Happy New Year Eastern. New Year according to the Eastern calendar: traditions of celebration. Traditions of celebrating the New Year. Eastern calendar. Signs of the Eastern calendar When is the Chinese New Year

Feng Shui beginners often ask why a particular month of the Chinese calendar does not begin with a new moon, but on a different date.

Another regular question from beginners is why the start date of the New Year according to the Chinese calendar differs in different sources, why the New Year is celebrated twice.

The Chinese calendar is a phenomenon about which a separate book could be written.

According to legend, the Chinese Xia agricultural calendar was introduced by the legendary Yellow Emperor Huang Di more than four and a half thousand years ago. Huang Di is credited with the authorship of many classical writings, including the seminal medical treatises " Huang Di Nei Ching» , as well as a short essay in verse " Yinfujing" revered in Taoism.

It is believed that the first year of the Chinese calendar was 2698 (according to other sources - 2697) BC.

According to another version, for the first 60 years, the Yellow Emperor tested in practice how his system worked, and began the record of time sixty years later, from 2637 BC.

The Chinese calendar is lunisolar composed of lunar and solar cycles - months.

For predictions, Feng Shui and Bazi in the practice of Chinese metaphysics use the solar calendar, since the Sun has the greatest influence on our lives.

And although the Moon is also very important, its influence is less significant.

Features of the Chinese calendar

The ancient Chinese, observing the movement of the luminaries, stars and planets, compared their influence with the events taking place in people's lives, and were able to create the so-called "agricultural" calendar, or "Xia Calendar". It received this name because it came into use in the Xia era (21-16 centuries BC)

The Chinese calendar is not just a method of keeping track of time, but a system that describes the movement of time in terms of the five elements (Wu Xing).

The Chinese calendar is based on sixty-year cycles, which are represented by a certain combination of ten Heavenly Stems:

  • Yang Wood, Yin Wood, Yang Fire, Yin Fire, Yang Earth, Yin Earth, Yang Metal, Yin Metal, Yang Water, Yin Water

and twelve Earthly branches:

  • Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, Pig.

This is how the name appears - the year of the Fire Rooster (2017) or the year of the Earth Dog (2018).

The Chinese calendar has days, lunar months and seasons, that is, "solar months", as well as their periods.

Lunar months in the Chinese calendar

The lunar month (yue) for the Chinese is the interval from one new moon to the next. The new moon in the Chinese calendar refers to the moment of the conjunction of the Moon with the Sun, and not the "young" crescent of the Moon, as in some other systems.

Lunar months in the Chinese calendar do not have special names.

They are simply numbered in order, and every third year the 13th lunar month appears.

Therefore, for example, the month of the Rooster (Rat, Ox, Pig, etc.) is a solar month, not a lunar one, and its beginning is not associated with a new moon!

Depending on the number of days in a lunar month, 29 or 30, a lunar month can be called "small" or "large".

Seasons, or "Solar Months"

The main difficulty of the Chinese calendar is that in addition to the lunar months ( Yue), there are also solar ( qi).

The solar month in the Chinese calendar is the period of time during which the Sun travels 30 degrees of the tropical zodiac.

Each solar month (season) consists of two halves. The beginning of the first half (and the whole season) is called "jieqi" (separator). This date is marked in the calendar in dark color (see the figure below).

Therefore, there are 12 seasons and 24 periods* in a year, approximately 15 days each:

  • Lichun - Beginning of Spring 立春, February 4th.
  • Yushui - Rainwater 雨水, February 18th.
  • Jingzhe - Awakening of Insects (Worms) 惊蛰, March 6th.
  • Chunfen - Spring Equinox 春分, March 18th.
  • Qingming - Clear and bright 清明, April 5.
  • Guyu - Grain rains 谷雨, April 19.
  • Lixia - Beginning of Summer 立夏, May 6th.
  • Xiaoman - Small sprouts 小满, May 21st.
  • Manchzhong - Heading of loaves 芒种, June 6.
  • Xiazhi - Summer Solstice 夏至, June 21st.
  • Xiaoshu - Small Heat 小暑, July 7th.
  • Dashu - Great Heat 大暑, July 28th.
  • Liqiu - Beginning of Autumn 立秋, August 8th.
  • Chushu - The end of the heat wave 处暑, August 23.
  • Bailu - White dew 白露, September 8th.
  • Qiufen - Autumn Equinox 秋分, September 23rd.
  • Hanlu - Cold dew 寒露, October 8th.
  • Shuangjiang - Snowfall 霜降, October 23rd.
  • Lidong - Beginning of winter 立冬, November 7th.
  • Xiaoxue - Small Snows 小雪, November 22.
  • Daxue - Big snow 大雪, December 7th.
  • Dongzhi - Winter Solstice 冬至, December 22nd.
  • Xiaohan - Little cold 小寒, January 6th.
  • Dahan - Big cold 大寒, January 21st.

