

  1. Dial according to the size of the head the number of loops on stocking or circular knitting needles from the calculation according to the preliminary sample.
  2. Knit an elastic band 1x1 or 2x2 5-7 cm (sometimes you need more or less).
  3. Go to knitting needles bigger size(more by 1-2 mm) and increase in the next row after the gum (5-40 increases).
  4. Knit in the round with the main pattern.
  5. At the crown, begin to close knitting, evenly decreasing several loops in a row, alternate rows with decreases with regular rows according to the pattern.
  6. Through the remaining 6-20 loops, pull the thread with a needle, pull off and fasten the thread at the crown.
  7. Wash ready product and dry.
  8. If desired, decorate the hat with a pompom (ready-made or homemade).

How to crochet a hat

A simple crochet hat is knitted from the crown with single crochets with a gradual addition of loops. When the diameter of the head is reached, it is necessary to knit the hat to the end without increments.

Knitting hats with knitting needles: models and patterns for free

In the informative video below you can see how to knit a hat with knitting needles.

Knitting patterns for women's, men's, children's hats with a description are shown in detail in the next video clip. Look.

Models shown are just a few. options caps. Each needlewoman can come up with her own author's model, draw a diagram or combine two models into one. The main thing is to start knitting, and then the Internet, patience and acquired skill will tell you.

💡 . I present to you a selection: knitted hats 2017-2018. It contains the most interesting models today, consider each cap with diagrams. Most actual models women's hats, knitted with description and photo you can find in my article!

Before starting work on the product, it is necessary to knit a sample with a size of about 10x10 cm. With its help, the number of loops and rows per centimeter of knitted fabric is determined, which makes it possible to achieve accuracy in the dimensions of the product. The knitting process begins with a set of the required number of loops on two folded knitting needles - creating the initial row. After dialing, one of the knitting needles (working) is removed, and the loops remain on the knitting needle, which is taken in the left hand. There are two ways to knit: English, when the thread from the ball (working) is held right hand and, when a new loop is formed, it is picked up by the right knitting needle, and the German (continental) - the working thread is in the left hand and pounces on the right knitting needle.

Women's knitted hats with knitting needles with patterns 2017-2018 with a description and photo

Knitting and crocheting hats and berets is a fashionable and interesting hobby, thanks to which you can knit beautiful and warm accessories for yourself and your loved ones. We bring to your attention the most modern models of knitted hats, berets, caps for women, made with knitting needles and crochet. All patterns for knitting hats and berets with knitting needles are presented with detailed descriptions and patterns of patterns.

Head circumference: 54-56 cm.
You will need: 50 g light gray / green gray / silver (col. 102) yarn Lana Grossa ROMA DEGRADE(100% cotton. 105 m / 50 g); 50 g silver gray (col. 14) yarn Lana Grossa ESTIVOLL(85% cotton. 15% polyamide, 150m/50g); a set of stocking knitting needles No. 5.5 and No. 6.5.
Garter stitch:
Would need: 50 g light gray / green gray / silver (col. 102) Lana Grossa ROMA DEGRADE (100% cotton. 105 m / 50 g); 50 g silver gray (col. 14) Lana Grossa ESTIVOLL (85% cotton, 15% polyamide, 150 m/50 g); a set of stocking knitting needles No. 5.5 and No. 6.5.
Elastic: alternately knit 1 person., 1 out.
Garter stitch: in circular rows alternately knit 1 circular p. persons. n., 1 circular river. out. n. Sequence of stripes: * 8 circular p. thread ROMA DEGRADE, 8 circular p. ESTIVOLL, repeat from *. Knitting density: 16.5 p. and 31.5 circular p. = 10 x 10 cm.

Completing of the work:

On stocking needles No. 5.5, cast on 72 sts with ROMA DEGRADE thread. Loops evenly distributed on 4 knitting needles [= 18 sts on each knitting needle] and close in a circle. For the strap, tie 2 cm = 6 circular p. rubber bands. Then transfer the loops to the knitting needles No. 6.5 and carry out boards, knitting in a sequence of stripes.

