Daniel Deforobinson Crusoe. Robinson Crusoe. The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (compilation) Defoe The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe read

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Chapter 1

Robinson family. - His escape from his parents' house

From the early childhood I loved the sea more than anything in the world. I envied every sailor who went on a long voyage. For whole hours I stood idle on the seashore and, without taking my eyes off, examined the ships passing by.
My parents didn't like it very much. My father, an old, sick man, wanted me to become an important official, serve in the royal court and receive a large salary. But I dreamed of sea voyages. It seemed to me the greatest happiness to wander the seas and oceans.
My father knew what was on my mind. One day he called me to him and angrily said:
- I know you want to run away from your home. It's crazy. You must stay. If you stay, I will be a good father to you, but woe to you if you run away! Here his voice trembled, and he added softly:
“Think of a sick mother… She can't bear to be separated from you.
Tears glistened in his eyes. He loved me and wanted the best for me.
I felt sorry for the old man, I firmly decided to stay in my parents' house and not think about sea travel anymore. But alas! A few days passed, and nothing remained of my good intentions. I was again drawn to the sea shores. I began to dream of masts, waves, sails, seagulls, unknown countries, lighthouses.
Two or three weeks after my conversation with my father, I decided to run away. Choosing a time when my mother was cheerful and calm, I approached her and respectfully said:
- I am already eighteen years old, and in these years it is too late to study judicial business. Even if I entered the service somewhere, I would still run away to distant countries after a few years. I so want to see foreign lands, to visit both Africa and Asia! Even if I get attached to some business, I still do not have the patience to bring it to the end. I beg you, persuade my father to let me go to sea for at least a short time, for sample; If I don't like the life of a sailor, I'll go back home and never go anywhere else. Let my father let me go voluntarily, because otherwise I will be forced to leave home without his permission.
My mother was very angry with me and said:
- I wonder how you can think about sea travel after your conversation with your father! After all, your father demanded that you forget about foreign lands once and for all. And he understands better than you what business you should do. Of course, if you want to ruin yourself, leave at least this minute, but you can be sure that my father and I will never agree to your trip. And in vain you hoped that I would help you. No, I won't say a word to my father about your meaningless dreams. I do not want that later, when life at sea brings you to need and suffering, you can reproach your mother for indulging you.
Later, many years later, I found out that my mother nevertheless conveyed to my father our entire conversation, word for word. The father was saddened and said to her with a sigh:
I don't understand what he wants? At home, he could easily achieve success and happiness. We are not rich people, but we have some means. He can live with us without needing anything. If he starts wandering, he will experience severe hardships and regret that he did not obey his father. No, I can't let him go to sea. Far from his homeland, he will be lonely, and if trouble happens to him, he will not find a friend who could console him. And then he will repent of his recklessness, but it will be too late!
And yet, after a few months, I ran away from my home. It happened like this. Once I went for a few days to the city of Hull. There I met a friend who was going to London on his father's ship. He began to persuade me to go with him, tempting me with the fact that the passage on the ship would be free.
And so, without asking either father or mother, - at an unkind hour! - September 1, 1651, in the nineteenth year of my life, I boarded a ship bound for London.
It was a bad deed: I shamelessly left my elderly parents, neglected their advice and violated my filial duty. And I very soon had to repent of “what I had done.

Chapter 2

First adventures at sea

No sooner had our ship left the mouth of the Humber than a cold wind blew from the north. The sky was covered with clouds. The strongest pitching began.
I had never been to the sea before, and I felt sick. I felt dizzy, my legs trembled, I felt sick, I nearly fell over. Every time a big wave hit the ship, it seemed to me that we would sink in a minute. Whenever a ship fell from a high crest of a wave, I was sure that it would never rise again.
A thousand times I swore that if I remained alive, if my foot set foot on solid ground again, I would immediately return home to my father and never again in my whole life would go up on the deck of a ship.
These prudent thoughts lasted only for the duration of the storm.
But the wind died down, the excitement subsided, and I felt much better. Little by little I began to get used to the sea. True, I had not yet completely rid myself of seasickness, but by the end of the day the weather cleared up, the wind had completely died down, and a delightful evening had come.
All night I slept sound sleep. The next day the sky was just as clear. The quiet sea, with complete calm, all illuminated by the sun, presented such a beautiful picture as I had never seen before. There was no sign of my seasickness. I immediately calmed down, and I became cheerful. With surprise, I looked around the sea, which only yesterday seemed violent, cruel and formidable, but today it was so meek, affectionate.
Here, as if on purpose, my friend comes up to me, tempted me to go with him, pats me on the shoulder and says:
- Well, how do you feel, Bob? I bet you were scared. Admit it: you were very frightened yesterday, when the breeze blew?
- Wind? Good wind! It was a furious storm. I could not imagine such a terrible storm!

- Storms? Oh you fool! Do you think it's a storm? Well, yes, you are still new to the sea: it is not surprising that you were frightened ... Let's go better and order punch to serve ourselves, drink a glass and forget about the storm. Look what a clear day! Great weather, isn't it? To shorten this sad part of my story, I will only say that things went on, as usual with sailors: I got drunk drunk and drowned in wine all my promises and oaths, all my laudable thoughts about an immediate return home. As soon as the calm came and I ceased to be afraid that the waves would swallow me up, I immediately forgot all my good intentions.
On the sixth day we saw the city of Yarmouth in the distance. The wind after the storm was contrary, so we moved forward very slowly. At Yarmouth we had to drop anchor. We stood waiting for a fair wind for seven or eight days.
During this time, many ships from Newcastle also came here. However, we would not have stood so long and would have entered the river along with the tide, but the wind became fresher, and after five days it blew with all its might. Since the anchors and anchor lines were strong on our ship, our sailors did not show the slightest alarm. They were sure that the ship was completely safe, and, according to the custom of sailors, they gave all their free time fun entertainment and fun.
However, on the ninth day in the morning the wind still freshened, and soon a terrible storm broke out. Even experienced sailors were greatly frightened. Several times I heard our captain, passing me now into the cabin, then out of the cabin, muttering in an undertone: “We are lost! We are gone! End!"
Nevertheless, he did not lose his head, vigilantly watched the work of the sailors and took all measures to save his ship.
Until now, I have not felt fear: I was sure that this storm would pass just as safely as the first. But when the captain himself declared that the end had come for all of us, I was terribly frightened and ran out of the cabin onto the deck. Never in my life have I seen such a terrible sight. Huge waves rolled across the sea like high mountains, and every three or four minutes such a mountain collapsed on us.
At first I was numb with fright and could not look around. When at last I dared to look back, I realized what disaster had befallen us. On two heavily laden ships, which were anchored right there nearby, the sailors chopped down the masts so that the ships would be at least a little freed from the weight.
Someone shouted in a desperate voice that the ship that was ahead, half a mile away from us, had disappeared under the water at that very moment.
Two more ships broke anchor, the storm swept them out to sea. What awaited them there? All their masts were knocked down by the hurricane.
Smaller vessels held on better, but some of them also had to suffer: two or three ships were carried past our sides and straight into the open sea.
In the evening, the navigator and the boatswain came to the captain and told him that in order to save the ship, it was necessary to cut down the foremast. [The foremast is the front mast.]
- You can not hesitate for a minute! they said. - Order, and we will cut it down.
"Let's wait a little longer," said the captain. “Perhaps the storm will subside.
He really did not want to cut the mast, but the boatswain began to prove that if the mast was left, the ship would sink, and the captain involuntarily agreed.
And when the foremast was cut down, the main mast [Mast mast - middle mast.] began to sway and rock the ship so much that it had to be cut down as well.
Night fell, and suddenly one of the sailors, descending into the hold, shouted that the ship had leaked. Another sailor was sent into the hold, and he reported that the water had already risen four feet. [A foot is an English measure of length, about a third of a meter]
Then the captain ordered:
- Pump out the water! All to the pumps! [Pompa - pump for pumping water]
When I heard this command, my heart sank with horror: it seemed to me that I was dying, my legs gave way, and I fell backward on the bed. But the sailors pushed me aside and demanded that I not shirk my work.
- You've been messing around enough, it's time to work hard! they said.
Nothing to do, I went to the pump and began to diligently pump out water.
At this time, small cargo ships, which could not withstand the wind, raised their anchors and put out to sea.
Seeing them, our captain ordered the cannon fired to let them know that we were in mortal danger. Hearing a volley of cannons and not understanding what was the matter, I imagined that our ship had been wrecked. I was so scared that I fainted and fell down. But at that time everyone was concerned about saving his own life, and they paid no attention to me. No one asked to know what happened to me. One of the sailors stood at the pomp in my place, pushing me away with his foot. Everyone was sure that I was already dead. So I stayed for a very long time. When I woke up, I went back to work. We worked tirelessly, but the water in the hold rose higher and higher.
It was obvious that the ship was about to sink. True, the storm was gradually beginning to subside, but there was not the slightest opportunity for us to hold out on the water until we entered the harbor. Therefore, the captain did not stop firing from the cannons, hoping that someone would save us from death.
Finally, a small vessel nearest to us risked launching a boat to help us. The boat could capsize every minute, but it still approached us. Alas, we could not get into it, since there was no way to moor to our ship, although people rowed with all their might, risking their lives to save ours. We threw them a rope. They did not manage to catch him for a long time, as the storm carried him aside. But, fortunately, one of the daredevils contrived and, after many unsuccessful attempts, grabbed the rope at the very end. Then we pulled the boat under our stern and all of us went down into it. We wanted to get to their ship, but we could not resist the waves, and the waves carried us to the shore. It turned out that only in this direction and you can row. In less than a quarter of an hour, our ship began to sink into the water. The waves that tossed our boat were so high that we could not see the shore because of them. Only in the very shortest moment, when our boat was tossed on the crest of a wave, could we see that a large crowd had gathered on the shore: people were running back and forth, preparing to give us help when we came closer. But we moved towards the shore very slowly. It was only towards evening that we managed to get out onto land, and even then with the greatest difficulties.

Daniel Defoe.

Robinson Crusoe. The Further Adventures of Robinson Crusoe (compilation)

© Publishing house "RIMIS", edition, design, 2010

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Robinson Crusoe

I was born in 1632 in the city of York into a respectable family, although not of indigenous origin: my father came from Bremen and settled at first in Hull. Profit trading a good fortune, he left the business and moved to York. Here he married my mother, who belonged to an old family called Robinson. They gave me the name Robinson, while the British changed my paternal surname Kreizner, according to their custom of distorting foreign words, into Crusoe. Over time, we ourselves began to call ourselves and sign Crusoe; That's what my friends always called me.

I had two older brothers. One served in Flanders in an English infantry regiment, the same one once commanded by the famous Colonel Lockhart; brother rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel and was killed in battle with the Spaniards near Dunkirk. What happened to my second brother, I don’t know how my father and mother didn’t know what happened to me.

Since I was the third son in the family, they were not going to let me through the trading part, and my head was young years was full of all sorts of nonsense. My father, already at an advanced age, made sure that I received a completely tolerable education, to the extent that home education and a free city school could give it. He read me as a lawyer, but I dreamed of sea voyages and did not want to hear about anything else. This passion of mine for the sea turned out to be so strong that I went against the will of my father - moreover, against his prohibitions - and neglected the persuasion and entreaties of my mother and friends; there seemed to be something fatal in this natural attraction, which pushed me to the misfortunes that befell me.

My father, a sedate and intelligent man, guessing my intentions, warned me seriously and thoroughly. Bedridden with gout, he called me one morning to his room and began to exhort me with ardor. What other reasons, he asked, besides a tendency to wander, could I have for leaving my father's house and home country where can I, by diligence and labor, increase my wealth and live in contentment and pleasantness? Those who leave the country in pursuit of adventure, he said, are either those who have nothing to lose, or the ambitious who yearn to achieve even more; some embark on enterprises that go beyond the framework of everyday life, for the sake of profit, others - for the sake of glory; but such goals are either inaccessible to me or unworthy; my destiny is the middle, that is, what can be called the highest stage of a modest existence, and, as he was convinced by many years of experience, it is better than any other in the world and most of all adapted for happiness, because a person is not oppressed by need and deprivation, hard work and the sufferings that fall to the lot of the lower classes, and do not confuse the luxury, ambition, arrogance and envy of the upper classes.

How pleasant such a life, he said, can be judged at least by the fact that everyone else is envious of it: after all, kings often complain about the bitter fate of people born for great deeds, and complain that fate did not put them between two extremes - insignificance and greatness, and even the sage, who prayed to heaven not to send him either poverty or wealth, thereby testified that the golden mean is an example of true happiness.

One only has to observe, my father assured me, and I will understand that all the hardships of life are distributed between the upper and lower classes and that they are least endured by people of moderate means, who are not subject to so many vicissitudes of fate as the upper and lower circles of human society; even from ailments, bodily and mental, they are more protected than those whose illnesses are generated either by vices, luxury and all kinds of excesses, or by exhausting work, want, meager and bad food, and all their ailments are nothing but natural consequences. lifestyle. The average position in society is most conducive to the flowering of all the virtues and all the joys of being: peace and contentment are his servants; moderation, temperance, health, peace of mind, sociability, all kinds of pleasant amusements, all kinds of pleasures are his blessed companions. A person of average prosperity goes through his life path quietly and serenely, not burdening himself with either physical or mental overwork, not selling himself into slavery because of a piece of bread, not tormented by the search for a way out of tangled situations that deprive the body of sleep, and the soul of rest, without suffering from envy, without secretly burning with the fire of ambition. He freely and easily glides through life, rationally tasting the sweetness of life that does not leave a bitter aftertaste, feeling that he is happy, and every day comprehending this more clearly and deeply.

Then my father persistently and extremely affectionately began to beg me not to be childish, not to rush headlong into disasters, from which nature itself and the conditions of life seemed to protect me. After all, I have not been forced to work because of a piece of bread, but he will make every effort to lead me to the path that he advises me to take; if I turn out to be unsuccessful or unfortunate, then I will have to blame only bad fate or my own mistakes, since he warned me against a step that would not bring me anything but harm, and, having thus fulfilled his duty, lays down all a responsibility; in a word, if I stay at home and arrange my life according to his instructions, he will be a caring father to me, but in no case will he contribute to my destruction by encouraging me to leave. In conclusion, he cited my older brother as an example, whom he just as persistently urged not to take part in the Dutch war, but all persuasions were in vain: youthful dreams forced my brother to flee into the army, and he died. And although, finished my father, he will never stop praying for me, but he undertakes to assert that if I do not give up my crazy intentions, God's blessing will not come upon me. The time will come when I will regret that I have neglected his advice, but then, perhaps, there will be no one to come to my rescue.

I saw how at the end of this speech (it was truly prophetic, although I think my father himself did not suspect it) copious tears streamed down the old man's face, especially when he spoke of my murdered brother; and when the priest said that the time for repentance would come, but there would be no one to help me, his voice trembled from excitement, and he whispered that his heart was breaking and he could not utter a single word more.

I was sincerely touched by this speech (and who would not have been touched by it?) and firmly decided not to think about leaving for foreign lands anymore, but to remain in my homeland, as my father wished. But alas! In a few days there was no trace of my determination left: in short, a few weeks after my conversation with my father, in order to avoid new father's admonitions, I decided to sneak out of the house. I restrained my impatience and acted slowly: choosing a time when my mother, it seemed to me, was in a better mood than usual, I took her to a corner and confessed that all my thoughts were subordinated to the desire to see distant lands, and that even if I do some business, I still do not have enough patience to bring it to the end, and that let better father will let me go voluntarily, otherwise I will have to do without his permission. I am already eighteen years old, I said, and in these years it is too late to learn a craft, and even if I had become a scribe to a solicitor, I know in advance that I would have run away from my patron, not having reached the end of my training, and gone to sea. But if my mother persuaded my father at least once to let me go on a sea voyage; if life at sea is not to my liking, I will return home and leave no more; and I can give you my word that by redoubled diligence I will make up for lost time.

My words greatly agitated my mother. She said that it was useless to talk to my father about this, because he understood too well what was my use, and would never give consent to something that would harm me. She is simply amazed that I can still think about such things after my conversation with my father, who persuaded me so gently and with such kindness. Of course, if I firmly decided to destroy myself, nothing can be done about it, but I can be sure that neither she nor my father will ever agree to my idea; but she herself does not in the least wish to contribute to my ruin, and I will never be able to say that my mother indulged me, while my father was against it.

Subsequently, I learned that although my mother refused to intercede for me with my father, however, she conveyed our conversation to him from word to word. Very preoccupied with this turn of affairs, her father said to her with a sigh: “The boy could live happily by remaining in his homeland, but if he goes to foreign lands, he will become the most miserable, most unfortunate creature in the world. No, I can't agree to that."

It took almost a year before I managed to break free. During this time, I stubbornly remained deaf to all proposals to go into business and often quarreled with my father and mother, who resolutely opposed what I was so strongly attracted to. Once, when I was in Hull, where I ended up by chance, without any thought of escaping, a friend of mine, who was going to London on his father’s ship, began to persuade me to go with him, tempting me, as sailors usually do, with the fact that I travel will cost nothing. And so, without asking either the father or the mother, without notifying them with a word and leaving them to find out about it as they have to, without asking either the parental or God's blessing, not taking into account either the circumstances or the consequences, in an unkind way - he sees God! - hour, September 1, 1651, I boarded a ship bound for London. It must be assumed that the misfortunes and troubles of young adventurers never began so early and lasted so long as mine. No sooner had our ship left the mouth of the Humber than the wind blew, raising huge, terrible waves. Until then I had never been to sea, and I cannot describe how badly my poor body suffered, and how my soul trembled with fear. And only then did I seriously think about what I had done, and about the justice of the heavenly punishment that had befallen me for leaving my father's house so shamelessly and violating my filial duty. All the good advice of my parents, the tears of my father and the prayers of my mother were resurrected in my memory, and my conscience, which at that time had not yet had time to completely harden, tormented me for neglecting parental exhortations and for violating duties before God and father.

Meanwhile the wind grew stronger, and a storm broke out on the sea, which, however, was not compared with those that I saw many times later, nor even with the one that I happened to see a few days later. But even this was enough to stun me, a novice who knew nothing about maritime affairs. When rolled new wave, I expected that it would swallow us up, and whenever the ship fell down, as it seemed to me, into the abyss or abyss of the sea, I was sure that it would no longer rise to the surface. And in this torment of my soul, I repeatedly decided and swore to myself that if the Lord would please save my life this time, if my foot again sets foot on solid ground, I will immediately return home to my father and, as long as I live, I will not sit on ship, that I would follow my father's advice and never again expose myself to such danger. Now I understood the full validity of my father's reasoning regarding the golden mean; it became clear to me how peacefully and pleasantly he lived all his life, never exposing himself to storms at sea and hardships on land - in a word, I, as once prodigal son, decided to return to the parental home with repentance.

These sober and prudent thoughts did not leave me as long as the storm lasted, and even for some time after it; but the next morning the wind began to subside, the excitement subsided, and I began to gradually get used to the sea. Be that as it may, all that day I was in a very serious mood (especially since I had not yet fully recovered from seasickness); but before sunset the sky cleared, the wind stopped, and a quiet, charming evening came; the sun set without clouds and rose just as clear the next day, and the smooth surface of the sea, with complete or almost complete calm, all bathed in its radiance, presented a delightful picture that I had never seen before.

