Craft for children Paper dog. Master class with step by step photos and templates. Applique pets from paper on the example of a dog Craft a dog from cardboard paper applique

The dog is a friend to man. This can be argued from hundreds of stories when such an animal was faithful in any circumstances and helped people in different situations. There are many breeds of dogs, which sometimes are very different in appearance from each other.

Today we will learn how to make a cute and kind dog from colored double-sided half-cardboard. Her features of the muzzle and details of the torso can be adjusted at your discretion in order to get the desired breed of dog in the future. However, you can follow each step and repeat them to get an identical dog in appearance.

Necessary materials:

  • colored double-sided semi-cardboard in white, brown and orange;
  • stationery glue;
  • black marker;
  • pencil;
  • scissors;
  • ruler.

The body of the dog will be created from brown semi-cardboard. Therefore, we cut out a rectangle 14 x 7 cm.

We mark the sides on the rectangle. We start from the left side: 2 cm, 4.5 cm, 2 cm, 4.5 cm and 1 cm. We draw lines from the top line to the bottom and get vertical edges along which we will bend the sides.

Bend along the vertical lines all sides of the rectangle.

We apply glue to a strip of 1 cm and connect it to the opposite side.

We get the volumetric part of the craft in the form of a dog's body.

We also cut out eyes from white paper in the form of two small circles. Draw pupils on them with a black marker and glue them to the main part of the head. We attach all the other details. Add the features of the muzzle with a black marker.

Cut out two ovals from a brown half-cardboard sheet. These will be the ears.

Glue two oval ears on the back of the head.

We attach the finished head with hanging ears with glue to the upper body.

Glue the paws to the body of the dog.

Finally, cut out the tail from brown paper and glue it to the back of the craft.

On this, our colored paper dog is ready, and the manufacturing lesson itself has come to an end.

However, if desired, you can supplement the finished craft with all sorts of decorative elements to make it look interesting and original.

Colored paper is one of the most affordable materials for various crafts. From it you can make both voluminous and flat figurines. We in this master class we will make an application on New Year 2018 do-it-yourself paper, in the form of a symbol of the year - dogs. And you can do it with your kids. This dog is very easy to make. Therefore, even Small child deal with it. It can be used for paintings or postcards.

We will need:

  • colored paper;
  • Notebook sheet;
  • Pencil;
  • Scissors;
  • Glue;
  • Black marker.

Manufacturing process:

We need to draw a heart on a piece of notebook paper. We draw it in any size, depending on what size you want to make a dog.

Cut out this heart. We have a template ready.

Let's move it to colored paper. Paper can be taken sand or gray.

Cut out two hearts. So we prepared two main parts, one of which will become the head and the other - the calf.

Then cut out a small oval from white paper. This will be the muzzle of the dog.

Take one of the hearts and turn it upside down. Glue the white muzzle to the bottom. And from black paper we cut out a very small oval and form a spout out of it. To do this, we cut on one side so that we get a small corner.

Glue the nose onto the white muzzle.

Cut out two more ovals from white paper. They are for the eyes. We also cut out ovals from black colored paper, but smaller.

Glue the white part of the eye to the head of the dog. And inside it we glue black ovals like pupils. They don't have to be cut out of paper. You can draw with a black felt-tip pen.

You can glue the ovals in different ways, as you wish. The expression on the face of the dog will depend on this.

Now cut out droplets from brown or red paper. These droplets will be the ears.

We glue them to the dog's head, going a little behind her from behind.

Glue the dog's head to the body. Glue it on the corner of the second heart. Can be glued with a slight slope. Then the dog will turn out cute and mischievous.

We are almost done with our dog. It remains to complete her muzzle and make a ponytail.

Symbol of the year "Puppy". Master class for children 6-8 years old

Goncharova Marina Mikhailovna, teacher of MDOU CRR kindergarten No. 1 "Birch", Verkhneuralsk, Chelyabinsk region.
Purpose: I offer a master class on making paper crafts. Work can become a decoration for the New Year, great gift for relatives, for participation in the exhibition, as an independent craft. This master class can be used in classes with older preschoolers, younger students, circle work as well as in the joint activities of children and parents.
Objective: creating crafts with your own hands.
- Introduce children to how to make paper dog crafts. Strengthen cutting skills.
- Develop aesthetic sense, Creative skills, fine motor skills.
- Cultivate accuracy, independence.

The wise Chinese many centuries ago divided the years into 60 cycles, attributing to each their own symbol in accordance with the element, animal and color. Here ends the year of red fiery rooster and the year of the dog will come to replace it, and not an ordinary one, but a yellow one, and even an earthen one.

