How to invite a person to a meeting: tricky tips

You have known a girl for some time, and she knows what you like. However, you want to ask her out on a date; and maybe to your home, to visit; to the cinema; Finally, just take a walk under the moon, but do not know how to do it.

It is not so important where you are going to invite her, it is more important what words you will use so that she agrees to go with you in a pair. How to ask a girl out on a date?

“Maybe we can go out for coffee sometime?”

A great phrase when a guy needs to ask a girl he doesn't know well on a date. You can calmly, without any strain, sit over a cup of coffee and get to know each other better. Perhaps you are perfect for each other, and spending time together in a coffee shop will convince you of this.

“Maybe we can go see this movie together (here you show tickets)?”

Be sure to add something like: “We wanted to go with a friend (girlfriend), but he (s) got sick (s)”. Although, of course, a date in the cinema is far from the best option. But after that, it will be easier for you to invite a girl on a real date, in a more intimate place. This phrase can be changed a little, depending on the situation (“Going to the rink this weekend?”, “Do you want to go to a concert of your favorite band? A friend got sick, couldn’t go,” and so on).

And now about where to use these and similar phrases:

1) In person

This option should be your preferred one because live communication cannot be replaced by any calls and SMS. True, if you are shy, you may not have the courage to invite a girl personally. Then you can try the methods outlined below, although it would be better to work on yourself and become more confident, naturally.

2) By phone

This option is pretty good too. You will still have to speak exactly, but you will not see the interlocutor in the face, and therefore it will be more comfortable for you to talk to her. Do not call early in the morning and late in the evening; first remember what a girl can do at one time or another in order to dial her number when she is free to talk. Don't go around for a long time, and ask how the girl is doing, ask what she is doing in order to know for sure that you are not distracting her from an important lesson, and invite her. It's not worth asking, it's better to call another day.

3) By SMS

This method is best used when a girl texts you first.. After all, she may ignore your SMS if she communicates in principle only live or by calling. Let's say you receive an SMS with the following text: "What are you doing?" (“What are you doing?”, variations are possible). You can write back, but the message should be, so to speak, preparatory, so that later you can call and immediately go to the date invitation. Answer, for example, like this: “You have been in the cinema for a long time last time did you go?" She quickly answers you “For a long time” or “A month ago” (options are possible). This means that you can dial a number and actually invite the interlocutor to a meeting.

The main thing that is required of you is not to be intrusive and write / call / visit to invite the girl on a date at the right time, when she is not busy with something important. And, of course, be self-confident, do not mumble and do not pause in conversation. Then a serious relationship is guaranteed to you.

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Psychologists note that 68% of guys experience excitement when inviting a girl on a first date. The main variants of fear can be:

  1. You are a modest and timid guy.
  2. Low self-esteem.
    You can go to the following link if you like.
  3. Fear of being rejected.
    If you follow this link, you will find out.
  4. You don't know how to behave, what to talk about.

You will need:

Scenarios of unexpected invitations that no woman can resist:

  1. Send her flowers, candy, or her favorite dish to work with an invitation card.
  2. Check out her social media pages. Find out what she is interested in and invite her on a date there: a new play, a theater, a techno party, an interesting movie.
  3. Based on her interests, say that you need her advice, but it's better to discuss it in an informal setting. During the meeting, it will be easy to turn the conversation into a more personal one.
  4. If you have mutual friends, ask them to get together. So you get to know the girl better, it will be easier for you to continue to communicate with her and invite her to meetings.
  5. If the lady of the heart has with you common interests(go to the same gym, for example), come over a couple of times and make a joke or help her with something. See her reaction, if she does not reject you, you can call for tea after class.

Environment during a call

It is important to create ease of communication, ease. You can joke, surprise with some fact from the field of general development.

Do not start a conversation directly with the invitation itself. Distract her attention with some event, film, music.

In a conversation, try to touch on events, places more, without unnecessary philosophy. Be confident, don't be embarrassed.

And in no case do not allow yourself to pronounce at the first meeting. This will frighten and repulse her.

Embarrassment Technique:

  1. We recommend presenting the worst case scenario.
  2. Consider your behavior in doing so.
  3. Experience it mentally.

This psychological technique helps to be ready for anything with ease and without worries, so the outcome of communication will not be so frightening.

The main thing is to adapt to her, her mood and easily carry on a conversation. It helps on the first date.

