Easter. Easter Calendar - Orthodox, Catholic and Jewish

Every year, preparation for the bright Resurrection of Christ begins with the Week of Zacchaeus the Publican.

2020 2020

Easter is a set of rules for calculating the passing Orthodox holidays, but recently the results of these calculations are also called Easter.

In Paschalia 2020, the dates of the Orthodox moving holidays and Memorable Days are given:

Sunday of the Publican and the Pharisee- this Sunday (in Old Church Slavonic "week" is Sunday) the reading of the Triodey begins with the parable "About the publican and the Pharisee" and the first preparatory week for Great Lent (sometimes they say the beginning of the Lenten Triodion, because the Lenten Triodion is read first).
In 2020 "Week of the publican and the Pharisee" - 09.02.2020

Forgiveness Sunday ("Cheese Week")- Last thing (fourth) Sunday of preparation for Lent. On this day, Orthodox Christians ask each other for forgiveness.
In 2020" Forgiveness Sunday" - 01.03.2020

Palm Sunday- Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem (Old Church Slavonic "Flower Week") Sunday preceding Passion Week, in Russia this Sunday, willow branches are consecrated.
In 2020 "Palm Sunday" - 12.04.2020

Holy Sunday of Christ, main Orthodox holiday.
In 2020, the Bright Sunday of Christ - 04/19/2020

Ascension - Ascension of the Lord, twelfth holiday, celebrated on the fortieth day after Easter, falls on Thursday:
In 2020, the Ascension of the Lord God and Savior - 05/28/2020

Trinity - The Day of the Holy Trinity (Pentecost, the Descent of the Holy Spirit), the twelfth holiday celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter, marking the descent of the Holy Spirit on the apostles of Christ.
In 2020 Holy Trinity Day - 06/07/2020

Petrov post- comes a week after the Holy Trinity and ends on July 12 on the Day of Peter and Paul, the duration of Peter's fast is indicated in the Paschalia table.

Most clearly, the order of the holidays is displayed through the table:

*The dates in the table are given according to the modern Gregorian calendar (according to the new style)

Orthodox passing holidays not included in the table:

Week of Zacchaeus the Publican(Date = Date of the Week about the publican and the Pharisee - 7 days),
in 2020 Week of Zacchaeus the Publican on Sunday 02/02/2020 ;

Week about prodigal son (Date = Date of the Week of the publican and the Pharisee + 7 days),
in 2020 Week of the Prodigal Son on Sunday 02/16/2020;

Week of the Last Judgment(Date = Date of Forgiveness Sunday - 7 days),
in 2020 Week of the Last Judgment on Sunday 02/23/2020;

Fomin's Week among the people "Red Hill" (Date = Easter Date + 7 days),
in 2020 Fomina Week on Sunday 04/26/2020 ;

Day of the Myrrh-Bearing Women (Date = Easter Date + 14 days),
in 2020 Day of the Holy Myrrh-bearing Women on Sunday 03.05.2020.

According to the calendar guides for the 21st century and 2020:
Sergey Ov(seosnews9)

Calculation of the date of Orthodox Easter, Holy Resurrection of Christ

The ministers of the Russian Orthodox Church use special tables, which are placed in a book called the "Liturgical Rule" or "Typicon". The last chapter of the Typicon includes a table of Easter dates for 532 years - these are 28 nineteen years.
The fact is that every 19 years the dates of the full moons are repeated, of course, if the time of the astronomical full moon is accurately fixed, there is a time shift, and approximately every 500 years, it is necessary to correct the tables.
Date Orthodox Easter It is not difficult to calculate manually:
Date is determined first Easter full moon, and then according to the calendar is the nearest coming after this date Sunday.
For a given year Julian date of the Easter full moon is determined by the formula:

full moon date Year ) = March 21 + OSTAT(19*OSTAT(Year , 19) + 15, 30),

Year is the year of our era (preferably limited to the past or current century),
OSTAT(dividend, divisor) is the remainder of the division of the positive integers entered as arguments (the formula is written in the format of Russified Excel formulas).
With JavaScript, you can get the result in five keystrokes:
Enter Year, any from the Resurrection of Christ up to the end of the current millennium, in which you need to get the date of Easter (four clicks) and click ENTER or click on the "Calculate" button.

