Portrait of the ideal woman according to men. What kind of women do men choose. Psychological portrait of an ideal woman

Every man at least once in his life dreamed of an ideal woman, one that would "correspond and respond." Despite the well-known statement that “all men are the same”, every man is an individual. Just don't giggle. And accordingly, our ideals are very diverse. Let's try to find something in common.

High chest, wasp waist, long Beautiful legs, and most importantly - the complete absence of a head. This is what is usually considered the masculine ideal of a woman.

Perhaps, at first glance, this is so. There are also many types of options: barefoot, pregnant, in the kitchen. And still…

I want to say right away: a woman should have a head! The fact that men love beautiful fools is a myth! Do not like. They do, yes. But they don't like it. On the other hand, no mind, originality of thinking and talent can hide unkempt hair, gnawed nails and, sorry, hairy legs. I understand perfectly: no time, no money, no hot water. But you already have a head! And let her, this head, think about who will need your excuses when the man of your dreams passes by. That is just past. No, no, I'm not talking about the fact that women are required to constantly wear high heels, in evening dresses and war paint, but you shouldn’t relax at all either.

Situation: for some time now you have been looking at a man. He likes you and even looks back. And that's it. The matter is not moving forward. And then your girlfriend appears - and in five minutes they are chatting about something together, in a couple of hours they are kissing, in a couple of months they are getting married. Familiar? Why am I all this? And to the fact that if you like a man, so tell him about it! Right on the forehead. Even if he didn’t notice you before, he will still think about it. Gone are the days of languid sighs and glances from under the eyelashes. Therefore, such qualities as courage, frankness and initiative are, if not mandatory, then very desirable for perfect woman!

Well, we are stupid, stupid! Even if, in response to your initiative, he says: “Sorry,” how much time and nerves you will save for further searches! Fortune favors the brave!

Sex. Sex is good. It's bad when it's not there. But if you have memorized the Kama Sutra, this does not mean that you are an ideal lover. Yes, for the sake of variety, sometimes you can try something new like “flying crane” or “pig under oak”. But you should not shock a man every time with your deep knowledge in the field of sex. As life and films for adults show, three or four erotic positions are enough. But learn to enjoy them to the fullest!

Men, contrary to popular belief, also feel when a woman is left unsatisfied. Hence complexes. And, of course, a man will be with that woman who allows him to feel like a MAN. So - study, study and study again! Or keep pretending. But then at least qualitatively.

In the yard of the XXI century. No one is surprised by women with an active lifestyle. Women bosses. Women ministers. Perfectly. Just great! But if, coming home, the only strength left is to say: “I'm tired. Take a shower and sleep! ”, Do not be surprised that one day there will be no one to talk to. No matter how and whatever you do, there should always be enough time for us men. Selfishness? But we're talking about the perfect woman. Home is the place where a man should want to return. And that means coziness and comfort. We men are gentle creatures. It doesn't matter how this very comfort is created - you invite a team of "au pairs" or bring gloss and shine yourself. And you shouldn't focus on it. "I was washing clothes!" Yes. Washed the machine, and you poured the maximum washing powder. By the way, at home, too, do not forget about appearance. A dressing gown can be just as sexy as a haute couture dress.

Finally, the last thing the ideal woman should not do is teach a man "life." Believe it The best way to lose him.

So let's sum it up. The ideal woman is well-groomed, with her head on her shoulders, determined, able to give and receive pleasure, create comfort and coziness in the house, always find time for a man and look through her fingers at his little flaws.

Of course, I did not discover any America. All these are well-known truths. It just needs to be reminded sometimes. And by and large, we love and hate you for who you are. And for many years I have loved a woman who is not at all like the ideal that I dreamed of in my youth ...

We conducted our own survey of men to find out their ideal woman. It turned out that there are about as many ideals as men themselves, if not more. From which we can draw only one conclusion: if you are a woman, then you are already someone's ideal. There was nothing left: to find this person.

