Can pregnant women be nervous? Why you shouldn't be nervous during pregnancy? pregnant women should not be nervous: Sleepless nights after the birth of crumbs


Constant stress and anxiety have already become the norm for most city dwellers. Endless traffic jams, problems at work and in the family - there are a lot of reasons for excitement. Why You Shouldn't Be Nervous During Pregnancy: Causes, Consequences and Recommendations. How can pregnant women survive in such conditions, who, as you know, should not be nervous and worried?

Causes of Nervousness

Anxiety and stress are constant companions of pregnancy. In the body expectant mother the real one is coming hormonal war, which causes a strong emotional "response" to any minor trifle. If before pregnancy a woman could look at the situation with a condescending smile, then during the bearing of a child, the same case causes a storm of emotions and causes depression.

Why is it “not possible” and what could be the consequences

The bond between mother and unborn child is very strong. The future development of the crumbs depends on the lifestyle of the mother, his physical and mental health. The child in the womb feels the slightest emotional shock of his mother, reacts to it.

Frequent stress, frustration, bad mood are transmitted to the baby. Moreover, those children who were constantly “under pressure” bad mood mothers in the womb after birth may lag behind their peers somewhat in development, they experience nervousness, increased muscle tone, nervous excitability, sensitivity to noise, light, smells.

Mood swings, nervous experiences are contraindicated for expectant mothers, and they pose a real danger both in the early and on later dates pregnancy.

  1. Strong nervous shocks and experiences at the beginning of pregnancy can cause a miscarriage.
  2. Stress can cause serious complications in a child after birth.
  3. Excessive worries and worries of the expectant mother can affect the quality of the baby’s sleep, which in the future will become an occasion for even stronger feelings, turning into depression.
  4. Under severe stress, the body is released great amount adrenaline. It constricts blood vessels, as a result, the child receives much less oxygen and nutrients.
  5. Constantly nervous tension leads to an increase in the body's level of cortisol (stress hormone), which provokes the development of heart defects and the baby's cardiovascular system. Cortisol raises blood sugar levels, causing oxygen starvation.
  6. The result of mom's stress during pregnancy can be a violation of the symmetry of the child. Most often, the fingers, elbows, ears and legs of the baby are affected.
  7. Nervous experiences of the mother can also affect the mental development of the child. Various pathologies of development are possible up to a serious lag and mental retardation.
  8. Low level self-control, excessive worries, constant anxiety of the child - a consequence of the mother's frequent stress during pregnancy.
  9. In the second and third trimester, strong nervous shocks provoke premature birth, after which the baby will need a long nursing.
  10. A mother's high level of anxiety can cause changes in her body that make it difficult for her to give birth.

Scientists have established a certain pattern of influence of mother's stress on children of different sexes. Thus, strong emotional experiences in mothers of girls during pregnancy led to rapid delivery and the absence of a characteristic cry of the baby after birth, in mothers of boys - a premature onset of the birth process and the outflow of amniotic fluid.

Foreign scientists about the problem

The problem of nervous strain during pregnancy has been actively studied by Western scientists.

Scientists from America have come to the conclusion that mothers who are nervous and worried a lot are at risk of giving birth to a small child. In addition, constant stress can provoke premature birth.

A group of Canadian scientists who investigated the problem came to a disappointing conclusion. It turned out that the constant stress of the expectant mother significantly (by 25%) increases the risk of developing asthma in the child in the future.

Being nervous during pregnancy is harmful, it immediately affects the condition of the baby and can lead to undesirable consequences in the future. What should expectant mothers do? There are several common ways to relieve nervous tension:

  • long walks. Walking will not bring any harm to the baby and mother. Among other things, walking is an excellent prevention of anemia in pregnant women, hypoxia;
  • communication with relatives, friends;
  • watching your favorite movies, listening to music. Good classical music will have a beneficial effect on psychological condition mom and baby;
  • massage "anti-stress point". This active zone is located in the center of the chin. Circular massage of this zone helps to calm down (9 times in one direction, 9 in the other);
  • even and deep breathing;
  • essential oils. Coniferous, citrus aromas give a good calming effect;
  • with a sufficient level of physical fitness, you can meditate in the lotus position;
  • tea with mint, lemon balm has a calming effect.

Sometimes frequent disorders and nervous breakdowns of pregnant women are caused by vitamin B deficiency in the body, which can be replenished by drinking milk, cheese, legumes, sprouted grains, pumpkin, fish, eggs, melon.