Enter year


Date of Orthodox Easter

For reference:
Date of Orthodox Easter according to the Julian calendar - April 6, 7528 years from the Creation of the World;
Date of Catholic Easter according to the Gregorian calendar - April 12, 2020 of the year.

Dates of the Holy Resurrection of Christ for the next decade

April 19, 2020- 11 days after the astronomical full moon;
02 May 2021- 5 days after the full moon;
April 24, 2022- 8 days;
April 16, 2023- 10 days;
05 May 2024- 10 days;
April 20, 2025- 7 days;
April 12, 2026- 10 days;
02 May 2027- 10 days;
April 16, 2028- 7 days after the full moon;
08 April 2029 years - 9 days after the full moon;
April 28, 2030 year - 10 days after the astronomical full moon.

* The Russian Orthodox Church adheres to the Alexandrian Paschal, which calculates the date starting from March 21 according to the Julian calendar (i.e. the earliest date for Easter could be April 4 in the modern Gregorian calendar).
In addition, in the Alexandrian Paschalia, the calculated Paschal full moon in the 20th and 21st centuries occurs 4–5 days later than the real astronomical full moon, due to the error of the calculation methodology that has accumulated over two millennia, approved in ancient times.
The day of Easter itself is determined by two simple rules:
1. Paha is always Sunday, the seventh day of the week just got its name in honor of bright Christ Sunday;
2. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon, which occurs no earlier than the spring equinox (meaning the date of the full moon obtained from the tables of the Metonic cycle: estimated new moon date + 14, the first after March 21 in the Julian calendar).
3. The dates of all moving holidays are counted from the date of Easter.

The feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, Easter, is the main event of the year for Orthodox Christians and the biggest Orthodox holiday. The word "Easter" came to us from the Greek language and means "transition", "deliverance". On this day, we celebrate the deliverance through Christ the Savior of all mankind from slavery to the devil and the gift of life and eternal bliss to us. Just as our redemption was accomplished by Christ's death on the cross, so eternal life is granted to us by His Resurrection.

The Resurrection of Christ is the foundation and crown of our faith, it is the first and greatest truth that the apostles began to proclaim.

Easter is the bright resurrection of Christ.

The feast of the Holy Resurrection of Christ, Easter, is the main event of the year for Orthodox Christians and the biggest Orthodox holiday. The word "Easter" came to us from the Greek language and means "transition", "deliverance". On the day of Easter, we celebrate the deliverance through Christ the Savior of all mankind from slavery to the devil and the granting of life and eternal bliss to us. Just as our redemption was accomplished by Christ's death on the cross, so eternal life is granted to us by His Resurrection.

The Resurrection of Christ is the foundation and crown of our faith, it is the first and greatest truth that the apostles began to proclaim.

At Easter we proclaim: "Christ is Risen! Truly Risen!"

Oh, how miraculous these words are! When we pronounce or hear them at Easter, the fires of holy joy in the Lord Jesus Christ Risen Light up in our hearts. And wherever they are uttered, wherever these words are heard, wherever they are heard, everywhere they cause trembling in every heart and from them the flame of faith flares up more and more brightly in the soul of every glorifying Risen Lord.

"Christ is Risen!" - we speak with a sense of spiritual delight; I want to pronounce them endlessly, listening in response to the other two holy words: “Truly Risen!”

Christ is risen! - and for the whole universe, a true spring began, a bright, joyful morning of a new life. The resurrection of the Lord Jesus is the first real victory of life over death.

The event of the Resurrection of Christ is the greatest Christian holiday. Easter is the feast of the Feast and the Triumph of celebrations, a sign of victory over sin and death and the beginning of the existence of the world, redeemed and sanctified by the Lord Jesus Christ. This holiday is called Easter, that is, the Day on which our transition from death to life and from earth to Heaven took place.

