Sagaalgan Khural for the New Year. Meet the white month. Buddhism and the New Year

The Mongols christened it Tsagaan-Sar, the Buryats - Sagaalgan, the Tuvians - Shagaa, and the inhabitants of the Altai Territory and the Yakuts: Chaga-Bayram and Urun Yy. Only the wise will understand that we are talking about the "White Moon Holiday", better known as the Buddhist New Year. He is met much later than January 1, because the celebration is dedicated to the beginning of spring. To find out when the next calendar period begins for the followers of the teachings of the Enlightened One, what date the celebrations for the Eastern peoples of Russia begin and end in 2018, and also to plunge headlong into ancient traditions and rituals, will help Interesting Facts about an ancient and unusually interesting tradition.


When is the "White Moon" and why?

To determine what date to celebrate the Buddhist New Year, you will have to turn to the lunisolar calendar for help. The date is floating, as it symbolizes the beginning of the first spring new moon. The heavenly body can go into this phase during one of three months: towards the end of January, in February or March.

Astrological tables indicate that in 2018 the celebration will come on February 16th. This Friday day will remain everyday for most Russians, since the holiday is officially celebrated only in a few subjects of the federation:

  • Kalmykia and Buryatia;
  • Tuva and Altai;
  • Trans-Baikal Territory and Irkutsk Region.

According to the practice of previous years, residents of these regions can count on a day off, and given that Sagaalgan is traditionally celebrated for about a month, they can be envied with all my heart. In Buryatia, the Buddhist New Year is a public holiday that guarantees legal rest.

Holiday of bright thoughts and white food

"White month" - this is how the word "Sagaalgan" sounds in translation from Buryat into Russian. Most often it is pronounced when the first spring new moon comes and the four-week celebration of the New Year begins among the Buddhists of Russia, India, Mongolia, China and Tibet.

Ancient chronicles indicate that earlier the celebration had nothing to do with the admirers of Siddhartha Gautama. It was celebrated only by the Mongols, offering honors to milk (tsagaan idee) - the most popular product among nomads, until the grandson of Genghis Khan - Kublai ordered to celebrate the New Year on Chinese calendar during the autumn-winter period. Over time, the boundaries were erased and customs became confused. Only respect remained white color, which symbolizes: the purity of thoughts and the purity of the soul, bringing happiness and prosperity. Buddhists sacredly honor three main customs of the New Year:

  1. Gutor or "Cleansing"(forgiveness of past insults, worship of elders, putting things in order in the soul and in the house).
  2. white food(dishes from milk, sour cream, rice, flour, etc.).
  3. Bonfires "Dugzhuuba"(the burning of sins on the skull-topped pyramid of Sor).

Sagaalgan - the time of the fairs, festivities and dancing yokhor. On the eve of the celebration, it is customary to keep a one-day fast. You can't eat anything at all. Mandatory rituals - going to visit and a special greeting. This is a ritual that is accompanied by special gestures expressing respect for the elders. On the first holiday, they get up early (4-5 o'clock in the morning), so that the deity Baldan-Lkhamo, who counts souls, does not miss, otherwise you will not see happiness all year.

Buddhist New Year Traditions

The celebration lasts almost a whole month. It begins with the burning of incense, the presentation of takhil (gifts to the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha) and sergem (pouring tea, milk or vodka for the deities guarding the area, shouting "Om Ah Hum"). This is followed by a meeting of the holiday in the temple, the distribution of presents-hadak to parents and the preparation of wrestlers for relatives, as well as the launch of Hii Morin - the horse of the winds.

When the "White Moon" comes, the clergy concentrate in the datsans monasteries, which are open for visiting on New Year's Eve. Priests hold a 15-day prayer called "Monlam Chenmo". The service is dedicated to the corresponding number of miracles that Shakyamuni Buddha performed in India.

