Snowman amigurumi crochet diagram and description. Crochet snowman: diagram and description. What materials are needed for a three-dimensional snowman

In this step-by-step master class, you will find a photo, a diagram and a description of crochet a snowman in the amigurumi style.

A symbolic toy is suitable for decorating the interior, Christmas tree, festive table. After all, this is one of the brightest symbols of the New Year after Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. A knitted snowman is a welcome gift not only for a child, but also for an adult. Prepare a lot of presents for friends, colleagues, relatives in advance, pack them beautifully and set aside until an important moment. The lesson is designed for beginners.

Knitting materials

If suddenly you don’t know how to knit at all, then sew or. And be sure to do it under the Christmas tree. It's the little things that make a holiday!

By the way, you don't have to buy yarn. Take a closer look at things that are out of fashion, if they are in good condition, then dissolve and put them into action.

To knit a plush amigurumi snowman, prepare:

  • baby elise softy yarn in blue and light blue;
  • yarn "jeans" red;
  • hook number 2;
  • two black beads for the eye;
  • a needle and thread;
  • a red bead on a leg (it is possible without a leg);
  • synthetic winterizer or cotton wool for stuffing toys;
  • scissors.

How to crochet a snowman

For reference: - this is the Japanese art of crocheting small soft toys. Most often these are animals and humanoid creatures. But recently, everything that is possible is knitted in this technique: food, dishes and much more.

From blue yarn, type on a hook four air loops and lock them in a ring.

  • 1 row - additions in each loop;
  • 2 - additions every 2 loops;
  • 3 - additions every 4 loops and so on.

It will turn out like this, slightly curved around the edges of the circle.

Continue to knit single crochets, but already without additions or perks. So knit three rows.

Continue knitting until it is completely closed.

Crochet the second ball of the snowman (head) up to half in the same way as the body, only a little smaller.

Stuff with padding polyester, but do not completely close.

Sew the snowman's head to the body with light blue or blue thread so that the seams are invisible.

Now you need to prepare the small details. To knit a hat, from red yarn, dial four air loops, lock them into a ring.

Single crochet the first two rows with increases in each row, in the third row increase every three loops, and starting from the row, add only two times.

This will fold the knit around the edges, giving it the shape of a hat.

To tie scarf, cast on a chain of 40 air loops from red yarn.

Knit one row of single crochet stitches. Amigurumi snowman scarf is ready.

To tie felt boots, from the same yarn, dial five air loops. Knit st. single crochet on both sides of the chain, making three additions at the ends. Finish the row with a connecting post.

Make an air loop for lifting. Insert the hook into the back loop of the loop closest to it. Knit a single crochet. The next loop also. And so on to the end of the row.

As soon as there is a small hole left, work single crochet in the round without adding or decreasing. And so 3-4 rows. Knit a second felt boot.

Pompom on a hat crochet, according to the description of the snowman's body, but much smaller.

Mitten knit as follows: dial four air loops, lock them into a ring, knit two rows of single crochets, in each making additions in each loop.

Sew all the details to the body of the crocheted snowman. When sewing on the eyes, try to tighten the thread tightly so that the beads are “drowned” in the plush, and not on its surface. Don't forget to tie the thread into a knot.


Want to tell your friends how to crochet a beautiful snowman? Share the link on social networks or send it directly.

Description of the snowman

I am writing my description of the snowman. How do I knit it?

As I wrote earlier, the idea of ​​a fat snowman in mittens and slippers was spied on by Alla Bakinovskaya.

I needed

White yarn - in my case it was Kartopu Flora,))

Hook #3

Orange cotton threads and hook No. 1.5

Eyelets 10mm

Thick cardboard, tape.


1 2 ch, in the second from the hook 6sc

2 in each 2 sc = 12

3 in each 2 for 2sc = 18

4 in each 3 for 2 sc = 24

5 in each 4 for 2 sc = 30

6 in each 5 for 2 sc = 36

7 in each 6 for 2 sc = 42

8 in each 7 for 2 sc = 48

9 in each 8 for 2 sc = 54

10-12 row 1 sc without increments

13 every 8 in 2 loops = 48

14 by 1 sc = 48

15each 7sc in 2 loops = 42

16 each 6 sc in two loops = 36

17 every 5 sc in two loops = 30

18 each 4 sc in two loops = 24

19 each 3 sc in two loops = 18

20 each 2 sc in two loops = 12

Each in 2 = 6 sc.

