Celebration of the winter solstice among the Slavs. Winter solstice. Ceremonies and Rituals for the Winter Solstice

Before starting a conversation about the pagan holidays of our ancestors, it is probably worthwhile to deal with the very concept of “paganism”. Scientists are now trying not to give an unambiguous interpretation of this term. Previously, it was believed that the emergence of the concept of "paganism" modern society indebted to the New Testament. In which the word "Iazytsy" corresponded to the concept of "other peoples", that is, those who had a religion different from Christian. Historians and philologists studying Slavic culture believe that sacred meaning of this concept lies in the Old Slavonic word "paganism", which is on modern language would sound like "paganism", that is, respect for kinship, clan and blood ties. Our ancestors really treated family ties with special trepidation, since they considered themselves part of everything that exists, and therefore, were related to Mother Nature and all its manifestations.


The pantheon of gods was also based on the forces of nature, and pagan holidays served as an occasion for honoring and showing proper respect for these forces. Like other ancient peoples, the Slavs deified the Sun, because the very process of survival depended on the luminary, so the main holidays were dedicated to its position in the sky and the changes associated with this position.

The ancient Slavs lived according to the solar calendar, which corresponded to the position of the Sun relative to other astronomical objects. The year was calculated not by the number of days, but by the four main astronomical events associated with the Sun: the spring equinox, summer equinox. Accordingly, the main pagan holidays were associated with natural changes occurring during the astronomical year.

Main Slavic holidays

The ancient Slavs began the new year on the day of the spring equinox. This great celebration of the victory over winter was called Komoyeditsa. The holiday dedicated to the summer solstice was called Kupail Day. The autumn equinox was celebrated with Veresen. The main celebration in the winter was - pagan Four main holidays of our ancestors were dedicated to the incarnations of the Sun, which it changes depending on the time of the astronomical year. Deifying and endowing the luminary with human qualities, the Slavs believed that the Sun changes throughout the year, like a person during his life. True, unlike the latter, the deity, dying on the night before the day of the winter solstice, is reborn again in the morning.

Kolyada, or Yule-Solstice

The beginning of the astronomical winter, the great pagan solstice, dedicated to the rebirth of the Sun, which was identified with the baby born at dawn on the winter solstice (December 21). The celebrations lasted for two weeks, and the great Yule began at sunset on December 19th. All the relatives gathered to celebrate the Christmas of the Sun, the Magi kindled bonfires to scare away evil spirits and show the way to the guests who were going to the festive feast. On the eve of the birth of the renewed Sun, the forces of evil could be especially active, because between the death of the old Sun Svetovit and the birth of the new Kolyada there was a magical night of timelessness. It was believed that our ancestors could resist otherworldly forces by coming together for common fun.

That night, the Slavs kindled ritual bonfires to help the Sun be born. They cleaned the dwellings and courtyards, washed and put themselves in order. And in the fire they burned everything old and unnecessary, symbolically and literally getting rid of the burden of the past, in order to meet the reborn Sun cleansed and renewed in the morning. The still very weak winter sun was called Kolyada (an affectionate derivative of Kolo, that is, a circle) and they were glad that every day it would grow stronger, and the day would begin to increase. The festivities continued according to our calendar until sunset on January 1st.

Magic night Yule

The most fabulous and magical ancient Slavs, like modern people, considered the twelfth night of Yule (from December 31 to January 1) and celebrated it with amusing disguises, songs and dances. Not only the tradition of having fun on this night has survived to this day, but also much more. Modern children are happily waiting for the pagan god Santa Claus, whom the ancient Slavs called to visit, in order to appease and thus protect their crops from freezing. Preparing for the New Year holidays, modern people decorate the Christmas tree with luminous garlands, Christmas wreaths are attached to the door, and cookies and cakes in the form of logs are often put on the sweet table, confidently believing that this is a Christmas tree. Christian tradition. In fact, almost all paraphernalia is borrowed from the pagan Yule. AT winter period there were also pagan holidays - Kolyadny Christmas time and Honoring of women. They were accompanied by songs, dances, Christmas divination and feasts. Throughout the festivities, people praised the young Sun as a symbol of the onset of a better and renewed life.


