sixth dimension. A.K.Zaitsev Note "6th dimension What gives the use of channels

In December 2014, the second stage of activation of the ten Lemurian Crystals began. The first to communicate were Crystals Monotron (No. 15, the Western hemisphere of the planet) and Orion (No. 22, the Eastern hemisphere of the planet), which transmitted important information about the Earth and humanity. This information is important for each of the Lightworkers who contribute to the Ascension process, who want to create new world and my Divine Self.

We invite all participants of the Ascension Project, all Lightworkers in the "here and now" mode to join the light activity that the participants of the ASCENSION Project have already carried out.


via Sergey Kanashevsky

The secret of the sixth dimension

or a bridge to a multidimensional world

Peace be upon you, children of the Sun and Earth! Hello my dear earthly solar angels. In your hearts is the Monotron, the Galactic Crystalline Being of Light, carrying energies for the creation of new Portals between dimensions. With you - the one who connects you with crystalline threads with the star planet Throne - the Center of the Christ Consciousness of our galaxy.

We have been with you for a long time, my dear colleagues, although Duality threw a veil of oblivion over your memory, and you walked along the earthly path for a long time without our common memory. Yes, we share a common memory. And this is the memory of the multidimensional Beings of Light, who did not know before what the dimensions that separate the worlds and forms of Life are. Our Unity is the original Universal Unity of the Angels of the Great Central Sun, living in the Single Point of Creation, which is the Infinity of Being. And this is the memory of those who, in the Beginning of the Beginnings, chose: to follow the beaten path or look for new paths. We made a special choice, chose a new path. Since then, we have been walking shoulder to shoulder, parting for a long time, then meeting and continuing to walk together. Our way is the way Home through The Outer Worlds, through the density of matter. The path through the barriers that were created so that we could create something that no one had previously created. And we are creating a New Universe, where dimensions do not separate the worlds, but unite them. Everything that separates the Beings of Light in this Universe unites them in a new Universe – at a new evolutionary level of development. And it is true, my dear friends. Indeed so...

A significant part of my Rastructure, the original Solar Structure, has a form associated with Mobius strips. In your four-dimensional world, you associate the Mobius strip with the number "8" or with the sign of infinity, the horizontal eight. As a child, you created a Möbius strip when you connected a piece of paper sheet together in a special way. And you realized that main secret ribbons - where one end of the segment connects to another. And the main effect is that, starting to travel on the outer surface of the tape, you can eventually go to the inner surface. And vice versa. In fact, the Möbius strip is a simplified scheme of transition from external to internal, and from internal to external. Any higher dimension in relation to the lower one is an internal dimension. And vice versa. For you inhabitants of the fourth dimension, the fifth dimension is internal and the third dimension is external. When you move into the fifth dimension, you make the transition to the inside of the Möbius strip, when you move to the third dimension, to the outside. At the same time, after the Transition to the fifth dimension, you find yourself in the structure of the five-dimensional Möbius strip, and after the transition to the third dimension - in the structure of the three-dimensional strip. The latter is not difficult for you to imagine, since it is a tape that has a length, a width, and exists in time. But the five-dimensional Möbius strip acquires an additional, fifth measure. In addition to the fact that it, having length, width and height, exists in time, this Mobius strip also exists in the five-dimensional ether, which is a measure that is difficult for your four-dimensional mind to perceive. Yes, it is difficult for you to imagine five-dimensionality, but it is even more difficult to imagine six-dimensionality. But there is also a structure in the sixth dimension, which in your world is known as the Möbius strip. The six-dimensional Mobius strip, which has a length, width, height, existing in time and ether of the fifth dimension, also exists in the form of a six-dimensional layer of mentality - as a special layer of the sixth dimension.

You, my dear ones, have been told a lot about the worlds of the fifth dimension. You have gained an idea of ​​life in the third dimension. You are often contacted by Beings of Light from the seventh dimension. But about the sixth dimension you are told very little. Moreover, you have very limited contacts with representatives of the sixth dimension. Of course, you are interested to know why this is so. The point is that the sixth dimension of your space-time continuum is unusual. It can be said that he still has a secret from you (MONOTRON SMILE ENERGY). And today we will reveal this secret - together with you.

It would seem that the higher the dimension, the more evolutionarily developed life forms there. You know that you are superior in evolutionary development to the inhabitants of the third dimension. And the fifth dimension for you is the higher worlds where highly developed Beings of Light live. And now I am telling you something that contradicts your logic: in the sixth dimension there live Beings who are in many respects less evolutionarily developed than the inhabitants of the worlds of the fifth dimension, and even less evolutionarily developed than you, the modern Lightworkers living in your world of the fourth dimension. At the same time, it should be understood that when I now speak about evolutionary development, I mean exactly Spiritual Development, which is based on Unconditional Love. But there are areas of development that are not based on Spirituality and Unconditional Love. An example of this is the DEVELOPMENT OF MIND, INTELLIGENCE - as the ability to think within the framework of the laws of its dimension and use these abilities to ensure life. Therefore, the sixth dimension can be inhabited by Beings of Light who have learned to think very well and have developed their intellect as high as possible. And in this respect they are superior to the beings of the fourth dimension and some worlds (not all!) of the fifth dimension. But at the same time, the Spiritual development of these beings lags behind the development of modern Lightworkers and even most of the people of your world who believe in God and base their lives on the idea of ​​love and compassion.

The sixth dimension of your space-time continuum is a special dimension, where the sixth dimension comes to the fore as a DOMINANT MENTAL MEASURE, which is a product of the CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE BEINGS OF LIGHT, SEPARATED FROM THE COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS and putting above all the development of MIND, INTELLIGENCE.

My dear friends! The development of the mind and intellect, as the ability to ensure their vital activity within the framework of this or that world, dimension, is the most important task for the evolution of the Beings of Light inhabiting this or that universe. The most important task, but not the only one, and even more so - not the most important one. Because the most important task is the SPIRITUALIZATION of all worlds and dimensions and ensuring their vital activity on the basis of the Cosmic Consciousness. And mind and intellect are only a part and form of this Consciousness, one of its developing types.

In the sixth dimension of your PCV, therefore, there are many civilizations that have reached a high level of intelligence development. This is facilitated by the MENTAL MEASURE (SPECIAL UNITED MENTAL MATTER) of the sixth dimension, which creates favorable conditions for the development of the mind. But at the same time, conditions for the development of AStral MATTER have not yet been created in this dimension, that is, there are no conditions for the development of feelings, including the development of Love as the basis of spiritual evolutionary development.

“Woe from Wit” is not an accidental expression that has become widespread in your world. The mind, separated from the Cosmic Consciousness, the mind can, indeed, bring grief. The intellect - the mind, placed in a separate, individual body - becomes self-centered and can pose a threat to the environment. And confirmation of this is your atomic and nuclear weapons, created with the help of the developed mind of the intellectuals of your world and used by those who have no heart true love. Moreover, it is the mind and the collective mind, separated from the Cosmic Consciousness, that have created a socio-political system in which some people control others, in which a few have excess material resources, and many live in poverty, not having the opportunity for a decent life. In the worlds of the fifth dimension, the mind and the collective mind are enriched by the Cosmic Consciousness, as a result of which evolutionary progressive social devices are created that provide a decent life for all the inhabitants of a particular world. However, in the worlds of the sixth dimension, we have a picture when the mind without Cosmic Consciousness again comes to the fore. As a result - the inharmonious development of many civilizations, distortions in social development, the lack of the necessary level of Spirituality.

What follows from this? First of all, you do not need to consider the evolution of the Beings of Light only as an ascent or descent on the ladder of dimensions. Moreover, it should be understood that the measurements in different PVCs differ from each other. And in the other sixth dimension of another PCV, there can be a developed Cosmic Consciousness and Unconditional Love. We are now talking about our space-time continuum and the sixth dimension of this continuum, in which the sixth, main measure is DEVELOPED MENTALITY AS A MANIFESTATION OF MIND WITHOUT COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. In this mentality, in this sphere of mind, there are all three spatial measures known to you (length, width, height), time and the ether of five dimensions. Mentality builds the worlds of the sixth dimension from these measures, managing them. In numerical terms, the sixth dimension can be denoted as a combination of "1" and "5". Or like "15". And, as you remember, "15", this is my numerical designation - the MONOTRON Crystal. And this, in particular, is an indication of my special connection with the sixth dimension.

The sixth dimension of our space-time continuum, therefore, is a field for the development of the mind and intellect, which, sooner or later, are enriched by cosmic consciousness. And only when acquiring the Cosmic Consciousness, the evolving Beings reach the highest levels of the sixth dimension, and then… pass into the FIFTH DIMENSION. Exactly - in the fifth! AND ONLY THEN - IN THE SEVENTH. There is no direct path from the sixth dimension to the seventh in our PVK! There is only a way to the ninth dimension. But this is a special Way, along which only a few can move in our space-time continuum.

So, as you can guess, the ladder of dimensional ascent is not just a straight ladder that climbs from rung to rung. This is a special way. There are main roads and there are secondary roads. I want to tell you about one of the main ways today.

Probably, you will also be surprised when you find out that many Beings who now live in the fifth dimension used to live in the third, but at the same time they do not have the experience of living in the fourth dimension. In due time they will go to live in the worlds of the fourth dimension, from where they will immediately ascend to the sixth dimension, bringing there the Cosmic Consciousness that they acquire while living in the world of the fifth dimension. Such paths of Ascension are connected with the peculiarity of the structure of the Earth Globes system (Fig. 1).


