Celebration of the new year according to the Slavic calendar. Slavic New Year The New Year for the Slavs began on September 1

Our ancestors also liked to widely celebrate New Year. Do you know when and how they met him? What event was it dedicated to, what customs existed then, and why was it necessary to burn the log?

It is surprising that the tradition of celebrating the new year can be found among all peoples on all continents. Moreover, this holiday came to us from ancient times. And over time, he not only died, but also gained a global, world scale. And if now people of different cultures celebrate the new year in almost the same way, then before they celebrated it in different ways. Somewhere he was celebrated widely, but somewhere modestly, somewhere he had sacred meaning, and somewhere "civilian". And what significance did he have in the life of our ancestors?

When did you celebrate the new year?

In ancient times, people needed a calendar no less than we do now. All sowing works were carried out according to it. Knowing the time was also important for hunters and fishermen, for beekeepers and cattle breeders. True, the calendar was then kept not on paper, but in the head, and the dates were determined by natural signs. And, of course, it did not at all coincide with the calendar that we are now keeping.

In the most remote antiquity, our ancestors used lunar calendar. Proof of this is the very name of the 12 cycles in a year: months. But later, when the Slavs widely mastered agriculture, the sun began to play a big role in their life. The calendar changed, and all holidays were tied to the position of the daylight in the sky.

The arrival of spring, summer, autumn and winter were considered the days of equinoxes and solstices. That is, every 22nd of March, June, September and December. And the onset of the new year was celebrated in March and September. These two dates existed in parallel in different territories. The spring New Year was called the New Year, as this holiday marked the arrival of a new summer, that is, a new working season.

But most of our ancestors preferred the September date. Why? During this period, almost all field work, the harvest ripened in the gardens and in the gardens: it was time for rest and abundance. When else to arrange a holiday, if not at this time?

Slavic New Year

The Slavic New Year (both spring and autumn) has a longer history than the one we celebrate according to the Gregorian calendar. Remember, Tsar Peter the Great introduced it only in 1700, which means that we celebrate the holiday according to the new model only 317 times. Negligibly small is pure in comparison with the centuries-old tradition of our ancestors!

Many traditions, beliefs and customs are associated with the holiday of our ancestors. For example, it was considered not good to start the new year unforgiven, with grievances and debts. Therefore, on the eve of the holiday, it was necessary to settle all quarrels and repay debts (including dues and tributes). It was also considered good to move to new house just for this holiday.

On the last day of the outgoing year, the Slavs walked around all their fields early in the morning and sang incantatory songs that were supposed to help in the coming year to keep up with a good harvest. The detour was accompanied by cheerful jokes and dances.

In the evening last day the hostesses of the house extinguished the fire in the furnace, and then performed the ceremony of lighting a new fire. If it flared up quickly, then this meant that next year will be happy. And, just like we do now, our ancestors visited relatives and friends, and in the evening they laid a rich table.

In 1492, the state officially approved the date of the new year according to the Julian calendar: September 14th. This holiday was called the First day of the year, and the New Year began to be called religious holiday. Since then, New Year's festivities have been held everywhere in September.

Winter Slavic holiday

But even in the middle of winter, our ancestors had fun party, similar to our current New Year: Kolyada. What holiday is it?

It fell on December 22, that is, again, on the winter solstice. At this time, the shortest day of the year and the longest night are observed. Therefore, apparently, the Slavs believed that it was on this day that the “old” sun dies and the “new” is born. The meaning of the most ancient, pagan carols was to glorify the newborn daylight and wish good to all your loved ones. On the night of December 23, it was customary to wear best clothes, guess, set the table for guests and sing special songs expressing the wish for good and happiness. Also, our ancestors made fires and burned a large log on them, symbolizing the "old" sun, the outgoing year and all misfortunes. The brighter the log burned, the more fruitful next summer will be.

With the advent of Christianity, a belief appeared that on this night from the other world the spirits of the dead and all evil spirits come to us. And the meaning of caroling - walking the streets and singing songs - has changed. Now young people and children dressed up and sang songs in order to drive away or scare evil spirits. But, basically, the traditions of the holiday remained the same, only they acquired a religious basis.

With the introduction of the new calendar in 1700, when the celebration of the New Year moved from September to January, the traditions of the Slavic New Year and Kolyada became intertwined. Isn't it true that ancient traditions resemble our modern ones?


According to the Slavic calendar, the year 7525 is now coming - the year of the Crouching Fox. A good time for courageous and enterprising people to start new business, especially those related to the financial issue.

HAPPY NEW YEAR 7521 from S.M.Z.Kh.!

End of the Fox era. Beginning of the Age of the Wolf

First Summer in new era wolf.

