Spring festival "Easter gift". Where to go on the weekend: Easter workshops, concerts and free tours Easter of the year events

Easter 2017, what events in Moscow: at Easter fairs in the parks every day free entertainment

We have selected the most interesting events for you. At Easter fairs in the center of Moscow and in parks, a large number of free entertainment and master classes are organized every day.On cloudy days, master classes will be held in warm pavilions, and in warm weather - on the street. Families with children can attend entertainment and events.

The Easter Gift festival will open 24 venues in the center of Moscow and 19 in city parks. Families with children can attend entertainment and events.

Every day is an Easter quest for children and adults about the history and traditions of Easter in Moscow. Participants need to complete tasks, pass checkpoints, and get the details of the Easter decoration. Whoever completes all the tasks will assemble a puzzle - a fully decorated Easter egg. You can take it with you. And all participants are promised gifts.

Artists for children will daily show a new episode of the theatrical series “Journeys in Dreams and Reality”. We will see children's dreams about flying with owls, a dragon, a pillow, a fabulous pilot. Artists along with children will sing, dance and play.

Only on April 18, 20 and 22 at 12:00 there will be an open workshop "The Bell Factory". Three craftsmen from foundries will smelt three bronze bells.

Every day from 16 to 21 April from 13:00 to 16:00 - a mobile belfry with demonstration performances of bell ringers. April 16 from 16:00-20:00 - Easter concert with a performance of choirs, the Eidos Ensemble, the Popov Big Children's Choir, the Moscow Cossack Choir, the youth choir of the Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery.

On Saturday, April 22 from 17:00-20:00, the concert project "Epochs in Music". Works of the 17th-19th centuries in the style of baroque, classicism, romanticism.

Playground equipped with "toy" houses and figurines of rabbits and Easter chickens.

On Saturday, April 15, Easter will be celebrated in the courtyard of the square. Everyone on special long tables will be able to consecrate pastries and colored eggs. On Sunday, they will be treated to consecrated Easter cakes, krashenka, paska free of charge.

On Sunday, April 23, everyone will be able to participate in a charity Easter ball of the early 20th century.

The proceeds from the sale of flowers and postcards will go to one of the Moscow charitable foundations.

On the site near the house number 6-8 daily from 11:00 - 19:00 - a concert of classical works by Russian and foreign composers in modern arrangements. Musicians of the Moscow Philharmonic are on stage from 19:00 to 20:00.

Meetings with employees of military historical societies and museums in Moscow. In "cadet schools" - open days.

All these events are prepared with love for their citizens. All the most interesting for all generations of society.

Historical perspective

Every year Christians celebrate Easter in different days- it is not fixed to a specific date. So, in 2018, the Orthodox Resurrection of Christ falls on April 8. And in general, this happens between April 4 and May 8.

Such "inconstancy" of the main Christian holiday depends on the complex solar-lunar calendar used by the Jews. The fact is that Orthodox Easter It is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first spring full moon, which immediately follows the spring equinox. But the date of the full moon already depends on the phase of the moon.

At the same time, the Orthodox tradition requires that the Bright Resurrection of Christ be celebrated after the Jewish holiday Pesach, while Catholic Easter may coincide with the day of the Jewish holiday or be celebrated even earlier.

Orthodox catharsis

Well, who among us does not love Easter - delicious Easter cakes, colorful eggs, christening and the general festive spirit? However, only those who fasted for 48 days and after that did not come to the church for the All-Night Service will truly feel the Holy Resurrection of Christ.

Muscovites can come to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior on April 8 at 11 pm for the Midnight Office, and exactly at midnight, Easter matins and liturgy will begin, after which Orthodox citizens will be able to dedicate their Easter cakes and other food. However, in the Church of the Transfiguration, the consecration of apiaries will also take place on Holy Saturday from 10 am to 11 pm.

A test not of the body, but of the soul

Christians have been fasting for the past seven weeks. Most often, believers for this time refuse meat, fish, eggs and dairy products, allowing themselves vegetable oil. However, some Orthodox also observe a more strict fast, limiting themselves on weekdays even to hot food.

Especially strict is the last week - Holy Week, when believers traditionally refuse both vegetable oil and hot food. These days it is customary to eat bread, honey, canned food, vegetables and fruits. On Good Friday, eating is no longer allowed, and many refuse to eat on the eve of Easter.