Sagaalgan 2018: holiday menu

Name of the dish Description
Buuzy Traditional dish of a solemn feast. It is a large dumplings (like manti) with broth inside, which are eaten with hands. Bouza is prepared from meat, fish and seafood
Bortsok National flour dish and ritual gift. Prepared from rich unleavened dough and fried in boiling fat
Khushuur or "Meat pear" It looks like a cheburek, but not quite, more like a pear. Khushuur is fried in boiling fat or oil until a pale yellow crust is formed. If the “fruits” are ready for consumption, then light fat flows out when punctured.
Shoro Marinated meat grilled on skewers over coals. Barbecue, but under the original "sauce". Lamb is soaked with local herbs in milk vodka for 3-8 hours
Salamat Porridge richly flavored with butter and sour cream. Cooked with wheat, rye or barley flour
Sharbin Unleavened flatbreads with minced lamb
Tabag A pyramid of fried gingerbread, reminiscent of the periodicity of life cycles
Holiso Dessert from cottage cheese, bird cherry and milk
Kurunga Milk drink, which is prepared on the basis of their natural sourdough

Among the Mongolian tribes, as a people with a nomadic pastoral life, a new annual cycle began at the time when the cattle, bearing offspring, entered autumn. At this time, the Mongols added a year of age to themselves and their livestock.

This holiday among the Mongols was called "Sagaalgan". The spread of Buddhism influenced the transfer of the New Year celebration from autumn to the end of winter.

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The course of the holiday

The holiday will begin with especially solemn prayers in temples. On the 30th of the last winter moon, prayers to the goddess Lhamo are read in datsans all night.

L. Austin Waddell, CC BY-SA 3.0

On the day of the New Year, it is customary to wake up at dawn, turn on the lights in the windows, brew fresh and think about the good.

It is believed that at this time the goddess Baldan Lhamo circles the globe and marks those who meet. Those who sleep, the goddess takes for the dead and deprives them of her gifts.

The holiday lasts all month. A whole series of rituals dedicated to the 15 miracles of the Buddha is held. Many rituals are associated with the expectation of the appearance of the goddess Palden Lhamo.

It is good to attend prayers. During a prayer service in datsans, the whole atmosphere affects the peaceful state of the soul, because the power of prayers has tremendous power when they are permeated with faith and compassion, they set a person in a positive mood. (priest of the Buddhist dugan "Mandala" in Ulan-Ude, Bulat Lama Bairov)

Vyacheslav Dmitriev, CC BY-SA 3.0

Holiday traditions

During the holiday, people congratulate each other, say good wishes, make gifts, exchange treats.

Have a good New Year's Eve folk beliefs contributes to longevity, abundance of food and offspring.

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One of the most significant moments of the holiday is the ceremony "", which is held two days before New Year's Day.

Natalia Myasnikova, CC BY-SA 3.0

- this is a kind of rite of purification from everything bad, a special ritual to eliminate all obstacles, so that in the new year a person finds well-being, peace, tranquility.

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The date of the beginning: February

Time: month

Useful information

Tsagaan Sar (Mong. Tsagaan sar; Bur. Sagaan hara; Sagaalgan; Kalm. Tsakhan sar; Tuv. Shagaa; South Alt. Chaga-Bayram; Sibtat. Tsagaan ai; Tib. ཟླ་བ་དག་པ།)
White month

Shared birthday

On the day of the New Year lunar calendar all the inhabitants of the steppes, without exception, added another year to themselves and their livestock. Therefore, it was also a common birthday.

Month long holiday

Another advantage of this holiday is that it lasts for a whole month. Hence its name" white moon".

The thing is that the yurts of nomads were originally located far from each other. In order to have time to congratulate all relatives, moving from family to family had to be made a day long, or even several.

It was necessary to get to the distant yurts of relatives and participate in the festive feast and rituals, but in a couple of days all this could not be done. So they gave a deadline for the celebration - a whole month.

Holiday dates

Every year the date of the holiday falls on a different date. Most often it is February, the beginning or the end - the Moon decides.

After the onset of the New Year according to the lunar calendar, a noticeable spring warming begins, but winds also begin to blow.

2010 - February 14
2011 - February 3
2012 - February 22
2013 - February 11
2014 - February 14
2015 - February 19
2016 - February 8
2017 - February 26

Who is celebrating?

In Russia, Sagaalgan is celebrated in such republics as Buryatia, Kalmykia, Tyva, Altai.

The national holiday in these areas is a non-working day according to the republican and federal legislation, a decree on which was adopted in 1990. Prior to that, starting in 1930, the celebration of Tsagaan Sar was prohibited.

