Krasnaya Gorka after Easter in the year. Red hill. Christian traditions of the day

When is Krasnaya Gorka in 2017, what date

People are so tired of the long winter and cold that they do not get tired of inviting spring and meeting it several times. And most last meeting warm season is the Red Hill holiday. It is believed that after that it starts to get hotter and hotter on the street, and it’s definitely not worth waiting for precipitation in the form of snow. Although, of course, there are exceptions.
This day combines ancient pagan traditions with Christian ones, so many people celebrate it. This holiday does not have a specific date, it is included in the group of passing ones, so people who want to celebrate it are interested in when Red Hill is in 2017, what date?

Date of celebration of the Red Hill

Since Krasnaya Gorka is a movable holiday, its date must be constantly calculated. Of course, in some sources you can find information about when this holiday is celebrated for decades to come. But there is an easier way to find out when Krasnaya Gorka will be. It must be remembered that Krasnaya Gorka is always celebrated on the next Sunday after Easter.
In 2017, the Great will be April 16th. Which means Krasnaya Gorka will be celebrated on April 23 . This holiday has several other names. Since it is of pagan origin, it is called Antipascha. And for the Orthodox, this is Fomino Sunday. As follows from the Bible, on this day Jesus Christ appeared to Thomas, who did not believe in the resurrection of God's son.
Features and traditions of the holiday
Previously, this day was accompanied by mass folk festivals, round dances and songs. The holiday symbolized not only the final arrival of spring and warmth, but also the meeting of representatives of both sexes, as the beginning of a new life.

Girls and guys got together and went to have fun on some hills, that is, on hillocks where there was no longer snow. It is believed that the name of the holiday was given by one folk fun. People on this day rolled down the slides, and when the game ended, everyone noticed that the mound turned red. According to another version, “red hill” means “beautiful hill”, that is, people liked that it was no longer snow, but earth, and sometimes even the first grass.
Also, people have always tried to celebrate weddings on this day. People believed that if you get married or get married on Krasnaya Gorka, then such a marriage will not fall apart, and only death can separate the spouses. In addition, various rituals were performed on Krasnaya Gorka.
folk rites
Since all people at that time were engaged in agricultural work, everyone dreamed of a good harvest. For this, a very interesting ceremony was performed: all the representatives of the weaker sex harnessed to the plow and passed around their settlement in this way. It turned out a deep furrow, it had to be closed so that the village was in a circle. It was believed that everything inside this circle would bear good fruit and grow well. People also believed that they were also protected, which means that they would not get sick and suffer.
And to be happy, people rolled the eggs that were left over from Easter from the slides. If the krashenka rolled smoothly and did not break along the road, it means that a person will not suffer during the year, but will only rejoice. These eggs are then eaten.
There is also a rite for the fulfillment of desire. A person must think of something, and then go to the well and throw a coin into the water. And in order for the family to have prosperity, you need to put a container with clean water in front of the icon. Each member of the family should come and wash. If there are children in the house, then the eldest in the family should wash them.

And on Krasnaya Gorka, people always visited the graves of deceased relatives and prayed next to the graves. People believed that they needed to pray for the repose, and then you can ask for something, and the deceased will help you quickly convey the request and fulfill it.
The most important thing on this day is not to sit at home. Spring must be met on the street. Our ancestors believed that if a girl or a young man did not go out, he would be lonely for a long time. Therefore, everyone went out and got acquainted, and then after that new couples arose.
Of course, no one guarantees that all these rituals will come true. But on the other hand, these traditions always have a positive orientation, and, as you know, thoughts are material. Therefore, it is quite possible to celebrate Red Hill as it should be, because the rules of this holiday are quite simple.

Krasnaya Gorka is a special holiday that combines Orthodox traditions and echoes of pagan rituals. In the time of our ancestors, it was associated with the full entry of spring into power and the beginning of the period of matchmaking. On this day, the god Yaril was praised, merry festivities were held, in which all young people had to participate.