True, during fasting there are days of relaxation - on the Annunciation and Palm Sunday, for example, you can cook fish.

But we should not forget that Great Lent is not about food, but about the soul. Refusal of some products is only an additional load of the main task - the purification of the soul. The soul is cleansed by daily prayer, weekly church attendance, confession. Believers analyze their actions and, if possible, humble themselves. And in this they just help bodily restrictions. But without spiritual cleansing Fasting turns into a banal diet that has nothing to do with Orthodoxy.

Moscow scope

And those who did not shirk and really observed Great Lent are looking forward to Orthodox Easter with special impatience. Here is the Christian joy from the Resurrection of Christ, and, of course, the opportunity to relax at the Easter fair.

This year, Moscow is especially carefully preparing for the holiday. It's no joke - the events will be held at 40 venues in the center of the capital, and in 25 parks of Belokamennaya townspeople and tourists are waiting recreational activities and, of course, the main treat - Easter cakes and krashenki.

We bring to your attention a small overview of the most "famous" temples of the city where you can come to serve on the Bright Holiday.

The most beautiful churches in Moscow

Donskoy Stauropegial Monastery

Znamensky Monastery

Novodevichy Convent

Intercession Cathedral Museum (St. Basil's Cathedral)

Church of the Great Martyr George the Victorious on Poklonnaya Hill

Temple of the Conception of the Righteous Anna, in the Corner

One of the main Orthodox holidays- Easter or the Bright Resurrection of Christ - always have to for the spring.

The exact date is different every year (falls in the period April 4 to May 8 according to the new style), it is determined by the lunisolar calendar and special tables called easter.

Easter Festival 2017.

How to celebrate Easter

In the old days, shortly before midnight, the arrival of Easter was marked bell chime. Orthodox Christians flocked to the temple, where they stood until the morning for a long and bright solemn service. And now it's better to celebrate the church holiday in the temple. And in the morning you can break your fast (start eating fast, non-lean food), receive guests, go on a return visit to friends, exchange treats and “Christify”. By the way, in Russia it was possible to hug and kiss three times these days, thereby sharing the joy of the Resurrection, with each counter.

Previously, wide festivities were organized on Easter - songs, dances, round dances did not stop until midnight. And most importantly - everyone these days could call to church bells. The ringing was in all cities and villages of the country.

Post before Easter

The main of the posts - Great Lent - will begin in 2017 on February 27, and end on April 15. It is accompanied by prayers and penances in memory of the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The fast lasts, as a rule, 40 days(in Orthodoxy, such a time duration is called “fourties”), and in Greece the fast is called “fortieth”.

During fasting, you can not eat animal products - meat, fish, eggs, milk, vegetable oil and others. Alcohol is also prohibited. True, depending on the day of the week, concessions are allowed - for example, on the Annunciation and Palm Sunday you can eat fish.

Easter celebration in Moscow

Bright Sunday of Christ is celebrated in the capital, as it should be, not noisy and on a grand scale, but joyfully and with particular trepidation. For believers, this day is special, and it will begin in one of the capital's churches. And then - you can go to visit each other, do not forget to grab a basket with painted eggs and rich Easter cake.

In the center of Moscow on a festive day, musical events are held - Easter festivals. Large screens will be installed on Tverskaya and Nikolskaya streets, in Kamergersky lane, broadcasting solemn divine service from the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the capital's main cathedral, for the citizens.

Easter festivities for those who cannot boast of frequent visits to the temple and the observance of all fasts are arranged in numerous Moscow parks. A warm holiday touches the hearts of everyone - both big and small, invites you to give each other smiles, to rejoice at the arrival of a new spring. Guests are waiting for exciting master classes, fun relay races, trade fairs where you can buy souvenirs.

FROM 12 to 23 April 2017 there will be a festival Easter gift, 24 sites of which will be dedicated to Easter events. The program of events includes children's theatrical performances, entertainment on fresh air, many open cafes with traditional goodies, souvenirs and gifts, fairs and festivals.

The main Easter events will take place from 12 to 23 April on the Tverskoy and Theatrical areas. The City of Kindness venues and theater workshops will open there. They will build all the most famous temples in miniature, organize free tours and lectures.

