Marilyn Monroe: the secrets of Hollywood's main blonde style. Marilyn Monroe: figure parameters What type of figure does Marilyn Monroe have

On March 8, 1960, Marilyn Monroe received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. But, despite this, the legendary Marilyn Monroe, her biography, height, weight are still of interest to fans today. How tall was Marilyn Monroe? Her height was approximately 162 centimeters. The photo of Marilyn Monroe was on the cover of the first issue of Playboy magazine. Is Merlil Monroe a pseudonym?

Born Norma Jean Mortensen, Merlin (or Marilyn) was born in Los Angeles on June 1, 1926. Parents had already separated by that time, and later divorced altogether. Her husband did not like this idea, and he demanded that Merlin choose either him or her career.

Merlin (Marilyn) Monroe height weight

Her biography is eventful, despite the short life of the actress. It is worth noting that Marilyn Monroe, whose biography has many white spots, studied dramatic art with Natasha Leites, a Russian emigrant who enjoyed great success in Hollywood.

Some Monroe biographers suggest that Gladys used Mortensen's name to avoid publicity as a single mother. At just two weeks old, Gladys placed her daughter in foster care with Della Monroe's neighbors Ida and Albert Bolender in Hawthorne, California. Monroe later cited the period of her life with Lowe as one of several times in her life when she really felt at ease.

This was the first film in which Marilyn spoke and sang. Marilyn Monroe receives a seven-year contract with 20th Century Fox and a role in the movie Asphalt Jungle. This marriage turned out to be the longest of all, because it is known for certain that Monroe always dreamed of an intelligent man who could fill her educational gaps and become her mentor.

On August 4, 1962, according to the testimony of Marilyn's housekeeper, Eunice Murray, Monroe, citing fatigue, went into the bedroom early, taking her phone with her. The body was taken to the morgue for an autopsy, which was performed by pathologist Dr. Tsunetomi Noguchi, after which it was announced that Marilyn Monroe had died of an overdose of sleeping pills.

There was a diet somewhere on the site, maybe on this one or another. By joining 20th Century Fox as an extra, her career was just beginning to unfold. Although fame came to Merlin, her affairs were very bad. To improve her well-being, she is photographed naked for calendars.

Marilyn Monroe: biography of the legendary actress

It should be noted that the actress was very popular among men, but her life was chaotic. The actress was very capricious and capricious, but her main negative features were a tendency to tantrums and uncontrolled intake of drugs, drugs and alcohol.

She passed away at the age of 36 on August 5, 1962. The official cause of death was the same drugs, the dose of which was greatly exaggerated. There is a version that it was an accident, while others are of the opinion that Marilyn settled accounts with her boring life.

This mistake led at one time to a lot of confusion about who exactly was the biological father of the actress. In late 1925, Gladys discovered she was pregnant; by that time she had many lovers after Mortensen - Charles Stanley Gifford, Harold Rooney, Clayton McNamara. When Norma was 9 years old, Grace married Erwin Silliman Goddard on August 17, 1935, and on September 13 of the same year, Norma Jean was placed in the Los Angeles Orphanage, where her number was 3463.

But even there, Norma did not live long (one of Olivia's sons also tried to rape her), and in early 1938, Grace sent Norma Jean to her other aunt, Anya Lowe, who lived in Van Nuys. But Anya had health problems and in 1942 Norma returned to Grace.

It was Grace who told Monroe that she would someday become a movie star. Monroe was friends with black jazz singer Ella Fitzgerald and helped her in her career. Marilyn Monroe is an American film actress, singer, and also a sex symbol of yesteryear. She has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame and is one of the first to receive a Golden Globe Award.