I had a good night's sleep, there was no trace of my seasickness, I was cheerful and cheerful and admired the sea, which only yesterday was so raging and roaring and in such a short time could calm down and present such an attractive sight. And then, as if to change my prudent decision, a friend approached me, lured me to go with him, and, clapping me on the shoulder, said: “Well, Bob, how do you feel after yesterday? I bet that you were frightened - admit it, you were frightened yesterday when the breeze blew? - "Wind? Good wind! I could not imagine such a terrible storm!” - Storms! Oh you freak! So you think it's a storm? What you! These are sheer rubbish! Give us a good ship and plenty of space - we will not notice such a squall. Well, you're still quite an inexperienced sailor, Bob. Let's go make some punch and forget about it. Look what a wonderful day it is!” To shorten this sad part of my story, I’ll tell you what happened next, as it should be with sailors: they cooked a punch, I got pretty tipsy and drowned in the revelry of that night all my remorse, all my thoughts about my past behavior and all my good decisions about the future. In a word, as soon as calm reigned on the sea, as soon as my agitated feelings subsided along with the storm and the fear of drowning in the depths of the sea passed away, my thoughts turned back to their former course, and all the oaths, all the promises that I made to myself in the hours of suffering, were forgotten. True, at times enlightenment came over me, sound thoughts still tried, so to speak, to return to me, but I drove them away, fought them, as if with attacks of illness, and with the help of drunkenness and cheerful company I soon triumphed over these attacks, as I called them: in some five or six days I won such a complete victory over my conscience as a youth who decided not to pay attention to it could wish for himself. However, another test awaited me: as always in such cases, Providence wished to take away from me the last justification before myself; in fact, if this time I did not want to understand that I was completely obliged to him, then the next test was of such a kind that here the very last, most inveterate villain from our crew could not but admit that the danger was truly great and we were saved only by a miracle.

On the sixth day after going to sea, we came to the Yarmouth roadstead. The wind after the storm was always unfavorable and weak, so that after the storm we could hardly move. Here we were compelled to drop anchor, and stayed with the south-westerly, that is, opposite, wind for seven or eight days. During this time, a considerable number of ships came to the road from Newcastle, for the Yarmouth road usually serves as a mooring place for ships that wait here for a fair wind to enter the river.

However, we would not have stood for a long time and would have entered the river with the tide, if the wind had not been so fresh, and after five days it had not grown even stronger. However, the Yarmouth Road is considered as good a anchorage as the harbor, and anchors and anchor lines were reliable with us; therefore, our people did not worry at all and did not even think about danger - according to the custom of sailors, they divided their leisure time between rest and entertainment. But on the eighth day in the morning the wind increased, and it was necessary to whistle up all the sailors, remove the topmasts and tightly fasten everything that was needed so that the ship could safely stay in the roadstead. By noon, a great excitement began at sea, the ship began to rock violently; he scooped up the side several times, and once or twice it seemed to us that we had been torn off the anchor. Then the captain ordered to give a spare anchor. In this way, we held on to two anchors against the wind, etching the ropes to the end.

Meanwhile, a fierce storm broke out. Confusion and fear were now even on the faces of the sailors. Several times I heard the captain himself, passing me from his cabin, muttering in an undertone: “Lord, have mercy on us, otherwise we died, we are all finished,” which did not prevent him, however, from vigilantly observing the work to save the ship . At first, I looked at all this turmoil in a stupefied state, lying motionless in my cabin next to the helm, and I don’t even know exactly what I felt. It was difficult for me to return to my former repentant mood after I myself despised it and hardened my soul; it seemed to me that the horror of death had passed once and for all, and that this storm would pass without a trace, like the first. But, I repeat, when the captain himself, passing by, mentioned the death that threatened us, I was incredibly frightened. I ran out of the cabin onto the deck; never in my life had I seen such an ominous picture: waves rising up on the sea as high as a mountain, and such a mountain overturned on us every three or four minutes. When, having gathered my courage, I looked around, I saw serious disasters. On two heavily laden ships anchored not far from us, all the masts were chopped off. One of our sailors called out that the ship, half a mile ahead of us, had sunk. Two more ships were torn from their anchors and carried away to the open sea to the mercy of fate, for neither one nor the other had a single mast left. Smaller ships held on better than others - it was easier for them to maneuver; but two or three of them were also swept out to sea, and they rushed side by side past us, having removed all the sails except one stern jib.

At the end of the day, the navigator and boatswain began to beg the captain to let them cut down the foremast. The captain resisted for a long time, but the boatswain began to prove that if the foremast was left, the ship would certainly sink, and he agreed, and when the foremast was demolished, the mainmast began to stagger and rock the ship so much that it was necessary to demolish both it and thus free the deck.

Judge for yourself what I must have experienced all this time - a youngster and a novice, shortly before that I was frightened by a little excitement. But if, after so many years, my memory does not deceive me, it was not death that scared me then; I was a hundred times more horrified by the thought that I had changed my decision to turn myself in confession to my father and returned to my former chimerical aspirations, and these thoughts, aggravated by the horror of the storm, brought me to a state that no words can describe. But the worst was yet to come. The storm continued to rage with such force that, according to the sailors themselves, they never happened to see such a thing. Our ship was strong, but because of the heavy load it sat deep in the water, and it rocked so much that it was constantly heard on the deck: “Heeling! It's tobacco!" Perhaps it was for the best for me that I did not fully understand the meaning of these words until I asked for an explanation. However, the storm raged more and more violently, and I saw - and this is not often seen - how the captain, the boatswain and several other people, more intelligent than the rest, were praying, expecting that the ship was about to go down. To top it all off, suddenly in the middle of the night one of the sailors, going down into the hold to see if everything was in order, shouted that the ship was leaking; another messenger reported that the water had already risen four feet. Then the command was heard: “Everyone to the pumps!” When I heard these words, my heart sank, and I fell back on the bunk where I was sitting. But the sailors pushed me aside, declaring that if up to now I had been useless, now I could work like anyone else. Then I got up, went to the pump, and diligently began pumping. At this time, several small ships loaded with coal, unable to withstand the wind, weighed anchor and put to sea. As they passed by, our captain ordered a distress call to be fired from a cannon. Not understanding what this meant, I was horrified, imagining that our ship had crashed or something else, no less terrible, had happened, and the shock was so strong that I fainted. But at such a moment, it was just right for everyone to take care only of saving their own lives, and no one paid attention to me and did not ask what happened to me. Another sailor, pushing me away with his foot, stood at the pump in my place, fully convinced that I was already dead; It took a long time before I woke up.

The work was in full swing, but the water in the hold rose higher and higher. It was obvious that the ship was going to sink, and although the storm was beginning to abate a little, there was no hope that she could hold out on the water until we entered the harbor, and the captain continued to fire his cannons, calling for help. Finally, one light craft, standing in front of us, ventured to lower the boat to give us help. Being exposed to no small danger, the boat approached us, but neither we could get to it, nor the boat could moor to our ship, although people rowed with all their might, risking their lives to save ours. Finally, our sailors threw a rope with a buoy from the stern, etching it to a great length. After long and futile efforts, the rowers managed to catch the end of the rope; we hauled them under the stern, and one and all went down into the boat. Getting to their ship was out of the question; so we unanimously decided to row with the wind, trying only to keep as close as possible to the shore. Our captain promised the other sailors that if the boat broke on the shore, he would pay the owner for it. And so, partly at the oars, partly driven by the wind, we headed north towards Winterton Ness, gradually approaching the land.

sailor from York, who lived twenty-eight years in all alone on an uninhabited island off the coast of America near the mouths of the Orinoco River, where he was thrown out by a shipwreck, during which the entire crew of the ship, except for him, died; outlining his unexpected release by pirates, written by himself

I was born in 1632 in the city of York into a wealthy family of foreign origin. My father was from Bremen and settled first in Hull. Having made a good fortune by trading, he left business and moved to York. Here he married my mother, whose relatives were called Robinsons - an old surname in those places. They also called me Robinson. My father's surname was Kreutzner, but, according to the custom of the English to distort foreign words, they began to call us Crusoe. Now we ourselves pronounce and write our surname in this way; That's what my friends always called me.

I had two older brothers. One served in Flanders, in the English infantry regiment - the same one that was once commanded by the famous Colonel Lockhart; he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel and was killed in battle with the Spaniards near Dunkirchen. What happened to my second brother, I don't know how my father and mother didn't know what happened to me.

Since I was the third in the family, I was not prepared for any craft, and from a young age my head was full of all sorts of nonsense. My father, who was already very old, gave me a fairly tolerable education in the amount that can be obtained by being brought up at home and attending a city school. He wanted me to become a lawyer, but I dreamed of sea voyages and did not want to hear about anything else. This passion for the sea took me so far that I went against my will - moreover: against the direct prohibition of my father and neglected the entreaties of my mother and the advice of friends; it seemed that there was something fatal in the natural inclination of the mouth that pushed me towards the sad life that was my lot.

My father, a sedate and intelligent man, guessed about my undertaking and warned me seriously and thoroughly. One morning he called me to his room, to which he was chained with gout, and began to reproach me warmly. He asked what other reasons, besides wandering inclinations, could I have for leaving my father's house and my native country, where it is easy for me to go among people, where I can increase my fortune by diligence and work and live in contentment and with pleasantness. They leave their homeland in pursuit of adventure, he said. or those who have nothing to lose, or ambitious people, eager to create a higher position for themselves; embarking on enterprises that go beyond the framework of everyday life, they strive to improve their affairs and cover their name with glory; but such things are either beyond my strength or humiliating for me; my place is the middle, that is, what can be called the highest stage of a modest existence, which, as he was convinced by many years of experience, is for us the best in the world, the most suitable for human happiness, freed from need and deprivation, physical labor and suffering falling to the lot of the lower classes, and from luxury, ambition, arrogance and envy of the upper classes. How pleasant such a life is, he said, I can already judge by the fact that all, placed in other conditions, envy him: even kings often complain about the bitter fate of people born for great deeds, and regret that fate did not put them between two extremes - insignificance and greatness, and the sage speaks in favor of the middle, as a measure of true happiness, when he prays to heaven not to send him either poverty or wealth.

I only have to look, said my father, and I will see that all the misfortunes of life are distributed between the upper and lower classes, and that the least of them falls to the lot of middle-class people who are not subject to so many vicissitudes of fate as the nobility and the common people; even from illnesses, bodily and mental, they are more insured than those whose illnesses are caused by vices, luxury and all kinds of excesses, on the one hand, hard work, want, poor and insufficient nutrition, on the other, being, thus, a natural consequence of lifestyle. The middle state is the most favorable for the flourishing of all the virtues, for all the joys of being; abundance and peace are his servants; he is accompanied and blessed by his temperance, temperance, health, peace of mind, sociability, all kinds of pleasant entertainments, all kinds of pleasures. A person of an average condition goes through his life path quietly and smoothly, not burdening himself with either physical or mental overwork, not selling himself into slavery for a piece of bread, not tormented by the search for a way out of tangled situations that deprive the body of sleep, and the soul of peace, not consumed by envy. without secretly burning with the fire of ambition. Surrounded by contentment, he easily and imperceptibly glides to the grave, judiciously tasting the sweetness of life without an admixture of bitterness, feeling happy and learning by everyday experience to understand this more and more clearly and deeply.

Then my father persistently and very benevolently began to beg me not to be childish, not to rush headlong into the pool of need and suffering, from which the position in the world that I occupied at my birth, it seemed, should protect me. He said that I was not forced to work for a piece of bread, that he would take care of me, try to lead me onto the path that he had just advised me to take, and that if I turned out to be a failure or unhappy, I would only have to blame bad luck or on their own oversight. In warning me against a step that will bring me nothing but harm, he thus fulfills his duty and abdicates all responsibility; in a word, if I stay at home and arrange my life according to his instructions, he will be a good father to me, but he will not have a hand in my death, encouraging me to leave. In conclusion, he gave me the example of my older brother, whom he also persistently urged not to take part in the Dutch war, but all his persuasions were in vain: carried away by dreams, the young man fled to the army and was killed. And although (so my father ended his speech) he will never stop praying for me, but he declares to me directly that if I do not give up my crazy idea, I will not have God's blessing. The time will come when I will regret that I neglected his advice, but then, perhaps, there will be no one to help me correct the wrong done.

I saw how, during the last part of this speech (which was truly prophetic, although, I think, my father himself did not suspect it), copious tears built up on the face of the old man, especially when he spoke of my murdered brother; and when the priest said that the time for repentance would come for me, but there would be no one to help me, he broke off his speech out of excitement, declaring that his heart was overflowing and he could not utter a single word more.

I was sincerely touched by this speech (and who would not have been touched by it?) and firmly decided not to think about leaving for foreign lands anymore, but to settle down in my homeland, as my father wished. But alas! - several days passed, and nothing remained of my decision: in a word, a few weeks after my conversation with my father, in order to avoid new father's exhortations, I decided to run away from home secretly. But I restrained the first ardor of my impatience and acted slowly: choosing a time when my mother, as it seemed to me, was more ordinary in spirit, I took her to a corner and told her that all my thoughts were so absorbed by the desire to see foreign lands. that, even if I join some business, I still will not have the patience to bring it to the end and that it would be better for my father to let me go voluntarily, otherwise I will be forced to do without his permission. I said that I was eighteen years old, and in these years it is too late to learn a trade, too late to train as a lawyer. And even if, let's say, I became a clerk's clerk, I know in advance that I will run away from my patron, not having reached the time of temptation, and go to sea. I asked my mother to persuade the priest to let me travel as an experience; then if I don't like this life. I turn back home and will not leave again; and a gave his word to make up for lost time by double diligence.




I was born in 1632 in the city of York into a wealthy family of foreign origin. My father was from Bremen and settled first in Hull. Having made a good fortune by trading, he left business and moved to York. Here he married my mother, whose relatives were called Robinsons - an old surname in those places. They also called me Robinson. My father's surname was Kreutzner, but, according to the custom of the English to distort foreign words, they began to call us Crusoe. Now we ourselves pronounce and write our surname in this way; That's what my friends always called me.

I had two older brothers. One served in Flanders, in the English infantry regiment - the same one that was once commanded by the famous Colonel Lockhart; he rose to the rank of lieutenant colonel and was killed in battle with the Spaniards near Dunkirchen. What happened to my second brother, I don't know how my father and mother didn't know what happened to me.

Since I was the third in the family, I was not prepared for any craft, and from a young age my head was full of all sorts of nonsense. My father, who was already very old, gave me a fairly tolerable education in the amount that can be obtained by being brought up at home and attending a city school. He wanted me to become a lawyer, but I dreamed of sea voyages and did not want to hear about anything else. This passion for the sea took me so far that I went against my will - moreover: against the direct prohibition of my father and neglected the entreaties of my mother and the advice of friends; it seemed that there was something fatal in the natural inclination of the mouth that pushed me towards the sad life that was my lot.

My father, a sedate and intelligent man, guessed about my undertaking and warned me seriously and thoroughly. One morning he called me to his room, to which he was chained with gout, and began to reproach me warmly. He asked what other reasons, besides wandering inclinations, could I have for leaving my father's house and my native country, where it is easy for me to go among people, where I can increase my fortune by diligence and work and live in contentment and with pleasantness. They leave their homeland in pursuit of adventure, he said. or those who have nothing to lose, or ambitious people, eager to create a higher position for themselves; embarking on enterprises that go beyond the framework of everyday life, they strive to improve their affairs and cover their name with glory; but such things are either beyond my strength or humiliating for me; my place is the middle, that is, what can be called the highest stage of a modest existence, which, as he was convinced by many years of experience, is for us the best in the world, the most suitable for human happiness, freed from need and deprivation, physical labor and suffering falling to the lot of the lower classes, and from luxury, ambition, arrogance and envy of the upper classes. How pleasant such a life is, he said, I can already judge by the fact that all, placed in other conditions, envy him: even kings often complain about the bitter fate of people born for great deeds, and regret that fate did not put them between two extremes - insignificance and greatness, and the sage speaks in favor of the middle, as a measure of true happiness, when he prays to heaven not to send him either poverty or wealth.

I only have to look, said my father, and I will see that all the misfortunes of life are distributed between the upper and lower classes, and that the least of them falls to the lot of middle-class people who are not subject to so many vicissitudes of fate as the nobility and the common people; even from illnesses, bodily and mental, they are more insured than those whose illnesses are caused by vices, luxury and all kinds of excesses, on the one hand, hard work, want, poor and insufficient nutrition, on the other, being, thus, a natural consequence of lifestyle. The middle state is the most favorable for the flourishing of all the virtues, for all the joys of being; abundance and peace are his servants; he is accompanied and blessed by his temperance, temperance, health, peace of mind, sociability, all kinds of pleasant entertainments, all kinds of pleasures. A person of an average condition goes through his life path quietly and smoothly, not burdening himself with either physical or mental overwork, not selling himself into slavery for a piece of bread, not tormented by the search for a way out of tangled situations that deprive the body of sleep, and the soul of peace, not consumed by envy. without secretly burning with the fire of ambition. Surrounded by contentment, he easily and imperceptibly glides to the grave, judiciously tasting the sweetness of life without an admixture of bitterness, feeling happy and learning by everyday experience to understand this more and more clearly and deeply.

Then my father persistently and very benevolently began to beg me not to be childish, not to rush headlong into the pool of need and suffering, from which the position in the world that I occupied at my birth, it seemed, should protect me. He said that I was not forced to work for a piece of bread, that he would take care of me, try to lead me onto the path that he had just advised me to take, and that if I turned out to be a failure or unhappy, I would only have to blame bad luck or on their own oversight. In warning me against a step that will bring me nothing but harm, he thus fulfills his duty and abdicates all responsibility; in a word, if I stay at home and arrange my life according to his instructions, he will be a good father to me, but he will not have a hand in my death, encouraging me to leave. In conclusion, he gave me the example of my older brother, whom he also persistently urged not to take part in the Dutch war, but all his persuasions were in vain: carried away by dreams, the young man fled to the army and was killed. And although (so my father ended his speech) he will never stop praying for me, but he declares to me directly that if I do not give up my crazy idea, I will not have God's blessing. The time will come when I will regret that I neglected his advice, but then, perhaps, there will be no one to help me correct the wrong done.

I saw how, during the last part of this speech (which was truly prophetic, although, I think, my father himself did not suspect it), copious tears built up on the face of the old man, especially when he spoke of my murdered brother; and when the priest said that the time for repentance would come for me, but there would be no one to help me, he broke off his speech out of excitement, declaring that his heart was overflowing and he could not utter a single word more.

I was sincerely touched by this speech (and who would not have been touched by it?) and firmly decided not to think about leaving for foreign lands anymore, but to settle down in my homeland, as my father wished. But alas! - several days passed, and nothing remained of my decision: in a word, a few weeks after my conversation with my father, in order to avoid new father's exhortations, I decided to run away from home secretly. But I restrained the first ardor of my impatience and acted slowly: choosing a time when my mother, as it seemed to me, was more ordinary in spirit, I took her to a corner and told her that all my thoughts were so absorbed by the desire to see foreign lands. that, even if I join some business, I still will not have the patience to bring it to the end and that it would be better for my father to let me go voluntarily, otherwise I will be forced to do without his permission. I said that I was eighteen years old, and in these years it is too late to learn a trade, too late to train as a lawyer. And even if, let's say, I became a clerk's clerk, I know in advance that I will run away from my patron, not having reached the time of temptation, and go to sea. I asked my mother to persuade the priest to let me travel as an experience; then if I don't like this life. I turn back home and will not leave again; and a gave his word to make up for lost time by double diligence.

My words greatly angered my mother. She said that it was useless to talk to her father on this subject, as he understood too well what was my use and would not agree to my request. She wondered how I could still think of such things after my conversation with my father, who urged me so softly and with such kindness. Of course, if I want to ruin myself, this misfortune cannot be helped, but I can be sure that neither she nor my father will ever give their consent to my undertaking; she herself does not in the least want to contribute to my death, and I will never have the right to say that my mother indulged me when my father was against it.