By Eastern calendar time is divided into 12 cycles, each is assigned an animal, the criterion is supplemented by the elements - wood, fire, metal, water and earth. It's amazing why the Chinese called the earth yellow! But in those parts, it is not chernozem or other soils of a dark color that prevails, but loam, clay, giving the earth a yellow and brown color. So it turns out - 2018, according to the elements, belongs to the yellow earth.
The dog is essentially a domesticated creature, betrayed to death. Dog devotion and loyalty knows no bounds. That is why these pets are considered best friends a person who is infinitely patient, reliable and able to repay kindness for kindness and care. Legends are made about dogs, endowing them with human qualities, such as intelligence and kindness, attention and responsiveness, compassion and the ability to forgive those they truly love.

I have a friend now
Loyal and faithful.
Without him, I'm like without hands,
If frankly.
We are walking in the yard
We play fun
Back to school in September
Let's walk together.
To a friend I am any secret
I'll tell you without fear.
I bring him cutlets,
Hiding under the shirt.
Eat my little friend
What else are you up to?
You are still a puppy
And you can make friends.
(Tatyana Agibalova)

To make crafts, you need to prepare: colored cardboard, colored paper, a simple pencil, scissors, glue, double-sided tape, a napkin, a hole punch.

Templates for cardboard (head, paws and a strip for the body-cylinder).

Templates for the design of the cardboard base.

Work sequence:
Cardboard sheet Brown color divide in half lengthwise. On one part of the cardboard we circle the stencil of the head and paws, the other part will be the torso-cylinder.

Cut out the head and paws.

Using paper stencils white color cut out the details of the muzzle, frontal part, ears, details of the design of the paws. Cut out eyes, eyebrows, nose from black paper, make several black circles with a hole punch. Cut out the tongue from red paper.

We decorate the head with white details.

Glue the eyes, eyebrows, nose, tongue and black circles on the cheeks.

We glue the details on the paws.

We glue the cylinder from cardboard. This will be the body.

Using double-sided tape, glue the head at the top of the cylinder so that the seam from gluing the torso is at the back.

We place the paws at the bottom of the body and glue.

It turned out a handsome puppy - a symbol of 2018.

He has such wonderful friends!

Let gifts await this New Year -
In his bag the dog will bring
Good luck, happiness, interest in life
And many, many little miracles!
I wish you all creative success!

Do-it-yourself volumetric applique for children Puppy.

How to make a three-dimensional application Dog for children in stages with a photo

A dog is one of the most beloved pets, so the kids will be happy to make this animal. Application is not only interesting, but also useful activity. It contributes to the development fine motor skills, creative abilities.

To make an application, you need:




Sheet thick paper for gluing the base (optional)

Step by step application process

1. We print templates for making appliqués.

2. Template - the basis of the application can be glued to a sheet of thick paper.

3. Cut out the details for making the appliqué (breast with front paws and puppy's head).

4. Bend the valve on the “breast” part along the dotted line.

Apply glue to the place marked with a drop. Glue the breast with paws to the body of the puppy. At the same time, we glue one foot on the other so that the breast turns out to be convex.

We see volume.

5. Bend the valves onto the head part along the dotted lines. We smear with glue the places marked with droplets. We glue the head so that it has a convex shape.

Glue the head onto the picture.

Love for work is instilled from childhood when parents devote time to working together. These are not only everyday processes, which certainly should be, but also lessons in creativity. To know the details, how to make the general out of the particular, to know the space, colors and structures - the most universal technique, embracing many functions, is the application. It is important to ensure safety in the process. Prepare the workplace, cover the surface, prepare the material - this will save time later so as not to be distracted. You can put on work clothes or any uniform that matches with each other.

Traditionally, work on this topic is carried out in preparatory classes. kindergarten. Most often, animals are made from geometric shapes using paper or fabric techniques.

The image can contain only a pet or an entire story in which the dog plays a major role. Everything is based on a child's imagination. Therefore, when preparing materials, first discuss with the child what exactly he wants to see at the end of the journey.

Works from geometric shapes

The simplest option for the little ones. This master class involves the use of a minimum number of parts. Stock up on a stationery set, glue, cardboard for the base and a black marker.

To further simplify the task and the process of creating blanks, we suggest using a special template. Print it out and cut out the shapes.

If you do not bother with the processing of the background and decor, but concentrate on the most important character in the picture, the step-by-step instruction consists of the following items:

  1. Cut two of the four circles in half.
  2. On the basis, lay out the details of the dog in the desired position.

  1. Stick them sequentially, starting with the ears, paws of the tail.
  2. Then move on to the belly.
  3. Finish with a head, on which draw a pet's face with a marker or felt-tip pen.

