The most terrible phrases in the world. Creepy sayings of children. "Daddy, I love you so much that I want to cut off your head and carry it with me so I can look at you whenever I want"

We often laugh at what children tell us. But sometimes they also say things that can terrify a person with the strongest nerves: Sunday morning. My daughter and I sat on the couch and read a book. It was raining outside. And we wrapped ourselves in a warm blanket. The daughter was drinking tea. I enjoyed coffee. Life seemed great. And then the daughter asks: ‘Daddy, when you die, can I cut you open and see what’s inside you?’ I almost choked on my coffee. ‘Of course, I said.’ The daughter smiled happily. ** When my son was 2 years old, I once told him not to jump like crazy because it is dangerous. And he said, "Don't be afraid, Mom, Grandpa George is guarding me." My father died when my son was 2 months old and I don't remember us ever talking about him in front of my son. *** We were just talking about something with my little daughter, and she suddenly said: "I was already dying." I asked her what she was talking about. She explained that “it didn’t happen when you were my mom, I was living with another mom then. She had dark skin me too. The spider bit me and I died!” Now my daughter is almost 13 years old and she is still scared to death of spiders!! *** I taught English in one of the schools in Spain. I shouldn't have confessed to my children that I speak Spanish (in order to force them to communicate with me only in English language ). One day, a 10-year-old girl comes up to me, grabs my hand and says so seriously "Te vas a morir", which in Spanish means "you will soon die." I opened my mouth in surprise and shock. And the girl laughed and said: “HA! So you still KNOW Spanish! Then she ran away. This was the most terrible thing I heard from the mouth of a child. I must admit, she deftly exposed me. *** My son, who is about 6, asked my mother to lie on her stomach, then sat on top of her and began to bounce, and then said: “We mate like animals!” Many thanks to the program "In the world of animals"! *** My child woke up early, got into bed with me and started watching cartoons on TV. I just couldn’t wake up, I was so sweetly dozing. Through my slumber I heard some strange sound on the lower floor, but I thought it was our dogs scurrying. Then my daughter leans towards me and says: “We have some kind of man in the house.” Once I was playing with a very naughty child who ran like crazy and almost knocked me down. I said, “Hey, be careful. If you kill me, then I won't be able to play with you." He looked me straight in the eyes and said: “You can’t, but I will play.” *** My friend’s 7-year-old daughter wanted to play with me “in prison”. She assigned me the role of a “prisoner.” Me: “What have I done? Forgot to brush your teeth? Didn't do your homework?" Her: "You killed a 23-year-old woman while she was jogging early in the morning." Me: "???" *** Talking to our 3-year-old son: “Would you like to have a brother or sister?” Our son: “I would like to kill them.” *** I was walking my little dog. A child of about four ran up to stroke the dog. His father said "gentle" when the child ran his hand rather rudely over the dog's head several times, thinking, probably, that she was pleased with such treatment. After that, the child looked at me and said: ‘If I hold her tight, tight, blood will spurt out of her and the intestines will scatter in all directions.’ His dad apologized, and they both left. *** My daughter was about 5 years old, she was traveling with me in the car. The mosquito circled over her, itching in her ear, annoying her in every possible way. She complained about it and I told her to just slap him. My daughter made sure that the mosquito landed on the glass and slammed it with a quick wave. Then she turns to me with some strange expression in her eyes and says: “This is the first time I have killed someone. " *** My little cousin once told me that he wanted to cut off my hand so that he could hold my hand even when I was not around. *** In the house where we used to live, my daughter was afraid to sleep in her room. She said that the objects in the room moved on their own. But one day