Stress, worries, anxieties during pregnancy will not bring anything good to either mother or child. Learn to relax and enjoy your pregnancy.

During pregnancy, women become irritable and psychologically less stable. First of all, this condition is facilitated by a dramatically changing hormonal background, which affects sudden mood swings. Particularly noticeable are manifestations of groundless tearfulness, anxiety and feelings of helplessness, which previously did not manifest themselves without an objective reason.

Usually in the first three months of pregnancy, such psychological changes occur in a woman's body, because her hormonal background is just beginning to rebuild. Naturally, for her, these are new sensations that you need to get used to and learn how to control them.

Causes of mental mood changes during the first trimester

  1. existing neurological disease.
  2. The presence of hypochondria, because now you have to constantly worry not only about your health, but also about the health of your child.
  3. In case of unplanned pregnancy.
  4. During pregnancy, there is no support from relatives and friends.
  5. If there were problems with the endocrine system before pregnancy, and complications of the disease occurred during pregnancy.

Negative consequences of tantrums during pregnancy?

Of course, it is absolutely impossible for all nine months of pregnancy not to be nervous once, you need to be an absolutely insensitive person, and such people do not exist. Therefore, experts recommend adhering to the “golden mean”, that is, there is no need to restrain emotions and tears, because the production of cortisol provokes this state, and you are not to blame for this. But, you need to release the ardor in a reasonable way, in no case do you need to bring yourself to hysteria or a nervous breakdown. You need to control your mental condition and the release of this harmful hormone. In the event of such situations, the result can be various negative situations:

  1. The threat of miscarriage can be triggered by a nervous breakdown on early term pregnancy. This is due to a sharp release of cortisol, which brings the uterus into tone, its muscles contract and no longer hold, but throw out the fetus. In late pregnancy, this situation can lead to premature birth, where not always the child remains alive or healthy after childbirth. In general, the direct dependence of the nervous state and the release of the hormone is a big threat during pregnancy.
  2. Tantrums and nervous breakdowns entail a devastating effect on the development of the psyche and body of the child. The mental state of the mother is transmitted to the child, he also feels a strong nervous tension, which can be a threat to him from congenital schizophrenia and autism. Boys are especially sensitive to such sharp changes than girls.
  3. The threat of developing stress in utero and after birth in a child. This can provoke congenital mental and nervous diseases in a child. This happens due to the fact that together with the blood and through the placenta the child receives hormones, and cortisol, entering the child's body, leads to hypoxia, shortness of breath and fetal development. Even after birth, the baby will be whiny, eat and sleep poorly, which will negatively affect its development. In the process of such behavior, the mother will be constantly nervous, the child, for objective reasons, too, and this circle in such a situation is closed for an indefinite time.
  4. The threat of weak immunity in a newborn. The result of a nervous breakdown can be hyperactivity and weakened immunity, which reduces attention, and the child is very difficult to learn.

What else provokes increased irritability and mental instability?

  1. A sharp drop in hormonal levels. It should be borne in mind that in pregnant women, due to a sharp hormonal background, sudden mood swings are observed, even if this was not observed even before pregnancy. Therefore, in no case should you forget this and provoke a pregnant woman.
  2. Weather sensitivity. Against the background of hormonal surges, this tendency manifests itself more often than in those periods when, before pregnancy, no attention was simply paid to it. That is, in addition to objective changes in nature, a pregnant woman can react to very insignificant and imperceptible things for others.
  3. Moon calendar. Even in ancient times, people knew that the menstrual and lunar cycles are interconnected, this is due to an increase in friction, ebbs and flows. During pregnancy, menstruation stops, but the body remembers, therefore amniotic fluid the volume of blood is also replenished. A pregnant woman in this state feels ongoing discomfort, which is the cause of a mood swing.
  4. The psychological environment of a pregnant woman. Firstly, the pregnant woman is worried that now attention, care and love will have to be shared by the child. Will she have the strength and skills to be a good mother? She also has worries about the fact that with the birth of a child, everything can change beyond recognition and she will have to adapt to a new life.
  5. Unplanned pregnancy. Usually in such situations, women are more prone to nervous breakdowns and hysteria. After all, this is a shocking situation for them, where they have to drastically change all plans for life. But, whatever it was, the birth of a child is always only a positive moment. Therefore, a mother should take care of her child and herself even during pregnancy.

How to calm the nerves?