Stefan, 26, single:“For me, the ideal is Victoria Beckham. Victoria always looks chic and stylish. Wears short dresses from Gucci and high heels. She has good feeling humor. She made a career in show business and fashion!”

Dima, 23 years old, single:“Appearance: height no higher than 168 cm, chest - from the second to fourth size, weight no more than 56 kg, hair on the head like the color of a black wing, big blue eyes, intelligent, sociable, a little modest - this is my ideal. Clothing style - well-groomed girl; the main thing is that it should not be a goth and not a rapper, that is, it should not belong to different communities. Behavior is correct! I want it to be sociable, but at the same time not spread to strangers on personal topics. Career: I want her to have a goal in life and she achieves it! Education: secondary or higher, the crust is not the main thing for me, the main thing is her knowledge. Hobbies: only not professional sports, not parachutes and not knitting.

Alexander, 24 years old, married:“Unfortunately, I can’t answer exactly. Maybe there are general criteria by which a woman can attract me. For example, a beautiful figure, a pretty face, a cheerful disposition, intelligence. But there are a million combinations of very different qualities, which in the end will still give the same result - the ideal! And at the same time, ideal girls can look and behave in completely different ways. For me, the ideal cannot be one and only, the ideal is all at once and always in different ways. And then you can always correct a person, mold him into what you need ... "

The main secret of an ideal woman is attractiveness, femininity, sexuality, kindness and tolerance.

Women are designed in such a way that they strive for perfection all the time. It is no secret that the syndrome of an excellent student who has remained in them from school sometimes haunts them all their lives and does not give them the opportunity to relax and enjoy life. They are always interested in whether they meet the standards, standards, whether they stand comparisons, whether they are drawn to the ideal woman or trail behind in all respects.

In order to answer these questions for herself, she, a woman, is looking for information about the ideal parameters so that they, by all means, achieve and reveal all women's secrets for herself.

BUT each time has its own standards and requirements, its own and its own color scheme.

The ideal of a woman's beauty is changing

Once upon a time, ruddy, healthy, buxom beauties with steep hips and strong arms were held in high esteem. Then a pale complexion and subtle features of fragile femininity came into fashion, later the notorious standard 90 - 60 - 90 appeared. Men liked either blondes or brunettes, and all the women of the planet actively changed their color.

In our time, the ideal woman, according to a survey of 66,000 men around the world, should be a long-haired blonde with blue eyes, 172 cm tall, do not earn too much and be a good lover. She must wear size 42 clothing and weigh no more than 60 kg.

But a study conducted by the international social dating network Badoo - in Britain, in which more than 2,000 men participated, refuted these conclusions, revealed what modern Britons like. It turned out that about 60% of the survey participants admitted that the ideal female beauty for them is a woman with dark hair. Of the total, about a third of the respondents (33.1%) said they prefer brown-haired women, 28.6% - brunettes. Only 29.5% of study participants dream of blondes. Red-haired women had the fewest fans - only 8.8% of men voted for them.

With the parameters of the figure, an unexpected result also came out. The majority of respondents (38.8%) pay more attention to women who wear sizes 44-46, only 10% of young people are convinced that size 42 is ideal. Men are not attracted to overly "curvy" young ladies (from size 52). Among the participants in the survey of lovers of magnificent forms, there were only 4.2%.

- The Germans put culinary skills in the first place, then the ability to appreciate a man.

According to almost half of Russian men, ideal women should be smart, but at the same time be able to hide their mind. In second place, both for the ideal woman and for the ideal wife were external data. And on the third - kindness. Such results were obtained in the course of a survey conducted by the Research Center of the SuperJob.ru portal among 1000 representatives of the stronger sex. Among the qualities necessary for an ideal woman and a perfect wife, according to Russians, should be sexuality, wisdom, "taste and tact", health, lack of bad habits, hard work, sense of humor, meekness, accuracy, cleanliness and even silence. It's no secret that most of the respondents dream of wealthy girlfriends, others appreciate unpretentiousness in ladies.