The day of the spring equinox was a holiday dedicated to the beginning of the New Year, the meeting of spring and the victory over the winter cold. With the advent of Christianity, it was replaced and shifted in time to the beginning of the year according to church calendar, now known as Maslenitsa. The pagan holiday Komoyeditsa was celebrated for two weeks, one before the spring equinox, the other later. At this time, the Slavs honored the strengthened and gaining strength of the Sun. Having changed my baby name Kolyada on Yarilo, the sun-god was already strong enough to melt the snow and awaken nature from its winter sleep.

The meaning of the great holiday for our ancestors

During the celebration, our ancestors burned an effigy of winter, because it was often not only cold, but also hungry. With the onset of spring, the fear of the personification of cold death in winter went away. In order to appease the spring and ensure its favor to the crops, pieces of the pie were laid out on the thawed sections of the fields as a treat for Mother Spring. At festive feasts, the Slavs could afford hearty food in order to gain strength for work during the warm season. Celebrating spring new year holidays pagan, they led round dances, had fun and prepared sacrificial food for the solemn table - pancakes, which, in their shape and color, resembled the spring sun. Since the Slavs lived in harmony with nature, they revered its flora and fauna. The bear was a highly respected and even deified animal, therefore, on the feast of the onset of spring, a sacrifice in the form of pancakes was made to him. The name Komoyeditsa is also associated with a bear, our ancestors called it a kom, hence the proverb “the first pancake for koms”, which means it was intended for bears.

Kupaila, or Kupala

(June 21) glorifies the sun-god - the mighty and full of strength Kupail, who gives fertility and a good harvest. This great day of the astronomical year presides over the pagan summer festivals and is the beginning of summer in the solar calendar. The Slavs rejoiced and had fun, because on this day they could take a break from hard work and glorify the Sun. People danced around the sacred fire, jumped over it, thus purifying themselves, and bathed in the river, the water of which is especially healing on this day. The girls guessed at their betrothed and floated wreaths of fragrant herbs and summer flowers. They decorated the birch with flowers and ribbons - the tree, because of its beautiful and magnificent decoration, was a symbol of fertility. On this day, all the elements have a special healing power. Knowing what pagan holidays are associated with the magic of nature, the Magi prepared all kinds of herbs, flowers, roots, evening and morning dew on Kupala.

magic night magic

The Slavic sorcerers performed many rites to get Kupaila's favor. On a magical night, they went around the eared fields, chanting spells from evil spirits and calling for a rich harvest. At Kupala, our ancestors wanted to find a magical fern flower that blooms only on this fabulous night, is able to work miracles and helps to find the treasure. Lots of folk tales connected with the search for a flowering fern on Kupala, which means they were carrying something magical holidays pagan. Of course, we know that this ancient plant does not bloom. And the glow, taken by the lucky ones for a magical flowering, is caused by phosphorescent organisms, sometimes present on fern leaves. But will the night and the search become less bewitching from this?


A holiday dedicated to the autumn equinox (September 21), the end of the harvest and the beginning of astronomical autumn. The festivities lasted for two weeks, the first until the equinox (Indian summer) - during this period they counted the harvest and planned its consumption until the future. Second - after autumn equinox. In these holidays our ancestors honored the wise and aging sun Svetovit, thanked the deity for a generous harvest and performed rituals so that the next year would be fertile. Meeting autumn and seeing off summer, the Slavs burned bonfires and danced round dances, extinguished the old fire in their dwellings and kindled a new one. They decorated houses with sheaves of wheat and baked various pies from the harvested crop for the festive table. The celebration was held on a grand scale, and the tables were bursting with food, people thanked Svetovit for his generosity in this way.