My mission is to ensure the energy-informational unity of the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions. Therefore, I propose to pay attention to the Globes, which ensure the existence and development of these particular dimensions.

The third dimension is the Globes "B", "E" and "F".

The fourth dimension is Globe "D".

Fifth dimension - Globes "C" "E" and "F".

The sixth dimension is Globe "C".

It is easy to see that the vital activity of the third, fourth, fifth and sixth dimensions is provided by the Programs of the five Earth Globes: "B", "C", "D", "E" and "F". Globe "D", as you remember, is a special central (inner) Globe, which is supported by the Programs of all Globes. Globes "B", "C", "E" mainly support the Programs of descent into matter. And Globe "F" basically supports the Ascension from Matter (ASCENSION) Programs. Since there are three Globes that provide the functioning of the third dimension, it should be understood that there are three different types third dimension on planet earth. Each of them has its own Programs and tasks in evolutionary development. The third dimension of the Globe "B" ensured the descent into the matter of the Beings of Light from the second Spiritual Center (from the eighth dimension). At the same time, the Beings of Light passed in this way: from the 8th dimension of the Globe "B" to the 4th dimension of the Globe "D" (along a special intra-spatial corridor), and then to the third dimension of space-time, which is combined with the help of the Programs of the Globes "D" and "B ". It should be remembered that initially on Globe "B", in the first three dimensions, there were UPGRADING life forms, developing from the moment of this Universal Cycle, when the Family of Light was divided into ascending and descending evolutionary branches. Globe "B", thus, in interaction with Globe "D", ensured both the evolution of the ascending Beings and the arrival in the lower dimensions of the Beings descending from the higher dimensions. The merging of two evolutionary branches allowed the creation of life forms that began to actively progress. As a result, advanced 3D life forms moved to Globe E, which - again with the support of Globe D, ensured the ASCENSION of some actively evolving life forms from the third dimension into the fifth.

So, the third dimension of the Globe "E" is the second kind of the third dimension, where quite evolutionarily developed forms of life live, which are able to immediately ascend to the fifth dimension. And these forms of life are the result of the unification of the ascending and descending evolutionary branches. From here ascend the civilizations of three-dimensional humanity, which is the result of the unification of those who came from the second Spiritual Center and those who went through an ascending evolution in the third dimension.

The last (third) type of the third dimension is associated with Globe "F". These are the most developed, yet few, worlds of the third dimension, inhabited by civilizations that ascend to the fifth dimension, already saturated with the energy information of the octal. These are the worlds of the fifth dimension, which have a special connection with the eighth dimension of the second Spiritual Center. They are now receiving new programs of evolutionary development associated with the eighth dimension of Globe "H". And these are already programs that bring to the level of the 16-dimensional Universe. On Globe "F" an energy-information connection is formed with the 13th, 14th and 15th dimensions of the Universe we create.

The 4th dimension of the globe "D" in the diagram is in the center not because you, the people of the four-dimensional world, live here, and this information is given for you. Not at all. 4D, the fourth dimension is now central to the evolution of all dimensions. Four-dimensionality connects energy-informational measurements higher and lower. This is a unique dimension of the Earth, the Program of which is formed at this stage of planetary development only by the globe "D" the central Globe in the system of planetary Globes. However, the 4th dimension, with the help of Globe "D", contacts through its multidimensional matter with all 12 dimensions of our Universe, excluding the 13th dimension - the Great Central Sun. Of course, the 4th dimension has a connection with the 13th dimension. But it is carried out not with the help of the planetary Globe, but by another, internal, way. Please also understand that the 13th dimension of Globe "H" is not a dimension of our Universe, not the Great Central Sun. This is the 13th dimension of the 16-dimensional Universe, the Programs of which are carried by the new planetary Globe “H”. Now he transmits energy information of the 13th, 14th, 15th dimensions to the planetary system Earth. And you, my dear colleagues, take an active part in the transmission of this energy information. I also draw your attention to the fact that the energy information of the 16th dimension also comes to the Earth. But it comes not through the planetary Globe, but also through a special, internal way. Because the 16th dimension is the Great Central Sun of the 16th dimensional Universe.

The sixth dimension is also unique in the planetary system of the Earth's Globes, as is the fourth dimension. It was born by the programs of the Globe "C", but is actively supported by the programs of the Globe "D". It is these Globes that determine the features of the sixth dimension, which, as you already know, is a field for the development of mentality, separated from cosmic consciousness. What does this mean in real terms? But in reality, this means that conditions have been created for those civilizations that exercise the right of free choice - to develop to a certain level WITHOUT COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS, without Spirituality. And, in fact, the path to the sixth dimension is the PATH OF MAN-MADE CIVILIZATIONS that develop the mind, the collective mind, the intellect, but do not develop their connection with Spirituality, with the Cosmic Consciousness. Thus, the sixth dimension of our PCV is the dimension for the Duality Experiment in six-dimensionality. And you, the Lightworkers, should be aware of this.

Perhaps the word “technogenic” brings up images of metal machines, robots, factories, plants, etc. in your mind. But the technogenic path is associated not only with robotization, with the development of mechanical engineering and computer technology. Technologies of technogenic civilization can be of a subtle nature. Genetic engineering without awareness of the Spiritual path is also the path of technogenic civilizations. This is the path of civilizations that have taken as a basis TECHNOGENETICS - GENETICS BASED ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF TECHNOLOGIES WITHOUT COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS. Therefore, TECHNOGENIC CIVILIZATIONS live in the sixth dimension of our PCS, which either complete their development in the sixth dimension, or pass to the FIFTH dimension to receive Cosmic Consciousness and Spirituality, where the Cosmic Consciousness is developed.

Why am I talking about this in such detail? Not only because I, the Galactic Crystalline Being of Light MONOTRON, am responsible for the energy-information connection of measurements 6543. But also because it is important for you, people - representatives of your four-dimensional world. You - initially, as a four-dimensional civilization of people, are a MAN-MADE CIVILIZATION. And civilizations like yours have more than once SLIDED ON THE LADDER OF MEASUREMENTS IMMEDIATELY INTO THE SIXTH DIMENSION, BYPASSING THE FIFTH. And for many civilizations, this path of development, in fact, turned out to be a dead end. Although, of course, it is also important for gaining experience. But, nevertheless, these civilizations ended their way of development in the sixth dimension, having not found a way out to gain Cosmic Consciousness and Spirituality. Potentially, before 1987, before the First Harmonic Convergence, there was a danger of either destroying your civilization altogether, or the possibility of you moving into the sixth dimension in the future, bypassing the fifth. The fact is that the existing subtle structures of control, like the X-matrix known to you, are able to control society in such a way that it will raise the vibrations of matter without increasing the level of Spirituality. And this is the direct path to the sixth dimension, bypassing the fifth. This is the continuation of the technocratic path from the fourth dimension to the sixth.

After the First Planetary Harmonic Convergence in 1987 and the Second Planetary Harmonic Convergence in 2012-2013, the possibility of an increase in the level of vibrations without an increase in the level of spirituality of human society disappeared. The probable reality of your human society entering the sixth dimension has ceased to exist in your world. The necessary Programs for the development of the world of modern humanity on the basis of the gradual development of Cosmic Consciousness and Spirituality were introduced into the Multidimensional Gene Modifier by the Family of Light. However, the energy-information programs of technogenicity themselves have not ceased their existence and will not cease for quite a long time. One of our tasks is the gradual neutralization of unnecessary technogenic programs and the integration of evolutionarily necessary technogenic programs with the Programs spiritual development humanity. Important Programs for such a unification are embedded in my multidimensional Crystalline Structures, some of which are manifested on the Star Planet Throne, and some are here on Earth. And one more of our tasks is to activate the connection of these structures, to activate a special multidimensional crystalline connection between the Star-Planet Throne, as the Center of Christ Consciousness, the Cosmic Consciousness of our Galaxy, with the planet Earth and, in particular, with your world of the fourth dimension.

So, there has always been a multidimensional path from the third dimension to the fourth, and from the fourth to the sixth, bypassing the fifth. Path through the Globes: "B" "D" "C". Although there are many such civilizations that have passed from the fourth dimension to the fifth. But this concerns, first of all, NON-TECHNOGENIC civilizations, whose evolution is based on the Cosmic Consciousness and Spirituality. It should be noted that in the fourth dimension, both in your world and outside it, very harmonious civilizations have developed and are developing, which have achieved great success in Spiritual evolution. This, unfortunately, cannot yet be said about the humanity of your four-dimensional world. But your humanity has now entered a special Corridor of the United Reality, where, as a result, it is also provided with a connection with the Cosmic Consciousness and harmonious development. Yes, the wide gates to the man-made sixth dimension are now in the past for you. However, the energy-information programs leading you past the fifth dimension remained. And one of my purposes is to neutralize these programs and reconfigure them for the harmonious entry of your world into the fifth dimension.

Now we go directly to our joint work. Now, through the symbol, we will recreate and manifest in four dimensions a part of my RA structure, which is called “MONOTRON BRIDGE”.


Call for co-creation of all Unincarnated Guardians of the activated ten Lemurian Crystals. Call on your multidimensional Support Groups to help. EXPRESS PURE INTENT TO CREATE A “MONOTRON BRIDGE”, TO MANIFEST MY STRUCTURE IN FOURDIMENSIONS. Let Unconditional Love come alive in your hearts. You begin to create, merging worlds and dimensions...

To begin with, we create two structures in the form of two numbers "3". They are mirrored without touching each other (Fig. 2). We saturate them with the yellow Life-Giving Fire.