Some men like active and enterprising women, others - quiet and dependent. How many men - so many preferences.

The secret of the relationship lies in the fact that for every product there is a merchant, as our grandmothers would say, comforting their granddaughters who do not like their appearance too much. Life shows that even women who are completely far from ideal can have a family and be happy in marriage and love. And the point here is not so much in appearance, but in qualities that are never exposed to the trends of the times.

Female secret of the ideal woman: SHE should be attractive, feminine, sexy, kind and tolerant. She is the focus of love and warmth, to which a man strives so much in our fast-paced life. That pier, where he is drawn with all his heart, where he will be loved, is surrounded by love, care and kindness. The ideal woman loves children and wants to have them. She is compassionate and empathetic. It is much more valuable than a perfect figure, eye or hair color. Character, soul, tact, female wisdom- values ​​that never lose their relevance. They do not depend on age and external parameters, sometimes secretly hidden deep in each of us. But if we want to love and be loved, we should open them to those who are dear to us.

Vlasenko Irina

If a man gives you an appraising look, you should not blame him. It was nature that programmed him to turn his head towards an attractive stranger.

Columnist Gabrielle Sayring, together with the Journal des Femmes, conducted a large-scale survey to find out what attracts men and what kind of woman's appearance they consider ideal. The study helped to identify 6 signs, on the basis of which you can create a portrait of an ideal woman.

1. Dark hair color

Photo source: flickr.com

Do gentlemen prefer blondes? No matter how! According to the survey, 43% of men consider brunettes more attractive. In second place were brown-haired women and redheads (28%), in third place were blondes (14%). And 15% of men could not decide.

2. Blue eyes

Photo source: pixabay.com

Most of the admirers turned out to be blue-eyed girls (40%). The second place belongs to brown-eyed girls (about 30%), and girls with gray and green eyes close the top three (21%). Quite a few admirers turned out to be girls with hazel eyes (light brown with green streaks).

3. Loose long hair

Photo source: pixabay.com

In their imagination, 60% of the representatives of the stronger sex represent the ideal woman with long and necessarily flowing hair. And only 8% preferred a braid or hair tied into a tight ponytail.

On a note! To keep your hair clean for a long time, use.

4. Freckles

Photo source: pixabay.com

It may seem strange, but 42% of men are delighted with freckles, 35% are crazy about a mole above upper lip(like Natalia Oreiro), 17% of men like a small indentation on the chin and only 6% of men do not mind that their ideal woman has a piercing on her face.

5. Nose

Photo source: pixabay.com

According to the results of the survey, men considered the owners of a small nose with a slightly raised tip the most attractive. But the owners of the "eagle" nose were the least popular.

6. Lips

Photo source: pixabay.com

Most girls strive to increase their lips at any cost and, as it turned out, in vain! Most men do not find lips attractive, like those of Angelina Jolie and Kylie Jenner. They give them brief description"too. Much more men are attracted to natural lips with not too pronounced cleavage. For example, like model Miranda Kerr.

On a note! True beauty always comes from within. For you to have beautiful skin, shiny hair and healthy nails, stick to .

Women at all times sought to improve their appearance. Now you know how and what to fix to please men!

Who is she - the most ideal, which men choose for themselves? A man instantly determines what he likes in a woman. About all the other ideals of a woman, a man understands in the process of further communication.

  • Breast

Don't think about breast augmentation. For men, we like the natural size of this part of the body. The ideal chest of a girl through the eyes of men should be elastic. The rest is trifles. If you have a complex about the size, then buy a bra with a special lining.

  • female nose

Men themselves have not decided which nose they like best. For this reason, any female nose has the right to be (considered) perfect.

  • Legs

There should be no cellulite and hair on the legs. The length of the legs is a secondary indicator that has "outgrown" into a stereotype.

  • female lips

Men adore plump, plump lips, painted with some delicious (fruity) gloss.