Moreover, until April 16, when Great Lent is still in effect, the events will be mainly of an educational nature. And after April 16, there will be an opportunity to try traditional cuisine in the open air.

Two-meter figures of the inhabitants of the biblical city will stand on Theater Square. You can take pictures with them.

Events for Easter 2017 in Moscow

During the Easter week, various exhibitions will be held on the streets of Moscow (from Tverskaya to Stary Arbat), telling about the traditions of celebrating Easter around the world.

It will be possible to buy church souvenirs, go to the temple, try Lenten treats.

Pilgrimage tours for Easter

Orthodox Christians often go on Easter pilgrimage tours. They are organized to the Holy Land, to Israel. Their duration, as a rule, is 7-8 days, including flights and a lot of excursions. It is better to book such a trip in advance, for example.

What to cook for Easter

Easter is a bright and joyful holiday. It personifies the arrival of real spring and warmth, the victory of life over death, which is why it is celebrated wide feast, as it has been customary in Russia since ancient times.

Preparations for the Easter feast begin at Maundy Thursday. It is on this day that they not only go to the bathhouse, clean the house, but also paint eggs - one of the main treats. Previously, eggs dyed and boiled in onion peel were laid out in oats or wheat specially grown for the occasion, where they waited “in the wings” until Sunday.

These days, stores offer a wide range of harmless food coloring and stickers. Color eggs the old fashioned way or give them all the colors of the rainbow with modern powders and markers - the choice is yours. The main thing is to put them in the cold before the holiday.

The second most important dish of the Easter table bears the name of the same name with the holiday. Easter- this is the name of a product made from cottage cheese, cream, butter and various additives - nuts, jam, sweet sauces, tinctures, candied fruits. It is important that the shape of Easter resembles a truncated pyramid. In Russia, its “sides” were made by hand from wood, but now ready-made bowls from various materials are sold.

And finally Easter cake- sweet cupcake with nuts and raisins, sprinkled with icing and festively decorated. Surely, every family has its own, handed down from generation to generation, a special recipe for the most delicious cake. Well, those who are not yet ready to hone their culinary skills can buy in the store - the choice is huge both in size and taste.

Our great-great-great-grandmothers believed - if the Easter cake came out successful then everything will be fine in the house. The dough for a sweet treat was approached in the most serious way: carefully and without too much fuss, kneaded, sheltered from drafts. It was customary to do this on Thursday evening, on Friday the Easter cakes were baked, and on Saturday they were carried to the church to be lit. We must pay tribute to the generosity of the then hostesses - the chores did not end with one or two Easter cakes, a lot of dough was kneaded, and the muffins came out lush and ruddy, for a long time not stale. The top of the cake was crowned with the letters “ХВ” (Christ is Risen) made of nuts or raisins.

And now for the Easter cake, real chefs choose excellent ingredients. True, they come out different for everyone - maybe it's the recipe, maybe the skill of the baker, maybe in unusual additives: cinnamon, chocolate, almonds, saffron, pistachios, but you can’t list everything.

  • Easter symbol - egg, which, according to legend, was presented to the Roman emperor Tiberius by Mary Magdalene, accompanying the gift with the words: “Christ is Risen!”. Caesar doubted the exclamation and reminded - just as an egg does not turn red from white, so the dead will not be alive again. The egg immediately turned bright red. That is why eggs are traditionally painted red, which symbolizes victory and the triumph of life.
  • There is an old Russian tradition - on Easter morning, a husband and wife each take an egg and bang it. The owner of a whole egg that did not crack, and be the master of the house for the next year.
  • In ancient times, Easter dishes were prepared throughout Holy Week, which is why the traditional festive table and there are no hot and fish dishes, but only those that can be stored for a relatively long time.
  • In Spain and Belarus, Easter days (there are usually three in many European countries) are considered public holidays.
  • In Russia, on the Bright Sunday of Christ (Easter was also called the Holiday of Holidays), only men while the hostesses stayed at home.
  • The most beautiful painted eggs were called Easter eggs, they were kept until the next holiday.
  • Our forefathers believed - if on Easter dark night, then the harvest will be good, if the weather is clear and sunny in the morning, it means that the summer will be red and nice.
  • largest In the world, the Easter egg "lives" in Canada, in the city of Vegreville, Alberta. The giant egg is 8 meters long and weighs about 2 tons!
  • Everyone knows Faberge eggs- real works of art, delicate work, which you can admire for hours. The Russian emperor Alexander ordered a set of jewelry eggs for his wife every year, for every Easter.