If you are using the suggested template as a stencil, use paper different shades to make the dog more beautiful. In the examples presented, you can see the options for applications, the creation of which was also used geometric figures, but in more complex structures.

You can also use your drawing. The possibilities of technology are endless and depend only on your imagination.

Little dogs are very cute and like kids. Therefore, the kid will gladly agree to make such a product with his own hands. Using special templates, it will not be difficult to make a dog according to the application technique. It is enough to print and cut out parts of the dog's body, and then, together with the child, stick their base on something dense.

pet house

Every dog ​​needs its own kennel. You can make a box in the shape of a pocket so that the animal can be hidden inside.


  1. Make a little dog.
  2. Pick up a piece of cardboard the size of it and outline the outline.
  3. Cut along the line and glue the workpiece onto a dense base.
  4. Let's start building the house.
  5. Prepare a paper square that will be larger than the pet.
  6. Cut out a round window in it.
  7. Attach the roof to the cardboard base, but do not completely glue the booth itself, but only along the bottom and side contours.
  8. Through the upper opening, you can put the dog inside so that it looks out the window.

There is another option from which you can make a game for a child. Make some houses different color and so many dogs. Glue them randomly on a large sheet and give the crumbs the task of drawing a leash from the animal to the kennel of her color.

An example is shown in the figure.

There are non-functional types of crafts on this topic.

Older children will be interested in creating a voluminous booth. We provide a template as a tutorial. The master class has been translated and adapted for your convenience.

Scotty is a funny puppy


  1. Print out this page and glue it onto cardboard. Let dry.\
  2. Cut out two sections of Scotty's kennel, paint the reverse side with black, and pierce a hole at the bottom of the white ring.
  3. Fold back the two sides, as well as the red stripe that says "A".
  4. Glue the two elements together.
  5. Now bend four of the same tabs at the top.
  6. After you have made the roof, carry element number 2. Bend down on middle line, glue as the bottom.
  7. Cut out Scotty.
  8. Fold it with the black sides facing out and connect them (everything except for the ears, lower body and legs, as shown by the dotted line).
  9. Pierce a hole - the white dot on his cute collar.
  10. Now bend your ears down a little and your legs out.
  11. To make sure he doesn't run away, cut a piece of thread about 10-15 cm long and pass it from the collar to the ring in the house.
  12. A small amount of moss, straw, or leaves will make Scotty a comfortable bed.


Functional product with movable elements will be a great postcard and will appeal to children.

It seems complicated only at first glance. If you pre-prepare all the necessary details and follow exactly step by step instructions in the pictures, you will succeed.

A step-by-step overview of the application master class

Necessary materials:

  • White list
  • colored paper
  • Stickers - for small parts
  • Scissors
  • felt-tip pen
  • Pencil

First, draw on a white sheet your pet, in this case, a dog. This is your template for the child to work with. You can draw both the whole image and the details separately, which we cut out from colored sheets.

On stickers of different colors (solid and colorful with funny pictures) you create small details or your animal color accents.

It should be noted that the more shares, the more exciting the process and the end result. Decor - separate part your collective work, which depends only on a burst of imagination and ingenuity. After cutting out all the little things, we proceed to their connection. We take the base and glue the ears first, then place the tail behind the body.

It will also be interesting to make animals that have spots on them - these are glorious unique highlights. Next glue the paws, you can also cut out the dark outlines of the fingers and small nails on them.

Installing the eyes. In your blank, create the squirrels and the pupil separately, instilling realism in the little animal. Later nose.

Use a felt-tip pen to draw the mouth, antennae and cheeks, as well as eyelashes. Returning to the stickers, if you have any small objects illustrating (for example, a bone, a suitcase or words), complete the pet.

The work is completed, but if you want to make it even more interesting, you can cut out its back on the base (or immediately take double-sided colored paper) and add elements to the back, then this dog will want to be more considered. Instead of pupils of the eyes, you can attach beads, rhinestones or buttons. And if you have trimmings, for example, from fur products, they can be installed instead of a birthmark on the ear or tail.

It is very important not to limit yourself to the texture of the elements: cover the muzzle with sequins or put a bug on the leg. Don't limit yourself to working with the same elements. For you and the child interesting process decorating if you both get creative.

By the same principle, create wild animals, dinosaurs, cartoon characters and invent various fairy tales, which will be deposited in the memory of the child. With the help of these homemade heroes, you can learn counting, languages, memorize colors and body parts. The game form will help the kid to grasp and memorize information simply and quickly. Also for you, a serious process will turn into a pleasure.

Video master class “Application pets”