*the exact date of the beginning of the period should be viewed in the calendar for a specific year.

Important: Lunar and solar months in the Chinese calendar almost never coincide.

Why is Chinese New Year celebrated twice?

The Chinese use the Lichun, Lixia, Liqiu, and Lidong periods as the start of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

"Li" means "to see" or "beginning".

The new year, significant for the practitioner of Chinese metaphysics, begins at the onset of spring or Lichun. This is the beginning of the solar calendar of each year, which falls on February 3-5.

Its date differs from that of the lunar calendar, in which the Chinese New Year falls on the 1st moon of the 1st month.

Lunar New Year is a public holiday. But more important for us is a sunny New Year!

I am attaching an example of the traditional Chinese calendar.

Note, shaded cells(dates of the beginning of the solar seasons) almost never coincide with the new moons, or the beginnings of the lunar months.

They can fall on any lunar day. Moreover, they can fall in different lunar months.
So, if in 1975 Qingming "Clear and Light" (5.04.75) fell into the 2nd lunar month, then in 1976 it will fall into the 3rd (4.04.76), it will be the 5th lunar day 3rd lunar month.

Let me remind you that for the purposes of divination, Feng Shui and Bazi, we use the solar Chinese calendar.

In preparing the article, materials were used:

  • A. Kostenko. The traditional Chinese calendar and its application in the metaphysical arts.
  • Kryukov M. V. On the problem of cyclic signs in ancient China // Ancient systems of writing. Ethnic semiotics.
  • Vorobyov A. N. Traditional Chinese calendar.
  • Klimishin I. A. Calendar and Chronology.
  • Knowledge gained from the course "Four Pillars of Destiny (Bazi)" by Anatoly Sokolov, whom I am.

So, to summarize, what are the features of the Chinese calendar

  • The Chinese calendar is a complex phenomenon that takes into account not just dates, but the movement of time in terms of the five elements (Wu Xing): Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water. It is based on a 60-year cycle, Chia Tzu, which is formed by a certain combination of Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches.
  • The Chinese calendar is lunisolar. It consists of days, lunar and solar months (seasons). The solar months are divided into two parts, so there are 12 seasons and 24 periods of about 15 days each in a year.
  • In the practice of divination, Feng Shui and bases, the solar months are used, and the year is counted from the start of the solar season Lichun - Beginning of spring 立春.
  • The month of the Rooster, Dog (Pig, Dragon, etc.) can only be solar, since the lunar months do not have names, therefore, the beginning of the month is not associated with the new moon.
  • Chinese New Year is celebrated twice, according to the solar and lunar calendars. The moment of energy switching, important for practitioners of Chinese metaphysics, is the Solar New Year. Lunar New Year is a public holiday in China.

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Chinese New Year is one of the most important Eastern holidays, which is celebrated not only in Asian countries. It is also eagerly awaited all over the world, including in Georgia, after the completion of traditional New Year celebrations in both new and old style.

Date of celebration

The New Year according to the Eastern calendar does not have a fixed date and is celebrated every year at different times. The exact timing of the Chinese New Year depends on the lunar cycle and occurs on the first new moon of the new year. Therefore, every year this holiday falls on one of the days in the interval from January 21 to February 21.

© photo: Sputnik / Isaev

The Chinese live according to their own calendar, so their calendar does not coincide with the generally accepted in the world. Since ancient times, the chronology of China has been based on the lunar calendar, which was formed around the 14th century BC, thanks to the development of astronomy.

According to the Chinese calendar, 4717 will come on February 5, the year of the Yellow Pig, which will last until January 25, 2020, when it will be replaced by the year of the Silver Rat.

The Chinese calendar uses a sixty-year cycle that begins with the year of the Wood Rat and ends with the Water Pig. This cycle began on February 2, 1984 and will end on January 29, 2044.

The New Year for the inhabitants of the East marks a new round of time, a beginning, a renewal. On the day when the Chinese New Year arrives, winter will meet spring and a new life cycle will begin.

Celebration time

In the countries of the East, the New Year or Chun Jie, which literally means "Spring Festival" is one of the longest holidays, which in the old days lasted a whole month. It has been celebrated for over two thousand years.

© Sputnik / Alexander Imedashvili

Nowadays, the Chinese have reduced the number of days off by almost half due to a busy lifestyle and busy work schedule. Therefore, the holiday ends on the fifteenth day - the grand Chinese Lantern Festival.