I insert the eyes between the 12th and 13th rows.

Don't forget to fill your head with holofiber)))

Thread fastened and cut

1 ch, in the second from the hook 6sc

2 in each 2 sc = 12

3 in each 2 for 2sc = 18

4 in each 3 for 2 sc = 24

5 in each 4 for 2 sc = 30

6 in each 5 for 2 sc = 36

7 in each 6 for 2 sc = 42

8 in each 7 for 2 sc = 48

9 in each 8 for 2 sc = 54

10 in every 9 2 sc = 60

11 in every 10 2 sc = 66

12-16 1 sc without increments

17 every 10 sc in 2 loops = 60

18 each 9 sc in 2 loops = 54

19 each 8 sc in 2 loops = 48

20 each 7 sc in 2 loops = 42

21 each 6 sc in 2 loops = 36

22 each 5 sc in 2 loops = 30

23 each 4 sc in 2 loops = 24

24 each 3 sc in 2 loops = 18

25 each 2 sc in 2 loops = 12

Each in 2 = 6

Pull fasten the thread and cut))

I stuff about 22-23 rows)

Hands with mittens

We take a thread which we will knit mittens

2 ch in the second from the hook we collect 6 sc = 6

In each loop 2 sc = 12

3-4 rows knit 1 sc,

5 we knit 5 sbn and knit a lush column, it will be a finger on a mitten, then we knit another 6 sbn = 12

6 every third in 2 loops = 9 sc

7 now you need to knit 2 sc under the front loop of the pigtail, and so knit the increase in a circle. it turns out a sort of side mittens.

We change the thread to white, and we begin to knit the handle behind the back of the pigtail of the sixth row, I got 8 sbn in a circle (the second time it turned out 9, I don’t worry, the snowman is fluffy, so it doesn’t matter if it’s thicker, thinner than the handle))

Do not forget to tie the threads in a knot in the transition from mittens to a handle so that they do not bloom later.

8-16 1 sc in a circle

17 each 2 sbn in 2 loops pull off (before that do not forget to fill the handle) and fasten the thread, cut and hide the tip far away

Slippers - feet))

We are preparing cardboard (I took a thin 1-1.5 mm corrugated cardboard) and adhesive tape and of course scissors))

We collect a chain of 6 ch into the second loop from the hook, we knit 3 sc, then one sc in each loop and 3 sc in the last loop again, and one sc in the next 3 loops = 12

In the next three loops we knit 2 sb each, in the next three - one each, in the next three - again 2 sb each, in the last three in this circle - one sb each, it turns out an oval)) = 18 sb

In the next 6 loops, alternating, knit 2 sc, 1 sc (3 times), knit one sc in the next three loops, repeat the alternation of 2 sc, 1 sc (3 times) in the next six loops; in the next three loops we knit one sc = 24

In the next nine loops we knit 1 sbn, 2 sbn, 1 sbn (3 times), we knit the next three loops one sbn; in the next nine loops, knit 1 sc, 2 sc, 1 sc (3 times); in the next three loops we knit one sc = 30

5 We knit without increments in a circle 30 sc but for the far loop of the pigtail

6 Again, in a circle without increments, it’s already normal to knit loops under the pigtail))

7. 7 decreases in a row, 5 sbn one by one we knit and three decreases on the heel, and 5 sbn we knit further))

Now we cut out an oval to the size of the sole from cardboard, try it on inside our slipper-boot. if we cut or remake. It is necessary that the cardboard was perfect - the size is the same, otherwise it will stick out, or eat up and the snowman will not be stable. Happened? Great, immediately cut out another piece of cardboard, and carefully glue it with tape) and put it in a shoe.

8 Three decreases and knit to the heel one at a time, fasten the thread.

We stuff

Carrot nose.

Well, it depends on what kind of yarn you have, thin or thicker ... I turned out to be a bit thick, there was no other available ... I got out as best I could.