Psychologists say that coping with stressful situations is not so difficult, for this you need to follow the rules:

  1. During pregnancy, you need to limit yourself less, all your desires need to be fulfilled. But, of course, in moderation. Do not succumb to constant drowsiness. Only a balanced mode, involving walks on fresh air, can reduce the nervous tension of a pregnant woman.
  2. Before registering for pregnancy, you need to choose a good doctor in advance. Do not miss scheduled visits and consultations, at the first signs of an unstable mental state, the pregnant doctor will prescribe medication. And is it important! After all, you need to be careful in every possible way, and not bring yourself to nervous overstrain and breakdown.
  3. Be sure to attend courses for expectant mothers, where they conduct classes in gymnastics, swimming and other useful procedures. If the doctor allows you to attend such events, then you do not need to refuse them. Firstly, it will dispel you and you will change the situation, and secondly, it is taking care of your health and the baby.
  4. During pregnancy, you need to prepare to the maximum for the upcoming birth, so you should read a lot of specialized literature in advance. From all the moments you need to draw only everything positive, increase this knowledge and happily prepare for a meeting with the baby.
  5. Another effective way to calm down is to mentally force yourself to pull yourself together. Can instead public transport walk a couple of stops on foot and think about something good.

Video: how stress during pregnancy affects the development of the child

Pregnancy is a wonderful time, but also a difficult test. Indeed, in the body of the expectant mother, tremendous changes are taking place. And this is primarily due to the hormonal background and the preparation of the woman's body for future childbirth. All organs and systems are involved here. As a result, not only the physical, but also the psychological state of the woman changes, she becomes more vulnerable, capricious, nervous. How to cope with this condition, you will learn by reading the article to the end.

Why is it important not to be nervous during pregnancy?

The calmness of the expectant mother is the key to the health of the baby. This is no secret to anyone. But why is it so important?

Yes, because stress and nervous overload during pregnancy can provoke the most unexpected consequences. This is especially dangerous for a period after 20 weeks.

What is the danger of mother's nervousness for the unborn child:

  1. Constant stress can cause hypoxia (suffocation) of the fetus, this carries a mortal danger.
  2. There is a risk of premature birth or the birth of a child with low birth weight.
  3. If a mother often experiences stress during pregnancy, there is a chance that the baby will have lung problems.
  4. A child may be born hyperactive or hyperexcitable, restless, and subsequently have nervous or mental disorders. The first sign of such deviations in a baby is a violation of sleep and wakefulness.

How to move from anxiety to peace of mind:

There are many ways to do this and it is not necessary to take medication or perform complex exercises. The tips that you will read below are taken from practice, they are completely harmless and have been tested by no generation of women. But most importantly, they are amazingly effective.

- plan your actions

Everyone knows that planning is the key to calmness, the more predictable your environment, the calmer you will be. Try to plan not only your day, but also finances, meetings with friends and other things. After all, it is easier for those who plan to keep calm.

Focus on what needs to be done before the baby is born, make a list of things to do, purchases, events, put down dates, prices, deadlines, etc. The more details you describe, the easier it will be for you.

Try to refrain from spontaneous actions during this period in order to avoid nervous overload.

- learn as much as you can about pregnancy

The more information - the calmer, because there is nothing worse than ignorance. And indeed it is. The more the expectant mother knows about pregnancy, intrauterine development, the course of childbirth, the calmer she will be. Forewarned is forearmed, folk wisdom says. Visiting the school of expectant mothers helps very well in this, since there is no time at all for experiences and “scrolling” of negative details. And experienced professionals are able to dispel all fears and doubts. In such schools, the expectant mother can communicate with obstetricians, psychologists, pediatricians, neonatologists and get comprehensive information. By the end of classes, she can already speak with doctors in their language.

- find support

Yes, it is support that is more important than ever for a pregnant woman, and it should not only be moral. You may need help around the house, or some other outside help. After all, a woman in an interesting position is vulnerable. And here relatives come to the fore, especially mother. It is the mother who can prompt, reassure, help, like no one else. Feel free to ask her for help.

If you have a sister or a friend who already has, then you can contact her. Her experience can be invaluable to you, and communication will help you calm down and mentally prepare for childbirth.

But the most important support for a pregnant woman is loving husband. Who, if not he, can instill confidence and calmness in the expectant mother? Therefore, do not be shy, tell your loved one about your condition, your desires and needs, let him take full care of you.

Attention! In this case, it is very important not to go too far. Do not abuse your condition and do not upset your loved ones without good reason.

If it is especially difficult for you, and there is no way to ask loved ones for help (this happens), contact a psychologist. It is very good if this is a specialist of a special orientation (namely, working with pregnant women). There are such consultants in almost every antenatal clinic or maternity home. Talk to him, consult, share your experiences. And if the consultant gives you a recommendation, be sure to follow it, so you will minimize all stressful situations.