We told you about the Bright Sunday of Christ and the history of its celebration, shared tips on what to cook for the table and how to please guests, how to celebrate Easter. We hope you will spend April 16 surrounded by loved ones, with bright thoughts and warmth of heart.

About how it will work public transport Moscow and St. Petersburg for Easter 2017 read in our

Moscow Easter Festival
April 16 to May 9
at several sites in Moscow

The festival will traditionally be presented by four major programs: symphonic, chamber, choral and bell. During the three weeks of the Festival, concerts by the Mariinsky Theater Symphony Orchestra conducted by Valery Gergiev, as well as world-famous soloists and musical groups, will be held at central venues in Moscow and in more than 20 regions of Russia. The festival is dedicated to the 135th anniversary of the birth of Igor Fedorovich Stravinsky.

Easter Egg Program
April 16
3 Ribambelle restaurants

It will be possible to celebrate Easter in Moscow restaurants. Ribambelle club chain will host a thematic animation program "In Search of Easter Eggs". 30 chocolate eggs will be hidden in each restaurant: children will find every last one by completing tasks and guessing riddles.

Children's Easter Choir Festival "Singing Rus"

April 18, 21 and 28, May 5 and 9
Museum-Reserve "Kolomenskoye"

Orthodox choral music, works by composers of the 18th-20th centuries, contemporary authors, Russian ritual songs are performed at the concerts. Festival concerts are traditionally held in the Theater Choromina of the Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Palace. Moscow choirs and vocal ensembles will perform for the guests of the festival.

Easter holiday in the estate of Captain Tarakanov

15, 16, from 19 to 23 April
estate Tarakanovo

In the zemstvo school of the estate, the children will be offered to listen to a fairy tale on easter theme, take part in an interactive lesson - make an Easter basket and play a traditional Easter game, a Russian fun favorite by great-grandparents - rolling eggs from an Easter hill.

Easter Traditions Program
from 11 to 16, from 18 to 23 April
Moscow Estate of Father Frost

Guests of the estate are waiting for thematic excursion programs "Russian Traditions - Easter", master classes in coloring Easter eggs, as well as tea drinking with fragrant buns. Children learn about history easter card, play Easter games, learn about the main traditional symbols of the Day of Great Joy: willow, egg, "Easter" and Easter candle.

Program "Easter at the Court of Russian Emperors"
April 23

The program is dedicated to the traditions of the celebration of the Holy Resurrection of Christ at the imperial court. Children will learn how Easter Sunday was celebrated in the family of Alexander III and Nicholas II, what they gave to each other, how Easter was celebrated during visits to Moscow and the Crimea. The lecture is continued with a lesson at the Armory exposition, where visitors will get acquainted with the history of the creation of imperial Easter gifts.

Museum program "Find the Easter Egg!"

from 5 to 16 April
estate Kuskovo

Children and adults will look for multi-colored eggs in the homestead park, and at the end of the search they will be able to exchange the found "trophy" for a special blank - a form for a master class, in order to create crafts using the "decoupage" technique.

Easter at Anderson

15 and 16 April
8 Anderson restaurants

Over the weekend, six Andersons will host an Easter photo session with rabbits, where guests will be able to take pictures in the company of fluffy rabbits. On Sunday, Anderson at VDNKh will host the Egg Run celebration, and Anderson in Korolev will host the Finding the Easter Bunny holiday with egg races and competitions for the strongest egg. In addition, throughout the week, various AnderSon cafes will host culinary master classes dedicated to preparing an Easter dinner.

Easter brunch at Turandot restaurant
15 and 16 April
restaurant "Turandot"

Children are waiting for a children's animation program - everyone can color Easter eggs and take them home as a keepsake.

Easter quest in Neskuchny Garden
April 15
Boring Garden

The Walking with History project invites everyone to an Easter quest in the Neskuchny Garden. Participants will get acquainted with the history of the holiday, the inhabitants and architecture of the Neskuchny Garden. They are waiting for tests, practical jokes, puzzles, riddles, a battle in the favorite game of the French kings and the search for one of the symbols of the holiday - the Easter Bunny.