Easter (Orthodox Easter) is determined according to the rule that was established at the First Ecumenical Council (325), in the city of Nicaea. According to this rule, Easter falls on the first Sunday after the spring full moon and after the Jewish Passover. Resolutions (canons) of Ecumenical Councils cannot be changed.

The Roman Church in 1054 separated from the Orthodox Church. Since then they have made many changes. One of them was the introduction of the so-called "new calendar". Protestants followed the Roman Church. Because of this, it happens to them that the Jewish Passover happens after their Passover, which is a violation of the decision of the First Ecumenical Council.

We ask ourselves the same question every year:
"When is Easter celebrated this year?" .. this table will help you take this pressing issue off the agenda

*** For the Russians, look at the right column - i.e. "Eastern"

Easter in Russia in 2010 is celebrated on April 04.

Dates for Easter Sunday ,
year Western Eastern
2000 April 23 April 30
2001 April 15
2002 March 31 May 5
2003 April 20 April 27
2004 April 11
2005 March 27 May 1
2006 April 16 April 23
2007 April 8
2008 March 23 April 27
2009 April 12 April 19
2010 April 4
2011 April 24
2012 April 8 April 15
2013 March 31 May 5
2014 April 20
2015 April 5 April 12
2016 March 27 May 1
2017 April 16
2018 April 1 April 8
2019 April 21 April 28
2020 April 12 April 19
Easter day
Year Western Eastern
2000 April 23 April 30
2001 April 15
2002 March 31 May 5
2003 April 20 April 27
2004 April 11
2005 March 27 May 1
2006 April 16 April 23
2007 April 8
2008 March 23 April27
2009 April 12 April 19
2010 April 4
2011 April 24
2012 April 8 April 15
2013 March 31 May 5
2014 April 20
2015 April 5 April 12
2016 March 27 May 1
2017 April 16
2018 April 1 April 8
2019 April 21 April 28
2020 April 12 April 19

Christian Easter celebrated in the spring, but the day of celebration is not a fixed date, it is determined by the lunisolar calendar. This day falls between April 7 (March 22) and May 8 (April 25).

To calculate the day of Easter, you can use paschalia - special tables that make up the Orthodox Church. The dates of Easter depend on the dates of other holidays, the dates of which change every year. These are moving holidays: the Ascension of Christ is the fortieth day after Easter, the Trinity (Pentecost) is the fiftieth day after Easter, the Day of the Holy Spirit is the day after the Trinity.

Orthodox Easter calculated according to the Alexandrian Paschalia.
Full Moon(Y) = March 21 + [(19 + 15)/ 30].
where is the remainder of the integer division of a by b.
If the value is Full Moon(Y)< 32, то дата полнолуния будет в марте;
If Full Moon(Y) >= 32, then subtract 31 days to get a date in April.
Gauss formula for calculating Easter: - remainder of division;
a \u003d + 15) / 30] (for example, \u003d 12, a \u003d [(19 12 + 15) / 30] \u003d 3, Full Moon (2007) \u003d March 21 + 3 \u003d March 24)
b = [(2 + 4 + 6 a + 6) / 7] (e.g. = 3,=5, so for 2007 b=1)
If (a + b) > 10, then Easter will be (a + b? 9) April Art. style, otherwise - (22 + a + b) March art. style. We get 22 + 3 + 1 = March 26 (O.S.) or March 26 + 13 = April 8 (N.S.)
The date of Easter can fall between March 22 and April 25 according to Art. style. (In the XX-XXI centuries, this corresponds to the period from April 4 to May 8, according to the new style). If Easter coincides with the feast of the Annunciation (April 7), then it is called Kiriopaskha (Lord's Easter).
Orthodox Christians refer to the miraculous evidence of Easter as the descent of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, which takes place on Holy Saturday before Orthodox Easter.
You can independently calculate the timing of Easter. The German mathematician Gauss in the 18th century proposed a formula for determining the day of Easter according to the Gregorian calendar. The calculation is made according to the value of mathematical quantities, denoted (for simplicity) by the letters a, b, c, d, e. Each letter is equal to the following value:
a - the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 19;
b - the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 4;
c - the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 7;
d - the remainder of the division by 30 of the expression 19a + 15;
e - the remainder of the division by 7 of the expression 2b + 4c + 6d + b.
The found values ​​"r" and "e" are used for the final solution of the problem.
Easter is celebrated after the vernal equinox and therefore falls in March or April.
If the expression r + d is less than 9, Easter of this year will be in March according to the old style, and its day will be equal to 22 + r + + d.
If r + q is greater than 9, Easter will be April (according to the old style), and the date of its celebration is r + q - 9.
When calculating, one should not forget that in 1918 our country switched to a new calendar style, which "overtook" the old style by 13 days. Therefore, 13 must be added to the calculated number.