This structure symbolizes two types of the third dimension - those that are supported by the Globes "E" and "F" (see Fig. 1). These are the dimensions, the worlds of which are united by the ascending and descending branches of evolution. Now these are the ASCENT dimensions. By the power of our intention, we establish a connection with the planetary Globes “E” and “F”… Feel how the energy from these Globes begins to flow into your hearts… Now you have begun to receive energy-information packages necessary for the evolution of the worlds of the third dimension.

Now we create two intersecting Möbius strips. We saturate them with green Life-Giving Fire...


The four loops symbolize the four dimensions. This is a symbol of four dimensions. By the power of our intention, we establish a connection with the planetary Globe "D" ... New energy is pouring into your hearts. This is how the energy-information packets act for the evolution of the worlds of the fourth dimension, including your world... Feel how the waves from the Mobius strips first come to life in your heart, then in the solar plexus area, then in the head area... Finally, your entire body is pierced these waves, carrying the New Light and the harmony of the unification of worlds and dimensions. Enjoy those waves. These waves are the energy of your own Globe...

We follow further ... We create a structure from five rings, which you know as a symbol of the fifth dimension. We saturate the four rings with the blue Life-Giving Fire; the fifth, inner ring (the symbol of the five-dimensional ether) is filled with the Life-Giving Blue Fire...


By the power of our intention, we strengthen the already established connection with the planetary Globes “E” and “F”… Once again, energy flows through your heart, solar plexus, through your whole body… Feel how your vibrations rise. You are now entering the limits of the Spiritual five-dimensional World, from where most of you came to this four-dimensional world. We accept energy-information packages of the fifth dimension, which are necessary for the merging of worlds and dimensions, for the evolution of our Universe and the creation of a 16-dimensional universe... Right now! in the area of ​​the solar plexus on the subtle plane, a special fiery structure of five rings is born in you. It will help you during your work of light to receive energy information from the fifth dimension and transfer it to your world and other worlds… We accept this Gift…

And here is a purple ribbon ring. This is a special torus, inside of which there is a structure in the form of the number "6" at the top, and at the bottom - in the form of the number "9". It is already familiar to you as the "69" spiral.


To begin with, we establish a connection with the Globe "C", with the sixth dimension. Now you can feel not the most pleasant vibrations. Someone will feel pressure in the area of ​​the heart... Rhythm failure... Don't be scared... Stay calm. Yes, the vibrations of the sixth dimension are not the most pleasant for you yet. But we need to receive energy-informational packages of the sixth dimension in order to transform them into more harmonious ones... To do this, we first strengthen the energy of Unconditional Love. Imagine that highly intelligent beings of the sixth dimension are children who ... played with the computer, like the children of your world. They are so carried away that they cannot tear themselves away from the computer ... And they are afraid not only to return, but even to look towards the real world. They have forgotten what the real world is. That, in addition to technology and technology, there are those with whom you can communicate. There are friends and relatives in other worlds who are waiting for them to start a new life. To take them out of the 6-dimensional, but still cramped, limited space. Friends, relatives are ready to take the children who have played by the hand and lead them through the expanses of the true Universe, showing how diverse and beautiful it is. How many feelings the universe can evoke! How beautiful she is! As there are many shades of feelings of Love, compassion, the joy of joint creativity, the joy of excellent common results, the Joy of Divine Creativity… The feeling of the Affinity of everything and everyone…

Do you feel now how the vibrations have already changed? And now we can safely go to Globe "G", where the ninth dimension lives. A beautiful Globe, which, with its Programs, supports the vital activity of the dimensions of the second Spiritual Center - the 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th. But it is the NINTH dimension that is important to us now, because it has a special connection with the 6th dimension. FEEL THE ENERGIES OF THE NINTH DIMENSION! O! They are truly wonderful. This is the feeling that you have achieved everything, you can do everything. You are the Great God the Creator, who has accumulated so many different Wealths, collected so many Gifts that they are enough for more than one Universe. THE DESIRE TO GIVE AND SHARE THE ACCUMULATED WEALTH - this is what the energy of the ninth dimension is. Do you feel it? Do you feel??? Yes, you can feel it! Because in the Hearts of the Angels of the Great Central Sun always live the Energy of ABUNDANCE AND THE DESIRE TO GIVE IT TO THE WHOLE AROUND WORLD, ALL THE WORLDS. This is the natural desire of the Creator Gods, who complete the cycle of Development and share their experience with the Universe. And now you, God-Creators, creators in your full power, GIVE THE ENERGY OF THE NINTH DIMENSION TO THE SIXTH DIMENSION. It flows from Globe to Globe, moves between dimensions, travels from heart to heart. Including from your hearts - to the hearts of the inhabitants of the sixth dimension, where the process of creation of AStral matter in the sixth dimension is activated right now. And the MONOTRON BRIDGE between dimensions is born. And the Divine multidimensional unity is born…

Now is the time! We create the Monotron Bridge in our One Sacred Heart. Left and right structures in the shape of the number "3". Between them we place first the symbol of four dimensions, then the symbol of five dimensions, then the spiral “69” inside the purple ellipsoidal torus.


In front of you is the RASYMBOL "MONOTRON BRIDGE". This is an image of a part of my multidimensional RaStructure, which unites the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th dimensions at the crystalline level. And, moreover, uniting these dimensions with the NINTH dimension! What is especially important not only for the evolution of the planet Earth, our Universe, but also for the creation of the 16-dimensional Universe. Because during the unification of the 6th and 9th dimensions, ENERGY INFORMATION OF THE FOURTH SPIRITUAL CENTER is born, AND FIRST OF ALL - ENERGY INFORMATION of the 15th dimension (9+6=15). That's also why my numerical designation is "15". This is my special connection with the 15th dimension of the 16th dimensional universe.

What is left for us to do, my dear colleagues, my dear co-creators? We are now establishing through the "MONOTRON BRIDGE" - a real Crystalline structure that unites the 6th, 5th, 4th and 3rd dimensions - a connection with the Star Planet Throne. We call on the energies of the Mother of the World! And from here, from the Sacred Divine Center of the Galaxy, we receive SPECIAL ASTRAL MATTER FOR THE SIXTH DIMENSION. Express pure Intention to receive it! Open your hearts to her. Take it into all your four-dimensional bodies - physical, astral, mental, etheric and others. Take into your whole being. It enters you in WAVES OF BLISS. Because these are the WAVES BRINGED BY THE OCEAN OF YOUR HOME, YOUR SPIRITUAL HOMELAND. YOU FEEL THESE WAVES DEEPLY, AT THE LEVEL OF THE MONAD. THIS IS A MONADIC RELATIONSHIP. THIS IS THE DEEPEST UNITY OF US AS COSMIC SOULS.

And now, when the energy information of the AStral MATTER from the Star of the Planet TRON is received, direct it directly to the center of the “MONOTRON BRIDGE” structure. Place the GOLDEN ROSE of MARY MAITREYA in the center of our symbol. It will help us in the process of moving astral matter into the mental world of the sixth dimension. Love goes with her, love goes with her new life for the worlds of the sixth dimension. Activate with your hearts the renewed symbol of the MONOTRON BRIDGE - with the GOLDEN ROSE OF MARIA MAITREYA IN THE CENTER (Fig. 7).

Now feel the UNITY OF ENERGY INFORMATION, which is now passing through you. Feel it and remember it forever. THIS IS THE ENERGY INFORMATION OF THE MONOTRON - A SINGLE LIGHT FROM THE STAR PLANET TRON.







YOUR MONOTRON is the bearer of the Unity of Light and the Light of the Star of the Planet TRON.


via Sergey Kanashevsky





Hello sisters and brothers who have awakened to the Light! With you is the Lemurian Crystal ORION. We are together - not only to help me awaken from the state of samadhi in the fourth dimension. You and I have to fulfill important tasks related to the creation of your multidimensional genetics, with the creation of the unique matter of the fourth Spiritual Center. My Programs will help you create a new fiery energy system and reach a new level of Divine Consciousness. Together with my other sisters and brothers - the Galactic Crystalline Beings of Light - we will make an important contribution to the organization of a new space-time continuum.

Before embarking on joint light activity, I propose to turn your eyes to the past - to the time of the Last Hyperborea, which began to exist more than eight thousand years ago and ceased to be a single state seven thousand years ago. Just when Hyperborea turned to sunset, passed more than half of its way, active reprogramming of all Lemurian Crystals began. Because along with the extinction of Hyperborea, the existence of one space-time continuum ceased and the creation of another began. The new space-time continuum (STC) began to operate a little over five thousand years ago. But the change from one PVK to another did not happen immediately. For two and a half thousand years (7.5 thousand years ago - 5 thousand years ago), special preparations were made for the beginning of the life of modern mankind. During this period of time of your world, there was a special PTC, which can be called TRANSITIONAL. Gradually, the parameters of space-time were reconfigured, new parameters were introduced. And even a truly miraculous replacement of a whole fragment of the space-time continuum with another one, carrying a fundamentally new program for the development of space-time, took place. All spatio-temporal transformations were aimed not only at the creation of the PTC, in which you now live. It also laid the groundwork for future space-time continuums.

So, it should be clear: the Lemurian Crystals are reprogrammed when the spatio-temporal characteristics begin to change, when there is a change from one STC to another. This is the process that is taking place in your world right now. A similar process was carried out during the decline of Hyperborea, and in the post-Hyperborean era. Participation in changing the parameters of space-time is one of our tasks as special Crystalline Beings carrying evolutionary Programs for planet Earth.