  1. Platinum blonde. They say that becoming a blonde is the decision that defined Marilyn's career in cinema. With naughty, curly, chocolate-colored hair that Monroe was like before she hit Hollywood, she was beautiful, but more of an inconspicuous girl than the sex bomb that she became with her platinum color. Hairdresser Pearl Porterfield bleached her hair the old fashioned way, with simple hydrogen peroxide, and after that, Marilyn never thought about returning to her natural shade. And why? Blonde Monroe was truly stunning.
  2. "Your" scent. Perfume was an integral part of Marilyn Monroe's style. One of the famous aphorisms of the actress indicates that Monroe choked herself even at night: “What do I go to bed in? How, of course, I have a couple of drops of Chanel No. 5 on me. This legendary composition of the French House fully corresponded to the no less legendary Marilyn. She was convinced that "there are no women who do not love perfume, but there are women who have not found their scent."
  3. Consciousness of one's own femininity. Femininity was given to Marilyn by nature, she appreciated it and tried to emphasize it in every possible way. “I definitely feel like a woman and enjoy it,” said Monroe. “Femininity breeds true beauty. Women's attractiveness is strong only when it is natural and spontaneous. This belief helped her to live in a world ruled by men.
  4. Protein breakfast. The actress did not forget about the importance of breakfast, which, as you know, should be solid. In the morning, Marilyn ate without frills, but not ordinary. She heated the milk and mixed two raw eggs with it with a fork. This protein charge allowed her to keep herself in shape.

Makeup in the style of Marilyn Monroe

  1. Glowing skin. Marilyn had an amazing secret of radiant skin - the whole point is that the actress categorically refused to remove the light "fluff" on her cheeks and cheekbones. She claimed that under the studio lights they give the skin a slight, soft glow. In addition, moisturizers (Erno Laszlo Active pHelityl Cream or Nivea) helped her keep her skin in the best possible condition.
  2. Red lips. Still haven't found the perfect red lipstick? Try to find a shade that is as close as possible to what Marilyn "wore". Red lips have always been the "highlight" of Marilyn Monroe's style. Thanks to her, it has become a classic for blonde girls to complement their makeup with scarlet lipstick. She should shine on the lips with a glossy look, like Marilyn, so that you look truly luxurious.
  3. Long eyelashes. “Women have only two weapons: mascara and tears. But we can't use them at the same time." Remember that famous Marilyn quote? The languid, "velvet" look from under Marilyn's long and fluffy eyelashes had a truly magical effect. She not only tinted her eyelashes with mascara, but also used false ones - her favorites were from Glorene of Hollywood.
  4. "Cat" look. Not only marvelous eyelashes helped her create the effect of a "cat" look. Marilyn also always lined her eyes with a pencil - she drew arrows with a sharp “tail” in a thin line at the ciliary edge. To do this, she used not only black, which is usually combined with bright red lips, but also brown - for a more “soft” eye makeup.
  5. Smile. Among the many advantages of Marilyn's appearance is a dazzling smile, as they say, "for a million dollars." The star said: "Smile, because life is a beautiful thing, and there are so many things to smile at." And it's hard to argue with that. By the way, in order to keep her smile white, Marilyn used baking soda when brushing her teeth. This simple technique spawned a teeth whitening boom: the audience, seeing Marilyn's disarming smile on the screens, dreamed of the same.

Marilyn Monroe: figure parameters

  1. feminine forms. Marilyn has never been close to the classic model parameters: her weight at different times ranged from 53 to 66 kilograms, and Marilyn Monroe's figure type has always been feminine - with a magnificent bust and an expressive curve of the hips. The actress did not strive for thinness - she would definitely deprive her of sexuality - and was sure: "Girls who consider themselves fat because they do not wear size zero should know that in fact they are beautiful, and society is ugly."
  2. Some sports. Marilyn needed all sorts of activities not to lose weight (as we already know, the actress was proud of her forms), but to keep her figure in good shape. For this purpose, she chose running, yoga, and sometimes went horseback riding. But she didn’t resort to exhausting workouts - again, she didn’t need thinness.
  3. No to prejudice.“Imperfections are beautiful,” Marilyn adhered to this opinion, although she herself seems to many to be an ideal. But one cannot but agree with her words: what many consider imperfection in a person actually makes him unique, not like the rest. This is the beauty that nature gives people.


Marilyn Monroe: clothing style

  1. The ability to show the dignity of the figure. “The body is meant to be seen, not hidden under clothing,” said Marilyn. Of course, the actress did not follow this “dogma” literally, but the star always emphasized the beauty of her figure in the most skillful way. Dresses with tight silhouettes and a deep neckline allowed her to show herself in all her glory and delight her fans.

Until today, the name Marilyn Monroe is synonymous with feminine charm and sexuality. She would have been eighty-three on June 1, but the thought seems absurd. She died at the age of 36, ushering in the era of a new ideal of female beauty, the era of Marilyn Monroe. Until now, many women strive to be like this busty and at the same time fragile American diva.