  • Waist

Breaking stereotypes! Not all men like skinny girls with a super flat tummy. So you can not starve and not exhaust yourself with the most severe diets.

  • female hair

Length (as well as color) is an individual matter. And the fact that male personalities prefer blondes is not always true.

  • eye color

There is no need to talk about the "size" of the eyes, because it is already clear that men love "big-eyed" girls. They are afraid of the green-eyed (apparently they have read the relevant literature). They like brown-eyed beauties!

See photos of ideal girls through the eyes of Russian men





Portrait of a perfect girl through the eyes of foreigners

Research and findings of scientists from Britain

Researchers from Britain also compiled a portrait of the ideal girl (woman), based on surveys of the male half of humanity.

As a result, it turned out:

Her nose should be like Samantha Cameron's.

The eyes of the ideal girl should be very similar to the eyes of Nicole Scherzinger.

Hair - Katherine Jenkins.

The favorite figure of a woman is the figure of Beyoncé.

Sociologists have done an interesting study

The results showed that men see the “ideal” of their companion in the appearance of a blue-eyed blonde. She should have an apartment and a job.

We've just compiled some honest portraits of the perfect woman. Now it's time to digress a little from the external characteristics.

It doesn't matter to a man whether she is an exemplary hostess

More importantly - "professionalism" in bed and love for nature, animals.

A complete ban applies to smoking. Partial refers to the use alcoholic beverages(There is nothing wrong with the fact that the girl will sometimes drink in the company).

You should never "get" into the past of your dear man!

He will tell you everything himself, if he sees fit! Perfect girls are obliged to respect the desire of a man to remain silent about what he wants.

The ideal girl in the eyes of men is the one who will not actively oppose the "bachelor parties". On the contrary, she will approve the desire of her fiancé to take a good walk and unwind before the upcoming wedding celebration.

Attention! Now you will be very surprised!

Men have turned the world upside down for the sake of that person who loves kebabs and meat in any other form. They are wary of vegetarians. As for those who do not take care of their teeth at all.

Men appreciate mystery (mystery) and "magnetism" in a girl

Therefore, they "attribute" to ideal people those girls who possess these qualities.

Do men like false long nails of a girl? - Certainly!

If everything else is fine! There are men who love to watch the process of nail extension itself.

What needs to be done to become close to the ideal?

Watch and remember:

  • Earn no more (better - less) of your man

It will humiliate him that you get more money than him. Sacrifice a lot of money for him (if you think he is worthy of such "sacrifices"). Just please don't lie to your loved one. Do not hide information about how much you actually earn.

  • Go outside without makeup on your face

Prove that you like yourself no less without lipstick than with her presence! It is important for a man that you yourself believe that you are pretty (beautiful) and attractive. How to respond to compliments "coming" from a man? Pretend to be embarrassed and smile (looking directly into his eyes).

  • go in for sports

Do it at home if you don't have time or opportunity to go to any gyms. A man can also “stretch” after you so that you begin to be proud of him. Appreciate such a great aspiration! Show how much you appreciate him. The coolest option is a joint “journey” to training.

  • Show your loved one that you can be frugal (at least for a period of time)

The man will be incredibly shocked. Smile in response to his reaction and be proud of yourself! Not every woman will be able to refuse any purchases and shopping!

  • Go with a man to football or hockey

Do not prevent him from enjoying a sports game if he is a fan of such "cases". Be smart smart! You can! After all, you are doing this for the sake of a loved one .... He will definitely notice and appreciate it! He may even agree to go with you to a concert of your favorite band (despite the fact that many of your musical tastes are fundamentally different).

  • Tell your loved one that you often think about him

Say that you love him very much, that you miss him when you don’t see each other for a long time. Then you will often hear compliments about your ideality.

  • Do not whine and do not complain about all sorts of trifles!

Men are used to the fact that only women can act as a “quality vest”. Forgive your loved ones such a ridiculous delusion! Remember that they also forgave you and forgave a lot. Men are a little different people. And they can not be made the way women want to see them!