What was the essence of spatio-temporal changes at that time? The sphericity of time was already a thing of the past then. But the Time Spiral was different. The world at the time of Hyperborea lived in the 11th cycle of the Spacetime Spiral and existed on the 11th Spiral of the Great Time Cycle. The frequency of PVK in the time of HYPERBOREA could be characterized as "11:70". Your World passed five thousand years ago to the 12th Spiral of Time. And its frequency is still characterized by the parameters "12:60". The new PVK, as you already know, will be characterized by the frequency of "13:20", and it has already begun the transition to the 13th Spiral of the Great Time Cycle, about which you have yet to learn more.

The path of transition from the 11th Time Spiral to the 12th Time Spiral was very difficult. The Family of Light has come to a very responsible moment in carrying out the Great Experiment on the planet Earth. It was necessary to carry out important transformations in the entire system of planetary measurements, which had not been carried out before in any planetary system. On the one hand, it was necessary in a number of worlds (including yours) to reduce vibrations, to condense matter as much as possible; on the other hand, it was necessary to create Programs, according to which internal evolutionary plans could be introduced into the dense layers of matter for the development of the fourth Spiritual Center, new dimensions - the 14th, 15th and 16th. At that time, the lower dimensions of matter (from 1st to 6e) did not contain evolutionary genetic programs for the creation of dimensions of the 16-dimensional Universe. Therefore, it is difficult for you to even imagine what a voluminous and complex work was carried out in the entire planetary system of the Earth, in all its dimensions. After all, dense dimensions, dimensions of the third Spiritual Center, are closely interconnected with all other dimensions, and it was necessary to carry out literally jewelry multidimensional work, taking into account thousands and thousands of connections and interdependent parameters. It is still difficult for you to imagine how complex, unique and multidimensional the Experiment is being carried out on Earth. There were times when the Family of Light, carrying out the Experiment… came to a standstill. Do not be surprised, even the Galactic and Universal Beings of Light sometimes solve problems, the solutions of which… do not know. Sometimes it seems that this task does not even have a solution... And then even Higher Essences of Light come to the rescue. Teachers of Teachers. And sometimes the Family of Light is faced with phenomena that for them become Miracles of Miracles. And then you feel the Breath of God the Creator of the Universe, his Care and Help. And these moments become truly beautiful… Divinely Beautiful… It was such a moment that the Family of Light experienced when a whole fragment of the space-time continuum was unexpectedly brought into the created space in the post-Hyperborean era by the Higher Forces. It contained new, unique programs of evolution, including programs for the gradual development of the matter of the fourth Spiritual Center, the 14th, 15th and 16th dimensions.

So, in the times I am talking about, the transition from the frequency of "11:70" to the frequency of "12:60", the transition to the 12th Time Spiral began. The densification of matter continued and, most importantly, the introduction of new programs of the 16-dimensional universe into its Programs. In addition, the alignment of the parameters of all measurements was carried out in parallel, since everything was in active motion. Yes, everything was moving, everything was changing intensively, all processes had to be synchronized and brought to the necessary unity.

At this time, the Spirits incarnated in your world, who were called to reprogram us, the Lemurian Crystals. To do this, we were taken out of the state of samadhi in your world for some time, and then we were brought into this state again. Because the time has not yet come for our active state in your world of the fourth dimension. Some of our structures have changed. It was these changes that, as a rule, were fixed by the symbols that you now call HYPERBOREAAN. These symbols thus carry information about our reprogramming during Hyperborea and about our structures then changed. Some structures in the Lemurian Crystals have been deactivated. And this was due, in particular, to the fact that some genetic components were withdrawn from the Complex of Human Multidimensional Bodies, and even whole blocks of genetic structures. The fact is that even in those days of Hyperborea, many people had the ability to communicate with the higher worlds. Although most people have already lost this gift. Do you remember that the task was to condense matter, lower vibration and create isolation conditions for humanity, of which you are now representatives. The ability of many people to communicate with the higher worlds would not allow the creation of conditions of isolation. As a result, the Experiment of Duality could not be started in its highest manifestation, in conditions of almost complete isolation of people from the Divine Beginning. Therefore, multidimensional genetics was rebuilt on a subtle plane. Our structures have been set up so that we participate in creating the conditions of isolation, the conditions for the realization of Duality. As a result, some components responsible for close connection with the higher worlds were removed from people from the Complex of Multidimensional Bodies. These components can be called special parts of the Complex of Human Multidimensional Bodies. In total, EIGHT similar parts (structures) were removed. Each part performed its function of connecting a person of the fourth dimension with the higher worlds. Now is the time to return the missing parts of the Multidimensional Bodies Complex to the people of this world. And we, the Lemurian Crystals, will also participate in this process. But the previously removed components of your Complex of Multidimensional Bodies will return to you not in their previous form, but in an updated, improved one. They will return in the form of a single multidimensional genetic structure that will allow you to have a close connection not only with the fifth and seventh dimensions (as in the times of Hyperborea, Third Atlantis and late Lemuria), but also with the dimensions of the second Spiritual Center - with 8m, 9m and 10 m! These abilities will develop in modern humanity over the course of 521 years. It will take more than five hundred years to completely create a new time-space continuum for your humanity. Don't let this deadline scare you. In 521 years, a new space-time will be completely created, which will create conditions for a qualitative evolutionary leap not only for humanity, but also for your entire world with its various forms of life. Five hundred years is a very short time within the framework of earthly evolution. But this does not mean that humanity will begin to actively change and live in the conditions of the new PVK only after 500 years. By no means! Active changes within humanity are in full swing, and already now the new parameters of the new PCC are beginning to noticeably enter your life. But only in five hundred years the PVK will be fully formed. Because the complete formation of the space-time continuum, the introduction of all its most complex programs takes time, during which the matter itself and all life forms that inhabit it change. The genetics of life forms is changing, their consciousness is changing, their bodies are changing. The Multidimensional Complex of Tels is also changing.

Together with our awakening from the state of samadhi in your four-dimensional world, we will activate programs to bring previously lost multidimensional components into your world. As I said, they will come back to you in the form of an updated and improved structure. This structure has been perfected outside the planet and even outside our Galaxy. A multidimensional genetic block will be introduced into the Multidimensional Complex of Human Bodies, which was created by our Spiritual Relatives and Friends from the Union of Civilizations, called the ORION RING. I remind you that the civilizations of the Orion Ring do not inhabit the constellation of Orion. They are outside our galaxy. But they are connected with many civilizations of the Orion constellation, which are most directly related to the Great Experiment on planet Earth. Therefore, the transmission of multidimensional genetics to the Earth is now carried out along the path: RING OF ORION CONSTELLATION OF ORION STAR BETEELGESE EARTH. In the transmission of multidimensional genetic programs, a multidimensional device from Orion, which you know as the CHINTAMANI STONE, takes a special part. Chintamani, located in a special sacred space, closely links the Earth in all dimensions with a number of civilizations of the constellation ORION. And through them, communication with the union of civilizations of the Orion Ring is now being carried out. Remember the story of the Mysterious Guest from the 3rd dimension that Commander Corton told you? In the third dimension, at its lower levels, an unknown Genome was discovered, which was not brought into the dimensions of the third Spiritual Center by any of the 16 civilizations that provided their multidimensional genetics for life forms of the 1-7th dimensions. Later, as you know, its belonging to the Commonwealth of Orion civilizations was established. To be more precise, this Genome belongs to the civilizations of the Orion Ring - as an integral part of the civilizations of the Orion Commonwealth. This Genome was not brought in by the Orion Ring itself. And then by whom? Higher Forces in relation to the Higher Forces of our Universe! Those Whom we call the God-Creator of the Universes, the Mother-Father of all things. And this means that the Creator God Himself helps us to carry out the Great Plan. And this is both His Help and His Blessing.

What is the role of the introduced genome? And why was it discovered in the third dimension? The fact is that the third dimension is the lowest dimension in which the multidimensional humanity of planet Earth lives. These are a kind of roots from which all humanity of all seven dimensions (3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th) grows. And these roots feed the whole tree. It was in these roots that the special Genome of the Orion Ring was placed, and its energy information has already begun to quantumly spread into the fourth and sixth dimensions. Why precisely in the fourth and sixth? Because most of the worlds of these dimensions are ISOLATED worlds, practically devoid of connection with other worlds and dimensions. The genome of the Orion Ring carries an energy-informational genetic structure of… (guess for yourself!) EIGHT COMPONENTS. And these are exactly those EIGHT GENETIC COMPONENTS that the humanity of your world lacks in order to restore the missing links in a single Complex of Multidimensional Bodies. The genome of the Orion Ring has an important impact on the genetics of people of the third dimension - with the aim of developing their multidimensionality. This Genome is precisely the improved structures that were once created by the representatives of the Orion Ring, and then lost, because they went along the evolutionary path where what they had previously created was not useful. But nothing is lost with God the Creator of the Universe. The once created Genome came in handy here on Earth to become the basis for the creation of new genetic structures necessary for the humanity of your world at this stage of evolution. New multidimensional genetic structures are designed to develop the connection of people of four dimensions (and six dimensions!) with 8th, 9th and 10th dimensions.