She was remembered by everyone for her unforgettable gait - slightly swaying her hips, her sexy smile, which drove thousands of men around the world crazy, her blond hair and unique style. Norma Jean is her real name, although she was not a natural blonde, she always said that she was a blonde at heart. Probably, this is a special psychology, the psychology of a winner. Golden hair went very well with Marilyn, making her even more attractive. Marilyn created her own unique style of behavior, facial expressions and gestures. Many actresses and pop divas strive to repeat it, but, unfortunately, no one has yet been able to reach the level of the unique Marilyn.

Her breasts are legendary. From mouth to mouth, the legend is passed about how Marilyn on the set was scolded by one director and only because her chest was too (oh, prim Americans!) protruding-provocative look. To which Marilyn, without blinking an eye, objected that this was given to her by nature, and that she despises all kinds of bras. In support of her words, she very quickly took off everything that she was wearing.

Marilyn and plastic surgery.

Before gaining fame, Marilyn Monroe tried hard to create her own unique image.

By nature, Marilyn had a fairly standard and far from ideal figure. She was not distinguished either by height, by the size of her bust, or by the beauty of her face. She had narrow shoulders and a wide pelvis. There is evidence that in order to give her breasts splendor, she placed rubber pads under her bra. Twenty-year-old Marilyn, with a height of 162 cm, she weighed more than sixty kilograms, her chest volume was equal to the volume of her hips and was 96 cm. And most importantly, there was so much sadness and loneliness in her eyes. It was woven from complexes.

Plastic surgery did wonders for her - she turned into a beauty with appetizing forms. The creator of the new image of Norma Jean Mortenson was the son of a Russian emigrant, Johnny Hyde. He offered the naive-looking brown-haired woman he liked to dye her hair, turning her into a bright blonde. And he “blinded” her face to his taste, paying for rhinoplasty for her - an operation to change the shape of the nose. At the same time, the surgeons corrected the chin. Warmed by the attention of the public and wealthy sponsors, Marilyn quickly built her career and ... her body.

Until now, many doctors, studying the pictures of the actress, are amazed at the high quality of these operations. The back of Marilyn's nose has become thinner, and its tip is neat and upturned. And to make her chin more expressive, young Marilyn had a sea sponge implant inserted. Eight years later, the organic implant deformed and dissolved in places. The actress had to fix it. Hyde continued to improve Marilyn's figure throughout almost her entire career. The idea to enlarge Monroe's breasts belongs to him.
In her life, Marilyn never admitted that she had plastic surgery on her breasts. But it is impossible not to notice how the charms of a blonde in photographs taken in different years either increase or decrease in size. And this is not editing, not retouching! And there was no Photoshop back then...

As a teenager, Norma had a very modest form - her first photographs testify to this. Of course, her figure continued to form, but nature could not increase the size of her breasts in a short period of time by several sizes, besides, Marilyn never gave birth. Each new picture, in which the already famous actress starred, proved to the audience about the unnatural origin of her forms.

In the famous movie Only Girls in Jazz, Marilyn demonstrates her richness of forms during the performance of the song I wanna be loved by you. She is wearing a translucent, thinnest dress, which many have dubbed Eve's costume - it, like a second skin, fits the body of the actress. And Marilyn's breasts appear in all their glory - and this is at least the fifth size! But in many other films there is no longer a hint of such greatness. And in the last year of his life, during the famous performance of the congratulatory song Happy Birthday for US President John F. Kennedy, Monroe's chest is very modest ...

Scientists believe that in those days when, according to assumptions, Monroe's breast surgery could be done (this is approximately 1952), there was one way to do breast plastic surgery - to inject paraffin into it.

At that time, there were several options for breast augmentation, - says plastic surgeon, Ph.D. Ilya Sergeev, chief physician of the Doctor Plastic clinic in Moscow. - I did an internship in the USA, I heard about paraffin implants. But the use of this substance for such purposes is dangerous. Because paraffin is a fluid material. It does not last long in the chest. Over time, it begins to corrode tissues and then finds itself some other place in the body.

The "paraffin" bust of Monroe acquired volume and became visually denser, but required constant correction. Paraffin procedures with a bust tired Monroe and, moreover, became too serious a threat to the health of an actress precious to Hollywood. The dangerous drug had to be abandoned. The paraffin preparation apparently did not last long in Marilyn's chest - about three years.