Subsequently, I learned that although my mother refused to intercede for me with my father, however, she conveyed our conversation to him from word to word. Very preoccupied with this turn of affairs, her father said to her with a sigh: “The boy could be happy to remain in his homeland, but if he sets off for foreign lands, he will be the most miserable, most unfortunate creature that has ever been born on earth. No, I can't agree to that."

Only almost a year after what was described, I broke free. During all this time, I stubbornly remained deaf to all my suggestions to join some business and often reproached my father and mother for their decided prejudice against the kind of life to which my natural inclinations attracted me. But once, during my stay in Hull, where I stopped by chance, this time without any thought of escaping, a friend of mine, who was going to London on his father’s ship, began to persuade me to leave with him, using the usual sailors bait, namely, that it will cost me nothing to travel. And so, without asking either his father or mother, without even notifying them with a single word, but leaving them to find out about it as they had to, without asking for either parental or God's blessing, without taking into account any circumstances of this moment, no consequences, in unkind - God knows! - hour, September 1st, 1651, I boarded my friend's ship, bound for London. Never, I think, have the misadventures of young adventurers begun so early and lasted so long as mine. No sooner had our ship left the mouth of the Humber than the wind blew and a terrible commotion began. Until then I had never been to the sea and cannot express how ill I felt and how my soul was shaken. Only now did I seriously think about what I had done and how rightly the heavenly punishment befell me for leaving my father's house so shamelessly and violating my filial duty. All the good advice of my parents, the tears of my father, the prayers of my mother, resurrected in my memory, and my conscience, which at that time had not yet had time to completely harden with me, severely reproached me for neglecting parental exhortations and for violating my duties to God and father,

In the meantime, the wind was picking up, and high waves were moving across the sea, although this storm did not have the likeness of what I saw many times later, nor even what I had to see a few days later. But even this was enough to stun such a novice in maritime affairs, who did not understand anything about it, as I was then. With each new wave that rolled on us, I expected that it would swallow us up, and every time the ship fell down, as it seemed to me, into the abyss or abyss of the sea, I was sure that it would not rise up. And in this torment of my soul, I firmly resolved and repeatedly swore that if the Lord would spare my life this time, if my foot again sets foot on solid ground, I will immediately turn back home to my father and never, as long as I live, will not sit down again. to the ship; I vowed to obey my father's advice and never again subject myself to such hardships as I was then experiencing. Only now did I understand the correctness of my father's reasoning about the golden mean; it became clear to me how peacefully and pleasantly he lived his life, never being exposed to storms at sea and not suffering from troubles on the shore, and I decided to return to my parents' house with repentance, like a true prodigal son.

These sober and prudent thoughts sufficed me for the whole time that the storm lasted, and even for a while; but the next morning the wind began to subside, the excitement subsided, and I began to gradually get used to the sea. Be that as it may, all that day I was in a very serious mood (however, I have not yet fully recovered from seasickness); but towards the end of the day the weather cleared, the wind ceased, and there was a quiet, charming evening; the sun set without clouds and rose just as clear the next day, and the smooth surface of the sea, with complete or almost complete calm, all bathed in the radiance of the sun, presented a delightful picture that I had never seen before.

I had a good night's sleep, and there was no sign of my seasickness. I was very cheerful and looked with surprise at the sea, which had raged and rumbled only yesterday and could calm down in such a short time and take on such an attractive appearance. And then, as if to destroy my good intentions, my friend came up to me, lured me to go with him, and, clapping me on the shoulder, said: “Well, Bob, how are you feeling after yesterday? that you were frightened - confess: you were frightened yesterday, when the breeze blew?" - "The breeze? Good breeze! I could not imagine such a terrible storm!" - "Storms! Oh, you eccentric! So, in your opinion, this is a storm? What are you! Trifles! Give us a good ship and plenty of space, so we won't notice such a squall. Well, you're still an inexperienced sailor, Bob. Let's go better let's make ourselves a punch and forget about everything. Look what a wonderful day it is today!" To shorten this sad part of my story, I’ll tell you frankly what happened next as usual with sailors: they cooked punch, I got drunk drunk and drowned in the mud of this night all my repentance, all laudable reflections on my past behavior and all my good decisions regarding the future. In a word, as soon as the surface of the sea smoothed out, as soon as silence was restored after the storm, and with the storm my agitated feelings subsided, and the fear of being swallowed up by the waves passed, so my thoughts flowed along the old channel, and all my oaths, all the promises that I made themselves in moments of distress, were forgotten. True, enlightenment sometimes came over me, serious thoughts still tried, so to speak, to return, but I drove them away, fought them as if with attacks of illness, and with the help of drunkenness and cheerful company I soon triumphed over these seizures, as I called them. ; in just five or six days I won such a complete victory over my conscience as a youth who has decided not to pay attention to it can wish for himself. But I had yet another test: providence, as always in such cases, wanted to take away my last justification; in fact, if this time I did not understand that I had been saved by him, then the next test was of such a kind that here the very last, most inveterate scoundrel from our crew could not help but recognize both the danger and the miraculous deliverance from her.

On the sixth day after going to sea, we came to the Yarmouth roadstead. The wind after the storm was always nasty and weak, so we moved quietly. At Yarmouth we were forced to drop anchor, and lay in the opposite wind, namely the south-westerly wind, for seven or eight days. During this time, a lot of ships came to the raid from Newcastle. (Yarmouth Road serves as a common anchorage for ships waiting here for a fair wind to enter the Thames.)

We, however, would not have stood so long and entered the river with the tide, if the wind had not been so fresh, and after five days it had not blew even more strongly. However, the Yarmouth roadstead is considered as good a anchorage as the harbor, and anchors and anchor lines were strong with us; therefore, our people were not in the least alarmed, not expecting danger, and divided their leisure between recreation and entertainment, according to the custom of sailors. But on the eighth day in the morning the wind was still fresher, and all working hands were needed to remove the topmasts and tightly fasten everything that was needed so that the ship could safely stay in the roadstead. By noon a great commotion broke out; the ship began to rock violently; he scooped several times on board, and twice it seemed to us that we had been torn from anchor. Then the captain ordered to give the mooring. In this way we kept on two anchors against the wind, etching the ropes to the end.

Meanwhile, a fierce storm broke out. Confusion and horror were now read even on the faces of the sailors. I heard several times how the captain himself, passing me from his cabin, muttered in an undertone: "Lord, have mercy on us, otherwise we all died, the end came to us all," which did not prevent him, however, from vigilantly observing the rescue work ship. The first minutes of the commotion deafened me: I lay motionless in my cabin under the stairs, and I don’t even know exactly what I felt. It was difficult for me to return to my former repentant mood after I had so clearly neglected it and so resolutely dealt with it: it seemed to me that the horrors of death had passed once and for all and that this storm would end in nothing, like the first "Not when the captain himself, passing past, as I just said, declared that we would all perish, I was terribly frightened.I went out of the cabin onto the deck: never in my life had I seen such an ominous picture: waves as high as a mountain went through the sea, and every three, four minutes, such a mountain was overturning on us. When, gathering my courage, I looked around, horror and disaster reigned all around. Two heavily laden ships, anchored not far from us, to relieve themselves, cut off all the masts. One of our sailors shouted that a ship half a mile ahead of us sank, and two more were torn from their anchors and swept out to sea to their fate, for there was not a single mast left on either. suffered n and the sea; but two or three of them were also swept out to sea, and they rushed side-by-side past us, having laid down all the sails except one stern jib.

In the evening, the navigator and boatswain proceeded to the captain with a request to allow them to cut down the foremast. The captain really did not want this, but the boatswain began to prove to him that if the foremast was left, the ship would sink, and he agreed, and when the foremast was demolished, the mainmast began to sway and rock the ship so much that it had to be demolished and her and thus clear the deck.

You can judge what I must have experienced all this time - quite a novice in maritime affairs, shortly before that I was so frightened by a little excitement. But if, after so many years, my memory does not deceive me, it was not death that scared me then: a hundred times more horrifying was the thought that I had changed my decision to confess my father and returned to my original accursed chimeras, and these thoughts, combined with fear storms brought me to a state that cannot be expressed in any words. But the worst was yet to come. The storm continued to rage with such force that, according to the sailors themselves, they never happened to see such a thing. Our ship was strong, but because of the large amount of cargo it sat deep in the water, and it shook so that on the deck it was constantly heard: "It will overwhelm, heel." In some respects it was a great advantage to me that I did not fully understand the meaning of these words until I asked about it. However, the storm raged with increasing fury, and I saw - and this is not often seen - how the captain, the boatswain and several other people, whose feelings were probably not so dulled as those of the others, were praying, every minute expecting that the ship would go to the bottom. To complete the horror, suddenly in the middle of the night one of the people, descending into the hold to see if everything was in order, shouted that the ship had leaked, another messenger reported that the water had already risen four feet. Then the command was given; "All to the pump!" When I heard these words, my heart sank, and I fell back on the bunk where I was sitting. But the sailors pushed me aside, saying that if until now I was useless, now I can work like anyone else. Then I got up, went to the pump and diligently began to pump. At this time, several small cargo ships, unable to withstand the wind, weighed anchor and put out to sea. Noticing them as they passed by, the captain ordered a cannon to be fired to signal our plight. Not understanding the meaning of this shot, I imagined that our ship had been wrecked, or that something terrible had happened in general, in a word, I was so frightened that I fainted. But since it was time for everyone to worry only about saving their own lives, they did not pay attention to me and did not ask to know what had happened to me. Another sailor stood at the pump in my place, pushing me away with his foot and leaving me lying, in full confidence that I had fallen dead; It wasn't long before I woke up.

We continued to work, but the water in the hold rose higher and higher. It was obvious that the ship was going to sink, and although the storm was beginning to ease a little, there was no hope that she could hold out on the water until we entered the harbor, and the captain continued to fire his cannons, calling for help. At last, one small craft ahead of us ventured to lower a boat to help us. With great danger the boat approached us, but neither we could approach it, nor the boat could moor to our ship, although people rowed with all their might, risking their lives to save ours. Our sailors threw them a rope with a buoy, etching it to a great length. After much futile effort, they managed to catch the end of the rope; we pulled them under the stern and every one of them went down to them in the boat. There was nothing to think of getting in it to their ship; therefore, by common agreement, it was decided to row with the wind, trying only to keep as far as possible to the shore. Our captain promised the alien sailors that if their boat broke on the shore, he would pay their master for it. Thus, partly at the oars, partly driven by the wind, we headed north towards Winterton Ness, gradually turning towards the land.

Less than a quarter of an hour had passed since the moment when we set sail from the ship, as it began to sink before our eyes. And then, for the first time, I understood what it means to "overwhelm." I must, however, confess that I almost did not have the strength to look at the ship, hearing the cries of the sailors that it was sinking, because from the moment I got off or, better to say, when I was taken off into the boat, it was as if everything had died in me, partly from fear, partly from thoughts of the misadventures still ahead of me.

As long as the people worked hard with oars to direct the boat towards the shore, we could see (for every time the boat was tossed by a wave, we could see the shore) - we could see that a large crowd had gathered there: everyone was fussing and running, preparing to give us help when we get closer. But we moved very slowly, and did not reach land until we had passed Winterton Lighthouse, where between Winterton and Cromer the coastline bends to the west, and where, therefore, its protrusions moderated the force of the wind a little. Here we landed, and, with great difficulty, but nevertheless safely getting out on land, we went on foot to Yarmouth. At Yarmouth, owing to the misfortune that befell us, we were treated with great sympathy: the city gave us good lodgings, and private individuals, merchants and shipowners, provided us with enough money to go to London or to Hull, as we pleased.

Oh, why didn’t it occur to me then to return to Hull to my parents’ house! How happy I would be! Probably, my father, as in the Gospel parable, would have slaughtered a fattened calf for me, for he learned about my salvation only long after the news reached him that the ship on which I left Hull died in the Yarmouth roadstead .

But my evil fate pushed me all the way to that disastrous path with stubbornness, which was impossible to resist; and although in my soul, the sober voice of reason was repeatedly heard, calling me to return home, but I did not have enough strength for this. I don’t know what to call it, and therefore I won’t insist that we are prompted to be the instruments of our own destruction, even when we see it in front of us and go towards it with open eyes, the secret command of omnipotent fate; but it is certain that only my unfortunate fate, which I could not avoid, made me go against the sober arguments and suggestions of the best part of my being and neglect the two so clear lessons that I received at the first attempt to embark on a new path.

The son of our shipowner, my friend, who helped me to strengthen my disastrous decision, now humbled more than I: the first time "as he spoke to me in Yarmouth (which happened only after two or three days, since we were given different quarters), I noticed that his tone had changed. Very gloomy) he asked me, shaking his head, how I felt. After explaining to his father who I was, he said that I undertook this trip as an experience, but in the future I intend to travel all over light. Then his father, turning to me, said in a grave and preoccupied tone: "Young man! You should never go to sea again; what happened to us you must take as a clear and undoubted sign that you are not destined to be a navigator. "-" Why, sir? I objected. “Won’t you also swim more?” “That’s another matter,” he answered: “swimming is my profession and, therefore, my duty. But you then after all set off into the sea in the form of experience. So heaven has given you a taste of what you should expect if you persist in your decision. Perhaps everything that happened to us happened because of you: perhaps you were Jonah on our ship ... Please, - he added, - explain to me plainly who you are and what prompted you to undertake this voyage. "Then I told him something about myself. As soon as I had finished, he burst into a terrible rage. "What have I done, - he said, - what was wrong that this miserable outcast stepped on the deck of my ship! Never again, not for a thousand pounds, will I agree to sail on the same ship with you! ” Of course, all this was said in the hearts of a man already excited by the thought of his loss, and in his anger he went further than he should have. But I had a calm conversation with him later, in which he seriously urged me not to tempt Providence to my own ruin and to return to my father, saying that I must see the finger of God in everything that had happened. “Ah, young man! - he said in conclusion, - if you do not return home, then - believe me - wherever you go, misfortunes and failures will haunt you until the words of your father come true over you.

Shortly after we parted, I could not find an objection to him and did not see him again. Where he went from Yarmouth I do not know; I had some money, and I went to London by land. Both in London and on the way there, moments of doubt and reflection often came over me about what kind of life I should choose and whether to return home or embark on a new voyage.

As for returning to my parental home, shame drowned out the most compelling arguments of my mind: I imagined how all our neighbors would laugh at me and how ashamed I would be to look not only at my father and mother, but also at all our acquaintances. Since then, I have often noticed how illogical and inconsistent human nature is, especially in youth; rejecting the considerations that should guide them in such cases, people are not ashamed of sin, but of repentance, they are not ashamed of actions for which they can justly be called fools, but of correction, for which alone they can be considered reasonable.

I remained in this state for quite a long time, not knowing what to do and what career to choose in life. I could not overcome the reluctance to return home, and while I was postponing, the memory of the disasters I had suffered was gradually erased, along with it, the already weak voice of reason, which prompted me to return to my father, weakened, and ended up with "putting aside any thought of returning and began to dream of a new journey.

That evil power. which prompted me to run away from my parents' house, which involved me in an absurd and thoughtless undertaking to make a fortune for myself by scouring the world, and hammered these nonsense into my head so hard that I remained deaf to all good advice, to exhortations, and even to my father's prohibition - this same force, I say, of whatever kind, drove me to the most unfortunate enterprise imaginable: I boarded a ship bound for the shores of Africa, or, as our sailors say in their language, - to Guinea and started wandering again.

It was my great misfortune that in all these adventures I did not get hired as a simple sailor; though I would have to work a little more than I was accustomed to, yet I would learn the duties and work of a sailor, and might in time become a navigator or mate, if not a captain himself. But such was my fate - of all the paths I chose the worst. So I did in this case too: I had money in my purse, I had a decent dress on my shoulders, and I always appeared on the ship as a real gentleman, so I didn’t do anything there and didn’t learn anything.

In London, I was lucky to get into good company from the very first steps, which does not often happen with such loose, astray youths as I was then, for the devil does not yawn and immediately sets up some kind of trap for them. But it was not so with me. I made the acquaintance of a captain who, not long before, had sailed to the shores of Guinea, and since this voyage was very successful for him, he decided to go there again. He loved my company - I could be a pleasant conversationalist at that time - and, having learned from me that I dreamed of seeing the world, he invited me to go with him, saying that it would not cost me anything, that I would be his companion and friend. If I have the opportunity to pick up goods with me, then I may be lucky and I will receive all the profits from trading.

I accepted the offer; having struck up the most friendly relations with this captain, an honest and straightforward man, I set out with him, taking with me a small cargo, on which, thanks to the complete disinterestedness of my friend the captain, I made a very profitable turn: on his instructions I bought forty pounds sterling various trinkets and trinkets. I collected these forty pounds with the help of my relatives, with whom I was in correspondence, and who, I suppose, persuaded my father, or rather mother, to help me with at least a small amount in this first enterprise of mine.

This journey was, one might say, the only successful of all my adventures, which I owe to the disinterestedness and honesty of my friend the captain, under whose guidance I, in addition, acquired a fair amount of knowledge in mathematics and navigation, learned to keep a ship's log, make observations and generally learned there are many things that a sailor needs to know. He enjoyed working with me, and I enjoyed learning. In a word, during this journey I became a sailor and a merchant: I got five pounds nine ounces of gold dust for my goods, for which, on my return to London, I received almost three hundred pounds sterling. This fortune filled me with ambitious dreams, which later completed my doom.

But even on this journey, many hardships fell on my lot, and most importantly, I fell ill all the time, seizing the strongest dengue fever (A disease of a hot climate, to which natives of colder countries and, consequently, Europeans are mainly affected. One of the manifestations of this disease is remarkable: to the sick the sea seems to be a verdant field, and sometimes it happens that, wanting to walk on this field, a person jumps into the water and perishes.) due to the too hot climate, for the coast where we traded most lies between the fifteenth degree of northern latitude and the equator.

So I became a merchant, trading with Guinea. Since, to my misfortune, my friend the captain died soon after his arrival in his homeland, I decided to go again "to Guinea on my own. I sailed from England on the same ship, the command of which was now transferred to the assistant of the deceased captain. It was the most unfortunate journey that a man ever undertook. True, I did not take with me even a hundred pounds of acquired capital, and gave the remaining two hundred pounds to the widow of my dead friend, who disposed of them very conscientiously; It began with the fact that one day at dawn our ship, which was heading for the Canary Islands, or rather between the Canary Islands and the African mainland, was taken by surprise by a Turkish corsair from Saleh, who pursued us with all sails. We also raised the sails, what our yardarms and masts could withstand, but seeing that the pirate was overtaking us and would inevitably overtake us in a few hours, we prepared for battle (we had twelve guns ek, and he has eighteen). About three o'clock in the afternoon he overtook us, but by mistake, instead of approaching us from the stern, as he intended, he approached from the side. We aimed eight cannons at him and fired a volley at him, after which he moved a little further away, having previously answered our fire not only with a cannon, but also with a rifle volley of two hundred guns, since he had up to two hundred people on him. However, we did not hurt anyone: our ranks remained closed. Then the pirate prepared for a new attack, and we prepared for a new defense. Approaching us this time from the other side, he boarded us: about sixty people burst onto our deck, and everyone rushed to cut the tackle first. We met them with rifle fire, spears and hand grenades and twice cleared our deck of them. However, as our ship was rendered unusable and three of our men were killed and eight wounded, in conclusion (I will cut this sad part of my story short) we were forced to surrender, and we were taken as prisoners to Saleh, the sea port belonging to the Moors.

