Openwork stole. Hats, scarves, stoles and shawls on a knitting machine How to knit a cape with a garter stitch on a machine

Hat MK Chasika

On the account of MK hats: yes MK Chasik, my head girth is 52 cm, I had a set of 70-0-70 wrong side on pl6 ** 72 rows, then an eyelet.
Kink: 4p pl6 **; 2r square 9; 4r square 6**; connecting row square 10
The outer part of the jacquard immediately after the fold and eyelet on PL 8.
Outer only 66r of the pattern, double decrease, 2p smooth, double decrease, a row of smooth and tighten with a thread. I pulled it together with a thread, adding a thick synthetic thread, the angora is not very strong for tearing.
My layout: the back of the head is 12 loops. forehead 10-0-17 the rest for tying the ears.
Do not rely heavily on my numbers, just as a guideline - do your calculations!, I bandaged the hat 2 times (the first time it turned out great, tried it on my head and already tied it with the adjustment for the second time).

girls, the promised description of a children's hat with ears and a placket across the face. I'm sorry that it was later than the promised time, but the children were so sick that I even "got along" with the pharmacists in the pharmacy.
The whole hat is knitted on one fonture, so many people can knit it. I will describe how I knitted a hat for my daughter and a photo of her.
And so let's get started. Let's start with some calculations. My loop test 3.5 * 5r. It is necessary to measure the child's forehead. I measure from one end of the eyebrow to the end of the next. In my case it is 11.5 cm. I know that many consider ears, how to divide all the number of loops into five, of which 2 parts are the forehead, one part is the back and one part is the ears. I don't like how awkward it sits. Therefore, I think so. Double hat, yarn 32/2 in 4 ends
We collect 140 loops with waste thread, we knit several rows and one row with a cord cord.
I have a carriage on the left after a row with a cord. Threading the working thread Pink colour and knit 70 rows. We turn off the counter and forget about it for a while. I adapted like this to make money from junk and combs.

The carriage is on the left, the levers are on the CV, we put forward the needles 20-0-70 in the PNP. Remember I told you to measure your forehead. I have it 11.5 cm, i.e. central 40 needles (20-0-20).

We knit a row, wrap the last needle with a working thread so that there are no holes and push the 10 needles on the left into the PNP. It is enough for the back for children up to 5-6 years old.

And so we knit by pushing one needle from the opposite side of the carriage into the PNP, not forgetting to wrap the thread around and outweigh the weights. So we knit until 10-12 needles remain in the work, less is needed, the ear will not be beautiful. I have 11 needles left. The carriage is on the right, we push the needles on the extreme left a little so that they are knitted and we knit a row. At the same time, remember the last needle on the far right in the PNP. I have this 35th needle. Let's just remember everything.

So, we tied one part of the inner one of the ear. break the thread and remove these needles from work. We transfer the carriage to the right side and knit the inner part of the second ear in the same way. Having finished knitting it, the carriage will be on the right. We turn off the CV levers and change the thread to lilac. I advise you to knit the first such hat different color to understand how the plank fits. Then you will spit with eyes closed and one color. We knit at working density 8 rows, 2 rows are looser by 2 units and 8 more rows at working density. I have a working density of 5, 2 loose rows at 7 density, this is the place where the bar is bent.

Now we remove all the loads, take out the comb, slightly push the needles, but so that the loops do not run behind the tongues, otherwise it will be difficult to hang the bar. We take a decker and hang a bar for the very first lilac loops. The first time I did it for a very long time and then I decided that I would not knit like that anymore. In general, since the beginning of the month I have knitted 9 such hats.

when everything is done, we put forward all the needles in the PNP, so it is easier for the machine to knit and we knit one row 2 units looser. Plank at work, you can’t see it, but you can already touch it

The carriage is on the right, we turn on the CV levers, we put forward needles 35-0-70 into the PNP. Remember, we memorized a needle? Here we put the needles up to it. We knit a row, from the 35th needle we count 11 needles. These are the needles that we had left in work when we knitted our ear. And we put forward the needles on the far right into the PNP

We knit a row, the carriage is on the right, the first needle opposite the carriage in the PNP is slightly pushed with a finger so that it is knitted in the future. Knit a row and do the same on the other side. There is no need to wrap thread. Don't forget to hang weights.