After 18 cm = 56 circular p. from the end of the strap, knit only with ESTIVOLL thread, while in the 3rd circular p. start making reductions for the top of the cap. To do this, knit as follows. 3rd circular p.: * 2 persons., 2 p. knit together persons., repeat from * 17 times = 54 p. 4th circular p.: knit without reduction 54 out. 5th circular p.: * 1 person., 2 p. knit together persons., repeat from * 17 times = 36 p. 6th circular p.: knit without reduction 36 out. 7th circular p.: Knit 2 sts together. \u003d 18 p. 8th circular p.: Knit without reduction 18 out. 9th circular p.: Knit 2 sts together. = 9 p. Pull the remaining 9 p. together with a working thread. The threads are carefully fastened to the inside. side.

Head circumference: 54-56 cm.
You will need: 50 g yellow/mint/lilac (col. 340) yarn Lana Grossa SILKHAIR PRINT(70% superkid mohair, 30% silk, 400 m/50 g); 50 g light purple (color 4) yarn Lana Grossa GALINA(72% Egyptian cotton, 28% polyamide, 155m/50g); a set of stocking knitting needles No. 6 and No. 7.
Attention! Knit in two threads, namely 1 thread of each type of yarn. Garter stitch: in circular rows knit alternately 1 circular p. persons. n., 1 circular river. out. P.
Dropped stitch pattern. 1st circular row. * 1 yarn over. 1 person., repeat from *. 2nd circular row: knit all the loops out, while lowering the yarn overs of the previous circular row and pulling the loops in length. In height, repeat the 1st and 2nd circular p.
Gauge, drop stitch pattern, 2 strands, size 7 needles: 10.5 p. And 14 circular p. = 10 x 10 cm.

Completing of the work:

On stocking needles No. 6, dial 72 sts in two threads. Loops evenly distribute on 4 knitting needles (= 18 sts on each knitting needle) and close in a circle. For the strap, tie 3 cm = 7 circular p. boards, knitting. Then transfer the loops to the knitting needles No. 7. At the same time, in the 1st circular p. knit as follows: * 1 yarn over, knit 1, 1 yarn over, knit 2 stitches together, repeat from * 23 times. In the 2nd circular river. knit out. p .. at the same time, lower the yarn over of the previous circular row and stretch the loops in length = 48 p.

Continue to work the pattern of dropped loops. After 17 cm = 24 circular p. from the end of the bar, start decreasing for the top of the cap. To do this, knit as follows. 25th circular loop: * 1 yarn over, 2 stitches knit together faces., repeat from * 23 times. 26th circular p: knit for 24 p. out., while lowering the yarn over of the previous circular row and pulling the loops evenly in length. 27th circular p.: * 1 yarn over. 2 p. knit together faces., repeat from ‘11 times. 28th circular o.: Knit for 12 p. Out., while lowering the yarn over of the previous circular row and pulling the loops in length. 29th circular p.: Knit 2 sts together. = 6 p. Pull off the remaining 6 p. with a working thread. All threads carefully fasten to the inside. side.

Head circumference: 54-56 cm You will need: 50 g red-brown/pale pink (col. 7) yarn Lana Grossa GALINA(72% Egyptian cotton, 28% polyamide, 155m/50g); 50 g rosewood (col. 16) yarn Lana Grossa SECONDO(55% cotton, 25% polyamide, 20% silk, 125m/50g); a set of stocking knitting needles No. 5.

Attention! Knit in two threads, 1 thread of each type of yarn.

Garter stitch: knit in circular rows, alternately 1 circular p. out. n., 1 circular river. persons. P.

Pullover stitch pattern with garter stitch: knit according to the scheme. The numbers on the right indicate circular rows. In width, repeat rapport = 5 sts between the arrows. For clarity, 2 rapports are indicated on the diagram. In height 1-18th circular river. tie 1 time, then repeat the 7-18th circular p. Knitting density, a pattern of elongated loops from boards, viscous, in two threads, knitting needles No. 5:16 p. And 21.5 circular p. = 10 x 10 cm.

Completing of the work:

On stocking needles, dial 70 sts in two threads. Distribute the loops evenly on 4 knitting needles (= alternately 1 x 20 sts and 1 x 15 sts on each knitting needle) and close in a circle. Perform a pattern of elongated loops from the boards, viscous = 14 rapports in a circular row.