she came running all in tears and said: "Someone is tickling my back." After that, we put her crib in my son's room, and soon moved out of that house (where "cases" and worse happened to us). *** Passing by the old cemetery, my then 3-year-old son said, as if by the way: "There is my brother." When I reminded him that he didn't have a brother, he said, “Not now... but he used to be. When the other aunt was my mother." *** “Sleep, who could be under your bed? Nobody is there.” “He's standing behind you now, I can see him.” It's still scary. *** When my cousin was 2 years old or so, her mother got pregnant again. One day my little sister came up to hug my mother's belly and said, “my brother is not well.” A few days later, my mother had a miscarriage… *** In April, a drunk driver crashed into my sister's car. Together with her in the car were my 4-year-old nephew and my very young niece. When our mother came to visit them at the hospital, my nephew asked her where the big uncles were. What big uncles, Kaidan? Those who were in the car with me, when it became noisy and scary, they hugged me and held me so that I would not hit. No one could explain how the child managed not to get a single scratch in this accident. *** When my son was little, I told him how potatoes are grown. I said that you need to spud him with earth so that he grows, and the son suddenly said: “I always did that when I was old.” *** My 3-year-old daughter stood next to the stroller where her newborn brother lay and looked at him for a while, then turned to me and said: “Dad, he is such a freak ... let's bury him.” *** My mother came to sit with my daughter, and I had to see a doctor. Suddenly, the daughter says: “Grandma, mom will not come home today. She had a terrible accident." I actually got into an accident and almost died. None of my family has been told anything yet. *** My sister Hailey was born exactly two months after our great-grandmother died. One day Hailey woke up and told us that today is her birthday and she turns 95 years old. When we tried to reason with her, she started crying, saying that her real name was Irene (my great-grandmother's name), not Hailey. This went on all day, and the next day she did not remember anything that happened. *** “Just today, my 4-year-old son said to me: “I think we live in a world where everything is make-believe and we are toys in someone’s hands.” I asked him what he was talking about and received an even stranger answer: “It looks like someone is controlling us, but we cannot see them, because we are in this world, and they are not here.” *** My 4 year old son has an imaginary friend named John. A few months ago, my son came up to me and quite seriously said: "Big John said he loves you." The name John was my grandfather, everyone called him Big John. He died when I was 6 years old. We lived with him until he died and he meant so much in my life. I never called him Big John or even just John when it came to him, I always said "my grandfather". *** My 4-year-old son and I once went to a cafe. While we were standing there, waiting for our order, my son began to stroke my stomach and talk to him. I asked him what he was doing; he replied that he was talking to a child. I told him that I was not pregnant. And he said “the baby IS… I saw him crawl across the floor and climb into you” *** My 5-year-old son asked me when he would be 23 years old - I told him that in 18 years - and then he gave out - well, I hope I don’t die again, because I was that old when I was in heaven last time. *** My mother told me that when I was a child of 4 years old, I went to visit my great-grandmother every day, and every time, saying goodbye to her, I said (like a well-educated child in a religious spirit): "God be with you," but one day I told her: "Go with God." According to my mother, she corrected me, but I repeated “Go with God” again. That same night, my great-grandmother died. *** I had several miscarriages. My daughter: In a dream I saw your babies who died. They want you to know that you are a good mother. *** Once my son and I boarded a plane, the plane took off and it shook a couple of times. The passengers became somewhat quiet, and then my son screamed: “WE ALL ARE DIE!!!”