This holiday symbolizes the arrival of spring and the Buddhist New Year. It is traditionally celebrated according to the lunar calendar in accordance with ancient traditions. Sagaalgan 2019 will be a clear confirmation of this.

What date is the holiday

For some Turkic peoples, this holiday has a different name - Tsagan Sar or the White Month. In Russia it is celebrated in:

  • Republic of Tyva;
  • Kalmykia;
  • Republic of Komi;
  • Altai Territory;
  • Buryatia.

The Buddhist New Year does not have a fixed date. It is calculated every year according to the lunar calendar. It usually takes place between the end of January and the middle of March. The white month begins after the first spring New Moon according to the lunar calendar. When there will be a holiday, it is calculated according to ancient tables. Astrological calculus in different regions is different, so the dates of the holiday may vary. Usually, data for the following year are published each year. Along with the date, an astrological forecast for representatives of different zodiac signs is also printed. In 2019, this holiday will be celebrated on 02/05/19.

history of the holiday

Previously, Sagaalgan was associated with the harvest festival and was celebrated in the fall. At this time, milk products were prepared for the winter. The people called it - the holiday of dairy products. This continued until about the fourteenth century. Then Khan Kublai (grandson of Genghis Khan) by his order transferred Tsagan Sar to the beginning of the year according to the lunar calendar. The meaning of the holiday began to take on a different character. Now it has become a holiday of spring and renewal of all life. Good expectations and dreams began to be associated with him. On this holiday, not only nature is born, but man himself is renewed. Now the holiday symbolizes holiness, purity, prosperity and new beginnings.

Tsagan Sar still has a strong Buddhist influence. During the holiday, many rituals and rituals are performed, taken from this eastern religion.

Previously, this holiday was celebrated throughout the lunar month. Now this tradition has been preserved only among some nationalities, for example, among the Volga Kalmyks. At present, most nations celebrate only the first three days.

This holiday in the days of the USSR experienced not the most better times. In the thirties it was banned. As a national celebration, it was recognized only in 1990. In 2004, Kalmykia approved it as a national holiday. Today it is a day off in Buryatia, Transbaikalia, Khakassia and some other regions of the Russian Federation.

Celebration traditions

The celebration can be divided into religious and folk components. According to folk traditions, spend fifteen basic ceremonies. All of them are dedicated to the miracles of the Buddha.

Preparations for the holiday begin in advance. First of all, put things in order in the house. All unnecessary things are taken out into the field, laid out in one line and burned. They try to finish all important things before the holiday. Women wash old things and prepare new clothes for the upcoming celebrations. Men make sure that there is complete order in the courtyard. In time, they put things that are unnecessary for a given period.

In religious terms, the holiday takes place in datsans. Here, special books and prayers are read for fifteen days.

Before the onset of the 29th day according to the lunar calendar, a ceremony associated with fire is performed. It is believed that fire is able to cleanse a person from all the negative that has accumulated over Last year. The walls for the holiday are decorated with images of Buddhist shrines. Special candles are lit in front of them.

The descendants of the Mongols attach particular importance to the food that needs to be consumed in holidays. There is an opinion that the prosperity of the family depends on what the festive meal will be. Therefore, Tsagan Sar prepares the most exquisite meat and milk dishes, which are not typical for weekdays.


During the holiday, a number of important rituals are held, which have deep historical roots:

"Dugzhuuba": It is held 2 days before the holiday and is a ritual of purification and getting rid of all negativity. It is believed that thanks to him, prosperity, peace, tranquility and, ultimately, success are obtained. The procedure itself looks like this:
  • before the holiday, the house and courtyard are cleaned;
  • the accumulated garbage is taken out into the street:
  • then all the rubbish is divided into nine parts;
  • laid out on the ground in one line;
  • then everything is set on fire;
  • while special prayers are performed by the lama.

This esoteric rite takes place when the body is rubbed with a piece of dough, which should help get rid of adversity and other hardships.

Worship of the heavenly goddess Palden Lhamo: She is considered the protector of all life on earth. On the eve of the holiday, the goddess goes around all her possessions, so be sure to be at home in the presence of all your relatives.
Worship the master of fire: This ceremony expresses gratitude for the comfort, warmth and well-being in the house. At the same time, all household deities are remembered.