Easter in 2020 this is a wonderful Orthodox holiday for all Christianity and of course in Russia, full of light, hopes and universal joy, and it is one of the most ancient Orthodox holidays and is considered very responsible and the most important in church worship. Easter is nothing but a celebration of the triumph of life over death, because it was on this glorious day that the Resurrection of Christ took place. The Easter holiday is dedicated to this most significant and amazing event that took place in the early Christian era.

Orthodox Easter- is considered a passing holiday, it does not have a fixed celebration numbers, the date varies every year, but depends on the calculation according to the lunisolar calendar.

Easter as we said rolling holiday, and it is translated from Hebrew reflecting its name, that is, "passing" or "passing by."

Easter week always originates on the first Sunday following the first full moon and after the vernal equinox.

Orthodox and Catholic Easter or the Resurrection of Christ in Russia, is the most important church holiday for believing Christians in 2020. Why Easter call Christ's Sunday - in remembrance of the Resurrection of our Jesus Christ from the dead and that is why we call the last day of the week Sunday, in honor of the Resurrection of Jesus.

From the date of the celebration of the next Easter many things depend, first of all - the beginning of the Charter of the church service and the end of Great Lent. Holy Easter revered not only by believers, even for those far from religion, it is associated with a procession, a solemn night service in the temple of the Lord, morning bells and, of course, painted eggs and ruddy Easter cakes.

Many of those who are not in the faith, did not think and did not understand God, are probably unaware of the main spiritual sense celebrating the day of Holy Easter, they hardly know about the traditions of the celebration. We will compensate for this gap and tell about the history and traditions of the Orthodox, as well as the Catholic and Jewish Easter(Pesach).

We will introduce you to Holy Easter in Russia, Orthodox, Catholic and Jewish (Pesach) 2020, the date when the Resurrection of Christ will be celebrated, this great holiday is celebrated by believing Christians from all over the world, and you will also learn about something else directly related to this afternoon...

Orthodox Easter in 2020 - April 19

Catholic Easter in 2020 - April 12

Pesach (Jewish Passover) 2020 - April 9 - 16

Numbers of Orthodox and Catholic Easter - in links

Orthodox dates

Easter until 2035

Holy Christ's Resurrection

Dates of the Catholic

Easter until 2035

Holy Christ's Resurrection

Easter numbers from 2036 to 2050 - Orthodox and Catholic

Orthodox dates

Easter until 2050

Holy Christ's Resurrection

Dates of the Catholic

Easter until 2050

Holy Christ's Resurrection

Orthodox Easter 2036 - April 20

Catholic Easter 2036 - April 13

Orthodox Easter 2037 - April 5

Catholic Easter 2037 - April 5

Orthodox Easter 2038 - April 25

Catholic Easter 2038 - April 25

Orthodox Easter 2039 - April 17

Catholic Easter 2039 - April 10

Orthodox Easter 2040 - May 6

Catholic Easter 2040 - April 1

Orthodox Easter 2041 - April 21

Catholic Easter 2041 - April 21

Orthodox Easter 2042 - April 13

Catholic Easter 2042 - April 6

Orthodox Easter 2043 - May 3

Catholic Easter 2043 - March 29

Orthodox Easter 2044 - April 24

Catholic Easter 2044 - April 17

Orthodox Easter 2045 - April 9

Catholic Easter 2045 - April 9

Orthodox Easter 2046 - April 29

Catholic Easter 2046 - March 25

Orthodox Easter 2047 - April 21

Catholic Easter 2047 - April 14

Orthodox Easter 2048 - April 5

Catholic Easter 2048 - April 5

Orthodox Easter 2049 - April 25

Catholic Easter 2049 - April 18

Orthodox Easter 2050 - April 17

Catholic Easter 2050 - April 10

Holy Orthodox Easter 2020 - how many days is celebrated?