My fate turned out to be less terrible than I feared at first. I was not taken, like the rest of our people, inland to the court of the Sultan; the captain of the robber ship kept me as a slave, because I was young, agile, and fit for him. This striking change in fate, which had turned me from a merchant into a miserable slave, literally crushed me, and then I remembered my father’s prophetic words that the time would come when there would be no one to rescue me from trouble and console me - words that, I thought, , so exactly came true now, when the right hand of God punished me and I perished irrevocably. But alas! it was only a pale shadow of those severe trials through which I had to pass, as the continuation of my story will show.

Since my new master, or more precisely, the master took me to his house, I hoped that, going on the next voyage, he would take me with him. I was sure that sooner or later some Spanish or Portuguese ship would catch him, and then my freedom would be returned. But my hope soon dissipated, for, having gone out to sea, he left me to look after his garden and in general to perform the menial work assigned to slaves in the household; on returning from the cruise, he ordered me to sit on the ship, in the cabin, to look after him.

From that day on, I thought of nothing but escape, thinking of ways to fulfill my dream, but I did not find one that gave even the slightest hope of success. And it was difficult to imagine the likelihood of success in such an enterprise, because I had no one to trust, no one to seek help from - there was not a single slave like me. not a single Englishman, not a single Irish or Scot - I was completely alone; so that for two whole years (although during this time I often indulged in dreams of freedom) I had not the slightest hope of carrying out my plan. But after the lapse of two years, one extraordinary event presented itself, reviving in my soul my long-standing thought of escaping, and I again decided to make an attempt to break free. Somehow my master stayed at home longer than usual and did not equip his ship (on account of the need for money, as I heard). During this period, he constantly, once or twice a week, and in good weather more often, went out in a ship's boat to the seaside to fish. On every such trip, he took me and a young Moor as rowers, and we entertained him as much as we could. And since I, moreover, turned out to be a very skillful fisherman, sometimes he sent me with a boy - Maresco, as they called him - under the supervision of one adult Moor, his relative.

And then one quiet morning we went to the seaside. When we sailed, a fog rose so thick that we lost sight of the coast, although it was not a mile and a half from us. We began to row at random; after rowing all day and all night, we saw the open sea all around us at dawn, because instead of taking it to the shore, we sailed at least six miles from it. At last we reached the house, though not without difficulty and with some danger, as a rather fresh wind blew in the morning; we were all very hungry.

Taught by this adventure, my master decided to be more circumspect in the future, and announced that he would never again go fishing without a compass and without a supply of provisions. After the capture of our ship, he kept our longboat for himself and now ordered his ship's carpenter, also an English slave, to build on this longboat in its middle part a small cabin or cabin, like on a barge, behind which to leave room for one person who will steer and manage the mainsail, and in front - for two to fasten and remove the rest of the sails, of which the jib fell over the roof of the cabin. The cabin was low and very comfortable, so spacious that it could sleep three and put a table and cupboards for provisions, in which my master kept bread, rice, coffee and bottles of those drinks that he intended to drink on the way.

We often went for fish on this longboat, and since I was the most skilful angler, the owner never left without me. Once he was going on a journey (for fish or just a ride - I can’t say) with two or three important Moors, having prepared more provisions for this trip than usual and sent it to the longboat in the evening. In addition, he ordered me to take three guns with the necessary amount of gunpowder and charges from him on the ship, since, in addition to catching fish, they also wanted to hunt.

I did everything as he ordered, and the next morning I waited on the barge, washed clean and completely ready to receive guests, with pennants and flag raised. However, the owner came alone and said that his guests had postponed the trip because of some unexpected turn of business. Then he ordered the three of us - me, the boy and the Moor - to go, as always, to the seaside for fish, since his friends would have dinner with him, and therefore, as soon as we caught the fish, I should bring it to his house. I obeyed.

It was here that my old thought of liberation flashed again in my mind. Now I had a small vessel at my disposal, and as soon as the owner left, I began to prepare - but not for fishing, but for a long journey, although I not only did not know, but did not even think about where I would direct my path: every road was good for me, if only to get out of captivity.

My first trick was to convince the Moor that we needed to stock up on food, since we had no right to count on refreshments from the master's table. He replied that it was true, and dragged a large basket of biscuits and three jugs of fresh water onto the boat. I knew where the host had a box of wines (captured, as the labels on the bottles showed, from some English ship), and while the Moor was on the shore, I ferried them all onto the launch and put them in a cabinet, as if they were even earlier prepared for the owner. In addition, I brought a large piece of wax, fifty pounds in weight, and took a skein of yarn, an ax, a saw and a hammer. All this was very useful to us later, especially the wax from which we made candles. I resorted to yet another trick, which the Moor also fell for by the simplicity of his soul. His name was Ishmael, and everyone called him Moli or Muli. So I said to him: “Moly, we have the master’s guns on the launch. What if you got a little gunpowder and charges? Maybe we could shoot two or three alcoves for dinner (a bird in the genus of our sandpiper). The master keeps gunpowder and shot on the ship, I know." - "All right, I'll bring it," he said, and brought a large leather bag of gunpowder (a pound and a half in weight, if not more) and another with a shot of five or six pounds. He also took bullets. We put all this in a boat. In addition, in the master's cabin there was a little more gunpowder, which I poured into one of the large bottles that were in the box, having previously poured the rest of the wine from it. Having stocked up in this way with everything necessary for the road, we left the harbor to fish. The watchtower that stands at the entrance to the harbor knew who we were, and our ship did not attract attention. When we were no more than a mile from the shore, we took away the sail and began to prepare for fishing. The wind was north-north-east, which did not suit my plans, because, blowing from the south, I could certainly sail to the Spanish coast, at least to Cadiz; but no matter where the wind now blew, one thing I firmly decided: to get away from this terrible place, and leave the rest to fate.

After thinking for a while and not catching anything - I deliberately did not pull out the fishing rod when the fish pecked at me so that the Moor would not see anything - I climbed to him: "Here, things will not work for us; the owner will not thank us for such a catch. We must move away." Not suspecting a trick on my part, the Moor agreed, and since he was on the bow of the longboat, he set the sails. I got on the helm, and when the longboat had gone another three miles into the open sea, I lay down to drift, as if in order to start fishing. Then, handing over the helm to the boy, I approached the Moor from behind, bent down, as if looking at something, and suddenly grabbed him by the torso and threw him overboard. He immediately surfaced, because he was swimming like a cork, and with shouts he began to beg me to take him on a longboat, promising that he would go with me even to the ends of the world. He swam so fast that he would have overtaken me very soon, since there was almost no wind. Then I went to the cabin, took a gun there and aimed at him, saying that I did not wish him harm and would not harm him if he left me alone. “You swim well,” I continued, “the sea is quiet, so it doesn’t cost you anything to swim to the shore, and I won’t touch you; but just try to swim close to the longboat, and I’ll instantly shoot you through the skull, because I firmly decided take back your freedom." Then he turned towards the shore and, I am sure, swam to it without any difficulty, as he was an excellent swimmer.

Of course, I could have thrown the boy into the sea and taken this Moor with me, but the latter could not be relied upon. When he sailed far enough, I turned to the boy (his name was Xuri) and said to him: "Xuri! If you are faithful to me, I will make you a big man, but if you do not stroke your face as a sign that you will not cheat on me ( i.e., you will not swear by the beard of Mohammed and his father), I will throw you into the sea." The boy smiled, looking straight into my eyes, and answered so frankly that I could not help but believe him. He swore that he would be faithful to me and would go with me to the ends of the world.

Until the floating Moor was out of sight, I kept straight out to sea, tacking against the wind. I did it on purpose to show that we are going to the Strait of Gibraltar (as, obviously, every sane person would think). Indeed: could it be supposed that we intended to head south, to those truly barbaric shores, where whole hordes of Negroes with their shuttles would surround and kill us, where we had only to set foot on the ground, and we would be torn to pieces by predatory animals or even more ruthless wild beings in human form?

But as soon as it began to get dark, I changed course and began to rule south, deviating slightly to the east so as not to be too far from the coast. Thanks to a rather fresh breeze and the absence of rough seas, we made such good progress that the next day at three o'clock in the afternoon, when land first appeared ahead, we were no less than a hundred and fifty miles south of Saleh, far beyond the borders of the possessions of the Moroccan Sultan. , and any other of the local lords; at least we didn't see a single person.

But I acquired such fear from the Moors and was so afraid of falling into their hands again that, taking advantage of the favorable wind, I sailed for five whole days without stopping, without landing on the shore and without dropping anchor. Five days later the wind changed to the south, and since, according to my considerations, if there was a pursuit behind us, then, without catching up with us so far, our pursuers should have already abandoned it, I decided to approach the shore and stood on anchor at the mouth of a small river. What kind of river it was and where it flows, in what country, among what people and under what latitude - I have no idea. I did not see people on the shore, and did not want to see; I only needed to stock up on fresh water. We entered this bay in the evening and decided, when it got dark, to swim to the shore and explore the area. But as soon as it got dark, we heard such terrible sounds from the shore - such a frantic roar, barking and howling of unknown wild animals, that the poor boy almost died of fear and began to beg me not to go ashore until daylight. "All right, Xuri," I said to him, "but maybe in the daytime we'll see people there, from whom we will have, perhaps, even worse than from tigers and lions." - "And we will shoot at them with a gun," he said with a laugh, "they will run away. "(From the English slaves, Xuri learned to speak broken English language.) I was glad that the boy was so cheerful, and in order to maintain this good spirits in him, I gave him a glass of wine from the master's stocks. His advice, in fact, was not bad, and I followed it. We dropped anchor and hid all night. I say: hiding, because we didn’t sleep for a minute. Two or three hours after we dropped anchor, we saw huge animals on the shore (which we ourselves did not know): they came up to the very shore, threw themselves into the water, splashed and floundered, wanting, obviously, to freshen up, and at they squealed, roared and howled so disgustingly as I had never heard in my life.

Xuri was terrified, yes, to tell the truth, so was I. But both of us were even more frightened when we heard that one of these monsters was sailing towards our longboat; we did not see it, but from the way it puffed and snorted, we could conclude that it was a ferocious animal of monstrous proportions. Xuri claimed that it was a lion (perhaps it was so - at least I'm not sure otherwise), and shouted for us to raise anchor and get out of here. "No, Xuri," I answered, "there is no need for us to raise the anchor; we will only etch a longer rope and go out to sea: they will not chase us there." But before I had time to say this, I saw an unknown animal at a distance of some two oars from the longboat. I confess that I was a little taken aback, but immediately grabbed a gun in the cabin, and as soon as I fired, the animal turned back and swam to the shore.

It is impossible to describe what a hellish roar and howl rose on the shore and further, in the depths of the mainland, when my shot rang out. This gave me some reason to suppose that the local animals had never heard this sound. I was finally convinced that we had nothing to think about landing in these places during the night, but whether it would be possible to risk landing in the daytime was also a question: falling into the hands of some savage is no better than falling into the claws of a lion or a tiger; at least this danger frightened us no less.

But one way or another, here or elsewhere, we had to go ashore, since we didn't have a pint of water left. But again, the question is: where and how to land? Xuri announced that if I let him ashore with a jug, he will try to get fresh water and bring it to me. And when I asked him why he should go instead of me, and why he should not stay in the boat, there was such a deep feeling in the boy's answer that he bribed me forever. "If wild people come," he said, "they will eat me, and you will remain intact." "So, Xuri," I said, "let's go together, and if wild people come, we'll kill them, and they won't eat you or me." I gave the boy some biscuits to eat and a sip of wine from the master's stock, of which I have already spoken; then we pulled ourselves closer to the ground and, jumping into the water, went to the shore for a ford, taking with us nothing but a weapon and two jugs for water.

I did not want to move away from the coast, so as not to lose sight of the longboat, fearing that savages would come down the river to us in their pirogues; but Xuri, noticing a low land about a mile from the shore, wandered thither with a pitcher. Suddenly I saw him running back towards me. Thinking whether the savages were chasing him or whether he was afraid of a predatory beast, I rushed to his aid, but, running closer, I saw that something large was hanging over his shoulder. It turned out that he killed some kind of animal in the genus of our hare, but of a different color and with longer legs. We were both glad of this good fortune, and the meat of the slaughtered animal turned out to be very tasty; but the main joy with which Xuri ran to me was that he found good fresh water and did not see wild people.

Then it turned out that we didn’t have to make such a fuss to get fresh water: in the very river where we stood, only a little higher, the water was completely fresh, since the tide did not go very far into the river. So, having filled our jugs, we made a feast of a dead hare and prepared to continue our journey without discovering any traces of a person in this area.

Since I had already visited these places once, I was well aware that the Canary Islands and the Cape Verde Islands were not far from the mainland. But now I had no instruments with me for observing, and I could not, therefore, determine at what latitude we were; on the other hand, I did not know exactly, or at least did not remember, at what latitude these islands lie; thus, I did not know where to look for them and when exactly I should turn into the open sea in order to head towards them; if I knew this, it would not be difficult for me to get to one of them. But I hoped that if I kept along the coast until I got to that part of the country where the English trade on the coast, I would in all probability meet some English merchant ship on its usual voyage that would pick us up.

By all my calculations, we were now opposite that coastal strip that stretches between the possessions of the Moroccan Sultan and the lands of the Negroes. This is a deserted, deserted region, inhabited only by wild Beasts: the Negroes, fearing the Moors, left it and went further south, and the Moors found it unprofitable to settle here because of the barrenness of the soil; rather, that both were scared away by tigers, lions, leopards and other predators that are found here in myriad numbers. Thus, for the Moors, this region serves only as a hunting ground, to which they go in whole armies, two, three thousand each. It is not surprising, therefore, that for almost a hundred miles we saw only a deserted, deserted country during the day, and at night heard nothing but the howl and roar of wild doors.

Twice in the daytime it seemed to me that I saw in the distance the peak of Tenerife - the highest peak of Mount Tenerife, in the Canary Islands. I even tried to turn into the sea in the hope of getting there, but both times the opposite wind and heavy seas, dangerous to my fragile boat, forced me to turn back, so in the end I decided not to deviate any more from my original plan and keep along shores.

After we left the mouth of the river, I was forced several times to land on the shore to replenish fresh water. Early one morning we anchored under the protection of a rather high promontory and waited for the full tide, which was already beginning to come closer to the shore. Suddenly Xuri, whose eyes seemed to be sharper than mine, called me softly and, in response to my question, said that it was better for us to move away from the shore:

"Look, what a terrible beast lies over there on a hillock and sleeps soundly." I looked where he was pointing, and indeed I saw a monster. It was a huge lion lying on the slope of the bank in the shadow of an overhanging hill. "Listen, Xuri," I said, "go ashore and kill that beast." The boy looked at me in fright and said: "I have to kill him! Yes, he will swallow me in one go" (swallow it whole - he wanted to say). I did not object to him, I only told him not to move) taking the largest gun, almost equal to a musket in caliber, I loaded it with two pieces of lead and a decent amount of gunpowder; into another I rolled two large bullets, and into the third (we had three guns) five smaller bullets. Taking the first gun and taking a good "aiming at the beast's head, I shot; but he lay in such a position (covering his muzzle with his paw) that the charge hit his leg and broke the bone above the knee. The beast jumped up with a growl, but, feeling pain in the broken leg , immediately fell off; then he rose again on three legs and let out such a terrible roar as I had never heard in my life. I was a little surprised that I didn’t hit him in the head; however, without a moment’s delay, I took the second gun and fired after the beast, as it hobbled away from the shore, this time the charge hit right on the target. I was pleased to see how the lion fell and, barely making some faint sounds, began to writhe in the fight against death. Then Xuri plucked up courage and "All right, go," I said. The boy jumped into the water and swam to the shore, working with one hand and holding the gun in the other. Coming close to the prostrate beast, he put the muzzle of the gun to his ear and fired again, finishing it off like this.

The game was noble, but inedible, and I was very sorry that we had wasted three charges. But Xuri announced that he would profit from a dead lion, and when we got back to the longboat, he asked me for an axe. "Why do you need an axe?" I asked. "Chop off his head," he replied. However, he could not chop off the head, but only cut off the paw, which he brought with him. She was of monstrous proportions.

Then it occurred to me that maybe we could use the skin of a lion, and I decided to try to take it off. We went with Xuri to work, but I did not know how to start it. Xuri was much more dexterous than me. This work took us all day. Finally, the skin was removed; we stretched it out on the roof of our cabin; two days later the sun dried it, and afterwards it served me as a bed.

After this stop, we continued to head south for another ten or twelve days, trying as economically as possible to spend our supply of provisions, which began to quickly deplete, and going ashore only for fresh water. I wanted to get to the mouth of the Gambia or Senegal, or in general to some kind of parking lot, not far from Cape Verde, because I hoped to meet some European ship here: I knew that if I did not meet him, I would only have to go in search of the islands , or die here among the blacks. I knew that all European ships, wherever they go - to the shores of Guinea, to Brazil or to the East Indies - pass by Cape Verde or the islands of the same name: in a word, I put my whole fate on this card, realizing that either I will meet a European ship, or I will die.

So, for another ten days I continued to carry out my intention. Then I began to notice that the coast was inhabited: in two or three places we saw people on the coast, who, in turn, looked at us. We could also discern that they were pitch black and naked. Once I wanted to go ashore to them, but Xuri, my wise adviser, said:

"Don't go, don't go." Nevertheless, I began to keep closer to the shore so that I could enter into conversation with them. They must have understood my intention and ran for a long time along the coast for our longboat. I noticed that they were unarmed, except for one who held a long, thin stick in his hand. Xuri told me that it was a necklace and that the savages throw their spears very far and remarkably well; so I kept a certain distance from them and made signs to them as far as I could, trying mainly to make them understand that we needed food. They, in turn, began to make signs to me that I should stop my boat and that they would bring us something to eat. As soon as I lowered the sail and drifted, two blacks ran somewhere inland and in half an hour or less brought back two pieces of jerky and a little grain of some local cereal. We did not know what kind of meat it was and what kind of grain, but we expressed our full readiness to accept both. But here arose new question: how to get all this? We did not dare to go ashore, being afraid of the savages, and they, in turn, were afraid of us no less. Finally, they came up with a way out of this difficulty. equally safe for both sides: having piled grain and meat on the shore, they moved away and stood motionless until we transported it all to the longboat; and then returned to their original place.

We thanked them with signs, because we had nothing else to thank. But at this very moment we had an opportunity to render them a great service. Before we had time to move away from the coast, when suddenly two huge beasts ran out of the mountains and rushed straight to the sea. One of them, as it seemed to us, was chasing the Other: whether it was a male chasing a female, whether they played among themselves, or squabbled, we could not make out, just as we could not say whether this was a common occurrence in those places, or an exceptional case; I think, however, that the latter was more true, because, firstly, predatory animals are rarely shown during the day, and secondly, we noticed that the people who were on the shore, especially women, were terribly frightened. Only the man holding the spear or javelin remained where he was; the rest started to run. But the animals flew straight to the sea and did not attempt to attack the blacks. They threw themselves into the water and began to swim, as if bathing was the only purpose of their appearance. Suddenly one of them swam quite close to the longboat. I didn't expect it; nevertheless, having quickly loaded my gun and ordered Xuri to load both others, I prepared to meet the enemy as soon as he approached us within gunshot distance, I pulled the trigger, and the bullet hit him right in the head at the same moment he sank into the water, then surfaced and swam back to the shore, now disappearing under water, then reappearing on the surface. He apparently struggled with death, choking on water and bleeding from a mortal wound. and, not having swum a little to the shore, he died.