- talk to the baby

Many people know that it is necessary to communicate with the baby even before birth. And many people practice it. But why? Scientists have long proven that the baby inside the womb responds perfectly to the sounds, emotions and condition of the mother. Even before birth, he is familiar with the sound of her voice and the vibrations of her body (heartbeat, work internal organs etc.).

In addition, communication with the unborn child establishes a spiritual connection between him and his mother. You get to know your baby before birth, and the gentle sound of your voice stimulates your baby's brain responses and sensory systems. Children who are talked to before birth are believed to have higher IQs, learn better, and grow up with more talent. In addition, communication with the unborn child calms the mother herself, stress, anxiety, fears go away, the soul and thoughts calm down.

- pamper yourself

What does it mean? And the fact that it's time to allow yourself what you did not allow before pregnancy:

  • A trip to the spa or a visit to a massage parlor.
  • Buying something you couldn't afford before.
  • Going to the opera, museum, theater, etc.
  • A trip you've been dreaming of for a long time.
  • Pleasant music, a good book or needlework.

In a word, everything that brings joy will be very useful during this period.

- rest

Rest is a very important part of the daily routine of a pregnant woman, especially in the third trimester. During this period, the woman's weight increases, swelling and heaviness in the lower abdomen often appear, laziness and fatigue appear.

Someone will say - pregnancy is not a disease and you should not attach excessive importance to it. On the one hand, yes, but on the other hand, pregnancy is a special state in which a woman is.

Her body is undergoing a tremendous transformation:

  • The hormonal background jumps.
  • The emotional state suffers.
  • Weight gain and swelling appear.
  • The state of the mammary glands is changing.
  • The load on the kidneys and spine increases several times.

And this is only a small part of what happens to a woman during pregnancy.

And this means that a pregnant woman simply needs rest.

In no case should you overload yourself with physical exertion or a tight work schedule. Remember, now you need to take care not only about yourself, but also about your unborn child.

- eat right

According to some psychologists, one of the reasons why pregnant women are nervous is malnutrition. The diet may contain a lot of tea, coffee, fatty or fried foods, unhealthy sweets and fast food. In a separate category, seasonings and spices can be distinguished, which have a particularly strong effect on the sensitive nervous system of a pregnant woman.

It is probably unnecessary to say that such products should be avoided.

What should a pregnant woman eat:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Dairy and sour milk products.
  • Lean meat and fish.
  • Dried fruits, nuts.
  • Chocolate in moderation.

Attention! No matter how hard you try to eat right during pregnancy, in no case do not force yourself to eat what you do not like.

- think about the future

In other words, visualize happiness, try to imagine the best moments that you will spend with your baby:

  • Walks.
  • Joint games.
  • Rest at nature.
  • Swimming in the sea, etc.

All this will help to tune in a positive way and give you moral strength. At the same time, the pictures that rise before your eyes should be as clear and realistic as possible. Let the child in your imagination look happy, cheerful, contented, and so it will be.

Performing such exercises, you will get rid of clamps and blocks in the body, increase the level of hormones of happiness, change the perception of the world for the better. Such exercises are especially useful if a woman is prone to negative thoughts, anxiety and fear.


A baby is the most beautiful gift given from above. However, we should not forget that the first pregnancy will have a serious impact not only on the nervous system, but also on your relationship. Before planning a pregnancy, try to get rid of rose-colored glasses and be ready for a change.

Specially for- Elena Kichak

With the onset of pregnancy, there are many more reasons for concern and worries. However, from the side of relatives, one hears every now and then: don’t worry, calm down, you can’t, and so on. Why pregnant women should not be nervous, and is it possible to somehow control their condition? After all, it is impossible to completely protect yourself from stress for 9 months.

Reasons why pregnant women should not be nervous

Nervous experiences can harm not only the mother, but also the child.

  • Excessive emotionality contributes to the release of a large amount of adrenaline into the bloodstream. It leads to vasoconstriction, which prevents the supply of nutrients to the fetus. If the situation repeats often, then due to nutritional deficiency, the child begins to lag behind in development. A sharp and prolonged narrowing of blood vessels can lead to miscarriage or premature birth due to lack of oxygen in the tissues.
  • The nervous tension experienced by a woman at the beginning of pregnancy can later result in an incorrect location of the fetus, cord entanglement, hypoxia and other pathologies.
  • In restless mothers during childbearing, children with an unbalanced psyche are more often born. Such a baby often cries and is naughty, he is worried about constipation, he has a weak the immune system and so on.
  • When a person experiences nervous tension, the body produces a large number of stress hormone cortisol. A significant and prolonged excess of its level destroys protein structures, the formation of organs is disrupted in a child, which leads to developmental abnormalities.
  • The increased nervousness of the mother during pregnancy increases the likelihood of the baby developing asthma, cardiovascular pathologies, dementia, and diseases of the digestive tract.