Interesting facts from life.

Monroe parameters.
In 1945, her parameters were 90-60-85, and then, by 1955, she recovered to 95-57.5-90.
Monroe herself, when asked about the figure, once said this: “On my grave it will be necessary to write:“ Monroe lies here: 38-23-36 "".
The growth of the famous actress was 166.62 centimeters, weight-53.5 kilograms
The blue-eyed blonde wore a bra 36D - that is, the girth under the bust is 72 cm, and the size is 4th.

Her natural color is brown, clothing size: 12 (Russian counterpart - 46), shoe size: 38-39

Attitude to cosmetics.
Her natural lip shape was very flat, but she spent a lot of time reshaping and shading. As a result, many thought that her mouth was her best feature. Marilyn never wore one color of lipstick. She mixed several shades so as to visually enlarge her lips.

She hid her flaws with masterful make-up. She learned this skill herself, trusting her appearance to no one. Marilyn mastered the highest secrets of makeup. O She paid special attention to eye makeup: every day she glued artificial eyelashes, did eyeliner, applied white shadows to the upper eyelid, combining them with brown or smoky blue. Marilyn washed her face 15 times a day. She believed that this was the best prevention of acne. Vaseline and olive oil were considered the best moisturizers for the face. She had one desire - to constantly strive for excellence."

Hair. Marilyn washed her hair every day and brushed her hair more than 50 times a day. She believed that it stimulated hair growth and gave them fullness.

Attitude towards food. Marilyn was absolutely indifferent to food, she could only drink her favorite orange juice during the day. She did not like restaurants, when asked why, she answered:

I don't attach much importance to food and I hate restaurants - there are a lot of people there. Why delicacies? After all, there is grated carrots, raw eggs and milk. I eat them." Marilyn's breakfast consisted of a glass of hot milk, into which she broke a couple of raw eggs. And no dessert and buns during the day!

She never ate by the hour, hated dirty dishes and the smell of the sink. That is why she preferred to open the refrigerator a hundred times a day - and bite off a piece of meat, grease a little oil with your finger, bite off an apple, break off a crumb of cheese. Today's nutritionists would call this fractional nutrition.

Teeth. Monroe visited the dentist once a week, explaining to surprised friends that prevention is better than cure. For the perfect whiteness of her teeth, Marilyn cleaned them every day with soda.

Sunburn attitude. Marilyn never tanned - "I like being a solid blonde, I'm afraid of tanning."

Clothing. The American diva loved simple clothes. True, with her dazzling appearance, no one noticed this. Marilyn never wore tights and panties, believing that they do not allow the skin to breathe and suppress sensuality and freedom of movement.
Marilyn's dresses, put up for auction after her death, struck with their simplicity and brevity of style. For Marilyn, beauty was synonymous with naturalness.

Marilyn did not like to wear bras. She believed that corsets and graces are shells that flatten the figure, make it lifeless.
"The beauty of the body is a natural gift, it cannot be destroyed and despised."

Attitude towards sports.Marilyn had an excellent stretch, she easily sat on the twine and knew many acrobatic tricks. Every day she was engaged in exercises and dancing, tried not to eat after six and said that "there is nothing more beautiful than a toned tummy." Every morning, Marilyn began by working on her famous walk: she clutched an empty soda bottle between her ankles and “walked” around the apartment for about half an hour.

On the glass in the bathroom, she painted sayings with lipstick that helped her live. She copied them from books or invented them herself: "Do not expect more than you can achieve", "Vanity kills" or "Do not worry, but worry."

Perfume. Her biggest passion is Chanel #5 perfume. To the question: "What do you sleep in?", She answered without hesitation: "In "Chanel # 5".

Attitude towards children. She surprisingly quickly found a common language with the children, was devoted to them. “Children, especially girls, should always be told that they are beautiful and that everyone loves them. If I have a daughter, I will always tell her that she is beautiful, I will comb her hair to a shine and will not leave her alone for a minute ".

Undoubtedly, much was given to Marilyn by nature. But not all beautiful actresses become Marilyn Monroe. This woman was very smart and possessed the ability to teach herself to five points. Monroe was idolized, she was carried in her arms. Having died at the age of 36, the actress left a long memory of herself and was recognized as the sexiest woman of the past twentieth century.

based on materials from the site

Marilyn Monroe is a famous American actress and singer who, among other things, in the 1950s. was a global sex symbol.