The Orthodox Church gave the holiday Red Hill a new meaning, linking it with Christian events. This event is celebrated on the first Sunday, so its date changes every year. Krasnaya Gorka 2017 falls on April 23rd.

This holiday among the people has other names: Fomino Resurrection and Antipascha. The first of them is directly related to biblical events. So, according to the Gospel, the Apostle Thomas did not believe that Jesus Christ was resurrected, so the Savior appeared to him on the eighth day after his resurrection.

In the name Antipascha, the particle "anti" is used in the meaning of "instead of". This holiday is in addition to Easter, since this is the first day after a long fast when a wedding can be held. It is on this holiday that the largest number of weddings falls.

Traditions of celebrating the Red Hill

Since ancient times, Krasnaya Gorka has been a celebration of the arrival of spring and warmth. Young people were especially excited about it. On this day, mass celebrations, games, round dances, matchmaking, chants were held. For young people it was considered bad omen to sit at home on this holiday, because it was said that those who did not go to the festivities in Krasnaya Gorka would not be able to find a mate.

On this day, ceremonies were also held to protect the village from adversity and attract happiness and a good harvest. So, it was still dark, all the women gathered on the edge of the settlement, harnessed to the plow and made a furrow around the whole village, while reading prayers. If a cross was formed when the circle was closed, then this was considered a good omen. The deep furrow symbolized the protection of the settlement from disease, drought, crop failure and other misfortunes. Only women participated in this ceremony, and men were not allowed to participate in it.

After the ceremony, festivities began, in which girls and boys from all over the village took an active part. Young girls tried to attract attention - they wove into braids bright ribbons wearing colorful scarves and best clothes. The fun was led by a girl called Lada, she knew all the songs, started the games and directed round dances.

On this holiday, all young people tried to show their skills and talents from the best side. The girls sang and danced, while the boys demonstrated their dexterity and strength in small competitions.

A ceremony for happiness was also performed on Krasnaya Gorka - people rolled up painted eggs from small hillocks. It was believed that if the egg rolls smoothly and does not break, then happiness and good luck await its owner.

Signs on Red Hill

Krasnaya Gorka, like many other holidays, is associated with various signs that people still believe in today. Among the most common ones are:

  • A sign of wealth - in order not to know the lack of money, on Red Hill you need to wash yourself in front of the icon. At the same time, younger relatives should not wash their elders. It is best if the eldest in the family washes those who are younger.
  • A sign of good luck - on this day, people made a wish on a coin and threw it into a well or pond. It was believed that this would bring happiness, and the wish made would come true.
  • A sign for long life and health - to get longevity and good health, it was customary to pray to the Lord on Krasnaya Gorka. People believed that on this holiday not only God hears their prayers, but also the deceased relatives, who will also help those who pray.

Red Hill today

With the advent of Christianity, the celebration of Krasnaya Gorka became more connected with worship. So, today the churches hold a solemn liturgy, at the end of which the parishioners are given “antidor” - small slices of prosphora, from which the crumb was removed for communion.

It is necessary to take the "antidor" from the priest, putting right hand on the left, palms up, forming a cross. Sacred bread must be eaten in church on an empty stomach.

At one time, the Church tried with all its might to push back pagan beliefs and replace them with Christian ones. This did not work out to the end, and people still performed protective rites, guessed for happiness and good luck, welcomed spring and the sun. Thus, the ancient traditions are closely intertwined with the Christian ones.

The celebration of Krasnaya Gorka today, unfortunately, is not as common as it used to be, however, in some settlements, folk festivals are still held in memory of the ancestors. In addition, there are villages where this holiday is celebrated on a fairly large scale, which attracts tourists and those who like to join folk traditions.

In addition, the modern Krasnaya Gorka remains. This is the first Sunday after Easter when it is allowed to get married, so it is on this holiday that many couples decide to unite their destinies. A popular sign says that a marriage concluded on Krasnaya Gorka will be happy and lasting.