1. I put the child to bed, and he says to me: "Daddy, check the monsters under the bed." I look under the bed to calm him down, and I see my child there, who looks at me with horror and a trembling voice says: “Dad, there is someone else in my bed.”

2. Doctors told the patient that phantom pains are possible after amputation. But no one warned of how the cold fingers of the amputated hand would scratch the other.

3. I can't move, breathe, speak or hear - it's dark all the time. If I had known, it would have been better to have asked to be cremated.

4. I woke up because I heard a knock on the glass. At first I thought that someone was knocking on my window, but then I heard another knock ... from the mirror.

5. They celebrated the first successful cryogenic freezing. But the patient had no way of showing them that he was still conscious.

6. She could not understand why she casts two shadows. After all, there was only one lamp in the room.

7. A smiling face stared at me from the darkness outside my bedroom window. I live on the 14th floor.

8. In the morning I found a photograph of myself sleeping on my phone. I live alone.

9. I just saw my reflection in the mirror winking at me.

10. I am working on the night shift and suddenly I see a face that looks directly into the surveillance camera under the ceiling.

11. The dummies were delivered wrapped in bubble wrap. I hear from another room how someone began to burst them.

12. You woke up. And she is not.

13. She asked me why I sighed so heavily. But I didn't sigh.

14. You came home after a long day at work and already dream of relaxing alone. You are looking for a switch with your hand, but you feel someone's hand.

15. My daughter always cries and screams in the middle of the night. I visited her grave and asked her to stop, but it didn't help.

16. Day 312. The Internet is still not working.

17. You have already begun to fall asleep in a sound, calm sleep, when you suddenly hear: someone whispered your name. Are you living alone.

18. As usual, I kissed my wife and daughter before going to bed. I woke up in a room with soft walls, and the doctors said that I dreamed it all.

19. The relatives of the deceased were never able to leave the crypt. Someone locked the door from the outside.

20. My wife woke me up last night to tell me that a burglar had broken into the house. But she was killed 2 years ago.

21. I had a wonderful dream until I woke up from the sound of someone knocking with a hammer. After that, I only heard clods of earth falling on the lid of the coffin, drowning out my screams.

22. The last man on Earth was sitting in a room. There was a knock on the door.

23. After a hard day at work, I hurried home to see my wife and our child as soon as possible. I don't know what was scarier to see my wife and child dead or to realize that someone is still in the apartment.

24. Mom called me to the kitchen, but on the way there I heard my mother whisper from another room: "Don't go there, I heard it too."

25. I never go to bed, but I wake up every time.

26. Doctor's conclusion: The newborn weighs 3600 g, height 45 cm, 32 molars. Silent, smiling.

27. She went into the nursery to look at her sleeping baby. The window was open and the bed was empty.

28. "I can't sleep," she whispered, climbing into bed with me. I woke up in a cold sweat clutching at the dress in which she was buried.

29. I come home, my mother shouts from the kitchen, “Go to dinner,” an SMS from my mother immediately comes: “I’ll be late, warm up something for yourself.”

30. I used to think that my cat has vision problems: she cannot focus her eyes when she looks at me. Until I realized that she was always looking at something behind me.

With you on earth, you forget about everything, even about the fear of heights. Silly dreams. And our souls are not subject to the wind, if only with you, and come what may.

My little brother is not yet a month old, and he - the bastard is already encroaching on my computer!

Scared that peanut butter will stick to the palate? It's arakibutyrophobia, baby.

I'm not afraid not to sleep at night, to fly in the clouds for days, but the fear of losing you is my only fear.

Best Status:
The most enduring and incurable disease is fear.

You cleaned up, cooked a meal and walked the dog with paid internet? Daddy's pi *** is that power! And all of you: willpower, willpower...

One smart person said that love has only two parts: 1 - curiosity, and 2 - the fear that you will die alone.

- I do not know fear, pain and loneliness! - Yes, you, boy, do not know many words yet!

This subscriber fell into the abyss, this subscriber was morally killed by those who were considered friends. Stoned, feel no fear, feel no pain. Shout, don't shout: the subscriber is not available.

For everything, forgive me! Heartache! You are not around! I want to forget you, but I have no more strength! I close my eyes - a tear on my cheek! I see a white light and blood on my arm...

Fear is when you stand near your loved one and cannot touch him.

The best decoration for a girl is modesty and a transparent dress.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because there is torment in fear. He who fears is imperfect in love

You are sitting there and upset that it is September 1st. And 4 terrorists came to our city, and I'm afraid to go to school.

... or the green tea was defective ... or the nerves lost their fear in general ...

You are the light of the sun, you are pain and fear, you are the taste of the sky on my lips, the melody that I sing ... You are life ... And I love her ...

Because of love, I experienced a lot: pain, resentment, fear, loneliness ... Why did I fall in love again? ...

There are moments when you want to send the whole world f*ck!!

As soon as something becomes dear to us, there is a fear of losing it!

Soon I will die. And yet fear no longer controls me.