If your man is almost impossible to please...

Don't try if it doesn't work (despite your best efforts). Let him look for another! Then he will regret that he did not appreciate you. Let him try to get you back! Return or not? - Think for yourself. The decision is your personal right. Use it however you wish.

Do not miss. . .

The perfect portrait... -

The female standard ... -

Current… -

Design your forms... -

Imagine: you woke up one day and suddenly realized that you have the superpower of the movie hero Mel Gibson, only on the contrary - you began to hear the true thoughts of men. Now they will not be able to hide anything from you - not even a secret idea of ​​​​how an ideal woman should look like through the eyes of a man.

Think you can just ask them about it? And who said that you will receive a sincere answer? Speaking aloud about the ideal woman and his dreams, a man always remembers his own image, the stereotypes accepted both in society and in a purely male company. Which of them confesses their own weakness for chubby brunettes with glasses, when everyone around them worships two-meter skinny blondes? Have you seen how the men in the group demonstratively depict admiration for the girls of model appearance from the covers of magazines? And surely they believed their feigned admiration? So others believe, and pass this belief on to each other - and a lie repeated a hundred times is indistinguishable from the truth.

Ideal appearance. So is she important?

Indeed, only the appearance of the ideal woman is discussed, but never her character traits, behavior, or such an abstract concept as femininity. This statement is reinforced by the stereotype that for men, the eyes are the main organ of love. Why are they trying to convince us that supposedly a man loves with his eyes? The logic is clear:

  • you can measure your waist and hips with a centimeter, but not kindness;
  • breast enlargement is much easier than becoming caring and understanding;
  • you can use tons of makeup and defiant clothes - it's easier than becoming more feminine;
  • on all external attributes they earn huge money in the fashion, cosmetics, fitness industry.

Do you understand the connection? Someone, wanting to get rich thoroughly, preaches a commercially profitable image of an ideal woman through the eyes of men. Poor girls hear about it from everywhere - from magazines, from screens, from girlfriends - and inevitably begin to believe. Further it is clear: any available wallet (not necessarily your own) is taken, and wads of money go into the pockets of cosmetologists, nutritionists, plastic surgeons, fitness centers, and to the cash desks of clothing and footwear stores. However, even being under tons of silicone, Botox, cosmetics and various things, the girl is not one step closer to the ideal. On the contrary: seeing such a miracle of the beauty industry, a man understands that he will not pull this “treasure” financially, and turns his gaze to the contenders more modestly - especially since the girl who has spent a lot on herself begins to demand from the applicants the return of “investment in herself”.

Are the meanings so clear?

But what women rarely admit to themselves is that they make such sacrifices solely for the sake of attracting male attention. The less worthy men around, the tougher the hidden competition becomes, the more dishonest tricks are used. Others, having assessed their strength, voluntarily leave the race and found various feminist movements, preaching a complete rejection of femininity "in spite of preoccupied males." Alas, both of them see only a small part of the real picture.

But now you can’t be deceived anymore: here it is, the secret image of an ideal woman. Or rather, images, because each man for himself brings several deeply personal touches to the overall picture. But our cause is not hopeless: a dozen common features unite all men's ideas about the ideal, and appearance here, although a part, is an important part.

Features for the portrait

Here we note that women traditionally break the image into many small details - hair, eyes, nose, hands, figure. A man, on the other hand, sees the object of adoration as a whole, sometimes not realizing what specifically attracted his attention. In the eyes of men, it is incorrect to divide the ideal appearance of a woman into components, because a lack in one part of the image can easily be compensated by dignity in another. Ask any of the men about the color of the eyes or the waist of his companion - units will answer correctly. Ask differently - about the look, about the expression of the eyes, about the general harmony of the figure - and you will immediately receive an accurate detailed answer.