Offer options that work for both

Choose places or events that are interesting and familiar to you and your girlfriend. Look for a compromise.

If she likes theaters, choose a play that you can discuss later. If you like science fiction, and the lady likes comedies and melodramas, choose the classics.

If you have different interests, it is better to invite the girl to a neutral place: a cafe, a restaurant, a walk around the city, the embankment. There you can get to know each other more and understand scenarios for the next dates together.

Give flowers when you meet. Pleasant little things always have.

Don't push if you get rejected

If you receive a refusal, accept it with respect, without expressing aggression or pity. Let her know that you are upset by this, but you respect her decision.

You also need to consider how you were denied:

  • If this is a firm “no”, you need to accept it and unobtrusively return to this issue after a while.
  • If the girl is not sure or does not know, then it is worth showing that your intentions are serious.

Girls love it when a man gets her. In this way, you can show that a serious guy who is ready for a long relationship invites her on a date.

What phrases are suitable

We recommend that you monitor your intonation, facial expressions and gestures. For the emotional background, they are very important. In order for the girl to feel the importance of your intentions, the intonation should be confident, but not in the style of an order. Use facial expressions and gestures, but in moderation.

Sample invitation phrases:

  • If you don't know each other well, or, for example, you can simply offer to drink coffee together. After a positive answer, proceed to the specifics: when and where.

The blurring of an invitation without specifics characterizes you as a frivolous guy.

  • « By the way, now the premiere of a new film in cinemas - will you join?»
    The phrase can be used if you are sure that she likes the genre of the film, and she does not mind going. The same options can be used as invitations to concerts, performances, exhibitions, etc.
  • If you have an interest in outdoor activities, you can offer to ride bikes, water skis or just go for a walk around the city.
    « I thought it would be nice to ride bikes on Saturday? What do you think about that? I make great sandwiches.» The main thing is to choose interesting, not “worn out” routes.

When you can invite in social networks, by SMS

If the girl did not leave her phone number when meeting you, or you were confused and did not have time to ask for it, find her page on social networks. This will show your assertiveness, as well as find information that will help you in further communication.

You should not start correspondence directly with an invitation, ask how she is doing, her mood. But don't drag it out either. She might get bored.

If a girl left her number, this is the first sign that she likes you, and she does not mind talking. If you understand that you won’t be able to invite them on a date in a beautiful, confident tone and you will be worried, write an SMS. In the message, you should also first ask how she is doing, then smoothly move on to the invitation.

Do not come up with abstruse phrases, the following are quite suitable:

"Hi, how are you? Went to see a movie today? Popcorn off me."
– « Good morning! The weather promises to be obedient today, let's take a walk around the city?»
– « Hi, do you have plans for tonight? Let's have dinner together?»

Correspondence does not always convey an emotional background, so it is better to use emoticons. But do not overdo it, too much can leave a strange and incomprehensible impression of you.

What to avoid when asking a girl out on a date

  • Do not use formality in the invitation. You need to get close. Formal phrases or mannerisms will only hurt. For example, instead of: I invite you to a movie date", is better to say:" Are you going to the cinema tomorrow?».
  • Suggest a place and time right away. After that, ask if it is convenient for the girl. If not, look for an alternative.
  • The invitation should be light and not forced. Do not show the importance of her answer, girls also love intrigue.

Girls do not like stingy partners. Phrases like: "S We have a movie session at 21.00, so you still have time to run home to eat' will only push her away.

  • The first date is always introductory, on it you will recognize a person, after which you understand whether an interesting interlocutor or not. Flowers, a grandiose date scenario, pomposity will be out of place. She will perceive this as courtship not specifically addressed to her, but simply as a habit of courting all women.

But even if she is offended for some reason, it's not the end of the world. You are an ordinary person who does not have instructions on how to do everything right. Nobody has such instructions. You are also worried, and you could do something wrong. If you understand that you screwed up a little, you can always save the situation and.

Frequently Asked Questions

    Where to invite a girl on a date?

    Be sure to pay attention to her preferences. If she is a fan of romantic meetings, a restaurant with beautiful view, riding on hot-air balloon or a cute picnic with her favorite treats. If a girl loves extreme sports, then, accordingly, the date should be suitable: horseback riding, karting, skydiving, and so on.

    Where to invite a girl on a first date in winter?