The first summer of 53 laps on Krugolet Chislobog

The name of the summer is Wanderer (Earthly Way). Element - Earth. Black colour.

Ancient forms of chronology:

13021 Summer from the Great Cold (Great Cooling)

40017 Summer from the 3rd Arrival of Whiteman Perun

44557 Leto from the Creation of the Great Colo Russenia

106792 Summer from the Foundation of Asgard of Iria (from 9 Taylet)

111819 Summer from the Great Migration from Daaria

143003 Summer from the period of the Three Moons

153379 Summer from Assa Dei;165043 Summer from the Time of Tara;185779 Summer from Thule Time;211699 Summer from the Time of Svag;273907 Summer from Time h'Arr;460531 Summer from Time Gifts;604387 Summer from the Time of Three Suns.

Summer Feature: Summer 7521 indicates that the Man born this year will face great trials, just like the Powers: the passage of a dark period of crises, failures and formations. This year is the beginning of beginnings, and it is always more difficult to start, but whatever the beginning, it is always followed by the accomplishment of the goal and the embodiment of the conceived idea.

Exactly 100 and 8 times rising,

The Big Bell gave its Voice,

He sang his Glory to the New Year,

Well, with us - the sins are slightly shaken ...

If you have done something NOT good,

Burned, al twisted the Soul,

And STRAIGHTENING the crooked is a concern -

In the New Summer - the First Month - the deadline has gone ...

Well, now, that is, in the New Year,

On the Holiday Light, Kind and big,

With the Holy One Hundred and Forty-Fourth Summer

We congratulate each other with all our Soul!

We praise from the Soul of the Gods and Ancestors,

Who see the many worlds the Essence,

After all, they are for us, their descendants,

Open the Bright Path to Life!


Slavic New Year, "New Year"

The tradition of celebrating the New Year is rooted in ancient times. In ancient times, the holiday symbolized the beginning of a new life cycle. As civilization developed, sacred rituals were gradually woven into the fabric of official festivities. Modern new year traditions have come down to us almost unchanged from antiquity.

On the New Year's holiday, prayers were offered to the patron God of the born month and the most revered Gods. Moreover, each asked to grant not only personal well-being, but also peace and prosperity to the entire state.

AT new year's eve all the people were excited: everyone went to visit each other, exchanged gifts and wishes.

The New Year of the Slavs was timed to the days autumn equinox(September 22-26) and started meeting the New Year on September 14. After the harvest, people knew that the main harvest was already in the barns, and in the clans of the Slavs they decided to celebrate weddings, arrange brides and festive festivities.

How to celebrate the New Year?

Ideally, the New Year is celebrated in the community circle with the activities listed below. If the New Year is found in the family circle, then it must be lush, tasty, festive table, prepared by the Hostess, preferably covered in nature.

You can also light candles in nature in the forest or near the water, or just at home.

To create a cozy atmosphere with pleasant aromas, you can light incense sticks. If the celebration of the New Year takes place in nature, the Bonfire should be an obligatory participant in the event, to which gifts of the harvest or just food gifts are brought, and around which Glory to the Gods and congratulations on the coming New Summer are read.

Also on a holiday, in addition to holding games and rituals, you can read poems, parables, tell fairy tales and legends, watch the stars and the surrounding nature.

One of the necessary attributes of this holiday is the Bell, which must be struck 108 times to purify.

For laying the sacrificial Fire, logs are prepared in advance and laid outin a certain way inside Our symbol “Inglia” built of stones.

After that, all those gathered stand in a large circle and theGlorification of the Gods with congratulations of the upcoming New Year. With words"From the living Fire to the living Fire," the eldest of those gathered kindles the Bonfire.All the rest mentally and with words helped this action, the energy simplyis transmitted to everyone, everyone feels themselves Participating in the sacrament ...

Grain and food are thrown into the Fire to glorify the Ancestors with special words:

Heavenly Family - Progenitor, Light Race Patron,

Remember all my Ancestors, Koi in your Light Svarga!

After that, you can throw pre-prepared requirements, your wishes and requests to the Family and Ancestors into the Fire, and also burn in the cleansing Fire that whichWhat do you want to get rid of in the upcoming New Year.Purifying Fire also purifies all the subtle bodies of a person, so it is recommended to wash yourself with it.

Separately from the main Bonfire, a fire for round dances is laid out from the found brushwood. All those gathered, adults and children, holding hands, dance merrily, jump over the fire, dedicating each jump to one of our Gods. It is believed that you need to jump at least 16 times! Jumping over a fire purifies the Soul.

The bell beats, as it should be according to tradition for purification, 108 strokes.

Bratchina is very symbolic on this day, as it is represented by all possible vegetables and fruits donated by the Gods and Mother Nature this year, eaten with gratitude by all those gathered.