So we knit until the needle returns to work up to 20 needles, this is our forehead, remember? In this case, the carriage must be on the right. And on the left, we push the last 10 needles so that they knit. You should be like this

So our ear is knitted, the carriage is on your left. We bring these needles of the connected ear into the PNP, break the thread and move the carriage to the right side. We knit the second ear in the same way. When finished with it, your carriage will remain on the right. We turn off the CV levers, turn on the counter and knit 70 rows, it can be jacquard, it can be stripes or just plain. As you wish.

When our rows are connected, we again take the decker in our hands and hang our very first loops on the needles. A little more and we will remove our beauty from the car. We pull out the cord cord, remove the throw, and knit 6 more rows, then we hang the loops through one and knit 4 more rows. I knit the very last row on the loosest density, this is 10 *. We cut the thread, leaving it for stitching, knit a few rows with a throw and cut it off the machine

In the wardrobe of most women there is a stole. It is both a piece of clothing and an accessory that gives the look a unique look and elegance. Knitted capes have a special chic.
Hand knitting is a long process. Not everyone can afford to give him a large number of time. A good helper in this matter is a knitting machine. The stole is knitted on a typewriter quite quickly. Experienced knitters can do it in one sitting. And for beginners, a great opportunity gain experience in machine knitting and master various techniques and patterns.

A beautiful knitted stole is a wonderful gift for a birthday or a holiday. You can quickly impose several different products and give them to relatives and friends, for example, on New Year. Or just urgently solve the problem with a gift.

Another advantage of knitting knitwear on a machine is a perfectly even fabric, even when using very thin threads.

You can knit from yarn of various composition and almost any thickness. It all depends on the class of the knitting machine and what kind of thing is needed - warm and dense to protect against the cold or light openwork to create a complete image of an evening dress. Accordingly, you can knit from wool and wool mixture, cotton, silk, viscose, various mixed and fantasy types of yarn.

The color range of threads has no restrictions. Here, when choosing, only the taste and wishes of the performer or the future owner of the thing play a role.

For knitting a stole on a typewriter, various patterns are used. Most often with openwork weave. Patterns can range from simple nets to intricate ornaments such as Scottish lace.

Plating is a false openwork. It is obtained by using two threads, one of which is very thin - fishing line or nylon. The cape knitted in this way has an exquisite jacquard-like pattern.

From multi-colored threads you can knit a real jacquard. Such products are very bright and original. It is even easier to knit them on the machine with a simple stockinette stitch using section-dyed or melange yarn.

Patterns with a press (fang) weave look interesting. The result is a honeycomb-like fabric. The pattern comes out on the face and inside, and is different, which allows you to wear the thing as you like, twisting and throwing it on different sides.

With the help of knitting "weaving" a weaving pattern resembling a tapestry is imitated. It is produced by applying a finishing thread on the wrong side of the canvas.

You can decorate a stole knitted by a machine with tassels or crocheting. To preserve the shape, the finished product must be subjected to blocking - to dry in a stretched fixed form.

This is the simplest of all knitting machines. A beautiful and unusual stole was my first product made on it. It is not difficult at all, you just need to get used to the algorithm of actions.
Before starting work, we fill the machine and analyze the needles: three in the front working position - PNP, seven - in the back non-working position - ZNP. We collect loops using a looper with a pigtail. That is, three loops around the needles, and 7 air loops according to the type of crochet set and again around three needles. We have a report of 10 loops. You can make any number of needles, this will only slightly change the pattern and density of the finished stole.
After a set of loops, we put the thread into the carriage, which should be on the right. We put Russell's levers on both sides in position 1. Thus, we have included partial knitting. With the help of this function, we will knit our beauty.
It looks like this:

We put the last three needles in the middle working position. The rest of the needles remain in the PNP and ZNP, as they were. We knit these three extreme needles with a carriage:

The carriage is on the right. We take the thread and wind it up, as shown in the second photo under the last needle. The thread remains in the carriage. We knit back to the right. We hang the load on the loops of the first trinity. Again we knit these extreme three needles to the left and again we start the thread under the extreme needle.