Traditionally, in China at this time, business life freezes for two weeks - the holiday is celebrated for 15 days, each of which has its own traditions and customs.

Wherever a Chinese is, according to tradition, he should celebrate the New Year with his relatives, since this holiday is considered a family holiday and is called "Family Reunion Day" or "Meeting after separation"

They also believe that on New Year's Eve, the spirits of deceased ancestors are present at the table, who are also participants in the holiday.

© photo: Sputnik / Alexander Wilf

On New Year's holidays, people visit each other with congratulations, gifts in the form of money in red envelopes, and necklaces made of coins and tangerines as a symbol of wealth.

Throughout the celebration of the New Year in China, fun folk festivals, fairs, costumed dances and masquerade street processions are held.

In anticipation of the New Year, the people of China change their old clothes for new ones, thoroughly clean their houses so that the favorable energy circulates freely in it and does not stagnate. During the cleaning, they throw away all the rubbish and unnecessary things accumulated over the year.

Accordingly, festive treats are prepared. Dumplings are a favorite dish, their shape resembling an ingot of gold - a symbol of prosperity. Often houses are decorated with tangerines, always eight pieces - a number symbolizing infinity.

In accordance with the eastern horoscope, each year has its own patron, element and color. The patron changes according to a twelve-year cycle, and the element and color - according to a ten-year cycle.

The material was prepared on the basis of open sources.

To get acquainted with the customs of the holiday, as well as learn how and when the New Year according to the Eastern calendar 2019 will be celebrated in China, a brief overview prepared by authoritative experts on Chinese traditions will help.

A few facts about the history of Chinese New Year

Unlike the “European calendar” familiar to Russians, China has its own “system” of reckoning, according to which each New Year is patronized by a certain zodiac constellation, named after one of the 12 totem animals. It is from the nature of this or that "patron", according to the beliefs of our eastern neighbors, that depends on what the next 365-day period will be like.

In addition, the Eastern calendar is a special astrological "guidebook" that gives people many useful recommendations. For example, with its help, you can find out how and what a person should do in different parts of the year in order to enlist the support of heavenly bodies. Based on the Eastern calendar, Chinese people calculate favorable times for travel, dates of weddings, and even the period of conception of children. Based on the "mood" of the totem, the superstitious inhabitants of the eastern countries are planning such important "steps" as:

  • apparatus employed;
  • purchase of housing;
  • negotiations and conclusion of contracts with business partners.

Of course, such behavior may surprise many Europeans, however, among them there are many who often look at the Eastern calendar before making certain responsible decisions.

What date is Chinese New Year celebrated?

If in Europe and the countries of the Western Hemisphere the New Year is celebrated on the night of January 31st to January 1st, then the citizens of the Celestial Empire celebrate it at completely different times. In the latter case, the date of the holiday directly depends on the changes in the lunar calendar. In China, as well as in most countries of Southeast Asia, this holiday is celebrated when the second new moon comes, namely, in the interval between December 21 and February 20. In 2019, the date of the Chinese New Year falls on the 5th day of the last winter month.

Year of the Pig according to the Eastern calendar

As mentioned earlier, simultaneously with the passage of a full circle of planets around the Sun, the “patron” of the year will also change. The Yellow Earth Pig will become the legal "heiress" of the Dog. As a rule, along with the “animal totem”, such a factor as the element also changes. However, this does not happen every year. Therefore, as in the current year, the Earth will remain the dominant element of 2019. It is also noteworthy that each of the five elements of the Eastern calendar corresponds to a certain color scheme:

  1. Fire is red;
  2. Water is black;
  3. Air is white;
  4. Earth - yellow;
  5. The tree is blue.

Considering that the “favorite” color of the Pig is yellow, then the New Year should be celebrated in outfits made in earthy shades. Acceptable colors are brown, mustard, or neutral colors such as white, beige, and cream. According to the Chinese, the mood of the totem will largely depend on this factor. Also, do not disappoint Piggy with reckless and thoughtless actions. Being a cautious animal, the Pig loves balance and consistency in any endeavors. By following the above recommendations, you can fully enlist the support of heavenly bodies and protect yourself from failures in the professional and personal spheres of life.

With different signs of the Zodiac, the Pig has a special relationship. Generally speaking, then the greatest "disposition" of the Yellow Earth Pig will be received by those people who are engaged in agricultural, including agricultural business. In 2019, representatives of this field of activity can safely enter into agreements with new business partners. Almost any such project will be profitable and bring considerable profits to its applicants.