I write as I did -

1 2 ch in the second from the hook 6 sc

2 one by one sc = 6

3 in each 3 for 2 sc = 9

4-5 one at a time without increments

6 in each 4 for 2 sc - 11

Fasten the thread, cut off, taking into account that the spout must be sewn with the same thread)) so you need to leave cm - 20

I sew the head and body with holes inside (the places where I stuffed the holofiber) well, the handles of the legs are clear how to sew)))

It remains to knit a scarf and a hat and the snowman is ready! Oh, and don't forget about the smile!

The scarf was knitted from right to left, each time in a new color. Tobish picked up a chain from VP, tightened the thread at the end and cut it

And on a new one from the right, a new row with a new color)) it turned out beautifully, and on the one hand the front and the other side))

Thank you for reading, if you connect, then at least brag to me in comets please))

If something is not clear, write, I will try to describe or explain in more detail)

Since they often write in PM about a hat ...

I will write the size of the loops.

1 Cast on a chain of air loops and connect, so that you get 42 loops.

2-9 row: knit 1 without increments

10 cut every 6 into 2

11 one sc

12 cut every 5 into 2

13 one sc

14 cut every 4 into 2

15 cut each 3 into 2

16 cut each 2 into 2

17 cut each and pull off the loops.

Bomb the balabonchik)) done!

Choose colors, stripes and knit at your discretion))

New Year is a Christmas tree, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden, snow and, of course, a snowman! Where without him on this magical night. You can roll it out of snow, or you can crochet it and decorate your home with it, or even give it to someone as a New Year's souvenir. Today we will talk about how a crochet snowman is made, a master class for beginners will help even beginners to cope with crafts.

To crochet a snowman, we need:

- threads of white, blue and orange;
- hook;
- needle and thread;
- black floss threads;
- sintepon.

How to make a crochet knitted snowman: description and photo

The body of the snowman is knitted without a break. The head and tummy are one piece.
From white threads we collect two air loops.
In the second we knit columns without a crochet. In total, you need to knit six columns and connect with a connecting loop.

We knit the second row with increments. We make six additions.
Third row - twelve additions.
The fourth row - six additions.
And we knit three rows without additions. Each row consists of thirty columns.

By the way, you can not only tie a snowman. It turns out very unusual and beautiful.

Now we need to decrease to start crochet the second snowball for the snowman.
Subtract six columns.
The next row also has six columns.
We have a ball with a hole at the top.

Here we fill this ball with synthetic winterizer.
And we knit further.
Now we need to increase again.
We add six columns first. And again six columns in the next row. We again got thirty columns without a crochet.

We knit three rows, without subtracting or adding.
Now we make cuts.
We make six reductions. And in the next two rows, too, six decreases.
Do not forget to crochet the second ball for a knitted snowman for the New Year.
When there are six loops left, we simply pull them together.
We break the thread and hide it.
The body and head of the crochet snowman are ready.

Let's move on to the handles.
We make two air loops from blue threads and in the second from the hook we knit six single crochets.
In the second row we make two increases and get eight columns.
We knit two rows.
Change the thread to white.
And knit five more rows.
This is how the handle turns out.

We knit the second one in the same way.
We sew handles to the body of a knitted snowman with a hook for the New Year.

From orange threads we knit a nose-carrot.
We make two loops and in the second we knit six columns without a crochet.
In the second row we add four columns.
And knit three or four rows.

Sew the nose to the head of the New Year's crocheted snowman.
From blue threads we knit a scarf and a hat.
We collect an air chain and knit one row with double crochets.
The scarf is ready.
We knit a hat like this:
A chain of twenty-five or thirty air loops must be closed into a ring and knit in a circle with double crochets.
We do not subtract the first row.
And all subsequent ones are reduced by four columns in each row.
It can be more, it can be less.
From above we make a pompom-fringe.
We put it all on a snowman, embroider eyes with black floss.
At the end of the work, you get such a crochet knitted snowman: a master class for beginners and will help you make such a toy.

We also invite you to watch another knitting master class

I propose to tie a toy on a Christmas tree in the form of a snowman. As you know, a snowman is molded from snow, hence its name. Basically a snowman consists of 2 or 3 balls of snow. I will crochet a snowman, imitating snow globes.

So, in this tutorial I will tell you in detail how to crochet a snowman with step by step photos.

How to crochet a snowman

To knit a snowman you need:

  • white yarn acrylic;
  • hook 2 m;
  • red yarn for a hat;
  • leftover purple yarn for a scarf;
  • thin orange yarn for the nose.