It is impossible to convey how amazed the poor savages were when they heard the crack and saw the fire of a rifle shot: some of them almost died of fear and fell to the ground as if dead. But, seeing that the beast had gone to the bottom and that I was making signs to them to come closer, they took courage and went into the water to pull out the killed beast. I found him by the bloody spots on the water and, throwing a rope over him, threw the end of it to the blacks, and they pulled him to the shore. The animal turned out to be a leopard of a rare breed with a spotted skin of extraordinary beauty. The Negroes, standing over him, raised their hands in astonishment: they could not understand what I had killed him with.

Another animal, frightened by the fire and the crackle of my shot, jumped ashore and fled back into the mountains; because of the distance, I could not make out what kind of animal it was. Meanwhile, I noticed that the Negroes are very eager to eat the meat of a dead leopard, and will decide to arrange it as if they received it as a gift from me. I showed them by signs that they could take it for themselves. They thanked me very much and, wasting no time, set to work. Although they did not have knives, however, acting with sharpened pieces of wood, they skinned a dead animal as quickly and deftly as we would not have done this with a knife. They offered me meat; but I refused the meat, making a sign to them that I was giving it to them, and asked only for the skin, which they gave me very willingly. In addition, they brought me a new supply of provisions, much more than before. and I took it, although I did not know what supplies it was. Then I asked them for water by signs: holding out one of our jugs, I turned it upside down to show that it was empty and that it needed to be filled. They immediately shouted something to their own. A little later, two women appeared with a large vessel of water made of baked (must have been in the sun) clay and left it on the shore, as well as provisions. I sent Xuri with all of our jugs and he filled all three with water. The women were completely naked, as were the men.

Having thus stocked up on water, roots and grain, I parted from the hospitable Negroes and for another eleven days continued my journey in the same direction, without approaching the shore. Finally, fifteen miles ahead, I saw a narrow strip of land jutting out into the sea. The weather was calm, and I turned into the open sea to go around this spit. At the moment when we drew level with its tip, I clearly distinguished another strip of land six miles from the coast from the ocean side and concluded quite thoroughly that the narrow spit was Cape Verde, and the strip of land was the islands of the same name. But they were very far away, and, not daring to go towards them, I did not know what to do. I understood that if a fresh wind caught me, then I, perhaps, would not swim to either the island or the cape.

Puzzling over the solution of this question, I sat down for a minute in the cabin, leaving Xuri to steer, when suddenly I heard him cry: "Master! Master! Sail! Ship!" The naive youth was scared to death imagining. that it must certainly be one of his master's ships sent after us in pursuit; but I knew how far we had gone from the Moors, and I was sure that we could not be threatened from that direction. I jumped out of the cabin and immediately not only saw the ship, but even discerned that it was a Portuguese ship, heading, in my opinion, to the coast of Guinea for the Negroes. But, looking more closely, I was convinced that the ship was going in a different direction and did not think of turning to the land. Then I raised all the sails and turned to the open sea, determined to do everything possible to enter into intercourse with him.

However, I soon became convinced that, even if we were going at full speed, we would not have time to get close to it and that it would pass by before we could give it a signal; but at that moment, when I was already beginning to despair, they must have seen us from the ship through a telescope and assumed that this was a boat from some kind of lost European ship. The ship lowered her sails to let us approach. This encouraged me. We had a stern flag on the longboat from our former master's ship, and I began to wave this flag to indicate that we were in distress, and, in addition, fired a gun. They saw the flag and the smoke from the shot (they did not hear the shot itself); the ship lay adrift, waiting for our approach, and three hours later we moored to it.

I was asked who I was in Portuguese, Spanish and French, but I did not know any of these languages. Finally, one sailor, a Scot, spoke to me in English, and I explained to him that I was an Englishman and had escaped from the Moors from Saleh, where I was kept in captivity. Then my companion and I were invited to the ship and received very kindly with all our goodness.

It is easy to imagine with what inexpressible joy the consciousness of freedom filled me after that disastrous and almost hopeless situation in which I found myself. I immediately offered all my possessions to the captain as a reward for my deliverance, but he generously refused, saying that he would not take anything from me and that all my things would be returned to me intact as soon as we arrived in Brazil. “I saved your life,” he added, “because I myself would be glad if I were in your position. And this can always happen. Besides, we will bring you to Brazil, and it is very far from your homeland, and you will starve to death there if I take away your possessions. Why, then, was I to save you? No, no, señor inglese (i.e., Englishman), I will take you free to Brazil, and your things will give you the opportunity live there and pay your fare back to your homeland."

The captain was generous not only in words, but also kept his promise exactly. He ordered that none of the sailors dare touch my property, then he made a detailed inventory of all my property and took it all under his supervision, and handed over the inventory to me so that later, upon arrival in Brazil, I could get every thing on it, up to three clay ladles.

As for my launch, the captain, seeing that it was very good, said that he would gladly buy it from me for his ship, and asked how much I wanted to get for it. To which I replied that he had treated me so generously in all respects that I would by no means set prices for my boat, but would leave it entirely to him. Then he said that he would give me a written undertaking to pay eighty piastres for it in Brazil, but that if someone offered me more when I arrived there, he would give me more. In addition, he offered me sixty gold pieces for Xuri. I was very reluctant to take this money, and not because I was afraid to give the boy to the captain, but because I was sorry to sell the freedom of the poor fellow, who so devotedly helped me get it myself. I put all these considerations to the captain, and he acknowledged their validity, but advised not to refuse the deal, saying that he would give the boy an undertaking to release him into the wild in ten years if he converted to Christianity. It changed things. And since, moreover, Xuri himself expressed a desire to go to the captain, I gave him up.

Our passage to Brazil was accomplished quite safely, and after a twenty-two days' voyage we entered the bay of Todos los Santos, or All Saints. So, once again I had got rid of the most miserable situation in which a person could fall, and now it remained for me to decide what to do with myself.

I will never forget the generous attitude towards me of the captain of the Portuguese ship. He charged me nothing for the journey, returned all my things to me in the most careful manner, and gave me forty ducats for a lion's skin and twenty for a leopard's skin, and generally bought everything I wanted to sell, including a case of wine, two guns, and the rest of wax (part of which went to our candles). In a word, I got two hundred and twenty pieces of gold, and with this capital I landed on the coast of Brazil.

Soon the captain took me to the house of one of his acquaintances, a man as kind and honest as himself. He was the owner of an ingenio, that is, a sugar plantation and a sugar factory. I lived with him for quite a long time and, thanks to this, got acquainted with the culture of sugar cane and sugar production. Seeing how well the planters live and how quickly they grow rich, I decided to apply for permission to settle here permanently and take up this business myself. At the same time, I was trying to think of some way to extort from London the money I had kept there. When I succeeded in obtaining Brazilian citizenship, I would buy a plot of uncultivated land with all my available money and began to plan my future plantation and estate, in accordance with the amount of money that I expected to receive from London.

I had a neighbor, a Portuguese from Lisbon, an Englishman by origin, by the name of Welz. He was in approximately the same conditions as me. I call him neighbor because his plantation was adjacent to mine. We were on the most friendly terms with him. I have, like him. working capital was very small; and for the first two years we were both barely able to subsist on our plantations. But as the land was cultivated, we grew richer, so that in the third year part of our land was planted with tobacco, and we cut up a large plot for sugar cane by the next year. But we both needed working hands, and then it became clear to me how imprudently I had acted in parting with the Xuri boy.

But alas! I have never been distinguished by prudence, and it is not surprising that I calculated so badly this time. Now I had no choice but to continue in the same spirit. I forced a business around my neck that had nothing to do with my natural inclinations, the exact opposite of the life I dreamed of, for the sake of which I left my parents' house and neglected my father's advice. Moreover, I myself came to that golden mean, to that highest stage of modest existence, which my father advised me to choose and which I could achieve with the same success, remaining in my homeland and not tiring myself of wandering around the wide world. How often did I tell myself now that I could do the same in England, living among friends, without going five thousand miles from my homeland, to foreigners and savages, to a wild country where even the news of those parts of the world where I am little known!

Such are the bitter thoughts about my fate that I indulged in Brazil. Apart from my neighbour, the planter, with whom I occasionally saw, I had no one to exchange a word with; all the work I had to do with my own hands, and I used to constantly repeat that I was living on a desert island, and complained that there was not a single human soul around. How justly fate punished me, when afterwards it really threw me on a desert island, and how useful it would be for each of us, comparing our present situation with another, even worse, to remember that Providence can at any moment make an exchange and show us experience how happy we were before! Yes, I repeat, fate punished me according to merit when it doomed me to that really lonely life on a bleak island, with which I so unfairly compared my then life, which, if I had had the patience to continue the work I had begun, would probably have led me to wealth. and happiness...

My plans for the sugar plantation were already in some certainty by the time my benefactor, the captain who had picked me up at sea, was due to sail back to his homeland (his ship was in Brazil for about three months while he picked up new cargo on the way back). And so, when I told him that I had a small capital left in London, he gave me the following friendly and sincere advice:

“Señor ingleee,” he said (he always called me that), “give me a formal power of attorney and write to London to the person who keeps your money. Write to buy goods for you there (such as are sold in these parts ) and send them to Lisbon at the address that I will indicate to you, and I, God willing, will return and deliver them to you in one piece. times only a hundred pounds sterling, that is, half your capital. At first, risk only this. If this money returns to you with a profit, you can put the rest of the capital in the same way, and if it disappears, then you have at least there's at least something left to spare."

The advice was so good and so friendly that it seemed to me that it was impossible to think of a better one, and I can only follow it. Therefore, I did not hesitate to give the captain a power of attorney, as he wished, and prepared a letter to the widow of an English captain, to whom I had once given money to keep an owl.

I described to her in detail all my adventures: I told her how I got into captivity, how I escaped, how I met a Portuguese ship at sea, and how the captain treated me humanely. In conclusion, I described my present position to her and gave the necessary instructions regarding the purchase of goods for me. My friend the captain immediately on his arrival in Lisbon, through English merchants, sent an order for goods to a local merchant in London. adding to it the most detailed description of my adventures. The London merchant immediately handed over both letters to the widow of the English captain, and she not only gave him the required amount, but also sent a rather tidy sum from herself to the Portuguese captain in the form of a gift for his humane and sympathetic attitude towards me.

Having bought all my hundred pounds of English goods, according to the instructions of my friend the captain, the London merchant sent them to him in Lisbon, and he delivered them safely to me in Brazil. Among other things, he already on his own initiative (for I was so new in my business that it did not even occur to me) brought me all kinds of agricultural implements, as well as all kinds of household utensils. These were all things necessary for work on the plantation, and they were all very useful to me.

When my shipment arrived, I was overjoyed and considered my future secure from now on. My good guardian, the captain, among other things, brought me a worker, whom he hired with an obligation to serve me for six years. For this purpose, he spent his own five pounds, received as a gift from my friend, the widow of an English captain. He flatly refused any compensation, and I persuaded him only to accept a small bale of tobacco as the fruit of my own economy.

And that was not all. Since the entire load of my goods consisted of English manufactured goods - linen, baize, cloth, in general, such things as were especially appreciated and required in this country, I was able to sell it at a big profit; in a word, when everything was sold out, my capital quadrupled. By this, I was far ahead of my poor neighbor in the development of the plantation, for my first business after the sale of goods was to buy a Negro slave and hire another European worker besides the one brought to me by the captain from Lisbon.

But the misuse of material goods is often the surest way to the greatest misfortunes. So it was with me. The following year I continued to cultivate my plantation with great success, and collected fifty bales of tobacco, over and above what I gave to my neighbors in exchange for necessaries. All these fifty bales, weighing over a hundred pounds each, lay dried with me, quite ready for the arrival of ships from Lisbon. So my business grew; but as I got richer, my head was filled with plans and projects that were completely unrealizable with the means at my disposal: in short, these were the kind of projects that often ruin the best businessmen.

If I had remained in the field that I myself had chosen, I would probably have waited for those joys of life, about which my father spoke so convincingly to me, as constant companions of a quiet, solitary existence and an average social position. But a different fate was prepared for me: as before, I was destined to be the cause of all my misfortunes. And just to aggravate my lethargy and add bitterness to the reflections on my fate, reflections on which, in my sad future, I was given too much leisure, all my failures were caused solely by my passion for wandering, which I indulged in with reckless obstinacy, while the bright prospect of useful and happy life I had only to continue what I had begun, to take advantage of those worldly blessings that providence so generously lavished on me, and to fulfill my duty.

As it happened to me once when I ran away from my parents' house, so now I could not be satisfied with the present. I gave up the hope of achieving prosperity, perhaps wealth, by working on my plantation - all because I was overwhelmed by the desire to get rich sooner than circumstances allowed. Thus, I plunged myself into the deepest abyss of misfortune, into which probably no man has yet fallen, and from which it is hardly possible to get out alive and well.

I turn now to the details of this part of my adventures. Having lived in Brazil for almost four years and greatly increased my wealth, I, of course, not only learned the local language, but also made great acquaintances with my neighbor planters, as well as with merchants from San Salvador, the port city closest to us. . Meeting with them, I often told them about my two trips to the shores of Guinea, about how trade is carried out with the Negroes there and how easy it is there for a trifle - for some kind of beads, knives, scissors, axes, glass and similar trifles - to get not only golden sand and ivory, but even a large number of Negro slaves to work in Brazil.

They listened to my stories very attentively, especially when it came to buying Negroes. At that time, it should be noted, the slave trade was very limited, and it required the so-called assiento, that is, permission from the Spanish or Portuguese king; therefore Negro slaves were rare and extremely expensive.

One day a large company of us gathered: I and several people of my acquaintances, planters and merchants, and we were talking animatedly on this topic. The next morning, three of my interlocutors came to me and announced that, having thought carefully about what I had told them the day before, they had come to me with a secret proposal. Then, after taking my word that everything I heard from them would remain between us, they told me that they all had plantations, like me, and that they needed nothing more than working hands. That is why they want to equip a ship to Guinea for the Negroes. But as the slave trade is difficult and it will be impossible for them to openly sell the Negroes on their return to Brazil, they think of limiting themselves to one voyage, bringing the Negroes secretly, and then dividing them among themselves for their plantations. The question was whether I would agree to go on board with them as a ship's clerk, that is, to take over the purchase of Negroes in Guinea. They offered me the same number of Negroes as others, and I did not have to invest a penny in this enterprise.

The temptation of this offer cannot be denied, if it were made to a person who did not have his own plantation, which needed supervision, in which considerable capital was invested, and which in time promised to bring a large income. But for me, the proprietor of such a plantation, who would only have to continue for another three or four years, having extorted the rest of my money from England - with this small additional capital, my fortune would reach three, four thousand pounds sterling and would continue to grow - for me to think of such a journey was the greatest folly.

But I was destined to become the culprit of my own death. As before I was unable to overcome my vagabond inclinations, and my father's good advice was in vain, so now I could not resist the proposal made to me. In a word, I answered the planters that I would gladly go to Guinea if, in my absence, they would take charge of my property and dispose of it according to my instructions in case I did not return. They solemnly promised me this, having sealed our agreement with a written commitment; I, for my part, made a formal will in the event of my death: my plantation and movable property I refused the Portuguese captain who saved my life, but with the proviso that he take only half of my personal property and send the rest to England.

In a word, I took every measure to preserve my personal property and maintain order on my plantation. If I had exercised even the slightest measure of such wise foresight in the matter of my own advantage, had I made an equally clear judgment about what I should and what I should not do, I probably would never have abandoned such a well-begun and promising enterprise, would not have neglected with such favorable prospects of success, and would not have embarked on a sea that is inseparable from danger and risk, not to mention the fact that I had special reasons to expect all sorts of troubles from the forthcoming voyage.

But I was hurried, and I rather blindly obeyed the suggestions of my imagination than the voice of reason. So, the ship was equipped, loaded with suitable goods, and everything was arranged by mutual agreement of the expedition members. At an unfortunate hour, September 1st, 1659, I boarded the ship. It was the very day on which, eight years ago, I ran away from my father and mother to Hull, the day I rebelled against parental authority and so foolishly disposed of my fate.

Our vessel had a capacity of about one hundred and twenty tons: it had six guns and fourteen crew members, not counting the captain, cabin boy and me. We did not have a heavy load, and it all consisted of various small things that are usually used for barter with negroes: scissors, knives, axes, mirrors, glass, shells, beads, and similar cheap stuff.

As already said, I boarded the ship on the 1st of September, and on the same day we weighed anchor. First we headed north along the coast of Brazil, expecting to turn towards the African mainland when we reached the tenth or twelfth degree of north latitude, such was the ordinary course of ships in those days. As long as we kept to our coasts, as far as Cape St. Augustine, the weather was fine, only too hot. From Cape St. Augustine we turned into the open sea and soon lost sight of the land. We were heading approximately for the island of Fernando de Noronha, that is, to the northeast. Fernando Island remained with us on the right hand. After a twelve-day voyage, we crossed the equator and were, according to the latest observations, under 7° 22 "north latitude, when suddenly a fierce squall hit us. It was a real hurricane. It began from the southeast, then went in the opposite direction and finally blew from the northeast with such terrifying force that for twelve days we could only rush on the wind and, surrendering to the will of fate, sail where the fury of the elements drove us. Needless to say, all these twelve days I was hourly expecting death, and no one on the ship had any chance of staying alive.

But our troubles were not limited to the fear of a storm: one of our sailors died of tropical fever, and two - a sailor and a cabin boy - were washed from the deck. On the twelfth day the storm began to subside, and the captain made as accurate a calculation as possible. It turned out that we were about eleven degrees north latitude, but that carried us twenty-two degrees west of Cape St. Augustine. We were now not far from the coast of Guiana or northern Brazil, beyond the Amazon River, and closer to the Orinoco River, more known in those parts under the name of the Great River. The captain asked for my advice as to where we should head. In view of the fact that the ship gave a leak and was hardly suitable for long-distance navigation, he thought it best to turn to the coast of Brazil.

But I resolutely rebelled against it. In the end, after examining the maps of the coasts of America, we came to the conclusion that as far as the Caribbean Islands we would not meet a single inhabited country where help could be found. We therefore decided to head for Barbados, which, according to our calculations, could be reached in two weeks, since we would have to deviate a little from the direct route so as not to get into the Gulf of Mexico. About the same to go to coast of Africa, there was no question: our ship needed to be repaired, and the crew needed to be replenished.

In view of the foregoing, we changed course and began to keep to the west-north-west. We expected to reach some of the islands belonging to England, and get help there. But fate judged otherwise. When we reached 12" 18" north latitude, a second storm overtook us. Just as swiftly as the first time, we rushed west and found ourselves far from the trade routes, so that even if we had not died from the fury of the waves, we anyway, there was little hope of returning to our homeland, and we would most likely have been eaten by savages.

One early morning, when we were in such distress - the wind still did not give up - one of the sailors shouted: "Land!", but before we could jump out of the cabin in the hope of finding out where we were, the ship ran aground. At the same moment, from a sudden stop, the water rushed onto the deck with such force that we already considered ourselves dead: we rushed headlong down into closed rooms, where we took refuge from splashes and foam.

It is difficult for anyone who has not been in a similar situation to imagine how desperate we have come. We didn't know where we were, what land we were nailed to, whether it was an island or a mainland, inhabited land or not. And as the storm continued to rage, albeit with less force, we did not even hope that our ship would hold out for several minutes without breaking into splinters; unless by some miracle the wind suddenly changes. In a word, we sat looking at each other and every minute expecting death, and each prepared for the transition to another world, because in this world we had nothing to do. Our only consolation was that, contrary to all expectations, the ship was still intact, and the captain indicated that the wind was beginning to die down.