Our days

With the advent of Christianity, the ancient traditions of our ancestors practically disappeared, because often a new religion was not planted kind word but with fire and sword. But nevertheless, the memory of the people is strong, and the church could not destroy some traditions and holidays, so it simply agreed with them, replacing the meaning and name. What pagan holidays have merged with Christian ones, having undergone changes, and often a shift in time? As it turns out, all the main ones: Kolyada - the birth of the Sun - ( Catholic Christmas after 4 days), Komoyeditsa - March 20-21 (Shrovetide - cheese week, shifted in time to the beginning of the year due to the Easter fast), Kupail - June 21 (Ivan Kupala, the Christian rite is tied to the birthday of Ivan the Baptist). Veresen - September 21 (Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary). So, despite the past centuries and the change of religion, the original Slavic holidays, albeit in a modified form, continue to exist, and anyone who is not indifferent to the history of their people can revive them.

In the distant past, people lived in unity with nature. The change of seasons influenced the whole way of life and was the basis of mystical (religious) rituals - holidays.

The main holidays of all ancient peoples were: the arrival of winter, spring, summer and autumn. These four days are the days of the solstices and equinoxes, the astronomical beginnings of the seasons.

These days were the base points of the calendar Year. These days the program for the whole season was laid. They served as reference points for farming, construction and other important activities.

Currently, there are two main religions in Russia - pagan and Christian. The Christian religion came later and replaced the pagan one. In order for Christianity to take root in Russia, new Christian holidays were imposed on pagan ones. Therefore, now there is a lot of confusion - what comes from where - what is pagan and what is Christian.

In order to gradually change the faith of the people in their gods and plant a new religion, it is necessary not only to replace the ancient folk holidays to new ones (change names, titles, replace historical events associated with these holidays), but also to add their own (new) rituals from another religion. Gradually, new holidays are fixed in the minds of the people. The people forget their history, their gods and begin to worship other gods.

This is how nations lose their past – their history, their roots. Discords begin within the people themselves, because there is no longer a single religion that has historically developed over millennia. There is a split. Some people forget their past, culture and traditions of their ancestors, while others do their best to revive the original traditions of their ancestors.

Any nation is strong as long as it has traditions, historical memory, and a single faith. And it is better if this faith was the faith of their ancestors. This is how the continuity of generations is preserved. Such people cannot be defeated.

Over time, any faith, any religion needs to be improved. Times change, people change. Religion must meet the new conditions. But this does not mean that one religion should be replaced by another. Religions should not supplant each other. They can coexist peacefully, giving people the right to choose. because All religions have one common basis - the love of God.

Religion should be understandable to the people, support their spirituality and traditions. There should be no confusion in religion.

To destroy a people, you must destroy its culture

How is knowledge lost?

Undoubtedly, ancient people, including the ancient Slavs, possessed very great knowledge. Wise, intelligent, educated people were in a spiritual search for thousands of years and shared their mystical experience with others, passed on the accumulated knowledge from generation to generation.

But in the last few centuries, events have occurred that have been devastating to the entire world culture and the entire spiritual heritage of the ancients. The ancients - they knew, now - much is irretrievably lost.

Over the past centuries, a huge gap has been created, most of the ties with ancient knowledge and wisdom have been severed. What now exists in the world is a completely new civilization that has nothing or almost nothing in common with the previous civilization. People think that their culture is very ancient, but in fact it is only the remnants of ancient knowledge.

There have been many wars on earth. It is not so dangerous and destructive if the conquerors are only looking for material wealth, new lands and raw materials. If the people manage to preserve their inner life (way of life, traditions, culture), then they will survive. The main thing is to preserve the core of life, its essence.

But when religious wars began, their goal was not material wealth, but the conquest of the souls of peoples. New religions were planted by destroying the inner life of peoples, destroying their traditions. Books (chronicles) that reminded of past traditions were seized and destroyed.

Most easy way conquer any nation is to separate the country from its centuries-old history, to destroy its past, its heroes. When a gap is artificially created between a people and its history, such a people is deprived of its roots and its strength.

The real disaster of any nation is when it loses touch with its ancient knowledge.

The real basis of all cultures are the sources of their knowledge.. If we remove the history of two or several generations from the history of the country, it loses the possibility of further development.

Currently, some figures are intensively rewriting history. By destroying the past, they destroy the future. This is very important to understand.