The solemn Christian holiday Holy Orthodox Easter 2020 will be celebrated on the second Sunday of April on the 8th day, and it is the most important day in the church hierarchy of holidays. Easter is celebrated annually and it is considered a movable (movable) holiday, and why not every year on the same day, you will learn a little lower in the text.

Other moving (transitional) church holidays depend on the day of Orthodox Easter, such as the Holy Trinity - held on the fiftieth day after Easter, it is also called Pentecost, Palm Sunday - celebrated on Sunday a week before Easter Ascension of the Lord - celebrated on the fortieth day and a number of others, less significant from the point of view of the church hierarchy.

The celebration of Holy Orthodox Easter in 2020, as well as in any other, will be quite long in terms of the number of days, there are forty of them in total, when believing Christians will have to greet each other, nothing more than "Christ is risen!", But answer him greeting - "Truly risen!", do not forget about it. site/node/6774

This holiday for Orthodox Christians, first of all, is an opportunity to turn to the Lord in a solemn atmosphere, and also to glorify Him, because this is a time of spiritual joy, special celebration and the opportunity to express one's gratitude. On the eve of Holy Orthodox Easter 2020, on the night of April 19, believers will gather in churches and other temples for a prayer service in honor of the Risen Jesus Christ. They will pray for him and themselves, their relatives and friends.

Easter Event 2020

Holy Orthodox Easter is a Christian holiday that is intended to serve as a remembrance of the Resurrection of the Lord, because according to legend, although no one saw this, after suffering and death, He resurrected on the third day. The moment of the resurrection is not described anywhere, including in the Gospel, because in reality no one saw with their own eyes, did not testify how it really happened - the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

For those who do not know, let's say that the removal from the Cross and the burial of Jesus Christ took place on Friday evening. Since the Jews consider Saturday a holy day of rest, the women who accompanied the Lord and witnessed His sufferings came only early Sunday morning to the Holy Sepulcher.

From now on, the day after Saturday began to be called Sunday or Sunday, as we now know it. These women brought to the Holy Sepulcher on Sunday - all kinds of incense, which, according to the customs existing at that time, had to be poured on the body of a deceased person, that is, on Jesus Christ.

How to calculate the date, number of Easter 2020?

To calculate the Holy Orthodox Easter of the future 2020 or any other, first of all, you need to know exactly not only the date of the equinox, but also when the full moon will be according to the lunar calendar. if you turn to ancient history, then we learn that in those distant times the best experts lunar calendar(astrologers), lived in Egypt, which was powerful at that time, and therefore they carried out the calculations.site/node/6774

The honor of establishing (determining) the Orthodox Paschalia was given to the chief bishop of the Egyptian city of Alexandria. It was at the dawn of the celebration of Holy Pascha that he set the exact date of the solemn day for the Bishop of Alexandria. Every year he informed all the local Churches about solemn day celebration of Holy Easter.

Subsequently, a calendar was created (Paschalia), with the dates of the celebration of Easter for as many as 532 years. This calendar (Paschal) was based on the periodicity of the Julian calendar - the revolution of the Sun in 28 years, as well as the period of revolution of the Moon in 19 years - repeat every time exactly five hundred thirty-two (532) years. The period of five hundred and thirty-two years is usually called the "great indiction" and its beginning coincides with the date of the beginning of the day "from the creation of the world."

Old Believer Easter - the traditions of the celebration of the Old Believers

Among priests and bezpopovtsy, Old Believers of all accords, the traditions of celebrating Holy Easter are largely similar. The Old Believers begin breaking the fast on this day, in the family circle at a meal, but only after they have held a temple service. In some communities, a common meal is provided, to which all believers are invited.