Red Hill is a wonderful and fun party in which the wisdom of our ancestors is felt. It symbolizes rebirth, the victory of life over death, spring over long winter. Of course, many traditions have been lost in time, but those that are still preserved should be preserved and revived.

Krasnaya Gorka is a cheerful noisy youth holiday, which takes place exactly one week after Easter, symbolizes the arrival of sunny spring, the awakening of nature. The Slavic peoples have revered it since ancient times, waited impatiently and prepared in advance - they sewed beautiful clothes, taught songs, baked round holiday loaves, painted eggs.

When is Red Hill celebrated?

Pagan rites in our time are closely intertwined with Christian ones, but the original meaning of the holiday remains - the search for a worthy life partner. Its name is also quite understandable - the hill warms up well with the sun, the grass on it rises earlier than in the lowlands, so the hill was chosen as the place for the festivities, and “red”, as you know, means “beautiful”. Young people, dressed up in the best clothes, will gather for a walk this year as well, in order to celebrate the Krasnaya Gorka 2017 holiday, which will be held on April 23, in a cheerful atmosphere. There are other names for the ancient Slavic action - Antipascha (in the sense of "instead of") and Fomino Sunday, in honor of the Apostle Thomas, who did not believe in the resurrection of Christ until Jesus appeared before him on the eighth day after the ascension.

Traditions of the Red Hill holiday

Spring celebrations were dedicated to Yarila - the young God of the sun and rebirth, a symbol of love, tenderness, purity. Deity with clear blue eyes depicted in the brightest, joyful colors - the sun illuminated it blonde hair, a scarlet cloak developed behind his shoulders, and on the places where his bare foot stepped, herbs and flowers grew. Krasnaya Gorka in 2017, as before, will gather a noisy youth company, boys and girls should not miss the opportunity to have fun, to show their best side. It has long been believed that those who did not come to the holiday doom themselves to an unsuccessful marriage or loneliness. Some villages in Russia today celebrate the holiday in the old traditions, which have acquired details and become a truly spectacular event. Tourists from cities come there to admire and participate in folk festivals themselves. Of the most beautiful young ladies, they choose the best - a songstress and ringleader, they call her Leda or Lada, under her leadership, young people lead round dances, echo her in singing. Games are held, in a modern way - competitions in which the guys demonstrate valiant prowess, and the girls, decorated with colorful ribbons and bright wreaths, demonstrate dexterity, mastery, and cheerful character. It is believed that finding a couple on this day means laying a solid foundation for the future. family life. From that day on, marriages began en masse.

Rites of the holiday Krasnaya Gorka

In festive ceremonies there was a place for women of the older generation. Rural women undertook to protect their village from diseases, misfortunes, natural destructive phenomena - fires and floods. Even before sunrise, they gathered outside the outskirts, harnessed to a plow and led a furrow around the village, reading salutary prayers - the deeper the furrow was, the more reliable the protection of the settlement from crop failure, drought and similar adversities was considered, the resulting cross was also a good sign. What date is Krasnaya Gorka 2017, you can find out by church calendar, on this day rituals are performed that inspire young people for the upcoming family life.

Girls and boys run down the hill colored eggs, an even slope and a surviving egg - fortunately and good luck, they also threw a coin into a well or other body of water, while making a wish. And you can ensure a long life and health by praying to Krasnaya Gorka - it is believed that both God and deceased relatives will hear the request, who will certainly help in later life. And for wealth at dawn, one should wash in front of the icon, the result will be the best if the eldest of the family will wash the younger ones.

Church ceremonies are still honored by parishioners to this day. The solemn service ends with the distribution of the prosphora, called antidorom, you need to take a chunk on your right hand, placed on your left in the form of a cross. They eat consecrated bread on an empty stomach, right in the church.