After 19 cm = 41 circular p. from the beginning of work, start performing reductions for the top. To do this, knit as follows. 42nd circular p.: * 3 persons., 2 p. knit together persons., repeat from * 13 times = 56 p. 43rd circular p.: knit 56 out. without dilutions. 44th circular p.: * 2 persons., 2 p. knit together persons., repeat from * 13 times = 42 p. 45th circular p.: knit 42 out. without dilutions. 46th circular p.: * 1 person., 2 p. knit together persons., repeat from * 13 times = 28 p. 47th circular p.: knit 28 out. without dilutions. 48th circular knit 2 sts together. \u003d 14 p. 49th circular p .: on 14 p. knit out. without reduction.50th circular p.: Knit 2 sts together. = 7 p. Pull off the remaining 7 p. with a working thread. All threads carefully fasten to the inside. side.

Women's knitted hat "Owl" with a pompom

Women's knitted hat "Owl" with a pompom

The size: 55.

Materials: light green yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 200 m / 100 g) 100 g, knitting needles No. 3.5, two small buttons.

Elastic band 2 on 2: in the front rows knit alternately 2 persons. p., 2 out. p., in the purl rows, knit according to the pattern.

Main pattern: knit according to scheme 3. The number of loops is a multiple of 18 plus 10 p. for symmetry and 2 chrome. n. The diagram shows only the front rows, knit the wrong rows according to the pattern. All rows of the hat are indicated in height.

hat "Owl" with pompom sizes

Pompon: wind yarn on special rings with a diameter of 8-10 cm and make a pompom.

Completing of the work: dial 84 sts on the needles and knit with an elastic band 2 by 2. After 8 rows, knit with the main pattern - perform 4 rapports, then knit 10 sts after rapport. After completing all the rows of the scheme, cut off the working thread, leave a piece 35-40 cm long, collect all the loops on a piece of thread, fasten it and sew a hat. Attach a pom-pom from the remaining yarn to the top of the hat. Sew buttons on one element "owl" as eyes.

Hat "Owl" with a pompom scheme No. 3

The size: 56.

Materials: dark green yarn (50% wool, 50% acrylic, 300 m / 100 g) 400 g, knitting needles No. 2.

Facial surface: front rows - persons. p., purl rows - out. P.

Elastic band 1 on 1: in the front rows knit alternately 1 person. p., 1 out. p., in the purl rows, knit according to the pattern.


After knitting 4-6 rows of the front surface, in the purl row at the beginning of the row after the edge (or on any other part of the row), insert the right knitting needle into the bow of the loop, located 4 rows below under the first loop located on the left knitting needle. Hook on the bow and transfer it to the left knitting needle, then knit this hooked loop together with the next loop on the left knitting needle. Knit in this way 10-30 loops of the row, then continue to knit the row with purl loops. After a few rows of the front surface, make a roller on another group of loops. Then perform the rollers in random order on an arbitrary number of loops of the row. On an elastic band 1 on 1, to make a roller in the wrong side after the edge under each wrong loop, insert a knitting needle under the bow of the loop located 4 rows below, hook the bow and transfer it to the left knitting needle, then knit the hooked loop together with the wrong loop, knit the front loops facial. Knit in this way to the end of the row.

Cast on 135 sts on the needles and knit 6 rows with stockinette stitch, then knit 4 rows with rib 1 by 1. Then knit with stockinette stitch with rollers. At a height of 25 cm from the cast-on edge, to form the bottom, in the front row, knit the entire row of 2 sts together, in the back row, knit all the loops with the wrong ones, in the next front row, again knit all the loops of 2 sts together and break the working thread, leaving a piece 35-40 cm long.

Collect the remaining loops on a piece, pull it tight and fasten it, sew a hat with the remaining piece of thread.


Cast on 43 sts on the needles and knit with an elastic band 1 by 1. Roll up every 16 rows. At a height of 130 cm from the typesetting edge, after completing the next roller, close all the loops. Sew the resulting scarf into a ring.