Holiday traditions in China

Despite the passage of centuries, the Chinese sacredly keep and honor the customs of the New Year. In each province of this eastern country, there are traditions of this wonderful holiday characteristic only for them. As for the general tendencies of honoring the celebration, they consist in several "canonical" rules.

When starting a festive meal, the Chinese always put on clothes in which there are elements of red. According to ancient beliefs, this shade scares away evil spirits who want to harm the owners of the house.

Invited to a New Year's dinner, guests must bring with them two ripe tangerines, which symbolize peace, happiness, prosperity and family well-being.

No matter what time the festive New Year events begin, cleaning is prohibited on the 1st day of the New Year. Adherents of Chinese traditions believe that by sweeping the floor in the house or taking out the trash, you can expel good luck from it.

When the first day of the New Year begins, many Chinese hang colorful paper ribbons on the windows, which protect their homes from damage and attract material well-being, health and happiness to the houses for the whole coming year.

Beautiful Chinese New Year greetings:

In our country, the New Year tops the list of the most beloved holidays. Not without reason, some even celebrate it twice: on January 1 and 14. When the New Year holidays are over, you can sadly remove the Christmas tree and other holiday attributes until next December. And you can not clean anything and celebrate the New Year again - according to Eastern traditions. The start date of the holiday is determined by the lunisolar calendar. According to it, the Chinese New Year in 2018 starts on February 16.

A bit of history

The history of the New Year celebration in China is shrouded in legends. According to one of them, the holiday is associated with a terrible monster named Chun (Nan). This monster once a year attacked a small village, the inhabitants of which were forced to hide from him in the mountains. Once a beggar old man came to the village and asked permission from one of the residents to stay in her house for the duration of the monster's attack. The woman tried to dissuade the old man, but in the end allowed him to stay. The next day, returning to their village, instead of devastation, the locals saw intact houses and the same old man in red clothes. The old man laughed, and around him the lights shone and crackers rattled.

It turned out that Nan is afraid of bright red and cannot stand loud noises. Now the villagers no longer hid in the mountains, but once a year they held noisy merry celebrations so that the evil monster would never again come to their lands.

When does Chinese New Year start?

New Year is not in vain considered the largest holiday in China. Preparation for it takes several weeks. It is considered very important during this period to finish all things, pay off debts and throw away unnecessary things in order to start the year with a new clean page. By the beginning of the celebration, the house is thoroughly cleaned.

Instead of a New Year tree, the Chinese decorate the Tree of Light, hanging numerous decorations, garlands and lanterns on it.

The day when the new year begins is also known as the Spring Festival. According to local beliefs, the old year ends on this day, and with it the winter. The awakening of nature is noisily welcomed by numerous fireworks, festivities and fairs. The celebration lasts for 15 days.

The Chinese spend the eve of the holiday of the year in the circle of close people. The family table is covered with a variety of treats, fish, chicken, seafood, sweets. Dumplings are a traditional dish for the New Year's table in China. It is believed that the richer and tastier the New Year's table is, the more satisfying life will be in the coming year. At midnight, all doors and windows in the house are opened, making way for the outgoing old year.

In the first days of the year, the Chinese meet with friends and relatives, go to visit to congratulate each other and celebrate the beginning of the new year together.

The date of the Spring Festival is after the winter solstice on the first new moon, so the Chinese New Year falls between January 21st and February 21st each year.

Symbols of the coming year

The cycle of the eastern calendar includes 12 animals, which are the patrons of each coming year. In addition to animals, the calendar includes five elements (water, earth, metal, fire and wood), which also alternate. Thus, each year in China is symbolized by a combination that repeats only once every 60 years.

Oriental symbols have firmly entered the traditions of celebrating our country, setting the mood for New Year's decorations and gift souvenirs.

Chinese New Year 2018 will symbolize the animal Dog and the element Earth. The main color of the year is yellow. By the way, the chronology in China is different from ours. The coming year of the Dog will be the year 4716 according to the eastern calendar.

In China, it is not customary to give expensive gifts. However, congratulations rarely do without a gift at all. Traditional Chinese New Year gifts are:

  1. Banknotes. In China, it is customary to give money to children. They are packed in red envelopes and given to every child who is on the doorstep of the house in the first 15 days of the new year. It is believed that this tradition brings good luck in the coming year.
  2. Symbols of the year. Souvenirs with the image of an animal, which is the patron of the year, are a popular gift. In the coming year, these are figurines of dogs and various objects with their image.
  3. Couple gifts. In China, it is customary to give small gifts consisting of two objects on New Year's Eve. These can be glasses, paired figurines and other gizmos. Two parts of one whole symbolize harmony and well-being in the family.