It hurts so much .. He goes to meet me with her and says that she is the best with him, and I walk past with lowered eyes, and he recently told me this ..

And most, painfully, I want to believe in what I say ...

Girl, are you very brave or insured?

I will put my palms, fill them with your pain. fill with sadness, fear of the echoing emptiness. and you will not know how the sky burns on fire, how life breaks all hopes and dreams ..

Dad got fired from his job. The young man goes into the army. No money left. University admission hangs in the balance. You can move out any day. And they still ask me: “Why don’t you smile?”

I am a person who is able to step on a rake, even if they are locked in a barn.

Eh, I would like a machine gun ... and so that the cartridges do not end!

there is no passion and pain, resentment and love. there is no fear and jealousy, no matter how you call, there is light, and emptiness again wanders behind it, and the sacred name is simply: Dream ...

Who the fuck is this genius? Let me shake his throat!

Nothing strengthens love for a person as much as the fear of losing him.

When old feelings come back - IT'S TERRIBLE (

The rapper will never show that he is scared, but will simply hide his fear behind an invented quatrain...

All stresses originate from the fear of “I won’t

Yes, I don’t have a price !!! I can’t even get insurance ...

The speed limit is not defined ... until fear stops

Death begins with the same letter as Laughter... Lies begin with the same letter as Love... Pain begins with the same letter as Intimacy... Freedom begins with the same letter as Fear... and only "I" and "You" begin with different letters...

The fear of losing is already losing.

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because there is torment in fear; He who fears is not perfect in love. (Bible)

Jealousy has nothing to do with love. Jealousy is the fear of being worse than your opponent.

Teachers are like dogs - they always feel your fear)

I tried to have sex with Anya in the water - nothing happened. She pops up all the time.

The worst words of parents are like a death sentence: we turn off the Internet for the whole summer O_o

Love exists as long as the fear of losing a loved one is alive ...

through the line between the date our life will stretch in a rut were we? did we live? will be forgotten .. our fears and wounds will be healed ..

She removes the pain at the beginning, she hides fear behind a mask. Too many people promised to suffer any collapse for her ...

Fear is when the tram that hit the Porsche disappeared into the yards.

And how good it starts for everyone: beloved ... cute ... cute ... little ... stupid ... fool ... fool ... idiot ... dumb ... brute ... bastard ... fuck * n ... hate!!

Trust is when you take his phone without fear, and without fear you give him yours ...

It's over... Hello coffin, I'm your tenant...

The strongest fear is the fear of annoying someone who is dear to you.

I am not the sun! I won't heat everyone!

Claustrophobia is when you go to the toilet and piss with fear ...

why are you so brave? is it insured?

For some reason, the last 5 minutes of the lesson drag on like chewing gum, and another 5 minutes of sleep after the alarm rang fly by quickly ..

The real fear is when you have 15 missed calls from your mom.

Love penetrates the soul, makes it strong, kind, sympathetic, and fear, pain and shame only disfigure it. (Felix Dzerzhinsky)

The main thing is to overcome your fear. Because every time you take a risk, no matter how it ends, you're still glad you're taking the risk.

She will leave ... And she will not return ... She will be able to overcome all the fear and pain in her chest ... She will leave, crying softly, turn around .. Walking clumsily, into the unknown that will be ahead ...

shoot your fear..Give a heart to the person you love..

It's scary when you delete a number from the phone book, not because you quarreled with a person, but because he is no longer alive.

This is how nature works: nothing strengthens love for a person so much as the fear of losing him.

The world opens all the doors to those who overcome the fear of failure in themselves!)

Miracles of disguise or how to sleep with a woman so that she does not feel anything.

The system breaks those in whom it feels fear. Problems disappear when this fear disappears ...

We choose what is cooler, and after this very steepness fucked us and left us, after such cool majors we are afraid to believe ordinary guys, it sits in our brains, and it’s a sin to refuse “All men are goats!” How naive we are.

Do not climb into my soul ... it's dark and scary there!)

I feel at ease...with an ax in my hand...