Girls rightly pay a lot of attention, but mistakenly assume that in the eyes of men, a woman who takes care of herself must have something extraordinary on her head. No, it’s not the color or length that matters here at all (although some “researchers” genetically justify the predilection of men for long-haired blondes). This is a matter of personal preference, but in the general portrait of an ideal woman, only brilliance, purity, pomp and grooming matter. At the sight of such hair, the subconscious, as it were, says to the man: “This woman is healthy, she is full of strength, takes care of herself and will probably take care of me and our children in the same way.” By the way, all these “Leaning Towers of Pisa” on the head, hairstyles in the style of “crazy hairdresser’s nonsense” cause just the opposite effect, because they look unnatural and frightening.

Eyes - no matter what different "psychologists" say about legs and sirloins - this is the first thing that men pay attention to. It is in the eyes that they determine whether a woman is interested, whether it is worth starting an acquaintance, and what are the prospects for a relationship. A woman can be arbitrarily well-groomed, beautiful and bright, but the dull lifeless eyes of a sleepy fish smash into fragments all her labors over own appearance. By the way, have you noticed - is it just such a cold contemptuous look of the model on the catwalks and covers that they pass off as "languid and mysterious"? Someone, tell them the truth: lively, sparkling eyes with a spark can instantly conquer any heart, and a smile hidden in the depths lays at the feet of an outwardly “gray mouse” just stacks of men who have been smitten on the spot.

Tell me, what smart guy came up with this fashion for lips in the form of two sausages? What kind of intelligence do you need to have to disfigure yourself in this way? Apparently, it should be called something like: "big sensual lips, thirsty for a kiss"? Yes, sometimes there is a prejudice that women with thin lips have a grumpy character, that men like childishly plump lips - but not to increase them to the same extent? And one more thing: how often have you seen girls on the streets with a slight benevolent smile? But this simple habit of smiling is exactly what makes a woman attractive. In combination with the same "smiling" eyes, this is already a weapon of mass destruction, and the bearer of a smile will immediately be ranked among the males as holy ideals.

The image of the ideal female figure

This is generally one of the most terrible male secrets. No one admits aloud that the model standards for a woman - in the eyes of men, of course - are as far from the object of dreams as the image of a two hundred kilogram hamburger lover is from them. Men, as connoisseurs of beauty, love precisely harmony and femininity - a pronounced waist, flexibility, smooth lines, chest and hips proportionate to the figure. No fifth size will save the owner of a stooped back with stocks of cakes on her sides! For long legs, men experience weakness in a simple way. psychological reason: the longer the legs, the closer the visual center of the figure is to the “same” place, which is the main object of their fantasies.

Without an emphatically feminine style in clothes and a soft melodic voice, the ideal image of a woman would be incomplete. Moreover, both extremes are equally unacceptable in clothing - both baggy that disfigures the figure and vulgar frankness. A real woman should not demonstratively flaunt herself to everyone, while shapeless hoodies devoid of grace will not inspire a man to exploits.

But the voice and smoothness of speech is something that can instantly devalue all the efforts expended on the ideal appearance. Imagine a man seeing fairy fairy, is filled with inspiration, poetry and lyrical music sound in his head, the matter is already moving towards the wedding ... and at this moment the “fairy” opens her mouth and with a rough smoky (or capricious shrill - underline as necessary) voice demonstrates her knowledge not only in the literary language, but and in the dialect of market traders. Everything, the spell is broken, the fairy princess turns out to be a cook, and our sad knight continues his wanderings in search of an ideal.

What's inside?

And all because in the eyes of men, the ideal woman does not stop at appearance - which 90% of girls successfully forget about. She can be infinitely beautiful, with perfect figure, lips and hair - but if there is a void under this hairstyle, further struggle for male attention is meaningless. Men do not like stupid women, no matter what they say. Every man endows his ideal with wisdom, intellect and the ability to think logically - except for those who are very unsure of themselves.