For many, she is still the ideal of beauty, because she always looked well-groomed and took care of herself. She was helped to maintain a seductive figure by a special diet, which the actress adhered to almost all the time, and now everyone knows about the secrets of her nutrition.

Marilyn Monroe: height, weight and figure parameters ^

Marilyn Monroe's real name is Norma Jean Mortenson. She was born June 1, 1926 in Los Angeles, and was raised by one mother, film editor Gladys Pearl Baker. There is no exact data about the father of the actress, because. her mother separated from him before the birth of her daughter, and finally divorced in 1928.

Marilyn's childhood was quite difficult: her mother had mental problems, besides, she constantly did not have enough money to live, because of which the future actress had to constantly be in shelters or foster families. Periodically, Gladys Pearl took her home, but when she began to exacerbate, little Marilyn had to go back to live with strangers.

The actress got married early - at the age of 16. Her first husband was Jim Dougherty, and after registering the marriage, Marilyn moved in with him and dropped out of school. Almost immediately, the girl got a job at an aircraft factory, where she was noticed by photographer David Conover, who took propaganda military pictures. He invited Marilyn to pose for $5 an hour, and she soon quit the factory to start a modeling career.

Marilyn Monroe figure parameters: 91-56-91 (chest-waist-hips)

Marilyn began her collaboration with the 20th Century Fox film studio as an extra, but later she was invited to shoot, and she starred in such films as Dangerous Years, Chorus Girls, Happy Love, Asphalt Jungle, Skirmish in the night”, “We are not married”, “Niagara”, “How to marry a millionaire”, “Martyshkin labor”, etc.

What diet was Marilyn Monroe on?

All the parameters of the actress have been known for a long time: the height and weight of Marilyn Monroe were 166 cm and 53-54 kg, and the volumes of the chest, waist and hips were 91-56-91 cm. Her figure is called ideal even now, when beauty standards have radically changed, therefore, the features of her diet are relevant in our time.

Sizes of clothes and shoes

Secrets of the unfading Marilyn Monroe

  • She tried not to eat at night, but sometimes she allowed herself to eat caramel ice cream even before bedtime - it was her weakness;
  • The second temptation, which was difficult for Marilyn to resist, was good champagne: she could also drink it at any time of the day, despite the considerable calorie content of the drink;
  • Monroe's diet consisted mainly of protein foods, and she preferred green tea from drinks;

Marilyn Monroe: height 166 cm, weight 53 kg

  • When it was necessary to lose weight quickly, the actress began to count calories and “ate” no more than 800 kcal per day;
  • During the diet, Marilyn Monroe refused fried, fatty, smoked and sweet foods in favor of fruits, vegetables, olive oil, low-fat dairy products, lean fish and meat.

These recipes for harmony from Marilyn Monroe were known back in the 19050s. when she gave an interview to one of the magazines popular at that time, but they are relevant in our time for those who dream of a beautiful figure.

Plastic surgery ^

Marilyn Monroe before plastic surgery

On November 10, 2013, X-rays of Marilyn Monroe's face were sold at Julien's in Los Angeles, confirming that the actress changed her appearance with the help of plastic surgery.

The pictures of the actress were made public by her personal surgeon, Michael Gurdin, who announced that he would reveal the truth about Marilyn's beauty to the world. However, for any adequate admirer of Marilyn Monroe's work today, in the era of high-speed Internet, Gurdin's product is of no interest. It is enough to compare the pictures of the actress in the 1940s and 1950s to understand that she really had an operation.

19-year-old Marilyn Monroe at the Radioplane Co factory (photo 1945)

The operations are also confirmed by documents declassified back in the early 2000s. In 1950, Marilyn had a chin implant inserted to make it more pronounced. With an updated chin, she appeared in the films How to Marry a Millionaire, Only Girls in Jazz, and The Seven Year Itch.

On the Beach (1946)

By 1958, the material implanted in the chin began to dissolve under the skin, so the shape of Marilyn's face changed. Neither fans nor colleagues on the set saw anything surprising in this. There was a rumor that the actress had a severe cold, her health was negatively affected by antibiotics. Then, in the late 1950s, even in Hollywood, they did not imagine that plastic surgery really existed and that its services could be used.