Wedding on Krasnaya Gorka

After completion, it is allowed to play weddings. It is necessary to pay attention when Krasnaya Gorka 2017, what date the holiday falls on, is of great importance - marriage in May should be avoided. It is believed that if you get married this month, you will suffer all your life. 2017 will delight the young - April weddings do not contradict the conclusion of a happy union. In the upcoming, 2016, holiday fell on May, therefore, especially superstitious youth postponed the fateful event, and are waiting for the wedding on Krasnaya Gorka to finally come in 2017. And young people who have just found each other go to visit those who got married in last year to married couples for advice and blessings. It is customary to treat them with scrambled eggs resembling the sun and specially baked round bread.

Wedding and wedding ceremonies held on Krasnaya Gorka 2017 are a holiday for everyone. Unmarried youth are gaining experience in order to hold a celebration on the same day in the coming years in compliance with ancient traditions:

  • commemoration of ancestors after the wedding, treats were left at the cemetery, and deceased relatives, especially if they were parents, were asked to protect the young family;
  • rolling eggs in the mountains - the newlyweds simultaneously launched krashenki and watched the process, whether the eggs would roll side by side or scatter in different directions, which one would run away faster;
  • travel to the church, or the registry office, and back to the house - the roads must certainly be different, preferably confusing, in order to mislead the evil spirits that decide to interfere with the happiness of the young;
  • bread and salt - symbols of the sun, prosperity, warmth are especially honored on this day; at wedding celebrations, all guests are treated to the same loaf;
  • red and white colors were considered the main ones at weddings celebrated on Krasnaya Gorka. In the old days, the bride wore a red dress on this day. Now the halls are decorated in these shades.

A wedding on Krasnaya Gorka will certainly become the happiest event in the life of the young, well-being and love will accompany a married couple until the end of their lives.

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Krasnaya Gorka in 2020, which number is completely easy to calculate. You just need to calculate the date of the next Sunday, which will be after Easter. By the way, this day also has the name Fomin's week, Antipascha - this should not confuse you. All these different names refer to the same holiday, namely, the first Sunday after Easter.

It turns out that April 26 is the date, Krasnaya Gorka in 2020, what date the Orthodox have. Because Easter is celebrated on April 19 this year. AT Slavic tradition associated with this day great amount signs, beliefs and traditions. This holiday has pagan roots, although it has long been firmly entrenched in the Christian church calendar. You can cook.

Important! You need to understand that every year Krasnaya Gorka falls on a completely different days. It all depends on what date Easter falls on in 2020 or any other year. Krasnaya Gorka is the holiday of the first Sunday after the day of the Resurrection of Christ.
  • About Slavic roots
  • Youth festivities
  • Christian traditions of the day
  • About the wedding on Krasnaya Gorka
  • Modern traditions
  • Important rituals for the holiday
  • Signs on Red Hill

About Slavic roots

So, we have determined exactly what place Krasnaya Gorka occupies in the modern church calendar. Now we need to take a closer look at the traditions and origins of this holiday. Once upon a time, even before Christianity came to the territory of Russia, the holiday was popular somewhere on these dates. The Slavs revered natural forces and, in particular, the sun. They saw off the spring on the hills and already met the summer.

Since spring and summer are the time of youth and greenery, young people paid special attention to the celebrations on Krasnaya Gorka. If we consider the associations of spring, it is always youth, health and fun. According to the church calendar, it is from Krasnaya Gorka that you can start getting married and getting married again. Recall that from the very beginning of Lent, the wedding ceremony was not held in churches.

Moreover, the people believed that marrying Krasnaya Gorka meant great and eternal family happiness both in this life and in the life after death. So, there were always many people who wanted to get married on that day.

Youth festivities

Today, of course, villages are dying out, and it is rare to meet village youth on Krasnaya Gorka, who on this festive Sunday have fun around the fire, sing songs and lead round dances. But various circles are trying to make the traditions associated with the holiday popular again. Moreover, many folk signs is directly related to what will happen to the youth who refuse to take part in the celebrations. A great .