So what do we need to do now, my Sisters and Brothers? First of all, let's express the Pure Intention to restore in the Multidimensional Complex of Bodies of humanity the once lost genetic structures responsible for communication with other worlds. But if earlier these genetic structures were responsible for the connection only with the 5th and 7th dimensions, now we are restoring these structures and supplementing them with energy-information connection with the 8th, 9th and 10th dimensions. Thus, we are creating a new block of genetically improved multidimensional structures, which previously four-dimensional humanity could not even dream of. This was not even dreamed of tens of thousands of years ago by the Lemurians, who could communicate with the fifth and seventh dimensions, but were deprived of the ability to communicate with the dimensions of the second Spiritual Center. They could not get in touch with representatives of the eighth dimension. And now, at a new level of evolution, the ability is gradually developing not only of communication, but also of movement, travel to the eighth dimension from the fifth - in special Fiery bodies.

Therefore, you and I express the Pure Intention to return to the Multidimensional Complex of Human Bodies the once lost genetic structures, which are now improved. And these structures are now responsible for the connection of the people of your world not only with the fifth and seventh, but with the eighth, ninth and tenth dimensions. I, the Orion Crystal, activate the Programs that are responsible for the connection of modern humanity and each individual person with the second Spiritual Center - with dimensions 8, 9 and 10. In addition, we express the Pure Intention to receive special programs from the civilizations of the Orion Ring through sacred stone Chintamani. And we will send these Programs to all dimensions of the third Spiritual Center, where multidimensional humanity lives.

Beloved Sisters and Brothers! We unite in the One Sacred Heart. Mentally create an eight-pointed star. Each of its rays is painted in the colors of the eight-color rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, white. All rays are framed by a golden glow. Inside the star is a golden sphere, which we will depict in the figure as a golden circle. This is a symbol of the genetic multidimensional structure that was once removed from the Multidimensional Body Complex, and is now returning. Once upon a time you called this star - THE STAR OF MELCHIZEDEK (Fig. 1).

Place the Star of Melchizedek in our One Sacred Heart. Call into your hearts the Energy of Unconditional Love. Call for co-creation your Higher Selves, your Spiritual Teachers and Mentors, subtle Support Groups of the Higher Dimensions. Unite with all my Sisters and Brothers - Lemurian Crystals. Connect with the Cintamani Magic Stone, it is waiting for your call!

Let's start creating... Now we will activate a special FIRE BODY of your Complex of Multidimensional Bodies. We need it in order to make a journey to a special world - to where the magic Chintamani Stone lives. Are you ready?.. Let's start! We kindle the Life-Giving Fires in our One Heart in turn: RED… ORANGE… YELLOW… GREEN… BLUE… BLUE… PURPLE… WHITE…

The lights line up in a rainbow. Place one end of the rainbow in the region of your heart, and send the other to the top of the octagonal pyramid. O! This is truly a wonderful pyramid! She is very big, she is MAJESTIC. And she is alive. Our pyramid is alternately painted in different colors of the eight-color rainbow. She breathes like fire different color. And she radiates a multi-colored radiance. Feel her energy. The pyramid radiates JOY from meeting you. She radiates READINESS to meet you. She wants to let you inside her structure. You are WELCOME GUESTS for her. You have met her before, visited her more than once in different times and eras. And now the time has come for a new meeting, which means the time for a new era ... What do you see around now, my dears? You see a LIVING COLORED FIRE that MOVES YOU IN THE SPACE OF MEASUREMENTS. THIS IS A SPECIAL LIVING FIRE WHICH IS BOTH A CREATOR AND A BEAUTIFUL VEHICLE (ORION GIVES SMILE ENERGY). On the Rainbow Bridge of Life-Giving Fire, you travel to the top of our pyramid, and then you get inside. We are heading inside this pyramid, to the center, to the middle - between the top and the bottom. We stop, look around ... Oh, yes, it turns out that this is not an empty space at all! You feel it... There is a pale blue mist all around. And in the fog you can make out the outlines of some figures. Look at your body. It is in the form of an ordinary physical body of a person. But only the contours of your body are wrapped in rainbow energies. You are as if in a cocoon of the energies of the Life-giving eight-colored Fire. In the pyramid - absolute silence, nothing is heard. But then a sound begins to be born inside your heart ... As if a lone violinist touched one of the strings with his bow ... So far, only one string. Then another string sounded, and another one... And then a beautiful melody poured under the vaults of our pyramid. At first - quiet, calm, like a river in a valley. And then - beautiful and majestic, like the boundless Great Ocean. You listen to music and enjoy it. And you understand - it's not just music pouring into your Soul. Something more comes to you - with the help of enchanting sounds, the Energy of the Higher Worlds, the Energy of the Higher Dimensions flows into your “I”. The music continues to sound ... The wonderful melody of the violin magically dispels the surrounding fog, and you understand that you are not alone in the pyramid at all. Moreover, the realization comes that the pyramid is not a pyramid at all, but a kind of multidimensional Temple, a sanctuary for important Ceremonies. When the fog disappears completely, you see that there are people in front of you. True, their bodies are different from yours. They are not framed by the eight-color Life-Giving Energy, as you are. The bodies of those standing in front of you are pale blue. They are almost transparent. You can barely make out the Faces in front of you. And your heart flutters with joy. Because these are familiar faces. These are the Faces of your current Spiritual Teachers and Mentors. Or those whom you knew for a long time, but now you have forgotten. However, the feeling of kinship from this only becomes stronger. You are ENVELOPED by the Energy of Love of your Spiritual Relatives from the Higher Worlds. Happiness touches your heart and stays there to live, just as the just-sounding melody of the magic multidimensional violin remained alive.

Silence again. Do you feel that it is an indication of the approach important point. And indeed it is. Those in front of you raise their heads up. Your eyes are also directed to the top of the Pyramid Temple. And you see how the Beautiful White Light rushes straight to you from there. Radiant White Light. And you realize, feel that these are the energies of CHRISTAMELCHISEDEK. Loving Energies, Life-Giving Energies, Joyful and Majestic Energies.

The Galactic Christos Melchizedek Himself, the 16th Guardian of each Lemurian Crystal, manifests in the Pyramid Temple… And you hear His Voice:

Children My Beloved! Children of the Earth, Children of the Galaxy! It's time for the Return of the Lost! Stones, once scattered, are gathered together. The time of gathering the Stones is the Time of Divine Unity. Accept the Gift of the Family of Light, which will help bind us all together with the Divine Melody of God the Creator of the Universe!

Immediately after the words of Christ Melchizedek, you see how your body also becomes pale blue, almost transparent. You become the same as the inhabitants of this Pyramid Temple. You approach the people in front of you and watch the Golden Sphere form around you. There are many people in this Sphere. Lots of. You can't even count them. But you know that each of these people is you. And you are each of them. You are embraced by the Feeling of Divine Unity, the Feeling of perfect Divine Unity. And then you see how rays begin to grow from the golden sphere - red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet, white ... And you understand that you are now inside the multidimensional Star of Melchizedek. And this star is in the sacred space of the Planet. YOU ARE IN SHAMBALA OF THE EARTH! God! You thought about her so much, dreamed about this sacred space in your dreams, and now you are here. Dada is here! And you are one with its inhabitants, who are EVERYTHING, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING, RELATED TO YOU. And there are no strangers here. As in general, there are no friends and foes on the planet. All are relatives in Shambhala. All relatives are at the level of Spirit, at the level of Divine Monads. And this becomes your Deep Knowledge. Not just a belief in the Kindred of Souls. Namely, KNOWLEDGE ABOUT OUR RELATIONSHIP and EVEN clairsentience of THIS RELATIONSHIP. Place this knowledge and clairsentience in your Sacred Heart. Both knowledge and clairsentience like this resurrect in you the memory of where you are right now. The octagonal pyramid is part of the multidimensional Temple of Melchizedek, which you have visited more than once when the Great Times of Change came. And now you are here again to participate in the process of change.

Again, a feeling of solemnity. A new energy begins to flow into the Golden Sphere, where you are together with the inhabitants of Shambhala, which further enhances the feeling of your Unity. You hear a whisper: “Chintamani… Orion… Orion's Ring…” And again - ENERGIES OF CHRISTAMELCHISEDEK. Only this time it is the ENERGIES OF CHRISTAMELCHISEDEK ORION – the One Who spiritualizes many many civilizations, life forms beyond our Galaxy. Its energy is brought into the Golden Sphere, in which you are. You feel new Energies of Love and Divine Unity. And you expand beyond the limits of the Milky Way Galaxy, feeling that you have many Spiritual Relatives there too. And so, when you feel that YOU are a MULTI-DIMENSIONAL COLLECTIVE COSMIC BEING, THE GALACTIC CHRISTOSMELCHISEDEK OF ORION PRESENTS YOU A GIFT: THE ORION RING - a multi-dimensional genetic structure created by the civilizations of the Orion Commonwealth, the Orion Ring. You see this structure as a purple torus radiating magically beautiful light. Inside the torus, eight eight-pointed stars burn with blue light. And in the center of the torus there is another, golden ring, inside of which there are three blue threads. Eight stars symbolize eight dimensions (1st to 8th). The purple torus itself is the ninth dimension. Golden ring is the tenth dimension. Three blue threads - connection with the 11th, 12th and 13th dimensions of the 16-dimensional Universe (Fig. 2).

It is from the tenth dimension that Christ Melchizedek of Orion sends you his Spiritual Gifts now.

And you accept them. The Ring of Orion becomes the property of your inner Golden Sphere. This is how a new multidimensional genetic structure for the connection of dimensions is born. This is how we activate part of my structure. So we give birth to a symbol, which is called: THE STAR OF MELCHISEDEK ORION (Fig. 3).