Continuity of knowledge must be maintained. The progress of mankind directly depends on the transfer of knowledge accumulated over millennia from generation to generation. The continuity of generations is not an empty phrase. When the chain of knowledge is broken, people become ignorant.

It's the same with holidays.. People celebrate them not because they know and understand their meaning, but because it is customary. They don't know what it's for.

When the connection with genuine knowledge is destroyed, people continue to mechanically observe rituals for some time. These rites will last for some time and disappear forever.

But there is also a reverse line. If educated people want to restore ancient knowledge, they will carefully study the rituals that are now mechanically performed by the illiterate and ignorant masses. These rituals are symbols (remnants) of ancient knowledge. By symbols, you can try to restore ancient knowledge, give them new life to restore lost traditions.

The past cannot be corrected, but one can try to restore what is possible and not repeat historical mistakes again.

Ancient Slavic holidays

Many people are trying to maintain the origins of culture, to preserve traditions - they create Slavic communities, popularize Slavic culture in books and on Internet sites, try to revive the ancient Slavic holidays, to understand their meaning.

The ancient Slavs lived according to the solar calendar and the holidays of the Slavs were oriented to the Sun(the rotation of the Earth around the Sun, the change of seasons). These days (two solstices and two equinoxes) served as reference points for farming, building and other activities.

Over time, the exact dates of the equinoxes and solstices shift slightly. Therefore, the date of the holiday is shifted by several days. So, once the summer solstice (the longest day of the year) fell on July 7th. Centuries later on 23-24 June. Currently June 21st. This can be seen in any astronomical calendar, even a tear-off one.

The modern calendar has long moved away from the dates of the solstice and equinox. That is why there is so much confusion about the dates of pagan and Christian holidays. Everything needs to be aligned. Otherwise, there is no point in holidays.

So the main Slavic holidays:

Christmas time

Pancake week

Maslenitsa is the farewell to winter. Classic Maslenitsa, as it was in pagan Russia, lasts a week from March 14 to March 20, until the day of the spring equinox - March 21.

This is a permanent holiday - the last week of astronomical winter. Its date does not change and only shifts along with the day of the vernal equinox, that is Maslenitsa is directly related to the movement of the Sun.

Great day (Red Hill)

March 21 - Great day (Red Hill) - It was celebrated on the spring equinox, when day equals night. This is a celebration of the meeting of Spring, the beginning of astronomical spring.

The ancient Slavs celebrated the arrival of spring on a hill called Krasnaya Gorka. They danced round dances, praised the gods, rolled a burning wheel from the mountain into the river - a symbol of the Sun.

On this day, the souls of dead ancestors flocked to the Red Hill (hill) in the form of birds. The Slavs fed the birds, scattered grains and bread, put holiday tables, brought food and feasted with the gods and the souls of their ancestors.

Green Svyatki - Rusal Week

Green Svyatki (Rusal Week)- the last week of astronomical spring. They last a week from June 14 to June 20, until the day of the summer solstice - June 21.

These days were considered among the Slavs days of darkness and were favorable for divination. These days, as well as winter Christmas time, the ancient Slavs guessed, made wishes, turned to the Forces of Nature with requests. The sky is open these days. Girls wondered about marriage.

We didn't swim during Rusal Week. These days are dedicated to the goddesses of rivers, lakes and reservoirs.

Indian summer - seeing off summer

Indian summer is the last week of astronomical summer. They last a week from September 14 to September 20, until the day of the autumn equinox - September 21.

At this time, the crop was harvested and counted, stocks for the next year have already been made. In the bins, abundance from the harvest. The harvest festival was celebrated with wide hospitality.

Autumn meeting. harvest festival

September 21 - the day of the autumnal equinox- the beginning of astronomical autumn. Harvest festival.

Ovsen, Tausen, Usen, Avsen are epithets of the sun (depending on the dialect of the area, they were pronounced differently). These are the ancient Slavic names of the Sun or the name of the holiday in honor of the Sun.

The sun is the source of light, warmth and fertility. The ancient Slavs celebrated this holiday by lighting bonfires and autumn round dances - they said goodbye to summer and met autumn. They had fun, baked big pies, so that next year they could reap a good harvest.