During Bratchina, the fire for jumping burns out, the firebrands break it and level it in an even layer for walking barefoot on the coals. It is believed that people who have managed to overcome the fear of Fire will never get burned by it, but only become even more holistic and strong-willed. Walking on coals purifies the Spirit.

After holding such a holiday, the energies in the body and the cheerfulness of the Spirit remain for a long time!

We wish all our visitors in the New Summer Health in the Body, integrity and Light of the Soul, strength of the Spirit and purity of Conscience!

So be it, for so be it! HURRAH!

Project team ""

How much snow falls in the northern regions in winter, so many true stories I know about the Kolyada holiday. I know, I tell you. She also said that it was in honor of God Kolyada that the festivities were called. And what do you, dear man, know about God Kolyada? Do you know where his family came from and his glorious name? Is this God kind to the people of the world, or is he harsh and evil? You listen, listen to me, old northerner, but shake your mustache! Youth passes, but wisdom remains, so you will know why everything on our earth is so and not otherwise.

Who is God Kolyada?

Kolyada - God of the Young Winter Sun. Even our ancestors said that he was born in the very long night winter solstice. On the night when the dark forces of Navi are especially strong and strive to penetrate into the world of Reveal and establish their own rules here.

The name of God Kolyada comes from the Slavic word "Kolo", which means "circle". Where there is a word, there is a deed. This means that the Sun, like our worldly life, moves in a circle - from death to birth and back. And Kolyada, at the base of that circle, resurrects the Sun from hibernation, therefore, life continues.

The legend of the birth of God Kolyada
The ancient Magi used to say that God Kolyada is the son of Maya Zlatogorka, the first wife of Dazhdbog. Such an injustice happened that Zlatogorka, not having time to give birth to her firstborn, went irrevocably into the possession of Navi. This should not have happened, for her unborn son was to become one of the Highest Slavic Gods. That is why the Gods of Rule and Navi gathered their wise advice and decided to return Maya-Zlatogorka from the other world for a while, to fulfill her sacred mission, so that God Kolyada could appear to the white light.

Zlatogorka was buried in ice caves so that the merciless forces of Chaos would not find her, but would not prevent Kolyada, and therefore the New Sun, from being born on time. The Goddess of Summer, Alive, was left to help her. And Maya Zlatogorka gave birth in those caves to two sons: Kolyada, who is called the God of the Winter Sun, and Avsenya, the God of the Autumn Sun. Since then, these two brothers have followed each other.

As Maya Zlatogorka fulfilled her duty, so it was time for her to return to the kingdom of Navi. And where are the orphaned sons to go? Their mother gave them up for education to Khors - the God of the Solar Circle, and to his wife Zara - Zarnitsa. And so they raised two glorious fellows: God Kolyada and Avsenya.

Why did the Slavs honor Kolyada?

The ancient Slavic magi always especially revered Kolyada. Beliefs say that God Kolyada gathered 60 wisest magi from all over the world in order to convey to them his knowledge of how to follow the path of Rule. Thanks to Kolyada, we all began to count time, count day by day, to wait for the new sun and look into the future. But without the truth, how they lived - the day passed and okay!

Gods are born and die!

Here is such a God Kolyada! Glorious and wise! Now you also know, dear man, where the God of the Winter Sun came from, and what the human race taught. And you can teach your kind, everything is in your power. You go and did not know that there are different Gods, that they are born and die like people in the world? And that's how it was and is, I'm telling you the truth!

If you want to ask something else about God Kolyada, you ask me, the old one, do not skimp on questions, but on praise, if my tale is to your liking!

People have been celebrating the New Year since ancient times, but the customs used to be quite different. Modern man it will be very interesting to find out exactly how the ancient Slavs celebrated the New Year, what they associated it with, what customs they observed and why they burned the log.

Interestingly, the tradition to widely celebrate new year holidays exists in every nation and on every continent. AT modern world celebrating the New Year is a global event, on a global scale. Today, all nations celebrate it almost the same way, but in ancient times the celebration was very different.

The ancient Slavs called the New Year the beginning of field work.

The calendar was also used in antiquity. It was mainly used to calculate the time of sowing, but it was also important for hunters, fishermen, beekeepers and cattle breeders to know about the seasons and days.

When there was no paper, everyone kept the calendar in their head, and the signs of nature replaced the date. It is clear that this situation led to inaccuracies and some discrepancies with the modern calendar.

Initially, the lunar countdown was taken as the calendar, so the year was divided into “months”. However, with the advent of agriculture in the life of people, their life began to depend heavily on the Sun, therefore the calendar was changed, and holidays began to be celebrated depending on the position of the Sun in the sky.