Surgeon Norman Leaf claims that in the same 1958 he changed the shape of Marilyn's nose. As evidence, he provided medical documents in which the actress signed two names - Joan Norman (a pseudonym derived from her real name Norma Jean Mortenson) and Marilyn Miller (from 1956 to 1961 she was married to Arthur Miller). Obviously, Marilyn carefully concealed her plastic corrections, so she even tried to confuse the documents.

Information about Marilyn's lip augmentation surgery is unreliable. Such technologies did not exist then. This rumor may have originated from the skillful application of makeup to the actress's face. She mixed several shades of lipstick and tore her lips with Vaseline, which visually enlarged them. Usually, before each public appearance, a team of makeup artists worked on Marilyn's appearance, it took her up to two hours to do her own makeup.

It is worth noting that surgeon Michael Gurdin acted incorrectly by starting to trade documents related to Marilyn Monroe. The papers also described deeply personal problems of the actress, for example, a severe blood disease - neutropenia (a reduced number of neutrophilic leukocytes) and the fact of an ectopic pregnancy in 1957.

Marilyn Monroe's Secret Diet: Menus and Recipes ^

Marilyn Monroe's Weight Loss Rules

  • It is advisable not to skip meals, and dinner should be the lightest;
  • It is necessary to refuse salt: instead of it, spices can be used during cooking;
  • You can’t eat food that you don’t like: when compiling a menu, you need to be guided by your own taste preferences, but taking into account the list of allowed foods.

Marilyn Monroe Diet: Menu

The dietary diet of the actress was as follows:

  • For breakfast she drank green tea, ate orange and rye bread toast;
  • I had dinner with vegetables, 100 g of fish, fruit and 250 g of low-fat kefir;
  • I ate a vegetable salad and a slice of bread.

Marilyn Monroe Diet Recipes

Salad Recipe:

  • Boil a chicken egg, chop it, mix with chopped tomato, cucumber and boiled beans;
  • Sprinkle with chopped herbs, season with lemon juice or olive oil.

Baked fish recipe:

  • We cut the fish fillet with skin into pieces, grease the pan with oil, put the fish in the middle and sprinkle with pepper;
  • Separately, fry the mushrooms, then mix everything, pour over the sauce, place in the oven and bake;
  • Sprinkle with herbs before serving.

Fruit Salad Recipe:

  • We peel the apple, cut it, mix with soaked dried apricots, prunes, raisins and oatmeal;
  • Topped with low fat yogurt.

Diet Marilyn Monroe: the opinion of nutritionists ^

The actress's nutritional methodology is considered quite strict, and it is also known that Marilyn herself often resorted to strict diets and even drank. Against this background, she developed problems with mental well-being, and soon she ended up in a psychiatric clinic.

Now the Marilyn Monroe diet is quite popular among girls, but it should be borne in mind that significant dietary restrictions for a long time can lead to the appearance of diseases, so it is recommended to follow this technique for no more than two weeks.

Feedback from our readers

Olga, 28 years old:

“Of course, it was problematic to even last a week on the Monroe diet, but I really wanted to lose at least 5 kg. I achieved my goal, but I won’t experiment like that anymore ”

Ekaterina, 24 years old:

“I have tried many diets, but Marilyn's method, as for me, is the most rigid of them. All 2 weeks I constantly wanted to eat, but I threw off 8 kg, as I wanted.

Evelina, 35 years old:

“Thanks to the diet of my favorite actress, I lost 10 kg after sitting on it for just over two weeks. I wouldn’t say that it is too hard to bear, but I don’t dare to use it again, and even unnecessarily.