I have never felt pain, I did not know what fear is, I was afraid of one thing - bondage, Although only dust was waiting for me.

only one thing makes the fulfillment of a dream impossible - it is the fear of failure (c)

There are people who bring good, light, joy into the world. There are people who bring evil, hatred, fear into the world. And there is I, I carry a bag.

Fear is the emotional upheaval caused by the lack of responses to painful memories. (With)

The biggest fear .. This is the fear of annoying your loved one!

Your friend called me a princess, and you said hiding your fear. Such princesses in old plays were burned at the stake at the end

Ass is coming to us... Ass is coming to us... Ass is coming to us... Session coming soon...Fun brings students awake! Fear of exclusion is always real

Your friend called me a princess, and you said, hiding your fear: such princesses in old plays were burned at the stake.

Everything I say goes past your ears!

We are all mere pawns... Ruled by kings...

Don't be afraid to take the first step, because fear breeds insecurity in you.

Gone drunk for a couple of days! An SMS comes from my mother: “Dim, have you forgotten where you live?”

A show with crocodiles was brought to Chechnya. Well, it was very scary. But, having overcome the fear, the crocodiles nevertheless performed.

I live in constant fear of being misunderstood.

What you want is on the other side of fear

It is the fear of losing a person that helps us understand how much we value them.

The main thing in a woman is not her breasts, but her eyes!!! Believe me, a woman without eyes looks much scarier!

Teach me how to smoke nervously and aristocratically, confuse silk curtains with smoke, and maybe I can beautifully confess my love to you, in verse, but for now - thank you, but I want to fuck you right here on the floor

Anger is fear directed inwards...

and for me, the fear of childhood is the music from The X-Files, even now I'm afraid to listen to it))

Do not look into the past, because fears live in it. Do not look into the future, because illusions live there. Look into the present, because you live in it. And this is where you can be yourself.

Fear of failure makes dreams impossible...*

I must go and satisfy my grief with women.

Talking to yourself is not scary, it's scary when you even have nothing to say to yourself.

I live in constant fear of being misunderstood. /Oscar Wilde./

Gotta hold on! Hold on, hold on! Teeth, claws! Blindly, in the dark! Don't give in to anger and fear!

Brain defects cannot be smeared with foundation.

“fuck” is a universal word that can mean fear, surprise, puzzlement, anger, joy, sadness, pain, and finally all fucking feelings: D

How insulting it is when the rose given by you dries up together with our love... On the same day.

Never chase a man, by doing this you will show your weakness, fear of being alone. Believe me, the world will not converge on him like a wedge, there will be many more.

xxx: The most terrible burns are when the blisters are like that? uuu: This is when the ashes

Sometimes the feeling of fear is stronger than the feeling of love... Sometimes it's easier to step back and forget than to take a step forward and confess your feelings...

A small heart beats excitedly quickly, sparks flare up in the eyes from one word, feelings overcome, but fear does not allow to confess, but one cannot be afraid forever!

And the worst thing is the silence. Your silence...

Interesting question... did ALLADIN fuck his JASMINE?? It becomes clear when you read his name backwards.

because of a few people I can overcome my pride and my fear ...

Sometimes the fear of losing suppresses the desire to have...

A bachelor is a person who has lost his joys for fear of finding them forever.

A person's life is spent in sorting out his past, in complaints about the present, in fear for the future. © Antoine de Rivarol.

Your friend said that I was a princess, and you said, hiding your fear: “such princesses, in old plays, were burned at the stake at the end.”

[A person falling with an unopened parachute experiences wild fear, terrible stress, unbearable psychological suffering. One thing pleases - this horror will never happen again]

Eyes... Full of emptiness... That's scary...

You know what's worse than being afraid to tell the truth? Fear of knowing her.

I will take away your nightly fears, I will take you away from here FUCK, I'm like crazy on the last day of Pompeii, this is crazy, I'm crazy about you ...

Be brave... fear kills people... turns them into animals, mammals, constantly running from their predators...

It hurts the most when you, overcoming your fear, insecurity and pride, wrote to him, but he did not answer.