On this day, the fire in the huts was renewed - the old one was extinguished, and the new one was lit. Large sheaves were placed in the house. They wished each other that the next year would also be fruitful.

In addition to the main solar holidays, there are holidays dedicated to the Slavic gods - Yarila, Perun, Veles and others.

Holidays were always held outdoors. People gathered in the forest, in the meadow, on hills, hills, hills. They had fun, sang and danced round dances. In folk dances, people walk a lot in a circle, since the circle saves energy. Rituals were used to establish a spiritual connection with their gods.

Summarize. Formerly people worshiped the one God, the Sun and the elements - Fire, Earth, Water, Wind. And now they worship people. Worship of the one God and the elements is expedient, but worship of people?

You can't give up the faith of your ancestors. Otherwise, the people lose themselves.

If you set a goal, you can restore and compose a single Slavic calendar, which will undoubtedly be a contribution to Slavic culture.

Our new book "The Energy of Surnames"

The book "The Energy of the Name"

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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Ancient Slavic holidays. Back to the roots

On our sites, we do not provide links to magical forums or sites of magical healers. We do not participate in any forums. We do not give consultations by phone, we do not have time for this.

Note! We are not engaged in healing and magic, we do not make or sell talismans and amulets. We do not engage in magical and healing practices at all, we have not offered and do not offer such services.

The only direction of our work is correspondence consultations in writing, training through an esoteric club and writing books.

Sometimes people write to us that on some sites they saw information that we allegedly deceived someone - they took money for healing sessions or making amulets. We officially declare that this is slander, not true. In all our lives, we have never deceived anyone. On the pages of our site, in the materials of the club, we always write that you need to be an honest decent person. For us, an honest name is not an empty phrase.

People who write slander about us are guided by the basest motives - envy, greed, they have black souls. The time has come when slander pays well. Now many are ready to sell their homeland for three kopecks, and it is even easier to engage in slandering decent people. People who write slander do not understand that they are seriously worsening their karma, worsening their fate and the fate of their loved ones. It is pointless to talk with such people about conscience, about faith in God. They do not believe in God, because a believer will never make a deal with his conscience, he will never engage in deceit, slander, and fraud.

There are a lot of scammers, pseudo-magicians, charlatans, envious people, people without conscience and honor, hungry for money. The police and other regulatory agencies are not yet able to cope with the increasing influx of "Cheat for profit" insanity.

So please be careful!

Sincerely, Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

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There are two solstices in a year - winter and summer.

December 21, 2017 at 19:28 Moscow time the winter solstice will come. At this moment, the Sun will move from the northern hemisphere of the sky to the southern.

The trajectory of our planet around the Sun is not a perfect circle. The distance between the Sun and the Earth changes - from the minimum close to the most distant, and so it repeats from year to year. On the day of the winter solstice - the Earth is closest to the Sun, and in our hemisphere at this time there is the shortest day and the longest night of the year.


In Russia, on the day of such an important astronomical event as the winter solstice, Kolyada was celebrated, which speaks of our advanced knowledge Slavic ancestors in matters of astronomy and astrology. By the way, the word "Slav" is interpreted as SLAV YANG, Yin, that is, glorify the male and female principles.

December 21, on the day of the winter solstice, began Kolyad'en, the first month of winter. On the same day, in accordance with natural rhythms, they celebrated the birth of Kolyada, one of the main Slavic gods, Dazhbog, who embodied the Sun.

In ancient times, even before Christianity, on the day of the winter solstice, the Slavs knew that this was a turning point in nature. At this time, there is a sharp struggle between Good and Evil, the End and the Beginning become close. Our ancestors believed that worlds open on this night: the world of the gods is heavenly, the world of man is earthly, the world of underground riches and the dead is underground. On December 22, the sun (Kolyada) died, but then was born again.

The celebration of Kolyada took place in December. The glorification of Kolyada with its fun and optimism personified the faith of our ancestors in the victory of good principles over the forces of evil. To help Kolyada win and drive away evil spirits, the Slavs burned fires, sang and danced around them.