  • "The Greatest Blonde of All Time" was born with brown hair. She became blonde around the same time that she changed her name to a pseudonym. And besides, she had several plastic surgeries. Surgeons corrected her nose and reshaped her chin. They also solved the problem with the hair that grew in her triangular protrusion on her forehead.
  • Twenty-year-old Marilyn was not classically beautiful, and behind the radiant smile in the pictures for magazines, postcards and calendars, there was a sadness that had settled in her since childhood, a bunch of complexes and a tendency to strong.
  • Immediately after the death of the actress, the version of a drug overdose was widely discussed in the American press, causing the Werther effect, as a result of which hundreds of Americans followed her example. The number of suicides in America has risen by 12%.
  • On the mirror in the bathroom, Marilyn liked to print her own edifying sayings with lipstick, some of which became winged: “Do not expect more than you can achieve”, “Vanity kills”, “Do not worry, but worry” ... She also wrote poetry and was interested in classical literature , including Russian.
  • Despite depression and addictions, Marilyn always looked perfect in public, but she was often late. “Better to be late, but come in full uniform. Anyway, what I like is not to rush. Our time is too busy. And beauty and perfection require time and deliberation. I have one desire - to constantly strive for excellence.
  • Shortly before her death, in an interview, Marilyn said: “The woman did not work out of me. Men, because of my image of a sex symbol, created by them and myself, expect too much of me - they expect bells to ring and whistles to blow. But my anatomy is no different from that of any other woman. I don't live up to expectations."

Star photos ^

Your own flavor. Perfume was an integral part of Marilyn Monroe's style. And why? Blonde Monroe was truly stunning. Marilyn Monroe had a rough childhood. We decided to find out what secrets of Marilyn Monroe's beauty and style provided her with eternal fame and eternal memory. The life of Marilyn Monroe has become more interesting for the audience than the characters she played on the screen. She had an ordinary appearance, but thanks to a well-created style that is still copied today, Marilyn Monroe became the most desirable and beautiful woman.

Business card of Marilyn Monroe: bright lips and a smile. Marilyn was able to develop her own unique style of behavior, facial expressions, gestures, movements. Platinum blonde. They say that becoming a blonde is the decision that defined Marilyn's career in cinema. One of the famous aphorisms of the actress indicates that Monroe was strangled even at night: “What do I go to bed in?

Femininity was given to Marilyn by nature, she appreciated it and tried to emphasize it in every possible way. I definitely feel like a woman and enjoy it,” said Monroe. - Femininity breeds true beauty. Women's attractiveness is strong only when it is natural and spontaneous. In the morning, Marilyn ate without frills, but not ordinary. Radiant skin. Marilyn had an amazing secret of radiant skin - the whole point is that the actress categorically refused to remove the light “fluff” on her cheeks and cheekbones.

Marilyn Monroe: figure parameters

She should shine on the lips, like Marilyn, so that you look truly luxurious. The languid, "velvet" look from under the long and fluffy eyelashes of Marilyn had a truly magical effect. Smile. Among the many advantages of Marilyn's appearance is a dazzling smile, as they say, "for a million dollars." Marilyn needed all sorts of activities not to lose weight (as we already know, the actress was proud of her forms), but to keep her figure in good shape.

Imperfections are beautiful, ”Marilyn adhered to this opinion, although she herself seems to many to be an ideal. The body is meant to be seen, not hidden under clothing, ”said Marilyn.

The thorny path to success Marilyn Monroe

In the 60s, which was the peak of Marilyn's popularity, tan was in vogue, but the star did not follow the trend that was gaining momentum. Born Norma Jeane Baker to a single mother named Gladys Baker, Marilyn Monroe has gone from a shy girl next door to a blonde-haired sex bomb. Through all this turmoil, several of Marilyn's secrets have remained hidden thanks to the reticence of her old acquaintances and Hollywood colleagues.

It is not clear what made Mrs. Baker stop and whether Marilyn's memory is true at all. The mother of actress Gladys Monroe Baker was officially married to Martin Mortenson, but the couple broke up a long time ago, so they were not officially divorced.

Nevertheless, Marilyn became a star. In 1956, it became known that Marilyn married the American writer Arthur Miller, the excitement was indescribable. Monroe even went to classes at the theater studio of Lee Strasberg and E. Kazan. As a result, Marilyn began to abuse drugs, alcohol and sleeping pills. Marilyn Monroe passed away on August 5, 1962. Her lifeless body was found in a Los Angeles suburban mansion.

Immediately after the death of Marilyn Monroe, the version of a drug overdose began to be widely discussed in the American press and caused the Werther effect.

Only three husbands of Marilyn Monroe are known: first there was Jim Dagherty, then Joe DiMaggio, and then Arthur Miller. Marilyn married Jim Dougherty when she was only 16 years old. He was 20 and worked at a funeral home. Norma left school and began to live with her husband. In January 1954, Marilyn Monroe married baseball star Joe DiMaggio. From the very beginning, the man did not like that his beloved exposes the body for show.