We start knitting from the bottom ball. To do this, cast on a chain of 2 VPs (air loops), knit 6 RLS (single crochets) into the far loop. Further, increasing the number of loops in each row by 6, we knit a flat circle, consisting of 36 loops around the circumference.

This diameter will be a large "com". If you want to knit a larger size, then you need to continue to knit a circle to the desired size. Now the number of loops obtained (in this case 36) is divided by 6 and knit this number of rows without changes. We knit 6 rows without additions and decreases. Such a hemisphere is formed.

Now we decrease the loops in the reverse order - first we knit each 5 and 6 together, then 4 and 5, etc. Knit until there are 12 stitches in the row.

At this point, you need to fill the ball with padding polyester. You can then complete the circle, and then knit the next smaller one, or you can immediately continue to knit a smaller circle.

We knit the next row with the addition to get 18 loops (that is, we knit 2 loops in every third loop).

We knit with additions until a circle of 30 loops is formed, then we knit 5 rows without changes, and then with decreases in the reverse order until all loops are over. The main part of ours is ready.

Now you need to make his hands. We knit, as in the previous case, 2 VP, and then 6 RLS and 12 RLS, then 2 rows of 12 RLS each and reduce the loops to 6 RLS.

We fill the hands with padding polyester and sew them to the body.

How to crochet a snowman hat

For the hat, white and red threads are used. We collect 2 VP, we knit according to the rules of the circle up to 24 loops.

Now we knit without changes 7 rows.

The cap is ready. Cut the rest of the red and white yarn into 4 cm pieces, tie it with a thread in the middle, cut off the excess so that a pompom is formed, which we attach to the hat.


We knit a chain of air loops of the required length, then, alternating rows, we knit a scarf in different colors using single crochets.

We all made snowmen as children. And now many do it with their children. But such a snowy handsome man is short-lived. It melts with warmth. And here connected crochet snowman will last a very long time and will be pleasing to the eye.

To knit a snowman we need:

  • yarn (white, orange, lilac);
  • two beads;
  • hook;
  • synthetic winterizer;
  • thread with a needle;
  • pompoms.

The body and head of the snowman are knitted together, inseparably.

We take white threads and start knitting with two air. n. In the second of them we knit six st. b/n. Now we need to expand the body, that is, make an increase. In all rows we will add six tbsp. And we will knit five such surplus rows.

Knit four more rows. But we won't be adding to them.

And now you need to make a decrease in order to start knitting the second ball to the snowman. To do this, we make four decreases in the next 4 rows. And in the 5th we make six decreases. Reduce until the hole closes. The body and head are ready.

Need to tie pens. The snowman will be in lilac mittens. And we will start knitting with mittens.

In a sliding loop we knit six tbsp. b/n. In the 2nd row we make six additions. After that, it is necessary to knit two more rows, but we do not make increases in them.

We form a finger. Yarn over at the beginning of the row and insert your hook into the first stitch. We pull out the working thread. We do not knit loops on the hook! And we repeat the same four more times (with a hook we introduce into one loop). After that, we knit all the loops on the hook together and make one air loop.

We make two decreases in a row. We knit another row with a lilac thread, and then change it to white. With white yarn you need to knit 6 more rows.

We turn to knitting a nose-carrot. We knit six columns into the amigurumi ring. We make two increases in the 2nd row. We knit four rows in a circle.

We fill with synthetic winterizer.

We knit a scarf for a snowman from lilac yarn and decorate with pompoms. You can buy them or make your own.

We collect a chain of air loops of the required length. And we knit one row of Art. with a crochet.

Sew on pom poms.

Knit a hat for a snowman. It will be striped: white and lilac.

We start with purple. We make a chain of 30 air. p. and close it in a ring.

In each next strip (not in a row!) We make two decreases. So you need to knit three strips. We make six decreases until the hat closes (reductions are no longer in stripes, but in rows).

Sew eyes and a nose on the toy.

We put on a hat and scarf. And we get such a snowman!

knitted snowman(both crochet and knitting needles) can be an excellent New Year's toy for a baby, and if you sew a loop to a hat, he can show off on a Christmas tree.
New Year's master class was prepared by Anyutka.