Gifts (except envelopes with money for children) are usually given before leaving. Guests often do it secretly, almost unnoticed by the hosts.

Also in China, there is an ancient tradition of handing two tangerines to the hosts at the entrance. When guests leave, they receive two other tangerines in return. This gesture is a wish to each other for good luck and wealth, as tangerines symbolize gold.

How to Celebrate the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog

To make the coming year prosperous and successful, you can use some tips from Chinese traditions in the New Year celebration:

  1. The celebration of the coming year must begin with preparation. It would be useful, according to Eastern customs, to get rid of all the excess rubbish that has accumulated in the house. It is worth reviewing your grievances, dealing with debts and unresolved issues. If in 2018 the New Year in your family begins in a friendly and warm atmosphere, be sure that the Yellow Dog will help support it throughout the year.
  2. Home decoration is best done in yellow, gold, light brown and pale greenish tones. They correspond to the color of the elements of the Earth, patronizing the coming year.
  3. Don't celebrate alone. On New Year's Eve, the Chinese always surround themselves with loved ones. In addition, the dog, symbolizing the coming year, is a herd animal, so it’s better not to argue with her and celebrate the holiday in a pleasant company.
  4. The festive table must necessarily include meat or poultry dishes. The dog prefers meat food, and in the celebration of the coming year, it is better to try to please her.
  5. Clothing and accessories should also be chosen from a yellowish color scheme. The dog is conservative, so don't overdo it with extremely short dresses and bright shiny accessories.

New Year's celebrations can be stretched for two months. They can start according to the traditions of our country on the night of January 1 and continue until the New Year according to the Chinese calendar, which starts on February 16 and is celebrated for another 2 whole weeks. For those who consider the New Year holiday to be their favorite, this is a great opportunity to prolong the New Year mood and recharge with a positive attitude for the whole coming year.

Most countries of the world managed to celebrate the New Year on the night of December 31 to January 1. However, in China, the holiday is usually celebrated twice: according to the Gregorian and according to the Eastern calendar.

In Russia, as in many other countries, the New Year has already passed, and only pleasant memories remain about it. According to the eastern calendar, this event will be celebrated again on February 16, which means that each of us will have the opportunity to enjoy our favorite holiday once again. Recall that in 2018, power passed to a new patroness - the Yellow Earth Dog.

How will the New Year 2018 come according to the Eastern calendar

It is unusual for many of us to hear that somewhere in the world the New Year is celebrated twice, but it is true. The Chinese love this magical event so much that they celebrate it in both the Eastern and Gregorian calendars. New Year 2018 in China will begin on February 16 at 18:13 Moscow time. Change will begin with a change in patron, and this year the reins are being passed to the Yellow Earth Dog. Perhaps some of you have already heard about her kindness and generosity. If you managed to anger the new mistress and already felt her anger, then do not waste time and try to please her as soon as possible.

If in Western countries the New Year is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1, then in China the holiday lasts for 15 days. This period is officially considered non-working, so every resident of the country has the opportunity to have plenty of rest and spend time joyfully and unforgettably.

How to Prepare for Chinese New Year 2018

As in Western countries, the Chinese begin to prepare for the New Year a few weeks in advance. Preparation begins with cleaning not only the house, but also the streets. Getting rid of old and unnecessary things is the most important tradition. It is necessary to restore complete order in the dwelling, so you need to get out even in hard-to-reach places.

In many countries, the main New Year's decoration is a Christmas tree, but in China, it has been replaced by a tangerine tree - a symbol of wealth and good luck. Traditionally, each house is decorated with various decorations, garlands and figurines of the patron animal. It is advisable to hang 5 multi-colored ribbons near the front door so that the current year will bring you success in all areas of life.

As in any other country, the main attribute of the Chinese New Year is the festive table. As treats, it is customary to serve various sweets, rice and Chinese dumplings with cabbage. It is believed that sweet dishes bring love and harmony into the life of every person, while rice and dumplings symbolize abundance and wealth.

At the New Year's table, it is necessary to allocate a place even to those family members who could not visit your house that day. There put plates, glasses, napkins and cutlery. Chinese New Year is usually celebrated with family, and you can invite friends to your house or go to visit only the next day.

If your family has a tradition of celebrating the Chinese New Year, then it's time to think about decorating your home. As a decoration, you can use the usual red thread. With its help, you can find happiness and achieve success in 2018. We wish you good luck and prosperity, and don't forget to press the buttons and

09.02.2018 02:42

In Chinese philosophy, the compilation of horoscopes has a special place. Chinese astrology is one of the oldest...