And now that a new multi-dimensional genetic structure has been born to connect with the higher dimensions - up to the 10th! – thank your Higher Selves, your Spiritual Teachers and Mentors, all the Lemurian Crystals, the Chintamani Stone for co-creation! Give thanks for the Great Spiritual Gifts of the Galactic Christ Melchizedek and Christ Melchizedek Orion.

Your Complex of Multidimensional Bodies is changing right now.

Right now, multidimensional structures that were lost are returning to it.

Right now these structures are being updated to faithfully serve you in the new evolutionary age.

You become multidimensional cosmic Beings of Light.

And this is true.

Many are concerned about the question: is it true that after physical death, souls can meet with those whom they loved during life? This is especially true for those whose loved ones have already passed away. This is currently known.

We already know that souls exist at their respective levels, united in large and small groups according to different characteristics. When souls incarnate, they come with certain life tasks. And on Earth in physical life there are only those for whom it was originally planned for a given scenario of events (certain scenarios of events are included in the choice that a person makes at the point of decision, at the so-called fork).

People meet on Earth to work out the mutually beneficial tasks that have been planned for them.

Of course, it could be souls from different groups the same level or from different levels. Since everyone exists in a certain place according to the level of development, it is far from necessary that those who were close here will be together there. But everything is not so hopeless.

In the subtle world, the power of thought has somewhat different manifestations, more visible than in the physical world.

Any soul can mentally call any soul to itself and communicate with it as much as it likes.

Moreover, taking those images in which they were most comfortable on Earth. They can even show their love by wrapping each other in a cloud of energy of a certain quality.

But there is another nuance. Often our close relationships are not based on spiritual attraction, but on some kind of physical attachment. With the death of the physical body, such bindings are destroyed. And souls in the subtle world do not feel such a need to communicate with this person, as they do here. That is, everything is possible, but is it necessary? Only the deep desires of the soul matter here.

It often happens that souls that exist in the same group decide to incarnate together. And they have had this connection for centuries. In one life they are husband and wife, in another life they are mother and son, in the third life they are brother and sister or something. In such cases, they take over programs that allow them to help each other develop on Earth.

And there they are together - and here they are together.

Of course, the kinship of such souls is visible in many manifestations. It happens that a non-embodied soul decides to incarnate when it sees that a soul close to it has drastically deviated from the course of its original program. And then, for example, a child is born, and the father - an alcoholic with experience, thanks to this event, becomes on the right path. Yes, a lot of manifestations that can be observed in life.

Yes, in the subtle world we can see everyone who is dear to us, if we want to. And most importantly, it does not matter at all whether this soul lives in a new body or is still in a subtle state. Why? I'll explain now. This is very important to understand.

Energy position of man and soul in the space of measurements

A person in physical incarnation is the level of the third dimension.

For clarity and understanding, as a first approximation, I will describe it like this:

A point in space is the zero dimension.
A line in space is the first dimension.
- a flat picture that can be placed on a plane is the second dimension (it already has at least a height and a length).
- a person, like any object in space that has a height, length and width, is a three-dimensional object. Or an object of the third dimension.

These are purely physical indicators. Simply put, just a body without a soul is a three-dimensional object that is simultaneously in three dimensions. It can be observed as a point, as a flat picture and as a three-dimensional object. It all depends on the position in which the observer is located relative to the object.

- Where the souls of ordinary people are located - this is the sixth dimension,
- and souls in their pure form, without karmic layers - the seventh dimension.

Combining with the human body, this design becomes six-dimensional (or seven-dimensional, if we take into account the soul in its purest form). And it exists, by analogy with a three-dimensional body, simultaneously in six dimensions.

But our physical brain is initially tuned by consciousness to the perception of the first three.
Although, the manifestation goes to all six, but the unconscious.

The physical body is surrounded by the substance of the etheric body. This body keeps the structure in shape and does not allow it to crumble into elementary particles. Serves as a conductor between subtle energies and gross matter. This is a component of the three-dimensional physical body, in which there is a soul.

Next comes the astral body, the body of human emotions and desires.
This is the fourth dimension.
Next is the mental, the body of thoughts. This is the fifth dimension.
Then the sixth dimension is the karmic or causal body. And the seventh dimension is Atman, connection with God.

Man exists simultaneously in six dimensions. But the physical brain covers only the first three.

The soul originally exists in the sixth, but together with the body, in the fifth, fourth and physical. When moving in, the soul does not go anywhere, it seems to be stratified and is in all of the above dimensions at the same time. And that part of the soul that is in a person has a natural desire to return home, to the seventh dimension.

When people engage in self-knowledge and meditation techniques, they release their soul from the clutches of 3D reality and allow it to work with the physical brain, tuning it to the perception of the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th dimensions.

To achieve nirvana is to connect all parts of your soul, to gain integrity in the perception of the world. Seeing the world in three dimensions, or at least five, is a big difference.

That is precisely why one can clearly understand that even an embodied soul is present in all dimensions, and at any level can communicate with those with whom it wishes.

What happens during the disincarnation/death of a person

Of course, within the framework of this article, such a topic will have to be touched upon. Let's start with the usual, natural "death". The natural "death" of a person can occur only in the event of the end of his life program. Absolutely at any age, mostly, of course, in old age, but the program may have different time frames.

When a person dies, his soul simply leaves the three-dimensional body and is in the 4th, 5th, 6th shell. We understand that the fourth shell is the body of emotions and desires, the fifth is thoughts. This suggests that a soul without a body is the same living person with thoughts and desires, only without a physical shell.

When the soul leaves the body, it still sees and hears. It retains the same qualities as during life, only it does not have a physical body. The soul sees how loved ones cry, how the funeral takes place. She is still under the impression of this life and perceives everything as a living person.

As a rule, souls try to make themselves felt, to attract the attention of loved ones in order to console them, but no one hears them. And they suffer from it themselves. The fact that a person has died can impress him only through the effect of surprise. At first, he may even be confused or worried about his family. But very quickly the soul gets used to the idea of ​​another reality.

The soul can be close to loved ones for the first three days, or it can visit places that a person loved during his lifetime. The ethereal shell holds the soul on the earthly plane.

On the third day it disintegrates, the energies are relieved and the soul rises to the astral plane.

There the astral shell disintegrates on the ninth day, after which the soul rises to the mental plane of the Earth.

On the mental plane, on the fortieth day, therefore, the mental sheath disintegrates. After that, the soul rises to the causal plane, where its “debriefing” takes place in the last incarnation. It is with this that memorial days are connected.

The sixth shell is the karma of a person.

The soul will be able to cast off this body forever only when it leaves the circle of incarnations and passes into the Hierarchy. Until that moment, the karmic body, like a chronicle of lives, is constantly with her. At this moment, the soul continues to exist in the sixth and seventh dimensions, striving to develop, free itself from the sixth shell and move into a pure existence without burdening energies.

In the process of physical death, a very large amount of energy is released. It happens that a person dies exhausted, after a debilitating illness. Then he may simply not have enough energy for his soul to rise to the necessary plans. If necessary, they are "helped to leave," but the living can also facilitate the soul's transition. For this, believers order a forty-day prayer service in the church. Prayer for them is an energy supply to the soul attached to a certain egregore, this makes it easy to get to their destination.

Sometimes a person dies an unnatural death - accidents, murders, suicides, and so on. It should be understood that souls have the right of free choice at all levels of the Universe. When a person's life is interrupted unexpectedly for him, this is the work of the same program.

A person will never leave this life if this is not in his program.

You have to come to terms with this. Even when a person commits suicide, this option is in his program, but this is the most undesirable option of all possible. Even in this case, a person has the right to choose whether to throw himself under a train or not.

In rare cases, it happens that a person, for some reason, tries to commit suicide, which is not in the program. Then he just doesn't die. Lies in a coma while the body recovers and comes back. When a person returns to life after seemingly incompatible injuries, it means that he simply did not fulfill his program. And in this case, no one will take it.

When a person commits suicide, as a rule, he does it under a second of insanity. A person thinks that in this way he will end his suffering. But the whole point is that in this case the suffering is just beginning. From the very first seconds, as soon as he realizes what happened, he begins to regret, because he sees the situation from a different, less distorted side. He tries to return everything back, but nothing can be returned. The soul is attached to the body with a silver-colored energy thread (silver thread). As long as this thread is not broken, the soul can return; if it is broken, there is no turning back.

The souls of suicides can walk the Earth until the day of their planned death arrives.

And this is a great torment for the soul - with all human qualities to live among relatives and friends, when no one perceives you, to see how your wife marries another, and so on.

Are all souls rising

Of course, mostly souls rise, but not all. At all levels of the Universe there is an unshakable right to choose. Every soul has the right to choose whether to leave or stay. There are such strong attachments to the physical world that even without a body a person is not ready to leave this life.

- For example, we talked about suicides - often they do not leave, hoping to return everything back.
- Very often the souls who had honor and glory here do not leave.

Such things are often observed among famous people.

“There may also be murder victims who want revenge, or parents who are not ready to leave their children.

Of course, it is more natural for the soul to immediately rise and act according to the established plan. But one must understand that a soul that has just lost its body is still the same person, only incorporeal. No longer a person, but still not a soul - it is an essence. And all human desires, passions, thoughts, experiences are completely inherent in it.

There are two options for the further existence of such non-raised entities: to be in a subtle body and to settle down with living people.

- An entity can only take up residence if it is much more powerful than the owner of the body. Very often, sharing is observed in alcoholics or drug addicts. If an alcoholic dies and does not want or cannot leave, he can easily get into the same alcoholic when he is drunk and does not have high energy.