Women's knitted hats do-it-yourself knitting needles

The dynamism and swiftness of our life requires comfortable and functional clothing, and knitted hats are quite consistent with this. Such a headdress can be carried in a bag or briefcase, tucked into a sleeve or pocket, while appearance and its functional properties will not suffer at all. Therefore, knitted hats are very popular among young people and children. And now when handmade becoming more and more popular and fashionable, each craftswoman strives to show her talent and skill. Knitting hats allows you to realize your most bold ideas and knit modern and very high quality things. The value of hand-knitted products lies in the skill of the knitter, a single copy of each hat, as well as in the special energy invested in the work. In this issue we have selected a collection of fashionable and comfortable hats. We hope that by following our instructions, knitting will be pleasant, and you will enjoy the process and the result of the work.

Women's knitted hats 2017-2018 for the winter from thick yarn

Knitting is a painstaking process that requires patience, attention, and counting. After all, it is also important for us that a knitted hat, for example, be of impeccable execution. We don't need short-haired, careless, sloppy ones, it's better not to start.

Bulky hat made of thick yarn

Women's knitted hats 2017-2018 winter fashion trends

Girls and women who follow fashion should remember that it is important not only to look good, but also to be healthy.

AT winter period one of the most important elements of the upper wardrobe are winter hats. This year, hats for the winter, as always, are very relevant, because our winters are, as before, cold.

Modern girls and women will be interested in fashionable winter hats 2017 - 2018, which are presented in abundance both in terms of material of manufacture and in shape and form. color scheme.

Highly fashion hats for the winter in 2017 - 2018 - knitted hats. Warm knitted hats will protect you from wind, snow hard frost. Winter hats, knitted needles, will not only warm your head, but also keep your hair from brittleness.

Knitted hats can be of a wide variety of shapes. These can be knitted hats - berets, knitted hats with a visor, knitted hats with a pompom, as well as knitted hats that resemble a warm scarf.

Such winter hats will not only keep you warm, but will also be a great addition to the created image of a self-confident woman. business woman or a sporty purposeful coquette.

Winter hats made of fur will be no less trendy in 2017-2018.

Fur hats for the winter look very stylish, one might say - even chic.

Fur hats will suit self-confident women who watch their wardrobe and always keep their finger on the pulse of fashion.

Fur hats can be made from faux fur, and from natural. Winter hats made of mink, ermine, arctic fox, sable, silver fox, fox, raccoon in 2017-2018 will be the most relevant.

But if you are an animal rights activist, we will reassure you. Thanks to modern technologies production, winter hats made of faux fur look no less interesting and beautiful than hats made of natural fur. At the same time, the life of an artificial fur hat with proper care is quite large.

A bold and romantic solution for women will be fashionable winter hats - bowlers, which will become a universal headdress for any beauty, both for going to a business meeting, and for a date or a party.

In terms of colors, winter hats can be made in both bright and more muted shades.

When choosing a winter hat for yourself, consider the features of your face, and also match the hat you like with the things you already have.

Sufficiently large knitted hats and fur hats will be at the height of fashion in 2017-2018. They will not only have a role warm element wardrobe, but will also decorate your stylish winter look.

Both knitted hats and fur hats for winter, fashion headwear can be decorated decorative elements, for example, beads, rhinestones, leather inserts, etc.

Winter knitted hats go well with a coat or down jacket, and fur hats are perfect for a short fur coat or coat in a classic style.

Crochet women's knitted hats

Crochet is one of the most popular types of needlework all over the world, despite the fact that it appeared relatively recently, only in the nineteenth century. With the help of crochet with your own hands, you can create amazing things, ranging from small amigurumi toys to outerwear. The crochet technique is perfect for beginner craftswomen, it will be possible to master this type of creativity from the age of four or five.

The size: 57.

Materials: cherry-colored yarn (70% wool, 30% acrylic, 300 m / 100 g) 100 g, for finishing yarn, the same quality, green 10 g, hook No. 2.

Main pattern: knit with single crochets, threading the hook under both slices of the loop of the previous row.

Finishing pattern: knit with half-columns with a crochet, threading a hook under both slices of the loop of the previous row.

Hat bottom: knit according to the principle indicated in diagram 1.

Strapping: knit one row alternately with a fluffy column, one air loop (Fig. 1).

Round element: knit according to scheme 2. The diagram shows all the rows and colors of the element.