    You can invite a girl to go skating or sledding, to the cinema, to a master class on making Christmas decorations. If you want to spend time fresh air- Be sure to offer to warm up, drink tea, coffee or mulled wine at the end of the date. Also, before the meeting, be sure to ask the girl to dress warmly. This way you will avoid embarrassing situations and show that you care.

    Where to invite a girl on a first date if there is no money?

Most of my readers have some uncertainty about how to ask a girl out on a date. Probably, here, at a deep level, the fear of a possible rejection of the girl and the fear of being in an awkward position manifest themselves. Today I want to dispel the fog regarding the right way to ask a girl out on a date, and give some tips on what to work on in the first place and avoid.

For example, now you have a girlfriend in mind, and you are sitting at the computer, coming up with The best way. Think now - what exactly do you want? The magic phrase to say to her? The right scheme so that she doesn't refuse you? interesting idea for a first date to impress her? Or do you just doubt that she will agree, because before that she was not too willing to communicate with you?

Before I make out different variants, I want to tell you about one pitfall, stumbling over which you literally scare girls away ... This is a rule that you need to take for granted at the very beginning of your learning to seduce and keep in mind for the rest of your life. It sounds like this:

Don't invite a girl on a date!

Instead, remake this into the most correct setup for success:

Make an appointment with the girl!

As you can see, the difference here is in two points - I replaced the word “invite” with “appoint” and “date” with “meeting”.

Fighting stereotypes

Let's start with a date. Never say the word "date" out loud if you're talking to a girl you like. That's when you sleep with her and the candy-bouquet period comes, then - please. In the meantime, you should understand that the invitation to the first "date" implies a romantic context of wooing a woman, which creates in her mind such thoughts:

“So, this is an official date… He has serious intentions… What if he wants more?…”

Thus, you yourself impose certain restrictions on seduction, give seriousness, formality and position yourself as a suitor, instead of being an independent, cheerful, charismatic guy whom she herself wants to seduce.

The whole problem is in your way of thinking. Your limiting attitudes are programming your reality in a difficult way. Perhaps you are too correct, well-mannered, perhaps you have seen enough of a zombie man, where such a model of behavior is promoted everywhere. TV series, movies and sitcoms. Be that as it may, your task is to meet, take a walk, sit in a cafe, drink delicious tea, have a good time together ... anything but an official date!

We look confident

Second important point- if you ask in an interrogative tone if a girl will go on a date with you - you are also making a mistake. The fact is that such a question demonstrates your insecurity and deflection under the girl. What it looks like:

“Natasha, what are you doing on Friday? Want to ask you out on a date?!”

Well what for terrible phrase… Ten times better:

“Listen, I’m free on Friday, let’s meet, take a walk around the center, maybe we’ll drink coffee somewhere in a good place ...”

Notice how affirmative this phrase is. In addition, she perfectly "sells" the very format of your date - you will not do anything terrible, just take a walk, or just chat over a cup of coffee. Please note that we are not talking about a candlelit dinner (I wrote about this in an article about that).

time and place

To correctly invite her on a date, at the time of the call, it is best for you to know in advance where you are going to invite her and what time. For example, the meeting point is the center. Be sure to make sure that the place where you are arranging a date is public knowledge. In any city there are places where meetings are usually scheduled - central squares, parks, monuments. Those. it would be a big mistake to invite a girl to a meeting somewhere on the outskirts of the city.

The second moment is meeting time. The most appropriate time is 20.00 pm. This is enough for the girl to have time to change clothes after work, or vice versa, to pass the time from work to a date with you. Also, with an estimated meeting time of 2 hours, your meeting will end at approximately 22.00, which is also optimal for getting home without using a taxi. Of course, this is an approximate arrangement - in each specific situation there may be changes. For example, yesterday I had a midnight date that I assigned to a girl from social network In contact with. And it ended only in the morning :) We drove around the city in a car ...

I also want to give one useful advice- try to invite on a first date ... right at the moment of meeting! For example, you met a girl on the street, after which you can either immediately propose to the girl:

“How are you with time, I suggest now to sit somewhere, how are you?”

Or, especially for those who meet girls on the Internet, I have magical preparations for making a date right on the day of meeting, for example:

“Listen, it’s great that you and I talked like this here - I just went to the center and I have an intriguing offer for you - let’s meet right now, look at each other in real life. And you know, all these virtual conversations ... "

By the way, for VKontakte dating, I advise you to download my free e-book with the secrets of VKontakte dating. At the top right there is a subscription form - enter your e-mail in it so that I can send you this valuable book for free!