With the advent of Christianity on our lands, the Nativity of Christ was timed to this day and the ancient, optimistic and life-affirming holiday of Kolyada was banned, and instead of it, the supposedly Christian “Christmas” of Christ was introduced ... The last patriarchal ban on worshiping Kolyada was issued on December 24, 1684 (A. Strizhev, "People's Calendar"). But the truth is not so easy to eradicate, and the ancient custom simply passed into a different form ... unfortunately, having lost the true meaning to which it was originally dedicated ...

It is also known that in ancient times, God Kolyada granted many Slavic families a system for calculating seasonal time for maintaining field work- Carols gift - KOL (a) endAR - Daarisky Krugolet Chislobog. This calendar existed in Russia before the introduction of Christianity and carries with it a huge layer of knowledge of our ancient and wise ancestors. In Summer 7208 (1700 AD), our ancient calendar was banned by the false tsar Peter the Great, who issued a decree on the abolition of all old calendars that simultaneously existed in the Russian lands. He introduced the Western European calendar from the Nativity of Christ, thus stealing from our people 5508 years of the Great Heritage.

Awakening of Russia, ours with you Genus others, begins with rebirth and understanding with genus s and genus ny traditions.

Reviving the truth about the true meaning of our folk traditions and customs, we establish a connection between times, awaken the ancestral memory of the Rus, and revive the culture of Great Russia. Let's revive the truth about the past of our Motherland together and let's celebrate our native holidays! IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW the true history and traditions of your people. Know to save. And pass it on to your kids!


Sunrise on December 22 portends the beginning of the next life cycle, in connection with which the day will be filled with powerful mystical meaning.

This day is also called "Solstice".

In ancient times, people who celebrated the solstice believed that it erases all sorts of boundaries between the worlds of spirits, people and gods, and also makes direct communication between them possible.

According to legend, on these nights all the worlds intersect in Midgard (in ancient times, our Earth was called Midgard), Goddesses and Gods descend to people.

Signs of rituals of antiquity are observed today. So, spruce has become an attribute of the New Year and Christmas holidays. On these days, people carol and treat guests with various treats, exchange gifts. Christmas lights and lit candles represent the flashes of ancient bonfires. Fire is protection, as well as an assistant in communicating with representatives of other worlds.

Kolovrat or solstice is one of the oldest ancient Russian symbols, personifying the Sun and the solar gods Svarog, Dazhdbog and Yarila.

The name of the symbol came from the word "kolo" - the sun. The symbol itself looks like a circle with curved rays, so some uneducated citizens associate it exclusively with the fascist swastika. Although this is fundamentally not the case: in Nazi Germany they really used this ancient solar symbol. Perhaps this choice was dictated by the centuries-old worship of people to the Sun, and such a tradition is found in almost every nation. It is also worth noting that the Germanic and Slavic tribes were originally one Indo-European people.

The life of our ancestors was subject exclusively to the solar cycle - all holidays and important events were associated with the sun.

It was believed that it was the sun that plays the most important role in the universe, it is the focus of strength, life, seething energy and fertility. That is why the most common symbol used in various jewelry and decorating the clothes of the Russians, there was a Kolovrat, which was considered a male symbol. It was embroidered on banners and lace, carved on wood and metal, and used in ancient Vedic rituals.

After the Baptism of Russia, this symbol was banned, as well as other ancient Russian attributes of faith. Meanwhile, Kolovrat personifies nothing more than Yarilo-sun, without which life itself on Earth is impossible. No wonder this symbol, embroidered on military banners, terrified the enemy tribes and put them to flight. No one and nothing could resist the strength of the ancient Russian warriors under the sign of the Solstice.

At present, we astrologers have been able to fully explain the meaning of Kolovrat. If we consider on the star chart the location of the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor at 00.00 h / min on December 22 and June 22, as well as on March 21 and September 23 (this is the time of the winter and summer solstices, and the time of the spring and autumn equinoxes). If you draw an imaginary line from these constellations to the polar star, you will get the elements of Kolovrat. And if you combine the positions of the constellations on December 22, June 22, March 21 and September 23 in one picture, nothing more than an image of Kolovrat will appear in front of you.