With the advent of the White month, the owner of the house should go outside with the first rays of the Sun and ask for well-being and health to all family members. Only after this ritual can the celebrations begin. The closest relatives, neighbors and friends are invited to the house. How more guests, the more wealth will be next year. A special place is given to gifts. Everyone should get them.

Importance is attached to the first guest. It is believed that if a man comes to the house first, there will be prosperity and well-being in the family.

The holiday of Sagaalgan cannot be imagined without the Zolgokho ritual. Its meaning lies in the fact that initially they congratulate the older members of the family, then relatives, etc. At the same time, they adhere to strict traditions. After congratulations have been received by all those present, the guests sit down at the table. Before leaving home, all guests give gifts to the host.

sacred meal

On the festive table, the hostesses prepare a variety of dishes that the family loves. Buuzes occupy a special place in the menu. They are somewhat similar to the well-known dumplings. It is customary to make them before the holiday with the whole family. On the festive table must also be present:

  • lamb dishes;
  • meat broth;
  • blood sausage;
  • milk dishes (various cheeses, cottage cheese, sour cream, etc.);
  • sharbin - a dish similar to our belyashi, only fresh.

Any alcohol is not welcome. Instead, they drink a special drink - aarsy.

It is customary to celebrate the Buddhist New Year in all white. Moreover, the tablecloth, dishes and other paraphernalia should be of the same color.

For the change of year Wooden Goat on Eastern calendar the year comes red fire monkey which will start February 9, 2016- after the completion of the first complete cycle of the moon, counting from the day winter solstice. The next Eastern New Year will be celebrated at dawn on the 9th (beginning of the first day of the lunar month).

The normal cycle of the lunar calendar is 12 years. Full, or Big, cycle - 60 years. It consists of five ordinary cycles of 12 years. Each 12 year cycle is based on a legend. It says that the Buddha, before leaving the Earth, called all the animals to him. However, only 12 of them came to say goodbye to the Buddha. Parting with them, the Buddha gave each of them one year of reign. The years were presented in exactly the order in which the animals ran to the Buddha: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Hare, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

A big holiday is approaching - Sagaalgan. For your attention the most detailed instructions how to celebrate this bright day.

As a rule, preparations for the celebration begin long before the start of the holiday, usually a month before the start of the holiday. For the future, they prepare dairy food - sour cream, aarsu, butter - meat and other products. The farm is carefully cleaned, garbage is taken out of the yard. Perfect purity symbolizes the purity of human thoughts. Otherwise, deities, creatures from the ten directions of the world and other guests will not enter the house.

Sagaalgan is the birthday of every Mongol. Remember how we prepare for it. The Mongolian peoples say: how you celebrate the new year, so you will spend it.

DUGZHUUBA - burning of sins

On the 29th day of the lunar calendar - this year it falls on February 7- held rite "Dugzhuuba", symbolizing the destruction in fire of the enemies of faith, and which all Buddhists try to visit.

In the ritual fire "Dugzhuuba" all the impurities of the body, speech and mind of each person are burned. To do this, the laity bring with them pieces of dough, cotton wool or paper, with which they first wipe their body, after which they throw them in the place where the entire Sor will be burned.

The rite of "Dugzhuuba" is held in datsans usually two days before Sagaalgan. For this rite is made Sor- a tall pyramid topped with a skull made of slats, paper and dough, resembling an arrowhead.

Under ritual prayers, the bad karma of the community over the past year is "invested" in Sor and then solemnly burned at the stake.

The fight against the enemies of faith, symbolizes and linga rite: a figurine of a torma is also molded for him, personifying evil and enemies of faith, which is then solemnly cut into 12 parts and burned as a sacrifice to the lord of death, Yama.

The next day after "Dugzhuuba" - the thirtieth day according to the lunar calendar - the "Mandal Shiva" Khural is held in datsans. Last day of the new year according to the lunar calendar February 8) is "closed afternoon" (butuu uder).

Butuu uder

On this day, you need to clean up the home altar in a new way, be sure to place offerings to the deities in the form of meat dish, as well as " tobacco"- a ritual offering (bread, gingerbread, cookies, bova, sweets, refined sugar, marshmallows, etc.), consisting according to the rules of nine floors, which is crowned with a piece butter. On this day, it is necessary to ignite Zula(lamp), the light of which will illuminate your further path in this and the next lives.