The short temper, aggressiveness, irritability of the expectant mother throughout the entire period of pregnancy can provoke an asymmetric development of the paired parts of the baby's body, for example, ears, fingers.

The most important period is the first three months, when the laying of organs occurs. Any negative impact can lead to the development of deformities and anomalies.

But even knowing why pregnant women should not be nervous, in some situations it is very difficult to resist emotions. Such "failures" along the chain "cling" to each other, and it becomes difficult to stop them. In such cases, you need to act decisively and purposefully.

How can pregnant women stop being nervous?

To prevent nervous breakdowns during pregnancy (and not only), it is recommended to combine several methods at the same time. Among them are both single actions (according to the situation) and daily actions aimed at strengthening nervous system generally.

  • Acceptance of safe sedatives in consultation with the doctor.
  • Regular walks in the fresh air.
  • Swimming pool visit.
  • Daily douche with cool water.
  • Deep slow inhalations and exhalations during irritation and nervousness.
  • Meditation.
  • Soothing massage of biologically active points (for example, in the center of the chin).

Be sure to set yourself up for positive, and find positive and / or funny sides in any situation.

It is important that the diet of a woman who is carrying a child contains foods rich in B vitamins, magnesium, and omega acids.

Having found out why pregnant women should not be nervous, and what it threatens, many women in a position may begin to worry about previously experienced stresses. Do not be afraid for the health of the baby in advance. At any time, you can do an ultrasound, talk to a doctor. It must be remembered that only a positive attitude towards life works wonders in any, even seemingly hopeless, case.

The news of the upcoming motherhood evokes a number of conflicting feelings: at first it can embrace delight, then doubts and anxiety. A pregnant woman may be overcome by fears about whether she will cope with the role of a mother, how her usual way of life will change now, whether her partner is ready for the changes taking place, in the end, how the birth will go.

In addition to such thoughts, nausea, heartburn, vomiting, fatigue, and drowsiness appear. Feelings, tastes and preferences change. Physical ailments, low self-esteem, depressed mood, irritability, even rage - this is not a complete list of sensations that can overcome a woman. It is not surprising that in such a state, even the slightest reason can cause tears.


Pregnant women are characterized by sentimentality, anxiety, suggestibility and resentment. But the reason for these feelings is not only in fears for the future, but also in hormones. Namely: hCG, estrogen, relaxin, oxytocin, prostaglandin, cortisone, prolactin and placental lactogen - being catalysts for the necessary physical processes, they can have a huge impact on the emotional background.

But the most big influence adrenaline, norepinephrine and endorphins have an effect on the mental state of a pregnant woman. These hormones are responsible for increasing the heart rate. Endorphins, moreover, are natural painkillers, their level gradually increases and reaches its maximum by the time of childbirth.


Hormones are a common but not the only cause of sudden tears in the eyes of a pregnant woman. Doctors say that about 10-12% of expectant mothers suffer from real depression, and the same percentage is overtaken by postpartum depression. The symptoms are the same - fatigue, anxious thoughts, sadness, tears. But with hormonal surges, at least from time to time, hormones of joy will also appear, and that the mood will periodically improve, and laughter will follow tears. And in the event that such a depressed state lasts more than 2 weeks, without being replaced by positive emotions, perhaps it makes sense to contact a specialist. A similar problem can be solved together with a psychotherapist, possibly with the help of antidepressants, which can only be used with the approval of a gynecologist.

It is impossible to predict exactly how the pregnancy will go emotionally. Here much depends on individual features organism. For example, if during PMS a woman experienced apathy, self-pity and a desire to cry, then with a high degree of probability we can say that this will happen again during pregnancy.

The main thing to remember is that tantrums and outbursts of rage cause excessive release of adrenaline and spasms of blood vessels in the uterus, which negatively affects the baby. Mom's feelings and emotions can affect the development of the child's nervous system and even leave an imprint of pain in the brain cells. Therefore, despite the hormonal fluctuations, it makes sense to take emotions under control and try to cope with the negative, for the sake of the health of your baby.