It was believed that winter, spring, summer and autumn come at the equinox and solstice - the 22nd day: in December, March, June and September. March and September were considered New Year's months. In the spring, the New Year was called the New Year, that is, the new summer is coming, the new working season.

For the most part, our ancestors chose the celebration of the New Year in September. This is due to the fact that the work in the field was already coming to an end, almost the entire crop was harvested: all that remained was to rest and enjoy the fruits of one’s labor - it’s better to have a holiday and not pick it up.

With the celebration of the Slavic New Year on September 22, 2018 many traditions associated

The Slavic spring and autumn New Year has a longer history than the modern one, celebrated in accordance with the Gregorian calendar. The New Year was introduced by Tsar Peter I in 1700, and since then it has been celebrated just a little over 300 times - nonsense compared to the many centuries of traditions of the ancient Slavs.

The ancient Slavs associated many traditions and beliefs with the New Year. So, it was impossible to enter the New Year if you were not forgiven, if you hold a grudge against someone, or if you didn’t pay off your debts - this was not considered good. And people tried to put an end to all quarrels by the New Year, to pay off debts, dues, and tribute. It was considered a good omen for this holiday if the family moves into a new hut the day before.

When the last day of the outgoing year approached, the ancient people went to their fields early in the morning and started songs-spells. This was done with the aim that the next harvest would be rich. During the chants, people joked and danced merrily.

On the same day in the evening, it was supposed to extinguish the fire in the furnace and conduct a ceremony to kindle a new fire. The fire will quickly flare up - fortunately in the New Year, but no - no.

Then it was supposed to visit their relatives and congratulate them on the upcoming New Year, after which they began to set the table and organize a festivities.

Winter Slavic holiday on December 22 is called Kolyada

In winter, our ancestors had another fun festivity, reminiscent of the scope of the New Year - Kolyada. Celebrated it during winter solstice Dec 22. Light day on December 22 is the shortest, and the night is the longest. Ancient people considered this day the death of the old Sun and the birth of a new one.

The essence of the celebration of carols was to glorify the newborn daylight and in the most good wishes to all your relatives and friends.

From December 22 to 23, on the night of the Slavs, they put on their best clothes, guessed, treated guests, sang special songs with good wishes.

It was considered an important ritual for Kolyada to build a larger fire and burn a larger log on it - as a symbol of the old Sun, the outgoing year and all the troubles. By how brightly the log burns, they judged the harvest, what will be next summer.

Until the end of the XVII century. the New Year began not in January, but in March (as in ancient Rome) or September (as in Byzantium, which adopted this custom from the Jews). With the beginning or at the end of the agricultural cycle. Until 1492, researchers believe that both new years existed in parallel, but the March style prevailed.

Since 1492, the September style has gained predominance, replacing the March style. Peter I, by his decree of 1699. December on the 20th day, indicated the beginning of the year to be considered January 1st. By this decree, the chronology of the Slavs, the king indicated to replace the chronology from the birth of Christ. This marks the next stage in the formation of Christian culture. Since the calendar is not so easy to displace from the mentality of the people. The same decree contained an instruction to people to congratulate each other on the new year, and not on the new year, as was customary before. Congratulated on the new God "new good", and not on the new summer. The difference is significant, since the carol was in the pagan tradition, and by such a decree an important holiday of the agrarian cycle was erased. On February 20, 1918, a new chronology is introduced in Russia. In order to convert the date from the old style to the new one, 11 days for the 18th century and 12 days for the 19th century had to be added to the old style date. and 13 days for the 20th century. As a result, it turned out that on the night of January 13-14, the so-called Old New Year is celebrated, and on the night of December 31-January 1, according to tradition, we celebrate the New Year. From the New Year (January 1) to the old New Year (January 13), people celebrated the weather for every day. So, it was believed that what the weather will be every day in this interval, then the same weather will be in the corresponding month of the coming year.
Researchers tend to start the new year among the ancient Slavs from the 20th of March. Of these numbers, the most significant are March 21 and March 25, on which the ancient Europeans had important holidays. This is natural, since these holidays mark in Slavic tradition the birth of the god Yarila. The birth of nature. This is the beginning of a new sowing season. So the new year has begun.
According to Krugolet Chislobog, the New Year falls on September 21st. Ynglings, it is on this day that they tend to celebrate the beginning of a new summer. But if you listen carefully to the phrase: “the beginning of a new summer”, it is clear that a new summer could not begin on fall, it is over, which marks the Ovsen holiday. Therefore this tradition is false.
It is worth talking about December 21, when the Slavs celebrated Karachun. This is the beginning of the holy week, when the sun finally wins. Day, is born. And it is believed that after the holy week, the Slavs celebrated Kolyada. The name of the Slavic god Kolyada is closely connected with the name of the god Bozhich - the baby. It is he who marks the birth of a new sun.