But although it seemed to us that the wind had died down a little, yet the ship had run aground so thoroughly that there was no reason to think of moving it, and in this desperate situation we could only take care to save our lives at any cost. We had two boats; one hung astern, but during a storm it was smashed against the rudder, and then torn off and sunk or blown into the sea. We had nothing to rely on her. There was another boat left, but how to launch it? - it was a big question. And meanwhile it was impossible to linger: the ship could break in two at any moment; some even said that it had already cracked.

At this critical moment, the captain's mate approached the lifeboat and, with the help of the rest of the crew, threw her over the side; all of us, eleven people, got into the boat, put off and, entrusting ourselves to the mercy of God, gave ourselves up to the will of the raging waves; although the storm had subsided considerably, still terrible billows ran up on the shore, and the sea could rightly be called den vild Zee (wild sea), as the Dutch say.

Our situation was truly deplorable: we clearly saw that the boat could not withstand such excitement and that we would inevitably sink. We could not go on a sail: we did not have one, and anyway it would be useless to us. We rowed to the shore with a stone in our hearts, like people going to execution: we all knew very well that as soon as the boat came closer to the land, it would be blown into a thousand pieces by the surf. And, driven by the wind and current, betraying our soul to the mercy of God, we leaned on the oars, with our own hands bringing the moment of our death closer.

Whether the coast was rocky or sandy, steep or sloping, we did not know. Our only hope of salvation was a faint possibility of getting into some kind of bay or bay, or at the mouth of the river, where the waves were weaker and where we could take refuge under the shore on the windward side. But ahead there was nothing resembling a bay to be seen, and the closer we got to the shore, the more terrible the land seemed, more terrible than the sea itself.

When we moved away, or rather, we were carried, according to my calculation, about four miles from the place where our ship got stuck, suddenly a huge wave, the size of a mountain, ran from the stern onto our boat, as if about to bury us in the depths of the sea. In an instant he overturned our boat. We did not have time to shout: "God!" as we found ourselves under water, far from the boat and from each other.

Nothing can express the confusion that seized me when I plunged into the water. I'm a very good swimmer, but I couldn't surface right away and nearly suffocated. Only when the wave that had picked me up, having carried me a fair distance towards the shore, broke and rushed back, leaving me almost on land, half-dead from the water that I had swallowed, I took a breath and came to my senses. I had such self-control that, seeing myself closer to the ground than I expected, I got to my feet and ran headlong, hoping to reach the ground before another wave surged and picked me up, but soon I saw that I could not get away from it. ; the sea went uphill and caught up like an angry enemy, against which I had neither the strength nor the means. I could only, holding my breath, emerge onto the crest of the wave and swim to the shore as far as I could. My main concern was to cope as far as possible with the new wave so that, having brought me even closer to the shore, it would not drag me along in its return movement to the sea.

The oncoming wave buried me twenty feet, thirty feet under the water. I felt how I was picked up and with incredible force and speed was carried to the shore for a long time. I held my breath and swam with the current, helping him with all my might. I was almost suffocating when I suddenly felt that I was going up; soon, to my great relief, my hands and head were above the water, and although I could not stay on the surface for more than two seconds, I managed to catch my breath, and this gave me strength and courage. I was overwhelmed again, but this time I did not stay under water for so long. When the wave broke and went back, I did not let it carry me back and soon felt the bottom under my feet. I stood for a few seconds to catch my breath, and, gathering the rest of my strength, I again started running headlong towards the shore.

But even now I have not yet escaped the fury of the sea: two more times it drove me out, twice I was picked up by a wave and carried farther and farther, since in this place the coast was very sloping.

The last wave almost proved fatal to me: having picked me up, he carried me out, or rather threw me onto a rock with such force that I lost consciousness and found myself completely helpless: a blow to the side and chest completely cut off my breath, and if the sea swept me up again, I would inevitably choke. But I came to my senses just in time: seeing that now a wave would cover me again, I firmly clung to the ledge of my rock and, holding my breath, decided to wait until the wave subsided. Since the waves were not so high closer to the ground, I held out until she left. Then I started running again, and found myself so close to the shore that the next wave, although it rolled over me, could no longer swallow me and carry me back to the sea. Having run a little more, I, to my great joy, felt myself on land, climbed the coastal rocks and sank down on the grass. Here I was safe: the sea could not reach me.

Finding myself on earth safe and sound, I looked up to the sky, thanked God for saving my life, for which, just a few minutes ago, I had almost no hope. I think that there are no words that could describe with sufficient brightness the delight of the human soul, which has risen, so to speak, from the grave, and I am not at all surprised that when the criminal, already with a noose around his neck, at that very moment how he should be hung up on the gallows, a pardon is announced - I am not surprised, I repeat that at the same time a doctor is always present to bleed him, otherwise unexpected joy may shake the pardoned man too much and stop his heartbeat.

Suddenly, joy, like sorrow, deprives the mind.

I walked along the shore, raised my hands to the sky and made thousands of other gestures and movements that I can no longer describe. My whole being was, so to speak, absorbed in thoughts of my salvation. I thought about my comrades, who all drowned, and that not a single soul was saved except me; at least I never saw any of them again; there was no trace of them, except for three hats, one cap and two unpaired shoes thrown by the sea.

Looking in the direction where our ship was aground, I could hardly see it behind the high surf - it was so far away, and I said to myself: "God! by what miracle could I get to the shore?"

Having consoled myself with these thoughts about the safe deliverance from mortal danger, I began to look around to find out where I had ended up and what I should do first of all. My joyful mood immediately fell: I realized that although I was saved, I was not spared from further horrors and troubles. There was no dry thread left on me, there was nothing to change into; I had nothing to eat, I did not even have water to sustain my strength, and in the future I would either die of starvation or be torn to pieces by wild beasts. But worst of all, I had no weapons, so I could neither hunt game for my livelihood, nor defend myself from predators that would take it into their heads to attack me. In general, I had nothing but a knife, a pipe, and a box of tobacco. It was all my property. And, on reflection, I fell into such despair that for a long time, like a madman, I ran along the shore. When night fell, I asked myself with a sinking heart what awaited me if there were predatory animals here: after all, they always come out to prey at night.

The only thing I could then think of was to climb a thick, branchy tree that grew nearby, similar to a spruce, but with thorns, and sit on it all night, and when morning comes, decide what death is better to die, because I did not see opportunity to live in this place. I walked a quarter of a mile inland to see if I could find fresh water, and to my great joy I found a stream. Having drunk and put some tobacco in my mouth to quench my hunger, I went back to the tree, climbed it and tried to arrange myself in such a way that I would not fall down if I fell asleep. Then, for self-defense, I cut out a short bough, like a club, sat on my seat more tightly and, from extreme fatigue, fell asleep soundly. I slept as sweetly as I think few would in my place, and I never awoke from sleep so fresh and awake.

When I woke up, it was completely light: the weather cleared up, the wind died down, and the sea no longer raged, did not heave. But I was extremely struck by the fact that the ship found itself in a different place, almost at the very rock on which the wave hit me so hard: it must have been lifted from the shallows by the tide during the night and driven here. Now it stood no more than a mile from where I had spent the night, and as it kept almost straight, I decided to visit it in order to stock up on food and other necessary things.

Leaving my shelter and descending from the tree, I looked around again, and the first thing I saw was our boat, lying about two miles to the right, on the shore, where the sea had obviously thrown it. I went in that direction, thinking to reach it, but it turned out that a bay half a mile wide cut deep into the shore and blocked the way. Then I turned back, because it was more important for me to get on the ship as soon as possible, where I hoped to find something to support my existence.

In the afternoon the sea was quite calm, and the tide was so low that I managed to approach the ship on dry land for a quarter of a mile. Here I again felt an attack of deep grief, for it became clear to me that if we had remained on the ship, then everyone would have been alive: having weathered the storm, we would have safely crossed to the shore, and I would not have been, as now, an unfortunate creature, completely devoid of human society. At this thought, tears came into my eyes, but tears cannot help my grief, and I decided to get to the ship all the same. Undressing (as the day was unbearably hot), I entered the water. But when I swam up to the ship, a new difficulty arose: - how to climb it? He stood in a shallow place, all protruded from the water, and there was nothing to cling to. Twice I swam around him and the second time I noticed the rope (I am surprised that it did not immediately catch my eye). It hung so low above the water that, although with great difficulty, I managed to catch its end and climb it onto the forecastle of the ship. The ship leaked, and I found a lot of water in the hold; however, it was so bogged down as a keel in a sandy, or rather mudflat, that the stern was raised, and the bow almost touched the water. Thus, the entire aft part remained free of water, and everything that was piled up there did not get wet. I immediately discovered this, because, of course, I first of all wanted to know what of the things had been damaged and what had survived. It turned out, in the first place, that the entire supply of provisions was completely dry, and since I was tormented by hunger, I went to the pantry, stuffed my pockets with crackers and ate them on the go, so as not to lose time. In the wardroom I found a bottle of rum and took a few good sips from it, for I was in great need of refreshment for the work ahead.

First of all, I needed a boat to carry ashore those things that, in my opinion, I might need. However, it was useless to sit back and dream about what could not be obtained. Necessity refines ingenuity, and I quickly set to work. The ship had spare masts, topmasts and yardarms. Of these, I decided to build a raft. I chose a few lighter logs and threw them overboard, tying each one with a rope beforehand so that they would not be carried away. Then I went down from the ship, pulled four logs to me, tightly tied them together at both ends, fastening them on top with two or three short boards laid crosswise. My raft supported the weight of my body perfectly, but for a large load it was too light. Then I set to work again, and with the help of our ship's carpenter's saw, cut the spare mast into three pieces, which I fitted to my raft. This work cost me incredible efforts, but the desire to stock up on everything necessary for life supported me, and I did what, under other circumstances, I would not have had the strength to do.

Now my raft was strong enough to bear a fair amount of weight. My first task was to load it and keep my cargo safe from the surf. I thought about this for a short time. First of all, I put on the raft all the boards that were found on the ship: on these boards I lowered three chests belonging to our sailors, having previously broken the locks in them and emptied them. Then, having considered in my mind which of the things I might need the most, I selected these things and filled all three chests with them. In one I put food supplies: rice, crackers, three rounds of Dutch cheese, five large pieces of dried goat meat (which served us as the main meat food) and the remains of the grain that we carried for the bird that was on the ship and part of which remained, since we already ate a long time ago. It was barley mixed with wheat; to my great disappointment, it turned out to be spoiled by rats. I also found several crates of wine and five or six gallons of arak or rice brandy that belonged to our skipper. I put all these boxes directly on the raft, since they would not fit in the chests, and there was no need to hide them. Meanwhile, while I was busy loading, the tide came up, and to my great chagrin, I saw that my doublet, shirt and waistcoat, which I had left on the shore, were swept into the sea. Thus, from the dress I only had stockings and trousers (linen and short, to the knees), which I did not take off. This made me think about stocking up on clothes. There was plenty of every kind of dress on the ship, but for the time being I took only what was necessary at the given moment: I was much more tempted by many other things, and above all, working tools. After a long search, I found our carpenter's box, and it was for me a truly precious find, which I would not have given at that time for a whole ship of gold. I put this box on the raft, as it was, without even looking into it, since I knew approximately what tools it contained.

Now I just need to stock up on weapons and ammo. In the wardroom I found two excellent hunting rifles and two pistols, which I carried to the raft, along with a powder flask, a small bag of shot, and two old, rusty sabers. I knew that we had three barrels of gunpowder, but I did not know where our gunner kept them. However, after a good search, I found all three of them. One seemed wet, and two were completely dry, and I dragged them onto the raft, along with guns and sabers. Now my raft was loaded enough, and I began to think how I could get to the shore without a sail, without oars and without a rudder: after all, the weakest wind was enough to overturn my whole structure.

Three circumstances encouraged me: firstly, the complete absence of excitement at sea; secondly, the tide, which was supposed to drive me to the shore; thirdly, a small breeze, blowing also towards the shore and, therefore, fair. So, finding two or three broken oars from the ship's boat, taking two more saws, an ax and a hammer (besides the tools that were in the box), I set off to sea. For a mile or so my raft was going well; I only noticed that it was carried away from the place where the sea had thrown me the day before. This led me to the idea that there must be a coastal current and that, consequently, I could get into some kind of creek or river, where it would be convenient for me to land with my cargo.

As I expected, it happened. Soon a small cove opened up in front of me, and I was quickly carried towards it. I ruled as best I could, trying to keep to the middle of the current. But here, being a completely unfamiliar fairway of this bay, I almost suffered a second shipwreck, and if this happened, I really, it seems, would die of grief. My raft unexpectedly ran into a sandbank, and since its other edge had no point of support, it heeled heavily; a little more, and all my cargo would have moved in this direction and would have fallen into the water. I braced my back and hands against my trunks with all my strength, trying to hold them in place, but I could not push the raft off despite all my efforts. For half an hour, not daring to move, I stood in this position, until the rising water lifted the slightly lowered edge of the raft, and after a while the water rose even higher, and the raft itself went aground. Then I pushed off with an oar in the middle of the fairway and, giving myself up to the current, which was very fast here, I finally entered a bay, or rather, at the mouth of a small river with high banks. I began to look around, looking for where it would be better for me to land: I did not want to go too far from the sea, for I hoped to see a ship on it someday, and therefore I decided to stay as close to the shore as possible.

Finally, on the right bank, I spotted a tiny bay, towards which I directed my raft. With great difficulty I led it across the current and entered the bay, resting my oars on the bottom. But here again I risked dumping all my cargo: the coast was so steep here that if only my raft had run into it with one end, it would inevitably have tilted towards the water with the other, and my luggage would have been in danger. All I had to do was wait for more water to rise. Having looked out for a convenient place where the shore ended in a flat platform, I pushed the raft there and, resting against the bottom with an oar, kept it as if at anchor; I calculated that the tide would cover this area with water. And so it happened. When the water had risen sufficiently—my raft was sitting a full foot in the water—I pushed the raft onto the platform, secured it on both sides with oars, thrusting them into the bottom, and began to wait for the ebb. Thus, my raft with all the cargo was on a dry shore.

My next concern was to inspect the surroundings and choose a convenient place for my dwelling, where I could lay down my goods in safety from any accidents. I still did not know where I was: on the mainland or on an island, in a populated or in an uninhabited country; I didn't know if I was in danger from predatory beasts or not. About half a mile away I saw a hill, steep and high, which seemed to dominate the ridge of hills that stretched to the north. Armed with a gun, a pistol and a powder flask, I went to reconnaissance. When I climbed to the top of the hill (which cost me a lot of effort), my bitter fate became clear to me: I was on an island; all around the sea stretched out, beyond which no land was visible anywhere, except for a few rocks sticking out in the distance and two small islands, smaller than mine, lying about ten miles to the west.

I made other discoveries: my island was completely uncultivated and, by all indications, even uninhabited. Perhaps there were predatory animals on it, but so far I have not seen one. On the other hand, there were many birds, but all of unknown breeds, so that later, when I happened to kill game, I could never determine by its appearance whether it was suitable for food or not. Coming down the hill, I shot a large bird sitting in a tree at the edge of the forest. I think that this was the first shot that had been heard here since the creation of the world: before I had time to shoot, a cloud of birds soared over the grove; each of them screamed in its own way, but none of these cries resembled the cries of the breeds known to me. As for the bird I killed, I think it was a variety of our hawk: it very much resembled it in the color of its feathers and the shape of its beak, only its claws were much shorter. Her meat gave off carrion and was not suitable for food.

Satisfied with these discoveries, I returned to the raft and began to drag things ashore. It took me the rest of the day. I didn't know how and where to settle down for the night. I was afraid to lie down directly on the ground, not being sure that some kind of predator would not bite me. It later turned out that these fears were unfounded.

Therefore, having outlined a place for an overnight stay on the shore, I blocked it from all sides with chests and boxes, and inside this fence I built something like a hut from boards. As for food, I did not yet know how I would subsequently earn my living: except for birds and some kind of animals, like our hare, which jumped out of the grove at the sound of my shot, I did not see any living creatures here.

But now I was thinking only about how to take from the ship everything that was left there and that could be useful to me, first of all the sails and ropes. So I decided, if nothing would interfere, to take a second voyage to the ship. And since I knew that at the first storm it would be smashed to pieces, I decided to postpone all other affairs until I had brought everything I could take ashore. I began to take advice (with myself, of course) whether I should take the raft with me. This seemed impractical to me, and, waiting for the ebb, I set off on my way, as for the first time. Only this time I undressed in the hut, remaining in one lower checkered shirt, in linen underpants and in shoes on my bare feet.

Like the first time, I climbed onto the ship with a rope; then built a new raft. But, wiser by experience, I made it not as clumsy as the first, and not so heavily loaded. However, I still carried a lot of useful things on it: firstly, everything that was found in the stocks of our carpenter, namely; two or three bags of nails (large and small), a screwdriver, a dozen or two axes, and most importantly, such useful thing like a grindstone. Then I took a few things from our gunner's warehouse, including three scrap iron, two barrels of rifle bullets, seven muskets, another hunting rifle and some gunpowder, then a large bag of shot and a bundle of sheet lead. However, the latter turned out to be so heavy that I did not have the strength to lift and lower it onto the raft.

In addition to these things, I took from the ship all the clothes that I found, and also took a spare sail, a hammock and several mattresses and pillows. All this I loaded onto a raft and, to my great pleasure, brought it to the shore in one piece.

Going to the ship, I was a little afraid that in my absence some predators would not destroy my food supplies. But, returning to the shore, I did not notice any traces of the guests. Only on one of the chests sat some kind of animal, very similar to a wild cat. At my approach, he ran a little to the side and stopped, then spun on his hind legs and quite calmly, without any fear, looked me straight in the eyes, as if expressing a desire to get to know me. I aimed my rifle at him, but this movement was obviously incomprehensible to him; he was not at all frightened, he did not even move. Then I threw him a piece of biscuit, showing great extravagance, as my provisions were very small. Anyway, I gave him this piece. He came up, sniffed it, ate it and licked his lips with a satisfied look, as if waiting for the continuation. But I didn't give him anything else, and he left.

Having brought the second transport of things ashore, I wanted to open the heavy barrels of gunpowder and move it in parts, but first I set about building a tent. I made it from a sail and poles that I cut in a grove for this purpose. I moved into the tent everything that could be spoiled by the sun and rain, and around it I piled empty boxes and barrels in case of a sudden attack from people or animals.

I blocked the entrance to the tent from the outside with a large chest, placing it sideways, and from the inside I blocked it with boards. Then he spread out a bed on the ground, put two pistols in his head, next to the mattress - a gun and lay down. For the first time since the shipwreck, I spent the first night in bed. From fatigue and exhaustion, I slept soundly until morning, and no wonder: the previous night I slept very little, and worked all day, first loading things from the ship to the raft, and then ferrying them ashore.

No one, I think, arranged for himself such a huge warehouse as was arranged by me. But everything was not enough for me: as long as the ship was intact and stood in the same place, as long as there was at least one thing left on it that I could use, I considered it necessary to replenish my supplies. So every day at low tide I went to the ship and brought something with me. My third trip was especially successful. I dismantled all the gear, took with me all the small rigging (both cable and twine that could fit on the raft). I also took a large piece of spare canvas, which served us for repairing sails, and a barrel of soaked gunpowder, which I had left on the ship. In the end, I brought all the sails to the shore to the last; only I had to cut them into pieces and transport them piece by piece; the sails were useless to me, and all their value to me lay in the material.

But here's what made me even happier. After five or six such expeditions, when I thought that there was nothing more to gain on the ship, I unexpectedly found in the hold a large barrel of crackers, three barrels of rum, a box of sugar, and a barrel of excellent grains. It was a pleasant surprise; I no longer expected to find any provisions on the ship, being sure that all the supplies left there were wet. I took the crackers out of the barrel and transferred them to the raft piece by piece, wrapping them in canvas. All this I managed to safely deliver to the shore.