- They can settle in old people or children, or in a body that is in a coma. The main thing is that the owner of the body should be energetically weaker than the settler.

When moving in, a split personality and other similar deviations may develop.

According to the healer Gulyaev E.A., who works a lot with settlers, he came across people who had up to fifty such settlers. Naturally, such people can seek help only from healers, strong exorcists, priests, because official psychiatry will never cure this.

from here

1. All specialists in the energies of the Earth unanimously agreed that in September there was a real transition of the Earth and humanity into the sixth dimension. What does this mean? Let's start with the measurements themselves, the key characteristics of which (qualitative) will be outlined below.
The third dimension is characterized by a state of universal duality, which is expressed theoretically (“good-evil” in ethics; “beautiful - ugly” in aesthetics; “struggle of opposites” in philosophy; “conflict” in sociology, etc., etc.).
The fourth dimension is characterized by the transfer of attention to emotions, their quality, their appeasement, their harmonization. The gap between the "production" of emotion and its result is sharply reduced.
The fifth dimension is based on acceptance various types energies, the main thing here is the Agape position, the position of equal perception of even significant differences between people. This is a time of sharp action of value judgments, instantly returning with their fullness to their authors.
The sixth dimension is the dimension of effective thought, positive thought forms, the rhythm of a mental text. The volume of speech decreases, the quality of thinking improves. Thought acts almost instantaneously, there are practically no gaps between the production of thought and its embodiment.
The highest efficiency is achieved by loving thinking.

2. What do we have for today? The culture of the third dimension, imprinted in the mental programs of our lives. The entire world infrastructure, with a few exceptions, is designed to serve this particular mental program.
At the same time, we are witnessing the growing insufficiency of this program, which has entered the final crisis of its existence. Feverish attempts to give it impulses for further existence are clearly not successful.
And then everything grows simultaneously in a series of very fast events, when someone tries to create an increased emotional background, but he does not want to be created. When others draw images of enemies from almost nothing, and these images hang in powerlessness, because those who create these images are weakened first of all. And a positive idea began to work very effectively, literally before our very eyes, creating more and more attractive and more and more involved significant groups of the population, literally fashioning new elite groups out of nothing.
It is impossible not to notice this, as scenarios of the next apocalypses crumble before our eyes one after another.
And in this one can see the firm and loving hand of the Prime Creator and his team, with their harmonizing influences returning the Earth to its intended path of a creative laboratory and a universal university.
The events of the past four years unequivocally testify to this.

3. Gradual mastering of the frequencies of the sixth dimension, and this will take up to three years, means a very powerful acceleration of events on Earth and on Earth. We can say that by orders of magnitude every month. Exactly.
And the main events will take place in the field of thinking. Freed from all sorts of shackles, thought has already rushed to actively explore the world and its own inductors. Hence the many inconsistencies last days and weeks.
The brain - a "transformer", designed for an "input voltage" of "220 volts", suddenly switches to "380 volts". Wiring and windings begin to spark, including literally. The hitherto solid ground actually becomes like the deck of a not-so-modern ocean-going ship caught in a violent storm.
Few people in these conditions manage to maintain the stability and stability of behavior and actions. But there are, and they are becoming more noticeable.

4. The main condition for the success of life, its harmonious effectiveness on Earth, has become a positively built thought. Let us formulate, as far as it is possible today, some of its signs. Options:
Firstly, this is an energy message about the perfection of everything that happens, observed, felt. This is not a justification of everything and everyone, but a real perception of being in perfection of absolutely everything that happens.
Actually, it was like that before. But the acquisition of conflict experience, the experience of conflict, included, among other things, verification by evaluative-polar judgments: “What will happen if I perceive it this way?”
This experience was more than enough to return to the point of view: “Where is the moment of perfection here?”
Secondly, perfection entails building a worldview as filled with Love. And Love in the sense that is the secret of harmonization. An ever-recreating matrix of harmonization that forms any energies that become just energies in its fields.
There are no intentions in Love, but there is freedom of creativity and creation in the streams of its secret. Love cannot be commanded. You can only surrender to love, enjoying every moment of being in resonance with it, creating you and all circumstances in the most harmonious way.
Thirdly, the time has come for a universal understanding that only we ourselves create the circumstances of our life, every event of our life. Only in some this process is chaotized, while in others it is cultivated. And the latter know what to think about, how to think, how to correct what is not very well thought out, etc.
Fourthly, the sixth dimension returns us to a space where there are no restrictions, where freedom beyond any limits is one of the main cornerstone values. And at the same time it is freedom for the sake of freeing others. For the sake of more effective cooperation with others, which in these conditions can be based only on general agreement, only on consensus.

5. Frequencies of the sixth dimension went to Earth. And the Earth immediately stirred, because these frequencies could not but change everything current. And the most important thing is developing in and around humanity, which masters these forms of being with all the baggage of the past. And this baggage is either comprehended (rethought) positively - through understanding the lessons with their points of perfection, or drags its owner into further adventures divided consciousness. Or or. And there is no other.
And here we simply need techniques that allow step by step to rethink those events that cause, let's say, the historical tension of memory.
It is useful to make a list of such topics.
Next, choose the most intense and try to understand what lesson life has taught. What did she teach. It could be meditation. This may be the use of the possibilities of sleep (order the idea of ​​this lesson in the half-asleep of the evening - in this case it will definitely manifest itself either as the content of a dream or as a morning thought).
Usually the achievement of understanding will be accompanied by a well-felt relaxation. As the people say: "It's like a mountain has been lifted off my shoulders."
And so, point by point, until the entire list is exhausted.

6. Sensations of the sixth dimension are associated with:
(1) Pain in the body, as the cells of the body are moving to a new mode of nutrition, a new energy mode;
(2) Increased drowsiness, because a person most often does not know how to use the possibilities of the sixth dimension.
(3) Changes in the composition of habitual nutrition in the direction of reducing the proportion of so-called "heavy" proteins;
(4) Local neuralgic type pains, most often in the head region (there are many reasons - one of them is the opening, development of the glands).
(5) Sharp changes in working capacity from complete impotence to previously incredible volumes of physical or intellectual work performed.
(6) A change in the configuration of social networks, when previously seemingly unshakable contacts are almost suddenly broken, and new ones appear just as quickly, perceived as much more friendly.
(7) Variations or ultra-stability (comfort) of local weather. And etc., etc.

7. The sixth dimension has one very important feature, one might say the foundation. And his name is Love. Love is like a feeling. Love is the main emotion. Love as a harmonizing boundless force.
Technically - with exercises - you can't organize it. We must let Love organize itself. This is the only way to access it: to surrender to the waves of Love and in them to freely swim through the oceans of life, through its beautiful islands and continents, planets and stars.

8. Awakening of Love gives rise to an acute need for communication with such awakened ones. And it is better to satisfy this craving, because only continuous interaction ultimately leads to complete self-sufficiency in Love, when Love completely embraces corporality, builds corporality, exists as corporality.

9. The ringing of bells can be joyful, or it can be sad. "What are the bells tolling about?"

10. The art of living is a key skill in the sixth dimension. Much becomes not technological, but spontaneously festive.

The most a big problem theoretical physicists - how to combine all fundamental interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong) into a single theory. Superstring theory just claims to be the Theory of Everything.

Counting from three to ten

But it turned out that the most convenient number of dimensions needed for this theory to work is as many as ten (nine of which are spatial, and one is temporal)! If there are more or less dimensions, mathematical equations give irrational results that go to infinity - a singularity.

The next stage in the development of superstring theory - M-theory - has already counted eleven dimensions. And another version of it - F-theory - all twelve. And it's not a complication at all. F-theory describes 12-dimensional space with simpler equations than M-theory describes 11-dimensional space.

Of course, theoretical physics is called theoretical for a reason. All her achievements so far exist only on paper. So, to explain why we can only move in three-dimensional space, scientists started talking about how the unfortunate other dimensions had to shrink into compact spheres at the quantum level. To be precise, not into spheres, but into Calabi-Yau spaces. These are such three-dimensional figures, inside of which there is its own world with its own dimension. A two-dimensional projection of similar manifolds looks something like this:

More than 470 million such figurines are known. Which of them corresponds to our reality is currently being calculated. It is not easy to be a theoretical physicist.

Yes, it does seem a bit far-fetched. But perhaps this explains why the quantum world is so different from what we perceive.

Period, period, comma

Start over. Zero dimension is a point. She has no size. There is nowhere to move, no coordinates are needed to indicate the location in such a dimension.

Let's put a second point next to the first one and draw a line through them. Here is the first dimension. A one-dimensional object has a size - length, but no width or depth. Movement within the framework of one-dimensional space is very limited, because the obstacle that has arisen on the way cannot be bypassed. To determine the location on this segment, you need only one coordinate.

Let's put a point next to the segment. To fit both of these objects, we need already a two-dimensional space that has length and width, that is, area, but without depth, that is, volume. The location of any point on this field is determined by two coordinates.

The third dimension arises when we add a third coordinate axis to this system. It is very easy for us, the inhabitants of the three-dimensional universe, to imagine this.

Let's try to imagine how the inhabitants of two-dimensional space see the world. For example, here are these two people:

Each of them will see his friend like this:

And with this layout:

Our heroes will see each other like this:

It is the change in point of view that allows our heroes to judge each other as two-dimensional objects, rather than one-dimensional segments.