Good luck, dear lover of women!

Egor Sheremetiev

How beautiful it is to invite a girl on a date: successful phrases

Men often get too excited when they ask a girl out on a first date. At the same time, women are no less worried, especially when they are preparing for this meeting. To invite a girl, it is important to calm down, gain confidence and invite her there, as you think, she would like it. Therefore, in order to get consent, you need to choose a place, prepare a couple of successful phrases and make a call or write a message. But is it as simple as it sounds?

What and how to say when inviting a girl on a date

Asking a girl out on a date don't beat around the bush. It is important to feel confident, but not push too hard. What and how to say depends on the particular young lady, therefore, before the invitation, you must draw it up in advance psychological picture. Where did you meet? What is she interested in?

Glamorous young lady will gladly accept an invitation to a popular restaurant or bar. romantic person you can persuade them to take a walk in the park and have dinner in a cozy cafe. active sportswoman you can take it for a bike ride or climbing wall, etc. You can read more about choosing a place here.

Think through your entire speech, or at least a plan. If the invitation is planned in advance, then the conversation should begin with general phrases. Find out how the girl is doing, ask her what plans she has for a particular day.

Always have 2-3 date ideas on different dates and times.

Don't ask if she's busy on Sunday. Ask her if she has plans for the day at 4 p.m.

You can invite her in an original way, keeping the meeting place a secret. But don't forget to mention how should she dress. in a sporty way, do not forget comfortable shoes or a dress and shoes will do. If a girl has to walk in the park on high heels, it is unlikely that she will want to continue communication further.

If a woman refused to go with you, try to find out the reason. Usually there are 2 of them: either she does not like the man, or she is not interested in the place. In this situation, you should not be boring, and pester with questions. Try to invite her in a week with something creative and original. If this does not help, then it is better to leave the girl.

Examples of successful phrases

  • “Remember, we discussed Italian cuisine with you? Will you keep me company in one cozy trattoria? They cook the best carbonara in the city…”;
  • "Let's go somewhere for tea/coffee/cider?";
  • “The title of the movie is in theaters right now, and everyone is raving about it. Would you like to keep me company?"

All these phrases indicate that you want to be with a girl together, chat and get to know each other better. At the same time, they have a share of specifics, which allows the young lady to make a first impression. It is better to include a specific place or occupation in such phrases. If it hooks her, then the time of the meeting is a secondary issue.

How not to speak

As for unsuccessful phrases, everything is simple here: you can’t use profanity and setting wrong expectations.

With the first, everything is clear, and as for the second, you simply should not keep silent or keep anything under wraps. A girl should feel safe, so she is unlikely to agree to walk in the park in the evening with an unfamiliar man.

The most useful free dating and seduction lessons: a detailed review based on personal experience.

Proven ideas will help to surprise a girl on a date and impress her.

Very often, girls are late for dates. Learn how to respond appropriately in such situations here.

In order to stand out from the crowd of her fans, you can give her a small gift on a date.

Which is better: write in Contact or call?

VKontakte messages are used when correspondence logically leads to the fact that you could meet in real life. For example, at the end of a discussion of favorite movies or food, a girl can be called to the cinema or to a restaurant with a particular cuisine.

It is easier to write in a social network or SMS, especially for shy men. The call positions the man as a self-confident person, so it is preferable. Depending on how you want to present yourself in the face of a girl, and choose the appropriate way.

If you feel that the girl clearly shows sympathy, then during such correspondence you can call her on mobile phone. Practically a win-win when she herself greets and writes first. In this case, the risk of getting rejected is minimal.

Here are some proven tricks that will help you get a pen pal interested.

In short, when inviting a young lady on a first date, you need to be yourself (or a slightly more confident version of yourself), think over the date in advance in order to answer all possible questions, be friendly and remain optimistic. The main thing is not to delay for a long time and not to make an appointment in a week. 2-3 days after the call is enough, otherwise the girl may forget about you while waiting. If in the coming days there is no opportunity to meet, then before the meeting you can call a couple more times and confirm the date.

More information

Do you have to hear excuses about bad weather, headaches or very important things? In such a situation, you should not hang your nose and find the right approach to the object of adoration, because there are little tricks and tricks for that. Let's talk about how to persuade a girl to come on a date.