Festive decoration of the yurt.

In "butuu uder" categorically it is forbidden to raise dust in the house- It is necessary to clean the house in advance. Buddhists are encouraged to read holy books, recite mantras, prostrate, and do good deeds.

It is highly undesirable to drink alcohol, you should also refrain from eating meat.

It is necessary to meet Sagaalgan, having properly prepared for it - with pure thoughts, in a pure place.

Do not oversleep the dawn!

On the first day of Sagaalgan gotta get up very early at 4-5 o'clock in the morning. According to legend, in the early morning, before sunrise, a deity enters every house. Baldan-Lhamo, which counts all people. Those who overslept her arrival are considered to miss their happiness for a whole year. And those who were awake at that time, on the contrary, will acquire the protection of the Buddhist goddess Lhamo, and they will be accompanied by good luck and success throughout the year.

After morning washing, it is necessary to light Zula, burn sanzai or worse(incense), present tahil(offering) Three jewels(Buddha, Dharma and Sangha), and on the street to bring sergem(offering in the form of tea, milk, or vodka) to the deities and masters of the area, splashing on all sides with the words "Om Ah Hum".

After that, the Buddhists go to the datsan, where they celebrate the White Moon holiday together with the clergy.

Visit relatives and hang out Hii Morin

It is customary to start the first day of Sagaalgan with a tour of the district congratulations to parents, present them hadak, gifts. When meeting with elders, it is necessary to be neatly dressed, fastened with all buttons.

present hadak you need to palms up, after supporting the hands of the older person from below. In this case, the palms turned upwards symbolize the purity of thoughts, and the support by the elbows - respect for old age and wisdom.

If relatives meet, then one hand remains at the top, and with the other hand they support the elbow from below. After the greeting, they step aside, while trying not to show their back. Men on the right side of the house, women on the left, in age order. After that, they sit down at the table.

On a holiday, they visit their relatives, friends and acquaintances, thereby strengthening relationships and teaching the younger ones to early age observe traditions and customs. When visiting, you must definitely go to the altar and pray, after which you can, at the invitation of the hosts, go to the festive table.

In the days of Sagaalgan, usually on the second day according to the lunar calendar, takes place rite of "launching the horse of the winds"- using the image of the "horse of the winds" ( Hii morin), consecrated by a lama.

"Khiy morin" is tied to a tree or placed on the roof of the house so that it flutters in the wind.

It is believed that the "horse of the winds" serves as a powerful protection against misfortune and disease, attracting the attention of higher beings and calling for the help of deities. His image also symbolizes the wish of health, happiness and prosperity in the new year to all living beings.

In addition to the main New Year, the “second” New Year is also celebrated in Buryatia.

Those who are not familiar with local traditions and customs are usually very surprised by this. The thing is that it means the New Year according to the lunar calendar, or, as it is called in Buryatia, a holiday Sagaalgan.

He comes in different time, it all depends on the lunar calendar, the first lunar day of the new year may fall in the middle or beginning of February, or maybe at the end of January. At this time, the animal - the symbol of the year - finally comes into its own.

About the holiday itself:


With the advent of the first day of the new year, people congratulate each other with the words "amar sayin", "mende amar"

Rehabilitation of Sagaalgan

The people of Mongolia were the first to achieve the rehabilitation of this national holiday, widespread in the Mongolian world. It happened in 1960. True, for this they had to call it the New Year's holiday of agricultural associations. And within a few years, the Sagaalgan traditions were almost completely restored.

During the years of Soviet power, Sagaalgan, along with religion, Buddhism, turned out to be prohibited. The people did not have the opportunity to officially celebrate Sagaalgan. In the 60s of the last century, attempts were made to revive Sagaalgan in the Republic of Buryatia, although there was no official permission. Among the first revivalists were the inhabitants of the ancient ulus Egita (Yeravna). On the day of Sagaalgan, everyone dressed smartly, many were in national clothes- deli. The club was crowded. The host congratulated everyone on the holiday, then presented the oldest inhabitants of Sagaan edee. Since many of the traditions of the national holiday were almost forgotten, the connoisseur of ancient customs and traditions spoke about how Sagaalgan was celebrated in the past, and about how it is desirable to celebrate the holiday today. Mass games were organized: duu bulyaaldaan, khatar naadan, yohor. Traditional Sagaalgan visits were made.