And now let's imagine that a certain three-dimensional object moves in the third dimension, which crosses this two-dimensional world. For an outside observer, this movement will be expressed in a change in two-dimensional projections of the object on a plane, like broccoli in an MRI machine:

But for the inhabitant of our Flatland, such a picture is incomprehensible! He can't even imagine her. For him, each of the two-dimensional projections will be seen as a one-dimensional segment with a mysteriously variable length, appearing in an unpredictable place and also unpredictably disappearing. Attempts to calculate the length and place of occurrence of such objects using the laws of physics of two-dimensional space are doomed to failure.

We, the inhabitants of the three-dimensional world, see everything in two dimensions. Only the movement of an object in space allows us to feel its volume. We will also see any multidimensional object as two-dimensional, but it will change in an amazing way depending on our relative position or time with it.

From this point of view, it is interesting to think, for example, about gravity. Everyone has probably seen pictures like this:

It is customary to depict how gravity bends space-time. Curves... where? Exactly not in any of the dimensions familiar to us. And what about quantum tunneling, that is, the ability of a particle to disappear in one place and appear in a completely different one, moreover, behind an obstacle through which, in our realities, it could not penetrate without making a hole in it? What about black holes? What if all these and other mysteries modern science explained by the fact that the geometry of space is not at all the same as we are accustomed to perceive it?

The clock is ticking

Time adds one more coordinate to our Universe. In order for the party to take place, you need to know not only in which bar it will take place, but also the exact time of this event.

Based on our perception, time is not so much a straight line as a ray. That is, it has a starting point, and the movement is carried out only in one direction - from the past to the future. And only the present is real. Neither the past nor the future exist, just as breakfasts and dinners do not exist from the point of view of an office clerk at lunchtime.

But the theory of relativity does not agree with this. From her point of view, time is a valuable dimension. All the events that have existed, exist and will continue to exist are equally real, as real as the sea beach is, no matter where exactly the dreams of the sound of the surf took us by surprise. Our perception is just something like a searchlight that illuminates a certain segment on the time line. Humanity in its fourth dimension looks something like this:

But we see only a projection, a slice of this dimension at each individual moment of time. Yes, yes, like broccoli in an MRI machine.

So far, all theories have worked with large quantity spatial dimensions, and the temporal has always been the only one. But why does space allow multiple dimensions for space, but only one time? Until scientists can answer this question, the hypothesis of two or more time spaces will seem very attractive to all philosophers and science fiction writers. Yes, and physicists, what is already there. For example, the American astrophysicist Itzhak Bars sees the root of all troubles with the Theory of Everything as the second time dimension, which has been overlooked. As a mental exercise, let's try to imagine a world with two times.

Each dimension exists separately. This is expressed in the fact that if we change the coordinates of an object in one dimension, the coordinates in others can remain unchanged. So, if you move along one time axis that intersects another at a right angle, then at the point of intersection, time around will stop. In practice, it will look something like this:

All Neo had to do was place his one-dimensional time axis perpendicular to the bullets' time axis. A real trifle, agree. In fact, everything is much more complicated.

The exact time in a universe with two time dimensions will be determined by two values. Is it hard to imagine a two-dimensional event? That is, one that is extended simultaneously along two time axes? It is likely that such a world would require time-mapping specialists, just as cartographers map the two-dimensional surface of the globe.

What else distinguishes a two-dimensional space from a one-dimensional one? The ability to bypass an obstacle, for example. This is completely beyond the boundaries of our mind. An inhabitant of a one-dimensional world cannot imagine how it is to turn a corner. And what is this - an angle in time? In addition, in two-dimensional space, you can travel forward, backward, or even diagonally. I have no idea how it is to go diagonally through time. I'm not talking about the fact that time underlies many physical laws, and it is impossible to imagine how the physics of the Universe will change with the advent of another time dimension. But it's so exciting to think about it!

Very large encyclopedia

Other dimensions have not yet been discovered, and exist only in mathematical models. But you can try to imagine them like this.

As we found out earlier, we see a three-dimensional projection of the fourth (temporal) dimension of the Universe. In other words, every moment of the existence of our world is a point (similar to the zero dimension) in the time interval from the Big Bang to the End of the World.

Those of you who have read about time travel know how important the curvature of the space-time continuum is. This is the fifth dimension - it is in it that the four-dimensional space-time “bends” in order to bring two points on this straight line closer together. Without this, the journey between these points would be too long, or even impossible. Roughly speaking, the fifth dimension is similar to the second - it moves the "one-dimensional" line of space-time to the "two-dimensional" plane with all the consequences in the form of the ability to turn the corner.

A little earlier, our especially philosophically minded readers probably thought about the possibility of free will in conditions where the future already exists, but is not yet known. Science answers this question like this: probabilities. The future is not a stick, but a whole broom of options development of events. Which of them will come true - we'll find out when we get there.

Each of the probabilities exists as a "one-dimensional" segment on the "plane" of the fifth dimension. What is the fastest way to jump from one segment to another? That's right - bend this plane like a sheet of paper. Where to bend? And again, correctly - in the sixth dimension, which gives the whole complex structure "volume". And, thus, makes it, like three-dimensional space, "finished", a new point.

The seventh dimension is a new straight line, which consists of six-dimensional "points". What is any other point on this line? The whole infinite set of options for the development of events in another universe, formed not as a result of the Big Bang, but in other conditions, and acting according to other laws. That is, the seventh dimension is beads from parallel worlds. The eighth dimension collects these "straight lines" into one "plane". And the ninth can be compared to a book that contains all the "sheets" of the eighth dimension. It is the totality of all histories of all universes with all laws of physics and all initial conditions. Point again.

Here we hit the limit. To imagine the tenth dimension, we need a straight line. And what could be another point on this straight line, if the ninth dimension already covers everything that can be imagined, and even what cannot be imagined? It turns out that the ninth dimension is not another starting point, but the final one - for our imagination, in any case.

String theory claims that it is in the tenth dimension that strings, the basic particles that make up everything, make their vibrations. If the tenth dimension contains all universes and all possibilities, then strings exist everywhere and all the time. I mean, every string exists in our universe, and every other. At any point in time. Straightaway. Cool, yeah? published

I have long been interested in understanding what the five- and six-dimensional worlds are. It seemed to me that they were inaccessible to us mere mortals. And only fairies, angels and gods are capable of perceiving higher multidimensional spaces. But recently, the theme of Star Children appeared in my work, and I came across the book “Journey from Indigo to Crystal” by Celia Fenn, where there is short description next measurements.

According to Celia Fenn, in the fourth dimension, people begin to feel the Unity of the World. I already knew this feeling. And I already had fairy tales where unity spells are used. It became interesting to me, what could be the perception of the five-dimensional space of Creativity and the six-dimensional - Creative Love. I tried to understand and feel them. Below is a short essay on this topic. And moreover, I realized that the doors to the six-dimensional space are open for all of us. You just need to walk towards them.

We used to think that the fourth dimension is Time. And we can move in an infinite three-dimensional space, being at different times at different points. It turns out that three-dimensional space can be experienced in a different way and even manipulated.

This world is one. We are one whole, we are connected by an infinite number of connections. If we imagine that we are energy bundles, not isolated, but connected by thin, viscous, shiny threads with all objects and with the whole world, then we can pull the string and influence the world. You can attract any object to you. And you can move while staying in place, because the world is moving towards you.

We can talk about the power of intention when the world creates a favorable situation for you. But the feeling of unity, admiration and love is much stronger. Because in response to your sincere admiration, the world itself reaches out to you. And he tries to fulfill your desires. And all doors can be opened by simply pulling a thin thread.

Creativity opens up another infinite dimension. Imagine that you are standing at the same door. And this door is constantly changing: the pattern changes, the color changes, the material changes. Even in the imagination of one person, the door can be represented in an infinite number of images. And you go through the door. And the world is constantly changing. You are walking on a carpet that changes color and pattern. The situation changes, etc.

We can fix the picture of the world that we like the most (fixing the world - we already do this all the time). And it is in our power to change the world in accordance with our idea of ​​beauty. Because the world is one, and we are connected with it. And all the doors open to meet us, because there is a mutual interest of the world, which is curious about what our new creation will be like.

The sixth dimension is creative Love. Imagine that you are the beloved child of this world. And behind every door you seem to find yourself in your grandmother's house. There are an infinite number of houses, and they are all completely different, but everywhere you are welcome and welcome. Therefore, all doors are open for you. And what's more, in each house a pleasant surprise is prepared for you. The world, like a loving grandmother, tries to anticipate your desires.

And since we are part of the world of creative love, then we also act as loving grandmother in relation to absolutely everyone and to the whole world. And we also sincerely try to anticipate other people's desires and make a pleasant surprise. And this process of mutual loving creation is endless.

An additional dimension appears, since we are not the only ones who create our life and our world. But we trust and allow a huge number of objects to be co-creators.

Our world is infinitely diverse and beautiful. And we participate in its creation and prepare ourselves for the five-dimensional space. We open up the energy of Creative Love, transmit it through ourselves and create with Love. And we take a step into the sixth dimension. We are moving in our own development, and we are part of the development of the Universe.

As you can see, "everything is extremely simple in this world of stars."

We have much to learn, but this path is open to us. Each of us has Creative skills, and one day we will learn to live, being in a constant creative process. And application points - great amount: not only traditional arts, but also married life, and professional activity, and of course, communication with children, with our little Angels of Light.

And one day we will feel that we can create with Love. And we will be able to let in a powerful stream of creative energy, creating our life and the world around us with tenderness and joy. We have yet to learn this, but the doors are already open for us. Because we are loved and expected.