Interesting! In the villages, they believed that if a young guy misses the fun on Krasnaya Gorka, then he will have a wedding with an ugly bride. If the girl does not go out for festivities, then everything is even worse: she will never marry.

Christian traditions of the day

Krasnaya Gorka in 2020, what date it will be - April 26. A wedding on this day will bring happiness, the pagan Slavs who lived in our territories believed in this. believe in it and modern people, especially since from the very beginning of Lent this will be the first day when the wedding ceremony is again held in churches.

Strange as it may seem, this day did not change its radical significance after the adoption of Christianity in Russia. Separately, it should be noted that with the beginning of the second week of fasting - St. Thomas' week, St. Thomas was especially honored. Many have heard, of course, that this apostle is also called "unbeliever". The scriptures say that this was the case. After the resurrection, Jesus appeared to 11 of his 12 disciples. Those who had already seen Jesus told Thomas how it was, what they experienced. But Form did not believe the apostles.

He said that he simply could not believe it until he saw with his own eyes the wounds on his palms from the cross, until he put his fingers into the wounds between the ribs. Finally, Jesus appeared to Thomas. It was then that the Lord uttered the phrase that people who did not see, but believed, are blessed. Well, Thomas, as you know, remained forever unbelieving in history. Although, of course, after the appearance of Jesus to him, he firmly assured him, he understood that this was not only the Son, but also the Father and the Holy Spirit.

And so it happened that on the day of the Red Hill, which falls in 2020 in the Orthodox
calendar for April 26, bizarrely combined into a single harmony of the traditions of Christianity and paganism. Today this day is considered bright, the day of the meeting of spring, festive services are held in churches, and the first week of fasting, which is also called Bright Week, ends.

About the wedding on Krasnaya Gorka

If you carefully read this article, then you know which day in the calendar is considered the best for a wedding ceremony. This is Krasnaya Gorka in 2020, what date you also know - April 26. I would like to pay special attention to weddings and all stages of preparation for this event, which are directly related to this second Sunday after Easter.

From the beginning of Lent to the very Krasnaya Gorka, the wedding ceremony was not held in churches. It is forbidden to have fun during fasting, and on the first Easter week you need to rejoice precisely in the Resurrection of Christ, and not be distracted by other, worldly events. But it is from Krasnaya Gorka that the wedding ceremony is again held. The active spring season of weddings and matchmaking begins.

Modern traditions

The history of Krasnaya Gorka is old, but this holiday is remembered today. Moreover, not only in the villages, but also in the cities. In 2020, the date of what date Krasnaya Gorka will be falls on April 26. This is a warm time of flowering and revival of nature. So, the holiday weekend will turn out to be truly warm, bright and spring. In honor of the holiday, you can do it.

Today, Krasnaya Gorka is celebrated more actively in cities than in villages. People get together, take part in folk rituals, having fun, trying national treats. Such rituals and their restoration are aimed at continuing to pass on from generation to generation the traditions of celebrating Krasnaya Gorka.

More than once in this material it has been noted that, like another holiday so beloved by the people, it has its own rituals. They are hundreds of years old and people try to adhere to these rituals in order to improve their lives. We offer to consider the most popular traditions of Krasnaya Gorka.

Important rituals for the holiday

For fertility
Previously, as it has been said more than once, Krasnaya Gorka was actively celebrated in the countryside. The main activity there, of course, was agriculture. This means that the holiday had its own rituals associated with fertility. To perform the ceremony, a woman must make a deep furrow in the meadow around the village. Moreover, it is important that men do not take part in this

Moreover, you need to look at what kind of sign you get when the circle closes. If this is a cross, then this is a good sign for the whole village. If the pothole is deep and even, then this is an excellent protection against diseases and all evil.