On the day of Holy Easter, there should be special dishes on the table, consisting of colored eggs, Easter and, of course, Easter cake. All these dishes are prepared only once a year - on the Bright Sunday of Christ (Easter).

In addition to traditional Easter dishes, believing Christians, as well as non-believers, usually cook a variety of dishes. Before the start of the Easter meal, you should taste the food and water consecrated in the church temple, only after that you can start eating the rest of the food.

Easter Traditions 2020 - The Meaning of Easter Eggs

On the day of the date of the celebration of Holy Orthodox Easter 2020, do not forget to celebrate Christ, congratulate not only each other on the Bright Resurrection of Christ, but also everyone you meet on this great holiday. Also on this solemn day, it is customary to exchange krashenka or pysanky (painted or painted eggs), as well as kiss three times.

For those of you who don't know about tradition and meaning Easter eggs, we tell you - an egg painted in red (or another) color is usually called krashenka, but painted with all kinds of patterns, church ornaments - Easter eggs, there are also Easter eggs made of wood, they are called eggs. By the way, the red-colored Easter egg means the blood of Jesus Christ, the one with which he was enriched at the time of his death. website/node/6774

It is worth noting the fact that before eggs were dyed only red, and modern customs of dyeing them in other colors and painting with patterns, this is a modern innovation, which is rejected in some non-clergy communities, especially those with thermal stickers in the form of flowers. , patterns, church churches or the face of Jesus Christ, some inscriptions.

Nevertheless, it is hardly possible to get rid of the fashion trends of dyeing and painting Easter eggs, you need to come to terms with it and even welcome it in every possible way, and not repel those who are interested in it with all sorts of obstacles, so that people become even more involved in the celebration of Holy Easter, learn about the history of the Bright Resurrection of Christ.

The Holy Orthodox Easter of the coming year 2020 will be solemnly celebrated, as we have already said, on the day of the Bright Sunday of Christ on the 19th of April. This is the most significant and revered day of the year for believing Christians, because it was on Holy Sunday that Jesus Christ resurrected, on the third day after his death.

Particularly pleased with this holiday children, because they are the main participants and, first of all, they are given holiday cakes and eggs, they are treated to a baked Easter on the eve, they also receive other sweets, sweets, cookies for the sake of the holiday.

Pesach 2020 - Jewish Passover

Pesach or Passover is celebrated in memory of the fact that the Lord God saved the houses of the Jews (Jews) from the Egyptians when they killed the firstborn of all Egypt in order to kill the future messiah. Pesach is also celebrated in honor of the Exodus of the Jews (Jews) from Egypt, which enslaved them.

Passover is celebrated by the Jews for seven days, and the celebration of the Jewish Passover Pesach begins on the fourteenth day of Nisan. It is worth noting that the seven days of the Jewish Passover are celebrated only in Israel itself, and everywhere this holiday lasts eight days.

Pesach 2020 - March 31 - April 7 (Jewish Passover)

On this holy and solemn day for Jews all over the world, it is customary to gather for festive table with the whole family and at meals, remember the difficult fate of the Jewish people, and also thank the Lord God for deliverance from suffering, as well as for the blessings sent down. For this solemn period of seven or eight days, preparing in advance, they begin cooking (preparing all kinds of festive dishes), a few days before Pesach.

Catholic Easter 2020 for the Catholics of the world

Catholic Easter differs in timing from Orthodox (although they coincide from time to time), due to different interpretations of the chronology, Catholics calculate the day of Holy Easter according to the new Gregorian calendar, and Orthodox Christians, including Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, according to the old calendar, the Gregorian calendar .

Catholic in Easter 2020 - celebrated on April 12

Interestingly, not only the timing of Easter is different for Orthodox and Catholics, but also traditional treats. If we treat each other with Easter cakes and eggs, then Catholics have instead of colored eggs, the symbol of the solemn day of Catholic Easter is - festive Easter Bunny. site/node/6774

According to ancient beliefs that have come down to modern times, the Easter Bunny delivers gift baskets with colored eggs to everyone on this day. AT Catholic countries easter bunny main actor", he is very popular, they make him chocolate, they give drawings and postcards with his image.