It is likely that our ancestors originally used the Kolovrat to locate by the stars.

The solstice was made of gold or another yellow metal, such as brass or bronze. This is quite logical, because gold is the metal of the sun, and silver is the metal of the moon. The Magi used the amulet with the image of the symbol of the sun as a powerful amulet, and at present such talismans are used for the same purpose.

Wearing such a symbol protects the owner from all sorts of hardships and misfortunes, gives difficult situations strength, guards happiness. Moreover, the symbol can be executed in the following variations:

- eight-rayed Kolovrat means the power of solar fire,

The six-beam Kolovrat is a Perun's wheel, a symbol of the god Perun,

The four-beam Kolovrat means fire burning on Earth

Our ancestors depicted Kolovrats on clothes, embroidered them on military banners, cast them on weapons. They believed that the sun would bring them victory and glory. In most cases this turned out to be the case. Sun rays-symbols can be bent clockwise and counter-clockwise, or they can be enclosed in a circle, personifying the universe. AT last case Kolovrat symbolizes the eternal cycle in the Universe.


If we consider the traditions of the winter solstice from an esoteric point of view, we can say that this sacred period opens access to the energy-information fields of the Universe. Correctly formulated prayers and correctly expressed desires create certain "programs" that operate over a specific period of time. I think that the coming solstice of 2017 will change many destinies of our world. However, much depends on us. What needs to be done for personal happiness and the future well-being of the planet? In preparation for entering the unique energy of the period, you need to get rid of all the insults, bad thoughts and petty worries. There should be no outbursts of irritability. It is important to remember that during the winter solstice, a certain “pure matrix” absorbs all our emotional images, aspirations and desires, in order to then translate them into reality.

AT holiday program festivities should be included, which will improve health. Do not neglect plentiful and noisy feasts in a wide circle of relatives and friends - they attract harmony, well-being family relations. Do not forget about commemoration: you need to remember everyone whose memory is dear to you, send them words of gratitude and love.

It is mandatory to prepare gifts for loved ones, as well as make donations to the poor. Such gestures will be appreciated by the Universe, which, in gratitude, will certainly make it easier for you to achieve any goal you set.

It is necessary to emphasize a somewhat dangerous point: during periods of renewal, the world is in an unstable state, which increases the likelihood of accidents, injuries and various business failures. Therefore, people should be careful not to plan for this moment medical procedures, long trips and be more attentive to your health.

From an astrological point of view, the Sun on the day of the winter solstice will be in conjunction with Venus and Saturn and sextile to Mars and the Moon, which will be a very good start for a career, personal and sports achievements, for establishing family and love relationships. for planning children, home improvement, real estate acquisition.

The winter solstice is a long-awaited event that completes a series of gloomy Brrr months (October br, But I br, Deca br). May this day be surrounded by the longest nights of the year, but after it we will see more and more daylight! This is what is remarkable about the Winter Solstice, that there is a turning point to warmth and sunlight.

Different cultures interpreted this event in different ways, but most peoples perceived the winter solstice as revival that marks the beginning of a new one. At this time, festivals, holidays, meetings were held, appropriate rituals were held, mass celebrations were organized with songs and dances.

The time of the winter solstice occurs when the axis around which our planet rotates, in the direction from the Sun, takes its maximum mark. The largest value of the angle of inclination of the Earth's axis with respect to the Sun is 23° 26'.

On this day, the Sun reaches its lowest position. Further, at the end of December and January, it rises higher above the horizon, making daylight hours longer.

Holiday dates:

  • December 21 or 22 in the Northern Hemisphere (these are all countries above the equator);
  • June 20 or 21 - in the Southern Hemisphere (Australia, most countries Latin America and etc.).

At this point, the following events will occur:

  1. Astronomical winter will come;
  2. The sun will be at its zenith at the latitude of the Tropic of Capricorn;
  3. According to the zodiac calendar, the Sun will move into the zodiac sign Capricorn;
  4. The length of the day begins to increase;
  5. The sun will rise and set below the horizon at the southernmost points of sunrise and sunset;
  6. The current day will be the shortest day of the year;
  7. Accordingly, the night coming from December 21 to 22 will be the most long night 2019.