official holiday

Sagaalgan was officially revived in 1990. January 24, 1990 The Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Buryat ASSR promulgated the Decree. This Decree was preceded by repeated appeals of scientists, representatives of the intelligentsia to the Buryat Regional Committee of the CPSU, the Presidium of the Supreme Council and the Government of the Republic. Among them were the head of the RCNT N.G. Donsorunova, People's Artist of the RSFSR D-N. Dutarov, People's Poet of Buryatia D.Z. Zhalsaraev, People's Artist of the USSR D.Ts. Dashiev, writers Ts.A. Zhimbiev, B.S. Dutarov, BION researcher B.D. Bayartuev, professor of BSPI S.Sh. Chagdurov, professor of VSGIK D.S. Dutarov, director of the Kizhinginsky vocational school, people's deputy of the Buryat ASSR B-D. Rybdylov, director of the Buryat boarding school No. 1 Zh.B. Sanzhiev. Members of the organizing committee for the creation of the All-Buryat public organization- WARK.

Employees of the Buryat Institute of Social Sciences of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Doctors of Historical Sciences Sh.B. Chimitdorzhiev, R.E. Pubaev, T.M. Mikhailov in February 1988 turned to the first secretary of the regional party committee A.M. Belyakov with a memorandum on the revival of Sagaalgan in Buryatia. It showed the history of the holiday, which the authors associated with the specific way of life and cultural traditions of the peoples of the Baikal region and Central Asia. The authors referred to the authority of the prominent scientists Dorji Basharov, Gombojab Tsybikov and others, who showed the "deeply national origin of the holiday." It was noted that Sagaalgan was "one of the most popular holidays, and therefore the Buddhist clergy could not ignore it and eventually included it in their religious and cultural system."

The party leader of the republic did not consider it necessary not only to talk with scientists, but also did not give an answer to the authors of the note. I had to remind them about myself and about my note several times.

President of the Republican Center for Folk Art (RCNT) N.G. Donsorunova, on behalf of the team and a large army of folk artists, sent a letter of appeal to the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Republic, in which she argued, relying on historical facts, the need for the official revival of the national Buryat New Year holiday was substantiated. Figures of theatrical and musical art of the capital spoke in support of her appeal.

Only on January 24, 1990, the Decree of the Supreme Council of the Buryat ASSR was promulgated on giving Sagaalgan the status of a national holiday.

Sagaan sara - happy month

New Year's celebration for the Buryats was (and is) a doubly holiday. Before the establishment of Soviet power, it was not customary for Buryat-Mongols to record the date of birth. It was agreed that the Sagaalgan holiday adds one year to a person. Thus, Sagaalgan was a kind collective nominal holiday for the entire population. People added a year of age not only to themselves, but also to cattle. So, for example, tugal became buruu (one-year-old), buruu - khasharig (two-year-old); unagan (foal) - daagan, daagan - shudelen. This tradition, to add age, has survived to this day.

In the days of Sagaalgan, fun took place in the form of various competitions in games (step harbaan, step shuureen, seer shaalga), singing songs. dairy food- sagaan edeen (suu, toson, zoohei, urme, airuul...) - was the main food that was served to guests on the days of the holiday. And when they offer to taste dairy food, they say: “Sagaalagty!” The month in which the holiday takes place is called Sagaan sara (White month). In the symbolism of flowers, Sagaan sara among the Mongolian peoples is associated with the concepts of goodness, happiness, prosperity, honesty, purity: sagaan sanaan - sincerity, sagaan uile khereg - a good deed, sagaan zan - good nature, sagaan sadkhel - gentleness, sagaan hun - a kind, honest person , sagaan tala - open field, sagaan deputy - good luck and so on. Hence the name "Sagaan sara" - a happy, festive month.

Sagaalgan is the new year lunisolar calendar. The history of this calendar goes back to ancient times. The appearance of the calendar is connected with the practical need of a person to measure time. And this need was determined by his labor activity. The very first unit of time measurement associated with the alternation of work (day) and rest (night) was a day. People, observing the periodic change in the appearance of the moon (from new moon to full moon and from full moon to full waning), brought out a larger unit of time - the lunar month. And the seven-day week was also derived from observing the changes in the lunar phases.