We do this five times. It turns out here is a picture, before the last sixth time, the carriage is on the right.

We remove the next three needles in the middle working position - PSA. And we knit the first and second trinity.

We start the thread again by the extreme needle.

We put forward the first three needles in the PNP, they are no longer knitted.

We are now working with the second trio. She is in the SRP. We knit 4 times, since the first matches the sixth of the previous three needles. The card is on the right. Again we put the next three needles in the SRP and, moving to the left, we knit the second and third triples of needles. When knitting to the right, we also wrap the outer needle with a thread.

It turns out this canvas:

Having reached the last three needles, we knit them 12 times, not six. That is, we turn in the opposite direction. You get this picture:

Do not forget to change the position of the needles that have already gone out of work on the PNP so that they are not accidentally knitted by the carriage. Change the loads in time, the evenness of the loops depends on them. I recommend knitting this tippet on a gauge of 4 to 6. Knitting too loose will result in a fuzzy pattern. A high density will not allow the product to get airiness.

Finishing knitting is simple - after knitting to the edge, knit six times instead of 12. And close three loops with needles, as usual. Where the needles are in the ZNP, you will have to tinker: pick up air loops with a loop catcher and close the trinity again on a typewriter.
This stole can be knitted in 4 hours. Since this was my first piece, it took me 8 hours. But having mastered all the operations of pushing the needles, rearranging the loads, counting the knitted rows on the first lower tier, then I knitted almost without looking.
After removing the canvas from the machine, he should be allowed to lie down for a couple of hours. Then wash by hand in shampoo or liquid soap. Press carefully. Drying such a product can only be done on a horizontal surface. Spread your hands on a towel and cover with a second towel on top. If the tippet is too long, fold it in half. Blocking is not needed.
After the masterpiece dries, attach the brushes. To do this, cut the same lengths of thread, and crochet along the edge every two threads in places of the front surface of 3 loops.

Snezhana Novikova

Openwork stole

Material: yarn No. 32/2 in 2 additions (1600m / 100 g) - 250 gr.

Knitting machine: any single-loop (this model is made on a machine Silver Reed 280 with decker carriage).


  • openwork;
  • crochet trim

Density: 4-6

Finished size: 70-72 cm. x 160-165 cm.

Any openwork pattern can be used. For this model, we took openwork pattern from the catalog Brother v.5 - 197 with the effect of "guipure".

Execution technology:

With an auxiliary thread, we perform a set of loops - 192 p. + 1 (for sim.) + 4 (edge) = 197 p. We knit with the main carriage from right to left one row.

Install the p/card in such a way that one row is visible up to the filling level (1).

Brother - with the main carriage we knit one row from left to right, the card is automatically set to the filling level (1 p.). Next, we knit, working with two carriages: with the decker carriage we will move the loops along the pattern (one rapport in height - 6, 4, 6, 4 - carriage movements), putting the carriage into operation on the left side, and with the main carriage we will knit 2 rows of culinary smoothness working on the right.

Silver - replace the main carriage with a decker one, thread the working thread into it and set the density; pattern selection knob - P (smooth surface); side levers - off. (to myself). On the needle bar, we will install constipation-limiters on the two extreme needles of the working area on the left and right so that the loops do not drop. Knit one row in stockinette stitch from left to right. The map is set to the filling level. On the carriage, turn on the side levers (away from you). Next, we knit, switching the pattern selection lever to the second position, while we will remove the thread from the carriage and make the carriage move the loops along the pattern. We return the thread to the carriage and switch the lever to position 1 (cooling the surface) - we knit 2 rows.

We knit a cloth required length(in this case, 566 rubles are knitted), we close the loops without tightening, best with a decker and, at the same time, we do not drop them from the needles, but knit a few more rows with a waste thread after the closed edge.