Easter Calendar - Orthodox, Catholic and Jewish

Orthodox Easter 2020 (Resurrection of Christ) - April 19

Orthodox Easter 2020 falls in mid-April on its 19th day, when all believing Christians (Orthodox) will rejoice on the Bright Day of the Resurrection of Christ, celebrate it festively.

Catholic Easter 2020 - April 12

In 2020, Catholics around the world will rejoice at the arrival of the Bright Day of the Resurrection of Christ on April 12, this very day of Catholic Easter is considered the most significant for all believers.

Passover 2020 - Jewish Passover (April 9-16)

In 2020, the Jews of the entire believing world will begin to celebrate Pesach on the day of the Holy Resurrection of Christ - April 9, when the Jewish Easter comes, and it will last for Israeli Jews until the fifteenth day, and all other representatives of this nationality will celebrate it one day longer .

So you learned about the Orthodox, Catholic and Jewish Easter (Pesach) of 2020, the code it will be celebrated, by what dates, and also about its traditions and customs, as well as the ancient history of the emergence of the Bright Resurrection of Christ. Of course, we could not contain in one article all that useful and important information about Easter, which is very much, although it is very necessary for everyone, but you yourself can find it in the available literature or some media, primarily in boundless expanses of the World Wide Web called the Internet!

Do not forget not only on this festive day - Holy Orthodox Easter 2020, to congratulate everyone on the Bright Resurrection of Christ, to greet each other in no other way than - "Christ is Risen", but you should answer like this - "Truly Risen"! Ideally, this is how you greet each other for forty days (according to church teachings), but it will be enough for you and me to greet each other in this way at Easter! site/node/6774

Always remember that your kindness will also bring you goodness in return, wish others only good and well-being! Peace, love and prudence to all, to everyone - appreciate your loved ones and relatives, do not push away those in need of help, increase your moral level always and in everything, live in unison with your conscience and then it will be easier for you!

Easter 2020-2025: what date will Orthodox and Catholics have Easter in Russia and other countries? Easter dates 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025 (Orthodox and Catholic)

Hello, dear readers of the Sprint-Answer website. In this article, you can find out when Easter will be celebrated in 2020 among Orthodox and Catholics in Russia and not only this year. You can also find out the dates of Easter not only in 2020, but also the dates of the holiday up to 2025.

Easter is an equally significant day in any religion, but in this article we will take a closer look at the customs and traditions of the Easter holiday among Orthodox Christians, and also learn a little about Catholic Easter.

Christian Passover is a derivative of the Jewish holiday Pesach (in Aramaic Pischa, from which this word came into the Greek language). The Jews have a solar-lunar calendar, Pesach begins to be celebrated on the 14th day of the spring month of Nissan and is celebrated for 7 days. Christians, calculating "their Easter", are guided by 4 principles:

  • celebrated after the spring equinox;
  • not on the same day with the Jews;
  • after the first full moon, having to be after the equinox;
  • after the full moon, not otherwise than on the first day of the week according to the Jewish account.

This usually shifts Orthodox Easter by 1 week relative to Pesach. For the Orthodox, the spring equinox is considered March 21, for Catholics and Protestants this date is more accurately tied to the astronomical one, so there is a shift (sometimes very significant), and sometimes the dates coincide. But some of the above points are sometimes violated. There are even formulas for calculating the date of Easter, but they are not so easy to understand. Therefore, it is better to simply use the calendar, which shows the dates of the holiday.

When is Easter in 2020-2025 for Orthodox and Catholics

In accordance with the church prescription, the current date of Orthodox Easter is calculated as follows: the day following the day of the spring equinox and the first spring full moon. Easter should take place no earlier than a week after the Jewish holiday and certainly on Sunday.

The Bright Resurrection of Christ does not have a fixed date and is a moving holiday. Easter is traditionally celebrated after the end of Lent. In 2020, Orthodox Christian fasting ends on April 18, and Easter falls on the 19th. For Catholics, the holiday will begin a week earlier, on April 12, 2020.

Below you can find the dates of Easter for Orthodox and Catholics for 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 and 2025.