Further, watching the sun, people identified spring and autumn equinoxes, constantly repeating the pattern of changing seasons. On this basis, a large measurement of time has been developed - solar year. It was a very significant unit of time. It was connected firstly, with an important cycle of human economic activity. After all, the questions: what will the new spring, summer and autumn bring - what offspring, what harvest, whether it will be possible to safely survive the winter following them, that is, what the new year will bring - were by no means idle for people. Secondly, this unit of time - the year - was the most suitable measure for calculating the duration of a person's life.

Consequently, the Buryat-Mongolian Sagaalgan is celebrated according to the lunar or lunar-solar calendar, popular for the Central Asian region, with a cycle of 60 years (rabzhun). This calendar is also called "household". According to this calendar, it is customary to ask a person: what year is yours? What year are you born? They answered, for example, like this: I have a year of the Hen (Ta-khyazhelteib).

The onset of the new year - Sagaalgana - does not fall on the same date, because it is based on the phases of the moon.

New Year's festivities are ubiquitous. But the start of a new year different nations defined differently. Most peoples celebrated the New Year at the end of winter or at the beginning of spring.

According to local historians, “in the old days this holiday was celebrated in autumn... The celebration of the White month belongs to the most ancient folk customs, to the times preceding the era of Genghis Khan. In the works of individual researchers, it is argued that the White Moon holiday was moved from autumn to the end of winter - the beginning of spring at the end of the 13th century, in the era of Kublai Khan, who was very respectful of Chinese customs (in China, from ancient times, the new year began at the end of winter ).

White Moon Holiday - Sagaalgan

One of the versions of the name of the holiday is “curd month”, that is, the month when cottage cheese(tsaga). This version again refers us to the tradition of the autumn New Year, when cattle no longer give much milk, and people switch to cottage cheese. That's why "sagan hara" can be translated as "curd month". "Sagan" in Mongolian means "white".

But there are other versions of the origin of the name. The end of winter is the time of mass production of livestock. Milk appears in abundance on the table white food(sagaan edeen). It is her, as a symbol of purification, that the guest is offered to taste first with the words - “sagaalagty”.

And most importantly, this white moon you have to try to keep all the light in yourself.

The holiday always falls on different dates. It's all about the difference between the solar and lunar calendars. According to the European calendar, you will never accurately determine the day on which the White Month begins. The time calculation according to the lunar calendar, based on the alternation of the lunar phases, does not coincide with the modern generally accepted calendar, calculated on the period of the annual revolution of the Earth around the Sun. That's why Sagaalgan falls mostly on different dates of the month of February according to the solar calendar.

Sagaalgan is not called in vain White month. This month is clearly divided into 3 main phases: the eve, the first day of the New Year and the rest of the holiday. In the old days, they began to prepare for it from the autumn slaughter of cattle, freezing the best pieces of meat. Accumulate more sweets for babies, who should not be released without treats and delicious gifts. And they begin to buy gifts for older relatives and guests.

Is in Sagaalgan and a common tradition for all peoples to rush, first of all, to pay off monetary and moral debts, and to make peace with those who quarreled. And the hostesses of the house begin general cleaning. And not just cleaning, but trying to get rid of rubbish and old clothes. In the whole Buddhist East, this means getting rid of old failures. In the old days, garbage and junk were burned on the street, now they mainly please the poor by giving them unnecessary things. In ancient times, they sewed to Sagaalgan new clothes. After cleaning the house, rite of purification- fumigate all family members, the house and existing buildings with incense.

In the old days, men in front of Sagaalgan updated the main house symbol- hitching post, combed the manes of their horses, prepared new harness and saddle. And even changed the collar and leash of the dog. Now many are similarly pleased with the new thing of their "iron horse" - a car.

The day before the New Year, in Buryat, is called "butuu uder" - literally translated, a closed, deaf or dark day. If you look on this day at the evening sky with a thin crescent of the newborn month, then you will understand where this name comes from. "Butuu uder" - according to the lunar calendar, this is the thirtieth, final day of the last winter month. It symbolizes old year, leaving in the "darkness" of time. It's a mix of old and new.