For luck
Celebrations are held on the street, and during them you can try to attract happiness into your life. To do this, you need to roll painted Easter eggs downhill. Whoever has an egg rolling smoothly, that person will have great luck this year.

Signs on Red Hill

If you throw a coin into a well and make a wish, it will come true. Such a ritual brings happiness to a person.
In order to live a long life and not know sorrows, you will need to pray to the Lord on a holiday. Be sure to go during St. Thomas' week, on Tuesday, and to the memorial service.
In order to have prosperity and wealth at home during the year, you need to fill your wallet with banknotes, and then wash yourself in front of the icon. But it is important that this ceremony is performed by the youngest member of the family.

Red Hill in 2020, what date it will be, now you know. If you carefully read the article, then you will not get confused in Antipaskha, Krasnaya Gorka and St. Thomas Week. Because they are all different names for the same holiday, which falls on the next Sunday after the onset of the bright holiday of Easter.

When will Krasnaya Gorka-2019 come, what is significant about this day in the church and folk calendar, and how is it supposed to be celebrated?

Red Hills were celebrated widely and noisily

Three names for one holiday

The history of the Krasnaya Gorka holiday does not last for years or centuries, but for millennia. This date was once so reverently revered by our ancestors who professed polytheism, that neither the Baptism that came to Russia, nor 1000 years of Orthodoxy erased it from the people's memory. Like many other Slavic holidays - Maslenitsa, Christmas time - this one migrated over time from the pagan calendar to the Orthodox one, slightly changing along the way and adjusting to the trends of the new religion, but retaining the general meaning, traditions and even the old name. Or rather, having received an additional two new ones.

So, what kind of holiday is Krasnaya Gorka and what do its three names mean?

The first, which has reached us from the depths of centuries, scientists associate with the ancient Slavic holiday, according to one version, which marked the complete victory of heat and sun over the winter cold, and according to another, it served to honor the memory of ancestors who once a year returned from the "Navii" world to the living. It was customary to meet both the Sun and the ancestors on the hills and hillocks, closer to the open sky, from which the nickname came.

The ancient holiday is not one hundred years old

Why is the holiday called Krasnaya Gorka? Of course, not for the color: the word “red” in the language of the ancestors was interpreted as “beautiful”, “important”, “sacred”, associated with the gods or reserved for a sanctuary. Remember the red corner in the hut! Most likely, the hills, on which the Slavs held their games, rituals, feasts, were revered as sacred places. Or they just looked very beautiful because of the flowers that covered them and the festive bonfires.

Second name - Fomino Sunday, given in honor of the Apostle Thomas- the day began after Orthodoxy was firmly established in Russia. As you know, Thomas doubted the veracity of the story of the resurrection of Christ, thanks to which he entered the popular sayings as Thomas the Unbeliever, but after seeing the living Savior and the traces of terrible wounds on His body, he became one of the most zealous preachers of Christianity.

Thomas could not immediately believe in a miracle that had happened

The third name confuses many. Indeed, why is Krasnaya Gorka called Antipaskha? Maybe so pagan holiday opposed to Christianity?

Look for a clue in the calendar. The fact is that St. Thomas Sunday is not given an exact date; what number it falls on depends on when Christ's Sunday is celebrated in the current year. To find out, find Easter on the calendar and exactly opposite it - next Sunday - check the box, marking Anti-Easter. It is in the meaning of “opposite” or “instead of” that the particle “anti” is interpreted here, and not at all as something opposite, opposed.

And on the heels of Antipascha, another holiday follows, also a kind of continuation of Christ's Sunday, which bears the name. To determine its date, it is required to count the first Tuesday from the Easter week. So, this spring Easter falls on April 28th. What date is Krasnaya Gorka 2019? 5 May. And we will meet Radonitsa, respectively, on May 7th.