First of all, don't worry. One simple thought always helps: there is practically not a single person who has not been refused at least once. Having understood this, you should be easier and more optimistic about such things. This way of thinking will give you self-confidence, and as a result - the ability to easily start a conversation, interest, invite you on a date, i.e. success with the opposite sex. So the first rule: don't be afraid to lose the war before you fight!

Next, find individual approach to each person, taking into account her tastes, hobbies and character. Some melt at the sight of a bouquet and a guy sticking out under the windows, or even better, drawing something on the pavement or in the snow. Others simply dream of being confronted with a confident male bass before the fact “Today we should definitely go to the cinema (theater, cafe, park, etc.)!”. For example, one familiar married couple still tells everyone “their” story. The girl had a difficult period of her life: health problems, fatigue from combining work and study, family troubles. And then her friend came to her at the end of the working day and said: “Whether you like it or not, we’ll go for a walk now. You need to relax and unwind." From that moment on, she never looked at him as a friend again - he became her strong and self-confident protector.

Let's say you find out that she (like most girls, by the way) prefers assertive guys. Don't wait good time or the opportunity to be alone with her in order to take action. We all sometimes like to be in the spotlight, so give her such a wonderful opportunity. Just running up to her on the street shouting "Girl, I need your help!" and adding: “I just need to take a walk with you,” you will already make her smile, and the element of surprise may well affect her positive response.

Tell a girl you don't know how charming she is and how much you like her, but the world is so unfair that, most likely, she has a boyfriend or even a husband, or maybe both at once. It is likely that after such a lyrical digression, she, smiling, will say that in fact this is not so and certainly will not refuse further communication with you.

Don't be afraid to be funny, don't be afraid to surprise if you don't know how to persuade girls to come on a date. You can just say, "I think you've lost something." The girl, in turn, will puzzled over everything in her head. possible options or look around. A T-shirt with the inscription "I am your lost other half" is very useful here, which can be demonstrated by unbuttoning the shirt.

Remember, the main thing is the ability to create calm environment, not to frighten the girl with your antics and at the same time not seem boring to her. You should also not be arrogant or even rude, trying in every possible way to get the long-awaited consent to your invitation. No one will appreciate the phrases “You don’t know what you are losing”, “Well, in vain - you will regret it later”, etc. Rather, on the contrary: you need to remain calm and proud. In addition, nothing kindles a girl's interest in you like another girl next to you. And, even if you were refused, just pretend that you are not so upset about this and that you can communicate with other, no less interesting people. A little later, when you ask if the girl has changed her mind, you will most likely find out that now she really doesn’t even mind going on a date.

If we are talking about your friend, the relationship with which still will not move from the status of "friends" to something more serious, then you just need to show her your attention, care and the fact that it was not in vain that you were there all this time. Remember where she would like to go, her hobbies and tastes. Even a simple invitation to the cinema can be very beautifully arranged by adding the phrase "I remember that you like comedies (melodramas, horrors, etc.)". Tell her that you want to teach her how to skate, how to play bowling and you are guaranteed to win. Invite her to a concert or exhibition of paintings, buy a book, a music CD or just her favorite cake - the main thing is to show that you know what she wants and were attentive to her and her words.

But, as for me, the wisest approach is to make the girl think about you in such a way that she herself decides to take the first step. So, for example, one guy for a long time talked with a girl whom everyone dreamed of, only having met her. She, of course, knew about this, which greatly affected her self-confidence and neglect of the opposite sex. And then at a meeting instead of the usual “Hi! How are you?" the guy told her, “I was talking to your friend here the other day and, to be honest, I didn’t expect to hear this about you,” and just moved on. A few days later, she wrote him an SMS asking him to explain what he meant. Since there was no answer, the girl began to call the guy, still not receiving an answer. And only after two weeks she was able to persuade him to meet and calmly discuss everything. Flowers, a smile and the phrase “It was necessary to somehow stir up and interest you” did not leave her indifferent.

In the same way, you can intrigue any girl by saying that she is in for a surprise or something that she has not yet seen, and what it will be is a matter of your own imagination.

So it is not so important which method you choose, the main thing is to act confidently and beautifully. It must always be remembered that girls love attention, care and want to see a courageous, strong and sensitive guy next to them at the same time. Try to become one, or at least convince the girl that you are one and you are guaranteed success!