That is why the tradition of seeing off the old year is called “butuulhe”. The day before "butuu", that is, on the 29th day of the last winter month according to the lunar calendar, finalize preparations: they perform a ceremony of honoring domestic shrines, images of the gods, once again they clean the house, household and surroundings around the dwelling, shake up the bed and clothes.

On the eve of the new year takes place rite"Burkhan delgeelge", when the altar is festively decorated. Then, dishes are placed in front of the goddess so that the food is consecrated by the deities and the next day it can be eaten. “Zula” (lamps) and “huzhe” (aromatic herbs pressed in the form of a stick) are lit.

The hostesses prepare dishes and begin to put them on the table in the afternoon. They sit down at the table in the evening of the day "butuu" in full force. On this darkest night at the junction old and new drink tea, fastening all the buttons of their clothes. According to the ancient Mongolian custom, in headdresses.

Start with tea, which is first presented to the fire and the gods, and then the hostess pours the owner of the house, then the rest of the household. On this day, believers observe fast- do not eat meat and do not consume alcoholic drinks. That is, they are completely spiritually and physically prepared for the New Year, focusing on good thoughts and deeds.

Many believers, especially the elderly, prefer to spend this night in datsans, praying with lamas. An interesting sign of the New Year. It is not celebrated with the chimes at midnight, but at dawn. The New Year and its first day have come, if you can distinguish the fingers of the hands in the predawn lightening darkness.

Sagaalgan is the best reason visit all relatives and friends with whom you rarely see each other during the year. Of particular importance is which person visited your house first on the day of the new year. It is best if it is a person with a happy fate. it ancient tradition which has a deep mystical meaning. According to what kind of person came to your house, they determine what the year will be like.

In Buryatia, on the first day, children are the first to congratulate on the holiday the head of the family who wishes them happiness and longevity. If the parents are no longer alive or they are far away, then they visit the elders in their family: uncle, aunt, brother or sister.

And this is not only respect for old age and family traditions, but also the opportunity to recruit every year wisdom from the elders, and children, listening to the stories of the elders of the family, learn the history of their family and their region. And, having already paid tribute to the elders, they are waiting for all friends and neighbors to visit.

There is a special New Year's gesture greetings: the younger extends both hands to the elder, palms up, and the older, in turn, puts his hands on top with palms down. It should look like the younger one is supporting the older one under the elbows. This is a deeply symbolic gesture, signifying the willingness of the younger to always support the older in life. And if a man and a woman are the same age, then the woman is considered the youngest.

At a richly laid table, an exchange begins gifts. As for good wishes, throughout Asia these days they say the most common - “Let five types of happiness be in the house: longevity, happiness, fertility, honor, wealth”.

Perhaps the most remarkable thing these days is that in addition to gifts, there are "returns". Their quality and value, of course, depend on financial capabilities. But gifts do not have to be expensive, the main thing is that they show warm concern for the recipients. In the old days, even dairy products and sweets were given. They also present money. By the way, to this day, in addition to sweets and toys, kids in Sagaalgan are given money, but only necessarily, new ones. This symbolizes prosperity and prosperity in the future.

People born in a year with the same cyclic sign like the coming year, they handed a small figurine of the corresponding animal made of felt or wood, which should be kept for a year. In the old days, the elderly were offered a cleaned, stuffed with selected tobacco and a lit pipe.

First days Sagaalgana in the old days, children and youth gathered in groups and went around all the yards. They were treated in every house. After that, they visited the next of kin living in remote areas.

There is a simple answer to the reasonable question that arises - how not to gain weight from plentiful food. On the days of the White month, many fun outdoor games. Competition in archery, games of chess and domino-dulun, competition in singing (duu bulyaaldaan), dance of incendiary round dance - yokhor and many others.

One of the most common delusions- in Sagaalgan it is possible and even necessary to pay tribute to alcohol immoderately. In fact, on the eve of Sagaalgan, when sleepless night It's best to avoid alcohol altogether. Moreover, in the following days, visiting a datsan while intoxicated is unacceptable according to the laws any religion and morality.

Many elders remember that only those who have stepped over 50 years old are allowed to drink vodka. Only they, who raised their children and their household to their feet, could afford strong drinks.

The main wish for the Sagaalgan holiday:

May five types of happiness be in your home:
longevity, happiness, fertility,
honor and wealth!