However, if you read all the encyclopedias of the world and the collected works of Aristotle in ancient Greek, do not try to show it to your chosen one. Imagine the humiliation a man will experience when such an "intellectual" will destroy his self-esteem at every opportunity! No, the ideal woman should be able to use knowledge and logic, but on her part it will be reasonable to look at least a little, but simpler than her man. This is simple psychology: in the eyes of a man, a woman is “too smart” and a wise woman differs precisely in the fact that the first acts as an aggressor and rival, and the second is calm about the man’s desire to be a leader. After all, we are so flattered!

Have you noticed how lately the image of what an ideal wife should be has been preached - that she should supposedly sit at home, sit back and mindlessly spend the capital earned by her husband at three jobs? From the point of view of a man, this state of affairs is a crime, and guess who benefits from it (hint - to marketers who create a consumer society). We will say that the ideal woman is characterized by:

  1. frugality . Attacks of irrational shopping and thoughtless spending without attempts to plan finances hint to a man that such a woman needs constant control, that she is infantile, that she cannot be trusted with a credit card and given freedom in decisions;
  2. Diligence. Men do not demand a high salary from a woman, not at all. But in the eyes of a man real woman should be passionate about something (even work), develop and move forward somewhere, have a goal and strive for it, and not sit in front of the TV, while pumping gossip from one ear to another over the phone;
  3. Thrift. If even scrambled eggs seem to you the height of culinary excellence, the house is a chronic mess, and the quality of your man's clothes is out of your sphere of interest, find with them mutual language it will be hard;
  4. Dignity. You can include here the taboo for all actions that in one way or another humiliate both the woman herself and her man - caustic remarks, criticism, envy. A woman with dignity will never tell anyone that her husband is bad - for by doing so she humiliates herself more than by silence;
  5. Loyalty, and absolute fidelity. A man wants to believe that his companion under no circumstances will betray him, will not take the side of the enemy - no matter what the man does.

And most importantly - the ideal woman will never try to remake a man in her own way. Accept a man as he is: you should not put things in order in the dusty pantry of his worldview, where all things and concepts have long been neatly laid out on shelves.

About deeply personal

“Well, what about intimacy, what’s with him?” - you ask. Yes, just like with the rest - the best choice there will be a golden mean. Men are equally unimpressed:

  • from completely passive, boring and shy women, who are served only in the dark under a blanket in a classic pose and without these “perversions”;
  • off too active girls with adolescent hypersexuality. It will be very unpleasant for him to deal with a woman more active, proactive and relaxed than himself: men are reluctant to share a leading role both in life and behind the closed bedroom curtains.

Women of the narrow-minded believe that a man measures his strength in the number of defeated beauties and in abstract "times per night." In fact, the most striking proof of his own masculinity for him will be the reaction of that very single woman. Could he give what she wanted? Did he cope with the task assigned to him? That is why men dream of such women who love not only the process itself, but also themselves, their body, the body of a partner and know how to have fun, and not "perform a painful marital duty."

And now what i can do?

Decide for yourself - do you really need it? Perhaps in life everything is not so bad? Do you need continuous and sometimes obsessive attention from men? The process of achieving the ideal can be long and difficult. And is it needed at all? Often, having found his own, a man begins to complex, evaluate himself critically and inevitably comes to the conclusion that he himself seems to be unworthy of such happiness! In this case, it will be effective to come up with some kind of cute and safe disadvantage for yourself - start to be afraid of mice or some kind of spiders, for example.

Try to love yourself - no one loves someone who does not love himself. Then love men for who they are: awkward, rude, straightforward. And start developing - read books, get a pet, find a hobby, sign up for a gym. This process, having become a habit, will imperceptibly and inevitably improve your outlook on life. Alas, there is no faster way to how an ideal woman should look through the eyes of a man. Suppose everything is clear and fixable with appearance, but do not have illusions that you can reliably portray kindness, loyalty or intelligence. One way or another, a man will recognize your deception - they are not as stupid as glossy magazines inspire you. Starting with yourself - you will inevitably change the world around, in which we wish you good luck!