The next day I took another trip. Now, having taken from the ship absolutely all the things that one person could lift, I set to work on the ropes. I cut each rope into pieces of such a size that it would not be too difficult for me to manage them, and brought two ropes and mooring lines to the shore. In addition, I took from the ship all the iron parts that I could separate. Then, cutting off all the remaining yards, I built a larger raft from them, loaded all these heavy things on it and set off on my way back. But this time my luck changed: my raft was so clumsy and so heavily loaded that it was very difficult for me to manage it. Entering the cove where my other possessions were unloaded, I failed to navigate it as skilfully as before: the raft capsized, and I fell into the water with all my cargo. As for me, the trouble was not great, since it happened almost at the very shore; but my cargo, at least a significant part of it, was gone, the main thing is iron, which would be very useful to me and which I especially regretted. However, when the water subsided, I pulled almost all the pieces of rope and a few pieces of iron ashore, although with great difficulty: I was forced to dive for each piece, and this very tired me. After that, my visits to the ship were repeated every day, and each time I brought new booty.

For thirteen days I have lived on the island and during this time I have been on the ship eleven times, dragging ashore absolutely everything that a pair of human hands is able to drag. If the calm weather had lasted longer, I am convinced that I could have carried the whole ship in pieces, but, making preparations for the twelfth voyage, I noticed that the wind was picking up. Nevertheless, after waiting for the ebb, I went to the ship. For the first time, I searched our cabin so thoroughly that it seemed to me that nothing could be found there; but then I noticed a chiffonier with two drawers: in one I found three razors, large scissors, and a dozen good forks and knives; the other contained money, part European, part Brazilian silver and gold coin, up to thirty-six pounds in all.

I smiled at the sight of this money. "Useless trash!" I said, "why do I need you now? You're not even worth it to bend down and pick you up from the floor. I'm ready to give all this pile of gold for any of these knives. I have nowhere to put you: so stay, where you lie, and go to the bottom of the sea, like a creature whose life is not worth saving!" However, on reflection, I decided to take them with me and wrapped everything I found in a piece of canvas. Then I began to think about building a raft, but while I was getting ready, the sky frowned, the wind blowing from the shore began to grow stronger and in a quarter of an hour it was completely fresh. With a coastal wind, a raft would be useless to me; besides, I had to hurry to get to the shore before a big wave broke out, otherwise I would not have got on it at all. I wasted no time in diving into the water and swimming. Partly because of the weight of the things that were on me, partly because I had to struggle with oncoming waves, I barely had the strength to swim across the strip of water that separated the ship from my cove. The wind grew stronger every minute and even before the low tide turned into a real storm.

But by this time I was already at home, safe, with all my wealth, and lying in a tent. The storm roared all night, and when I looked out of the tent in the morning, there was no sign of the ship! At first this struck me unpleasantly, but I consoled myself with the thought that, without wasting time and sparing no effort, I got out everything that could be useful to me, so that even if I had more time at my disposal, I still would have almost nothing. take from the ship.

So, I no longer thought about the ship, nor about the things that still remained on it. True, after the storm, some debris could have been washed ashore. So it then happened. But all this was of little use to me.

My thoughts were now completely absorbed in the question of how I could protect myself from savages, if any, and from animals, if they are found on the island. I thought for a long time how to achieve this and what kind of accommodation I should better: whether to dig a cave, or put up a tent and fortify it well. In the end, I decided to do both. I think it would not be superfluous to tell here about my work and describe my home.

I soon became convinced that the place I had chosen on the coast was not suitable for a settlement: it was a lowland, near the sea, with marshy soil and probably unhealthy; but most importantly, there was no fresh water nearby. In view of all these considerations, I decided to look for another place, healthier and more suitable for living.

At the same time, I wanted to comply with a number of necessary, from my point of view, conditions. First, my dwelling should be located in a healthy area and near fresh water; secondly, it should shelter from the heat of the sun; thirdly, it must be safe from attack by predators, both bipedal and quadrupedal; and, finally, fourthly, it should have a view of the sea, so as not to miss the opportunity to be saved if God sends any ship. With the hope of deliverance, I still did not want to part.

After quite a long search, I finally found a small, flat clearing on a slope, a high hill, descending to it in a steep cliff, sheer as a wall, so that nothing threatened me from above. There was a small depression in this steep wall, as if the entrance to a cave, but there was no further cave or entrance to the rock.

It was on this green clearing, near the very recess, that I decided to pitch my tent. The site was not more than a hundred yards (A yard is a little less than a meter.) in width and two hundred yards in length, so that in front of my dwelling there stretched, as it were, a lawn; at the end of it, the mountain descended in irregular ledges into the lowland, to the seashore. This corner was located on the northwestern slope of the hill. Thus, he would be in shadow all day until evening, when the sun passes to the southwest, i.e., approaches sunset (I mean in those latitudes).

Before pitching the tent, I described in front of the depression a semi-circle, ten yards in radius, therefore twenty yards in diameter. Then, all around the semicircle, I stuffed two rows of strong stakes, driving them deep into the ground. I sharpened the tops of the stakes. My stockade was about five and a half feet high. Between the two rows of stakes, I left no more than six inches of free space.

I filled all this gap between the stakes to the very top with pieces of rope taken from the ship, laying them in rows one on top of the other, and from the inside I strengthened the fence with supports, for which I prepared thicker and shorter stakes (about two and a half feet in length). The fence turned out to be solid: neither man nor beast could climb through it, nor climb through it. This work required a lot of time and labor from me; cutting stakes in the forest was especially difficult, he moved them to the place of construction and hammered them into the ground. To enter this enclosed place, I did not arrange a door, but a short staircase through the palisade; when I entered my room, I cleaned the stairs. Thus, in my opinion, I completely fenced myself off and fortified myself from outside world and slept peacefully at night, which under other conditions would have been impossible for me. However, it later turned out that there was no need to take so many precautions against enemies created by my imagination.

With incredible difficulty I dragged all my wealth to my fence or fortress; provisions, weapons and other things listed. Then I pitched a big tent in it. In order to protect myself from the rains, which are very strong in tropical countries at certain times of the year, I made a double tent, that is, first I pitched one smaller tent, and placed a large one over it, which I covered from above with a tarpaulin that I had captured. from the ship along with the sails.

Now I no longer slept on a bedding thrown directly on the ground, but in a very comfortable hammock that belonged to our captain's assistant.

I moved into the tent all the food supplies, in general, everything that could spoil from the rain. When all the things were thus stacked inside the fence, I tightly sealed the entrance, which until then I had kept open, and began to enter by the ladder, as already mentioned above.

Having repaired the fence, I began to dig a cave in the mountain. I dragged the dug stones and earth through the tent into the courtyard and made a kind of mound of them inside the fence, so that the soil in the courtyard rose a foot and a half. The cave was just behind the tent and served as my cellar.

It took many days and a lot of work to complete all this work. During this time, many other things occupied my thoughts, and there were several incidents that I want to tell about. Once, when I was preparing to put up a tent and dig a cave, suddenly a thick cloud came running in, and pouring rain poured down. Then lightning flashed, and there was a terrible roll of thunder. Of course, there was nothing unusual in this, and it was not so much the lightning itself that frightened me, but the thought that flashed faster than lightning in my brain: "My gunpowder!" My heart sank when I thought that all my gunpowder could be destroyed by one lightning strike, and after all, not only my personal defense, but also the ability to get my own food depends on it. It never occurred to me what danger I myself was exposed to in the event of an explosion, although if the gunpowder had exploded, I probably would never have known this.

This incident made such a strong impression on me that, as soon as the storm stopped, I put aside for the time being all the work on the arrangement and strengthening of my dwelling and began to make bags and boxes for gunpowder. I decided to divide it into parts and store it little by little in different places, so that it could by no means flare up all at once and the parts themselves could not ignite from each other. This job took me almost two weeks. All in all I had about two hundred and forty pounds of gunpowder. I put it all in bags and boxes, dividing it into at least a hundred parts. I hid the bags and boxes in the clefts of the mountain in places where dampness could in no way penetrate, and carefully marked each place. I was not afraid of a keg of wet gunpowder, so I put it, as it was, in my cave, or "kitchen", as I mentally called it.

In the course of erecting my fence, I went out at least once a day with a gun, partly for amusement, partly to shoot some game, and to become better acquainted with the natural riches of the island. On my first walk, I discovered that there are goats on the island. I was very happy about this, but the trouble was that these goats were terribly wild, sensitive and agile, so that it was almost impossible to sneak up on them. However, this did not bother me; I was sure that sooner or later I would learn to hunt them. When I tracked down the places where they used to gather, I noticed the following thing; when they were on the mountain, and I appeared under them in the valley, the whole herd rushed away from me in fear; but if it happened that I was on the mountain, and the goats were grazing in the valley, then they did not notice me. This led me to the conclusion that the eyes of these animals are not adapted for looking up and that, consequently, they often do not see what is above them. From that time on, I began to follow this method: I always climbed some rock first in order to be above them, and then I often managed to shoot them. With the first shot I killed a goat; in which there was a sucker. I felt sorry for the kid from the bottom of my heart. When the mother fell, he continued to stand quietly beside her. Not only that: when I approached the dead goat, put it on my shoulders and carried it home, the kid ran after me. So we got to the house. At the fence, I laid the goat on the ground, took the goat in my hands and transplanted it through the palisade. I hoped to raise him and tame him, but he did not yet know how to eat, and I was forced to slaughter and eat him. The meat of these two animals was enough for me for a long time, because I ate little, trying to conserve my supplies as much as possible, especially bread.

After I had finally settled into my new dwelling, the most urgent thing was for me to arrange some kind of hearth in which I could kindle a fire. It was also necessary to stock up on firewood. How I coped with this task, as well as how I enlarged my cellar and how I gradually surrounded myself with certain comforts, I will tell in detail in my place, but now I would like to talk about myself, tell what thoughts at that time visited me. And, of course, there were a lot of them.

My situation presented itself to me in the most gloomy light. I had been blown by a storm to a desert island, which lay far from the destination of our ship and several hundred miles from the usual trade sea routes, and I had every reason to conclude that it was so ordained by heaven that here, in this sad place, in I ended my days in hopeless longing of loneliness. Copious tears streamed from my eyes. when I thought about it, and more than once I wondered why Providence destroys its own creations, leaves them to their fate, leaves them without any support and makes them so hopelessly unhappy, plunges them into such despair that one can hardly be grateful for such a life.

But every time an inner voice quickly stopped these thoughts in me and reproached me for them. I remember one such day in particular. In deep thought, I wandered along the seashore with a gun. I thought about my bitter share. And suddenly the voice of reason spoke to me. “Yes,” this voice said, “your position is unenviable: you are alone - it’s true. But remember: where are those who were with you? After all, you got into the boat eleven people: where are the other ten? Why did they die? such a preference? And who do you think is better: you or them?" And I looked out to sea. So in every evil you can find good, you just have to think that something worse could happen.

Then I clearly imagined how well I provided myself with everything necessary and what would happen to me if it happened (and out of a hundred times it happens ninety-nine) ... if it happened that our ship remained on the shallows where it washed up at first, if later it had not been driven so close to the shore that I managed to grab all the things I needed. What would happen to me if I had to live on this island in the conditions in which I spent the first night on it - without shelter, without food and without any means to get both? In particular, I reasoned aloud to myself, what would I do without a gun and without charges, without tools? How would I live here alone if I had no bed, no piece of clothing, no tent to hide in? Now I had all this and plenty of everything, and I was not even afraid to look into the eyes of the future: I knew that by the time my charges and gunpowder came out, I would have in my hands another means of obtaining food for myself. I will live tolerably well without a gun until my death.

In fact, from the very first days of my life on the island, I decided to provide myself with everything necessary for the time when I not only exhausted my entire supply of gunpowder and charges, but also began to change my health and strength.

I confess that I completely lost sight of the fact that my firearms can be destroyed with a single blow, that lightning can set fire to my gunpowder and blow it up. That's why I was so amazed when I had this thought during a thunderstorm.

Coming now to detailed description of the most silent and saddest life that ever fell to the lot of a mortal, I will begin at the very beginning and will tell in order.

It was, by my account, the 30th of September, when my foot first set foot on the terrible island. This happened at the time autumn equinox; in the same latitudes (i.e., according to my calculations, 9'22" north of the equator), the sun in this month is almost vertically overhead.

Ten or twenty days had passed of my life on the island, and I suddenly realized that I would lose track of time, thanks to the absence of books, pens and ink, and that in the end I would even cease to distinguish everyday life from Sundays. To prevent this, I set up a large wooden post on the shore where the sea threw me, and cut out with a knife in large letters the inscription: "Here I set foot on this shore on September 30, 1659," which I nailed crosswise to the post. Every day I made a notch on the sides of this pillar with a knife; and every six notches he made one more authentic: this meant Sunday; the notches that marked the first of each month I made even longer. So I kept track of my calendar, marking days, weeks, months, and years.

In enumerating the objects which I brought from the ship, as I have already said, in several stages, I did not mention many small things, although not particularly valuable, but which nonetheless served me well. Thus, for example, in the rooms of the captain and the captain's mate I found ink, pens and paper, three or four compasses, some astronomical instruments, spyglasses, maps and books on navigation. I put all this in one of the chests just in case, not even knowing if I would need any of these things. In addition, three very good bibles were found in my own luggage (I received them from England along with the goods I had written out and put them with my things when I set sail). Then I came across several books in Portuguese, including three Catholic prayer books and a few more books. I picked them too. Whereupon I must also mention that we had two cats and a dog on the ship (I will tell in due time the curious story of the life of these animals on the island). I carried the cats ashore on a raft, while the dog, on my first expedition to the ship, jumped into the water and swam after me. She has been my faithful companion and servant for many years. She did everything she could for me and almost replaced human society for me. I just wish she could talk. But this was not given to her. As already said, I took pens, ink and paper from the ship. I saved them to the last possible, and while I had ink, carefully wrote down everything that happened to me; but when they came out, I had to stop my notes, because I did not know how to make ink and could not think of a substitute for them.

In general, in spite of my huge warehouse of all kinds of things, besides ink, I still lacked a lot; I had no shovel, no spade, no pick, so there was nothing to dig or loosen the earth, there were no needles or thread. I didn't even have linen, but I soon learned to do without it without much deprivation.

Due to the lack of tools, all work went slowly and hard for me. It took me almost a whole year to complete the fence with which I decided to enclose my dwelling. Chop thick poles in the forest, carve stakes out of them, drag them. These stakes for my tent - all this took a long time. The stakes were very heavy, so that I could only lift one at a time, and it sometimes took me two days just to cut the stake and bring it home, and the third day to drive it into the ground. For this last work I used at first a heavy wooden club, and then I remembered the crowbars I brought from the ship, and replaced the club with a crowbar, although I will not say that this brought me great relief. In general, driving in stakes was for me one of the most tedious and painstaking work.

But I was not embarrassed by this, since all the same I had nowhere to put my time; after the completion of the building, I had no other business foreseen than wandering around the island in search of food, which I indulged in more or less every day.

Meanwhile, I began seriously and at length to discuss my position and began to write down my thoughts - not to perpetuate them for the edification of people who would be in my position (for there would hardly be many such people), but simply to put them into words. everything that tormented and tormented me, and thereby at least somewhat relieve my soul. But no matter how painful my reflections were, my reason began, little by little, to gain the upper hand over despair. To the best of my ability, I tried to comfort myself with the thought that something worse could have happened, and opposed good to evil. With complete impartiality, I, like a creditor and debtor, wrote down all the sorrows I endured, and next to everything that happened to me that was gratifying.

I am abandoned by fate on a gloomy, uninhabited island and have no hope of deliverance.

But I am alive, I did not drown like all my comrades.

I seem to be singled out and cut off from the whole world and doomed to grief.

But on the other hand, I am separated from our entire crew; death spared me alone, and he who so miraculously saved me from death can save me from my desolate situation.

I am distant from all mankind; I am a hermit, expelled from human society.

But I did not die of hunger and did not perish in this deserted place where a person has nothing to eat.

I have few clothes and soon I will have nothing to cover my body with.

But I live in a hot climate where you can do without clothes.

I am defenseless against the attack of people and animals.

But the island where I ended up is deserted, and I did not see a single predatory animal on it, as on the shores of Africa. What would happen to me if I was thrown onto the African coast?

I have no one to talk to and no one to console me.

But God miraculously drove our ship so close to the shore that I not only managed to stock up on everything necessary to meet my current needs, but also got the opportunity to earn my living for the rest of my days.

This record clearly shows that hardly anyone in the world fell into a more distressful situation, and yet it contained both negative and positive aspects for which one should be grateful - the bitter experience of a man who has known the worst misfortune on earth, shows that we will always find some kind of consolation, which, in the account of our troubles and blessings, should be recorded in the parish.

So, having listened to the voice of reason, I began to put up with my position. Before, I kept looking at the sea in the hope that a ship would not appear somewhere; now I have already put an end to vain hopes and directed all my thoughts to making my existence as easy as possible.

I have already described my dwelling. It was a tent pitched on the side of a mountain and surrounded by a palisade. But now my fence could be called rather a wall, because close to it, on its outer side, I brought out an earthen mound two feet thick. And some time later (as far as I remember, a year and a half later) I put poles on the embankment, leaning them against the slope, and made a flooring from branches and large leaves on top. Thus my yard was under a roof, and I could not be afraid of the rains, which, as I have already said, at certain times of the year poured down continuously on my island.

I mentioned before that I transferred all my possessions to my enclosure and to the cave which I dug behind the tent. But I must say that at first things were piled up at random, cluttering up the entire square, so I had nowhere to turn. In view of this, I decided to enlarge my cave. It was not difficult to do this, as the mountain was loose, sandy rock, which easily yielded to my efforts. So, when I saw that I was not in danger from predatory animals, I began to expand the cave. Having dug to the side, namely to the right, as much as was necessary according to my calculation, I turned again to the right and brought the passage outside of my fortification.

This gallery not only served as a back door to my tent, allowing me to leave and return freely, but also greatly enlarged my pantry.

Having finished this work, I set about making the most necessary items furnishings, above all a table and a chair: without them I could not fully enjoy even those modest pleasures that were allotted to me on earth, I could neither eat nor write with complete comfort.

And so I started carpentry. Here I must note that reason is the basis and source of mathematics, and therefore, by defining and measuring things with reason and making the most reasonable judgment about them, everyone can, after a certain time, master any craft. Never before in my life had I taken a carpenter's tool in my hands, and yet, thanks to diligence and diligence, I gradually got so good at it that I could, I'm sure, do anything, especially if I had the tools. But even without tools or almost without tools, with only an ax and a planer, I made a lot of things, although, probably, no one has ever made them in this way and has not expended so much labor on it. So, for example, when I needed a board, I had to cut down a tree, clear the trunk of branches and, placing it in front of me, hew on both sides until it acquired the required shape. And then the board had to be planed with a planer. True, with this method, only one board came out of the whole tree, and the dressing of this board took me a lot of time and labor. But I had only one remedy for this, and that was patience. In addition, my time and my work were inexpensive, and therefore it didn’t matter where and what they went for?

So, first of all, I made myself a table and a chair. I used short boards on them, which I brought on a raft from the ship. When I then hewed long boards in the manner described above, I fitted in my cellar along one wall, several regiments one above the other, a foot and a half wide, and put my tools, nails, iron and other small belongings on them, - in a word, I distributed everything according to places to easily find every thing. I also hammered pegs into the wall of the cellar and hung on them my guns and, in general, everything that could be hung.