Red Hill for Catholics

Catholic holiday has a slightly different meaning

Do brothers in Christ, Catholics, have their own Gorka? Available. But in Catholicism, this day is called Quasi Modo Geniti, after the first words of the hymn that opens the Mass. It was in his honor that the hunchback Quasimodo, found on the steps of Notre Dame just on the first Sunday after Easter, got its name. If you remember the interpretation from the novel, Quasi Modo means "as if", which is also not far from "instead of". And in the Catholic tradition, this day is called:

  • Feast of Divine Mercy;
  • Dominica in albis - Sunday in white, in honor of newly converted Christians baptized on Easter, who are supposed to wear clothes of this joyful color all week;
  • the final day of the Paschal Octave, in other words, not a week, but an “eight”.

But the ancient pagan name in Catholicism has not been preserved. So either search the Internet for the words "feast of God's mercy", or count the first Sunday after catholic easter. In 2019, it falls on April 21st.

Celebration traditions

It seems that in comparison with the times of paganism and pre-revolutionary Russia, the current spring celebration has lost a good half of its significance. Indeed, what is Krasnaya Gorka after Easter, the greatest church holiday of the year?!

Weddings on Krasnaya Gorka are also welcome

However, it is not entirely correct to think so. First of all, as before, it is believed that this day is ideal for marriages. Formally, the belief is associated with the end of Great Lent, during which no weddings are performed, and the beginning of a new wedding season, but popular rumor has firmly secured the glory of the day-pimp for the holiday - they say, a guy and a girl who exchanged oaths of allegiance to Gorka and wedding rings, will never run away. Employees of the registry office will confirm: the number of couples who want to formalize their relationship on this day beats all conceivable records, and the record is sometimes kept a few weeks before Easter.

If you are planning to play, keep in mind: it is believed that the bride’s outfit must have an element of red clothing, even if it is just a ribbon in her hair. It should make your union even stronger.

In addition, in some regions of Russia and the countries of the former CIS, it has been preserved to clean up the graves and pray for the souls of friends and relatives who have gone to another world. True, in Orthodoxy, Radonitsa is considered a more suitable time for caring for the dead, but this option is also quite acceptable. Moreover, so many simply have no other choice.

Many folk traditions come alive today

What else is customary to do on Krasnaya Gorka?

To visit and receive guests at home, cleanly tidying up the house and putting the most delicious dishes on the table. In the old days, this tradition was especially important for marriageable girls, so that they could show themselves to potential matchmakers as clever housewives and skilled cooks.

Be kind to each other. They say that those who swear on Fomino Sunday run the risk of incurring the wrath of their ancestors, and with it a bunch of troubles in life. Therefore, advice for the future: knowing what date Krasnaya Gorka is in 2019, try to make peace with everyone with whom you are in a quarrel before it. Either way, this will be helpful.

Have fun, have fun, roll colored eggs from the hills (it will run to the foot intact, expect great luck), throw coins into the wells for the fulfillment of a wish and wash yourself with rainwater in order to preserve beauty for a long time, because Gorki is first of all a celebration of life and spring.

Flirt with the opposite sex. No wonder in the old days they promised a quick wedding to the guys and girls participating in folk festival and they promised that all those who shirk fun for the next 12 months will pass in beans and girls!

Pray. In Russia, there was a strong opinion: the one that prolongs his years on earth. And he can also enlist the support of higher powers in many matters, strengthen his financial position and arrange his personal life.

Video: Celebration Traditions

For a fascinating story about the traditions of the meeting of Krasnaya Gorka, watch the video from Obraz TV Company.

AT last years the tendency to celebrate the ancient holiday widely, by the whole city, is becoming more widespread. And this is wonderful, because after a long winter and dank March-April, it will not hurt us all to once again chat with friends, laugh, take part in a couple funny contests. Maybe something interesting is planned in your city this spring along with May holidays, and you will be able to meet the day of the Red Hill-2019 with games and fun, exactly like our ancestors once did?