A boy with a water pistol kept the carbide plant at bay for a whole month!

“FUCK!” - expresses delight, admiration, fear, horror, bewilderment. Unique word!

Fear paralyzes the brain .. but you have to think.

Beeping… all serious PPCs… as if they are solving problems of global importance…

The mistake of many is the fear of mistake...

Prayer is born not by faith, but by fear...

One of the users of the American site asked the question: "What is the most frightening phrase your child said to you?" What users answered, you can find out under the cut.

    I jokingly asked: "What The best way get a girl?"
    My seven-year-old son replied: "To tell her that she must be your girlfriend, otherwise she will never see her parents again" /

    I was putting my two year old son to bed. He said, "Goodbye, dad." I replied: "No, it's correct to say" Good night". He said, "I know. But this time it's goodbye." I had to go into his room several times later to make sure he was there"

    My three-year-old daughter stood next to her newborn brother, looked at him for a while, then turned to me and said: "Dad, he is a monster ... we should bury him"

    I was fast asleep, and at about 6 am I was awakened by my four-year-old daughter, who leaned over me, looked directly into my eyes and whispered: "I want to rip your skin off"

    My niece sat on the couch with a strange look. His mom asked her what she was thinking and she replied: "I imagine waves of blood covering me"

    5-year-old child: "Mom, when you die, I want to put you in a glass jar so that I can always see you."
    To which a six-year-old child replied: "That's stupid. Where can you find a glass of this size?"

    "Before I was born here, I had a sister, right? Now she and my old mother are very old. They were fine when the car burned down, but with me, of course not"

    My child had a period when she said hello to all things, constantly saying "hi-hi-hi".
    Once it sounded more like die-die-die. Then I asked her: "What are you talking about?" She turned to face me and whispered, "Dieee..."
    In English, the word "hello" (hi) is similar in sound to "die" (die) - translator's note

    My son usually has a carefree-cheerful mood, so it sounded weird coming out of his mouth. Once he was playing with his mother and said, very seriously: "Mom, I will never chew your bones. I promise."

Hundreds of stories have surfaced on Twitter about the mysterious or even scary things little kids sometimes say.

A movement was launched by a certain Mickey Kendall from Chicago. She runs a popular blog dedicated to socially significant things, and on her pages in in social networks signed by tens of thousands of people. So when she asked subscribers about creepy childhood phrases, many responded. Mostly it was, of course, mothers. And if you thought that women could only lisp about their wonderful children, then read a few of these stories. Here are the most interesting ones. But maybe you'd like to add something of your own?


My two-year-old son said this: “They come for me at night and bring me back in the morning.” When I started asking him who it was about, he answered: “They” - and pointed to the sky.


A long time ago, my little brother was talking about his "other" grandparents and the blue house they lived in. After all the attempts to convince him that he made it up, the brother told his mother that he could show her the place. And we went ... And this five-year-old little psycho showed the way for almost 45 minutes. In the end, we ended up in a nearby town on a dead end street with an abandoned blue house.
I woke up to my three year old daughter touching my head. I asked what she needed. “I wish I had a piece of you,” she replied. - I would always carry it with me. For example, your finger. Since then, I have not slept soundly.


I babysat preschoolers while their teacher was on break. A little girl came up to me, she pointed to my belly and said, “Here is a little tiny baby. Little baby right here." I was pregnant, but I haven't told my colleagues about it yet.


My daughter was about five when she said that I was the best mommy she had ever had. I replied that I was her only mother. She looked at me and said, "No, you're third, but you're the best."


My students are 4 year olds. On summer holidays we had a walk. It was hot and the kids were playing imaginary ice cream shop. One of them handed me an invisible horn. I played along and asked him what taste he had. He replied: "Skins." I thought he said something that sounded similar and asked again. He repeated: "Skins." And then he pointed to the rest of the children and said that he was going to make ice cream from their skin.


One day I asked a friend's son what he was digging up. He replied: “Dead bodies. Have you never seen a dead body?"