Anyone who would see my cave after that would probably take it for a warehouse of essentials. Everything was at my fingertips, and it gave me real pleasure to look into this warehouse: such an exemplary order reigned there and there was so much goodness there.

Only after the completion of this work did I begin to keep my diary, writing down everything I did during the day. At first I was so busy and so dejected that my gloomy mood would inevitably be reflected in my diary. For example, what kind of entry would I have to make on September 30th:

“When I got ashore and thus saved myself from death, I vomited profusely from salt water, which I swallowed. Little by little I came to my senses, but instead of thanking the creator for my salvation, I began to run along the shore in desperation. wringing his arms, hitting himself on the head and on the linden, and shouting in a frenzy, saying: "I perished, perished!" - until he fell to the ground, exhausted. But I did not close my eyes, fearing that I would be torn to pieces by wild animals " .

For many days after that (already after all my expeditions to the ship, when all the things were taken from it), I kept running up the hillock and looking at the sea in the hope of seeing a ship on the horizon. How many times it seemed to me as if a sail was whitening in the distance, and I indulged in joyful hopes! I looked and looked until my eyes were blurred, then falling into despair, I threw myself on the ground and wept like a child, only aggravating my misfortune by my own stupidity.

But when, at last, I had mastered myself to a certain extent, when I had arranged my dwelling, put my household belongings in order, made myself a table and a chair, and in general furnished myself with all the comforts I could, I set to work on the diary. I quote it here in full, although the events described in it are already known to the reader from the previous chapters. I kept it while I had the ink, but when they came out, the diary had to be stopped.

Daniel Defoe - Robinson Crusoe. 02., read text

See also Daniel Defoe - Prose (stories, poems, novels...):

DIARY September 30, 1659. - I, the unfortunate Robinson Crusoe, lost ...

Then I boarded the ship. The first thing I saw there were two corpses;...


Retold by Leonid Yakhnin

Drawings by Leonid Tskhe

© Yakhnin L.L., heritage, abridged retelling, 2019

© Tskhe L.Yu., ill., 2019

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2019

Chapter first

Under the low black sky, purple mountains moved in a menacing succession. Ridden with flashes of lightning, they suddenly lit up from the inside with a green light. Their foamy tops hissed like a snake. These lilac-emerald boulders bent predatorily and instantly collapsed with a glassy clang. In this roar, hiss and roar drowned the pops of torn sails, the crack of breaking mains and foremasts, the groans and cries of dying sailors.

The helpless ship was pecking at the boiling water with a tiny diving duck. The sea swallowed its prey, grinding it with the dragon teeth of the reefs.

- Launch the boat! the captain shouted.

The sailors rushed to starboard. At that moment, the ship was thrown onto a reef. The lifeboat attached to the side creaked and burst like a nutshell. Panicked people rushed across the tilted deck.

Fortunately, the second boat, hovering over the raging elements at the port side, remained unscathed. To cut the lines and lower the boat into the arms of the raging waves was a matter of minutes for hands accustomed to sea work. The sailors threw oars at her and jumped one after the other. But now they were in the full power of the ruthless elements. The boat was lifted onto the crest of a giant wave and plunged into a roaring abyss. The next wave threw her up again and, breaking the oars, turned her over. People were instantly pulled apart. Here and there flashed hands raised to the sky, a head with a gaping mouth in a soundless cry, a limp body spinning in a whirlpool of water.

Soon it was all over. The raging sea played carelessly with fragments of masts, fragments of sails, empty barrels, split boards, throwing them from wave to wave and gradually driving them to the rocky shore. And there, around the sharp rocks, whirling streams of water curled and reared, like unbroken horses with foamy manes. From the misty cloud of spray from boulder to boulder, steeply curved rainbows rose like bridges.

The sea swallowed up its prey and gradually calmed down. Only light breakers and whirlwinds reminded of a departed storm.

Chapter Two

In a narrow bay, exhausted waves licked the sandy spit strewn with algae with wet tongues, leaving an uneven dark strip behind them.

Two mismatched shoes, a sailor's white beret with a blue pom-pom, and three rumpled wide-brimmed hats were strewn about in disorder across the sand. At the very edge of the surf lay motionless, arms outstretched, a man in a torn linen shirt and short trousers. A haze of vapors hung over the coastal ferns, quickly eaten away by the heat of the scorching sun.

The wave touched the feet of a man lying on the sand. He stirred. Opened my eyes. And he got up sharply. In the distance, behind a ridge of reefs, a ship lay aground with its square stern raised high.

- God! the man whispered. “By what miracle could I have reached the shore?”

He looked around. I noticed on the sand a pair of unpaired shoes and a sailor's beret. Was he the only one saved? And how many hours, or perhaps days, did he lie there? The poor fellow struggled to his feet on his wobbly, unruly legs. The sandy spit rested against a ridge of lifeless rocks. Somewhere between them grew giant trees.

His first thought was to climb the tree and see where he was. Is it an island or mainland? Is there any hope of seeing human habitation? The silent silence oppressed him. Who could be hiding behind these rocks? Wild animals? Savages? Then it is all the more necessary to get to the saving trees as soon as possible.

He stood for a few minutes to gather his strength and moved forward. Feet got stuck in the sand, the sun was hot and blinded. But the confusion that settled in his soul made him almost run. Finally, he reached the first tree. Thick, branched, it resembled a huge spruce, but only dotted with thorns. Clinging to the densely growing branches, not without difficulty, tearing his palms to the blood, he crawled almost to the top. And numb.

The sea stretched all around. Now his bitter fate became completely clear to him: he was abandoned on the island! Even if he is not torn to pieces by predatory animals, if not killed by savages, he is destined to die of hunger. After all, he did not have any weapons to defend himself and hunt. Only a small smoking pipe and a pouch of wet tobacco remained in his pocket. And if there is no fresh water on the island, then he is threatened not only by starvation, but also by a terrible death from thirst.

“Oh, father,” he whispered, “how right you were!

Chapter Three
vicissitudes of fate

The memories came flooding back. As a child, when his name was not Mr. Crusoe, but simply by his first name - Robinson - he dreamed of sea voyages. Barely reaching the age of eighteen, the young man set out to go to sea on a ship bound for London. For a long time his parents persuaded him not to take this rash step.

“The time will come,” my father explained, “when you will regret that you neglected my advice, but then, perhaps, there will be no one to help you correct the evil you have done.

Not heeding either the exhortations of a stern father or the pleas of a kind-hearted mother, the young varmint Robinson Crusoe secretly fled from home and on September 1, 1651 boarded a ship and went to sea. And providence was not slow to teach him a cruel lesson. As soon as the ship left the mouth of the river into the open sea, a terrible storm broke out. High shafts rose over the side and fell on the deck, threatening to wash away the deck buildings, busily fussing sailors, break the masts.

A young man who had never sailed before, a novice in maritime affairs, was already preparing for death in the depths of the sea. He offered up prayers and swore to himself that if he was destined to be saved, if his foot set foot on solid ground again, he would immediately return home and never again board a ship.

“Father, father,” he lamented, “why did I not heed your warnings?

But the storm passed, the surface of the sea smoothed out, and Robinson forgot all his fears, and with them remorse melted, all vows were forgotten. Once in London, he almost immediately boarded a ship bound for Africa, to the shores of Guinea. This trip turned out to be successful. Robinson Crusoe even managed to make good money. Since then, he went to sea more than once on various ships and became, as it seemed to him, a completely experienced navigator. Now he, like an avid sailor, went on the most risky trips without fear. But the trouble, hiding for the time being, was waiting for him.

It began with the fact that Robinson Crusoe was hired on a ship heading for the Canary Islands. Near the African coast, a Turkish corsair chased them in full sail. Desperately resisting sailors could not resist heavily armed pirates. The captives were taken to a Turkish port and sold as slaves to the Moors. Robinson Crusoe became the slave of a pirate captain. For two whole years he did the most menial work in his master's house.

Again and again he repeated bitterly:

“Oh, how right you were, father!

And yet fate favored the unfortunate slave. He managed to break free on a small longboat. After many adventures, Robinson Crusoe ended up in Brazil. Here he began working in the harvesting of sugar cane. After a few years, he himself became the owner of a small plantation. It would seem that his life improved, but frivolity and a thirst for adventure again involved him in the abyss of disaster.

And on September 1, 1659, exactly eight years after running away from home, Robinson Crusoe boarded a ship heading for Africa. But halfway through they were caught by a violent storm. The ship, carried by the wind and waves, was far from the trade routes. The storm did not subside. Now one could only hope for a miracle. Again Robinson remembered his father's words:

“…and there will be no one to help you…”

Here it is, punishment for disobedience! He was already saying goodbye to life, but, apparently, fate promised him not death, but long and difficult trials. The unfortunate was thrown onto a desert island ...

Chapter Four

Memories of many years of hardship suddenly gave Robinson strength. He is in last time glanced at the wreck of the ship sticking out of the sea. There, perhaps, food supplies and some clothes have been preserved untouched by water. The tide began to ebb, and the creek became so shallow that it seemed that it would not be difficult to get to the ship. He really managed to approach the ship almost dry land so close that he had to swim about two hundred meters.

The bow of the ship was completely submerged in the water, and the stern rose so much that the bottom, dotted with shells, appeared. Climbing onto the forecastle, Robinson found that the entire supply of provisions remained dry. Tormented by hunger, he first of all went to the pantry, tore open a bag of crackers, stuffed his pockets with them and gnawed on the go, at the same time rummaging through the hold filled with water, the sailors' cockpits, the captain's cabin.

The yield was unexpectedly large.

Rusks, three rounds of Dutch cheese, five slices of beef jerky, a bag of mouse-eaten barley grains, a barrel of wine.

Two hunting rifles, two pistols, a powder flask, a bag of shot and two old sabers, three barrels of gunpowder.

Carpenter's supplies: two bags of nails, a screwdriver, a dozen or two axes, a whetstone, a chisel. Three scrap iron, two barrels of rifle bullets, seven muskets and a large bag of shot.

Camisoles, boots, shirts, strong linen trousers. In the captain's cabin, to his delight, he found three razors, large scissors, and a dozen forks and knives. And in a separate box were money. Robinson held the silver and gold coins in his palm with a grin and poured them back without regret.

"Useless junk," he whispered. Why do I need them now?

But ropes, a spare sail, a hammock and a few mattresses and pillows were simply an invaluable find. Robinson also attempted to take the collar of the ship's rope. But he was unable to lift this weight. Then with an ax he cut this heavy rope, as thick as a hand, into pieces and stuffed an empty bag with them.

At this he calmed down. But how to transport all this unbearable cargo to the shore?

And Robinson set about building a raft. He lowered the fragments of masts, topmasts and yardarms into the water, threw several lighter logs overboard, prudently tying each with a rope so that it would not be carried away by the current. Now all that remained was to go down into the water himself and, having fitted the logs one to the other, pulled them together with ropes and strengthened them with yards and boards laid across. It turned out to be an unsightly, but rather reliable raft.

Robinson dragged three sailor's chests on deck, emptied them, and lowered them one by one onto his raft, which swayed on the rising water: the tide was beginning, and it was necessary to hurry. He was feverishly loading chests, lowering barrels on ropes, when a plaintive barking was heard from somewhere in the depths of the ship ...

Chapter Five

Robinson froze. He was already desperate to hear not only a human voice, but any sound that reminds of a former life. In the next moment he was back on deck and rushed down the steep ladder, from which came the now joyful squeal.

Why was the dog silent earlier? Robinson literally rolled down the narrow steps and hurried along the corridor with a series of doors leading to the cabins. Now the barking of dogs could be heard very close - it came from the skipper's cabin.

The ship's floor suddenly swayed underfoot. Water splashed from under the cabin door. The tide has begun. I had to hurry. Robinson pushed the door. She was locked up. I had to return for the axe. Hearing the receding footsteps, the dog burst into a desperate bark. Jumping out on deck, Robinson saw that the tide had lifted the ship aground and was about to carry it out to sea. But he could not leave a living being, doom him to certain death.

When the cabin door shattered into chips under the blows of the ax, water gushed into the corridor, and the whole wet white lop-eared dog rushed onto Robinson's chest. He wagged his tail so much that it seemed that his whole rear half was about to fall off. But Robinson was unspeakably happy. Already accustomed to the idea that he was left alone on the island, he suddenly found a friend. However, we had to hurry.

Robinson again rushed to the deck. The dog, getting underfoot, did not lag behind. Finding another pair of broken oars from the ship's boat, Robinson pushed the loaded raft away and steered it towards the shore.

Soon a small cove opened up in front of him. A strong current quickly carried the raft, and Robinson could only control the oar, trying to stay in the middle of the fairway. The raft heeled first in one direction, then in the other, and the entire load moved down the inclined plane. Robinson rushed to the opposite side, leveling the raft. Clever dog immediately repeated his jerks.

Finally, the raft entered the bay, or rather, at the mouth of a small river. Robinson stuck the oars on both sides of the raft into the sandy bottom, holding it as if at anchor.

“Well, my friend, life seems to be getting better,” he turned to his new friend with a bitter smile.

The dog happily wagged his tail and jumped to the shore with a single jump. Robinson did not dare to leave the raft. He sat on the edge, deciding to wait for the tide to go out. Only after the raft sits firmly on the shallow bottom, it will be possible to begin unloading.

Having unloaded the raft, Robinson sailed to the ship several more times. On one of these trips, two cats suddenly jumped onto the raft with a wild meow. They hissed and did not give up, and as soon as the raft landed on the shore, they rushed away. Robinson looked after them with regret. “Nothing, he thought, ship cats, domestic ones. If I have a house, they will come running.

Robinson left the dog on the shore to guard his wealth, for he was a little afraid that in his absence some animals would destroy food supplies. However, returning to the shore, he did not notice any traces of uninvited guests. However, it could rain, and wet not only crackers, but, even more dangerously, gunpowder. And Robinson began to arrange a shelter.

First of all, he cut several long poles in a nearby grove. Having chosen a high flat rock, he dug poles next to it and pulled a sailcloth over them. The result was a tent with one stone wall, something like a covered terrace. Into this rather spacious tent he moved everything that could be spoiled by rain or sun. Fearing an attack by wild animals or people, Robinson outside, on three sides of the tent, piled up a shaft of empty boxes and barrels. He blocked the entrance to the tent with a large chest, knocking the bottom out of it first and placing it sideways. It turned out an excellent vestibule with a thick door.

Now all that remained was to spread a couple of mattresses on the ground and throw pillows on them. Out of caution, Robinson placed two loaded pistols in their heads, and right hand next to the mattress - a gun. At the very entrance, he spread a piece of canvas for the dog.

For the first time in days, Robinson spent the night in bed. Fatigue overtook him, he slept soundly almost until morning. Before dawn, he was awakened by the sound of the sea. Coming out of the tent, Robinson saw that the storm was starting again. The wind whistled through the foamy surface of the water. The waves rolled over the hills. It seemed that the island itself, like a ship taken by surprise, was about to break from all anchors, and carry it into the open sea. The downpour poured down.

Robinson ducked back into the tent, where the dog was already clinging to the bundles of rope in the corner. The canvas sagged under the torrents of rain, but, fortunately, withstood the pressure of the wind. Robinson once again rejoiced that he had managed to arrange, albeit temporary, but a saving shelter.

The storm raged for half a day, and suddenly everything calmed down at once. Looking outside, Robinson did not find the ship. The storm had finished him off, and the wreckage had scattered over the sea, which was now deserted to the very horizon. How timely he managed to take ashore the most necessary things!

An unexpected storm led Robinson to the idea that his hastily arranged shelter might not save him another time. It was necessary to arrange a solid dwelling away from the coast and in a place sheltered from the wind. Maybe dig a dugout behind the nearest hill? But his house had to have a view of the sea, so as not to miss an opportunity to escape if Providence sends him some ship passing by.

Chapter Six

Robinson did not immediately take up the construction of a strong and durable house. In his soul, the hope for a speedy deliverance has not yet melted. But now a week or two has passed since the day when the unfortunate man ended up on the island. He was suddenly afraid that he would lose track of time. And it was that invisible thread that still connected him with the lost world. True, he had ink, pens and paper found on the ship in the captain's cabin. But there were so few of them that Robinson decided to save both the bottle of ink and the sheaf of paper for the time being.

On the shore, where the sea threw him, he erected a large wooden post. After nailing a piece of sideboard to a post, Robinson carved the first inscription on it with a knife:

Now every day he made notches on the wide edge of the pillar with an axe. Six short ones and one longer one, denoting Sunday. The notches that separated the first of each month were made even longer.

Thus began his long life on a desert island. If it were not for conversations with himself, then one could say that Robinson's life proceeded in complete silence.

So, the first thing was to build a more or less comfortable and, most importantly, safe house. Having taken a trip around the neighborhood, Robinson finally found a completely suitable place for a dwelling. It was a small flat area on the slope of a high hill. Above, the hill rose as a sheer wall, protecting the future dwelling from an attack from above. Below the platform, the slope went in irregular ledges, turning into a lowland near the seashore. Robinson measured the area in steps - it turned out to be about a hundred meters wide and two hundred meters long.

First of all, Robinson drew a large semicircle along the edge of the site, outlining the boundaries of the future fence. Then he began to cut and sharpen the stakes, driving them deep into the ground all around the semicircle in two rows. In the narrow space between the rows of pointed stakes, he poured and tightly packed the stumps of the ship's rope. It turned out to be an excellent strong palisade.

From the inside, Robinson reinforced his fence with props of fairly thick logs. He did not make a gate or a gate, but built a ladder, which he removed every time he entered his shelter.

More than one day was spent on the construction of the palisade. Inside, Robinson set up a tent, where, with incredible difficulty, he dragged all his belongings. The tent rested against the vertical slope of the mountain, where there was a rather deep depression. Robinson decided to expand it and arrange a real cave that would serve as a cellar. He poured the dug earth and stones into bags and dragged them to the fence, pouring a ditch out of them and, thus, strengthening the palisade.

On the second day of work, a thunderstorm suddenly broke out. Thunder rumbled, lightning flashed, which seemed ready to pierce the canvas of the tent. With each flash of lightning, it turned into an alarmingly shimmering pink dome. It seemed that this was not the crackle of an electric discharge, but the tarpaulin overhead was cracking and bursting.

- My gunpowder! exclaimed Robinson.

He was not at all afraid that the gunpowder would get wet. He was frightened by lightning. It was worth any of the fiery arrows to hit one of the barrels, and from the entire stock, what can I say! - nothing would remain of the entire fortress and himself.

As soon as the storm subsided, Robinson began to sew small bags from the scraps of the sail and pour gunpowder into them. Now, divided into about a hundred parts and hidden in different places, the gunpowder could not flare up all at once. It took Robinson two whole weeks to complete this work.

The days go by in a straight line. I'm already starting to lose track of time. You can not do it this way. I now have paper, a pen and a bottle of ink. Until all the sheets of paper are written and the ink runs out, I will write my diary and write down everything here, even the smallest events of my current life. If I am not destined to escape from here, then maybe these notes will come across some traveler whom fate will throw on this island.

I'll start from the first day, before his impressions fade from memory.

So, on September 30, 1659, I, the unfortunate Robinson Crusoe, by the will of an evil fate ended up on this abandoned island. How many complaints I did not lift up to the sky, how many bitter tears did not flow from my eyes! Fearing wild animals, I spent the night on a tall, branchy tree. But the morning sun greeted me, and my sadness softened a little.

And soon worries returned my strength. Now I no longer remember my complaints and do not understand the past despondency. Hope is with me. And I will do the rest with my own hands. Unfortunately, I have plenty of time.