Winter Solstice Traditions

Of course, no one celebrates this day in the 21st century, but in ancient times it was given great importance. It was celebrated in many cultures and, most importantly, followed traditions. It is possible that a modern person will be able to find something useful for himself among them.

On the day of the winter solstice, the house was decorated with Christmas tree branches. Living trees improve the energy of the house. An orange was always placed in the center of the dwelling. Thus, people celebrated the birth of the Sun and the beginning of a new solar year.

It was customary to kindle bonfires and perform rituals with their help. Thanks to this tradition, people tried to hasten the birth of the Sun and initially support its forces.

How to spend the winter solstice

The end of the solar year and the beginning of a new one is a good time for various practices, ceremonies and rituals. At this time it is recommended:

Conduct meditations

A good effect will be from cleansing meditations that help to get rid of something unnecessary, obsolete. It is also recommended, after cleansing, to switch to the visualization of plans for the new solar year. Prepare yourself a to-do list ahead of time. Before meditation, this list should be read, and closing your eyes, imagine that everything has already happened. If these plans are really worthwhile and at the moment of visualization strong vibrations of the energy plan were sent, everything planned will be realized in a short time.

Here are some meditations to choose from:

Make a wish

Traditionally, a wish is made on the day of the calendar change. Asking for something cherished and intimate on the day of the winter solstice is akin to making a wish on a shooting star on New Year's Eve.

When your desire is formed into an intention, it will definitely come true!

Desire and light

Listen to part 1 of the algorithm for making wishes come true on the video.

Do magical work

For these purposes, the following practices are excellent:

get out

For something good to come into life, you need to clear the space for it. You should clean the room, throw away all the old, broken things. All things that were not useful for the year should be collected in boxes and taken to people in need. It will not be superfluous to wash the doorways, the threshold, and most importantly the windows. It is through them that flows of power enter the house. Cluttered space interferes with the implementation of plans and the fulfillment of desires.

Reiki sessions can help you clear your energy.

Let go of the past that has become obsolete

Right at sunset, you should go outside or open the window wide. Take a piece of paper and a pen with you. While the old sun goes below the horizon, you need to try to remember all the bad and all the negative things that happened during the current year. It can be relationships with people, the people themselves, illnesses, litigation, job changes, loss of money, unpleasant conflict situations. All this must be written on paper, and then this paper should be burned with fire. Leave to burn out just before the setting sun. All bad things will go away, along with the old sun. And the next morning, along with the new sun, the long-awaited cleansing and relief will come.

Perhaps you understand that you need to let go of your destructive states:

Above the horizon at noon is the minimum or maximum. There are two solstices in a year - winter and summer. On the winter solstice, the sun rises to its lowest point on the horizon.

In the northern hemisphere, the winter solstice occurs on December 21 or 22, which is when the shortest day and longest night occur. The moment of the solstice shifts every year, since the duration of the solar year does not coincide with calendar time.

This cult in Asia Minor was called the cult of Attis (Attis), in Syria - the cult of Adonis (Adonis), in the lands of Romea - the cult of Dionysius (Dionysius), etc. with Dionysus in different time Mitra, Amon, Serapis, Liber were also identified.

In all these cults, the god-man was born on the same day - December 25th. Then he died and later resurrected.

December 25 - the date tied to the winter solstice, the day becomes longer than the night - a new sun is born. For example, for residents of the village of Polyarnye Zori, which is located on the Kola Peninsula at a latitude of 67.2 degrees north latitude, in December the Sun seems to die for three days, and then, as it were, resurrects.

God Mithra was called that - the Invincible Sun. And in Ossetia they still celebrate their December 25 New Year, ArtHuron, which means Fire Solntsevich.

The Christian religion is a parody of sun worship. They have replaced the sun with a man named Christos and worship him as they used to worship the sun.

Thomas Paine, writer, philosopher (1737-1809)