Remove the canvas, carefully fold in half and sweep, slightly steam through wet gauze, without touching the inflection line. Let it dry a little, then remove the basting, unfold and steam the whole product again.

Take the yarn in 3 cl. and crochet all the edges. You can come up with your own version of the strapping, the main thing is that the edges of the canvas do not wrap too much.


Long sides tied hemstitch from X-shaped columns. Such a hemstitch does not give a large stretch, because. the outer edge is fixed. In addition, we can discreetly carry out a small fit of the web edge.

Short sides tied "fans". If desired, you can cut the yarn folded into skeins into identical pieces and make long brushes. To do this, fold each individual skein in half, thread the looper or hook under air loop"fan", grab the loop of the skein and pull it out a little towards yourself, then thread the ends into the resulting loop and tighten slightly.

Model Sobova T.V.

Wear to health!

A stole on a knitting machine, even with a simple front stitch, will look even and beautiful. Can apply fashion trends regarding colors. Women found their thing for cold winter and cool autumn.

Because This product can be used as a cape on the head. This little thing will well complement a coat and a sheepskin coat. It is important to choose the right yarn and beautiful pattern. Detailed information regarding the yarn and lovely pattern is below.

Small but very detailed master class regarding the creation of a stole on a knitting machine. Attention in the article there is a special pattern for a knitting machine that will help create flawless lace.

Highly interest Ask, which will take even the master by surprise, despite the fact that he knitted all the time, and here is the machine. What yarn and how to knit? Such a large experience in knitting needles does not help much in a collision with a typewriter.

In fact, the opinions of knitters on typewriters are divided regarding yarn. Someone advises to choose only special bobbins and there already deal with a wool mixture.

But there were also those who got used to knitting regular yarn, and pays attention only to the thickness of the thread. But one thing is the direct dependence on the model.

The amount of yarn for a sweater is about 2 kg per size 46. For a stole, you can also use about 2 kg. And those who wish bigger size tippet than 0.5 to 2 can be purchased and a little more yarn.

The principle of knitting will be no different from knitting by hand. Is it faster and the loops are smoother. But the master will enjoy the yarn in any case. It will not be possible to completely entrust the work to the robot; the whole process will have to be controlled.

We chose a model, bought yarn and also knitted a small sample for the right size. Next, we calculated the knitting density (how many loops and how many rows of this pattern has 10 cm). In terms of knitting density, we further calculated how many loops and how many rows would be needed for a whole stole.

Step-by-step instructions for knitting a stole on a knitting machine

Then, based on one model, it will be possible to plunge into the creation of a stole on a typewriter. Full description making a stole with diagrams and clarifications for the master and beginner.

Light openwork tippet

Very beautiful palatine light color. A thin thread, openwork patterns make this product even more charming. It is very warm and can complement classic coat. Knitting is carried out using the shetland lace technique. This stole was created on a Brother typewriter from grade 5.

For work you will need:

The size finished product equal to 170 * 80 cm.


At first they tied a small sample on a punched card on a typewriter. A small piece should determine the density of knitting. Just put a ruler on a free canvas. Do not stretch it, as this will result in an incorrect measurement.

We calculated how many loops are in 10 cm and this will be the first number for knitting density. The second is how many rows will also be contained in 10 cm. Two numbers determine the density of knitting. They determined how many loops are required for a stole width of 80 cm. How many rows will be needed for a stole size of 170 cm. If desired, you can increase the tippet canvas.

Knitting on a punched card

Knitting of this stole takes place on a special punched card.

That's why knitted the required number of loops, and you can almost immediately try on the product. This is how easy and simple you can make a fashionable product for yourself and your loved ones.

Important! Good advice from the masters will be the timely processing of the stole. After knitting, it will need to be wetted and allowed to dry for flat surface, straighten the loops immediately. So it will last a long time and the loops will be even.

Here so knitting machine for this a short time can make a whole stole. It would take a knitting master several days. And what smooth loops and no errors. Highly modern solution and a beautiful product can be worn for your own pleasure, no one will think that it was created by one's own hands. Smooth loops and great creative inspiration.