Start knitting from the center of the bottom of the hat and knit in circular rows with the main pattern according to scheme 1. When the diameter of the bottom reaches 20 cm, knit in circular rows with the main pattern without additions. At a height of 18 cm, finish knitting the crown of the hat. On the front half of the cap, knit the lapel with half-columns, the size of the lapel is indicated on the pattern. On the back half of the cap, knit “ears” with half-columns, their size is indicated on the pattern. On the outer edges of the lapel and "ears" perform a strapping. Tie two round elements and sew them in the middle of the outer side of both "ears".

Knitted fur hat

The size: 57.

Materials: pale cherry yarn (70% wool, 30% acrylic, 400 m / 100 g) 300 g, knitting needles No. 2.5, hook 2.

Fur pattern: crochet. 1st row knit with single crochet. 2nd row - in the first loop of the row, knit one single crochet, then pull the loop on the hook 1-1.5 cm (Fig. 2). Remove the hook from the long loop, and lower the loop itself down and hold thumb left hand, then again insert the hook under the loop over the long loop behind its front lobule (Fig. 3). Grab the thread with a hook and pull it through the loop, then insert the hook into the next loop, grab the thread and pull it through two loops at the same time (Fig. 4). Alternate 1st and 2nd rows. In order for the elongated loops to be the same size, you can stretch them out with a pencil, felt-tip pen or ruler, depending on the desired length of the loops.

Knitted hats for women: diagrams, descriptions, modern models

Three reasons why you need to learn how to knit hats with knitting needles:

First: today it is difficult to find a knitted hat made of natural yarn in stores. At best, it will be a wool mixture with 50% acrylic, but alas, you will not find 100% alpaca or merino wool mixed with silk. But in stores you can easily buy wool with the right composition and knit a hat for yourself without synthetics.

Second: it's all about style. To find a hat model that suits you, you need to travel around all the shops in the city, do you know this? Isn't it easier to buy yarn and knit a hat with your own hands according to the description from the site? The Hummingbird website presents many modern models of hats with knitting needles with a description in Russian.

Third: knitted hat with knitting needles perfect gift your dear person. Mom or grandmother, brother or sister, dad or dear husband: a knitted hat with knitting needles with your own hands will give them a piece of the warmth of your hands, and will help you express your concern for your loved ones.

I wish you light loops, and successful knitting with the Hummingbird site!

A beautiful and fashionable women's hat is not necessarily something expensive bought in a store. You can create it with my own hands, with only 150 grams of good yarn and knitting needles. From winter and autumn hats, not only aesthetics are required, but also the ability to retain heat, passing air in the right amount. That is, to…

Winter won't take you by surprise if you know how to knit! And we will also come to your aid by providing a drawing and a diagram for a beautiful and not difficult to make hat with a lapel, decorated with a pattern of braids. The hat is knitted using 100% cashmere yarn. So you will be warm and cozy ...

Are you going to buy warm hat for the winter? Why not knit it yourself? There is an interesting and very fashion model, with cute pattern. Think it's too difficult? Not at all. Simple and familiar techniques are used here. And the amount of work is not big at all. By the next cold weather, you will definitely have time, even ...

A warm hat for the winter does not have to be fur and very expensive. There are many options for knitwear, in which autumn and winter will be held in an atmosphere of warmth and comfort. Here is the model, decorated original pattern in the form of leaves, it is quite capable of warming you. The main thing is to choose good yarn. Woolen may be suitable for this ...

We knit an excellent autumn-winter women's hat with a simple but original pattern. The performance of such work takes a minimum of time, but you get a wonderful, warm and very comfortable thing. It seems thin, but thanks to the natural wool and mohair yarn used, it turns out to be quite dense. To freeze in such a hat you need to try. However, she doesn't...

Not only beautiful and fashionable, but also such a two-tone woolen hat looks very unusual. Knitting with an elastic band is not difficult. You yourself know this very well. And if not, you will quickly understand this by looking at the job description. As you can see, you only need a certain amount of wool yarn in two colors (gray and ...

Warm and very comfortable woolen cap for a girl, decorated with an original pattern of intertwined braids and plaits. Linking such a model is much easier than you might think by looking at the picture. Standard knitting elements are used. Therefore, even a beginner knitter will not have any difficulties. At the same time, the hat turns out to be quite modern and not at all old-fashioned. …